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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výskyt biogenních aminů a polyaminů ve zrajících sýrech po ukončení doby spotřeby / Content of biogenic amines and polyamines in expired ripening cheeses

VODEHNALOVÁ, Klára January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to observe the occurrence of biogenic amines and polyamines in selected types of ripening cheeses and to assess the content of the materials since the expiration date. Content of biogenic amines and polyamines in chosen samples was monitored last day of the expiration date, a week after the expiration date, two weeks after the expiration date, and after four weeks from the end of the expiration date.

Sledování obsahu biogenních aminů a polyaminů při skladování a kuchyňských úpravách jedlých hub. / Changes of biogenic amines and polyamines content during storage and heat treatments of edible mushrooms.

PEKÁRKOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The target of this thesis was found content of eight biogenic amines and polyamines, specifically putrescine (PUT), spermidine (SPD), spermine (SPM), histamine (HIM), cadaverine (CAD), 2-phenylethylamine (PEA), tyramine (TYM) and tryptamine (TRM) in growed Agaricus hortensis during storage, frozen and heat treatment. There are many information dealing with these amines in the food in this time, but unfortunately data on the content of amines in edible mashrooms in literature are still missing. The samples were providing from company České houby a.s. in Soběslav. Those mushrooms were immediately processed. Frozen samples in PE sack (plastic bags) were tracked during three months. Boiled, blanched and raw samples of mushrooms were analysed in the beginning of concentration at day 0 and then 1, 2 and 4 days at 6 °C in the storage. Some samples of each experiment monitored after one day of storage at 22°C. Absolutely the highest concentrations found in all experiments with SPD. Changes in the content of amine modified and raw mushrooms during 4 days of storage at 6 ° C flow in both directions. The most important changes are visible immediately after blanching - a significant increase in TYM and even more pronounced in SPM. The increase was also showed in the content of the cooked mushrooms, in the SPD and to a higher volume in SPM. Storage at 22 ° C was mostly affected content PEA - the cooked mushrooms content significantly decreased, but blanched mushrooms increased. Also in raw mushrooms lead storage at this temperature for a significant increase in the SPM. Freezing substantially affect any of the amines. TRM and CAD analysis were not detected; HIM at lower limit was detected after cooking mushrooms and after storage of raw mushrooms at 22 ° C. I hope that the observed data can help extend the data in the literature and offers the opportunity to further focus of research in the field of biogenic amines in edible mushrooms.

Aminas biogenicas, aminas volateis, triptofano livre e ureia como indices quimicos de qualidade e frescor do pescado / Biogenic amines, volatile amines, free tryptophan and urea as chemical indices for quality and freshness evaluation of fish and sellfish

Lapa Guimarães, Judite 08 December 2005 (has links)
Orientadores: Pedro Eduardo de Felicio, Jana Pickova / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T20:04:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LapaGuimaraes_Judite_D.pdf: 14813702 bytes, checksum: ceaf92aa9f32ece3f3b4c5ef620aa4ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Em função da alta perecibilidade do pescado, a avaliação do frescor e qualidade deste alimento deve ser precisa e baseada em métodos consolidados. Bases nitrogenadas voláteis (BNV), trimetilamina (TMA), aminas biogênicas, nucleotídeos, uréia e triptofano livre têm sido propostos como índices de frescor para pescado e podem ser efetivos ou não dependendo da espécie de pescado, microbiota contaminante e condições de armazenamento. A quantificação dos teores de aminas biogênicas é também importante devido ao seu potencial tóxico. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a utilidade das aminas biogênicas, BNV, TMA, triptofano livre e uréia como índices de qualidade e frescor em peixes e moluscos cefalópodes, desenvolver e avaliar sistemas de solventes para separação de aminas biogênicas por cromatografia de camada delgada e avaliar o efeito do tempo e temperatura de derivatização sobre a conversão das aminas biogênicas em seus derivados dansilados. Derivados dansilados de agmatina (AGM), putrescina (PUT), triptamina (TRY), cadaverina (CAD), histamina (HIS), espermidina (SPD), espermina (SPM), tiramina (TYR) e feniletilamina (PHE) foram separados utilizando-se o sistema de solventes clorofórmio: éter dietílico: trietilamina (6:4:1 - v/v) seguido de clorofórmio: trietilamina (6:1 ¿ v/v). A melhor condição para derivatização das aminas biogênicas com cloreto de dansila foi 1h a 40oC. AGM permaneceu no local de aplicação (RF=0,0), o que indica que a metodologia deve ser utilizada com cautela para a determinação desta amina. As percentagens de recuperação de TRY, SPM, SPD e TYR foram baixas, indicando que a metodologia para extração destas aminas deve ser aperfeiçoada. BNV e TMA foram consideradas índices de frescor inadequados para bacalhau (Gadus morhua) e hadoque (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). O padrão de produção mais acentuado a partir da segunda semana de armazenamento, caracterizou as aminas voláteis e as aminas biogênicas CAD e PUT como índices de deterioração para bacalhau e hadoque. Uréia se mostrou inadequada como índice de qualidade para as duas espécies de pescado estudadas. Modelos de regressão linear e quadrática indicaram um aumento progressivo dos teores de AGM em lula (Illex coindetii), de uréia em sépia (Sepia officinalis), e de BNV e triptofano livre nas duas espécies de cefalópodes desde o início do armazenamento. BNV e triptofano livre foram considerados bons índices de frescor para I. coindetii e S. officinalis, pois seus teores aumentaram significativamente (p<0,05) desde o início do armazenamento. AGM e uréia foram consideradas índices de deterioração para I. coindetii e S. officinalis, respectivamente. Os teores de TMA (% NNP) aumentaram significativamente (p<0,05) durante a primeira semana de armazenamento em I. coindetii o que sugere sua utilidade como índice de frescor para lula. Para S. officinalis TMA é mais adequada como índice de deterioração / Abstract: Fish and shellfish muscle is highly susceptible to spoilage during storage. Because quality quickly decreases during storage reliable chemical indices for quality and freshness evaluation are greatly needed. Total volatile bases-nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine (TMA), biogenic amines, nucleotides, urea and free tryptophan have been suggested as freshness indices for fish and shellfish. Such indices are useful depending on the species, microbial flora and storage conditions. Biogenic amines levels are also cause of concernment due to their toxicological effects. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the usefulness of biogenic amines, TVB-N, TMA, free tryptophan and urea as freshness and quality indices for fish and cephalopods; to develop and evaluate solvent systems for biogenic amines separation by thin-layer chromatography; and to evaluate the effects of time and temperature of derivatisation on the conversion of biogenic amines to their dansyl derivatives. Dansyl derivatives of agmatine (AGM), putrescine (PUT), tryptamine (TRY), cadaverine (CAD), histamine (HIS), spermidine (SPD), spermine (SPM), tiramine (TYR) and phenylethylamine (PHE) were separated using the solvent system chloroform: diethyl ether: triethylamine (6:4:1 ¿ v/v), followed by chloroform: triethylamine (6:1 ¿ v/v). The best dansylation condition was 1h at 40oC. AGM remained at the start position, indicating the determination of AGM by this method should be considered with caution. The percentages of recovery of TRY, SPM, SPD and TYR were low, indicating that the extraction methodology must be improved. TVB-N and TMA were considered inappropriate as freshness indices for cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). CAD and PUT showed the greatest increases during the storage, but their levels did not increase significantly (p<0.05) during the first week. Volatile amines and biogenic amines were characterized as spoilage indices for G. morhua and M. aeglefinus due to the intense increasing of their amounts from the second week of storage. Urea was not useful as a quality index for cod and haddock. Linear and quadratic models indicated progressive increasing of AGM levels in squid (Illex coindetii), urea in cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and also increasing of TVB-N and free tryptophan in both cephalopods, since the beginning of the storage. TVB-N and free tryptophan were considered good freshness indices for both cephalopod species, because their levels significantly increased (p<0.05) during the first week of storage. AGM and urea were useful as spoilage indices for I. coindetii and S. officinalis, respectively. It was observed a significant increase of TMA (% of NNP) during the first week of storage in I. coindetii indicating the TMA usefulness as freshness index for squid. For S. officinalis TMA was a good spoilage index / Doutorado / Doutor em Tecnologia de Alimentos

Avaliação dos efeitos digestivos, fermentativos e imunológicos de leveduras (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) inativadas e enriquecidas em meio de cultura em dietas para gatos adultos / Effects of increasing levels of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on digestibility, fecal fermentation and immunological parameters in diets for adult cats

Laura Fantucci de Oliveira Matheus 19 August 2016 (has links)
As leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae são consideradas importantes matérias primas na nutrição animal pela sua capacidade prebiótica. Os prebióticos são compostos não digeridos pelo organismo animal, mas que são fermentados pelos microrganismos do trato gastrintestinal, cujos produtos são capazes de prover benefícios ao hospedeiro. A fermentação depende de fatores como: substrato utilizado para o seu crescimento, método de fermentação, modo e condição de secagem e idade das células. Assim, os processos produtivos modernos têm como intuito a produção de leveduras com elevado potencial prebiótico. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos de teores crescentes de leveduras com metabólitos ativos (LSC; baseada na fermentação de substratos específicos) na digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes da dieta, microbiota e produtos da fermentação fecal e parâmetros imunológicos de gatos adultos. Foram utilizados 27 gatos adultos, idade média de 9,44&#177;5,35 anos, machos e fêmeas, sem raça definida e saudáveis. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento em blocos casualizados (idade), constituído de três tratamentos experimentais, denominados: DC (dieta controle), LSC 0,3 (dieta controle com 0,3% de leveduras com metabólitos ativos) e LSC 0,6 (dieta controle com 0,6% de leveduras com metabólitos ativos). Os resultados obtidos foram analisados através do programa computacional Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute Inc., 2004), sendo considerados significativos valores de p&lt;0,05 e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. Verificou-se que a inclusão do aditivo alterou apenas a digestibilidade aparente da fibra bruta, da matéria mineral e energia metabolizável (p&lt;0,05). Já em relação aos produtos da fermentação e microbiota das fezes, observou-se redução em ácido lático (p&#61;0,0040) e Clostridium perfringens (p&#61;0,0226) com a inclusão do prebiótico e diminuição do ácido isovalérico (p&#61;0,0144) no tratamento LSC 0,3. Pode-se concluir que o aditivo, nos teores de inclusão avaliados, parece apresentar potencial prebiótico em relação aos produtos da fermentação e microbiota fecal / Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast are considered important raw materials in animal nutrition due their prebiotic capacity. Prebiotics are compounds not digested by animal organism, but are fermented by microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, which products are capable of providing benefits to the host. The fermentation depends on factors such as: substrate used for growth, fermentation method, way and drying condition and age of the cells. Thus, modern production processes have the objective of producing yeast with high prebiotic potential. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of increasing levels of yeast with active metabolites (LSC) based on the fermentation of specific substrates on apparent digestibility of diet nutrients, microbiota and fecal fermentation products and immunological parameters in adult cats. Twenty seven male or female cats with mean weight of 4.19 &#177; 0.83kg and mean age of 9.44 &#177; 5.35 years were used and distributed in an unbalanced randomized block design (age), consisting of three experimental treatments, DC (control diet), LSC 0.3 (control diet with 0.3% yeast with active metabolites) and LSC 0.6 (control diet with 0.6% yeast with active metabolites). The results were analyzed using the computer program Statistical Analysis System (SAS Institute Inc., 2004), with significance level of p&lt;0.05 and the averages compared by Tukey test. The inclusion of the additive only changed the apparent digestibility of crude fiber and mineral content (p&lt;0.05). Regarding the fermentation products and microbiota of feces, there was a reduction in lactic acid (p&#61;0,0040) and Clostridium perfringens (p&#61;0,0226) with inclusion of prebiotic and decreased of isovalerate (p&#61;0,0144) in the LSC 0.3 treatment. It can be concluded that the additive, in the levels of inclusion assessed, seems to have prebiotic potential on fecal fermentation products and microbiota

Tvorba biogenních aminů v dvouplísňovém sýru / Production of biogenic amines in double moulded cheese

Šuláková, Miroslava January 2009 (has links)
For production of double moulded chesses are used lactic acid bacteria, which can be present in a form of non-starter lactic acid bacteria or as starter or adjunct culture. Genera Lactobacillus spp. and Enterococcus spp. are prevalent microorganisms present in these cultures. Of course, these microorganisms are for us interesting because of their possibility of coagulation, proteolytic possibility, probiotic function and antibiotic resistance, but especially because of their decarboxylation abilities. Bacteria contain decarboxylation enzymes, which are able to decarboxylized free amino acid, which rising at proteolysis during process of manufacturing and cheese ripening. Biogenic amines are the result of proteolytic activity. Biogenic amines occur practically in all foodstuffs as a common product of metabolic processes. BA are mainly presented in fermented food (cheeses), where rice just microbial action. Typical representatives of biogenic amines, which occurs in double moulded cheeses (Sedlčanský Vltavín, Bresse bleu) and in blue cheeses (Bleu des Causses, Bleu d'Auvergne) are cadaverine, putrescine, tyramine a 2 fenylethylamine and in much smaller amount histamine, spermidine and spermine too. On assessment concentration of BA is used high pressure liquid chromatography with reverse phase (RP HPLC) with utilizing simple direct derivatization with dansyl chloride and detection by UV VIS detector.

Histamine H<sub>3</sub> Receptor Ligands Modulate L-Dopa-Evoked Behavioral Responses and L-Dopa-Derived Extracellular Dopamine in Dopamine-Denervated Rat Striatum

Nowak, Przemyslaw, Bortel, Aleksandra, Dabrowska, Joanna, Biedka, Izabela, Slomian, Grzegorz, Roczniak, Wojciech, Kostrzewa, Richard M., Brus, Ryszard 01 September 2008 (has links)
To explore a recently established association between histaminergic and dopaminergic neuronal phenotypic systems in brain, we determined the effect of the respective histaminergic H3 receptor agonist and antagonist/inverse agonist, imetit and thioperamide, on L-DOPA - derived tissue and extracellular dopamine (DA) and metabolite levels in the striatum of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) - lesioned rats (i.e., parkinsonian rats). We also examined the influence of histamine H3 ligands on L-DOPA evoked behavioral responses (locomotor activity, number of rearings, stereotyped behavior and motor coordination). Using HPLC/ED and in vivo microdialysis technique, imetit (5 mg/kg, i.p.) but not thioperamide (5 mg/kg, i.p.) was shown to attenuate an L-DOPA-evoked (15 mg/ kg, i.p.; carbidopa, 30 min pretreatment) increase in extracellular DA in the neostriatum of 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. However, both imetit and thioperamide increased microdialysate levels of DOPAC and HVA, probably by enhancing intraneuronal DA utilization. As indicated by neurochemical analysis of the striatum imetit produced a decrease in tissue DA content. These findings support the hypothesis that central H3 histaminergic receptors have a modulatory role in the storage, metabolism and release of DA derived from exogenous L-DOPA challenge. Furthermore, evidence from behavioral studies indicate that histamine H3 receptor block markedly improved motor coordination. Conversely, histamine H3 receptor stimulation, being without effect on motor coordination, enhanced vertical activity in rats. From the above we conclude that histamine H3 agonism may augment motor dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and presumably worsen L-DOPA therapy. Consequently, the histaminergic system represents a viable target for modulating the effectiveness of L-DOPA therapy in Parkinson's disease.

The Effects of Zinc on the Central Dopaminergic System of Rats Prenatally Exposed to Cadmium

Durczok, A., Szkilnik, R., Nowak, P., Labus,, Dabrowska, J., Bortel, A., Zagził, T., Swoboda, M., Rycerski, W., Winnicka, H., Kostrzewa, R. M., Kwieciński, A., Brus, R. 21 September 2005 (has links)
On the morning of the first day of pregnancy, Wistar rats were administered a single IP injection of either zinc sulfate (10.0 mg/kg) or saline. For the remainder of pregnancy, half the rats in each group then consumed filtered tap water while the other half consumed filtered tap water with 50 ppm of cadmium (CdCl2). At eight weeks after birth, the behavioral profile of male offspring was assessed in the following way: Apomorphine (non-selective dopamine receptor agonist), (+)-7-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin (7-OH-DPAT) (D3 agonist) and (+/-)-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-(1H)-3-benzazepine-7,8-diol (SKF 38393) (D1 agonist) were used to evaluate stereotyped behavior, yawning activity and oral movements - indices for these respective agonists. In addition, two dopamine receptor antagonists, haloperidol (D2 antagonist) and 7-chloro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-(1H)-3-benzapine (SCH 23390) (D1 antagonist) were used to evaluate cataleptogenic activity. Additional behavioral parameters studied were locomotor activity, irritability and reaction to a painful stimulus. Dopamine and its metabolites 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA) and 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) were quantified in the striatum, hippocampus and in the frontal cortex of the brain by means of HPLC/ED technique. In addition, cadmium levels were analyzed in the brain, liver, kidney and bone of newborn rats. Our results indicate that prenatal exposure of pregnant rats to cadmium produced alterations in the reactivity of central dopamine receptors and modulated the level of dopamine and its metabolites in the offsprings' brains. A single injection of zinc, preceding cadmium consumption, attenuated some of the effects of cadmium on the offsprings' dopaminergic system. Zinc also reduced cadmium deposition in the brain, kidney and bone, but enhanced its accumulation in liver. In summary, zinc may exert some neuroprotective effects against cadmium neurotoxicity.

Diel Rhythmicity Found in Behavior but Not Biogenic Amine Levels in the Funnel-Web Spider Agelenopsis pennsylvanica (Araneae, Agelenidae)

DeMarco, Alexander E 01 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Quantifying individual differences in behavior and the extent that behavior is influenced by circadian control is of paramount importance in behavioral ecology. In addition, the proximate mechanisms underlying behavior are also critical in order to obtain a more complete picture of how behavior evolves. Biogenic amines (BAs) are simple nitrogenous compounds derived from amino acids and have been consistently and extensively linked to behavior. For this study, we analyzed temporal patterns of BAs in relation to the antipredator (boldness) and aggressive behavior in female Agelenopsis pennsylvanica, a funnel-web spider. Using HPLC-ED, we compared behavioral responses to temporal patterns of octopamine and serotonin, two BAs known to influence behavior in invertebrates. Our results suggest that, while there was a clear diel cycling pattern of both aggression and boldness, BAs do not follow this same pattern, suggesting that oscillations in absolute levels of BAs are not the underpinnings of behavioral oscillations.

Biološka aktivnost fermentisanih mlečnih napitaka dobijenih primenom kombuhe i konvencionalnih starter kultura / Biological activity of fermented milk beverages obtained using kombucha and conventional starter culture

Hrnjez Dajana 26 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Proizvodnja fermentisanih mliječnih napitaka unapreijeđenih funkcionalnih karakteristika postala je jedan od glavnih fokusa u industriji prerade mlijeka. Cilj doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti fermentisanih mliječnih napitaka dobijenih primjenom nekonvencionalne starter kulture, kombuhe (kultivisane na crnom čaju zaslađenim saharozom u koncentraciji od 10%) i poređenje sa karakteristikma proizvoda dobijenih primenom konvencionalnih starter kultura, jogurtne odnosno probiotske, tokom skladi&scaron;tenja. Za fermentaciju je kori&scaron;ćeno mlijeko sa 2,8% mliječne masti na temperatura 42&deg;C.<br />Promjene tokom fermentacije mlijeka primjenom kombuhe i konvencionalnih starter kultura praćene su određivanjem stepena proteolize, sadržaja laktoze, D&ndash; galaktoze, D&ndash;glukoze i D&ndash;fruktoze i masnih kiselina pri sledećim pH vrijednostima: 6,4; 6,0; 5,5; 5,0 i 4,6. Promjene antihipertenzivne aktivnosti (AKE inhibitorna aktivnost), antioksidativne aktivnosti (ABTS i DPPH metod) kao i promjene stepena proteolize, reolo&scaron;kih i senzornih karakteristika sve tri vrste fermentisanih mliječnih napitaka praćene su tokom 21-og dana skladi&scaron;tenja. Osim toga praćene su i promjene sadržaja &scaron;ećera, masnih kiselina, minerala (kalcijuma, natrijuma i kalijuma), vitamina C i biogenih amina.<br />Tokom procesa fermentacije mlijeka primjenom različitih starter kultura može se zaključiti da postoji razlika u promjenama udijela pojedinačnih proteinskih frakcija analiziranih metodom kapilarne elektroforeze.<br />Različite starter kulture utiču na različitu AKE inhibitornu aktivnost tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, &scaron;to ukazuje na različitu proteolitičku aktivnost kori&scaron;ćenih starter kultura. Utvrđeno je da AKE inhibitorna aktivnost raste tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, pri čemu uzorci proizvedeni primjenom kombuhe imaju najveću AKE inhibitornu aktivnost na kraju 14 dana skladi&scaron;tenja i ona iznosi 79,4%, dok su u jogurtu i probiotskom jogurtu te vrijednsoti 63,4 i 64,6% redom. Takođe, tokom skladi&scaron;tenja stepen proteolize raste u svim uzorcima sa značajnim međusobnim varijacijama. Antiksidativna aktivnost svih uzoraka opada tokom skladi&scaron;tenja ali je u svim uzorcima zabilježena veća aktivnost na ABTS nego na DPPH slobodne radikale. Nakon 21-og dana skladi&scaron;tenja najveći antioksidativni potencijal određen metodom stabilizacije ABTS.+ katjona imali su uzorci sa jogurtnom starter kulturom (TEAC vrijednost 8,922 mmolmg-1). U pogledu sastava masnih kiselina, tokom 14 dana skladi&scaron;tenja u kombuha fermentisanim mliječnim napicima<br />kao i napicima dobijenim sa jogurtnom i probiotskom starter kulturom dolazi do porasta udjela zasićenih (SFA) i opadanje mononezasićenih (MUFA) i polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (PUFA). Nakon 21-og dana skladi&scaron;tenja sadržaj SFA; MUFA i PUFA u kombuha fermentisanom mliječnom napitku iznosio je 65,94; 30,73 i 3,33% redom, dok su te vrijednosti kod jogurta iznosile 66,02; 30,77 i 3,21% i probiotskog jogurta 66,04; 30,66 i 3,30 % redom. Najveći sadržaj vitamina C nakon proizvodnje i 14 dana skladi&scaron;tenja imali su uzorci sa kombuha starter kulturom (0,5457 &plusmn; 0,017 mg100g-1). Uzorci dobijeni upotrebom konvencionalnih startera pokazali su bolje reolo&scaron;ke osobine pri ispitivanim uslovima tokom 21 dana skladi&scaron;tenja. Kombuha fermentisani mlečni proizvod imao je karakterističan, blago kiseli, osvežavajući ukus i nagla&scaron;enu aromu.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata biolo&scaron;ke aktivnosti i promjena kvaliteta kombuha fermentisanog mliječnog napitka tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, u odnosu na karakteristike proizvoda dobijenih upotrebom konvencionalnih starter kultura može se objasniti opravdanost upotrebe kombuha starter kulture u fermentaciji mlijeka sa ciljem dobijanja novog funkcionalnog fermentisanog mliječnog proizvoda.</p> / <p><span style="font-size:11px;">Nowadays, production of fermented dairy products with elevated benefits on human health has become one of the major focuse in dairy industry. The aim of the PhD thesis is to examine the biological activity of fermented milk products obtained using non-conventional starter culture kombucha (cultivated on black tea with 10% of sucrose) and comparision with products obtained by conventional starter cultures, probiotic/yoghurt during storage. Milk with 2.8% of milk fat was used for the samples production at temperature of 42 &deg;C.<br />The changes of components content during the milk fermentation by kombucha and conventional starter cultures were monitored at the following pH values: 6.4; 6.0; 5.5; 5.0 and 4.6., by determining the degree of proteolysis, lactose, D-galactose, D-glucose and D-fructose, fatty acids. The antihypertensive activity (ACE inhibitory activity), antioxidant activity (ABTS and DPPH tests) and the degree of proteolysis, sensory and rheological characteristics of all three types of fermented milk products were observed during 21 days of storage. Moreover, the chemical qualities of samples were monitored analyzing the contents of sugars, fatty acids, minerals (calcium, sodium and potassium), vitamin C and biogenic amines.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; There were differences in protein fractions (analyzed by capillary electrophoresis) of products obtained by using different starter cultures during the milk fermentation. Different starter cultures affect different ACE inhibitory activity during the storage, which implies different proteolytic activity of used starter cultures. It has been found that the ACE inhibitory activity was increased during the storage; wherein the samples obtained using kombucha starter culture have the highest ACE inhibitory activity at the 14th day of storage, 79,4%, while in yogurt and probiotic yoghurt it was 63.4 and 64.6% respectively. Also, the degree of proteolysis during the storage was increased in all samples with significant mutual variations. In all products, higher ABTS than 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity was determined, while both activities slightly decreased during the storage. The antioxidant activity of all samples decreases during storage. After 21 days of storage, the highest antioxidant potential, determined by the ABTS. + method had a yoghurt samples (TEAC value of 8.922 mmolmg-1). In terms of the fatty acids composition during 14 days of storage in all type of fermented dairy products relative content of SFA (saturated fatty acids - SFA) increased, while relative contents of MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids) and PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) decreased during that period of storage. After 21 days of storage the content of SFA; MUFA and PUFA in kombucha fermented milk product was 65.94; 30.73 and 3.33% respectively. In yogurt sample their content was 66.02, 30.77 and 3.21%, while in probiotic 66.04; 30.66 and 3.30% respectively. In all fermented milk products, long chain fatty acids were dominant with a total share of about 45% in all varieties of fermented dairy products. The highest content of vitamin C after production and 14 days of storage was in samples obtained by kombucha starter culture (0.5457 &plusmn; 0.017 mg100g-1). Samples obtained by conventional starter showed better overall rheological properties at the tested conditions for 21 days of storage. Kombucha fermented milk product had a characteristic, distinctive mild sour, refreshing taste and conspicuous aroma.<br />The obtained results of biological activity and the quality of kombucha fermented milk products during storage in comparison to the same characteristics of the products obtained using conventional starter culture, could explain that kombucha is convenient starter for milk fermentation with the aim of obtaining new functional fermented milk products with pronounced bioactive characteristics and distinctive sensory and rheology properties.</span></p>

Exploring the Relationship Between Behaviour and Neurochemistry in the Polyphenic Spider, Anelosimus studiosus (Araneae: Theridiidae)

Price, Jennifer B 01 August 2016 (has links)
The importance of social behaviour is evident in human society, but there are both costs and benefits associated with cooperation and sociality throughout the animal kingdom. At what point do the benefits outweigh the costs, and when do selective pressures favour sociality and colonization over solitude and independence? To investigate these questions, we have focused on an anomalous species of spider, Anelosimus studiosus, also known now as the northern social spider. Throughout its broad range, A. studiosus is solitary and aggressive, but recently, colonies of cooperative and social individuals have been observed at northern latitudes. This leads to two research questions: 1) what characteristics differentiate the two variants behaviourally, and, 2) how are they different physiologically? Colonies and individuals were collected from multiple populations throughout the Tennessee River watershed area and maintained in a laboratory environment for quantitative and qualitative assessment of behavioural traits as well as specific neurochemical analysis by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. After classifying individuals as social or aggressive, I looked at the influence of factors such as age, reproductive state, nutritional state, and time of day on behaviour and neurophysiology. I found correlations between social behaviours and serotonin, aggressive behaviours and octopamine (invertebrate counterpart of norepinephrine), and several other compounds associated with an increase or decrease in aggression. These studies combine techniques from multiple disciplines to contribute to the greater understanding of the proximate control of social and aggressive behaviours as well as factors influencing the evolution of sociality.

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