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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Adsorption of Bioresidual Organics in a Fluidized Bed Biological Reactor

Tsezos, Marios January 1978 (has links)
<p> The adsorption of residual organic molecules generated during the metabolic activity of bacteria was investigated. </p> <p> At first a number of potential adsorbants and ion exchange resins were selected with different average pore diameters and specific surface areas. </p> <p> The adsorption (removal) capacity of these materials was evaluated through the determination of their adsorption isotherms on a residual organics solution, obtained from an activated sludge reactor, that operated with Phenol as a substrate. </p> <p> On the basis of these isotherms Filtrasorb 400, an activated Carbon with 3SA0 average pore diameter and 1200 m2/g specific surface area, was selected as the best adsorbant. Subsequently a fluidized bed biological reactor was used to study the direct adsorption of the residual organics produced by the biofilms on the Filtrasorb 400 particles supporting the growth. A phenol solution was fed to the reactor and different Oxygen to Phenol ratios were applied. </p> <p> The adsorption of the residual organic molecules generated by the biological growth in a fluidized bed biological reactor proved feasible and independent of the Oxygen to Phenol ratio applied. The Phenol removal efficiency of the reactor was determined by the Oxygen supplied. The removal reached 100% whenever residual Oxygen was present in the effluent of the reactor (no Oxygen limitation). </p> <p> Specific reaction rates higher than the ones reported in the literature were observed. </p> <p> The removal of the residual organics resulted in a stable effluent pH. </p> <p>The monitoring of the height of the expanded bed that biological growth is a parameter that can be used to monitor the total volume of biological films in the reactor. A volume yield factor can also be calculated. </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)

Utvärdering av den biologiska reningen av processavloppsvattnet vid GE Healthcare i Uppsala / An evaluation of the biological wastewater treatment at GE Healthcare in Uppsala

Fridlund, Malin January 2005 (has links)
<p>GE Healthcare operates in Uppsala (Sweden) and develops systems, equipments and medium to purify medical substances. Discussions with the local authority concerning planed far-reaching changes and upgrades of the biological process techniques for sewage management, aroused the question about revising the terms of permit for the activity. Therefore it seemed necessary to evaluate a newly installed biological process technique, which is the background of this thesis. The evaluated biological treatment process was built in 2003 and consists of a biological reactor filled with moving bed carriers with a high surface area for biological growth. At the time of the project the biological wastewater treatment plant consisted of a flow equalization facility and two following parallel biological processes; a biological reactor with moving bed carriers and a tower trickling filter.</p><p>The aim of this thesis was to survey the function of the biological reactor with respect to the reduction of organic matter. Further to clarify which circumstances that have a negative effect on the organic reduction. During the three forthcoming years, an extensive reconstruction of the biological wastewater treatment facility will be accomplished. During the construction period the flow equalization will be very limited. Therefore an emission forecast with respect to organic matter was performed comprising the construction period during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. This to estimate the safety margin to the emission standard during the construction period.</p><p>Several parameters were surveyed during the project, water temperature, pH, plural nutrition elements, flow, oxygen concentration, suspended solids, organic load and microbial activity. At two occasions, the parameters were extensively studied during a 24-hour period respectively. Two capacity experiments were performed in order to evaluate the organic reduction at different organic loads. The obtained results together with an estimation regarding the organic load performed by AB Ångpanneföreningen were used for the emission forecast. The forecast considered two cases, operation with and without dosage of a flow with high organic content from the local solvent recycling facility (called T10-dosage).</p><p>According to the forecast, the emission standard will be fulfilled during an average month regarding the organic load. This without T10-dosage and with an average reduction of 55 %. To fulfill the standard during a month with maximum organic load, a reduction of 65 and 75 % will be required in the cases without and with T10-dosage respectively. The organic reduction is negatively effected by lasting loads of 7 kg CODfilt/m3 or higher, or by a great increase of the load in a short period of time. Sporadic peaks regarding the organic load appeared to have temporary or no negative effects on the reduction. Flow variations during evenings, nights and weekends caused variations in the organic load with negative effect of the reduction rate. The oxygen concentration in the biological reactor has a conclusive significance of the reduction rate, a lower concentration than 2 mg/l affects the reduction rate in a negative way. The buffering capacity in the biofilm reactor showed to work excellently, the pH value varied between 6.8 and 8.9. There is an immediate risk of temperatures over 40<sup>o</sup>C during the construction period. This could have a negative influence of the organic reduction. Individual measured temperatures of 38<sup>o</sup>C did not have a negative effect on the reduction rate. The amount of suspended solids varied a lot in the outflow from the biological reactor and will continue to do so during the construction period.</p> / <p>GE Healthcare bedriver sin verksamhet i Uppsala vilken består av att utveckla system, utrustning och media för att rena läkemedelssubstanser. Vid diskussion med Uppsala kommuns VA- och avfallskontor väcktes frågan angående omprövning av tillståndet för verksamheten. Diskussionerna rörde planerade processförändringar och kompletteringar av bolagets biologiska processavloppsvattenrening. Av den anledningen ansågs det nödvändigt att utreda en för företaget ny processteknik för processavloppsvatten, vilket är bakgrunden till detta examensarbete. Den utvärderade processtekniken är en biofilmreaktor innehållande ett rörligt bärarmaterial med en stor skyddad yta för biologisk tillväxt. Biofilmreaktorn togs i drift under hösten år 2003 och därmed bestod det lokala reningsverket förenklat sett av en utjämningsanläggning följd av två parallella biosteg, ett biotorn med konventionell stationär biobädd över vilken processavloppsvatten spreds samt en biofilmreaktor med rörligt bärarmaterial.</p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet var att kartlägga biofilmreaktorns funktion med avseende på reduktion av organiskt material. Vidare att klargöra vid vilka förhållanden reduktionsgraden har påverkats negativt. Under de tre kommande åren skall en stor om- och tillbyggnad av reningsverket genomföras. Förändringen kommer att medföra att utjämningsvolymen blir mycket begränsad under ombyggnadsperioden. Av den anledningen var ytterligare ett syfte med examensarbetet att utföra en utsläppsprognos med avseende på organiskt material för åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta för att bedöma säkerhetsmarginalen till utsläppsvillkoret under ombyggnadsperioden.</p><p>Examensarbetet realiserades genom att kartlägga parametrarna organisk belastning, organisk reduktion, vattentemperatur, pH, närsalter, flöde, koncentration löst syre, suspenderad substans samt mikrobiell aktivitet. Därutöver utfördes två kapacitetsförsök för att kartlägga den organiska belastningens inverkan på reduktionen. Vid det ena försöket skapades en högre organisk belastning genom att successivt öka flödesbelastningen över biofilmreaktorn. Vid det andra försöket doserades en delström (kallad T10-dosering) innehållande rester från den lokala lösningsmedelsåtervinningen med stort organiskt innehåll. Därtill utfördes två dygnsprovtagningar för att kartlägga ett flertal parametrars dygnsvariationer. Den framtagna utsläppsprognosen baserades på en belastningsprognos utförd av AB Ångpanneföreningen samt den i arbetet kartlagda reduktionen av organiskt material vid olika belastningar. Prognosen omfattar två fall, med eller utan T10-dosering.</p><p>Enligt utsläppsprognosen kommer utsläppsvillkoret inte att överskridas under åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta gäller vid en för året genomsnittlig månad avseende belastning utan T10-dosering och med en genomsnittlig organisk reduktionsgrad på 55 %. Under en månad med maximal belastning krävs 65 % reduktion och 75 % med T10-dosering. Kapacitetsförsöken visade att reduktionsgraden påverkades negativt vid en varaktig belastning överstigande 7 kg COD<sub>löst</sub>/m3 samt vid kraftiga belastningsökningar. Tillfälliga belastningstoppar hade endast kortvarig eller ingen negativ inverkan på reduktionen. Höga flöden under dagtid och låga flöden under nätter och helger orsakade variationer i den organiska belastningen, vilket hade en negativ inverkan på reduktionen. När koncentrationen löst syre i biofilmreaktorn understeg 2 mg/l påverkades mikroorganismerna negativt och därmed även reduktionen. Buffertkapaciteten i biofilmreaktorn var god under den studerade tidsperioden och pH-värdet varierade mellan 6,5 och 8,8. Under ombyggnadsperioden föreligger en stor risk för att vattentemperaturen kan bli för hög i biofilmreaktorn vid ett flertal tillfällen. Enstaka uppmätta temperaturtoppar på 38°C påverkade dock inte reduktionen negativt. I biofilmreaktorns utgående vatten varierade mängden suspenderad substans kraftigt, vilket även kommer att gälla under ombyggnadsperioden.</p>

Degradação do aldicarbe em biorreator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo / Aldicarb degradation in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass bioreactor

Damasceno, Leonardo Henrique Soares 28 November 2008 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho do biorreator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) na degradação de aldicarbe em condições anaeróbias. Foram avaliados três níveis de oxidação: metanogênico, sulfetogênico e desnitrificante. Inicialmente foi desenvolvido o método de detecção de aldicarbe e metabólitos por meio de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) para amostras aquosas sem pré-tratamento. A validação por procedimentos estatísticos confirmou a viabilidade do mesmo. O efeito do aumento da concentração de aldicarbe no desempenho dos reatores foi avaliado pelo emprego das concentrações de 5, 10, 20, 30 e 40 mg/L de aldicarbe extraído do produto comercial. Os reatores foram submetidos ao tempo de detenção hidráulica de 24 horas. As melhores eficiências de remoção foram obtidas nas concentrações de 5 e 10 mg/L: 93,2 e 88,9% (metanogênico), 90,5 e 83,2% (sulfetogênico) e 88,0 e 94,3% (desnitrificante), respectivamente. De 20 a 40 mg/L, o aumento da concentração afluente de aldicarbe causou redução da eficiência de remoção em todos os níveis de oxidação avaliados. Os reatores metanogênico e sulfetogênico tiveram desempenho semelhante em todas as concentrações avaliadas, enquanto que o reator desnitrificante não foi adequado para concentrações superiores a 10 mg/L. Nos ensaios com reatores diferenciais na concentração de aldicarbe de 10 mg/L, verificou-se que, em condições metanogênicas, não houve influência significativa da resistência à transferência de massa externa e interna na velocidade global de conversão de aldicarbe. Nestas condições, os parâmetros cinéticos aparentes corresponderam aos parâmetros cinéticos intrínsecos. A constante cinética de 1ª ordem (k1), validada por meio do Teste F, foi de 1,46 \'+ OU -\' 0,09·\'10 POT.-5\'·L/mgSVT.h (r2=0,994 \'+ OU -\' 0,001). As análises de biologia molecular para o Domínio Bacteria constataram predominância de Chloroflexi e Epsilon proteobacterium. No Domínio Archaea houve predominância de Methanosaeta. / A bench-scale horizontal-flow anaerobic mmobilized biomass (HAIB) bioreactor was assayed aiming to verify its potential use for aldicarb degradation. Three levels of oxidation were evaluated: methanogenic, sulfidogenic and denitrifying conditions. An HPLC method for the determination of aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone in liquid samples without pretreatment was developed and validated. The effects of increasing aldicarb concentration were evaluated at 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/L, extracted from the commercial product. The bioreactors were operated at a constant hydraulic detention time of 24 hours and 30°C. The best-removal efficiencies were obtained at the concentrations of 5 and 10 mg/L: 93.2 and 88.9% (methanogenic), 90.5 and 83.2% (sulfidogenic) e 88.0 and 94.3% (denitrifying), respectively. From 20 to 40 mg/L, the increase at the concentration of aldicarb caused reduction in the efficiency of removal in all levels of oxidation evaluated. The methanogenic and sulfidogenic bioreactors had similar performance, while the denitrifying bioreactor was not appropriate for concentrations above 10 mg/L. In the assays with differential reactors at the aldicarb concentration of 10 mg/L, the external and internal mass transfer resistance did not affect the overall substrate utilization rates. Thus, in these conditions, the apparent kinetic parameters corresponded to the intrinsic kinetic parameters. The first order rate constant (k1), validated through F-test, was 1.46 \'+ OU -\' 0.09·\'10 POT.-5\'·L/mgSVT.h (r2=0.994 \'+ OU -\' 0.001). The analysis of molecular biology for the Bacteria Domain showed predominance of Chloroflexi and Epsilon proteobacterium. In the Archaea Domain the predominant microrganism was Methanosaeta.

Utvärdering av den biologiska reningen av processavloppsvattnet vid GE Healthcare i Uppsala / An evaluation of the biological wastewater treatment at GE Healthcare in Uppsala

Fridlund, Malin January 2005 (has links)
GE Healthcare operates in Uppsala (Sweden) and develops systems, equipments and medium to purify medical substances. Discussions with the local authority concerning planed far-reaching changes and upgrades of the biological process techniques for sewage management, aroused the question about revising the terms of permit for the activity. Therefore it seemed necessary to evaluate a newly installed biological process technique, which is the background of this thesis. The evaluated biological treatment process was built in 2003 and consists of a biological reactor filled with moving bed carriers with a high surface area for biological growth. At the time of the project the biological wastewater treatment plant consisted of a flow equalization facility and two following parallel biological processes; a biological reactor with moving bed carriers and a tower trickling filter. The aim of this thesis was to survey the function of the biological reactor with respect to the reduction of organic matter. Further to clarify which circumstances that have a negative effect on the organic reduction. During the three forthcoming years, an extensive reconstruction of the biological wastewater treatment facility will be accomplished. During the construction period the flow equalization will be very limited. Therefore an emission forecast with respect to organic matter was performed comprising the construction period during the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. This to estimate the safety margin to the emission standard during the construction period. Several parameters were surveyed during the project, water temperature, pH, plural nutrition elements, flow, oxygen concentration, suspended solids, organic load and microbial activity. At two occasions, the parameters were extensively studied during a 24-hour period respectively. Two capacity experiments were performed in order to evaluate the organic reduction at different organic loads. The obtained results together with an estimation regarding the organic load performed by AB Ångpanneföreningen were used for the emission forecast. The forecast considered two cases, operation with and without dosage of a flow with high organic content from the local solvent recycling facility (called T10-dosage). According to the forecast, the emission standard will be fulfilled during an average month regarding the organic load. This without T10-dosage and with an average reduction of 55 %. To fulfill the standard during a month with maximum organic load, a reduction of 65 and 75 % will be required in the cases without and with T10-dosage respectively. The organic reduction is negatively effected by lasting loads of 7 kg CODfilt/m3 or higher, or by a great increase of the load in a short period of time. Sporadic peaks regarding the organic load appeared to have temporary or no negative effects on the reduction. Flow variations during evenings, nights and weekends caused variations in the organic load with negative effect of the reduction rate. The oxygen concentration in the biological reactor has a conclusive significance of the reduction rate, a lower concentration than 2 mg/l affects the reduction rate in a negative way. The buffering capacity in the biofilm reactor showed to work excellently, the pH value varied between 6.8 and 8.9. There is an immediate risk of temperatures over 40oC during the construction period. This could have a negative influence of the organic reduction. Individual measured temperatures of 38oC did not have a negative effect on the reduction rate. The amount of suspended solids varied a lot in the outflow from the biological reactor and will continue to do so during the construction period. / GE Healthcare bedriver sin verksamhet i Uppsala vilken består av att utveckla system, utrustning och media för att rena läkemedelssubstanser. Vid diskussion med Uppsala kommuns VA- och avfallskontor väcktes frågan angående omprövning av tillståndet för verksamheten. Diskussionerna rörde planerade processförändringar och kompletteringar av bolagets biologiska processavloppsvattenrening. Av den anledningen ansågs det nödvändigt att utreda en för företaget ny processteknik för processavloppsvatten, vilket är bakgrunden till detta examensarbete. Den utvärderade processtekniken är en biofilmreaktor innehållande ett rörligt bärarmaterial med en stor skyddad yta för biologisk tillväxt. Biofilmreaktorn togs i drift under hösten år 2003 och därmed bestod det lokala reningsverket förenklat sett av en utjämningsanläggning följd av två parallella biosteg, ett biotorn med konventionell stationär biobädd över vilken processavloppsvatten spreds samt en biofilmreaktor med rörligt bärarmaterial. Syftet med examensarbetet var att kartlägga biofilmreaktorns funktion med avseende på reduktion av organiskt material. Vidare att klargöra vid vilka förhållanden reduktionsgraden har påverkats negativt. Under de tre kommande åren skall en stor om- och tillbyggnad av reningsverket genomföras. Förändringen kommer att medföra att utjämningsvolymen blir mycket begränsad under ombyggnadsperioden. Av den anledningen var ytterligare ett syfte med examensarbetet att utföra en utsläppsprognos med avseende på organiskt material för åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta för att bedöma säkerhetsmarginalen till utsläppsvillkoret under ombyggnadsperioden. Examensarbetet realiserades genom att kartlägga parametrarna organisk belastning, organisk reduktion, vattentemperatur, pH, närsalter, flöde, koncentration löst syre, suspenderad substans samt mikrobiell aktivitet. Därutöver utfördes två kapacitetsförsök för att kartlägga den organiska belastningens inverkan på reduktionen. Vid det ena försöket skapades en högre organisk belastning genom att successivt öka flödesbelastningen över biofilmreaktorn. Vid det andra försöket doserades en delström (kallad T10-dosering) innehållande rester från den lokala lösningsmedelsåtervinningen med stort organiskt innehåll. Därtill utfördes två dygnsprovtagningar för att kartlägga ett flertal parametrars dygnsvariationer. Den framtagna utsläppsprognosen baserades på en belastningsprognos utförd av AB Ångpanneföreningen samt den i arbetet kartlagda reduktionen av organiskt material vid olika belastningar. Prognosen omfattar två fall, med eller utan T10-dosering. Enligt utsläppsprognosen kommer utsläppsvillkoret inte att överskridas under åren 2005 till och med 2007. Detta gäller vid en för året genomsnittlig månad avseende belastning utan T10-dosering och med en genomsnittlig organisk reduktionsgrad på 55 %. Under en månad med maximal belastning krävs 65 % reduktion och 75 % med T10-dosering. Kapacitetsförsöken visade att reduktionsgraden påverkades negativt vid en varaktig belastning överstigande 7 kg CODlöst/m3 samt vid kraftiga belastningsökningar. Tillfälliga belastningstoppar hade endast kortvarig eller ingen negativ inverkan på reduktionen. Höga flöden under dagtid och låga flöden under nätter och helger orsakade variationer i den organiska belastningen, vilket hade en negativ inverkan på reduktionen. När koncentrationen löst syre i biofilmreaktorn understeg 2 mg/l påverkades mikroorganismerna negativt och därmed även reduktionen. Buffertkapaciteten i biofilmreaktorn var god under den studerade tidsperioden och pH-värdet varierade mellan 6,5 och 8,8. Under ombyggnadsperioden föreligger en stor risk för att vattentemperaturen kan bli för hög i biofilmreaktorn vid ett flertal tillfällen. Enstaka uppmätta temperaturtoppar på 38°C påverkade dock inte reduktionen negativt. I biofilmreaktorns utgående vatten varierade mängden suspenderad substans kraftigt, vilket även kommer att gälla under ombyggnadsperioden.

Degradação do aldicarbe em biorreator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo / Aldicarb degradation in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass bioreactor

Leonardo Henrique Soares Damasceno 28 November 2008 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho do biorreator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) na degradação de aldicarbe em condições anaeróbias. Foram avaliados três níveis de oxidação: metanogênico, sulfetogênico e desnitrificante. Inicialmente foi desenvolvido o método de detecção de aldicarbe e metabólitos por meio de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) para amostras aquosas sem pré-tratamento. A validação por procedimentos estatísticos confirmou a viabilidade do mesmo. O efeito do aumento da concentração de aldicarbe no desempenho dos reatores foi avaliado pelo emprego das concentrações de 5, 10, 20, 30 e 40 mg/L de aldicarbe extraído do produto comercial. Os reatores foram submetidos ao tempo de detenção hidráulica de 24 horas. As melhores eficiências de remoção foram obtidas nas concentrações de 5 e 10 mg/L: 93,2 e 88,9% (metanogênico), 90,5 e 83,2% (sulfetogênico) e 88,0 e 94,3% (desnitrificante), respectivamente. De 20 a 40 mg/L, o aumento da concentração afluente de aldicarbe causou redução da eficiência de remoção em todos os níveis de oxidação avaliados. Os reatores metanogênico e sulfetogênico tiveram desempenho semelhante em todas as concentrações avaliadas, enquanto que o reator desnitrificante não foi adequado para concentrações superiores a 10 mg/L. Nos ensaios com reatores diferenciais na concentração de aldicarbe de 10 mg/L, verificou-se que, em condições metanogênicas, não houve influência significativa da resistência à transferência de massa externa e interna na velocidade global de conversão de aldicarbe. Nestas condições, os parâmetros cinéticos aparentes corresponderam aos parâmetros cinéticos intrínsecos. A constante cinética de 1ª ordem (k1), validada por meio do Teste F, foi de 1,46 \'+ OU -\' 0,09·\'10 POT.-5\'·L/mgSVT.h (r2=0,994 \'+ OU -\' 0,001). As análises de biologia molecular para o Domínio Bacteria constataram predominância de Chloroflexi e Epsilon proteobacterium. No Domínio Archaea houve predominância de Methanosaeta. / A bench-scale horizontal-flow anaerobic mmobilized biomass (HAIB) bioreactor was assayed aiming to verify its potential use for aldicarb degradation. Three levels of oxidation were evaluated: methanogenic, sulfidogenic and denitrifying conditions. An HPLC method for the determination of aldicarb, aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone in liquid samples without pretreatment was developed and validated. The effects of increasing aldicarb concentration were evaluated at 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg/L, extracted from the commercial product. The bioreactors were operated at a constant hydraulic detention time of 24 hours and 30°C. The best-removal efficiencies were obtained at the concentrations of 5 and 10 mg/L: 93.2 and 88.9% (methanogenic), 90.5 and 83.2% (sulfidogenic) e 88.0 and 94.3% (denitrifying), respectively. From 20 to 40 mg/L, the increase at the concentration of aldicarb caused reduction in the efficiency of removal in all levels of oxidation evaluated. The methanogenic and sulfidogenic bioreactors had similar performance, while the denitrifying bioreactor was not appropriate for concentrations above 10 mg/L. In the assays with differential reactors at the aldicarb concentration of 10 mg/L, the external and internal mass transfer resistance did not affect the overall substrate utilization rates. Thus, in these conditions, the apparent kinetic parameters corresponded to the intrinsic kinetic parameters. The first order rate constant (k1), validated through F-test, was 1.46 \'+ OU -\' 0.09·\'10 POT.-5\'·L/mgSVT.h (r2=0.994 \'+ OU -\' 0.001). The analysis of molecular biology for the Bacteria Domain showed predominance of Chloroflexi and Epsilon proteobacterium. In the Archaea Domain the predominant microrganism was Methanosaeta.

Co-compostagem em reator rotativo hermético pelo método respirométrico /

Scoton, Edvaldo José January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Rosane Aparecida Gomes Battistelle / Resumo: A compostagem é um conjunto de técnicas muito importante para o tratamento da fração orgânica dos resíduos sólidos, por meio do uso de tecnologias sustentáveis que processam os resíduos orgânicos originados da agricultura, agroindústria, silvicultura, resíduos orgânicos domiciliares e, ainda, o lodo de esgoto. A busca da sociedade por melhores condições ambientais, aponta para uma tendência de ocorrer um incremento substancial na quantidade de lodo a ser disposto nos próximos anos, surgindo, portanto, a necessidade de que sejam apresen¬tadas técnicas que possibilitem um tra¬tamento eficiente e adequado dos mesmos. O emprego do processo de compostagem no Brasil, é ainda bastante incipiente e possui alto grau de empirismo no controle e avaliação do processo, devido a falta de conhecimento técnico mais aprofundado, sendo necessário o implemento de novas formas de análise e controle eficazes. No processo avaliativo chamado método "respirométrico", utiliza-se uma nova metodologia na qual os parâmetros de degradação biológica dos resíduos não são medidos na fase sólida, mas em sua fase gasosa. A análise do lodo de esgoto pelo método respirométrico, demonstrou ser uma ferramenta, pode a vir a ser muito útil, desde que sejam levados em considerações todos parâmetros apontados na literatura, buscando o equilíbrio destes parâmetros na escolha e quantificação dos resíduos. O reator rotativo hermético apresentou como vantagens a homogeneização dos resíduos, favorecendo o contato de toda ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Composting is a very important set of techniques for the treatment of the organic fraction of solid waste, through the use of sustainable technologies that process organic waste originating from agriculture, agribusiness, forestry, household organic waste and, also, sewage sludge. Society's search for better environmental conditions points to a tendency for there to be a substantial increase in the amount of sludge to be disposed of in the coming years, therefore, the need arises for techniques to be presented that enable efficient and efficient treatment. of them. The use of the composting process in Brazil, is still quite incipient and has a high degree of empiricism in the control and evaluation of the process, due to the lack of more in-depth technical knowledge, requiring the implementation of new forms of effective analysis and control. In the evaluation process called the "respirometric" method, a new methodology is used in which the biological degradation parameters of the residues are not measured in the solid phase, but in the gas phase. The analysis of sewage sludge using the respirometric method, proved to be a tool, it may prove to be very useful, provided that all parameters pointed out in the literature are taken into consideration, seeking to balance these parameters in the choice and quantification of waste. The hermetic rotary reactor had as advantages the homogenization of residues, favoring the contact of all organic matter with the decomposing bacteria, s... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Remoção simultânea de matéria organica e nitrogênio total em reator de leito estruturado com aeração intermitente tratando efluente composto por esgoto bruto e efluente de ralf

Wendling, Ana Cláudia 05 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-02-05T17:21:21Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Ana C Wendling.pdf: 1711610 bytes, checksum: 68dc677af063a5833bd222516d408814 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-05T17:21:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Ana C Wendling.pdf: 1711610 bytes, checksum: 68dc677af063a5833bd222516d408814 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O consumo do oxigênio dissolvido nos corpos hídricos é um dos principais problemas resultantes da poluição nas águas por matéria orgânica. Outro ponto importante é a eutrofização, que é o crescimento excessivo das plantas devido ao excesso de nutrientes presentes nesse meio. As estações de tratamento de esgoto brasileiras costumam utilizar processos biológicos para a remoção da matéria orgânica e do nitrogênio. Nesse sentido visando a remoção simultânea da Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO) e de Nitrogênio Total (NT) do esgoto sanitário, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de um reator de leito estruturado com aeração intermitente, com períodos de aeração de 60 minutos seguidos de 120 minutos sem aeração, a cada ciclo de 180 minutos. O reator foi operado com Tempo de Detenção Hidráulica (TDH) de 8 horas, temperatura de 30 ± 1ºC, alimentação contínua e razão de recirculação igual a 2. Foram realizados 5 ensaios que se diferenciaram em a composição do afluente. Os afluentes foram compostos por uma combinação de parcelas de esgoto sanitário bruto da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) Verde e efluente de Reator Anaeróbio de Leito Fluidizado (RALF) da mesma ETE. As concentrações de cada parcela no afluente foram de 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% e 100%. Como meio suporte para a fixação dos microrganismos foram utilizados 13 cilindros de espuma de poliuretano dispostos verticalmente no reator. Para avaliação da eficiência do processo, foram realizadas as análises de pH, alcalinidade, Nitrogênio Total Kjeldahl (NTK), nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH4+), nitrito (N-NO2-), nitrato (N-NO3-), Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO) e fósforo. A eficiência mínima de remoção de DQO obtida foi de 76% e a máxima de 95%, porém os resultados apontaram que não houve diferença estatística significativa entre os ensaios para esse parâmetro. A melhor eficiência de remoção de NT foi de 78%, com afluente composto apenas por efluente do RALF, que foi o ensaio 3. Nestas condições o efluente apresentou teores de DQO de 14 mg.L-1, de N-NH4+ de 3 mg.L-1, de N-NO3- de 2 mg.L-1 e de N-NO2- de 3 mg.L-1. Diante dos resultados foi possível concluir que o reator de leito estruturado e aeração intermitente é eficiente para a remoção simultânea da matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada com afluente contendo uma mistura do esgoto bruto e efluente de RALF nas mais diferentes proporções. / The consumption of dissolved oxygen in water bodies is one of the main problems resulting from water pollution by organic matter. Another important point is eutrophication, which is the excessive growth of plants due to the excess of nutrients present in this medium. Brazilian sewage treatment plants usually use biological processes for the removal of organic matter and nitrogen. In this sense, aiming at the simultaneous removal of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Nitrogen (TN) from sanitary sewage, the present study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of a structured bed reactor with intermittent aeration, with aeration periods of 60 Minutes followed by 120 minutes without aeration, with each cycle of 180 minutes. The reactor was operated with Hydraulic Detention Time (HDT) of 8 hours, temperature of 30 ± 1ºC, continuous feed and recirculation ratio equal to 2. Five trials were performed that differed in the composition of the influent. The influente were composed of a combination of raw sewage plots from the Green Sewage Treatment Station (ETE) and the Fluidized Bed Anaerobic Reactor (RALF) effluent from the same ETE. The concentrations of each plot in the affluent were 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. As a support medium for Microorganisms were used 13 polyurethane foam cylinders arranged vertically in the reactor. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the process, pH, alkalinity, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH4+), nitrite (N-NO2-), nitrate (N-NO3-), Chemical Demand Oxygen (COD) and phosphorus. The minimum COD removal efficiency obtained was 76% and the maximum of 95%, but the results showed that there was no significant statistical difference between the tests for this parameter. The best effluent removal efficiency was 78%, with an effluent composed only of RALF effluent, which was test 3. Under these conditions, the effluent had COD contents of 14 mg.L-1, 3 mg N-NH4+.L-1, N-NO3- of 2 mg.L-1 and N NO2- of 3 mg.L-1. In view of the results it was possible to conclude that the structured bed reactor and intermittent aeration is efficient for the simultaneous removal of carbonaceous and nitrogenous organic matter with a influent containing a mixture of crude sewage and RALF effluent in the most different proportions.

Remoção de DQO, nitrogênio e fósforo de esgoto sanitário em reator de leito estruturado com aeração intermitente em fase única

Jenzura, Nathanna Tessari 23 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2018-05-23T17:33:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Jenzura, Nathanna Tessari.pdf: 1299612 bytes, checksum: 393334e0cc91397299fbbc9f1ed6cb45 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-23T17:33:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Jenzura, Nathanna Tessari.pdf: 1299612 bytes, checksum: 393334e0cc91397299fbbc9f1ed6cb45 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O fenômeno da eutrofização é caracterizado pelo crescimento excessivo de algas devido ao excesso de nitrogênio e fósforo em corpos d’água. Combinado a esse fator, temos o fato de que as ETEs (Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes) brasileiras foram projetadas para remover a DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio) e não os nutrientes, com isso é necessário o tratamento terciário para atendimento à legislação. Pesquisas mostram que há a possibilidade de remover DQO e nitrogênio em um único compartimento, o que geraria economia na implantação e operação de ETEs. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar a eficiência deum reator de leito estruturado comaeração intermitente e fluxo contínuo na remoção de nitrogênio e DQO do esgoto sanitário bruto misturado com efluente de RALF (Reator Anaeróbio de Leito Fluidizado). O reator apresentava volume útil de 8,6 L.O leito estruturado era composto por 13 cilindros de espuma de poliuretano com diâmetro igual a 2,5 cm e comprimento de 63 cm, dispostos verticalmente no interior do reator. A alimentação era feita continuamente com 50% de esgoto sanitário bruto e 50% de efluente de RALF. O experimento foi feito seguindo-se planejamento fatorial 22, que resultou em sete ensaios com quatro pontos nos níveis extremos (+1 e -1) e a triplicata do ponto central. Os fatores e respectivos níveis estipulados foram TDH (Tempos de Detenção Hidráulica) de 8, 10 e 12 horas, e tempo de aeração de 60, 75 e 90 minutos, em ciclos de 180 minutos. A razão de recirculação foi igual a 2 vezes a vazão de entrada. Nestas condições foram encontrados como média de remoção de DQO de 76%e NT (nitrogênio total) de 83%. O melhor resultado de eficiência de DQO (92%) e NT (88%), foi encontrado quando o reator operou com tempo de aeração de 60 minutos e TDH de 8 horas, tendo como concentração final DQO igual a 18 mg.L-1 eNT de 4,3 mg.L-1. A superfície de resposta foi utilizada para se avaliar os efeitos dos fatores sobre as respostas encontradas, e para desenvolver um modelo matemático que possibilitasse prever a eficiência do reator em relação à nitrificação e remoção de NT. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o reator de leito estruturado com aeração intermitente é uma alternativa viável para remoção simultânea de DQO e NT. O modelo matemático obtido mostrou ser preditivo com relação à eficiência de nitrificação e remoção de NT. Com TDH de 9 horas e aeração de 60 minutos a eficiência teórica de nitrificação e remoção de NT obtida com os modelos propostos foi de 94 e 85%, respectivamente, e os resultados experimentais obtidos foram de 89 e 81%, respectivamente, próximos aos teóricos. / The phenomenon of eutrophication is characterized by excessive growth of algae due to excess nitrogen and phosphorus in water bodies. Combined with this factor, we have the fact that the Brazilian Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) were designed to remove COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) and not nutrients, so it is necessary the tertiary treatment to comply with the legislation. Research shows that there is the possibility of removing COD and nitrogen in a single compartment, which would generate savings in the implementation and operation of ETP. The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficiency of a structured bed reactor with intermittent and continuous flow in the removal of nitrogen and COD from the raw sanitary sewage mixed with UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) effluent. The reactor had a useful volume of 8,6 L. The structured bed was composed of 13 cylinders of polyurethane foam with a diameter of 2,5 cm and a length of 63 cm, arranged vertically inside the reactor. The feed was continuously fed with 50% crude sanitary sewage and 50% RALF effluent. The experiment was done following a factorial design 22, which resulted in seven tests with four points at the extreme levels (+1 and -1) and the triplicate of the central point. The factors and respective stipulated levels were HRT (Hydraulic Retention Times) of 8, 10 and 12 hours, and aeration time of 60, 75 and 90 minutes in 180 minute cycles. The recirculation ratio was equal to 2 times the inlet flow rate. Under these conditions were found to be COD removal average of 76% and NT (Total Nitrogen) of 83%. The best COD (92%) and NT (88%) efficiency results were found when the reactor operated with 60 minute aeration time and 8 hour HRT, having a final COD concentration of 18 mg.L-1 and NT of 4.3 mg.L-1. The response surface was used to verify the effects of the factors on the responses and to design a mathematic model to predict NT removal and nitrification. The results obtained allow us to consider that the structured bed reactor with intermittent aeration is a viable alternative for the simultaneous removal of COD and nitrogen compounds.The mathematical model obtained was predictive, and with a HRT of 9 hours and aeration of 60 minutes, the experimental responses for TN removal and nitrification efficiency was 81% and 89%, respectively, very close to the predicted one, that was 85% and 94%.

Avaliação de um sistema de tratamento de águas cinzas em edificação de campus universitário / Evaluation of a greywater treatment system in a building of university campus

Chrispim, Mariana Cardoso 01 September 2014 (has links)
O reúso de água é um instrumento importante que contribui para a redução da pressão sobre os mananciais e para redução do consumo de água potável para fins que não requeiram água de padrão potável. Neste contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo principal analisar um sistema de coleta e tratamento de águas cinzas provenientes de pias de banheiro, chuveiros e máquina de lavar roupas tendo em vista o reúso não-potável em edificações. Os objetivos específicos foram: caracterizar qualitativamente e quantitativamente as frações de águas cinzas; operar e monitorar um sistema de tratamento de águas cinzas sintéticas em escala piloto e analisar o efluente após tratamento. A partir de uma edificação existente no campus da EACH/USP, adaptou-se a estrutura hidráulica de forma a permitir a segregação e coleta desta fração de águas residuárias para caracterização e tratamento. A instalação de hidrômetros nas tubulações de alimentação dos pontos de uso (máquina de lavar, chuveiros e lavatórios) possibilitou analisar a produção de águas cinzas individualizada. Para o tratamento em escala piloto, adotou-se um biorreator de leito móvel com biofilme (MBBR) seguido por decantador. A avaliação do sistema de tratamento foi realizada com base no monitoramento periódico dos parâmetros físico-químicos durante o período de operação do sistema. Com base nos resultados obtidos, dentre as três frações de águas cinzas, a do chuveiro foi a que apresentou maior concentração de E.coli, enquanto que a maior concentração de coliformes totais foi na água cinza de lavatórios. As eficiências de remoção de DBO e DQO foram de 59 por cento e 70 por cento respectivamente. Houve baixa remoção de fósforo e não houve remoção de Nitrogênio Total durante o tratamento. / Water reuse is an important tool that can contribute to the reduction of the pressures from human activities on water resources and to reduce the demand for potable water for purposes that do not require high quality water. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to evaluate a greywater collection and treatment system from lavatories, showers and washing machine aiming the non-potable reuse in buildings. The specific objectives were: to characterize in terms of quality and quantity the greywater from each source, to monitor a pilot system for synthetic greywater treatment and to analyze the quality of the effluent after treatment. In an existing building in the University of Sao Paulo campus, the wastewater collection drains were modified to allow the segregated wastewater collection and the greywater characterization and treatment. To evaluate the greywater generation three water flow meters were installed in water inlet of each greywater source (washing machine, showers and lavatories). The greywater treatment included a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) and a settling tank at pilot scale. The evaluation of greywater treatment was conducted based on the periodic monitoring of several physicochemical water quality parameters during the operation of the experimental system. Based on the results, amongst the three greywater sources, the greywater from showers had the highest E. coli count while the lavatories greywater had the highest total coliforms count. The removal efficiencies of BOD and COD were 59 per cent e 70 per cent respectively. In addition there was low removal of phosphorus and there was not Total Nitrogen Removal during the treatment.


Wosiack, Priscila Arcoverde 06 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:53:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Priscila Arcoverde Wosiack.pdf: 2005192 bytes, checksum: 49fa05e9e5f72b1ae4d6f70637a69779 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The treatment of wastewater generated in the pet food industries, characterized by the high organic carbon and nitrogen content, becomes necessary to meet the standards required by the legislation and minimize environmental impacts on water bodies. Biological treatment is an effective way to treat potentially polluting wastes from agroindustries processes. However, conventional systems for treating industrial wastewater do not allow the simultaneous removal of organic carbon and nutrients. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the performance of a structured bed reactor with continuous flow, for the simultaneous removal of carbon organic, expressed as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and nitrogen from wastewater of a pet food industry, under conditions of intermittent aeration. The system was composed by a structured bed reactor under 30oC of temperature, and recirculation ratio of 5 times the flow. The reactor was initially operated in differents Hydraulic Retention Times (HRT) of seven, five, three and one day under continuous aeration. In such conditions were verified removal of COD above 80% and Total Nitrogen (TN) above 60%. The best results were obtained with HRT of three days (91.8% of COD removal and 93.3 % of TN). The response surface methodology was used to evaluate the effect of aeration and load of TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) in the removal of COD and TN, with HRT fixed in 1 day. It was observed that the parameter aeration was the most important for the results. The removal of COD reached levels of 85% when the reactor was aerated on 100% of the time. Aeration also was positive for nitrification and negative for denitrification. The best responses obtained for the removal of COD and TN, nitrification and denitrification were 80.03%, 88.16%, 99.13% and 88.92%, respectively, and were obtained with 158.2 minutes of aeration in a cycle of 180 minutes, and 255.1 mg.L-1 of the TKN affluent. In view these results, it was concluded that this new system was effective in simultaneous removal of nitrogen and carbon organic matter. / O tratamento das águas residuárias geradas nas indústrias de ração animal, caracterizadas por elevada carga orgânica e conteúdo nitrogenado, torna-se absolutamente necessário para atender aos padrões exigidos pela legislação e minimizar impactos ambientais em corpos de água. O tratamento biológico é uma maneira eficaz de se tratar resíduos potencialmente poluidores originados de processos agroalimentares. Porém, sistemas convencionais de tratamento de águas residuárias industriais, não possibilitam a remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica e nutrientes. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de um reator de leito estruturado e fluxo contínuo, na remoção simultânea da matéria orgânica carbonácea, expressa em Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO), e nitrogenada, das águas residuárias de uma indústria de ração animal, sob condições de aeração intermitente. O sistema foi composto por um reator de leito estruturado mantido à temperatura de 30oC e taxa de recirculação de 5 vezes a vazão. O reator foi inicialmente operado em diferentes Tempos de Detenção Hidráulica (TDH), de sete, cinco, três e um dia, sob aeração contínua. Nestas condições foram verificadas remoções de DQO acima de 80% e de Nitrogênio Total (NT) acima de 60%. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com TDH de três dias (91,8% de remoção de DQO e 93,3% de NT). A metodologia de superfície de resposta foi utilizada para avaliar o efeito da aeração e da carga de NTK (Nitrogênio Total Kjeldahl) na remoção de DQO e NT, com TDH fixo em um dia. Foi verificado que o parâmetro aeração foi o que mais influenciou os resultados. A remoção de DQO chegou a 85% quando o reator foi aerado em 100% do tempo. A aeração também apresentou efeito positivo para a nitrificação, mas negativo para a desnitrificação. As melhores respostas para remoção de DQO, NT, nitrificação e desnitrificação, de 80,03%, 88,16% 99,13% e 88,92%, respectivamente, foram obtidas com o reator operando com 158,2 minutos de aeração a cada ciclo de 180 minutos e 255,1 mg.L-1 de NTK afluente. Diante destes resultados, conclui-se que este novo sistema foi eficiente na remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica e nitrogenada.

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