Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biologiska"" "subject:"axiologiska""
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Barnavårdsnämndens makt över biologiska föräldrar i Karlstad stad- : En studie om biologiska föräldrars orsaker till att de hamnade hos barnavårdsnämnden och om barnen togs om hand av tvång eller frivillighet 1904-1908- / The power of the child Welfare Board over Biological parents in the city of Karlstad- : A study of biological parents' reasons why they ended up with the child welfare board and cases the children were taken care of by force, or with voluntariness, 1904-1908.Spångberg, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
The study is about the reasons why parents ended up with the child welfare board in the city of Karlstad in 1904-1908. And about perspective of coercion and volunteering, with the focus on biological parents. The source material that has been used has been analyzed from reproductive resources social economics and ideological resources. Susanna Hedenborg’s reproduction theories have been selected to able to identify the three different resources in my essay. With the help of reproductive theories, it is possible to identify how social relations were important that economics played a role and ideological resources played a major role in terms of coercion and the voluntary aspects. My questions are how did it come about that guardian ended up with the child welfare board at the beginning of the 19th century? How common was it that parents were forced by the child welfare board to leave their children? To get a result I used a quantitative analysis of both my questions. With my empirical research I have conclude that there were various aspects that made biological parents end up in the child welfare board’s register. There were both coercive and voluntary measures to leave the children. The Child Welfare Board’s decision was usually based on the existing laws. Which of course made the video on overnight sensation. It could also be that the parents got a chance to show that they could change.
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Bedömning av kunskaper i geografiVucinic, Maja January 2008 (has links)
I arbetet studeras kopplingen mellan bedömning och mål i en klass, i skolår 5, när det gäller geografi. Jag har undersökt vilka mål undervisningen riktar sig mot, vad och hur läraren bedömer samt i vilken utsträckning bedömningen är ”rättvis” i den mening att den överensstämmer med målen i kursplanerna.Studien har gjorts genom en fallstudie och inom denna har jag gjort klassrumsobservationer, intervjuat läraren och analyserat uppgifter som eleverna arbetat med. Insamlade data har sedan analyserats utifrån kunskapsformerna (fakta, förståelse, färdighet, förtrogenhet) och även jämförts med de nationella målen.I resultatet har framkommit att det finns en överrensstämmelse mellan mål och bedömning, och därmed att förutsättning för rättvis bedömning finns.
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Elevers tankar kring miljö och hållbar utveckling i grundskolans tidigare år - en studie med en mångkulturell och en monokulturell skolaSchenström, Per, Planander, Anna-Maria January 2009 (has links)
sustainable development, environment
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Tankar om ReligionskunskapBarkstedt, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Titel: Tankar om Religionskunskap (Thoughts about Religion). Författare: Anders BarkstedtProgram: Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Lärarutbildningen 90 hp. Malmö HögskolaSyftet med denna studie är att undersöka och beskriva religionskunskapslärares uppfattningar om det egna ämnet och deras uppfattning om ämnets framtid som kärnämne inom den svenska skolan.Studien bygger på fem kvalitativa djupintervjuer med etablerade religionslärare på en sydsvensk gymnasieskola. Lärarna valdes ut genom ett strategiskt urval där de styrande variablerna var deras ålder och de olika antalen undervisningsår de hade bakom sig.Resultatet visar att alla lärarna har olika erfarenheter av ämnet, samt att de koncentrerar sin undervisning inom ämnet på olika intresseområden. Det gemensamma för alla lärarna är att de anser att de grundläggande fakta som står i läroboken utgör en bra och viktig grund för fortsatta studier. Lärarna ser också att religionskunskap har en framtid inom den svenska skolan mycket beroende på det ökande intresset för religioner och nya livsåskådningar i Sverige och världen.
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Miljöundervisning i årskurs 5Schön Magnusson, Charlotta January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur väl elever når upp till målen för miljöundervisning i årskurs 5 (Skolverket, 2000) och hur de ser på människans påverkan på miljön. Detta gjordes genom intervjuer där eleverna tilläts prata fritt inom vissa förutbestämda områden. Frågeområdena var förståelse för begrepp inom miljöområdet och miljöfrågor som speglade mina två forskningsfrågor. Resultatet visar att endast få elever når upp till kursplanemålen eller har möjlighet att göra så i slutet av skolåret. De flesta har även svårt att se individens påverkan på miljön och tror mer på samhällelig aktion. En bidragande orsak till detta kan vara bristande kunskap om och/eller intresse för miljöfrågor från elevernas lärare. Även tidspressen i skolan kan bidra till problemet. Kanske bör undervisningen ske på ett annat sätt än vad som görs, på ett sätt som bättre passar situationen.
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Gene expression and antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli from Swedish inland watersPoonlapthawee, Sirirat January 2013 (has links)
Extensive use of antibiotics both from human-medicine and veterinary sources are believed to provide selective pressure on bacteria that leads to an increase in antibiotic resistance in environmental waters. Contamination of antibiotic resistant microbes will raise human health risks. Escherichia coli are Gram negative bacilli that belong to the coliform group. E. coli are used as fecal indicators organism (FIO) to determine microbial contamination and water quality. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in Swedish inland waters and determine the response of uropathogenic E. coli to the environmental waters. Samples were collected in different locations near Örebro Sweden at 4 different time points during 2010-2011. Waters were filtered and FIO were isolated using selective medium. The highest numbers of FIO were detected for both E. coli and enterococci in the river Svartån near the effluent from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Over the two years, 42% and 24% of the antibiotic resistant strains were multi-drug resistant (MDR) E. coli and enterococci, respectively. In addition, 15% of MDR E. coli were extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing and AmpC overproducing strains. A vancomycin resistant E. faecium was also identified. Tetracycline resistance was the most common in FIO isolates. Our study suggests that WWTP distributed FIO and antibiotic resistant bacteria. In a second study we analyzed for the presence of various pharmaceutical residues from lake Mälaren in Västerås Sweden. Some pharmaceutical compounds were present at detectable levels but were removed by the drinking water treatment plant. Quantitative PCR was performed to investigate the effects on genes focused on antibiotic resistance, virulence factors and stress response. Forty one-gene array was developed and tested using tetracycline treatment or environmental water. No significant difference was found when compared to controls in the gene expression profile of bacteria grown in medium prepared with sub-MIC of tetracycline or environmental waters. We concluded that the pharmaceutical levels detected did not exert any significant effects on the E. coli strain tested. From this study, we conclude that MDR bacteria may actually persist in environmental waters in what is considered as a clean urban region. Pharmaceutical pollutants in the inland water did not exert a significant effect on the E. coli, suggesting that MDR strains are released in the effluent of the WWTP rather than induced through selective pressure by the pharmaceuticals contamination.
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Miljöbilspremien - Diskussioner och ställningstaganden gällande miljöbilspremienDauod, Rima, Farzin Saba, Nefiseh January 2009 (has links)
Vi valde att undersöka varför miljöbilspremien infördes, vilka nackdelar respektive fördelar den har, om målen med införandet uppnåtts samt varför den ska slopas i förtid. Förutom detta undersökte vi vilka åtgärder som ska vidtas istället för miljöbilspremien. Därtill försökte vi få svar på vilka insatser som staten har planerat att genomföra för att uppnå de nationella målen gällande koldioxidutsläppsminskningen. Fallstudien baseras på sex intervjuer av personer från både statliga myndigheter och intresseorganisationer: Naturvårdsverket, Naturskyddsföreningen, Gröna Bilister, Motormännen, Miljödepartementet samt Transportstyrelsen. Utifrån vår studie kom vi fram till att miljöbilspremien infördes för att stimulera användningen av bränsle effektiva bilar, miljöbilar, och öka andelen miljöbilar i nybilsförsäljningen. De tydligaste nackdelarna med premien är att den enbart gäller för privatpersoner och dessutom ger den möjlighet till bilister att tanka icke-miljövänligt bränsle. De märkbara fördelarna med miljöbilspremien är att den ger ett konkret svar på vad en miljöbil är och den har stimulerat allmänheten att både involveras och belönas. Anledningen till att den ska slopas i förtid är att den blev för dyr och dessutom har staten uppnått sitt mål med införandet av premien. Miljöbilspremien ersätts med fem års skattebefrielse för miljöbilar. De främsta styrmedlen som staten använder för att reducera koldioxidutsläppen är koldioxidskatten och handeln med utsläppsrätter. Slutligen anser vi att miljöbilspremien är en miljömässigt bra åtgärd men inte ekonomiskt försvarbar. / We chose to examine why the environmental car premium was introduced and what the disadvantages and advantages it has, furthermore if the goals of the premium were achieved, and why the environmental car premium was discontinued. In addition, we examined the actions that will be taken to replace the environmental car premium. Besides this, we tried to get answers to what actions the government has planned to perform to be able to achieve the national objectives in terms of reduction of the carbon dioxide. The case study is based on six qualitative in-depth interviews of stakeholders from both government agencies and associations, the Environmental Protection Agency, Nature Conservation, Green Car, Motor Men, Ministry of Environment and Transport Board. From our study we found that the environmental car premium was introduced to stimulate the use of fuel efficient cars, environmental cars, and increase the proportion of environmental cars in new sales. The primary disadvantages of the premium are that it only applies to individuals and also provides the opportunity for motorists to fill up non-environmentally friendly fuel. The apparent benefits of the environmental car premium is that it gives a definite answer to what a environmental car is, and it has encouraged the public to both involved and rewarded. There are two reasons why the premium was discontinued prematurely: that it was too expensive and that the government considers that they have achieved their objectives with the introduction of the premium. The environmental car premium will be replaced with a five-year tax exemption for environmental cars. The main management control which the government uses to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are carbon dioxide taxes and emissions trading. Finally, we believe that the environmental car premium is an environmentally good measure, but not economically defendable.
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En hållbar utbildningFeldt, Sanne January 2008 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen studerar vad begreppet lärande för hållbar utveckling egentligen handlar om i den svenska grundskolan. Med utgångspunkt i de diskurser som styr miljöområdet, och de som styr den svenska grundskolan, analyseras det man idag benämner som lärande för hållbar utveckling genom textanalytiska metoder. Studien går ut på att analysera de dokument som reglerar den svenska grundskolan samt hur Myndigheten för skolutveckling kommunicerar hållbar utveckling till svenska skolor. Studien landar på slutsatsen att ekonomiska premisser, mer än miljömässiga, är de som får utforma vad lärande för hållbar utveckling verkligen är och att miljödiskursen får stå tillbaka för en mer etablerad del av maktstrukturen. Därmed rekonstrueras begreppet hållbar utveckling, när det blir en del av lärande för hållbar utveckling, till något som inte alls verkar för en bättre miljö, utan som kanske till och med motverkar en hållbar utveckling. / This essay studies what the notion of learning for sustainable development is actually about in the Swedish compulsory school. With a starting point in those discourses that control the environmental area, and those that control the Swedish compulsory school, the concept that today is called learning for sustainable development is analyzed through textual analyzes. The purpose of the study is to analyze those documents that regulate the Swedish compulsory school and how the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement communicates sustainable development to Swedish schools. The study comes to the conclusion that economical premises, more than environmental, are those that will shape what learning for sustainable development really is about, and that the environmental discourse will be held back for a more established part of the power structure. Thereby the notion of sustainable development, when it has become a part of learning for sustainable development, is reconstructed in to something that does not at all contribute to an improved environment, but maybe even inhibit a sustainable development.
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Spatial resolution of methane production and ebullition in Lake AlstaHiltunen, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Freshwater ecosystems cover about 4 % of the Earth’s surface. Yet they are important components in the global C cycle, as they in addition to their within-lake primary production, receive and process organic matter loads originating from terrestrial environments. The boreal forest biome has the highest density of lakes globally. In general, lakes in the boreal forest biome are shallow with high proportions of littoral sediments and are considered methane hotspots in the landscape. The major pathway of methane (CH4) from lakes (depth ≤ 10 m) to the atmosphere is via CH4 ebullition (i.e., gas bubbles). Moreover, CH4 ebullition is highly irregular in space and time. While enhanced CH4 ebullition rates have been reported to coincide with temporal forces (e.g., pressure drop) and showed a spatial variability with higher CH4 ebullition rates at lake inlets, none of the present models can currently represent the variability of CH4 ebullition over space and time. To improve the understanding behind spatial drivers of CH4 ebullition, sediment characteristics in relation to CH4 ebullition were investigated in Lake Alsta, a shallow and eutrophic lake in Sweden. In-situ CH4 ebullition rates were analysed along with sediment TN, TOC, C:N ratio and potential CH4 production rates. Sediment TN could explain CH4 production (R20.39, p-value<0.001), while the degree of explanation of CH4 ebullition rate was low yet significant (R2=0.14, p-value=0.03). However, the combination of fine sediments, together with high loads of aquatic- and terrestrial organic matter and nitrogen are likely spatial factors driving the high CH4 ebullition rates at both inlets in Lake Alsta, Sweden. The CH4 ebullition at its deepest point cannot be distinguished from the ebullition rates at the inlets, and the outlet has a significantly lower CH4 ebullition rate than all other sites. This highlights that the distribution of sediment and the quality of organic matter (i.e., C:N ratio) within the lake affects CH4 ebullition. In addition, including littoral vegetation into CH4 ebullition models and analysing sediment redox potentials might further give explanation to spatial differences.
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Phthalates and non-phthalates plasticizers disrupt lipid metabolismSaad, Noha January 2021 (has links)
Plasticizers are synthetic organic chemicals that are used in different products to make them flexible, elastic, and durable. Plasticizers are not attached to the products by covalent bonds, as a result, they leach out from the products leading to environmental contamination. The most widely used plasticizer, Di-(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate (DEHP), have been restricted from general use in the EU, Canada, and the USA due to their reported toxicity. The alternative plasticizer, Di-(isononyl) cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate (DINCH), was introduced to the European market as a safer alternative for endocrine-disrupting phthalates such as DEHP, and diisononyl phthalate (DINP). According to the current toxicological data, DINCH is neither an endocrine disruptor and nor a reproductive toxicant. Thus, DINCH was approved for use in food contact containers, and in children’s toys. The increase in global demand for alternative plasticizers led to their buildup in the environment and an increase in DINCH exposure. The lack of toxicity data and safety assessment of DINCH has raised the concern to human and animal health. Due to the similar structure of DEHP, DINP, and DINCH, we suggest that DINCH can be classified as a metabolic disruptor that alters fat metabolism and induces adipogenesis. In this study, we investigated the negatives effects of DINCH (at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 10 μM) compared it to phthalates DINP, DEHP, Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and Diethyl phthalate (DEP) at the early developmental stages of zebrafish. We further analyzed DINCH and DINP using the mouse preadipocyte cells 3T3L1. We found that DINCH and DEHP caused hatching delay in a dose-dependent manner. Behavioral analysis of larvae demonstrated that DEHP, DBP, DEP, and DINCH impair motor activity. The Oil Red O lipid staining showed a slight lipid accumulation in larval zebrafish at different DINP and DINCH concentrations. To further confirm the findings, qPCR was performed to analyze lipid metabolism genes. DINCH and DINP altered lipid metabolism genes including, fasn, srebp, pparg etc. The oxidative stress state imposed by DINCH exposure was shown by a slight increase in superoxide dismutase enzymatic activity and the alteration on stress-related genes. In 3T3L1 cells, 10 and 100 μM of DINCH and DINP exposure induced lipid droplets formation like that induced by 100 nM rosiglitazone. Genes associated with lipid metabolism and lipid transport were altered by DINCH and DINP. These results indicate that DINCH exposure could induce physiological and metabolic toxicity. The data presented in this thesis could provide crucial information for further toxicological assessment.
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