Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biotope"" "subject:"idiotope""
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Grönska som sköld mot klimatförändringar : En framställd grundläggande grönytefaktor-modell för att stärka städers resiliensBergh, Linnea, Bergkvist, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Denna rapport tar avstamp i forskning om resiliens och ekosystemtjänster. Vidare syftar studien till att framställa en grundläggande grönytefaktor-modell för att främja resiliens genom att undersöka vilka grönytefaktorer som ska finnas med. För att besvara frågeställningen: Vilka grönytefaktorer ska finnas med i den grundläggande modellen för att främja högre resiliens i staden?tillämpas de kvalitativa metoderna innehållsanalys och fokusgrupp. Innehållsanalysen innefattar en tematisk analys över Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmös befintliga grönytefaktor-modeller och fokusgruppen består av tjänstemän från Norrköpings kommun. Det empiriska materialet kopplas till det teoretiska ramverket om resiliens och mynnar ut i en framställd grundläggande grönytefaktor-modell som utgår från de tre perspektiven: sociala värden, biologisk mångfald och klimatanpassning. De grönytefaktorer som resultatet av rapporten visat bidrar till högre resiliens och som integrerats i den framtagna grundläggande modellen är: genomsläppliga ytor, gröna markytor, träd, nya träd, bevarade träd, buskar, gröna tak, gröna väggar, dammar, vattendrag och diversitet i grönska. / This report aims to examine what a fundamental biotope area factor (BAF) should contain to support resilience in urban areas based on scientifical studies on resilience and ecosystem services. To be able to address this issue the qualitative methods content analysis and focus group have been used. The content analysis consists of three existing municipal BAF-models from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The result of the focus group is based on the experience and knowledge of five officials at the municipality of Norrköping planning office. This study’s empirical material is linked to the theoretical framework of resilience and is the foundation for the BAF-model in the report which is based on the three perspectives: social values, biodiversity and climatization. The factors that this report has found increase resilience in urban areas are: permeable areas, green ground areas, trees, new trees, preserved trees, shrubbery, green roofs and walls, ponds, water courses and diversity in greenery.
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Revitalizace areálu Filmových ateliérů Zlín / Revitalization of Film studios in ZlínRašovská, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis addresses the new use of film studios in the city of Zlin – Kudlov. Solved territory is located about 2.5 km southeast of Zlin. The aim of the design was to create a functioning unit, which combines several functions, both existing and proposed. The resort is located on one of the highest points in the area with beautiful views of the surrounding area. In the area of film studios is therefore proposed tower, which is inspired by the film strip and dominates the area. Film studios are also associated with the emergence of the Zlin Film Festival. There is therefore designed pedestrian zone with squares for cultural events and exhibitions related to film themes. The proposal seeks to create a living organism that would be returned to the film studios lost life.
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Methodical basis for landscape structure analysis and monitoring: inclusion of ecotones and small landscape elementsHou, Wei 11 September 2014 (has links)
Habitat variation is considered as an expression of biodiversity at landscape level in addition to genetic variation and species variation. Thus, effective methods for measuring habitat pattern at landscape level can be used to evaluate the status of biological conservation. However, the commonly used model (i.e. patch-corridor-matrix) for spatial pattern analysis has deficiencies. This model assumes discrete structures within the landscape without explicit consideration of “transitional zones” or “gradients” between patches. The transitional zones, often called “ecotones”, are dynamic and have a profound influence on adjacent ecosystems. Besides, this model takes landscape as a flat surface without consideration of the third spatial dimension (elevation). This will underestimate the patches’ size and perimeter as well as distances between patches especially in mountainous regions. Thus, the mosaic model needs to be adapted for more realistic and more precise representation of habitat pattern regarding to biodiversity assessment. Another part of information that has often been ignored is “small biotopes” inside patches (e.g. hedgerows, tree rows, copse, and scattered trees), which leads to within-patch heterogeneity being underestimated.
The present work originates from the integration of the third spatial dimension in land-cover classification and landscape structure analysis. From the aspect of data processing, an integrated approach of Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) and Pixel-Based Image Analysis (PBIA) is developed and applied on multi-source data set (RapidEye images and Lidar data). At first, a general OBIA procedure is developed according to spectral object features based on RapidEye images for producing land-cover maps. Then, based on the classified maps, pixel-based algorithms are designed for detection of the small biotopes and ecotones using a Normalized Digital Surface Model (NDSM) which is derived from Lidar data. For describing habitat pattern under three-dimensional condition, several 3D-metrics (measuring e.g. landscape diversity, fragmentation/connectivity, and contrast) are proposed with spatial consideration of the ecological functions of small biotopes and ecotones.
The proposed methodology is applied in two real-world examples in Germany and China. The results are twofold. First, it shows that the integrated approach of object-based and pixel-based image processing is effective for land-cover classification on different spatial scales. The overall classification accuracies of the main land-cover maps are 92 % in the German test site and 87 % in the Chinese test site. The developed Red Edge Vegetation Index (REVI) which is calculated from RapidEye images has been proved more efficient than the traditionally used Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI) for vegetation classification, especially for the extraction of the forest mask. Using NDSM data, the third dimension is helpful for the identification of small biotopes and height gradient on forest boundary. The pixel-based algorithm so-called “buffering and shrinking” is developed for the detection of tree rows and ecotones on forest/field boundary. As a result the accuracy of detecting small biotopes is 80 % and four different types of ecotones are detected in the test site.
Second, applications of 3D-metrics in two varied test sites show the frequently-used landscape diversity indices (i.e. Shannon’s diversity (SHDI) and Simpson’s diversity (SIDI)) are not sufficient for describing the habitats diversity, as they quantify only the habitats composition without consideration on habitats spatial distribution. The modified 3D-version of Effective Mesh Size (MESH) that takes ecotones into account leads to a realistic quantification of habitat fragmentation. In addition, two elevation-based contrast indices (i.e. Area-Weighted Edge Contrast (AWEC) and Total Edge Contrast Index (TECI)) are used as supplement to fragmentation metrics. Both ecotones and small biotopes are incorporated into the contrast metrics to take into account their edge effect in habitat pattern. This can be considered as a further step after fragmentation analysis with additional consideration of the edge permeability in the landscape structure analysis.
Furthermore, a vector-based algorithm called “multi-buffer” approach is suggested for analyzing ecological networks based on land-cover maps. It considers small biotopes as stepping stones to establish connections between patches. Then, corresponding metrics (e.g. Effective Connected Mesh Size (ECMS)) are proposed based on the ecological networks. The network analysis shows the response of habitat connectivity to different dispersal distances in a simple way. Those connections through stepping stones act as ecological indicators of the “health” of the system, indicating the interpatch communications among habitats.
In summary, it can be stated that habitat diversity is an essential level of biodiversity and methods for quantifying habitat pattern need to be improved and adapted to meet the demands for landscape monitoring and biodiversity conservation. The approaches presented in this work serve as possible methodical solution for fine-scale landscape structure analysis and function as “stepping stones” for further methodical developments to gain more insights into the habitat pattern. / Die Lebensraumvielfalt ist neben der genetischen Vielfalt und der Artenvielfalt eine wesentliche Ebene der Biodiversität. Da diese Ebenen miteinander verknüpft sind, können Methoden zur Messung der Muster von Lebensräumen auf Landschaftsebene erfolgreich angewandt werden, um den Zustand der Biodiversität zu bewerten. Das zur räumlichen Musteranalyse auf Landschaftsebene häufig verwendete Patch-Korridor-Matrix-Modell weist allerdings einige Defizite auf. Dieses Modell geht von diskreten Strukturen in der Landschaft aus, ohne explizite Berücksichtigung von „Übergangszonen“ oder „Gradienten“ zwischen den einzelnen Landschaftselementen („Patches“). Diese Übergangszonen, welche auch als „Ökotone“ bezeichnet werden, sind dynamisch und haben einen starken Einfluss auf benachbarte Ökosysteme.
Außerdem wird die Landschaft in diesem Modell als ebene Fläche ohne Berücksichtigung der dritten räumlichen Dimension (Höhe) betrachtet. Das führt dazu, dass die Flächengrößen und Umfänge der Patches sowie Distanzen zwischen den Patches besonders in reliefreichen Regionen unterschätzt werden. Daher muss das Patch-Korridor-Matrix-Modell für eine realistische und präzise Darstellung der Lebensraummuster für die Bewertung der biologischen Vielfalt angepasst werden. Ein weiterer Teil der Informationen, die häufig in Untersuchungen ignoriert werden, sind „Kleinbiotope“ innerhalb größerer Patches (z. B. Feldhecken, Baumreihen, Feldgehölze oder Einzelbäume). Dadurch wird die Heterogenität innerhalb von Patches unterschätzt.
Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf der Integration der dritten räumlichen Dimension in die Landbedeckungsklassifikation und die Landschaftsstrukturanalyse. Mit Methoden der räumlichen Datenverarbeitung wurde ein integrierter Ansatz von objektbasierter Bildanalyse (OBIA) und pixelbasierter Bildanalyse (PBIA) entwickelt und auf einen Datensatz aus verschiedenen Quellen (RapidEye-Satellitenbilder und Lidar-Daten) angewendet. Dazu wird zunächst ein OBIA-Verfahren für die Ableitung von Hauptlandbedeckungsklassen entsprechend spektraler Objekteigenschaften basierend auf RapidEye-Bilddaten angewandt. Anschließend wurde basierend auf den klassifizierten Karten, ein pixelbasierter Algorithmus für die Erkennung von kleinen Biotopen und Ökotonen mit Hilfe eines normalisierten digitalen Oberflächenmodells (NDSM), welches das aus LIDAR-Daten abgeleitet wurde, entwickelt. Zur Beschreibung der dreidimensionalen Charakteristika der Lebensraummuster unter der räumlichen Betrachtung der ökologischen Funktionen von kleinen Biotopen und Ökotonen, werden mehrere 3D-Maße (z. B. Maße zur landschaftlichen Vielfalt, zur Fragmentierung bzw. Konnektivität und zum Kontrast) vorgeschlagen.
Die vorgeschlagene Methodik wird an zwei realen Beispielen in Deutschland und China angewandt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zweierlei. Erstens zeigt es sich, dass der integrierte Ansatz der objektbasierten und pixelbasierten Bildverarbeitung effektiv für die Landbedeckungsklassifikation auf unterschiedlichen räumlichen Skalen ist. Die Klassifikationsgüte insgesamt für die Hauptlandbedeckungstypen beträgt 92 % im deutschen und 87 % im chinesischen Testgebiet. Der eigens entwickelte Red Edge-Vegetationsindex (REVI), der sich aus RapidEye-Bilddaten berechnen lässt, erwies sich für die Vegetationsklassifizierung als effizienter verglichen mit dem traditionell verwendeten Normalized Differenced Vegetation Index (NDVI), insbesondere für die Gewinnung der Waldmaske. Im Rahmen der Verwendung von NDSM-Daten erwies sich die dritte Dimension als hilfreich für die Identifizierung von kleinen Biotopen und dem Höhengradienten, beispielsweise an der Wald/Feld-Grenze. Für den Nachweis von Baumreihen und Ökotonen an der Wald/Feld-Grenze wurde der sogenannte pixelbasierte Algorithmus „Pufferung und Schrumpfung“ entwickelt.
Im Ergebnis konnten kleine Biotope mit einer Genauigkeit von 80 % und vier verschiedene Ökotontypen im Testgebiet detektiert werden. Zweitens zeigen die Ergebnisse der Anwendung der 3D-Maße in den zwei unterschiedlichen Testgebieten, dass die häufig genutzten Landschaftsstrukturmaße Shannon-Diversität (SHDI) und Simpson-Diversität (SIDI) nicht ausreichend für die Beschreibung der Lebensraumvielfalt sind. Sie quantifizieren lediglich die Zusammensetzung der Lebensräume, ohne Berücksichtigung der räumlichen Verteilung und Anordnung. Eine modifizierte 3D-Version der Effektiven Maschenweite (MESH), welche die Ökotone integriert, führt zu einer realistischen Quantifizierung der Fragmentierung von Lebensräumen. Darüber hinaus wurden zwei höhenbasierte Kontrastindizes, der flächengewichtete Kantenkontrast (AWEC) und der Gesamt-Kantenkontrast Index (TECI), als Ergänzung der Fragmentierungsmaße entwickelt. Sowohl Ökotone als auch Kleinbiotope wurden in den Berechnungen der Kontrastmaße integriert, um deren Randeffekte im Lebensraummuster zu berücksichtigen. Damit kann als ein weiterer Schritt nach der Fragmentierungsanalyse die Randdurchlässigkeit zusätzlich in die Landschaftsstrukturanalyse einbezogen werden.
Außerdem wird ein vektorbasierter Algorithmus namens „Multi-Puffer“-Ansatz für die Analyse von ökologischen Netzwerken auf Basis von Landbedeckungskarten vorgeschlagen. Er berücksichtigt Kleinbiotope als Trittsteine, um Verbindungen zwischen Patches herzustellen. Weiterhin werden entsprechende Maße, z. B. die Effective Connected Mesh Size (ECMS), für die Analyse der ökologischen Netzwerke vorgeschlagen. Diese zeigen die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher angenommener Ausbreitungsdistanzen von Organismen bei der Ableitung von Biotopverbundnetzen in einfacher Weise. Diese Verbindungen zwischen Lebensräumen über Trittsteine hinweg dienen als ökologische Indikatoren für den „gesunden Zustand“ des Systems und zeigen die gegenseitigen Verbindungen zwischen den Lebensräumen.
Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass die Vielfalt der Lebensräume eine wesentliche Ebene der Biodiversität ist. Die Methoden zur Quantifizierung der Lebensraummuster müssen verbessert und angepasst werden, um den Anforderungen an ein Landschaftsmonitoring und die Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt gerecht zu werden. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ansätze dienen als mögliche methodische Lösung für eine feinteilige Landschaftsstrukturanalyse und fungieren als ein „Trittsteine” auf dem Weg zu weiteren methodischen Entwicklungen für einen tieferen Einblick in die Muster von Lebensräumen.
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The subject of this thesis is to design complex of natural swimming pool. The aim is to create a space where people feel comfortable and safe. There are four buildings designed, entrance building with a ticket office, cloakrooms, refreshments and wellness. The area has several playgrounds and sandbox. The terrain is contoured and planted with vegetation.
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Stavba v krajině - Winery / Architecture in landscape - WinerySáčková, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to design an object situated on South Moravia nearby the Nove Mlyny dam with the view at the Palava Hills. The house is designed as extremely environmental friendly and energy saving in „A“ category according to the SEN-scale of building energy demand. Water purification and water management are part sof the ecological koncept. The primary target of the building is a wine production. It concerns grapes stemming, pressing, fermentation, aging, bottling and bottle stocking. One integral part of the building is an accomodation for 44-60 guests, who have the degustation room, restaurant and natural pool at hand. One last part is the CHKO Pálava information centre where i tis available to get information, internet access, or to use the library or lecture hall.
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Urbanisticko architektonická studie městského nízkopodlažního bydlení / Urban architectural study of urban low-rise housingKrůpa, Miloslav January 2018 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is to propose urban efficient comfortable living in a quiet natural environment between the original settlement of Líšeň and the panel housing estate from the 1980s. The design of the new residential complex will be in line with the current trends and needs of healthy living. The land lot which the buildings will be constructed on has a trapezoidal shape with a longer side in the west-east direction, narrowing and sloping towards the east. The elevation is about 22 m to 330 m of the length of the land lot. An important feature of Líšeň is the "chapel" (Chapel of Virgin Mary the Helpful) on the opposite eastern hill. The aim of the urban study was to create a smooth transition between the old part of Líšeň (so called "Stará Líšeň") and the new part of Líšeň (so called "Nová Líšeň”), with an emphasis on environmental and social aspects. The territory is divided by compositional and a viewing axes, which are meeting in the social space, formed by the social center with a dominant open space and covered facilities in an adjacent building located in its highest western part. In front of this building, there is a small square followed by the central area with a residence lawn, a public grill and a playground for children. This part finishes in the east with a new water surface in the form of a bathing biotope, which is bridged by two footbridges following the compositional axes. The west side of the stairs between the footbridges continues in a landing stage. Selected combination of low-floor apartment houses and low-floor family houses elevates in height and volume from the eastern and southern boundaries of the territory towards its northwest corner. Along the western border of Novolíšeňská street, a barrier house is designed and it performs also a function of an optical dividing line from the existing panel houses. Emphasis was also put on the minimum of traffic areas. The main routes are designed as one-way roads so as to simplify the orientation in the area. Parking areas are preferably designed as covered and subterranean parking. The main priorities were the greatest extend of greenery (in the form of growing plants and green roofs) on the one hand, and the utmost preservation of a non-built-up area. The result of this study is a low-rise housing in the greenery area with the open views from the buildings to their surroundings, a generous amount of sunshine in living rooms, and an extensive social life for its inhabitants and for inhabitants of surrounded areas. Energetic efficiency was also taken into account while designing the houses. Objects are designed as simple block-shaped blocks with a rectangular or square ground plan. Residential buildings usually have a common or conjoined underground floor. The object of the barrier house has a linear character and roughly copies the western border of the territory. Its parterre is regularly interrupted in four places by passages which serve as a connection with the Novolíšeňská service road. Wood and stone were chosen as materials because of their natural character. Family houses at the southern border are terraced (in groups of 2 x 4 and 1 x 5) and intended as passive houses. Separate family houses around the water area are accessible only by foot, as no car-traffic around the water surface is allowed (however, the arrival of vehicles is possible on a walkway with a width of 3.0 m). These houses are considered as low-energy houses.
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Identifikace retenčních objemů na území města Brna / Identification of retention volumes in BrnoMan, Radim Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to assess whether it is possible to use a newly planned transverse structures as a polder dam in the area of interest and to connect other flood protection elements. Furthermore, to design and dimension inflow and outflow objects to reduce the flow in the Svratka river as effectively as possible during the culmination of the flood. The last part of the work is devoted to the evaluation of the economic efficiency of the implemented measures. Part of the work are hydrotechnical calculations of the inlet and outlet object, which are performed using the program HEC-RAS and technical drawings of buildings.
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Revitalizace a obnova městysu Velké Němčice / Revitalization and Renewal of the Town of Velké NěmčiceTrlicová, Martina Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of a new sports and recreational complex in Velké Němčice. The goal is to create a leisure area with a suitable layout, attractive appearance and a wide range of possible activities to be done here. All of these matters would help to improve the public space of the township for its inhabitants and increase the attractiveness of the place for visitors. The thesis looks for suitable functional content for the area, presents proposals for newly built elements and gives an overall proposal for a new sports and recreational complex, which has to deal with the preservation of several existing objects. The individual diploma thesis was preceded by an collectively prepared project dealing with general analysis of Velké Němčice. The strategic plan for development of the township was created as an output of this project. Several goals were set out in the strategic plan. If these goals were fulfilled, it would help to restore and revitalize unsuitable public spaces, to find better use for buildings and to improve the overall image of Velké Němčice. The project did not bring a specific solution to individual problems, but inspired solutions and new perspectives on the issue were presented here. One of these ideas of the strategic plan considered the possibility of creating a new sports and recreational complex. At this point the individual diploma thesis follows up on the project. The thesis deals with the preparation of an urban-architectural study of the defined area and the creation of a new sports and recreational complex. The solved area is logical and functional divided into individual zones with mutual interconnection of these zones and the creation of a new comprehensive public space serving for various activities. In addition to these urban tasks, the thesis also touches on the architectural design of newly designed buildings.
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Räumlich-zeitliche Auswirkungen der Landnuzung auf die Diversität von Bienen und Wespen. / Spatiotemporally-mediated effects of land use on the biodiversity of cavity-nesting Hymenoptera in coastal EcuadorTylianakis, Jason 19 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Bedeutung der Epiphyten im ökosystemaren Wasser- und Nährstoffumsatz verschiedener Altersstadien eines Bergregenwaldes in Costa Rica / The significance of epiphytes to water and nutrient fluxes in different successional stages of a montane rainforest in Costa RicaKöhler, Lars 31 October 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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