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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pítko pro ptáky / Drinking place for bird

PECHOVÁ, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
I follow up a large topic in the thesis: a bird. A bird that is living in wildlife. A bird that is appearing in the Protected Area of Třeboňsko. A bird, as a fiery Fénix. A bird that is appearing in a picture of Vincent van Gogh. I have tried to explain historical perceiving of birds in the beginning of the thesis. I have concentrated on birds in general in a second half of the thesis, I have described what kinds of birds return to the Czech Republic after winter and which ones spend winter here. Because my drinking place for birds is placed to our garden that is in the Protected Area of Třeboňsko I have concentrated on other characteristic of this area and of garden biotope. Then I have solved important conditions that the ideal drinking place for birds must meet. In the other half of the thesis, I have devoted to mythic animals inspired by birds and art where birds are holders of a hidden symbol. After that I have made a drinking place for birds from ceramic that is corresponding with all important conditions and I have placed it to exterior. I have chosen our garden.

Floristický průzkum Studenského a Lipnického potoka u Studené (Javořická vrchovina) / Floristic research of the Studenský creek and Lipnický creek basin at Studená (Javořická highlands)

HARTMANNOVÁ, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the floristic research of the catchments of the Studenský brook and the upper reaches of the Lipnický brook. It is focused on natural biotopes, primarily on the wetland habitats. The aim is the characteristic of the biotopes, the complete list of higher plant species and the occurrence of protected, endangered and otherwise important plant species.

Konsekvenser för privata skogsägare vid registrerad nyckelbiotop : Ekonomiska och äganderättsliga aspekter / Consequenses for private forest owners at registered key biotope : An economic and ownership perspective

Karlsson, Lovisa, Persson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Skogsstyrelsens inventering och registrering av nyckelbiotoper är ett högaktuellt ämne som berör många skogsägare över hela landet. En nyckelbiotop är ett område med mycket höga naturvärden där det kan förväntas förekomma rödlistade arter och som därmed är viktiga att bevara. Nyckelbiotoper saknar idag ett formellt skydd vilket skiljer sig från de områden som enligt svensk lagstiftning är formellt skyddade med berättigad ersättning. För att uppnå ett av regeringens miljökvalitetsmål har Skogsstyrelsen tilldelats ökade resurser för att genomföra en nationell inventering och registrera dessa nyckelbiotoper. Registrering av nyckelbiotoper kan medföra ekonomiska konsekvenser samt en upplevd inverkan på äganderätten för den privata skogsägaren. Denna uppsats behandlar de konsekvenser som kan uppstå för skogsägare när en nyckelbiotop registreras ur ett ekonomiskt och äganderättsligt perspektiv. Dagens moderna skogsbruksmetoder har inverkan på möjligheten att bevara områden med höga naturvärden vilket tidigare gjord forskning belyser. Syftet med denna uppsats är att vidga förståelsen om de privata skogsägarnas uppskattade värde av en nyckelbiotops område och därmed underlätta vid värdering, överlåtelse och fastighetsbildning. På längre sikt är målet att förståelsen kan leda till en hållbar utveckling av den biologiska mångfalden. För att utreda och besvara ämnet har metoder i form av enkätutskick till privata skogsägare samt intervjuer med sakkunniga på marknaden tillämpats. Resultatet visar att privata skogsägare upplever äganderättsliga och ekonomiska konsekvenser när ett område registreras som nyckelbiotop. Många anser att äganderätten påverkas oavsett i vilken omfattning det upplevda intrånget är samt att ersättning bör utgå för detta. / The Swedish Forest Agency’s inventory and registration of “nyckelbiotoper”, key biotopes, is a current topic which affects many forest owners in Sweden. A key biotope is an area which has been identified for having a very high natural valuation in endangered and at-risk species, it also has the required habitat for regenerating endangered species and is therefore important to protect. Key biotopes are missing formal protection that differs from other areas which are already protected by Swedish law with legitimate compensation for land owners. The identification and registration of key biotopes can cause economic consequences as well as having a perceived effect on the forest owner’s ownership. To reach one of the Swedish governments environmental quality objectives, the Swedish Forest Agency has been assigned increased resources to undertake and operate a new national inventory and registration of these key biotopes. This essay discusses the consequences that can emerge for forest owners when a key biotope is registered from an economic and ownership perspective. Modern-day forestry methods have an impact on the ability to protect areas with high natural importance which former research already illustrates. The purpose of this essay is to broaden the understanding about private forest owners appreciated value of key biotope areas and in turn simplify the valuation, conveyance and land parcelling of these areas. The long-term ambition of this work is to build knowledge which will result in the sustainable development of biodiversity across Sweden. To investigate and answer the subject, a methodical approach in the shape of a survey directed to private forest owners and interviews with experts in the field have been used. The results show that private forest owners experience consequences on ownership and economical value when an area is registered as a key biotope. Most find that their ownership is affected no matter the size of the felt infringement and that compensation should be paid out for this.

Análise dos biótopos da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Águas Espraiadas-São Paulo - SP / Analysis of the Biotopes in hidrographic basins from the stream Águas Espraiadas

Lucilia Blanes 17 August 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo discutir a importância da preservação ambiental em áreas urbanas. Nesse sentido, procedeu-se o estudo da impermeabilização de lotes urbanos inseridos em biótopos(unidades de paisagem) encontrados na bacia hidrográfica do córrego Águas Espraiadas, que se apresenta totalmente urbanizada. Realizou-se uma ampla caracterização ambiental e histórica da área estudada por meio da análise de lotes amostrais. Utilizou-se nesse trabalho o fator BAF (Fator de Biótopo de Área), cálculo utilizado no planejamento de áreas urbanizadas na cidade de Berlim (Alemanha). Este trabalho pretende oferecer subsídios para ações que levem à preservação de ambientes urbanos e uma melhor qualidade de vida urbana. / This work shows the importance of environmental preservation in urban areas. In this way, was developed the study of waterproofing of lots inserted in biotopes (units of landscape) found in the hydrographic basin of the Stream of Águas Espraiadas, which today is totally urbanized. A historical and ambiental characterization of the studied area was developed, through the analysis of variables of several lots. We use in this work a factor called BAF (Biotope Area Factor), calculation very used in the planning of Berlin city. This work intends to offer subsidies for the promotion of environmental preservation and for the best quality of urban life.

A aplicação do indicador de sustentabilidade BAF no mapeamento de geótopos urbanos: um experimento para a bacia hidrográfica do córrego Água Espraiada - São Paulo-SP / The use of the sustainability indicator BAF to mapping the urban geotopes: an experiment to the drainage basin Aguas Espraiada - São Paulo-SP

Lucilia Blanes 29 February 2012 (has links)
O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi o de utilizar um indicador de sustentabilidade conhecido como BAF (Fator Biótopo de Área) no mapeamento de geótopos urbanos da bacia hidrográfica do Córrego Água Espraiada, (Estado de São Paulo SP capital - Brasil), em dois momentos históricos, 1958 e 2011. As unidades da paisagem estudadas enquadraram-se nos níveis de paisagem proposta por Bertrand. A partir dessa classificação realizou-se o mapeamento dos geótopos, e utilizando o BAF fez-se a análise dos coeficientes de impermeabilização das superfícies que cobrem as áreas estudadas. Utilizando essa metodologia é possível a identificação de geótopos incompatíveis à sustentabilidade e assim propor solucões. Essa abordagem pode ser utilizada como ferramenta para um melhor planejamento urbano brasileiro aliado a qualidade ambiental. / The main objective of this thesis it was to evaluate the use of the sustainability indicator named \"BAF\" (Biotope Area Factor) to mapping urban geotopes present in the drainage basin \"Aguas Espraiada\" (São Paulo-SP-Brazil) in two historical moments, 1958 and 2011. The landscape units studied were classified as geotopes as proposed by Bertrand. Considering this classification we mapped the geotopes, and using BAF we did the analysis of the surface waterproofing coefficients that covers the studied area. Using this methodology it is possible to identify the geotopes incompatible with sustainability and propose clever solutions. This approach can be used as a tool for a better Brazilian urban planning associated with environmental quality.

Mapeamento da biótopos: instrumento para o fomento da qualidade ambiental / Biotopes mapping: instrument for promotion of ambient quality

Marcos Antônio de Melo 10 December 2009 (has links)
O mapeamento de biótopos pode ser considerado como uma ação prática do planejamento da paisagem. O método surgiu para conduzir a análise e o entendimento das características estruturais e funcionais da paisagem, demonstrando identidades ecológicas entre porções territoriais mediante o estudo/diagnóstico dos componentes biofísicos, antrópicos e das inter-relações existentes. Além do estabelecimento de indicativos, qualitativos e quantitativos que denotem e mensurem parâmetros de qualidade ambiental. Destarte, a realização deste mapeamento visa o estabelecimento de bases para o planejamento territorial, tendo a mensuração da qualidade ambiental como elemento primordial para sua efetivação, justificando assim, a aplicabilidade da referida metodologia, inspirada em experiências européias, onde tais mapeamentos são realizados em escalas de detalhe. O referencial teórico adotado parte de uma abordagem geossistêmica, onde a paisagem pode ser representada por um conjunto de biótopos, denotando a integração de variáveis naturais e antrópicas, configuradas em unidades homogêneas. Os procedimentos teóricos e operacionais atendem a variadas etapas, constituídas em trabalhos de levantamentos de campo, sistematização de dados, caracterização e mapeamentos. Os resultados obtidos, segundo preceitos teóricos, metodológicos e procedimentos propostos, foram organizados em forma de dados alfanuméricos e espaciais, inseridos em banco de dados com interfaces com SIGs. Assim, foram geradas cartas temáticas em escalas de detalhe (1:10000) cartografando e correlacionando as informações produzidas, traduzidas em parâmetros de qualidade ambiental, com destaque para a cobertura vegetal. / Mapping biotopes can be considering an action of the Landscape Planning in order to guide the analysis and understanding of the structural and functional characteristics of the landscape. As a method, Biotope Mapping demonstrates ecological identities among territorial parts through studies/diagnoses of biophysics and humans components, and their relationships. Moreover it measures and establishes quality and quantitative indexes which demonstrated parameters of Environmental Quality. This paper intended apply the Biotope Mapping methodology in order to establish bases to a territorial planning, considering the Environmental Quality as a primordial element to effective it as well and to justify the methodology application was inspired in Europeans experiences that Biotope Mapping is made in scale of details. The bibliographic references came from a geosystemic approach and intended to make up natural and human variables in homogeny units. The adopted theorical and operational procedures were organized in steps which were preliminary and field works, data systematization, characterization and mappings. According all of theorical and methodological precepts and practical procedures proposals, the obtained results were organized in alphanumerical and spatial information. They were inputted in a database with GISs interface, and in a scale of details (1:10000) the thematic charts were created in order to cartographing this created information, measure and Environmental Quality indexes, with eminence for cover vegetable.

Kartieranleitung: Aktualisierung der Biotopkartierung in Sachsen

Buder, Wolfgang, Uhlemann, Susanne, Gahsche, Jan 26 July 2011 (has links)
Die Veröffentlichung gibt eine Übersicht über die aktuelle Gefährdungssituation und die Gefährdungsursachen der in Sachsen vorkommenden Biotoptypen. Sie dokumentiert den fortschreitenden Verlust und die Verschlechterung der Qualität von Lebensräumen.

Auswertung der Biotoptypen- und Landnutzungskartierung

Tröger, Martina 14 February 2013 (has links)
Der Bericht gibt durch eine Vielzahl von Auswertungskarten auf Basis der aktuellen Biotoptypen- und Landnutzungskartierung (BTLNK 2005) einen Überblick über die im Luftbild erkennbare Naturausstattung und Landnutzung in Sachsen. Daneben enthält er wesentliche Hinweise zu einem fachlich sinnvollen Einsatz der BTLNK 2005 und ist damit zusammen mit der Kartieranleitung eine wichtige Informationsquelle für alle Nutzer dieses Kartenwerkes. Die BTLNK 2005 ist eine flächendeckende, digitale Karte der im Luftbild erkennbaren Biotoptypen und Landnutzung. Sie wurde durch die Auswertung von Luftbildern (hochgenaue digitale Colorinfrarot-Orthophotos) aus dem Jahre 2005 erzeugt und wird durch das LfULG zur Verfügung gestellt.

Utveckling av biotopdatabas och tillämpning av landskapsekologisk analys i Huddinge kommun

Bovin, Mattias January 2014 (has links)
På grund av ökad urbanisering och exploatering av grönområden i stadsnära miljöer fragmenteras och reduceras arters habitat vilket bland annat ligger till grund för den globalt minskade biologiska mångfalden. För att stärka och förbättra arters möjlighet till spridning i landskapet, och därmed säkra en hög biologisk mångfald, efterfrågas insamling av data och utveckling av nya metoder för att identifiera ekologiska kärnområden och för att analysera habitatnätverk. Syftet med den här studien är därför att 1) kartera och sammanställa biotoper i en biotopdatabas utifrån tolkning av infraröda flygbilder med digital stereofotogrammetri, 2) undersöka olika metoder att samla in data med hjälp av laser- och höjddata, och 3) att tillämpa landskapsekologisk analys på underlag i biotopkarteringen. Resultatet validerar att tolkning av infraröda flygbilder med digital stereofotogrammetri är en utmärkt källa för att kartera biotoper som medför en tolkningsnoggrannhet på 86 %. Valideringen av kateringen genomfördes med fältkontroller som utvärderades i felmatriser. En metod har även undersökts baserat på tidigare studier för att uppskatta busk- och krontäckning med hjälp av laserdata, men eftersom det saknas validering av resultatet bör den användas som en indikator för att visuellt uppskatta busk- och krontäckning i dagsläget. Fortsättningsvis har ett topografiskt fuktighetsindex (TWI) tillämpats med hjälp av höjddata för att uppskatta fuktighet i vegetationstäckta områden. Eftersom det saknas validering och tröskelvärden för att avgöra hur TWI ska klassificera olika fuktighetsgradienter, bör verktyget endast användas som en indikator för att visuellt uppskatta fuktighet tillsammans med tolkning av infraröda flygbilder. Om metoderna valideras med fältmätningar kan de bidra med att förbättra kvaliteten och tidseffektivisera kartering av biotoper. Biotopkarteringen fungerar som ett bra underlag vid tillämpning av landskapsekologisk analys. Med hjälp av MatrixGreen var det möjligt att modellera potentiella habitatnätverk för två olika arter inom studieområdet. På grund av en del problem med modelleringen i MatrixGreen bör resultaten beaktas med ett kritiskt angreppssätt, men kan eventuellt användas som ett underlag för framtida artinventeringar. / Due to urbanisation and exploitation of green areas in cities during the last decades, the rate of habitat fragmentation has increased, resulting in a decline in the global biodiversity. In order to strengthen the possibilities of species migration, and to secure a high biodiversity, there is an increasing demand in the collection of data and in the exploration of methods to identify ecological core areas and to analyse habitat networks at a landscape level. Therefore, this study aims to 1) map and organise biotopes in a biotope database using interpretation of colour infrared aerial photos in digital stereophotogrammetry, 2) to explore different methods using laser and elevation data in order to improve the collection of ecologically important attributes, and 3) to apply landscape ecological analysis on the collected biotope data. The results validate interpretation of colour infrared aerial photos with digital stereophotogrammetry as a key source in mapping biotopes with an overall accuracy of 86 %. A method to estimate bush and crown cover has been explored based on previous studies using laser data. It has however not been validated in this study and should therefore be used as an indicator and as support for visual estimation of bush and crown coverage using CIR aerial photo interpretation. Furthermore, a topographic wetness index (TWI) was applied using elevation data in order to estimate moisture regimes in vegetated areas. It should also be used as an indicator due to lack of verification and limitations of arranging TWI values in relation to different moisture regimes. However, if these two methods are validated using field collected data for example, they hold significant potential in improving mapping accuracies and mapping rates of different biotopes. Collected biotope data are well suited in the application of landscape ecological analysis. Using MatrixGreen, it was possible to analyse potential habitat networks of two different species within the study area. Due to some problems in the least cost path modeling in MatrixGreen, the results should be carefully assessed, but could probably be used as a background material for future species inventories.

Biotoppflege mit Pferden / Auswirkungen einer ganzjährigen Beweidung mit Exmoor-Ponys (Equus ferus f. caballus) auf halboffene Weidelandschaften am Beispiel Süd-Langeland / Biotope Conservation Through Horses / Effects of a year-round grazing with Exmoor Ponies (Equus ferus f. caballus) in semi-open pasture landscapes using the example of South Langeland, Denmark

Mannstedt, Tonja 17 February 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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