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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies on urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence in the bitch

Gregory, Susan Penelope January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Studies on the control of urinary continence in the bitch

Holt, P. E. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution au traitement de l'incontinence urinaire chez la chienne par soutènement urétral prothétique trans-obturateur/Contribution to the treatment of urinary incontinence in the bitch by trans-obturator prosthetic urethral sling

Claeys, Stéphanie 24 October 2009 (has links)
Lincompétence du sphincter urétral (ISU) est la cause la plus fréquente dincontinence urinaire chez la chienne adulte. Elle affecte typiquement les chiennes stérilisées, dâge moyen et de grande race. Son traitement est initialement médical. La phénylpropanolamine (PPA) est le traitement médical de choix et son taux de succès varie de 85 à 97 % de continence. Des études expérimentales antérieures ont démontré lavantage urodynamique dune administration de PPA une fois par jour par rapport à ladministration 3 fois par jour recommandée habituellement. Aucune étude clinique na cependant été réalisée jusquà présent pour confirmer lefficacité de ce protocole de traitement chez la chienne incontinente. Un traitement chirurgical est recommandé en cas de non réponse ou de réponse partielle au traitement médical, si la chienne devient réfractaire au traitement ou développe des effets secondaires, ou si les propriétaires ne souhaitent pas administrer un médicament à long terme. De nombreuses techniques chirurgicales ont été décrites pour traiter lISU chez la chienne mais aucune à lheure actuelle ne permet de garantir un taux de continence complète élevé et ce, à long terme et avec un faible taux de complications. Le traitement de lincontinence urinaire deffort chez la femme est principalement chirurgical et implique le placement dune bandelette sous-urétrale par voie vaginale. Parmi les techniques décrites, la TVT-O offre un très bon taux de succès et présente très peu de complications postopératoires. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient donc dévaluer lefficacité clinique dun dosage quotidien unique de PPA et dadapter la technique TVT-O à la chienne en passant par une étude préliminaire sur cadavres et chiennes Beagles saines pour ensuite lutiliser chez des chiennes incontinentes atteintes dISU, afin den évaluer les effets cliniques, urodynamiques et morphologiques. Dans la première étude, lefficacité clinique de la PPA administrée une seule fois par jour à un dosage de 1.5 mg/kg a été démontrée. En effet, le suivi à long terme (23.9 mois en moyenne) montre que 8 chiennes sur 9 étaient continentes après traitement. Une chienne na pas répondu à la PPA et a été traitée chirurgicalement. Aucun effet secondaire na été observé chez les animaux traités. Dun point de vue urodynamique, ladministration de PPA augmente significativement les valeurs de pression urétrale maximale de fermeture (MUCP). Ladministration de PPA 2 à 3 fois par jour, telle que recommandée habituellement, nest donc pas utile puisquune administration quotidienne unique, plus pratique et moins coûteuse pour les propriétaires, suffit à maintenir la continence chez 89 % des chiennes traitées. La faisabilité de la technique TVT-O a ensuite été évaluée chez la chienne. La dissection de 12 cadavres de chiennes après mise en place de la bandelette montre que la TVT-O est faisable chez la chienne moyennant certaines adaptations. Une épisiotomie est notamment nécessaire chez la chienne contrairement à la femme. Les résultats montrent que la bandelette est située à une distance raisonnable des structures neuro-vasculaires importantes, y compris les vaisseaux fémoraux et le nerf obturateur, minimisant le risque de les léser. Elle est également localisée de manière constante en arrière du muscle élévateur de lanus, en région périnéale, rendant ainsi le risque de lésion vésicale quasi inexistant. La technique apparaît donc peu risquée et reproductible chez la chienne. Lapplication de la TVT-O chez 2 chiennes Beagles continentes nous a ensuite permis dobserver labsence de complications intra- et postopératoires. Dun point de vue urodynamique, la pression intégrée (aire sous la courbe dUPP représentant la résistance urétrale) est augmentée jusquà 4 mois après lintervention. Les vagino-urétrographies postopératoires montrent un déplacement ventral et un rétrécissement de lurètre distal juste en avant du méat urinaire. Dun point de vue histologique, les tissus entourant la bandelette montrent une réaction fibroblastique modérée accompagnée dune réaction inflammatoire lympho-plasmocytaire légère à modérée. La bandelette semble donc relativement inerte et bien tolérée chez le chien. La tolérance de la bandelette est dune importance majeure puisquune réaction inflammatoire excessive peut induire une érosion vaginale ou urétrale pouvant entraîner une infection. La TVT-O a ensuite été réalisée sur 8 chiennes incontinentes atteintes dISU. Après un suivi de 2 semaines à 12 mois (moyenne, 7.3 mois), 7 des 8 chiennes sont continentes. Une chienne a récidivé 2 mois après la chirurgie et a été traitée à la PPA. Dun point de vue urodynamique, MUCP et la pression intégrée sont augmentées significativement après lintervention. Laugmentation de pression se situe principalement au niveau de lurètre moyen. Il apparaît donc que la localisation du pic de pression urétrale postopératoire ne correspond pas à la localisation anatomique de la bandelette. Les vagino-urétrographies, pour la plupart non remarquables, montrent que la bandelette ne modifie pas la position du col vésical puisque les vessies en position pelvienne en préopératoire le restent en postopératoire. Une complication intra-opératoire sest produite chez une chienne chez qui une lésion urétrale caudale a été créée pendant lintervention. Aucune complication postopératoire na été observée. Les résultats cliniques à court et moyen terme de lutilisation de la TVT-O dans le traitement de lISU chez la chienne sont donc très favorables. Lhypothèse dun rétablissement dun support urétral déficient, entraînant une restauration de la fonction urétrale, reste à démontrer.

Indução do estro em cadelas (canis familiaris): aspectos clínico, comportamental e hormonal

Paula, Moisés Calvo de [UNESP] 23 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-07-23Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:59:32Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 paula_mc_me_botfmvz.pdf: 465421 bytes, checksum: d4f7523bab03de870773e810dfc43208 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A cadela apresenta particularidades no ciclo estral e, o conhecimento de tais características é fundamental para a implantação de técnicas de reprodução assistida. A indução do estro é uma importante ferramenta tanto em pesquisas quanto no manejo reprodutivo de canis. Portanto, o presente trabalho utilizou um agonista da dopamina – cabergolina – 105 -120 dias após o final do estro na dose de 5μg/Kg por no máximo 15 dias ou até a fêmea apresentar sinais de estro, a fim de induzir e acompanhar os estros, espontâneo e induzido em cadelas, desde o início do proestro até o final do estro. As fêmeas foram divididas em 2 grupos: controle (espontâneo) e experimental (induzido). Amostras de sangue para a dosagem de progesterona e esfregaço vaginal foram coletadas a cada 2 dias, além de, observação dos sinais clínicos e comportamentais. Todas as 5 fêmeas do grupo experimental responderam ao tratamento com cabergolina em média após 42,6 dias, sendo que em 2 fêmeas essa resposta foi mais rápida e ambas apresentaram sinais de estro antes do final do tratamento. Ademais, o Intervalo Interestral (IIE) foi menor nas fêmeas do grupo experimental, 159 ± 15.01, em relação às do grupo controle, 169 ± 13.43 dias. O perfil da progesterona e o padrão citológico não apresentaram diferenças entre os grupos estudados bem como os sinais clínicos e comportamentais. Em suma, a cabergolina pode ser empregada como agente indutor do estro na cadela, a fim de diminuir o IIE e facilitar o manejo reprodutivo. / The bitch presents certain peculiarities in her estrus cycle that makes the knowing of such differences a sine qua non condition to the ones that want to implement assisted reproduction techniques. The estrus induction is an important tool not only for researches but also for kennels’ reproductive managements. Hence this present study has used the cabergoline, which is a dopamine agonist, from 105 to 120 days after the end of the estrus at 5μg/Kg until the bitch presented estrus signs (maximum of 15 days of injection). Both spontaneous and induced estruses were observed from the beginning of proestrus until the end of estrus. Bitches were divided into 2 groups: control (spontaneous) and experimental (induced). Blood samples to check progesterone levels and vaginal smears were taken every 2 days, and clinical signs and behavioral changes were also observed and taken into consideration. All 5 females from the experimental group responded to the cabergoline treatment (42,6 days), but 2 bitches responded earlier than that and both presented estrus signs before the end of the treatment. Not only that but also the interestral interval (IEI) was shorter for the bitches in the experimental group, 159 ± 15,01, if compared to the control group, 169 ± 13,43 days. The progesterone profile and the cytological standard did not present any difference among the studied groups, and so happened to the clinical and behavioral signs. To sum up, cabergoline can be used as a tool to induce estrus in bitches in order to reduce the IEI and facilitate the reproductive management.

O papel do 17β-estradiol no processo luteolítico de cadelas não prenhes / The role of 17b-estradiol in the luteolytic process of non-pregnant bitches

Bonfim Neto, Antenor Pereira 12 September 2014 (has links)
O 17β-estradiol (E2) desempenha um papel importante na função reprodutora e na fertilidade feminina, porém, sua ação é estendida para a maioria dos tecidos. Sabendo que o E2 tem funções pleiotrópicas em diferentes tecidos e órgãos, e que pode estar envolvido tanto na proliferação como na morte celular, nossa hipótese é que o E2 seja um dos iniciadores de regressão luteínica em cadelas não prenhes. Para testar nossa hipótese, foram usados corpos lúteos (CL) provenientes de 28 cadelas nos dias 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 e >70 após a ovulação (n = 4/grupo) para os experimentos ex vivo. Nesta etapa foram analisadas as proteínas pró-apoptóticas (CASPASES, 3, 8, 9 e BAX) por imuno-histoquímica e western blotting, além da expressão dos genes CASP3, 8, 9, BAX, FAS, MKI67, ESR1, ESR2m por PCR em tempo real. Na segunda etapa deste trabalho, utilizamos CL de 12 cadelas nos dias 20, 40 e 60 após a ovulação (n=4 por grupo), cujas células foram cultivadas e divididas em seis tratamentos: Controle, E2 (tratado com E2), bloqueador de ERα (tratado com MPP), bloqueador de ERβ (tratado com PHTPP), E2 + bloqueador de ERα (tratado com E2 + MPP) e E2 + bloqueador de ERβ (tratado com E2 + PHTPP). Foram avaliados os mesmos genes do experimento ex vivo, bem como os genes CYP19A1, CYP11A1, HSD3B1 e SLC2A4. De modo geral a expressão dos fatores pró-apoptóticos foi mais alta a partir do dia 40 e atingiu valores máximos nos dias 60 e 70 após a ovulação, assim como a expressão de ERS2. Essa correlação foi observada também nas células do grupo E2 + bloqueador de ERα, que também apresentaram regulação negativa de HSD3B1. Quando do bloqueio do ERβ, as células luteínicas responderam com aumento dos genes relacionados à esteroidogênese e à proliferação celular, principalmente quando oriundas dos dias 20 e 40 p.o. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o bloqueio do ERα levou ao aumento dos genes pró-apoptóticos, e o bloqueio do ERβ possibilitou aumento dos genes luteotróficos. Estes achados confirmam o papel pleiotrópico do estradiol no CL canino e incluem este hormônio, assim como o balanço entre seus receptores, dentre os atores principais da regulação da meia vida do CL canino. / The 17β-estradiol (E2) plays an important role in the reproductive function and female fertility, however, its action is extended to most tissues. Knowing that E2 has pleiotropic roles in different organs and tissues, and that might be involved in both cell death and proliferation, our hypothesis is that E2 is one of the triggers of luteal regression in non-pregnant bitches. To test our hypothesis, corpora lutea (CL) from 28 dogs on days 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and >70 after ovulation (n = 4/group) were used for ex vivo experiments. Pro-apoptotic proteins expression (CASPASES, 3, 8, 9 e BAX) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and western blotting, and the gene expression of CASP3, 8, 9, BAX, FAS, MKI67, ESR1 and ESR2 were analyzed by real-time PCR. In the second step of this study, CL from 12 bitches on days 20, 40 and 60 (n = 4 per group) were used. Luteal cells were isolated and divided into six treatments: Control, E2 (treated with E2), ERα Blocker (treated with MPP), ERβ Blocker (treated with PHTPP), ERα + E2 Blocker (treated with E2 + MPP) and E2 + ERβ Blocker (treated with E2 + PHTPP). The expression of the same genes from the in vivo experiment was evaluated, as well as that of CYP19A1, CYP11A1, HSD3B1 and SLC2A4. In general, the expression of pro-apoptotic factors was higher from day 40 and reached highest expression on days 60 and 70 after ovulation, coinciding with increasing in expression of ERS2. This correlation was also observed in the cells from the group E2 + ERα blockade, which also showed HSD3B1down-regulation. When ERβ was blocked, cells of days 20 and 40 post ovulation responded increasing the expression of steroidogenesis and proliferation related genes. Thus, we deduce that the ERα blockade promotes the increase of pro-apoptotic and that o ERβ of luteotrophic genes expression. Our findings confirm the pleiotropic role of estradiol in canine CL and include this hormone, as well as the balance between its two receptors, among the factors controlling canine CL lifespan.

Histologia e morfometria do aparelho reprodutor de fêmeas submetidas à ovariosalpingo-histerectomia (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758) /

Diagone, Karen Vicente. January 2005 (has links)
Resumo: Nesta pesquisa foram realizadas a histologia e morfometria de ovários, ovidutos e úteros de cadelas. Foram utilizados 15 animais distribuídos em grupos (G) de acordo com as idades em anos, G1 (1 até 3), G2 (maiores de 3 até 5) e G3 (maiores de 5 até 7). Após a realização da ovariosalpingo-histerectomia, ovários, fragmentos de tubas uterinas e útero foram fixados e processados rotineiramente para a inclusão em parafina. As amostras foram coradas pela técnica da Hematoxilina-eosina. Os parâmetros morfométricos analisados foram: diâmetros máximo e mínimo (æm), perímetro (æm), área (æmø), fator de forma do citoplasma e núcleo dos oócitos dos diferentes tipos de folículos e espessura das camadas salpíngicas e uterinas. Os procedimentos estatísticos utilizados foram ANOVA e o teste Tukey (5%). Houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos experimentais para os parâmetros do citoplasma e núcleo de oócitos foliculares e para a espessura das camadas salpíngicas e uterinas. Concluiu-se que de acordo com os resultados desta pesquisa a maturação in vitro, obtém melhores desempenhos na utilização de oócitos de folículos primordiais nas fêmeas correspondentes ao G3 e para oócitos inclusos em folículos secundários e terciários, as do G2; as diferenças nas espessuras das camadas uterinas podem ser uma das explicações para o desenvolvimento diferenciado dos fetos em fêmeas caninas; os valores obtidos neste estudo servirão como subsídios para a biotecnologia da reprodução, diagnóstico e prognóstico de enfermidades que acometem esta espécie. / Abstract: The objectives of this work were the histologyc and morphometric study of ovaries, oviducts and uterus of canines females. There were 15 animals distributed in groups involved according to their age, Group 1 (G1), Group 2 (G2) and Group 3 (G3). To the histological analysis after the accomplishment of the ovariehisterectomy, the ovaries, fragments of oviducts and uterus were fixed and processed routinely for inclusion in paraffin. The samples were stained by haematoxilyn-eosin technique. The morphometric parameters studied were: maximum and minimum diameters (æm), perimeter (æm), area (æm2), roundness factor of nucleus and cytoplasm of oocytes of different kinds of follicles and thickness of oviduct and uterine layers. The statistical procedures used were ANOVA and Tukey's test. There was significantly difference in oocytes of follicles: primordials in the cytoplasm for maximum and minimum diameters, perimeter and area between the G1 and G3, unilaminar primary in the cytoplasm for roundness factor between the G1 and G2, secondary in the nucleus for maximum and minimum diameters, perimeter and area between the G1 and G2 and G2 and G3, tertiary in the nucleus for minimum diameter, perimeter and area between the G1 and G2 and G2 and G3. In the oviduct there was significantly difference in: the infundibulum for mucosa between the G2 and G3, and the serose between the G1 and G3, the ampulla for mucosa and serose between the G1 and G2, the isthmus for serose between the G1 and G2 and G1 and G3. In the uterus there was significantly difference in: the segment 1 of myometrium between the G1 and G3 and G2 and G3, the segment 2 of miometrium between the G1 and G2 and G1 and G3. It concludes that this study will serve as subsidy for the biotechnology of the reproduction, the diagnosis and prognostic of diseases that impaired this specie. / Orientador: Wilter Ricardo Russiano Vicente / Coorientador: Maria Rita Pacheco / Banca: Ivo Walter dos Santos / Banca: Marion Burkhardt de Koivisto / Mestre

Dinâmica dos fatores angiogênicos em corpos lúteos de cadelas gestantes e pseudogestantes

Ribeiro, Anderson Alves January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Denise Lopes / Resumo: O objetivo desse estudo é obter conhecimentos mais profundos sobre os mecanismos regulatórios da manutenção e principalmente do término da função lútea em cadelas gestantes e não gestantes. O perfil de P4 é muito semelhante em cadelas gestantes e não gestantes, porém começa a divergir aproximadamente no dia 60 da fase lútea. Nesse momento, evidencia-se um declínio abrupto de P4 nas cadelas gestantes, sinalizando a luteólise pré-parto,com aumento da PGF2α e grande atividade apoptótica no interior do corpo lúteo (CL). Diferente do mecanismo de cadelas não gestantes, em que a regressão lútea é passiva e pré-programada. No presente trabalho foi validada a expressão dos seguintes fatores angiogênicos - VEGFA, IGFBP5, Endotelina, THBS2 e TGFB1 em CLs de cadelas cíclicas e gestantes. Para tal, foi realizado o acompanhamento do ciclo estral de fêmeas em diestro cíclico (n=20) e as fêmeas do grupo gestante foram inseminadas artificialmente (n=20). Todas as fêmeas foram submetidas a ovariohisterectomia (OSH) nos dias 10, 20, 40 e 60 após a onda pré-ovulatória de LH. Os CLs coletados foram submetidos às técnicas de qRT-PCR e imunofluorescência. Para análise estatística, aplicou-se o teste t de student, sendo os dados analisados pelo programa GraphPadPrism 6 e considerado significativo quando p<0,05. Os resultados mostraram que os fatores angiogênicos selecionados foram diferencialmente expressos nos dias 40 e 60, especialmente no grupo das cadelas gestantes. Nos outros momentos avaliado... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this study is to obtain a deeper understanding of regulatory mechanisms of maintenance and especially of the end of the luteal function in pregnant and non-pregnant bitches. The profile of P4 is very similar in pregnant and non-pregnant bitches, but it begins to diverge approximately on day 60 of the luteal phase. At this moment, an abrupt decline of P4 is evidenced in the pregnant bitches, signaling the prepartum luteolysis: associated to an increase of the PGF2α and great apoptotic activity inside the corpus luteum (CL). Differently from non-pregnant bitches, where luteal regression is passive and preprogrammed. In the present work, it was validated the expression of the main angiogenic factors - VEGFA, IGFBP5, Endothelin, THBS2 and TGFB1 in CLs of cyclic and pregnant bitches. For this, the estral cycle of females in cyclic diestrus (n = 20) was monitored and the females of the pregnant group were artificially inseminated (n = 20). All females were submitted to ovariohysterectomy (OSH) on days 10, 20, 40 and 60 after the preovulatory LH surge. The collected CLs were submitted to qRT-PCR and immunofluorescence techniques. For statistical analysis, the student's t-test was applied, the data analyzed by the program GraphPadPrism 6 and it was considered significant when p <0.05. The results showed that the selected angiogenic factors were differentially expressed on days 40 and 60, especially in the group of pregnant bitches. No differences were observed in the... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

“…this is teenage bitchiness” : A corpus-based study of teenagers’ use of the term bitch and its forms

Pham, Denise January 2007 (has links)
<p>So far little research has been done on the term bitch exclusively. The aim of this essay is to find a pattern of teenagers’ uses of the word bitch in various contexts and in different grammatical forms. A further question is whether bitch can be considered a swearword or not.</p><p>The investigation was carried out by using two different corpora which is COLT (The Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language) and Webcorp as the primary sources out of which concordance lines were extracted. These were in turn categorized into different word classes and analyzed in detail. The results show that there were several word classes in which bitch appeared such as noun, verb and adjective and the most common word class is nouns. The results also show that teenagers mainly use the term as a swearword with which they address their peers. In conclusion even though the term bitch did not originally belong to taboo language, however, due to the fact that the word has developed a more negative meaning it can be seen a swearword.</p>

GnRH agonisto, metų laiko bei kalės veislės dydžio ir amžiaus įtaka ovuliacijos pasireiškimo laikui / Influence of GnRH agonist, seasonality, size and age of the bitch on ovulation time

Orlauskaitė, Ieva 05 March 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti ovuliacijos pasireiškimo laiko priklausomybę nuo kalės veislės dydžio ir amžiaus bei metų laiko, bei palyginti GnRH agonisto Suprelorin implanto sukeltos ovuliacijos pasireiškimo laiką su natūraliai pasireiškusios rujos ovuliacijos laiku. Šiam tikslui pasiekti pirmiausiai buvo ištirta 194 kalių (51 skirtingos veislės) progesterono koncentracija kraujo serume. Iš šių kalių buvo atrinktos tos kalės, kurioms pagal progesterono koncentraciją pasireiškė ovuliacija (53 kalės). Nustatyta, kad progesterono koncentracija kraujo serume siekė 20-30 nmol/l. Kalės buvo suskirstytos į grupes: pagal amžių (2 grupės – iki 5 metų (n=41); 5 metų ir vyresnės (n=12) ), pagal veislės dydį (3 grupės – mažos (n=22), vidutinės (n=14) ir didelės (n=17) veislės), pagal sezoną (4 grupės – žiema (n=3), pavasaris (n=16), ruduo (n=11), vasara (n=23) ). Pagal kiekvieną požymį statistiškai buvo įvertinti ovuliacijos pasireiškimo laiko skirtumai tarp grupių, bei įvertinta ovuliacijos priklausomybė nuo kalės amžiaus, dydžio, metų laiko. Statistiškai patikimų skirtumų tarp grupių ir koreliacinių ryšių tarp ovuliacijos pasireiškimo laiko ir kalės amžiaus ir dydžio, bei metų laiko nebuvo nustatyta. Panašių tyrimų iki šiol buvo atlikta labai mažai, todėl informacija yra vertinga. Paskutiniame tyrimųetape4 kalėms buvo panaudoti GnRH agonisto Suprelorin implatai rujai sukelti. Implantas buvo įvedamas po oda, bambos srityje. Po įvedimo buvo imamas kraujas kelis kartus kas 3-5 dienas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main goal of this paper was to determine whether or not there is a significant influence of GnRH agonist, seasonality, age and size of the bitch on ovulation time, and to compare ovulation time induced by GnRH agonist Suprelorin implant and the ovulation time that occured naturally. To achieve this goal we tested the blood of 194 bitches (51 breeds) for progesterone levels in blood serum. Out of these 194 bitches we selected the ones (53 bitches) that ovulated. Meaning, the progesterone levels for these 53 bitches varied between 20-30 nmol/l. These 53 bitches were divided into groups: by age (2 groups – younger than 5 years (n=41); 5 years old and older (n=12),, by size (3 groups – small (n=22), medium (n=14), large (n=17), and by season (4 groups – winter (n=3), spring (n=16), summer (n=11), autumn (n=23). All the groups were statistically analyzed to determine whether or not there is a significant difference between the groups, and to determine if there are correlations between the ovulation time and the size and age of the bitch and time of year (season). No significant difference or correlations were determined. We have found a little information about influence of seasonality, and age and size of the bitch on ovulation time, so the information in this paper is valuable. For the last step to achieving the goal of the paper, GnRH agonist Suprelorin implant was used on 4 bitches. The agonist was implanted subcutaneously around the navel area. After the implantation... [to full text]

Kalių piometra / Bitch pyometra

Gentvilaitė, Rasa 05 March 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo uždaviniai įvertinti kalių, sergančių piometra, makšties citologinius ir kraujo parametrų pakitimus. Įvertinti amžiaus įtaką piometros pasireiškimui. Nustatyti laiką po rujos iki piometros klinikinių požymių atsiradimo. Nustatyti mirties atvejus dėl patologijos. Buvo tiriamos trys grupės kalių. I grupė – 16 piometra sergančių patelių. II grupė – 4 kalės, porujo periode, kliniškai sveikos. III grupė 4 – patelės, anestrus periode, kurioms kraujyje nustatyta leukocitozė, bet dėl kitų priežasčių nei piometra ar vaginitas. II ir III grupės – kontrolinės grupės, kurių rezultatai lyginami su I grupės. Tepinėlis iš makšties imamas Transwab (Jungtinė Karalystė) terpės pagalba. Gauta klinikinė medžiaga pernešama ant objektyvinio stiklelio citologijai ir skirtingų mitybinių terpių mikrobiologijai. Objektyvinis stiklelis dažomas May Grün – Giemza dažais. Makšties tepinėlis vertinamas mikroskopo pagalba. Atliekami uždegiminių ir epitelinių ląstelių santykio skaičiavimai. Kraujas imamas iš v. cefalica. Buvo pastebėti makšties tepinėlio citologiniai skirtumai tarp trijų tiriamųjų grupių. Uždegiminių su epitelinėmis ląstelėmis santykio vidurkis I grupei – 9,54 ± 3,62, II grupei – 0,09 ± 0,018, III grupei uždegiminių ląstelių nebuvo aptikta, todėl santykis ligus 0. Visose grupėse dominavo bazalinės ląstelės. 75 % kalių, sergančių piometra, konstatuota leukocitozė, 81,5 % granuliocitozė. 12,25 % buvo nustatyta mažakraujystė. 37,50 % gimdos uždegimu sergančioms kalėms išskirta E... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study is to evaluate cytological changes in vaginal smears of bitches with pyometra, to record changes in total blood count and blood biochemistry, to identify microorganisms isolated from vagina. Other aims are to asses the average age of bitches with the diagnosed pathology; to count days that passed after estrus period and the first clinical signs of pyometra were noticed; to evaluate the rate of mortality. Three groups of animals were evaluated. The 1st one 16 bitches, diagnosed with pyometra. 2nd group 4 bitches, in diestrus period, clinically healthy. 3rd group 4 bitches diagnosed with blood leukocytosis but for other reasons than pyometra or vaginitis. 2nd and 3rd groups served as control groups. Vaginal smears and microbiological samples were taken from vagina with Transwab (UK), the obtained material was smeared on objective glass and coloured with May Grün – Giemsa for microscopical evaluation. Ratio of WBC and epithelial cells was counted. For microbiology sample was smeared on different agars for isolation of various microorganisms. Blood was drawn from v. cefalica. We observed clear cytological diferences between healthy animals and ill with pyometra. Average ratio WBC to epithelial cells for group I 9,54 ± 3,62, for group II 0,09 ± 0,018, for group III no WBC were observed so the ratio is equal to 0. In all groups basal epithelial cells were the dominant ones. 75 % bitches with pyometra had leukocytosis, 81,25 % had granuliocytosis. Anemia was... [to full text]

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