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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Broad-based black economic empowerment as a competitive advantage in procurement in the construction industry in KwaZulu-Natal

Goose, Dax Edward 10 October 2012 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in compliance with the requirements for the Masters Degree in Technology: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / The aim of this research project was to study the basic understanding the decision makers of construction companies in KwaZulu-Natal had of the Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) initiative. This initiative has evolved from its origins as a form of affirmative action in the early 1990s into the broad-based initiative embodied in the Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Act promulgated in 2003 and gazetted in 2007. Research was conducted using a questionnaire to assess the targeted population’s understanding of BBBEE. A census of the 259 construction companies affiliated with the KwaZulu-Natal Master Builders Association (NMBA) at the time of the research was used. The questionnaire was distributed primarily by email and the returns were assessed using statistical methods. The results were also tested as a cross-tabulation based on the demographics and the BBBEE rating of the respondents. The findings showed that although most of the respondents knew about the BBBEE initiative and indicated a level of understanding of this policy, certain of their perceived understandings were misguided. The way in which the Act was intended to be implemented and was intended to benefit those who were previously disadvantaged had been misread by all parties. The way in which the government has rolled out its BBBEE initiative has not been effective. This needs to be addressed by both training and partnering with those SMMEs that can most effect change to implement the Act. This study only scratched the surface of the effects the BBBEE legislation will have on small to medium-sized businesses. It has highlighted the need for further research into both the trickle-down effect of this initiative and into the availability of skilled personnel to grow the economy in the way the BBBEE Act intended.

Hair representations among Black South African women : exploring identity and notions of beauty

Marco, Jenna-Lee 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa is a country of diversity, culture and various identities; and beneath this diversity, lays the complexity of defining and owning a space for oneself. This study was motivated with the intention to understand Black women’s representations in South Africa as well as the social interactions evident in the relationship between a Black woman and her hair. Literature elucidates on the historical richness of representation for Black people as well as the contemporary relevance of representation for Black women in particular. Furthermore, beauty discourse extends beyond the merely corporeal and finds meaning in historical, political, and circumstantial frames of thought. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with Black women. These interviews generated three discursive themes – hair and politics, hair and media and finally, circumstantial self-representation. Exploring these themes revealed that hair, as a projection of the self, is constantly redefining itself and its meaning in a progressive social culture. Furthermore, women assume agency and a degree of importance and identity from the hairstyles they choose to wear on a daily basis. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology-Research Consultation)

'n Ondersoek na die invloed van 'n Swart ekonomiese bemagtiging strategie op die waarde van 'n insetverskaffer in die Suid-Afrikaanse landbou omgewing

Kotze, T. N. (Theunis Nicolaas) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Agriculture remains an important industry in South Africa. Although primary agriculture contributes only 4.5% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the related agrifood industry contributes an additional 9%. Furthermore agriculture is a major provider of employment, especially in rural areas where more than 50% of the local community depends on agriculture. In general Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is accepted as a precondition to a stable and prosperous South Africa. As a result thereof various sector plans have been negotiated and at this stage agriculture is busy with final inputs towards the Agricultural BEE plan to be finalised in December 2004. Ownership and management transformation however are difficult for most farming enterprises as most of them are small family enterprises. Therefore they will support BEE agricultural input providers to support BEE. According to the BEE Score Card it will be possible to adhere to BEE requirements without adhering to ownership and management requirements provided that good scores are obtained from the other aspects such as skills development, BEE initiatives, preferred suppliers and other. The transfer of ownership also has significant financial implications. It is estimated that R65 billion will be needed to achieve the proposed objectives of 30% agricultural land and 35% of agricultural businesses in the RSA to be transfered to black people by 2014. However, only R703 million has been spend on land restitution during the past year and only R933 million budgeted for 2004/2005. The feasibility of processed oats to be marketed as rolled oats, quick oats and muesli as such a BEE initiative has been evaluated in this study project as a joint venture between Agricol and SSK. Agricol (seed company) has cereal type oat varieties whilst Sentraal Suid-Koóperasie (Farmer Cooperative) has good grain handling infrastructures in the major oat producing areas. This project will provide both counterparts with the opportunity to integrate vertically, diversify sources of income (away from primary agriculture), empower previously disadvantaged individuals in both organisations and to meet BEE objectives. This study indicates that such a BEE initiative is feasible and offers a very good return to participants. Extremely high hygene and quality assurance standards of the processed product, the marketing thereof and market access has been identified as critical performance areas. At a dehulled percentage of 60% and price paid for oats of R1000 per ton, 600 ton of the processed oats will have to be sold annually to ensure a profit of R140 000 per annum. Subject to the budgeted figures, the project has the potential to realise a R843000 profit in year 5. The value of the new company based on the discounted cash flow method, will be R2.7 to R3.9 million. Due to the initial losses and associated negative cash flows, the value is primarily represented by the terminal value of the company after 5 years. Current shareholders require an expected return on capital of 15%. Internal rate of return for the project is 42% which is much more that the hurdle rate. The intented BEE initiative therefore definitely adds value to shareholders. Important people issues like shared vision, values, expectations, trust and commitment needs to addressed continuously to realise the potential of the project. Strong and skilled leadership will also play a decisive role as important decisions will have to be taken continuously. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Landbou bly 'n beIangrike industrie in Suid-Afrika en alhoewel primêre-landbou slegs 4.5% van Bruto Binnelandse Produk (BBP) bydra, word die bydrae van die landbouverwante agrivoedsel industrie op 'n addisionele 9% beraam. Landbou is verder 'n belangrike werkverskaffer, veral op die platteland waar meer as die helfte van die bevolking soms van landbou afhanklik is. Daar word algemeen aanvaar dat Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB) 'n voorvereiste tot 'n stabiele en welvarende Suid-Afrika is. In die lig hiervan is verskeie sektor SEB handveste alreeds onderhandel en die landbousektor is tans besig om insette te lewer ten einde die landbou handves teen Desember 2004 te finaliseer. Aangesien meeste boerdery ondernemings egter klein familie ondernemings is wat moeilik eienaarskap en bestuurstransformasie kan akkomodeer, sal hulle SEB landbou inset verskaffers ondersteun om sodoende SEB te ondersteun. Volgens die SEB telkaart sal dit vir ondernemings moontlik wees om aan SEB vereistes te voldoen alhoewel daar nie noodwendig aan eienaarskap en bestuursvereistes voldoen is nie, maar wel goeie tellings op die gebied van vaardigheidsontwikkeling, SEB inisiatiewe, voorkeurvoorsiening en ander fasette behaal is. Die oordrag van eienaarskap het ook omvattende finansiële implikasies. Daar word beraam dat ongeveer R65 miljard benodig word om die voorgestelde doelwitte van 30% landbougrond en 35% van landboubesighede in die RSA teen 2014 aan swart mense oor te dra. Hierteenoor is slegs R703 miljoen die afgelope jaar aan grondhervorming bestee terwyl die begroting vir 2004/2005 R933 miljoen bedra. Die lewensvatbaarheid van verwerkte hawer wat in die vorm van gerolde hawer, hawermout en muesli bemark sal word, is as SEB inisiatief en gesamentlike projek tussen Agricol en Sentraal Suid-Koöperasie, in hierdie werkstuk ondersoek. Agricol (saadmaatskappy) beskik oor ontbytgraan tipe hawer kultivars en Sentraal Suid-Kooperasie het 'n goeie graanhanterings infrastruktuur in die hawer produksie gebiede. Die projek sal aan beide medewerkers die geleentheid bied om vertikaal te integreer, inkomste te diversifiseer (weg van primêre landbou), voorheen benadeelde individue in beide instansies te bemagtig en beide instansies help om aan SEB doelwitte te voldoen. Die studie het aangedui dat so 'n SEB inisitief wel lewensvatbaar is en goeie opbrengste aan al die deelnemers sal bied. Uitermate hoë higiëne en kwaliteitstandaarde van die verwerkte produkte tesame met die bemarking en marktoegang is as belangrike kritiese prestasie areas geïdentifiseer. Teen 'n pit tot dop verhouding van 60% en gemiddelde aankoopprys van R1000 per ton vir hawer, moet ongeveer 600 ton verwerkte hawer jaarliks verkoop word om 'n wins van R140 000 per jaar te verseker. Gegewe die begrote syfers, het die projek die potensiaal om R843 000 wins in jaar 5 te genereer. Die waarde van die nuwe maatskappy, gebasseer op die verdiskonteerde kontantvloei metode, beloop R2.7 tot R3.9 miljoen. As gevolg van die aanvanklike verliese en gepaardgaande negatiewe kontantvloeie, lê die waarde van die maatskappy egter hoofsaaklik in die eindwaarde na 5 jaar. Huidige aandeelhouers se verwagte opbrengs op kapitaal is 15%. Die interne opbrengskoers van die projek beloop 42% wat dus hoër as die drempelwaarde is. Die beplande SEB inisiatief voeg dus bepaald waarde toe vir aandeelhouers. Belangrike mensekwessies soos dieselfde visie, waardes, verwagtinge, vertroue, verbintenis en toewyding sal baie aandag moet geniet om van die potensiaal 'n werklikheid te maak. Sterk en bekwame leierskap sal ook 'n deurslaggewende rol speel aangesien gewigtige besluite voortdurend geneem sal moet word.

Failures of black co-operatives in the Limpopo Province

Moji, Patricia Cynthia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Against the backdrop of recent co-operative challenges, it may not be very pragmatic to paint a euphoric picture of things in the world of co-operatives. The distaste from co-operative scamp will continue for some time but, despite all that has happened in the recent past, co-operative activity particularly in the rural context will remain the answer to poverty in the rural areas. The spirit and principles that lead to the formation of co-operatives make sense and have a global appeal. If they are applied in properly structured and well managed environments, they can add value towards the improvement of the quality of lives in the rural communities. This work explains the failure, hopes and fears, potential and inadequacies of the co-operative effort in the Limpopo Province. The recommendations made by the researcher are linked to the data of the study and should not be read as bland generalisations. The new economic outlook in the province makes it all the more imperative that an understanding of the individual initiative should be reinforced by co-operative struggle in the rural areas where no other option seems to be more promising. The Limpopo Province will benefit from big irrigation projects to be implemented in the various districts. All well-wishers of co-operatives focus their attention on the future potential and try to forget the bitterness of the past. Any significant success in co-operatives in Limpopo Province will send good signals everywhere in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teen die agtergrond van die onlangse koöporasie uitdagings, kan dit dalk uiters pragmaties klink om 'n euforiese siening in die wêreld van koöporasies te skilder. Die teensin in koöporasie-ongerymdhede sal nog vir 'n geruime tyd voortduur, maar ten spyte van alles wat in die verlede gebeur het, bly samewerking, veral in die plaaslike konteks, die antwoord vir die armoede in die platteland. Die geesdrif en beginsels wat lei tot die ontstaan van koöperasies maak sin en het wel 'n algemene trefkrag. Indien hulle in behoorlike strukture, en goed bestuurde omgewings toegepas word, kan hulle waarde tot die verbetering in die lewensgehalte van gemeenskappe in die landelike gebiede voeg. Hierdie navorsing verteenwoordig die mislukking, hoop, vrese, potensiaal en ongelykhede van koöporasiepogings in die Limpopo Provinsie. Die aanbevelings wat deur die navorser gedoen word, is gekoppel aan die inligting van die studie en behoort nie as veralgemenings gesien te word nie. Weens die nuwe ekonomie uitkyk in die provinse is dit noodsaaklik dat die inisiatief van die individu versterk word, deur die samewerking stryd in die platteland gebiede. Die Limpopo Provinsie sal baat vind by groot besproeiingsprojekte in die verskillende distrikte. Alle voorstanders van koöporasie-aksie moet op die pontensiaal vir die toekoms fokus en die griewe van die verlede probeer vergeet. Enige noemenswaardige kooporasie aksie in Limpopo Provinsie sal goeie seine wyd en syd stuur.

Writing white on black : modernism as discursive paradigm in South African writing on modern Black art

Van Robbroeck, Lize 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Visual Arts))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In this thesis I deconstruct key concepts, terminologies, and rhetorical conventions employed in white South African writing on modern black art. I trace the genealogy of the dominant discursive practices of the apartheid era to the cultural discourses of the colonial era, which in turn had their origins in the Enlightenment. This genealogical tracing aims to demonstrate that South African art writing of the 20th century partook of a tradition of Western writing that was primarily intent upon producing the Western subject as a rational Enlightenment agent via the debased objectification of the colonial Other. In the process of the deconstruction, I identify the most significant discursive shifts that occurred from the 1930’s, when the first publications emerged, to the 1990’s, when South Africa’s new political dispensation opened up a different cultural landscape.

Developing an empowerment framework for broad-based black economic empowerment in the hotel industry in South Africa

Nyazema, Martha Matifadza 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / This study investigated the implementation of broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) policy in the hotel industry of South Africa. BBBEE aims to accelerate the inclusion of black people into the economy through company ownership, human resource, and enterprise and community development. Although black people represent 91 per cent of South Africa’s population, the economy is controlled by a small white population. Studies have shown slow adoption and resistance to the BBBEE policy by the private sector, including in the hotel industry. Therefore, the research problem was the nature of compliance with, and the implementation of, black empowerment policy in the hotel industry. The main objective of the study was to investigate whether a framework for the effective implementation of black empowerment policy could be developed, given the centrality of hotels in the tourism value chain. The specific objectives were to determine the nature of the disconnect on BBBEE, to identify factors which facilitated or inhibited implementation, and to explore solutions for enhancing BBBEE implementation in the hotels. A quantitative investigation of 611 hotel general managers constituted the core of the dissertation’s content and contribution. Data from 178 respondents was analysed using descriptive and correlational statistical methods. The development of the quantitative research instrument was substantiated by the preliminary qualitative study of five hotel group executives. The mixed methods approach was appropriate for investigating the dual structure (group and unit) of the hotel industry. The results indicated that hotels were recording progress on human resource development although compliance levels did not meet the required BBBEE targets. On enterprise development, the hotels’ engagement with small black enterprises was low both quantitatively and qualitatively. Furthermore, hotel group leaders indicated that the tourism-specific BBBEE charter presented bureaucratic challenges, as tourism straddles several industries which required different BBBEE certification. The study has developed an empowerment framework of solutions for achieving success in BBBEE in hotels. The primary factors determining success are the provision of performance targets and incentives for general managers, and if the hotel manager supports BBBEE policy. Furthermore, exogenous factors such as the star rating and location of a hotel also impact on BBBEE implementation. A quantitative investigation of 611 hotel general managers constituted the core of the dissertation’s content and contribution. Data from 178 respondents was analysed using descriptive and correlational statistical methods. The development of the quantitative research instrument was substantiated by the preliminary qualitative study of five hotel group executives. The mixed methods approach was appropriate for investigating the dual structure (group and unit) of the hotel industry. The results indicated that hotels were recording progress on human resource development although compliance levels did not meet the required BBBEE targets. On enterprise development, the hotels’ engagement with small black enterprises was low both quantitatively and qualitatively. Furthermore, hotel group leaders indicated that the tourism-specific BBBEE charter presented bureaucratic challenges, as tourism straddles several industries which required different BBBEE certification. The study has developed an empowerment framework of solutions for achieving success in BBBEE in hotels. The primary factors determining success are the provision of performance targets and incentives for general managers, and if the hotel manager supports BBBEE policy. Furthermore, exogenous factors such as the star rating and location of a hotel also impact on BBBEE implementation. This study builds on, and adds value to previous studies by moving beyond the investigative mode to identifying practical policy options for successful transformation of the hotel industry. The proposed framework acknowledges the diverse nature of the tourism product, and provides potential solutions to enhance the hotel managers’ ability to anticipate and incorporate factors impacting on BBBEE implementation. The framework adds theoretical value to affirmative action discourse by suggesting a conceptual shift from a race-based approach to an alternative one which would incorporate sustainable tourism and ethical governance concerns. Such an approach would maximise BBBEE potential in the hotel industry of South Africa for beneficiaries and communities. Additional research is recommended to substantiate the hypothesis with a broader sample as the study was limited to hotel managers.

Violence in the home and in intimate relationships : a qualitative exploration of black teenagers' experience and views

Kubeka, Alvina Makhosazana 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Domestic violence in South Africa is increasingly becoming a major social problem. Domestic violence disrupts family life and the functioning of family members. However, domestic violence is still narrowly defined and viewed as affecting women who are usually the victims/survivors of such violence. The impact of domestic violence on children is largely underestimated and ignored. Most research and intervention programmes have focused on the problem as it affects women thus treating the impact of violence on children as of secondary importance. The aim of this study is to examine domestic violence from the perspective of black teenagers who either witness or experience such violence themselves. In an attempt to understand and make sense of Black teenagers' experiences and views of violence in their homes and intimate relationships, insights from different theoretical perspectives are used. These are Trauma theory, Social learning theory and the Funnel of Violence theory. Using a qualitative methodology, the study explores black teenagers experiences of domestic violence in their home of origin and their perceptions of violence in intimate relationships. Focus group interviews were conducted with 22 black male and female teenagers between the ages of 14 and 21 to obtain data. The study was conducted in Kayamandi, a township situated in the Stellenbosch area. The findings revealed that the teenagers have been exposed to constant conflict between their parents, the causes of which include alcohol abuse and infidelity. The exposure to violence at home has been traumatic and has affected teenagers on an emotional, psychological and sometimes physical level. The conflict at home has also affected their ability to cope and adopt in their social and school environment. Some have also been direct victims of violence since they have suffered abuse at the hands of both their parents. As a result, their relationship with their parents has been strained. In addition, they seem to have adopted distorted views on how to deal with problems within relationships. They tend to view violence as a means to resolve conflict in intimate relationships and some of these teenagers have come to believe that violence is acceptable since it is an indication of love. They also believe that violent behaviour is a consequence of provocation and is carried out unwittingly to punish and discipline the victim. In most cases the victims of violence are women. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gesinsgeweld word toenemend as 'n sosiale probleem binne die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing geïdentifiseer. Gesinsgeweld word gesien as dat dit die gesinslewe en die gesonde funksionering van gesinslede ontwrig. Gesinsgeweld word egter grootliks gedefinieer as dat dit slegs volwasse vroue affekteer. Die impak van gesinsgeweld op kinders word grootliks onderskat en selfs geïgnoreer. Navorsing oor gesinsgeweld en intervensieprogramme is dus hoofsaaklik gerig op die impak daarvan op vroue as slagoffers. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die impak van gesinsgeweld op kinders in die gesin te ondersoek. Ten einde swart tienderjariges se blootstelling aan gesinsgeweld en die wyse waarop hulle geweld binne intieme verhoudings konseptualiseer te interpreteer, is insigte uit verskillende teoretiese perspektiewe aangewend. Die belangrikste perspektiewe is Trauma teorie, Sosiale Leerteorie en die sg. 'Funnel of violence' teorie. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en eksploreer swart tienderjariges se sienings van geweld binne hul gesin van oorsprong asook hul siening van die rol van geweld binne intieme verhoudings. Fokusgroeponderhoude is gevoer met 22 swart manlike en vroulike tienderjariges tussen die ouderdom van 14 en 21 jaar woonagtig in Kayamandi, Stellenbosch. Van die belangrikste bevindings is dat swart tienderjariges alkoholmisbruik en huweliksontrouheid as die belangrikste aanleidende oorsake van geweld in die gesin identifiseer. Tienderjariges ervaar gesinsgeweld as traumaties en geweld beïnvloed hulle op emosionele en sielkundige vlak. Blootstelling aan geweld het ook 'n invloed op hul vermoë om suksesvol binne hul sosiale- en skoolomgewing te funksioneer. Terwyl die meeste deelnemers nie self slagoffers van gesinsgeweld was nie, was enkeles wel. Dit het stremming tussen ouers en kinders tot gevolg gehad. Blootstelling aan geweld beïnvloed tienderjariges se vermoë om konflik binne intieme verhoudings suksesvol te hanteer. Sommige definieer geweld as 'n indikator van liefde. Sommige interpreteer geweld as grootliks onbedoeld en 'n wyse om 'n persoon (gewoonlik 'n vrou) te straf en te dissiplineer. In die meeste situasies is vroue die slagoffers van geweld.

Successes and failures of BBBEE : a critical assessment / Successes and failures of broad-based black economic empowerment : a critical assessment

Ngwenya, Fortune Sibusiso 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: We critically assess the successes and failures of the economic phenomenon that is Black Economic Empowerment as represented by the Ownership Element of the Scorecard. We briefly evaluate the successes and failures of the first wave of BEE deals on the JSE and through the use of contemporary observations of this phenomenon as reported on by the media, we make the key assumption that these media reports are an unbiased account of the phenomenon. We critically assess the current status of BEE and find that progress has been made in terms of black ownership on the JSE, as well as on the legislative front, through the introduction of a comprehensive standardised measurement framework. The progress has in the main been extremely slow and limited. We also find that whilst funding models have improved, the success of BEE deals is still to a large extent dependent on stellar performance of the Stock Exchange and generous dividend policies. Disappointingly we also find that the debate about what constitutes broad-base BEE continues unabated as most deals continue to fail to meet public expectations of broad-base empowerment and equitable equity participation by all BEE deal beneficiaries. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie bied 'n kritiese evaluering van die suksesse en mislukkings van die ekonomiese verskynsel genaamd swart ekonomiese bemagtiging (SEB) aan die hand van die eienaarskapelement van die telkaart. Die eerste vlaag SEB-transaksies op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs (JEB) word kortliks beoordeel, waarna die media se eietydse waarnemings oor hierdie verskynsel tot die sleutelaanname lei dat sodanige mediaberigte 'n onbevooroordeelde weergawe van die stand van swart ekonomiese bemagtiging is. Die studie bied 'n kritiese beskouing van die huidige status van SEB, en dat daar wél vordering gemaak is met betrekking tot swart eienaarskap op die JEB, sowel as op wetgewende gebied deur die instelling van 'n omvattende, gestandaardiseerde metingsraamwerk. Vordering was egter tot op hede merendeels uiters stadig en beperk. Die studie bevind ook dat hoewel finansieringsmodelle verbeter het, die sukses van SEB-transaksies steeds in 'n groot mate van 'n goeie vertoning op die effektebeurs en ruimhartige dividendbeleid afhang. 'n Teleurstellende bevinding is dat die debat oor die werklike betekenis van breedgebaseerde SEB onverpoos voortduur namate die meeste transaksies versuim om aan die openbare verwagting van breedgebaseerde bemagtiging en gelyke aandeelhouding deur alle SEB-transaksiebegunstigdes te voldoen.

Black economic empowerment challenges within the Western Cape tourism industry

Siyengo, Sphetho 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Western Cape tourism industry offers a variety of attractions and has the potential to grow further in the next couple of years. According to the statistics provided by Cape Town Routes Unlimited (CTRU) the province is among the three provinces that received the highest number of tourists in the last few years. The critical challenge that the province now needs to look at, is the participation of previously disadvantaged individuals in the mainstream tourism industry. Tourism stakeholders see Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) as an important vehicle for transformation. Although little progress has been made so far, there is a will among all stakeholders to transform the tourism industry. Some of the key challenges raised by the study on the efforts towards greater BEE were lack of finance for BEE businesses, access to the market and lack of skills. Professionalism and good quality service of international standards was also seen to be very important by respondents. The report also looks at two successful deals that were brokered in the tourism industry, namely one by Sun International and the other, the merger between Grass Route Tours and African Eagle Day Tours. In the fieldwork twenty businesses were interviewed, ranging from accommodation and tour operator to restaurants. This was not a random sample, but rather an attempt to target those that were part of the database of Cape Town Routes Unlimited (CTRU). The research tool used by the author of this report was a qualitative and quantitative structured questionnaire. The responses shed further light on some of the Black Economic Empowerment challenges faced by the Western Cape tourism industry. These results will supplement information already available to Cape Town Routes Unlimited. Eventually the findings will be tabled and recommended to relevant stakeholders for action. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Weskaapse toerismebedryf bied ‘n verskeidenheid aantreklikhede en het die potensiaal om te groei oor die volgende paar jaar. Cape Town Routes Unlimited (CTRU) statistieke toon dat die Weskaap een van die drie provinsies landwyd is wat die meeste toeriste groei oor die laaste paar jaar getoon het. Die Weskaap se grootste uitdaging is nou om meer geleenthede in die hoofstroom van die bedryf te bied aan die voorheen onderdrukte individuë. Oor die algemeen beskou belangegrope in die bedryf die BEE as ‘n belangrike middel tot transformasie. Die vordering is tot dusver egter nog maar min, alhoewel daar eenstemmigheid bestaan om die toerismebedryf te omskep en te transformeer. Die studie toon die grootste struikelblokke tot vinniger BEE as die volgende: ‘n tekort aan finansiering vir BEE besighede asook ‘n tekort aan ondervinding en bekwaamheid. Professionalisme sowel as dienskwaliteit (vergeleke met internasionale standaarde) word ook as belangrik beskou. Twee suksesvolle BEE–onderhandelinge word in die studie in besonderhede bespreek, naamlik Sun International en die samesmelting van Grass Route Tours and African Eagle Day Tours. Die studie verwerk onderhoude wat gevoer is met twintig besighede wat akkommodasie, toeroperateurs sowel as restaurante ingesluit het. Dit omvat nie ‘n steekproef nie, maar is gebaseer op die CTRU databasis. Die onderhoude is gevoer met ‘n gestruktureerde kwalitatiewe en ‘n kwantitatiewe vraelys. Uit die terugvoerings het verdere BEE stuikelblokke vorendag gekom. Dit is aanvullend tot informasie verkry vanaf CTRU. Al hierdie resultate sal in verwerkte vorm aan belanghebbende groepe beskikbaar gestel word.

The use of innovative financing structures in facilitating BEE transactions in South Africa

Ramathe, Mamokete 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Black Economic Empowerment (“BEE”) is an imperative economic tool that the South African government established to achieve its transformational objectives which are meant to grow the economy, decrease inequalities and create more job and business opportunities for the South African majority of the population. The objectives of transformation strategy seek to redress economic imbalances created by the previous apartheid regime. The approach is widely shared by the majority of South Africans. Since its inception, BEE as an implemented policy has created vast opportunities for previously disadvantaged individuals. Some positive spin offs that have been realised in an effort to address economic and social imbalances are discussed in the paper. The paper seeks to demonstrate the progress made in South Africa so far with regard to implementation of BEE initiatives. It further highlights some pitfalls as per the previous experience with BEE and in addition to that, covers some of the developments and benefits to date. Chapter 3 and 4 focuses on funding of BEE investments with reference to specific case studies of some of the landmark BEE deals concluded in the past. The evolution of BEE funding structures is also analysed with specific reference to some lessons learnt from the origins of BEE in South Africa. In chapter 5, BEE in South Africa is compared to transformation policies implemented by another country. Malaysia shares some similarities and challenges in the implementation of transformation policy, hence a comparison is drawn between the two countries. Finally chapter 6 concludes by providing an overview of the findings in analysing BEE strategies with specific reference to funding and the evolution of funding structures in facilitating BEE.

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