Spelling suggestions: "subject:"blind."" "subject:"slind.""
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Využitie slepej filtrácie obrazu pre snímky z TEM mikroskopov / Using blind image filtering for images from TEM microscopesNováková, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
Předložená práce se zabývá problematikou slepé filtrace obrazů z transmisního elektronového mikroskopu. V úvodu práce je uveden popis transmisního elektronového mikroskopu. Navazující část popisuje mechanismy interakce elektronů se zkoumaným vzorkem a z toho vyplývající zobrazovací techniky elektronové mikroskopie. Poslední kapitola teoretické části práce zahrnuje popis vybraných metod slepé filtrace obrazu zejména s využitím dekompozice obrazu na charakteristické složky. Taktéž je zde uveden výčet metod pro zhodnocení úspěšnosti filtrace. V praktické části jsou popsány aplikované metody slepé filtrace obrazů a výsledky filtrování. Jednotlivé metody jsou mezi sebou porovnány. Získané výsledky a využitelnost aplikovaných metod jsou zhodnoceny v diskuzi.
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Sensor Integration for Low-Cost Crash AvoidanceRoussel, Stephane M 01 November 2009 (has links)
This report is a summary of the development of sensor integration for low-cost crash avoidance for over-land commercial trucks. The goal of the project was to build and test a system composed of low-cost commercially available sensors arranged on a truck trailer to monitor the environment around the truck. The system combines the data from each sensor to increase the reliability of the sensor using a probabilistic data fusion approach. A combination of ultrasonic and magnetoresistive sensors was used in this study. In addition, Radar and digital imaging were investigated as reference signals and possible candidates for additional sensor integration. However, the primary focus of this work is the integration of the ultrasonic and magnetoresistive sensors.
During the investigation the individual sensors were evaluated for their use in the system. This included communication with vendors and lab and field testing. In addition, the sensors were modeled using an analytical mathematical model to help understand and predict the sensor behavior. Next, an algorithm was developed to fuse the data from the individual sensors. A probabilistic approach was used based on Bayesian filtering with a prediction-correction algorithm. Sensor fusion was implemented using joint a probability algorithm. The output of the system is a prediction of the likelihood of the presence of a vehicle in a given region near the host truck trailer. The algorithm was demonstrated on the fusion of an ultrasonic sensor and a magnetic sensor. Testing was conducted using both a light pickup truck and also with a class 8 truck. Various scenarios were evaluated to determine the system performance. These included vehicles passing the host truck from behind and the host truck passing vehicles. Also scenarios were included to test the system at distinguishing other vehicles from objects that are not vehicles such as sign posts, walls or railroads that could produce electronic signals similar to those of vehicles and confuse the system. The test results indicate that the system was successful at predicting the presence and absence of vehicles and also successful at eliminating false positives from objects that are not vehicles with overall accuracy ranging from 90 to 100% depending on the scenario. Some additional improvements in the performance are expected with future improvements in the algorithm discussed in the report.
The report includes a discussion of the mapping of the algorithm output with the implementation of current and future safety and crash avoidance technologies based on the level of confidence of the algorithm output and the seriousness of the impending crash scenario. For example, irreversible countermeasures such as firing an airbag or engaging the brakes should only be initiated if the confidence of the signal is very high, while reversible countermeasures such as warnings to the driver or nearby vehicles can be initiated with a relatively lower confidence.
The results indicate that the system shows good potential as a low cost alternative to competing systems which require multiple, high cost sensors. Truck fleet operators will likely adopt technology only if the costs are justified by reduced damage and insurance costs, therefore developing an effective crash avoidance system at a low cost is required for the technology to be adopted on a large scale.
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Komunikační systém pro nevidomé - přenosná část / Communication system for the blind - the mobile partDadák, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
Orientation in big administration buildings can be very difficult for visually impaired people. Although most of the buildings are equipped with elevators, the buttons of which are designated with Braille characters and acoustic signals, it might be very difficult for the visually impaired to actually find the particular office. Even if there were descriptions in Braille at each office door, it would prove very complicating for the visually impaired individual to localize the descriptions in the first place, especially in case of a large number of offices in the building. That may also concern other important places, such as toilets, inside a building. In this thesis, I am going to present a design proposal of a communication system which uses transceivers placed at significant points in a building and receivers placed at the end of the white cane for orientation inside a building.
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Does Color-blind Racial Ideology Moderate the Internalization of the Model Minority Myth on Psychological Distress among Asian American College Students?January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Using a sample of 309 Asian American college students, the present study examined the effects of color-blind racial ideology (i.e., unawareness of blatant racial issues, unawareness of racial privilege and unawareness of institutional racism) on the link between internalization of the model minority myth (i.e., unrestricted mobility and achievement orientation) and psychological distress (i.e., social climate stress, interracial stress, within group stress, racism stress and achievement stress). Results primarily suggest the denial of blatant racism and racial issues (and not denial of racial privilege and institutional racism) exacerbate the effect of internalizing the model minority myth related to unrestricted mobility, while it buffers the effect of internalizing the model minority myth related to achievement orientation on race-related social stress. Also, denial of racial privilege appears to buffer the effect of internalizing the model minority myth related to unrestricted mobility and within group stress. Clinical implications and future directions for research are discussed. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Counseling 2020
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Improving the Trustworthiness of Electronic Voting Systems Using BlockchainJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: Many researchers have seen the value blockchain can add to the field of voting and many protocols have been proposed to allow voting to be conducted in a way that takes advantage of blockchains distributed and immutable structure. While blockchains immutable structure can take the place of paper records in preventing tampering it by itself is insufficient to construct a trustworthy voting system with eligibility, privacy, verifiability, and fairness requirements. Many of the protocols which strive to keep voters votes confidential, but also allow for verifiability and eligibility requirements rely on either a blind signature provided by a central authority to provide compliance with these requirements or ring signatures to prove membership in the set of voters. A blind signature issued by a central authority introduces a potential vulnerability as it allows a corrupt central authority to pass a large number of forged ballots into the mix without any detection. Ring signatures on the other hand tend to be overly resource intensive to allow for practical usage in large voting sets. The research in this thesis focuses on improving the trustworthiness of electronic voting systems by providing possible ways of avoiding or detecting corrupt central authorities while still relying upon the benefits of efficiency the blind signature provides. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Science 2020
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Produktionsprozesse für Lehrwerke im Universellen Design: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Anforderungenblinder und sehbehinderter Kinder im InklusionsunterrichtDobroschke, Julia 08 December 2015 (has links)
Deutschland hat sich mit der Ratifizierung der Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen u. a. verpflichtet, ein inklusives Bildungssystem zu etablieren. Darunter zählt auch, die dafür erforderlichen Unterrichtsmaterialien bereitzustellen. Schulbuchverlage bieten deshalb seit einigen Jahren Inklusionsmaterialien an, die vor allem für Kinder mit erhöhtem Förderbedarf im Bereich Lernen oder der sprachlichen Entwicklung konzipiert sind. Allerdings sind solche Lernmittel für blinde oder sehbehinderte Kinder oft nicht zugänglich. Für eine barrierefreie Gestaltung fehlen Alternativen, Informationen auditiv oder taktil wahrzunehmen. Solche Lernmittel stellen bisher nur wenige spezielle Medienzentren her.
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, wie Lerninhalte derzeit barrierefrei produziert werden und welche Möglichkeiten sich für Schulbuchverlage durch die Anwendung neuer Technologien ergeben. Das Universelle Design – ein Gestaltungsansatz für Produkte und Anwendungen, die für eine größtmögliche Nutzergruppe zugänglich sind – bietet dabei die theoretische Basis, entsprechende (sonder-)pädagogische und herstellungstechnische Ansätze zu entwickeln. Auf der Grundlage einer Bedarfsanalyse, die durch Befragungen von Schulbuchverlagen, Lehrkräften und Medienzentren gestützt wird, werden Wege der Zusammenarbeit von Medienzentren und Schulbuchverlagen erschlossen. Daraus werden Prozessmodelle und -beschreibungen entwickelt, um die Reorganisationsmaßnahmen zu verdeutlichen, wie Schulbücher zukünftig barrierefreier produziert werden können. Eine abschließende Evaluation der Lösungsansätze mit Verlagsexperten und Mitarbeitern aus Medienzentren verdeutlicht die Synergiepotenziale, die aus technischer Perspektive vor allem im elektronischen Publizieren liegen. Durch eine Produktionsweise mit medienneutralen Daten in Schulbuchverlagen und Medienzentren können mehrere Anforderungen erfüllt werden, die den barrierefreien Zugang zu Lerninhalten verbessern. Die technischen Optimierungen allein lösen jedoch nicht alle Probleme. Auch die konzeptionelle Phase der Schulbuchentwicklung muss maßgeblich durch (sonder-) pädagogisches Wissen ergänzt werden, um ein sinnvolles didaktisches Konzept auch für blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder anbieten zu können. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet deshalb grundlegende Untersuchungen, Besonderheiten für die Konzeption und Produktion zugänglicher Unterrichtsmaterialien darzulegen und die Mehrwerte für die Verlagsarbeit von Bildungsmedienanbietern aufzuzeigen.
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A bibliography of fiction and biography suitable for use with blind, deaf, or crippled adolescents, grade 7-12Unknown Date (has links)
"The purpose of this paper is to develop a list of printed materials in the fields of fiction and biography for use with adolescents who are blind, deaf, or crippled. The books selected are presented in an annotated bibliography arranged alphabetically under two classifications, fiction and biography. An attempt was made to identify all available books for grades seven to twelve which meet the criteria established for this bibliography and have value in the education or treatment of physically exceptional adolescents"--Introduction. / "January, 1953." / At head of title: Florida State University. / Typescript. / Advisors: Sara K. Srygley, Louis Shores, Professors Co-Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 35-36).
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The use of an attached sunspace is one of the most popular passive solar heating techniques. One of the main drawbacks of the sunspace is getting over heated by the sun energy during the hot season of the year. Even in northern climates overheating could be problematic and there is a considerable cooling demand. Shading is one of the most efficient and cost effective strategies to avoid overheating due to the high irradiation especially in the summer. Another strategy is using ventilation system to remove the excess heat inside the sunspace. However this rejected energy can be captured and stored for future energy demands of the sunspace itself or nearby buildings. Therefore the Solar blind system has been considered here for the shielding purpose in order to reduce the cooling demand. By considering the PV/T panels as the solar blind, the blocked solar energy will be collected and stored for covering part of the heating demand and the domestic hot water supplies of the adjacent building. From a modeling point of view, the sunspace can be considered as a small-scale closed greenhouse. In the closed greenhouse concept, available excess heat is indeed utilized in order to supply the heating demand of the greenhouse itself as well as neighboring buildings. The energy captured by PV/T collectors and the excess heat from the sunspace then will be stored in a thermal energy storage system to cover the daily and seasonal energy demand of the attached building. In the present study, a residential building with an attached sunspace with height, length and width of 3, 12 and 3.5 meters respectively has been assumed located in two different locations, Stockholm and Rome. Simulations have been run for the Solar blind system integrated with a short-term and a long-term TES systems during a year to investigate the influence of the sunspace equipped with a PV/T Solar blind on the thermal behavior of the adjacent building. The simulated results show that the Solar blind system can be an appropriate and effective solution for avoiding overheating problems in sunspace and simultaneously produce and store significant amount of thermal energy and electricity power which leads to saving considerable amount of money during a year.
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SafeWalk : A tool for the visually impairedFärm, Gabriel, Abdullah, Mohammad Omar January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to implement a system called SafeWalk to help visually impaired people to sense obstacles in their path and provide them with more independence and more effortless life routines without any external help. SafeWalk is a low power consuming system designed to replace the daily used white cane. It consists of sensors, a buzzer, a vibrating motor, and a software application. The system will be installed on the user's shoe. It detects the objects in front of the user using an Ultrasonic sensor that measures the distance to the targeted object by transmitting sound waves. This will produce vibration in the shoe and causes the buzzer to start playing when the object gets closer. Similarly, using the provided application, signals will be received in the user's smartphone, which will begin to vibrate when the object is detected. The system works just as planned. The final prototype senses objects in the walking path very well. The connection to the app was strong and never disconnected while in use. The phone vibrates stronger if an object on the ground gets closer; if there is an object in the air, the buzzer and vibrator signal the user.
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Compromising Random Linear Network Coding as a CipherBethu, Sravya 15 June 2022 (has links)
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