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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj primene opšte intravenske anestezije na kvalitet kolonoskopske procedure / The influence of administration of general intravenous anesthesia on the quality of colonoscopic procedure

Knežević Aleksandar 12 June 2018 (has links)
<p>Sve veća potreba za izvođenjem kolonoskopije u dijagnostičke ili terapijske svrhe nameće potrebu za usavr&scaron;avanjem ove endoskopske procedure. Izvođenje kolonoskopije u op&scaron;toj, intravenskoj anesteziji, moglo bi u značajnoj meri olak&scaron;ati njeno izvođenje, pobolj&scaron;ati podno&scaron;enje ove procedure od strane ispitanika i omogućiti otkrivanje većeg broja pacijenata sa potencijalno malignim bolestima debelog creva. Cilj ispitivanja je bio utvrditi da li primena op&scaron;te intravenske anestezije tokom kolonoskopije povećava broj totalnih kolonoskopija i skraćuje vreme intubacije cekuma, povećava broj viđenih patolo&scaron;kih procesa i smanjuje osećaj bola i učestalost neželjenih reakcija. Primena op&scaron;te intravenske anestezije značajno je povećala broj totalnih kolonoskopija u 94.3% ispitanika u odnosu na 78.7% totalnih kolonoskopija kontrolne grupe i skratila vreme intubacije cekuma, značajno je povećala broj viđenih patolo&scaron;kih promena u 46.7% ispitanika u odnosu na broj viđenih patolo&scaron;kih promena u 28.8% ispitanika kontrolne grupe i značajno je smanjila intenzitet bola i učestalost neželjenih reakcija. U kontrolnoj grupi ispitanika skalom bola nakon kolonoskopije ustanovljen je značajno veći intenzitet bola u poređenju sa ispitanicima ekperimentalne grupe. Na Likertovoj skali zadovoljstva ustanovljena je značajno bolja kontrola bola i lični stav lekara u ekperimentalnoj grupi, dok su poseta ustanovi i procedura, razumevanje procedure, tehnička ve&scaron;tina lekara, lični stav medicinskih sestara i drugog tehničkog osoblja značajno bolje ocenjeni u kontrolnoj grupi. Od svih ispitivanih faktora na zadovoljstvo obe grupe pacijenata značajno su uticali: način izvođenja procedure, bol, uočene patolo&scaron;ke promene i intubacija cekuma. U kontrolnoj grupi ispitanika između skale zadovoljstva i skale bola ustanovljena je značajna negativna korelacija. U kontrolnoj grupi se 80,1% pacijenata izjasnilo da bi ponovnu kolonoskopiju uradili u op&scaron;toj intravenskoj anesteziji u poređenju sa svim pacijentima eksperimentalne grupe koji ne bi menjali način izvođenja ponovne procedure. Primena op&scaron;te intravenske anestezije tokom kolonoskopije povećava broj totalnih kolonoskopija i uočenih patolo&scaron;kih promena, smanjuje učestalost i intenzitet neželjenih reakcija povećavajući zadovoljstvo pacijenata, &scaron;to bi prevashodno moglo imati značaja u skriningu karcinoma debelog creva. Potrebno je pro&scaron;iriti ispitivanje primene op&scaron;te intravenske anestezije u drugim endoskopskim procedurama kako bi bila uvedena u svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi.</p> / <p>An increasing need to perform colonoscopy for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes imposed the need for mastering this endoscopic procedure. Performing colonoscopy in general intravenous anesthesia could greatly ease the procedure, make it more comfortable for patients and it could enable detecting a higher number of patients with occult malignant diseases of the colon. The aim of this paper was to determine if the implementation of general intravenous anesthesia during colonoscopy increases the number of total colonoscopies and shortens the time of cecum intubation, increases the number of familiar pathological processes and decreases the sensation of pain as well as the frequency of side reactions. The implementation of general intravenous anesthesia has significantly increased the number of total colonoscopies in 94.3% of examined patients in relation to 78.7% of total colonoscopies of the control group and shortened the time of cecum intubation. It has significantly increased the number of familiar pathological changes in 46.7% of the patients in relation to the number of familiar pathological changes in 28.8% patients of the control group and significantly decreased pain intensity and the frequency of side reactions. A statistically greater pain intensity after colonoscopy was determined by the pain scale in the control group in comparison to the examinees of the experimental group. Likert satisfaction scale has shown that the experiment group assessed pain control and doctors&rsquo; opinion as significantly better, while the institution visits and the procedure, understanding the procedure, doctors&rsquo; technical skills, nurses&rsquo; and technical personnel&rsquo;s personal opinions were assessed as significantly better in the control group. Out of all the examined factors on the satisfaction of both groups, the following ones had a significant inluence: the way the procedure was done, the level of pain, detected pathological changes and cecum intubation. A significanlty negative correlation was determined between the scale of satisfaction and the scale of pain in the control group. 80.1% of the control group patients stated that they would undergo a general anesthesia colonoscopy again in comparison to all the patients of the experimental group who would not change the way the procedure was previously done. The implementation of general intravenous anesthesia in the course of colonoscopy increases the number of total colonoscopies and detected pathological changes, decreases the frequency and intensity of side-effects therefore it enhances patients&#39; sastisfaction, which could play a major role in colon cancer screening. It is necessary to extend the implementation of general intravenous anesthesia in other endoscopic procedures in order to introduce it in everyday clinical practice.</p>

Estudo das c?nicas: uma proposta did?tica com uso de GeoGebra para o Ensino M?dio / Study of conic: a proposal for teaching with GeoGebra of use for High School

Severiano, Thiago Pardo 31 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-11-06T19:02:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoPardoSeveriano_DISSERT.pdf: 3158283 bytes, checksum: 55badc2475ae7d283bbd566258aadd9f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-18T00:23:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoPardoSeveriano_DISSERT.pdf: 3158283 bytes, checksum: 55badc2475ae7d283bbd566258aadd9f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-18T00:23:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoPardoSeveriano_DISSERT.pdf: 3158283 bytes, checksum: 55badc2475ae7d283bbd566258aadd9f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-31 / Este trabalho tem o objetivo de abordar o conceito de c?nicas, suas dedu??es, caracteriza??es e representa??es gr?ficas. Est? dividido em tr?s cap?tulos. No primeiro cap?tulo ser?o abordados o contexto hist?rico de c?nicas e a dedu??o da sua equa??o geral. No cap?tulo seguinte, abordaremos a caracteriza??o das c?nicas a partir da equa??o geral e defiiremos uma c?nica por 5 pontos dados. O ?ltimo cap?tulo apresenta sugest?es de aulas sobre cada tipo de c?nica, com constru??es no GeoGebra.

Soluções radiais e não radiais para a Equação de Hénon na bola unitária. / Radial and nonradial solutions for the Hénon Equation in the unit ball.

COSTA, Jackson Jonas Silva. 24 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-07-24T16:13:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JACKSON JONAS SILVA COSTA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2010..pdf: 1326944 bytes, checksum: 5f5bb0430a12c8bdeabdea73796d8578 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-24T16:13:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JACKSON JONAS SILVA COSTA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGMAT 2010..pdf: 1326944 bytes, checksum: 5f5bb0430a12c8bdeabdea73796d8578 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04 / Capes / Para visualizar o resumo recomendamos do download do arquivo uma vez que o mesmo utiliza fórmulas ou equações matemáticas que não puderam ser transcritas neste espaço. / In order to view the summary we recommend downloading the file as it uses mathematical formulas or equations that could not be transcribed in this space.

Fun??o quadr?tica

Soares, Jobson Hugo de Sousa 15 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T15:36:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JobsonHSS_DISSERT.pdf: 1416900 bytes, checksum: 677228c50dc507b009762057a3ac8330 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / In general, the study of quadratic functions is based on an excessive amount formulas, all content is approached without justification. Here is the quadratic function and its properties from problems involving quadratic equations and the technique of completing the square. Based on the definitions we will show that the graph of the quadratic function is the parabola and finished our studies finding that several properties of the function can be read from the simple observation of your chart. Thus, we built the whole matter justifying each step, abandoning the use of decorated formulas and valuing the reasoning / Em geral, o estudo de fun??es quadr?ticas ? baseado numa quantidade excessiva de f?rmulas, todo conte?do ? abordado sem justificativas. Apresentamos a fun??o quadr?tica e suas propriedades a partir de problemas envolvendo equa??es do segundo grau e da t?cnica de completar quadrado. Partindo das defini??es mostraremos que o gr?fico da fun??o quadr?tica ? a par?bola e terminamos nosso estudos verificando que v?rias propriedades da fun??o podem ser lidas a partir da simples observa??o do seu gr?fico. Dessa forma, constru?mos todo o assunto justificando cada passo, abandonando o uso de f?rmulas decoradas e prezando pelo racioc?nio

Tramas simbólicas:a dinâmica das turmas de bate-bolas do Rio de Janeiro / Symbolic mesh: the "bate-bola" groups of Rio de Janeiro

Aline Valadão Vieira Gualda Pereira 25 March 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda a manifestação contemporânea das turmas de bate-bolas do carnaval do Rio de Janeiro. As turmas de bate-bolas podem ser compreendidas como grupos de foliões que se fantasiam e se comportam de maneiras peculiares. Em relação à visibilidade que outras manifestações carnavalescas alcançam como é o caso, por exemplo, do desfile das escolas de samba pode-se considerar que há poucos estudos voltados para os bate-bolas. Dentre os estudos sobre os bate-bolas, percebe-se uma predominância da compreensão do conceito de cultura popular como o campo da tradição, da pureza e da autonomia cultural, em relação à cultura de massa. Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem diferente da convencional, entendendo a manifestação das turmas de bate-bolas contemporâneas pelas suas transformações e diferenças. Para isto, baseia-se nos pressupostos dos Estudos Culturais, que constituem uma disciplina para a qual a impureza cultural é o critério fundamental de estudo da cultura popular, que é vista como uma arena de disputa de significados simbólicos. De forma a aplicar estes preceitos à situação atual das turmas de bate-bolas, este trabalho analisa as diferentes maneiras pelas quais os fantasiados formulam as suas visões particulares da brincadeira, especialmente através das configurações de elementos materiais e de elementos performáticos associados a diferentes tipos de comportamentos relacionados aos bate-bolas contemporâneos. / This research addresses the contemporary manifestation of the groups of bate-bolas of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. The groups of bate-bolas can be understood as groups of individuals which disguise themselfs and behave in peculiar ways. Regarding the visibility that other events carnival reach - as is the case, for example, of Escolas de Samba - it can be considered that there are few studies focused on the bate-bolas. Among the studies on the bate-bolas, realizes is a predominance of understanding of the concept of popular culture as the field of tradition, the purity and cultural autonomy, in relation to mass culture. This research proposes an approach different from conventional, meaning a manifestation of the groups of bate-bolas for their contemporary transformations and differences. For this, based on the assumptions of Cultural Studies, which are a subject which the cultural impurity is the fundamental criterion of study of popular culture, which is seen as an arena of dispute symbolic meanings. In order to implement these precepts to the current situation of the groups of bate-bolas, this work examines the various ways in which the revelers formulate their visions of private joke, especially throughing of materials and configurations of elements of elements associated performer a different types of behaviors related to bate-bolas contemporaries.


PEDRO ABDALLA TEIXEIRA 08 June 2020 (has links)
[pt] Motivado por problemas no campo da recuperação de sinais por programação convexa, o objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer uma análise precisa do método das bola pequena e suas conexões com a teoria não assintótica das matrizes aleatórias. Em particular, o estudo dos valores singulares cônicos de matrizes aleatórias desempenhará um papel fundamental na análise de tais problemas. / [en] Motivated by problems in the field of signal recovery by convex programming, the aim of this work is to provide a careful analysis of the celebrated small ball method and its connections with the non-asymptotic theory of random matrices. In particular, the study of the conic singular values of random matrices will play a key role to analyze such problems.

Évaluation de stratégies pour l'optimisation d'un vaccin à ADN contre le virus de la diarrhée virale bovine (BVDV)

Brunelle, Mélanie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Évaluation de stratégies pour l'optimisation d'un vaccin à ADN contre le virus de la diarrhée virale bovine (BVDV)

Brunelle, Mélanie January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Uticaj lokalnog anestetika na bol posle laparoskopske holecistektomije / The influence of local anesthetic on pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Jovanović Dejan 28 June 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD. Bilijarna kalkuloza je najče&scaron;će oboljenje hepatobilijarnog sistema, a holecistektomija predstavlja jedan od najče&scaron;će izvođenih operativnih zahvata. Laparoskopska holecistektomija je danas zlatni standard lečenja holelitijaze. Laparoskopska holecistektomija je pokazala pobolj&scaron;anje u klinički značajnim ishodima kao &scaron;to su skraćenje operativnog vremena, kraća hospitalizacija, smanjenje jačine i trajanja postoperativnog bola i brži povratak dnevnim i radnim aktivnostima. Postoperativna bol i vreme potpunog oporavka ostaju dva glavna problema posle nekomplikovane laparoskopske holecistektomije koje bi trebalo pobolj&scaron;ati. Bol koji je povezan sa laparoskopskom holecistektomijom je kompleksan i multifaktorijalan. On nastaje o&scaron;tećenjem tkiva, disekcijom i uklanjanjem žučne kesice iz svoje lože, stimulacijom periportalnih nerava, iritacijom dijafragme, mehaničkim i hemijskim interakcijama gasa i pneumoperitoneuma, incizijama portova. Istraživanja su označila parijetalni i visceralni bol kao dva glavna mehanizma nastanka bola kod laparoskopske holecistektomije. Bol se ne može meriti nego proceniti jer je subjektivni osećaj. Pokazalo se potrebnim da se na čvr&scaron;ćim naučnim osnovama da odgovor na pitanje da li je moguće blokirati parijetalni i visceralni bol posle laparoskopske holecistektomije u akutnoj fazi. CILJEVI. Cilj studije je da uporedi standardnu analgeziju (ne-opioidnu) (grupa O) sa davanjem parijetalne blokade (grupa P), ili davanjem visceralne blokade (grupa V), ili sa obe date blokade (grupa P+V). Primarni ishodi studije su bolesnikov procenjeni bol pre operacije i posle operacije na 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48 sati i 7. dana. Sekundarni ishodi studije su bolesnikova procenjena mučnina na 1,2,4,6,12 sati i bolesnikova procenjena mobilnost 1. 2. i 7. dan. HIPOTEZA. Blokada postoperativnog visceralnog bola i blokada postoperativnog parijetalnog bola posle laparoskopske holecistektomije putem intraperitonealne lokalne infiltracije anestetikom i putem lokalne infiltracije anestetikom pristupnih laparoskopskih portova može značajno smanjiti rani postoperativni bol. MATERIJAL I METODE. Ova prospektivna, randomizirana jednostruko slepa studija je započela septembra 2014. godine i trajala je do januara 2016. godine. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za abdominalnu, endokrinu i transplantacionu hirurgiju i Urgentnom centru Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu kod bolesnika operisanih metodom laparoskopske holecistektomije. Rad je podeljen u nekoliko celina. 1. Procena veličine uzorka; 2. Procena podobnosti za studiju; 3. Anketiranje i uključivanje u studiju; 4. Razvrstavanje u grupe i operativni rad; 5. Period postoperativnog praćenja; 6. Statistička obrada i pisanje rada.<br />1. Procena veličine uzorka. Studija je realizovana podelom bolesnika u 4 grupe. Neophodni broj bolesnika je izračunat uzimajući podatke iz pilot istraživanja slične studije iz 2012. godine. Veličina uzorka je računata za primarni ishod studije&nbsp; (bolesnikov procenjen bol sa NAS) na pretpostavci da treba biti 20% smanjenja bola u prvom postoperativnom satu, uz verovatnoću Tip 1 gre&scaron;ke &alpha;=0.05 i Tipa 2 gre&scaron;ke &beta;=0.10 da postigne adekvatnu statističku snagu oko 80% i da otkrije 20% razlike u srednjoj vrednosti procenjenog bola jedan sat nakon laparoskopske&nbsp; holecistektomije. Procenjeni broj ispitanika po grupama prema zadatim kriterijumima je bio (P+V=65; P=68; V=68; O=65). Studija je započela uključivanjem prvog bolesnika u studiju a zavr&scaron;ena ispunjenim periodom praćenja sve dok poslednji bolesnik nije doneo upitnike o bolu, mučnini i kretanju. 2. Procena podobnosti za studiju. U periodu studije ukupan broj holecistektomiranih bolesnika je bio 1024 (440 klasično i 584 laparoskopski). Samo pogodni bolesnici su anketirani (584) i pročitali su informacioni list o istraživanju. Uključivanje ili procena podobnosti bolesnika za studiju sprovedena je na osnovu uključnih i isključnih kriterijuma. U studiju nije uključeno ukupno 226 bolesnika. Od tog broja 82 bolesnika je odbilo učestvovati u studiji a 144 bolesnika nije ispunilo uključne postavljene kriterijume. Svojim potpisom potvrdilo je uče&scaron;će u studiji 358 bolesnika. 3. Anketiranje i uključivanje u studiju. Nakon prijema bolesnika u bolnicu ispitivači su uzimali anamnezu i bolesnicima je ponuđen informacioni list i informisani pristanak. Nakon čitanja informacije, potpisivanja informisanog pristanka i zadovoljavanja&nbsp; uključnih i isključnih kriterijuma 358 bolesnika je uključeno u studiju. Obavljena je preoperativna priprema i ispitivači su popunili deo podataka u individualnom listu. 4. Razvrstavanje u grupe i operativni rad. Neposredno preoperativno od strane nezavisne osobe neuključene u studiju napravljena je randomizacija izabranih (n=358) u studijske grupe tablicama slučajnog izbora, tako da bolesnici nisu znali kojoj grupi pripadaju, dok su operater i osoblje to znali na početku operacije (jednostruko slepa studija). Nakon randomizacije i operacije bolesnici pripadaju jednoj od sledeće 4 grupe: Kontrolna grupa O=89, u kojoj su bolesnici sa urađenom laparoskopskom&nbsp; holecistektomijom bez visceralne blokade anestetikom i bez parijetalne blokade anestetikom. Eksperimentalna grupa P=88, u kojoj su bolesnici sa urađenom laparoskopskom holecistektomijom bez visceralne blokade anestetikom i sa parijetalnom blokadom anestetikom. Eksperimentalna grupa V=92, u kojoj su bolesnici sa urađenom laparoskopskom holecistektomijom sa visceralnom blokadom anestetikom i bez parijetalne blokade anestetikom. Eksperimentalna grupa P+V=89, u kojoj će biti bolesnici sa urađenom laparoskopskom holecistektomijom sa visceralnom blokadom anestetikom i sa parijetalnom blokadom anestetikom. Primenjivan je uobičajni, standardni protokol anestezije za laparoskopske operacije kod svih ispitanika. Svim bolesnicima plasirana je orogastrična sonda koja se nakon operacije odstranjivala. Kod&nbsp; bolesnika kod kojih je primenjivan lokalni anestetik neposredno pre početka operacije pravio se rastvor lokalnog anestetika (Marcaine&reg; 0,25%). Bolesnici su otpu&scaron;teni sa bolničkog lečenja prvog postoperativnog dana, pod uslovom da nisu imali komplikacija. 5. Postoperativno praćenje i ispunjavanje upitnika. Po dolasku na odeljenje&nbsp; bolesnicima je odmah uključivana ista analgezija. Tokom ispunjavanja informisanog pristanka, bolesnici su dobili upitnik na kojoj će sami procenjivati nivo bola, mučnine i kretanja tokom ležanja u bolnici i vremena praćenja od 7 dana kući. Bolesnici su dolazili na unapred zakazane postoperativne kontrole 7 do 10 dana posle operacije i donosili ispunjene upitnike. Otpu&scaron;teno je i za praćenje ostalo n=302 laparoskopski operisanih bolesnika a isključeno iz studije n=20 bolesnika. 6. Statistička obrada i pisanje rada. Ukupno je analizirano 274 listića operisanih bolesnika: u Grupi P+V =67; u Grupi P =70; u Grupi V =70 i u Grupi O =67. Od osnovnih deskriptivnih statističkih parametara za kvalitativnu i kvantitativnu procenu dobijenih rezultata su kori&scaron;ćeni apsolutni brojevi, relativni brojevi, mediana, mod, aritmetička sredina i standardna devijacija (SD). Obrada podataka se vr&scaron;ila&nbsp; osnovnim i naprednim statističkim metodama i programima. Rezultati su prikazani tabelarno i grafički. REZULTATI. Demografski podaci. Ukupno je bilo 188 žena i 86 mu&scaron;karaca, u odnosu 2,2 : 1. Prosečna starost cele grupe je bila 52,1 &plusmn; 15,72 godine. Ukupno je bilo 179 zaposlenih i 95 nezaposlenih. Ukupno je bilo 45 ispitanika sa osnovnim obrazovanjem, 153 ispitanika sa srednjim obrazovanjem i 76 ispitanika sa visokim obrazovanjem. Ukupno je bilo 186 nepu&scaron;ača i 88 pu&scaron;ača. Prosečna vrednost BMI cele grupe je bila 27,24 &plusmn; 4,21 kg/m2. Prosečna vrednost ASA u celoj grupi je bila 2,03 (mediana=2, mod=2). Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između posmatranih grupa u odnosu na posmatrane parametre. Laboratorijski podaci. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u vrednosti leukocita između posmatranih grupa (p=0,039), u vrednosti uree između posmatranih grupa (p=0,040). Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u vrednosti eritrocita, trombocita, hemoglobina, &Scaron;UK-a, kreatinina i bilirubina posmatranih grupa. Operativni i postoperativni podaci. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u količini upotrebljenog Fentanila između posmatranih grupa. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u dužini trajanja operacije između posmatranih grupa (p=0,003), u trajanju postavljenog abdominalnog drena između posmatranih grupa (p=0,024), u trajanju hospitalizacije između posmatranih grupa (p=0,027), u broju dana do povratka uobičajenim aktivnostima između posmatranih grupa (p=0,000), u broju uzetih tableta između posmatranih grupa (p=0,000). Prosečna ocena zadovoljstva bolesnika posle operacije u celoj grupi je bila 8,80 (mediana=9; mod=10). Najbolju ocenu zadovoljstva bolesnika posle operacije je imala grupa P+V. Procena bola, mučnine i kretanja. Postoji statistički značajna razlika između posmatranih grupa u proceni jačine bola pre operacije (p=0,003). Postoji statistički značajna razlika između posmatranih grupa u proceni jačine bola 1h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 2h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 4h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P); u proceni jačine bola 6h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 12h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 24h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 48h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P) i u proceni jačine bola 7 dana posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P). Procenjena bol se pojačava otprilike 2,5 sata posle operacije sa vrhom 3 sata posle operacije, a smanjuje se na istu vrednost kao 2. sata posle operacije, otprilike 5. sata posle operacije. U vremenskim intervalima 1, 2. i 7. postoperativni dan postoji značajno pobolj&scaron;anje u postoperativnoj mobilnosti bolesnika. U vremenskim intervalima 1, 2, 4, 6 i 12 sati postoji značajno pobolj&scaron;anje u procenjenoj vrednosti mučnine bolesnika. Korelacije. Statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija ocene bola posle 1. sata, posle 2. sata, posle 6. sata, posle 12. sata je utvrđena sa brojem uzetih tableta (p=0,000), kao i procene mučnine (p=0,000). Statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija procene bola posle 4. sata je utvrđena sa brojem uzetih tableta (p=0,006), kao i aktivnosti (p=0,014). Statistički značajna korelacija procene bola posle 24. sata je utvrđena sa brojem uzetih tableta (p=0,000; pozitivna) i trajanjem operacije (p=0,028; negativna). Statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija procene bola posle 48. sata i posle 7 dana je utvrđena sa brojem uzetih tableta (p=0,000). ZAKLJUČCI: Primena lokalnog anestetika datog na bilo koji način značajno smanjuje bol posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Primena lokalnog anestetika datog i&nbsp; portalno i visceralno (P+V) značajno smanjuje bol u odnosu na samo portalnu (P) ili visceralnu (V) primenu u vremenskim intervalima 2, 6, 12 sat posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Portalna (P) primena sa ili bez visceralne (V) primene lokalnog anestetika značajno smanjuje bol u vremenskim intervalima 1, 4, 24, 48 sati i 7 dana posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Najbolje kretanje je bilo u grupi P+V posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Najbolje smanjenje procenjene mučnine je bilo u grupi P posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Najraniji povratak uobičajenim aktivnostima zabeležen je u grupi P+V. Najbolja ocena zadovoljstva bolesnika hirur&scaron;kim lečenjem bila je u grupi P+V. Postoperativna bol ima najznačajniju pozitivnu korelaciju sa procenjenom mučninom i brojem tableta uzetih od momenta otpusta do prve kontrole bolesnika.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Biliary calculosis is the most frequent disease of the hepatobiliary system, and cholecystectomy is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures. Today laparoscopic cholecystectomy represents the golden standard in treating cholelithiasis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy showed improvement in the clinically significant outcomes, such as: reducing the duration of the surgery, shorter hospital stay, reducing the intensity and duration of postoperative pain and faster return to normal daily and working activities. Postoperative pain and the time of full recovery remain the two major problems after a non-complicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy and they should be improved. The pain related to laparoscopic cholecystectomy is complex and multi-factorial in origin. The pain occurs due to damaged tissues, dissection and removal of gallbladder from its cavity, stimulation of periportal nerves, irritation of the diaphragm, mechanical and chemical interaction of gases and pneumoperitoneum and port incisions. Researches have denoted parietal and visceral pains as two major mechanisms in occurrence of pain in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Pain cannot be measured, but estimated, as it is a subjective feeling. It was considered necessary to find the answer, based on solid scientific evidence, if it was possible to block parietal and visceral pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in its acute phase. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to compare standard, non-opioid, analgesia (group O) with applying parietal blockade (group P), or visceral blockade (group V), or compare with both applied blockades (group P+V). The primary outcomes of the study are the patient&acute;s estimated pain before surgery and 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours and 7th day after the surgery. The secondary outcomes of this study are the patient&acute;s estimated nausea level during 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 hours, along with the patient&acute;s estimated mobility 1st, 2nd and 7th day, postoperatively. HYPOTHESIS. Blockade of postoperative visceral pain and blockade of postoperative parietal pain following laparoscopic cholecystectomy, applying intraperitoneal local infiltration with anesthetic and also by local infiltration with anesthetic through accessible laparoscopic ports, can significantly reduce early postoperative pain. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This prospectively randomized single-blinded study started in September 2014 and lasted up to January 2016. The research was carried out at the Clinic for Abdominal, Endocrine and Transplantation Surgery and Emergency Center, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad and it involved patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This study has been divided into several units. 1. Assessment of sample size; 2. Assessment of eligibility for the study; 3. Survey and inclusion in the study; 4. Group formation and operational work; 5. Period of postoperative follow-up; 6. Statistical processing and writing the paper.1. Assessment of sample size. The study was realized by dividing the patients into 4 groups. The number of patients necessary was determined based on the data taken as pilot study from a similar study from 2012. Sample size was calculated for the primary outcome of the study (patient&acute;s estimated pain with NAS) based on the assumption that a pain reduction of 20% should occur during the first postoperative hour, with the probability of Type 1 error &alpha;=0.05 and Type 2 error &beta;=0.10 to reach the adequate statistical power of about 80%, and to reveal 20% difference in the average value of the estimated pain one hour after the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The assessed number of respondents in groups according to the set criteria was (P+V =65;P =68;V =68; O =65). The study started when the first patient was included and it ended with the complete follow-up period when the last patient handed in the survey about pain, nausea and mobility. 2. Assessment of eligibility for the study. During the study the number of patients undergoing surgery applying the method of cholecystectomy was 1024 (440 classical and 584 laparoscopic). Only the suitable patients were surveyed (584) and given to read the information leaflet about the study. Inclusion and assessment of patients&acute; eligibility was performed on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 226 patients was not included in the study. Out of that number 82 patients refused to participate in the study and 144 did not fulfill the inclusive criteria set. By signing 358 patients confirmed their participation in the study. 3. Survey and inclusion in the study. After admitting the patients to hospital the surveyors took their anamnesis and the patients were offered an information leaflet and informed consent. Following the reading of the information leaflet, signing the informed consent and satisfying the criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 358 patients were included in the study. Preoperative preparations were performed and the surveyors filled in some of the data on the individual list. 4. Group formation and operational work. Prior to the surgery an independent person not included in the study carried out the randomisation of the patients chosen (n=358) into study groups by random selection tables. The patients did not know which group they belonged to, while it became known to the surgeon and the operation stuff at the beginning of the surgery (singleblinded study). After randomization and surgery the patients belonged to one of the following groups: Control group O=89 of patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy without visceral blockade by anesthetic and without parietal blockade by anesthetic. Experimental group P=88 of patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy without visceral blockade by anesthetic but with parietal blockade by anesthetic. Experimental group V=92 of patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy with visceral blockade by anesthetic but without parietal blockade by anesthetic. Experimental group P+V=89 of patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy with visceral blockade by anesthetic and with parietal blockade by anesthetic. The standard protocol of anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy was applied to all patients. An orogastric tube used during the surgery, was removed after it. In patients with applied local anesthetic immediately before surgery a solution of local anesthetic was made (Marcaine&reg; 0,25%). The patients were discharged from hospital the first postoperative day, provided that no complications occurred. 5. Postoperative follow-up and completing the questionnaire. When admitted to the ward the patients were given the same kind of analgesia. While completing the informed consent the patients were given a questionnaire for estimating their pain level, nausea and mobility during their stay in hospital and during the 7-day follow-up period at home. The patients were required to come for 7 and 10-day postoperative check-ups by appointment and then they handed in the questionnaires. n=302 patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy were released and designated for follow-up, and n=20 patients were excluded from the study. 6. Statistical processing and writing the paper. In total 274 operated patients&acute; slips were analysed, by groups as follows: in Group P+V =67; in Group P =70; in Group V =70 and in Group O =67. From the basic descriptive statistical parametres for qualitative and quantitative assessment of results obtained, absolute numbers, relative numbers, the median, mode, arithmetic mean and standard deviation (SD) were used. Data processing was carried out using basic and advanced statistical methods and programmes. The results are presented in tabular and graphical manner. RESULTS. Demographic data. In total there were 188 women and 86 men, in proportion 2,2 : 1. The average age of the whole group was 52,1 &plusmn; 15,72 years. In total there were 179 employed and 95 unemployed persons. In total there were 45 surveyed patients with primary education, 153 surveyed patients with secondary education and 76 surveyed patients with higher education. In total there were 186 nonsmokers and 88 smokers. The mean BMI value of the whole group was 27,24 &plusmn; 4,21 kg/m2. The mean value of ASA of the whole group was 2,03 (the median=2, mode=2). There is no significant difference among the groups observed considering the observed parametres. Laboratory data. There is a statistically significant difference in the value of leukocytes among the observed groups (p=0,039), and in the value of urea among the observed groups (p=0,040). There is no statistically significant difference in the value of the erythrocyte, platelets, hemoglobin, blood glucose, creatinine and bilirubin of the&nbsp; observed groups. Operative and postoperative data. There is no statistically significant difference in the amount of Fentanyl&reg; applied among the observed groups. There is statistically significant difference in the length of the surgery among the observed groups (p=0,003), in the duration of the positioning of abdominal drainage among the observed groups (p=0,024), in the duration of hospital stay among the observed groups (p=0,027), in the number of days until getting back to regular activities among the observed groups&nbsp; (p=0,000), in the number of taken pills among the observed groups (p=0,000). The patients&acute; average satisfaction grade after surgery in the whole group was 8,80 (the median=9; mode=10). Group P+V had the best patient&lsquo;s satisfaction grade after the surgery. Assessment of pain, nausea and mobility. There is statistically significant difference in the estimation of pain intensity before surgery among the observed groups (p=0,003). There is statistically significant difference in the estimation of pain intensity 1 hour after surgery among the observed groups (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 2 hours after&nbsp; surgery (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 4 hours after surgery (P having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 6 hours after surgery (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 12 hours after surgery (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 24 hours after surgery (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 48 hours after surgery (P having the best estimated pain) also in the estimation of pain intensity 7 days after surgery (P having the best estimated pain). The estimated pain intensifies at about 2,5 hours after surgery and peaks 3 hours after surgery, and decreases to the same level as it was during 2nd hour after surgery approximately during 5th hour after surgery. There is considerable improvement in mobility of patients in the time interval 1st, 2nd and 7th postoperative days. There is considerable improvement in estimated nausea level of patients in the time interval 1, 2, 4, 6 and 12 hours. Correlations. Statistically significant positive correlation in estimated pain after 1st hour, after 2nd hour, after 6th hour and after 12th hour was determined by the number of tablets taken (p=0,000), just like the estimated nausea level (p=0,000). Statistically significant positive correlation in estimated pain after 4th hour was determined by the number of tablets taken (p=0,006), just like the activities (p=0,014). Statistically significant positive correlation in estimated pain after 24th hour was determined by the number of tablets taken (p=0,000; positive), and by the duration of the surgery (p=0,028; negative). Statistically significant positive correlation in estimated pain after 48th hour and after 7 days was determined by the number of tablets taken (p=0,000). CONCLUSIONS: The application of local anesthetic, regardless of how it was applied, considerably reduces pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The application of local anesthetic by port or viscerally (P+V) considerably reduces pain compared to only by port (P) or only visceral (V) application in the time intervals of 2, 6, and 12 hours after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The application of local anesthetic by port (P), with or without visceral (V), considerably reduces pain in the time intervals of 1, 4, 24, and 48 hours and 7 days after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The best mobility was shown by group P+V after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Estimated nausea was most reduced in group P after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Group P+V presented the earliest return to regular activities. The best patients&acute; satisfaction grade with surgical treatment was shown by group P+V. Postoperative pain is most considerably positively correlated with the estimated nausea and pills taken, from the moment of patient&acute;s release from hospital to the first check-up.<br />&nbsp;</p>

Fizikalna terapija primenom lasera male snage u subakutnom lumbalnom bolnom sindromu / Physical therapy with Low-Level Laser Therapy in subacute low back pain syndrome

Filipov Predrag 14 June 2019 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Lumbalni bolni sindrom (LBS) podrazumeva tegobe u vidu bolova, u lumbalnom ili lumbosakralnom segmentu kičmenog stuba, sa ili bez iradijacije u donje ekstremitete, uz poremećaj funkcije umbosakralnog dela kičmenog stuba, za&scaron;titnu mi&scaron;ićnu reakciju na bol (spazam) uz moguće znake senzitivnog poremećaja. Laser male snage (LMS) ima &scaron;iroku primenu u fizikalnoj medicini i rehabilitaciji zbog analgetskog, antiinflamatornog, antiedematoznog i biostimulativnog dejstva. Cilj rada: Glavni ciljevi su bili da se utvrdi da li fizikalna terapija primenom LMS utiče na smanjenje bola, povećanje pokretljivost lumbalne kičme, smanjenje spazma pravertebralne muskulature, kao i na smanjenje funkcionalne osnesposobljenosti u subakutnom LBS. Materijal i metode: Sprovedena je prospektivna studija na 123 pacijenata (50 mu&scaron;karaca i 73 žene), različitih profesija, izabranih metodom slučajnog izbora, prosečne životne dobi 32.59&plusmn;5.67 godina (ispitivana grupa 31.87&plusmn;5.84, kontrolna grupa 33.31&plusmn;5.45, raspon od 19-45). U studiju su uključeni ispitanici koji su prvi put doživeli lumbalni bolni sindrom koji su pregledani u Odeljenju za fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju Doma zdravlja Novi Sad. Ispitivanu grupu je činio 61 ispitanik koji su uključeni u fizikalni tretman, primenom laseroterapije i kineziterapije uz medikamentoznu terapiju. Kontrolnu grupu je činilo 62 ispitanika koji koji su uključeni u fizikalni tretman primenom kineziterapije uz medikamentoznu terapiju. Svim ispitanicima je uzeta anamneza, obavljen klinički pregled, izvr&scaron;ena samoprocena bola i popunjavali su upitnike. Navedeno ispitivanje je sprovedeno na početku tretmana, nakon 6 nedelje i nakon sprovedenog tretmana. Kori&scaron;ćeni su sledeći upitnici: vizuelna analogna skala (VAS), standardizovani upitnici za merenje funkcionalnog ishoda - The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), The Rolland&amp;Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) i SF-36 upitnik. Rezultati: Rezultati ukazuju da se intenzitet bola meren VAS skalom u obe ispitivane grupe značajno smanjivao tokom svih posmatranih perioda ispitivanja, pri čemu dobijena razlika između dve grupe nije statistički značajna (p=0.904). Pokretljivost lumbalne kičme u obe ispitivane grupe tokom posmatranog perioda se značajno povećala tokom svih posmatranih perioda ispitivanja, pri čemu dobijena razlika između dve grupe nije statistički značajna (p=0.798). U obe ispitivane grupe spazam paravertebralne muskulature se značajno smanjivao tokom svih posmatranih perioda ispitivanja, dok dobijena razlika između grupa nije statistički značajna (p=0.453). Funkcionalna onesposobljenost pacijenata (procenjivana smanjenjem funkcionalne onesposobljenosti ODI i RMDQ) se značajno smanjivala u obe ispitivane grupe pacijenata tokom svih posmatranih perioda ispitivanja. Dobijena razlika u skorovima procenjivana RMDQ između ispitivanih grupa pacijenata nije statistički značajna (p=0.648), kao i putem ODI skora između ispitivanih grupa (p=0.311). Procena funkcionalne onesposobljenosti putem procene kvaliteta života (SF-36), ukazuje da se kvalitet života značajno povećavao u svim ispitivanim skorovima u obe ispitivane grupe tokom svih posmatranih perioda ispitivanja. Nema razlika u funkcionalnoj onesposobljenost (SF-36), odnosno nema razlike u kvalitetu života u skorovima fizičko funkcionisanje, ograničenje zbog emocionalnih problema, socijalno funkcionisanje, mentalno zdravlje, telesni bol, energija i vitalnost, sumarni skor fizičkog i sumarni skor mentalnog zdravlja između ispitivanih grupa. Dimenzije kvaliteta života u skorovima ograničenje zbog fizičkog zdravlja je značajno bolje u kontrolnoj grupi ispitanika (p=0.028). Dimenzija kvaliteta života u skoru op&scaron;te zdravlje je značajno bolje u ispitivanoj grupi pacijenata (p=0.041). Zaključci. Primenom LMS u subakutnom LBS do&scaron;lo je statistički značajnog smanjenja intenziteta bola, povećanja pokretljivosti lumbalne kičme, smanjenja spazma paravertebralne muskulature, kao i smanjenja funkcionalne onesposobljenosti. S obzirom da ne postoji koncenzus oko primene LMS, kao ni drugih metoda fizikalne terapije u subakutnom stadijumu LBS, navedeni rezultati bi mogli doprineti usvajanju kliničkih smernica, odnosno dijagnostičkih i terapijskih protokola za subakutni LBS.</p> / <p>Introduction: Low back pain syndrome (LBP) implies pain in the lumbar or lumbosacral segment of the spine, with or without irradiation into the lower extremities, with a disorder to the function of the lumbosacral part of the spine, a protective muscular reaction to pain (spasm) and possible signs of a sensory processing disorder. Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has broad application in physical medicine and rehabilitation due to analgesic, antiinflammatory, anti-edematous and biostimulative effects. Objective: The main objective of this study was to determine whether physical therapy with a LLLT has an effect on reducing pain, increasing mobility in the lumbar spine, reducing spasms of the paravertebral muscle, as well as in reducing functional incapacity in subacute LBP. Material and methods: A prospective study was conducted on 123 patients (50 men and 73 women), of different professions, chosen through random selection, with a mean age of 32.59 &plusmn; 5.67 years (examined group 31.87 &plusmn; 5.84, control group 33.31 &plusmn; 5.45, range 19-45). The study included respondents who had experienced lumbar pain syndrome for the first time and who had been examined in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Novi Sad Health Center. The examined group consisted of 61 respondents undergoing physical treatment with the application of LLLT and kinesiotherapy with medication therapy. The control group consisted of 62 respondents undergoing physical treatment with the application of kinesiotherapy with medication therapy. All patients were subject to an anamnesis, a clinical examination, a selfassessment of pain and were required to complete questionnaires. The above study was carried out at the beginning of treatment, after 6 weeks, and after treatment was completed. The following questionnaires were used: Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), standardized questionnaires for assessing functional outcomes &ndash; The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), The Rolland &amp; Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) and the SF-36 questionnaire. Results: Results indicate that pain intensity assessed using the VAS scale was significantly decreased, in both examined groups, during all observed study periods, where the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (p = 0.904). Mobility of the lumbar spine was significantly increased, in both examined groups, during all observed study periods, where the obtained difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (p = 0.798). In both examined groups, spasm of the paravertebral musculature significantly decreased during all observed study periods, while the difference between the groups was not statistically significant (p = 0.453). Functional disability of patients (assessed by a reduction of functional disabilities of ODI and RMDQ) significantly decreased in both examined groups of patients during all observed examination periods. The obtained difference in scores assessed via the RMDQ, between the studied patient groups, was not statistically significant (p = 0.648), as well as via the ODI score between the researched groups (p = 0.311). Assessment of functional disability through the assessment of quality of life (SF-36) indicates that the quality of life increased significantly, for all examined scores in both examined groups, during all observed testing periods. There is no difference in functional disability (SF-36), that is, there is no difference in quality of life in score physical functioning, restrictions due to emotional problems, social functioning, emotional wellbeing, bodily pain, energy/vitality, physical and mental health, between the examined groups. The dimensions of quality of life in score role limitations due to physical health problems are significantly better in the control group (p = 0.028). The quality of life dimension in the general health perceptions is significantly better in the examination group (p = 0.041). Conclusions: The application of LLLT in subacute LBP resulted in a statistically significant reduction in pain intensity, increased lumbar spine mobility, decreased spasms of paravertebral musculature, and decreased functional disability. Given that there is no consensus on the use of LLLT, nor any other methods of physical therapy, during the subacute LBP, these results could contribute to the adoption of clinical guidelines, that is, diagnostic and therapeutic protocols for subacute LBP.</p>

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