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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Värdeinvestering – en hållbar strategi för överavkastning? : Ett test av investeringsstrategin F_SCORE på värdeaktier med hög book-to-market kvot

Abrahamsson, Isak, Karlsson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Det huvudsakliga syftet är att testa om Piotroskis F_SCORE tillämpat på aktier med hög book-to-market kvot kan överavkasta marknadsportföljen samt, som en konsekvens av detta, undersöka vilken grad av marknadseffektivitet som föreligger. Det sekundära syftet är att tillföra ett kunskapsbidrag till företagsledare om relevansen i book-to-market kvoten. Metod: Detta är en kvantitativ studie som utgår från ett positivistiskt synsätt och en hypotetiskt-deduktiv ansats. Statistiska tester i form av regressionsanalyser har utformats för att bestämma resultatets signifikansnivå. Den empiriska datan har inhämtats från databasen Thomson Reuter Datastream och sammanställts i Excel för att sedan analyseras i statistikprogrammet Stata. Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att värdeportföljen överavkastar marknadsindex samt att den gör det över en längre tidsperiod. Det går också att fastställa att den riskjusterade avkastningen för värdeportföljen är högre än för marknaden, vilket tyder på att överavkastningen inte beror på en högre risk. Det går dock inte att avgöra om den effektiva marknadshypotesen råder eller ej, däremot går det att utesluta att den starka och semi-starka formen av marknadseffektivitet gäller. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För att studera vidare huruvida den svaga formen av marknadseffektivitet råder är ett förslag till vidare forskning att göra en studie utifrån Contrarian modellen för att använda teknisk analys som endast tar hänsyn till historiska kursrörelser för att förutspå framtida avkastning. Ett annat förslag till vidare forskning är att genomföra en liknande studie som denna men då bortse från book to market kvoten och istället köpa aktier med ett F_SCORE högre eller lika med 5 samt att blanka de aktier som har ett F_SCORE under 5. Det tredje förslaget är att studera vidare kring sambandet mellan avkastning och anomalier som småbolagseffekten, likviditet och beteendefinans för att få en tydligare förståelse för vad som orsakar överavkastningen. Uppsatsens bidrag: Det teoretiska bidraget är att den aktuella investeringsstrategin överavkastar marknadsindex för vald tidsperiod utan en nödvändigtvis högre risk. F_SCORE antar en normalfördelningskurva där de bolag som har F_SCORE över fem generellt presterar bättre. Resultatet visar även att book to market kvoten är ett användbart nyckeltal för bolagsvärdering. Det praktiska bidraget är att det kan vara av vikt för företagsledare att fokusera på book to market kvoten för att locka investerare. För investerare är bidraget att denna investeringsstrategi kan slå marknadsindex utan att risken i portföljen ökar. / Aim The main aim is to test if Piotroskis F_SCORE applied on stocks with high book-to- market ratio outperforms the market portfolio and therefore determine the level of market efficiency. The secondary aim is to provide knowledge to business executives about the relevance of a book-to-market policy. Method This study is a quantitative research which assumes a positivistic research philosophy with a deductive approach. Several regression analyses have been used to confirm the statistical significance of the different estimated parameters. The empirical results give answers to two hypotheses based on the aim of this research. The empirical data have been collected from Thomson Reuter Datastream, compiled in Excel and analyzed with the statistical software Stata. Result & Conclusions The empirical results of this study show that the value portfolio has a higher return than the market index. The risk-adjusted return for the value portfolio is higher compared to the market portfolio. This indicates that the higher return of the value portfolio is not due to a higher risk. By the results of this study there is not possible to determine whether the market is fully efficient or not. It is only possible to exclude the strong and semi-strong form of market efficiency. Suggestions for future research For future studies, we suggest further research about the weak form of market efficiency. Using historical data to determine future return, as Contrarian model, is one suggestion to reach further evidence of market (in)efficiency. Since F_SCORE assumes a normal distribution and because of the poor performance of the low F_SCORE firms another suggestion is short-sell these stocks to see if the return ca be increased. This empirical field needs further research about which factors that causes the higher return for these stocks. The small firm effect, liquidity and behavioral finance are just a few anomalies that may have a relationship with excess return. Contribution of the thesis The investment strategy in this research shows a higher excess return compared to the market index as well as a higher risk-adjusted return over the given period. This is not only a contribution to investors but also in a theoretical field due to the efficient market hypothesis. F_SCORE have a normal distribution curve where the stocks with F_SCORE of 5 or higher generally have a higher mean return. Another contribution is the relevance of book to market ratio as a useful strategy for valuating companies. The practical contribution gives business executives better understanding about the relevance of a book-to-market policy when attracting investors.

Perda de valor das empresas listadas na Bovespa durante a crise financeira de 2008: uma análise sob a perspectiva da modelagem hierárquica linear / Decline in stock prices of firms listed in Bovespa during the 2008 financial crises: an analysis from the perspective of the Hierarchical Linear Modeling

Serra, Ricardo Goulart 31 August 2011 (has links)
Raros autores estudam as características das empresas e dos seus setores de atuação na explicação dos retornos das ações em períodos exclusivamente de crise. A escassez de trabalhos em períodos de crise pode ser considerada uma importante lacuna na literatura acadêmica, tendo em vista que as perdas são substanciais nestes períodos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é identificar características das empresas e dos seus setores de atuação que expliquem a queda dos preços das ações das empresas listadas na Bovespa durante a crise financeira de 2008. O período de crise escolhido começa em 20 de maio de 2008 (pico do Ibovespa) e termina em 27 de outubro de 2008 (vale do Ibovespa), com queda de 60%. São estudadas 135 empresas não financeiras, com informações disponíveis e eliminados outliers. Utilizou-se neste trabalho uma técnica multinível, Modelos Hierárquicos Lineares, para endereçar claramente a interação entre os dois níveis envolvidos na análise: empresas (1º nível: objeto) e setores (2º nível: contexto). Dada a pouca utilização desta técnica em estudos em administração, sua aplicação também é um diferencial do trabalho. Os resultados indicam a pertinência da escolha por esta técnica, pois se identificou que a variabilidade total dos retornos tem origem (i) em características das empresas (1º nível), correspondendo a 76,9% da variabilidade total e (ii) em características dos setores (2º nível), correspondendo a 23,1% da variabilidade total. O modelo final explica 39,9% da variabilidade total. As características das empresas que têm influência significativa no retorno das ações são: livro / mercado (valor contábil do patrimônio líquido / valor de mercado do patrimônio líquido), tamanho e iliquidez. As características dos setores que têm influência significativa no retorno das ações das empresas são: beta desalavancado, crescimento histórico da receita e ter ou não a tarifa regulada. Por fim, identificou-se que a característica setorial beta desalavancado modera a influência da característica da empresa livro / mercado no retorno das ações das empresas. Em outras palavras, o coeficiente angular da variável livro / mercado é diferente para os diversos setores, sendo que o impacto da variável livro / mercado no retorno é menos acentuado para empresas de setores com alto beta desalavancado. / Few authors study the role of firms and industries\' characteristics in explaining stock\'s returns exclusively in periods of crisis. The scarcity of such studies can be considered an important gap in the academic literature, given the substantial losses that one can experience during such periods. The objective of this study is to identify firms and industries\' characteristics that explain the decline in prices of stocks of companies listed in Bovespa during the 2008 financial crisis. The crisis period chosen begins on May 20, 2008 (Ibovespa\'s peak) and ends on October 27, 2008 (Ibovespa\'s valley), representing a decline of 60%. 135 non-financial companies, with information available and after the exclusion of outliers were studied. A multilevel technique was adopted: Hierarchical Linear Models, to clearly address the interaction between the two levels involved in the analysis: firms (1st level: object) and industries (2nd level: context). Given the low utilization of this technique in studies in business administration, its adoption is also a differential of this study. The results indicate the relevance of the technique\'s choice. It was identified that (i) 76.9% of the total variability is due to firms\' characteristics and (ii) 23.1% of the total variability is due to industries\' characteristics. The final model explains 39.9% of the total variability. Firms\' characteristics that have significant influence on stock returns are: book / market (book value of equity / market value of equity), size and illiquidity. Industries\' characteristics that have significant influence on stock returns are: unlevered beta, historical sales growth and whether or not the industry has a regulated tariff. Finally, it was found that industries\' characteristic unlevered beta moderates the influence of the firms\' characteristic book / market in stock returns. In other words, slope coefficient for the firms\' characteristic book / market is different between industries, with the impact of the variable book / market on stock return being less pronounced for companies in sectors with high unlevered beta.

An empirical cross-section analysis of stock returns on the Chinese A-Share Stock Market

Liu, Yaoguang January 2009 (has links)
This research attempts to test the performance of the Fama-French three-factor model (1993) in explaining the stock portfolio returns on the China A-share Stock Market from 1996 to 2005. We will follows Drew, Naughton and Veeraraghavan (2003) method, who adopted the Fama and French's (1993) method to test small sample stock markets. We find the positive relation between book-to-market ratio and stock excess returns, and the negative relationship between size and stock excess returns. And our result demonstrated that the three-factor model is more accurate in predicting stock excess returns than the CAPM, since the adjusted R² value increased and the intercept are not significantly different from zero. The size effect is stronger than the BTM ratio effect. Moreover, our results present that stock profitability is related to size and BTM ratio in China stock market. However, the relationship between stock profitability and size and BTM ratio are unconditional.

台灣上市公司帳面價值與公平市價比率之實證研究 / The Empirical Study of Book-to-Market Ratio in Taiwan

徐昭旻, Hsun, Eric Unknown Date (has links)
企業對於日常發生之經濟事項,按照一般公認會計原則處理,依此原則而編製之財務報表,即為投資人評估及了解公司財務狀況之工具。而會計上所表達之公司價值(資產減負債之餘額)通常也稱為公司帳面價值(BOOK VALUE)。另一方面,公司之股票市價,代表市場上投資人對公司價值之評估,此價值通常被稱為公平市價(MARKET VALUE)。然而公司之帳面價值和公平市價往往不相等,兩者間之差異即為未實現損益。而差異產生的原因,即歸因於會計對於經濟事項處理之特殊規範。   由上述分析可知,未實現損益的多寡便會間接影響BV/MV ratio的大小,而未實現損益可能來自於資產,亦可能來自負債,而本論文僅討論資產面之未實現損益。以單一資產為例,從資產的購置使用至處置、廢棄為止,不論其未實現損益有多少,終因資產的報廢或處置而將未實現損益認列,因此公司之未實現損益便會受到資產狀況的影響。若將所有樣本按可折舊性資產多寡,以及資產平均耐用年限長短分類,然後進行相關之實證分析,其結果應會有顯著的差異。   本研究對象為台灣之上市公司,除此之外,研究之時間落差(Time Lag)從二期至七期。實證結果顯示,就以可折舊性資產多寡分類之樣本而言,可折舊性資產較多之樣本的模式解釋力確實比可折舊性資產較少之樣本高。其次,按資產平均耐用年限長短分類之實證結果而言,資產平均耐用年限較長之樣本,要將未實現損益認列所花費時間,明顯較資產平均耐用年限較短之樣本來得長。此外,針對部分和預期不符之實證結果,改採Fixed-Effect Model進行修正,結果顯示Fixed-Effect Model之修正效果相當良好。

I Piotroskis Fotspår : Förslag på förbättringar av Piotroskis hög book-to-market investeringsstrategier

Lovric, Toni, Rados, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Finansiella Illusioner : ett test av Stockholmsbörsens effektivitet / Financial Illusions : a test of the market efficiency on the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Agerman, Stephan, Karlsson, Daniel, Wänström, Gustav January 2002 (has links)
Background: Low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to market ratio and low stock prices can give the impression that a stock is “cheap”. Is it through systematic use of these portfolio strategies possible to beat the market index – in other words does financial illusions exist? Purpose: To examine if the Stockholm Stock Exchange is an efficient market. Limitations: The efficiency is tested solely through the chosen portfolio strategies: low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to-market ratio and low stock prices. The research only includes stocks listed on the A-, O-, OTC- and Attract40 lists during the period 1998-01-01 to 2001-12-31. Methodology: With CAPM as an equilibrium model we are examining if the P/e, Book-to-market or the stock price portfolios generate systematic overperformance in comparision to the market index SIXRX. Significance tests on the 5 % level have been performed to determine if the returns are significantly separated from zero. Results: We can establish that none of the chosen portfolio strategies generated any significant systematic overperformance.

I Piotroskis Fotspår : Förslag på förbättringar av Piotroskis hög book-to-market investeringsstrategier

Lovric, Toni, Rados, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Finansiella Illusioner : ett test av Stockholmsbörsens effektivitet / Financial Illusions : a test of the market efficiency on the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Agerman, Stephan, Karlsson, Daniel, Wänström, Gustav January 2002 (has links)
<p>Background: Low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to market ratio and low stock prices can give the impression that a stock is “cheap”. Is it through systematic use of these portfolio strategies possible to beat the market index – in other words does financial illusions exist? </p><p>Purpose: To examine if the Stockholm Stock Exchange is an efficient market. Limitations: The efficiency is tested solely through the chosen portfolio strategies: low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to-market ratio and low stock prices. The research only includes stocks listed on the A-, O-, OTC- and Attract40 lists during the period 1998-01-01 to 2001-12-31. Methodology: With CAPM as an equilibrium model we are examining if the P/e, Book-to-market or the stock price portfolios generate systematic overperformance in comparision to the market index SIXRX. Significance tests on the 5 % level have been performed to determine if the returns are significantly separated from zero. </p><p>Results: We can establish that none of the chosen portfolio strategies generated any significant systematic overperformance.</p>

Perda de valor das empresas listadas na Bovespa durante a crise financeira de 2008: uma análise sob a perspectiva da modelagem hierárquica linear / Decline in stock prices of firms listed in Bovespa during the 2008 financial crises: an analysis from the perspective of the Hierarchical Linear Modeling

Ricardo Goulart Serra 31 August 2011 (has links)
Raros autores estudam as características das empresas e dos seus setores de atuação na explicação dos retornos das ações em períodos exclusivamente de crise. A escassez de trabalhos em períodos de crise pode ser considerada uma importante lacuna na literatura acadêmica, tendo em vista que as perdas são substanciais nestes períodos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é identificar características das empresas e dos seus setores de atuação que expliquem a queda dos preços das ações das empresas listadas na Bovespa durante a crise financeira de 2008. O período de crise escolhido começa em 20 de maio de 2008 (pico do Ibovespa) e termina em 27 de outubro de 2008 (vale do Ibovespa), com queda de 60%. São estudadas 135 empresas não financeiras, com informações disponíveis e eliminados outliers. Utilizou-se neste trabalho uma técnica multinível, Modelos Hierárquicos Lineares, para endereçar claramente a interação entre os dois níveis envolvidos na análise: empresas (1º nível: objeto) e setores (2º nível: contexto). Dada a pouca utilização desta técnica em estudos em administração, sua aplicação também é um diferencial do trabalho. Os resultados indicam a pertinência da escolha por esta técnica, pois se identificou que a variabilidade total dos retornos tem origem (i) em características das empresas (1º nível), correspondendo a 76,9% da variabilidade total e (ii) em características dos setores (2º nível), correspondendo a 23,1% da variabilidade total. O modelo final explica 39,9% da variabilidade total. As características das empresas que têm influência significativa no retorno das ações são: livro / mercado (valor contábil do patrimônio líquido / valor de mercado do patrimônio líquido), tamanho e iliquidez. As características dos setores que têm influência significativa no retorno das ações das empresas são: beta desalavancado, crescimento histórico da receita e ter ou não a tarifa regulada. Por fim, identificou-se que a característica setorial beta desalavancado modera a influência da característica da empresa livro / mercado no retorno das ações das empresas. Em outras palavras, o coeficiente angular da variável livro / mercado é diferente para os diversos setores, sendo que o impacto da variável livro / mercado no retorno é menos acentuado para empresas de setores com alto beta desalavancado. / Few authors study the role of firms and industries\' characteristics in explaining stock\'s returns exclusively in periods of crisis. The scarcity of such studies can be considered an important gap in the academic literature, given the substantial losses that one can experience during such periods. The objective of this study is to identify firms and industries\' characteristics that explain the decline in prices of stocks of companies listed in Bovespa during the 2008 financial crisis. The crisis period chosen begins on May 20, 2008 (Ibovespa\'s peak) and ends on October 27, 2008 (Ibovespa\'s valley), representing a decline of 60%. 135 non-financial companies, with information available and after the exclusion of outliers were studied. A multilevel technique was adopted: Hierarchical Linear Models, to clearly address the interaction between the two levels involved in the analysis: firms (1st level: object) and industries (2nd level: context). Given the low utilization of this technique in studies in business administration, its adoption is also a differential of this study. The results indicate the relevance of the technique\'s choice. It was identified that (i) 76.9% of the total variability is due to firms\' characteristics and (ii) 23.1% of the total variability is due to industries\' characteristics. The final model explains 39.9% of the total variability. Firms\' characteristics that have significant influence on stock returns are: book / market (book value of equity / market value of equity), size and illiquidity. Industries\' characteristics that have significant influence on stock returns are: unlevered beta, historical sales growth and whether or not the industry has a regulated tariff. Finally, it was found that industries\' characteristic unlevered beta moderates the influence of the firms\' characteristic book / market in stock returns. In other words, slope coefficient for the firms\' characteristic book / market is different between industries, with the impact of the variable book / market on stock return being less pronounced for companies in sectors with high unlevered beta.

Ações de valor e crescimento: novo estudo para o mercado brasileiro base IBrX-50, período de 2003 a 2011

Bona, Sergio de 13 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:25:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sergio de Bona.pdf: 464852 bytes, checksum: d485200ef19b70fdccd333d296f27448 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-13 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The Brazilian economy has experienced significant structural changes that have caused the Central Bank of Brazil to reduce interest rates. In addition to maintaining inflation rate close to target for the country it has contributed to the reduction of risks premiums. In this context of low interest rates and risks, evaluation and study of value (high book-to-market ratio) and growth (low book-to-market) type stock portfolios may represent a decisive factor in achieving superior financial returns. As discussed and researched in international markets, we analyzed in the Brazilian market if value stock portfolios have higher returns than growth type when maintained for long term, on a one-year basis. Faced with this prospect, this study analyzed and compared, based on the methodology proposed by Fama and French (1992, 1993), the performance of value and growth type portfolios built from the stocks that comprise the IBrX-50 of the São Paulo Stock Exchange, for the period from 2003 to 2011. For the statistical analysis of the portfolio s returns we used the three-factor pricing model: the market risk (beta), as defined by CAPM, the company size, measured by the market value of the stocks and the book-to-market index, represented by the ratio between the company s books and the market value of equity. The results demonstrated that investments in the value type portfolios in Brazil during this period have provided higher returns than investments in growth type, confirming also the perspective and results from Fama and French s (1992) analysis and published studies in international markets and Brazilian market. This confirmation may result in investment opportunities for investors and financial players on the market. / A economia brasileira tem apresentado mudanças estruturais significativas que tem determinado de parte do Banco Central do Brasil a redução das taxas de juros. Adicionalmente a manutenção da taxa de inflação próxima da meta estabelecida para o país tem contribuído para a redução dos prêmios de risco. Neste contexto de baixos juros e riscos, a avaliação e estudo das carteiras compostas por ações do tipo valor (alta relação livro-mercado) e crescimento (baixa relação livro-mercado) pode representar um fator decisivo para obtenção de retornos financeiros superiores. Assim como analisado e pesquisado em mercados internacionais, buscou-se analisar no mercado brasileiro se as carteiras compostas por ações do tipo valor apresentam retornos maiores do que as do tipo crescimento quando mantidas no longo prazo por períodos de um ano. Diante de tal perspectiva, este estudo analisou e comparou, com base na metodologia proposta por Fama e French (1992, 1993) o desempenho de carteiras do tipo valor e crescimento formadas a partir das ações que compõem o índice IBrX-50 da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, tomando como base o período de 2003 a 2011. Para a análise estatística dos retornos das carteiras utilizou-se o modelo de três fatores: o risco mercado (beta), conforme definido no CAPM; o tamanho da empresa, medido pelo valor de mercado das ações e o índice book-to-market, que representa a relação entre o valor contábil e o valor de mercado do patrimônio líquido. O resultado foi que os investimentos em carteiras do tipo valor no Brasil, durante este período, incorreram em retornos superiores aos investimentos em carteiras do tipo crescimento, confirmando assim a perspectiva e resultados de análise realizada por Fama e French (1992) e de outros estudos realizados tanto para os mercados internacionais quanto para o mercado brasileiro. Esta confirmação pode resultar em oportunidades de investimentos aos investidores e agentes financeiros do mercado.

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