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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental Dynamics of Dissolved Black Carbon in Aquatic Ecosystems

Ding, Yan 26 March 2013 (has links)
Black carbon (BC), the incomplete combustion product from biomass and fossil fuel burning, is ubiquitously found in soils, sediments, ice, water and atmosphere. Because of its polyaromatic molecular characteristic, BC is believed to contribute significantly to the global carbon budget as a slow-cycling, refractory carbon pool. However, the mass balance between global BC generation and accumulation does not match, suggesting a removal mechanism of BC to the active carbon pool, most probable in a dissolved form. The presence of BC in waters as part of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool was recently confirmed via ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry, and dissolved black carbon (DBC), a degradation product of charcoal, was found in marine and coastal environments. However, information on the loadings of DBC in freshwater environments and its global riverine flux from terrestrial systems to the oceans remained unclear. The main objectives of this study were to quantify DBC in diverse aquatic ecosystems and to determine its environmental dynamics. Surface water samples were collected from aquatic environments with a spatially significant global distribution, and DBC concentrations were determined by a chemical oxidation method coupled with HPLC detection. While it was clear that biomass burning was the main sources of BC, the translocation mechanism of BC to the dissolved phase was not well understood. Data from the regional studies and the developed global model revealed a strong positive correlation between DBC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics, indicating a co-generation and co-translocation between soil OC and BC. In addition, a DOC-assistant DBC translocation mechanism was identified. Taking advantage of the DOC-DBC correlation model, a global riverine DBC flux to oceans on the order of 26.5 Mt C yr-1 (1 Mt = 1012 g) was determined, accounting for 10.6% of the global DOC flux. The results not only indicated that DOC was an important environmental intermediate for BC transfer and storage, but also provided an estimate of a major missing link in the global BC budget. The ever increasing DBC export caused by global warming will change the marine DOM quality and may have important consequences for carbon cycling in marine ecosystem.

Förekomst av rödlistade vedlevande svampar i skog med olika påverkansgrad: en pilotstudie / Occurrence of red-listed xylophagous fungi in forests with varying degrees of impact: a pilot study

Manfredsson, Tommy January 2024 (has links)
This pilot study was conducted to test if there are differences in occurrence of red-listed xylophagous fungi in forests dependent on degrees of human impact on the forests. Three main degrees of human impact was investigated: little impact (natural forest); medium impact (semi-natural forest) and high impact (monoculture plantation). These forests were compared in three geographically distinct areas within the same municipality, Vindeln. Within each forest type, three experimental plots were randomly selected, resulting in a total of 27 research plots. The study was conducted in northern Sweden, Västerbotten county in the following locations: Svartberget, Skatan and Kulbäcksliden. The pilot study found significant differences between natural forests and monoculture plantations. The natural forests harboured the most red-listed species, followed by the semi-natural forests, while the monoculture plantations had the fewest. The semi-natural was closer to the natural forest but did not yield significant differences when comparing the various areas. Despite the small dataset, the results are clear that the natural forests harbour the highest abundance of red-listed xylophagous fungi when comparing the degree of human impact in three different forest ecosystems.

Acclimation of plants to combinations of abiotic factors : connecting the lab to the field / Acklimatisering av växter till en kombination av abiotiska faktorer : ett steg mot att länka laboratoriet till utemiljön

Stangl, Zsofia Réka January 2017 (has links)
Increasing atmospheric CO2 and other greenhouse gasses coupled to the accelerated rate of global warming puts plants and ecosystems under the strain of a rapidly changing abiotic environment. Understanding the impacts of changing global climate is a strong focus of plant science and the establishment of more resilient crop variants is an important goal for breeding programs. Our understanding of plant responses and acclimation to abiotic conditions has improved substantially over the last decades but the combination of a complex abiotic environment and high biological diversity, both on molecular as well as on species level, leaves us still with a lot of uncertainties. The aim of this doctoral thesis was to establish a link between plant thermal responses and the carbon-nitrogen balance of plants. The work in this thesis focused on ecologically significant species of the boreal region: Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris and Betula pendula; and Betula utilis, which is one of the prominent tree species in the high altitudes of the Himalayas. The results presented demonstrate that sub-optimal temperatures combined with other abiotic factors can have additive effects that are not easily deducible from the effect of the two factors separately. Low nitrogen availability enhanced the negative effect of low temperature, while elevated CO2 enhanced plant growth under moderate increases in temperatures but under a more extreme temperature increase it exacerbated the negative effect of heat. I also show evidence that species, despite being grouped into the same functional group or inhabiting the same biome can have different thresholds to temperature and to shifts in the C/N balance of their environment and that these differences can, to some extent, be explained by their differential growth strategies. Furthermore, I demonstrate results supporting the hypothesis that the C-N fluxes between mycorrhizal fungi and tree are strongly dependent on the C and N in the environment, highlighting the significance of the tree-mycorrhiza associations in the C sequestration capacity of the boreal region. In this thesis I also present a generalised empirically based mathematical model that can describe the respiration-temperature response of plant functional types or biomes with high precision, giving a more accurate estimate of NPP when implemented in global climate models, and has the potential to incorporate the thermal acclimation of respiration, further increasing the precision of estimating carbon fluxes under future warming temperatures. My results provide novel insights into the interactive temperature-carbon-nitrogen responses of plants, taking a step towards better understanding the response of plants and forests to future climates. / Ökande atmosfäriskt CO2 och andra växthusgaser kopplade till den accelererande globala uppvärmningen utsätter växter och ekosystem för stressen av en snabbt förändrande abiotisk miljö. Att förstå påverkan av ett globalt klimat i förändring står i fokus inom växtforskning och utvecklandet av mer motståndskraftiga grödor är ett viktigt mål inom programmen för växtförädling. Vår förståelse av växters responser och acklimatisering till abiotiska förhållanden har förbättrats avsevärt under de senaste decennierna, men på grund av kombinationen av en komplex abiotisk miljö och stor biologisk mångfald, både på molekylär nivå såväl som på art-nivå, kvarstår en del frågetecken. Syftet med denna avhandling var att upprätta ett samband mellan växters responser på temperaturförändringar och kol-kvävebalansen hos växter. Arbetet i denna avhandling inriktades på ekologiskt betydande arter i den boreala regionen, Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris and Betula pendula; samt Betula utilis som är en av de framträdande trädarterna på höga höjder i Himalaya. Resultaten som presenteras visar att suboptimala temperaturer i kombination med andra abiotiska faktorer kan ha additiva effekter som inte enkelt kan härledas från effekten av de två faktorerna var för sig. Låg kvävetillgänglighet ökade den negativa effekten av låg temperatur, medan förhöjd CO2-halt förbättrade planttillväxt under måttliga temperaturökningar, men under en mer extrem temperaturökning förvärrades dock den negativa effekten av värme. Jag framför även bevis på att arter, trots att de grupperas i samma funktionella grupp eller finns inom samma biom, kan ha olika tröskelvärden beträffande temperatur och förskjutningar i C/N-balansen i sin miljö och att dessa skillnader, i viss utsträckning, kan förklaras av deras olika tillväxtstrategier. Vidare visar jag resultat som stöder hypotesen att C-N - flöden mellan mykorrhiza och träd är starkt beroende av C och N i miljön. Detta belyser i sin tur betydelsen av samarbetet mellan träd och mykorrhiza gällande kolbindningskapaciteten i den boreala regionen. I denna avhandling presenterar jag även en generaliserad empiriskt baserad matematisk modell som med hög precision kan beskriva respiration-temperatur svar av växtfunktionella typer eller biom, vilken ger en mer exakt uppskattning av NPP i globala klimatmodeller. Mina resultat åstadkommer nya insikter i de interaktiva temperatur-kol-kväve-responserna hos växter, och tar ett steg mot bättre förståelse för växters och skogars reaktion på framtida klimat.

Plants go with the flow : predicting spatial distribution of plant species in the boreal forest

Zinko, Ursula January 2004 (has links)
<p>The main objectives of this thesis are to study if a topographic wetness index (TWI) could be used as a tool for predicting the spatial distribution of vascular plant species richness in the boreal forest as well as to study congruence in species richness between vascular plants, liverworts, mosses and lichens. A wetness index ln(a/tanβ) based on topography was used to assign a specific TWI-value to every 20 x 20m grid in two 25 km2 boreal forest landscapes (differing in average soil pH) in northern Sweden. Soil pH is known to be influenced by groundwater and to affect plant species richness in other biomes. Therefore, the relationships between plant species richness, TWI and soil pH were also studied. </p><p>The results showed that the majority of the investigated boreal forest landscapes were relatively dry and species-poor, whereas interspersed patches linked to areas with relatively high TWI had species-rich vegetation including the species of the drier parts of the landscape. There was a positive relationship between species richness of vascular plants and the TWI in both landscapes, but varied with average soil pH. TWI explained 30 % and 52 % of the variation in plant species richness in the landscape with lower and higher pH, respectively. The proportion of regionally uncommon plants also increased with TWI. Testing different calculation methods of the TWI resulted in a large variation in correlation strengths between the various TWI-values and different measured variables (species richness of vascular plants, soil pH, groundwater flow and soil moisture). The relationship between plant species richness and TWI could be further improved with some of the calculation methods. </p><p>When studying correlations in species richness using data sets from boreal forest in northern Sweden, strong positive correlations among vascular plants, mosses and liverworts were found, but no significant correlation between macrolichens and any of the other groups. This result could be explained by that the species number of each of the three related groups increases with ambient moisture, whereas the species number of macrolichens is weakly associated with moisture. </p><p>In conclusion, the TWI could become a useful tool in conservation management for identifying areas of special interest prior to field inventories. Since vascular plants can be used as an indicator taxon for species richness of mosses and liverworts, high TWI-values indicate areas of species hotspots of these taxa.</p> / <p>Syftet med avhandlingen är att dels studera om ett topografiskt fuktighetsindex skulle kunna vara användbart för att förutsäga fördelningen av kärlväxters artrikedom i boreal skog, dels att studera om den rumsliga fördelningen av artrikedom hos kärlväxter, blad- och levermossor samt lavar sammanfaller.</p><p>Ett fuktighetsindex, ln(a/tanβ), som bara är baserat på topografi användes för att beräkna ett indexvärde för varje 20 x 20 m grid i två 25 km2 stora boreala skogslandskap (med i medeltal olika mark-pH) i norra Sverige. Det är känt att mark-pH påverkas av grundvatten och att pH i sin tur påverkar artrikedom hos kärlväxter i andra biom. Därför studerades även sambanden mellan kärlväxters artrikedom, mark pH och TWI.</p><p>Resultaten visade att större delen av det studerade boreala landskapet var relativt torrt och artfattigt, medan mindre utspridda områden med höga TWI-värden var artrika på kärlväxter och här växte även arter som återfanns i de torra delarna av skogen. Sambandet mellan artrikedom hos kärlväxter och TWI var positivt i båda landskapen, men påverkades av de olika nivåerna på mark-pH. TWI förklarade 30 % av variationen i artrikedom i området med lägre mark-pH respektive 50 % i området med högre mark-pH. Andelen kärlväxter som klassificeras som icke vanliga i respektive region ökade också med TWI. Med andra beräkningsmetoder för TWI visade det sig att styrkan på korrelationerna mellan TWI och olika uppmätta variabler (artrikedom hos kärlväxter, mark-pH, grundvattennivå och markfuktighet) varierade mycket. Sambandet mellan artrikedom hos kärlväxter och TWI kunde förbättras ytterligare med vissa beräkningsmetoder.</p><p>Då korrelationer i artrikedom studerades användes ett dataset från boreal skog i norra Sverige. Resultaten visade på starka, positiva korrelationer mellan kärlväxter, blad- och levermossor, men inga korrelationer mellan någon av dessa grupper och lavar. Detta kunde förklaras med att artrikedom hos de tre korrelerande organismgrupperna ökar med ökad fuktighet, medan artrikedom hos lavar inte är kopplat till fukt.</p><p>Huvudslutsatsen i avhandlingen är att TWI, som endast är baserad på topograpfiskt data, skulle kunna bli ett värdefullt redskap i naturvårdsplanering för att identifiera särskilt intressanta skogsområden innan man gör fältinventeringar. Eftersom studien visar att kärlväxter kan användas som en indikator grupp för artrikedom hos blad- och levermossor indikerar höga TWI-värden områden med hög artrikedom även vad gäller dessa taxa.</p>

Function and dynamics of woody debris in boreal forest streams

Dahlström, Niklas January 2005 (has links)
<p>The work in this thesis deals with (1) the effects of woody debris on stream channel morphology and retention of organic material, and (2) the dynamics of woody debris and its relation to riparian forest history and composition. The studied stream reaches are situated in mature, productive forests in the boreal zone of Sweden.</p><p>Wood variables were important predictors of the frequency of debris dams, pool area, the proportion of pools formed by wood, and variation in the bankfull channel width. Pools formed by woody debris were mainly created by damming and had larger surface areas and residual depths than pools formed by other agents. Stream reaches intersecting old-growth forest (with minor influence of forest management) had coarser and longer woody debris pieces, greater amounts of wood, more debris dams, and wood-formed pools compared to streams surrounded by forests influenced by selective logging.</p><p>The influence of past forest management on the quality and quantity of woody debris in streams were analyzed by using dendrochrnological methods. Selective loggings and absence of forest fires after 1831 resulted in lower input rates and a gradual replacement of pine by sruce over time. Residence times in stream channels of woody debris (>10 cm in basal diameter) were long and the oldest dated pieces of pine and spruce were over 300 and 100 years, respectively.</p><p>Dynamics of woody debris were explored by comparing wood volumes and characteristics between stream channels and their riparianforests and between old growth and managed sites. Wood volumes recorded in the stream channels exceeded, but were related to, the volumes found in the riparian forests. Limited input of woody debris by bank cutting and absence of slope processes suggest that recruitment processes of woody debri to stream channels are similar as in riparian forests and slow decay in channels results in greater volumes.</p><p>The retentiveness of organic material in stream channels was examined by using release and capture experiments in multiple reaces during varying discharges using different sizes of leaf mimics. Sixty eight percent of the variation in retention was explained by a multiple regression model including discharge and leaf mimic siz. Between 44 and 80% of the variation in retention among reaches was explained by channel constraint, gravel coverage, and woody debris variables as the most important. Estimates from a partial least squares (PLS) model suggest an increase in mean transport distances by 22 to 53% in managed forest streams compared to old growth conditions and in a low wood scenario, mean transport distances increased by 38 to 99% with larger increases for higher discharges and larger particle sizes.</p><p>To regain more pristine conditions of stream channels, management and restoration are needed to increase the amount of woody debris that recreates lost channel structures and increaes the retention of organic material.</p>

Plants go with the flow : predicting spatial distribution of plant species in the boreal forest

Zinko, Ursula January 2004 (has links)
The main objectives of this thesis are to study if a topographic wetness index (TWI) could be used as a tool for predicting the spatial distribution of vascular plant species richness in the boreal forest as well as to study congruence in species richness between vascular plants, liverworts, mosses and lichens. A wetness index ln(a/tanβ) based on topography was used to assign a specific TWI-value to every 20 x 20m grid in two 25 km2 boreal forest landscapes (differing in average soil pH) in northern Sweden. Soil pH is known to be influenced by groundwater and to affect plant species richness in other biomes. Therefore, the relationships between plant species richness, TWI and soil pH were also studied. The results showed that the majority of the investigated boreal forest landscapes were relatively dry and species-poor, whereas interspersed patches linked to areas with relatively high TWI had species-rich vegetation including the species of the drier parts of the landscape. There was a positive relationship between species richness of vascular plants and the TWI in both landscapes, but varied with average soil pH. TWI explained 30 % and 52 % of the variation in plant species richness in the landscape with lower and higher pH, respectively. The proportion of regionally uncommon plants also increased with TWI. Testing different calculation methods of the TWI resulted in a large variation in correlation strengths between the various TWI-values and different measured variables (species richness of vascular plants, soil pH, groundwater flow and soil moisture). The relationship between plant species richness and TWI could be further improved with some of the calculation methods. When studying correlations in species richness using data sets from boreal forest in northern Sweden, strong positive correlations among vascular plants, mosses and liverworts were found, but no significant correlation between macrolichens and any of the other groups. This result could be explained by that the species number of each of the three related groups increases with ambient moisture, whereas the species number of macrolichens is weakly associated with moisture. In conclusion, the TWI could become a useful tool in conservation management for identifying areas of special interest prior to field inventories. Since vascular plants can be used as an indicator taxon for species richness of mosses and liverworts, high TWI-values indicate areas of species hotspots of these taxa. / Syftet med avhandlingen är att dels studera om ett topografiskt fuktighetsindex skulle kunna vara användbart för att förutsäga fördelningen av kärlväxters artrikedom i boreal skog, dels att studera om den rumsliga fördelningen av artrikedom hos kärlväxter, blad- och levermossor samt lavar sammanfaller. Ett fuktighetsindex, ln(a/tanβ), som bara är baserat på topografi användes för att beräkna ett indexvärde för varje 20 x 20 m grid i två 25 km2 stora boreala skogslandskap (med i medeltal olika mark-pH) i norra Sverige. Det är känt att mark-pH påverkas av grundvatten och att pH i sin tur påverkar artrikedom hos kärlväxter i andra biom. Därför studerades även sambanden mellan kärlväxters artrikedom, mark pH och TWI. Resultaten visade att större delen av det studerade boreala landskapet var relativt torrt och artfattigt, medan mindre utspridda områden med höga TWI-värden var artrika på kärlväxter och här växte även arter som återfanns i de torra delarna av skogen. Sambandet mellan artrikedom hos kärlväxter och TWI var positivt i båda landskapen, men påverkades av de olika nivåerna på mark-pH. TWI förklarade 30 % av variationen i artrikedom i området med lägre mark-pH respektive 50 % i området med högre mark-pH. Andelen kärlväxter som klassificeras som icke vanliga i respektive region ökade också med TWI. Med andra beräkningsmetoder för TWI visade det sig att styrkan på korrelationerna mellan TWI och olika uppmätta variabler (artrikedom hos kärlväxter, mark-pH, grundvattennivå och markfuktighet) varierade mycket. Sambandet mellan artrikedom hos kärlväxter och TWI kunde förbättras ytterligare med vissa beräkningsmetoder. Då korrelationer i artrikedom studerades användes ett dataset från boreal skog i norra Sverige. Resultaten visade på starka, positiva korrelationer mellan kärlväxter, blad- och levermossor, men inga korrelationer mellan någon av dessa grupper och lavar. Detta kunde förklaras med att artrikedom hos de tre korrelerande organismgrupperna ökar med ökad fuktighet, medan artrikedom hos lavar inte är kopplat till fukt. Huvudslutsatsen i avhandlingen är att TWI, som endast är baserad på topograpfiskt data, skulle kunna bli ett värdefullt redskap i naturvårdsplanering för att identifiera särskilt intressanta skogsområden innan man gör fältinventeringar. Eftersom studien visar att kärlväxter kan användas som en indikator grupp för artrikedom hos blad- och levermossor indikerar höga TWI-värden områden med hög artrikedom även vad gäller dessa taxa.

On the investigation of chemical parameters reflecting microbial activity linked to nutrient availability in forest soil

Olofsson, Madelen January 2015 (has links)
As agrarian society developed, the most fertile soils able to sustain the nutritional requirements needed for high crop yield were assigned to farming, while the more penurious soils were left to uphold the forest ecosystems. Some temperate forests are developed on acidic soils considered to be nutrient poor, as much of the inorganic nutrients are entrapped in poorly weatherable soil minerals and not easily accessed by plant roots. In an undisturbed ecosystem, the largest contribution of available nutrients comes from the recycling of organically bound nutrients via the decomposition of dead plant material. If biomass is removed, for instance with a more intensified exploitation of the forest ecosystems including whole tree harvesting, this source of nutrients is consequently decreased. The importance of soil mineral weathering as a source of nutrients, and especially that promoted by soil biota, is thereby emphasized. This thesis addresses biotic parameters associated with mineral weathering. Different aspects of soil solution sampling strategies and analysis of different organic ligands as well as biomarkers for the estimation of fungal biomass were investigated. These chemical parameters were also evaluated as indicators of microbial activity in relation to mineral nutrient availability in soil. With the assumption that the current nutrient status of a soil will affect the microbial interest of certain minerals as sources of inorganic nutrients, a mineral amendment trial was performed in a Swedish boreal forest soil. Overall, the amended soil presented good nutrient status, but with a possible shortage of iron. Due to this, it was hypothesized that the amended mineral with the highest iron content i.e. biotite would cause an elevation of microbial activity in its vicinity when compared to the bulk soil. The level of microbial activity in the vicinity of the amended minerals was evaluated via quantification of organic acids and siderophores, as well as estimation of fungal biomass and enzymatic activity. The highest microbial activity was measured for the O horizon of the investigated podzol, although nothing indicated an elevated association with the amended minerals. In the E horizon, however, elevation in microbial activity was observed in the vicinity of the biotite mineral when compared with bulk soil, although only a few of the investigated parameters differed significantly when evaluated separately.   To enable this study, a highly sensitive analytical method employing liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry was developed to quantify a number of hydroxamate siderophores. On-line pre-concentration enabled detection of these organic ligands in the pico-molar range – a necessity when analyzing natural samples. Furthermore, an analytical method was developed for the estimation of fungal biomass via quantification of chitin-derived glucosamine, which also employed liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. Unlike currently available methods, the one presented in this thesis did not involve analyte derivatization, which resulted in high sample throughput while simultaneously avoiding complications involved with the additional derivatization procedure. The distribution of a group of organic ligands known as aromatic low molecular mass organic acids was also studied in a boreal forest podzol soil. Different sampling and samples preparation techniques, namely tension-lysimeters, soil centrifugation and liquid-soil extraction, were compared when analyzing soil solution components. Significant differences in analyte amount and species type were found between these sampling techniques. Some of the differences could be accounted for by variation in soil composition at different depths of the investigated podzol, but others could be attributed to structural differences within the studied analyte group. This clearly illustrated the intricacy of sampling and analysis when working with a sample matrix as complex and diverse as soil. As previously, liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry was used to quantify the analytes of interest. A highly sensitive analytical method was developed that was able to detect eleven aromatic low molecular mass organic acids in the nano-molar range. High selectivity was ensured by applying multiple reaction monitoring enabled by collision induced fragmentation of the analytes. / FORE

Clearcut Solutions? An Evaluation of Partial Harvesting in the Black Spruce Boreal Forest

Thorpe, Hilary Claire 26 February 2009 (has links)
Bringing together field-based empirical studies, a simulation modelling experiment, and a critical analysis of the natural disturbance emulation paradigm, this thesis evaluates partial harvesting in the black spruce boreal forest. Forest management in Ontario is required to emulate natural disturbances, but in regions of the boreal forest where fire cycles are long, regulated even-aged management by clearcutting has truncated forest age-class distributions. Partial harvesting has been proposed as a means to maintain the structural complexity and biodiversity associated with old forests while allowing continued timber production. Despite the potentially important role of partial harvesting in a strategy for sustainable boreal forest management, little research has examined post-harvest stand development, a critical determinant both of habitat and timber supplies.I used a chronosequence approach in combination with dendroecological techniques, a neighbourhood modelling framework, and maximum likelihood statistical methods to quantify stand dynamics over the first decade after partial harvest in the black spruce (Picea mariana) boreal forest of northeastern Ontario, Canada. Residual trees displayed large but time-lagged growth responses to partial harvest. The largest responses were found in young trees, while old trees were largely unable to react to improved post-harvest resource availability. Growth responses were offset by elevated rates of residual-tree mortality, which peaked in the first year after harvest at nearly 13 times the pre-harvest level. Proximity to harvest machinery trails severely escalated the risk of mortality for residual trees. Considering growth and mortality responses together in a forest simulator model, I found that stand development proceeded most rapidly where skidding intensity was reduced and retention areas were aggregated. Given appropriate prescriptions, my results indicate that partial harvesting can be a viable silvicultural option for black spruce boreal forests. However, the ability of partially harvested stands to emulate natural disturbance is questionable, particularly given the strong influence of harvest machinery impacts on post-harvest stand development. I argue that the natural disturbance emulation framework has important flaws and falls short of a justifiable approach for forest management in Ontario.

Clearcut Solutions? An Evaluation of Partial Harvesting in the Black Spruce Boreal Forest

Thorpe, Hilary Claire 26 February 2009 (has links)
Bringing together field-based empirical studies, a simulation modelling experiment, and a critical analysis of the natural disturbance emulation paradigm, this thesis evaluates partial harvesting in the black spruce boreal forest. Forest management in Ontario is required to emulate natural disturbances, but in regions of the boreal forest where fire cycles are long, regulated even-aged management by clearcutting has truncated forest age-class distributions. Partial harvesting has been proposed as a means to maintain the structural complexity and biodiversity associated with old forests while allowing continued timber production. Despite the potentially important role of partial harvesting in a strategy for sustainable boreal forest management, little research has examined post-harvest stand development, a critical determinant both of habitat and timber supplies.I used a chronosequence approach in combination with dendroecological techniques, a neighbourhood modelling framework, and maximum likelihood statistical methods to quantify stand dynamics over the first decade after partial harvest in the black spruce (Picea mariana) boreal forest of northeastern Ontario, Canada. Residual trees displayed large but time-lagged growth responses to partial harvest. The largest responses were found in young trees, while old trees were largely unable to react to improved post-harvest resource availability. Growth responses were offset by elevated rates of residual-tree mortality, which peaked in the first year after harvest at nearly 13 times the pre-harvest level. Proximity to harvest machinery trails severely escalated the risk of mortality for residual trees. Considering growth and mortality responses together in a forest simulator model, I found that stand development proceeded most rapidly where skidding intensity was reduced and retention areas were aggregated. Given appropriate prescriptions, my results indicate that partial harvesting can be a viable silvicultural option for black spruce boreal forests. However, the ability of partially harvested stands to emulate natural disturbance is questionable, particularly given the strong influence of harvest machinery impacts on post-harvest stand development. I argue that the natural disturbance emulation framework has important flaws and falls short of a justifiable approach for forest management in Ontario.

Ecological Response of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Reconstructed Soils in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region

Hemsley, Tyrel, Lee Unknown Date
No description available.

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