Spelling suggestions: "subject:"boreal forest"" "subject:"loreal forest""
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Determining Hillslope Diffusion Rates in a Boreal Forest: Quaternary Fluvial Terraces in the Nenana River Valley, Central Alaska RangeWalker, Laurel Anne 01 January 2014 (has links)
The subarctic boreal forest biome is predicted to experience higher magnitudes of warming than other biomes due to climate change. The effects of this warming will be pronounced in areas underlain by discontinuous permafrost where melting permafrost and distinct changes in vegetation patterns are expected. To better understand rates of hillslope diffusion in the boreal forest I have used a geomorphic process modeling approach, using data from a sequence of Quaternary fluvial terraces located in the Nenana River valley of central Alaska. I hypothesized that diffusion rates here would be slower when compared to the mid-latitudes, and faster on north versus south-facing slopes. Calculated diffusion rates do support the hypothesis as they fall on the lower end of the global spectrum of documented hillslope diffusion rates. However, a significant difference in diffusion rates is not seen between the predominantly northeast and southwest facing slopes used in this study.
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Dialogue, displacement and return - contexts of a journey on a two-way road: Anishinaabek responses to all-weather roads through Waabanong Nakaygum: memory and continuity on the eastern shores of Lake Winnipeg and beyondWeinberg, Alon David 15 January 2014 (has links)
East of Lake Winnipeg is what conservationists call the ‘east shore wilderness’ / ‘heart of the boreal.’ The largest contiguous tract of unindustrialized boreal forest on Earth, this area has been the focus of 15 years of discussion and planning in Manitoba. The area is also designated Waabanong Nakaygum, a homeland to the Anishinaabek of this bush-meets-lake region. Waabanong has seen limited access during the industrial period of personal mechanized mobility due to a lack of constructed all-weather roads. However, an older pattern of travel and mobility does exist across the land, for centuries constituting traditional Anishinaabek patterns of land use and trade. As all-weather roads are being constructed along Lake Winnipeg, oral interviews will examine the question: will the older trails remain in the collective culture of the people or shall the north-south cultural and economic flows replace the east-west bush history traced by the rivers that wind through?
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Forest fire drives long-term community changes of wood-decaying fungi in a boreal forest archipelagoGudrunsson, Mikael January 2013 (has links)
Conservation of wood-decaying fungi requires improved knowledge about the long-term effects of forest management; regarding habitat loss, fragmentation and fire suppression. To better understand such effects, I examined the influence of area, isolation, fire history and forest stand characteristics on communities of wood-decaying fungi. Species richness and composition were studied along a gradient of 22 forested islands varying in size (0.16 to 17.58 ha) and fire history (spanning 5000 years) in a boreal forest archipelago in northern Sweden. A total of 490 records of 41 polypore species were found in 33 circular plots, each 0.1 ha in size. Species richness and the number of red-listed species were analyzed using generalized linear models (GLMs), while species composition was examined using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination. The species composition was clearly different between recent-fire (< 300 years since last fire) and old-fire (≥ 300 years since last fire) islands, mirroring the shift in tree species composition as pine-associated fungal species were replaced by spruce-associated fungal species. The volume of logs was the only variable influencing the species richness, although the diversity of logs showed a clear trend of also influencing species richness positively. The results demonstrate the importance of having both recent-fire and old-fire forests as landscape-level habitats and species pools, where fire naturally would constitute a key role for maintaining forest biodiversity in the boreal forest landscape. The results also stress the importance of dead wood for species richness at the individual forest stands.
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Grow with the flow : Hydrological controls of riparian vegetation in boreal stream networksKuglerová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
What drives species diversity across landscapes is one of the most fundamental questions in ecology. Further, understanding the mechanisms underlying species diversity patterns is important not only for forming and challenging ecological theories but also essential for appropriate landscape management and effective nature conservation. This thesis focuses on patterns of vascular plant, moss and liverwort species richness and composition in relation to water flow in boreal-forest catchments, focusing mostly on riparian zones (RZs), that is terrestrial areas bordering streams and rivers. I addressed some of the most essential questions related to the ecology of riparian vegetation including the role of stream network position, groundwater (GW) flow paths, substrate availability, upland perturbations, and stream restoration. I also investigated how riparian soil processes and habitat properties relate to these factors in order to provide a holistic understanding of riparian dynamics. The results showed that the species richness and composition of riparian vascular plants, mosses and liverworts are strongly influenced by position along the stream network, GW discharge, presence of variable substrates in RZs, and by stream restoration. Generally, more species were found downstream in the network, at sites with inputs of upland GW, sites with high diversity of substrates (e.g., open mineral soil, rocks, stones, wood and bark), and along streams restored after channelization. This thesis also describes how riparian habitat properties responded to position in the landscape and human impacts, thus providing mechanistic links between plant species diversity and riparian processes across spatial scales. These ecological insights are further implemented into numerous recommendations for freshwater and upland management in boreal Sweden. Given that streams and rivers connect landscape elements both longitudinally and laterally I argue that management plans should be designed for entire catchments instead of individual river segments. Ignoring the connectivity of streams as well as the high connectivity of riparian areas to uplands via GW flows may result in failure of restoration, mitigation and/or protection actions. Further, during forestry operations more emphasis should be placed on GW discharge areas along streams and rivers, because they represent important ecological and biogeochemical hotspots in the landscape. The riparian buffers left along streams in boreal catchments affected by forestry are presently insufficiently wide and often uniform in width. This threatens the assemblages of species in GW discharge hotspots and the ecosystem services they provide. Overall, this thesis describes a holistic picture of riparian diversity patterns and riparian processes in boreal landscapes, acknowledges and elaborates on current ecological theories, presenting new patterns in biodiversity, and offers management guidelines.
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Function and dynamics of woody debris in boreal forest streamsDahlström, Niklas January 2005 (has links)
The work in this thesis deals with (1) the effects of woody debris on stream channel morphology and retention of organic material, and (2) the dynamics of woody debris and its relation to riparian forest history and composition. The studied stream reaches are situated in mature, productive forests in the boreal zone of Sweden. Wood variables were important predictors of the frequency of debris dams, pool area, the proportion of pools formed by wood, and variation in the bankfull channel width. Pools formed by woody debris were mainly created by damming and had larger surface areas and residual depths than pools formed by other agents. Stream reaches intersecting old-growth forest (with minor influence of forest management) had coarser and longer woody debris pieces, greater amounts of wood, more debris dams, and wood-formed pools compared to streams surrounded by forests influenced by selective logging. The influence of past forest management on the quality and quantity of woody debris in streams were analyzed by using dendrochrnological methods. Selective loggings and absence of forest fires after 1831 resulted in lower input rates and a gradual replacement of pine by sruce over time. Residence times in stream channels of woody debris (>10 cm in basal diameter) were long and the oldest dated pieces of pine and spruce were over 300 and 100 years, respectively. Dynamics of woody debris were explored by comparing wood volumes and characteristics between stream channels and their riparianforests and between old growth and managed sites. Wood volumes recorded in the stream channels exceeded, but were related to, the volumes found in the riparian forests. Limited input of woody debris by bank cutting and absence of slope processes suggest that recruitment processes of woody debri to stream channels are similar as in riparian forests and slow decay in channels results in greater volumes. The retentiveness of organic material in stream channels was examined by using release and capture experiments in multiple reaces during varying discharges using different sizes of leaf mimics. Sixty eight percent of the variation in retention was explained by a multiple regression model including discharge and leaf mimic siz. Between 44 and 80% of the variation in retention among reaches was explained by channel constraint, gravel coverage, and woody debris variables as the most important. Estimates from a partial least squares (PLS) model suggest an increase in mean transport distances by 22 to 53% in managed forest streams compared to old growth conditions and in a low wood scenario, mean transport distances increased by 38 to 99% with larger increases for higher discharges and larger particle sizes. To regain more pristine conditions of stream channels, management and restoration are needed to increase the amount of woody debris that recreates lost channel structures and increaes the retention of organic material.
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Epiphytic lichen responses to nitrogen depositionJohansson, Otilia January 2011 (has links)
Nitrogen (N) deposition has increased globally over the last 150 years and further increase is predicted for the future. Nitrogen is an important nutrient for lichens, involved in many processes in both photobiont and mycobiont. However, N can be a stressor, causing many lichens and lichen communities to disappear with increased deposition. The objective of this thesis was to investigate the response of epiphytic lichens to increased N load. This was done by simulating an increased N deposition to lichens in a boreal forest with low background N, including both short term studies with transplanted lichens and long term studies of naturally established lichens. Alectoria sarmentosa was used as a model species for a N-sensitive lichens and Platismatia glauca as a relatively more N-tolerant lichen. Nitrogen deposition was simulated by daily spraying during the growing season with water and isotopically labeled ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). In Paper I, I found that when N is supplied in realistic doses (equivalent to deposition of 0.6, 6, 12.5, 25 and 50 kg N ha-1), there were no significant differences in uptake of NO3- or NH4+ in either of the lichen species. The results in Paper II indicate that A. samentosa may be limited by phosphorous (P) and not N limited as expected. That study highlights the importance of P, when studying the effects of N deposition, since P can both mitigate and intensify the negative effects of N on epiphytic lichens. Paper III shows that four years of simulated N deposition caused an alteration of the epiphytic lichen community, since A. sarmentosa decreased in the highest N loads (25 and 50 kg ha-1 year-1), Bryoria spp. decreased to 12.5 kg N and higher loads and Hypogymnia physodes decreased over time for all treatments except in 12.5 kg ha-1, where it only decreased during the first treatment year and then increased after 2007. The abundance of Platismatia glauca increased over time, independent of treatment. As hypothesized, responses to the treatments differed among species, reflecting their different N optima. In paper IV, the effects of N on carbon-based secondary compounds were studied. None of the studied species (P. glauca, A. sarmentosa, Lobaria scrobiculata and Xanthoria aureola) reduced their concentration of secondary compounds during the experimental period, but in P. glauca the concentration of all compounds were significantly lower in N treated thalli compared with control thalli. The results are consistent with a high degree of constitutive defence in three of the four studied lichens, and we conclude that all four studied lichens seem to have a robust chemical defence system despite considerable manipulation of the environmental conditions. However, we don't know if these lichens are able to keep up the high protection level over longer periods comprising a number of years when more new tissue is formed. In conclusion, long term experiments are necessary to understand lichen response to environmental changes.
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CHARAKTERISTIKA ROZMÍSTĚNÍ BIOMŮ NA ZEMI - VZDĚLÁVACÍ PROGRAM PRO ZŠ A SŠ / The Characteristic of the distribution of the worlď s land biomes - the educational programme for primary and secondary schoolJANOUŠKOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to create a educational programme The Characteristic of the distribution of the worlďs land biomes. This programm is create for teaching of students with educational programmes in ZOO Ohrada Hluboká nad Vltavou. The educational programme consists of the text book, worksheets and methodical manual for teachers. The thesis consists of an analysis and evaluation of selected textbooks for the second grade of primary schools.
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Spatio-temporalité des dynamiques de feux et de végétation au cours de l'Holocène en forêt boréale coniférienne (Québec-Labrador) / Spatial and temporal dynamics of fire and vegetation during Holocene in coniferous boreal forest (Quebec-Labrador)Remy, Cécile 15 December 2016 (has links)
Les changements climatiques en cours semblent être à l’origine d’une intensification de l’activité de feux dans les forêts circumboréales. Des modèles prédictifs basés sur des données historiques sont couramment utilisés pour essayer d’anticiper les régimes des feux et leurs impacts pour l’horizon 2100. Cependant, les concepts alimentant ces modèles reposent sur l’interprétation de données issues de seulement quelques régions alors que de nombreuses études ont montré que des facteurs régionaux à locaux tels que la topographie, la nature des sols, la composition et la structure de la végétation, ainsi qu’un profil climatique et une météorologie particulière, peuvent impacter l’activité de feux.Au nord-est du Canada, la région de l’est du Québec et du Labrador se caractérise, comparativement aux régions de l’ouest et du centre du Québec, un relief plus vallonné, une végétation différente (plus riche en sapin baumier et plus pauvre en pin gris) et un climat plus froid et plus humide. L’étude des processus liés aux dynamiques de feux et de végétation dans cette région, et leur comparaison avec ceux des régions de l’ouest et du centre au cours de l’Holocène ont donc été réalisées dans cette thèse. L’objectif global était de savoir si l’on peut se contenter de travailler à une échelle supra-régionale plutôt qu’à une échelle régionale ou locale pour prédire les conséquences des changements climatiques en cours sur la dynamique des forêts conifériennes du Québec-Labrador.Les résultats mettent en évidence l’impact de la taille des feux, jusqu’alors sous-estimé, sur la dynamique à long terme de la végétation au sein de chacune des régions. D’un point de vue général, la présence ou l’absence de grands feux a respectivement favorisé, selon le cas, la propagation du pin gris ou du sapin baumier, co-dominants dans le paysage avec l’épinette noire. De plus, les conditions pré-requises à l’éclosion des grands feux diffèrent entre la région de l’est et celles de l’ouest et du centre. Cette divergence s’explique en grande partie par l’influence prédominante de la topographie régionale au détriment de l’impact des grandes tendances climatiques sur l’activité de feux dans l’est.Au regard de nos résultats, les scénarios climatiques annoncés risquent d’augmenter l’occurrence des grands feux dans les régions de l’ouest et du centre du Québec sans qu’il y ait pour autant de conséquence significative sur la composition du couvert forestier. À l’est, les projections restent plus incertaines car les causes à l’origine des grands feux passés dans cette région n’ont pas été totalement élucidées. Cependant, toutes les hypothèses de trajectoires de végétation futures formulées dans cette thèse vont dans le sens d’un maintien du sapin baumier dans le paysage.Compte-tenu de la diversité des interactions susceptibles d’impacter significativement la taille des feux à l’échelle régionale, notre compréhension des processus liés aux dynamiques de perturbation et de végétation semble encore insuffisante pour pouvoir les prédire à large échelle. Il serait donc raisonnable, dans un premier temps, d’étudier plus finement ces processus à l’échelle de zones les plus homogènes possibles en termes de composition végétale, de topographie et de climat. C’est dans cette optique que l’amélioration méthodologique présentée dans cette thèse a été développée. Elle permet de différencier, à partir de l’analyse de dépôts de charbons dans les sédiments lacustres, les feux ayant eu lieu dans le bassin versant du lac étudié (local) de ceux s’étant produits à une plus grande distance (régional), et ce, à l’échelle plurimillénaire. Conjuguée à l’étude d’autres bio-indicateurs permettant de reconstruire l’environnement passé à l’échelle locale, nous devrions être capables de mieux comprendre les causes et conséquences des variations de taille des feux au regard des différentes combinaisons observées de facteurs environnementaux dans l’avenir. / Wildfire activity is projected to increase under global warming in circumboreal forests. Predictive fire models based on historical data are commonly used to anticipate fire regimes and their impacts for 2100. However, these models at large scale depend on concepts developed from only some regional data, while many studies showed that regional and local factors such as topography, soil type, vegetation composition and structure, and particular climatic and meteorological patterns can impact the fire activity.In north-eastern Canada, the eastern region of Quebec-Labrador and the western and central regions of Quebec display distinctive types of relief, climate and vegetation. The drier and flatter western region is mainly dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana), while the more humid and hilly eastern region is dominated by black spruce and balsam fir (Abies balsamea). In this thesis, I compared the processes linked to dynamics of fire and vegetation within and among the three regions. The main objective was to test whether working at the supra-regional scale rather than at regional or local scale is enough to predict efficiently the consequences of current climatic changes on the coniferous forest dynamics in Quebec-Labrador.Results highlight the impact of fire size, hitherto underestimated, on the long-term vegetation dynamics within each region. Overall, the presence or absence of large fires promoted the propagation of jack pine or balsam fir in black spruce forests, respectively. Moreover, the prerequisite conditions for ignitions inducing large fires differ between the eastern region and the two others. This divergence is mainly explained by the predominant influence of regional topography on fire activity (ignition and propagation) in eastern region, while large climatic trends and their impacts explain better the fire activity (mainly propagation) in western and central regions.According to these results, future climate changes could increase large-fire occurrences in western and central regions of Quebec likely without significant consequences on forest composition. In the eastern region, projections are more uncertain due to a lack of full understanding of past large-fire causes. However, all assumptions for future vegetation trajectories showed that balsam fir should be still present in these landscapes.Due to the high diversity of interactions able to impact significantly fire size at regional scale, our understanding of processes linked to dynamics of disturbances and of vegetation seems to be still not sufficient to make predictions at large scale. It would be worth, first, to study more finely these processes on homogenous zones in terms of vegetation composition, topography and climate. The methodological improvement on lacustrine charcoal analysis presented in this thesis has been developed in this perspective. It allows differentiating fires that occurred in the studied lake watershed (local) from those that burned further away (regional). In the future, analyses of local fire histories combined with studies of other proxies to reconstruct the past environment at local scale should allow a better understanding of causes and consequences of fire size variations according to the various combinations of environmental factors.
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Les tourbières ombrotrophes en tant qu'archives de la variabilité des apports de poussières atmosphériques holocènes au Québec boréal - Implications paléoenvironnementales et paléoclimatiques. / Peat bogs as archives of the variability of holocene dust deposition in boreal Quebec - Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic implicationsPratte, Steve 06 June 2016 (has links)
Les poussières atmosphériques naturelles jouent un rôle complexe dans le système climatique global étant à la fois un facteur affectant le climat et variant en fonction de ce dernier. Notre compréhension des différentes interactions entre les poussières atmosphériques et le climat est limitée par l’importante variabilité spatiale et temporelle des celles-ci. À l’aide de tourbières ombrotrophes, la variabilité spatiale et temporelle des dépôts de poussières atmosphériques holocènes au Québec boréal fut caractérisée en lien avec les fluctuations climatiques. Les flux de poussières atmosphériques furent reconstruits à l’aide des concentrations en terres rares. Les isotopes du Nd et Pb en combinaison avec les terres rares ont été utilisés afin de déterminer la source des particules déposées dans les tourbières. Afin d’évaluer les liens entre les flux de poussières et la variabilité climatique, les changements temporels dans les flux de poussières et l’isotopie du Nd furent comparés à la taille des particules déposée et des reconstitutions écohydrologiques basées sur l’analyse des macrorestes végétaux et des thécamoebiens. Dans les deux premiers volets de l’étude, les flux de poussières atmosphériques furent reconstruits dans deux tourbières de la Côte-Nord alors que les particules déposées dans celles-ci furent caractérisées à l’aide des concentrations des terres rares (REE), des isotopes du néodyme et du plomb ainsi que la granulométrie. Les deux profils présentent des valeurs de Nd similaires, ce qui s’explique soit par une source commune des poussières atmosphériques ou encore des sources distinctes, mais possédant des valeurs de Nd similaires dans les deux régions. Les deux sites étudiés montrent des tendances différentes dans les flux de poussières. La tourbière IDH montre peu de variations dans les flux de poussières, ce qui s’explique en partie par l’emplacement du site d’étude, qui prévient les apports de poussières atmosphérique. La tourbière Baie quant à elle, montre deux périodes de flux de poussières plus élevés soit 1700-1000 et 650-100 cal a BP correspondant avec des périodes de refroidissement du climat documentées. Les REE, le Nd et les tailles de particules suggèrent qu’au cours des 2000 dernières années, la tourbières de Baie a reçu une proportion accrue de poussières atmosphériques provenant de sources locales. Ces deux périodes ont été identifiées comme des épisodes d’instabilité climatique en réponse à une instabilité hydroclimatique régionale et une plus grande variabilité des températures (principalement contrôlée par l’activité solaire). Un changement du régime des vents dans la région a aussi probablement influencé ces les variations observées. Dans le troisième chapitre, les mêmes analyses furent réalisées sur des carottes de tourbe d’une tourbières de la Baie James, La Grande 2 (LG2). Des apports accrus de poussières furent observés lors de différentes période : 4000 à 3000, 2600 à 2000, 1600 à 1000, 800 à 650 cal a BP et de 1960 à 1990AD. Au moins trois sources distinctes constituent les apports de poussières dans le temps: les sédiments marins à la base de la tourbières, la moraine de Sakami, deux sources locales, ainsi qu’une source probablement plus régionale dont l’origine est non-identifiée. La période allant de 7000 à 4100 cal a BP montre des valeurs près des sources locales (Nd : -36 à -29). Une augmentation graduelle des valeurs de Nd à partir de 4100 cal a BP suggère une diminution des apports locaux de poussière à la faveur d’une source non identifiée. La majorité des périodes d’apports accrus de poussières identifiées correspondent à des périodes documentées comme étant froides et sèches probablement lié à des intrusions de masses d’air arctiques. La présence de certains de ces pics de poussières lors de minimums solaires suggère que la variabilité solaire joue aussi un rôle dans la variabilité climatique de la région. / Mineral dust plays an important role in the global climate system having effects on the radiation budget and the chemical composition of the atmosphere. Our understanding of the exact role of dust in the Earth’s climate system is still poorly constrained mostly due to a lack of data reflecting the high spatial and temporal variability of dust. Using peat bogs, spatial and temporal variability of Holocene dust deposition in boreal Quebec was investigated in relation to climate fluctuations. Dust fluxes were reconstructed using rare earth elements (REE) concentrations in bulk peat, while Nd and Pb isotopes in combination with REE were used to identify the source of dust particles deposited into these bogs. In order to evaluate the relationship between dust fluxes and climate variability, temporal changes in dust flux, and Nd isotopes were compared to dust grain size and ecohydrological reconstructions derived from testate amoebae and plant macrofossils. In two peat bogs from the North Shore region of the St. Lawrence Estuary (Baie bog) and Gulf (IDH bog), atmospheric dust fluxes were reconstructed using REE concentration while the geochemical composition of deposited dust was characterized using Nd and Pb isotopes combined with REE and grain size. Both peat bogs present similar Nd values, which suggests either a common source or sources with similar signatures in both regions. In terms of dust flux, the two study sites display distinct tendencies. IDH bog show few variations in dust flux, which can be explained by its geographical setting, where a tree fringe and higher altitude likely partially prevent dust from reaching the peat bog. Two dust events were recorded in the Baie bog from 1750 to 1000 cal BP and 600 to 100 cal BP and correspond to documented cold periods. These two periods have been found to occur at the same time as periods of high variability in the macrofossil record (i.e. successive layers dominated by Sphagnum or Ericaceae). REE elements, Nd and grain-size distribution suggest that, over the last 2000 years, the Baie bog received more local dust. The two periods were identified as periods of increased local storminess in response to regional hydroclimatic instability and temperature variations mainly controlled by solar activity. These episodes of climatic instability could also have been caused by changes in the wind regime. The same set of analyses were performed in a third peatland located in the James Bay region, the La Grande 2 bog (LG2). Increases in dust flux were reconstructed from 4000-3000, 2600-2000, 1600-1000, 800-650 cal BP and from 1960-1990AD. The Nd values show a large variability from -37 to -12, identifying a least three sources: local marine sediment, the Sakami moraine and another unidentified source likely from a more regional origin. Between 7000 and 4100 cal BP, Nd values resemble those localsources (-36 to -29). A gradual increase in Nd signature is observed from 4100 to 1500 cal BP suggesting a decreasing influence of local sources in favor of a yet unidentified source. The occurrence of increased dust deposition during cold periods in two of the three studied bogs suggests that dust fluxes can be used as an indicator of cold and dry climatic conditions in boreal Quebec. In northeastern Canada, these cold and dry conditions are usually the results of the intrusion of Arctic air masses. The exact mechanism controlling these incursion is yet unknown, but the similar timing of solar minima and dust peaks suggest that solar irradiance may also have played a role. The fact that both Baie and LG2 sites display similar tendencies during the last 2000 years reveals that both regions were likely controlled by the same climatic processes.
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Land surface heat exchange over snow and frozen soilGustafsson, David January 2001 (has links)
The energy exchange in the soil-snow-vegetation-atmospheresystem was studied to improve the quantitative knowledge of thegoverning processes. The lack of such knowledge contributes tothe uncertainty in the applicability of many existing modelsindependent of the temporal or spatial scale. The theoreticalbackground and available methods for measurements and numericalsimulations were reviewed. Numerical simulation models andavailable data sets representing open land and boreal forestwere evaluated in both diurnal and seasonal time-scales.Surface heat fluxes, snow depth, soil temperatures andmeteorological conditions were measured at an agriculturalfield in central Sweden over two winters, 1997-1999. Twoone-dimensional simulation models of different complexity wereused to simulate the heat and water transfer in thesoil-snow-atmosphere system and compared with the measurements.Comparison of simulated and observed heat fluxes showed thatparameter values governing the upper boundary condition weremore important than the formulation of the internal mass andheat balance of the snow cover. The models were useful toevaluate the lack of energy balance closure in the observedsurface heat fluxes, which underlined the importance ofimproved accuracy in eddy correlation measurements of latentflow during winter conditions. The representation of boreal forest in the land surfacescheme used within a weather forecast model was tested with athree-year data set from the NOPEX forest site in centralSweden. The formulation with separate energy balances forvegetation and the soil/snow beneath tree cover improvedsimulation of the seasonal and diurnal variations of latent andsensible heat flux compared with an older model version.Further improvements of simulated surface heat fluxes could beexpected if the variation of vegetation properties within andbetween years and a new formulation of the boundary conditionsfor heat flux into the soil is included. Keywords: Surface energy balance, Snow, Boreal forest,SVAT models, Eddy-correlation Measurements, Latent heat flux,Sensible heat flux, Net radiation, Soil temperature,Aerodynamic roughness, Surface resistance / QC 20100614
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