Spelling suggestions: "subject:"borrowings"" "subject:"borrowing""
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Perspectivas para as Línguas Portuguesa e Espanhola diante da integração de anglicismos: uma análise por meio de periódicos / Perspectives to Portuguese and Spanish languages faced with the integration of anglicisms: an analysis through newspapersBruno José Betti Galasso 23 April 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar e avaliar a integração de anglicismos apresentados nas línguas ibero-americanas por meio de jornais impressos e suas respectivas versões on-line. Na primeira parte da dissertação, desenvolvemos considerações de ordem teórica, identificando influências da presença excessiva e contínua dos anglicismos nas sociedades latino-americanas. Para a construção da pesquisa, analisamos edições impressas e on-line dos seguintes jornais: Folha de S. Paulo (Brasil), El Mercurio (Chile) e Clarín (Argentina). Foram pesquisadas palavras do idioma inglês nos textos dos jornais selecionados, sem considerar os nomes próprios, de pessoas, lugares, títulos de livros, filmes, músicas e espetáculos. Considerando a absorção lexical um processo natural de linguagem, esta dissertação busca ampliar a compreensão acerca de como se processa a trajetória lexical operada entre a língua inglesa norte-americana e as línguas faladas na América do Sul. Dessa forma, constatamos que a incorporação do anglicismo ao vernáculo se dá, em sua maioria, por falta de uma palavra equivalente na língua recebedora e, outras vezes, por motivos diversos, como modismo, status ou corporativismo. Entretanto, essa troca contribui para esses sistemas lingüísticos, pois a língua é uma forma de comunicação mutável, que acompanha e expressa às tendências dos povos. / The present work is designed to identify and assess the integration of Anglicisms occurring in Ibero-American languages by means of print newspapers and their respective online versions. In the first part of the dissertation, we expound theoretical considerations, identifying influences of the excessive, ongoing presence of Anglicisms in Latin-American societies. So as to prepare the research, we examined print and online editions of the following newspapers: Folha de S. Paulo (Brazil), El Mercurio (Chile) and Clarín (Argentina). Words from the English language were researched in the texts of the selected newspapers, excluding proper nouns, names of persons or places, titles of books, films, music and entertainments. Considering lexical absorption as a natural process in language, this dissertation aims to deepen the understanding on how the lexical trajectory between the North-American English language and the languages spoken in South America is processed. As a result, we established that Anglicism incorporation to the vernacular occurs, in most cases, when the borrowing language lacks an equivalent word, and sometimes for other reasons, such as fad, status expression or professional jargon. However, this replacement contributes to these linguistic systems, since language is a changing communication tool, always following and expressing the trends of peoples.
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L'élément portugais dans les univers linguistique et onomastique du Golfe de Guinée : étude de cas / The Portuguese element in linguistics and onomastics universes of Guinea Gulf : study of casesKoffi, Tougbo 09 October 2010 (has links)
Du XVe au XVII siècle, le Portugal a occupé la première place parmi les Etats les plus avancés de son temps. Et c’est pendant cette époque que les explorateurs de ce pays ont parcouru les océans lors d’expéditions qui les ont amenés en Afrique, en Asie, en Amérique et en Océanie. Or, le contact des peuples et des cultures a toujours été source d’influences réciproques de nature diverse et multiforme. Nous nous proposons d’étudier, dans cette thèse, les empreintes lusitaniennes dans le Golfe de Guinée. La recherche a été menée dans la partie australe de la Côte d’Ivoire, du Ghana, du Togo et du Bénin et elle se fonde sur un corpus composé de quelques centaines d’entrées que nous avons répertoriées à travers une recherche bibliographique et une enquête de huit ans sur le terrain. L’analyse de ces données, se fait selon une méthode qui combine à la fois l’histoire et le structuralisme dans son approche contrastive car, il s’agit, en réalité, de comparer deux systèmes linguistiques : le portugais et des langues Niger-Congo des groupes langues kru et kwa. L’étude se tisse autour de trois parties : la première partie fait un rappel historique des rapports luso-africains puis délimite l’univers géographique cible; la seconde étudie l’emprunt lexical portugais dans les principales langues de la région; enfin, la troisième et dernière partie, aborde la question des emprunts onomastiques portugais dans la région. / From XVth to XVIIth century, Portugal has been ranking first among the most advanced nations of its time. It is during that era that the explorers helped this country to reach out Africa, Asia, America and Oceania. But any contact with peoples and cultures has always been a source of various and multifaceted reciprocal influences. In this thesis, we will study the lusitanian impressions in the Guinea Gulf. The research has been conducted in the southern part of Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin and is based on a corpus made up of some hundreds of words that we have listed in a bibliography and an investigation that we have carried out in the field during eight years. The analysis of data is done according to a bipolar method which combines history and structuralism in its contrastive approach because, in reality, we are comparing two linguistic systems: portuguese, kru and kwa languages of the Niger-Congo family. The study includes three parts; the first part deals with the historical background of luso-african relationships then delineates the targeted geographic realms; the second part studies the portuguese lexical borrowings in the main languages of the region; finally, the third and last part touches on the issue of portuguese onomastic borrowings in the region.
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Terminology, proper nouns and adaption : A translation study of three sports textsLöfgren, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
This term paper concerns the translation of three sports texts from English to Swedish. The main aim of the paper was to show which procedures that were used when translating sports terminology and proper nouns. A secondary aim was to look at challenges involved in the translation process, namely, adapting the translations to a new target audience and making sure the target text is up-to-date. The method used in the term paper included a couple of steps. The first one was to select primary sources. The material chosen for this study was three articles about the world’s best football or rugby players. Once the translation was accomplished, the second step was to choose examples from the target text on which the analyses could be based. At this stage, it was mostly the hard-to-translate terms and proper nouns, which were chosen. Finally, the mentioned challenges were analysed and the outcome was presented in a qualitative study. To support the analyses various secondary sources were used. The study showed that Ingo’s strategies were applicable while translating proper nouns. Also Ingo’s other guidelines regarding additions and omissions turned out to be useful. On the other hand, Vinay & Darbelnet’s models were helpful when handling sports terminology.
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Os estrangeirismos - anglicismos - na língua japonesa / The loanwords - anglicisms - in japaneseEdna Izumi Miwa Delaroza 03 August 2009 (has links)
Levanta os estrangeirismos contidos na revista semanal japonesa Shukan Asahi (nº 4825, de 6/7/2007); destaca os estrangeirismos de origem na língua inglesa anglicismos; estuda de modo contextualizado o modo como são utilizados os anglicismos selecionados; levanta características de utilização na língua japonesa: diferença ou não quanto a classe morfológica e carga semântica em relação à língua de origem, modo de adaptação dentro da língua receptora. Discorre sobre a relação da abundância de anglicismos em materiais impressos em língua japonesa e o ensino/aprendizagem de vocábulos na língua japonesa enquanto língua estrangeira. Discorre sobre as razões intrínsecas que levam o indivíduo a utilizar palavras de outras línguas; sobre a relação da língua inglesa com as demais línguas. / Pick up the loanwords from inside the Japanese weekly magazine Shukan Asahi (No. 4825 of 06/07/2007); highlights loanwords from English language anglicism; study through a contextualized way the use of those selected anglicisms; raises anglicisms features of using in the Japanese language: morphological and semantic differences the word is used in the language of origin, methods of adjustment in the receiving language. Discourses the relationship between the abundance of anglicisms in Japanese language printed materials and the teaching/learning words in Japanese as a foreign language. Discuss the intrinsic reason that made the individual motivates to use words from other languages; the relationship among English language and other languages.
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Translating terms and cultural aspects from English to Swedish in a social scientific text about gastronomyZylberstein, Jonathan January 2013 (has links)
The present study deals with the translation of a text about tourism and gastronomy. The analysis focuses on the translation of cultural words and terminology. The aim of the study was to analyse the translation problems that may arise in an academic text dealing with tourism and gastronomy, and see what strategies are usable to handle these problems. The translation strategies that are used in the analysis are Vinay & Darbelnet’s (2008) and Newmark’s (1988). A number of different translation problems were addressed, for instance how to deal with borrowings and with cultural adaptations.
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Swedish Blogs and English Borrowings : An Investigation / Swedish Blogs and English Borrowings : An Investigation into the Role of Swedish Blogs for Introducing and Establishing English Loans in SwedishWestergren, My January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper investigates the role of Swedish blogs as a channel for introduction and establishment of English loans. The direct loans, covering both single-word loans and phrasal loans, were collected from nine blogs at three points in time: 2000, 2004 and 2008. The dimensions of frequency, distribution, formal integration and establishment in Swedish normative dictionaries were used to analyze the samples as unintegrated, interim or established loans in accordance with Chrystal (1988). A newspaper corpus was used to compare the borrowings’ time of appearance to see whether the blogs have a more active role in introducing borrowings than newspapers have. Of the single-word loans accounted for, 24 were unintegrated, 19 interim and 5 established. The phrasal loans showed 27 unintegrated, 30 interim and 1 established borrowing. When compared to the newspaper corpus, 10 single-word loans and 32 phrasal loans occurred only in blogs or in blogs before they occurred in the corpus, while 38 single-word loans and 26 phrases occurred in the corpus before or at the same time as in the blogs. Nine of the unintegrated or interim loans in the blogs were subsequently established in a Swedish dictionary. The results indicate that blogs do have a role in introducing and establishing borrowings in Swedish, but from this qualitative investigation it is not possible to determine the magnitude of their influence.</p>
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Řečtina jako zdroj obohacení české slovní zásoby / Greek as a Source of Enrichment of the Czech VocabularyPetáková, Helena January 2015 (has links)
Helena Petáková, Greek as a source of enrichment of the Czech vocabulary Abstract: The Masterʼs thesis examines the influence of the Greek language on the Czech vocabulary from different angles. In the introduction, we define basic terms, which we use in the text, especially "loanword" and with it synonymous "lexical borrowing". Next chapter is devoted to the issues of lexical borrowing in general (motivation, ways of involvement of foreign words in the system of the recipient language, and the sorting options of the loanwords). The third chapter maps borrowing of the Greek words into the Czech language in various periods of development. Furthermore, we are interested in the Czech reception of the Greek language (the admiration of Greek, comparison of Czech with Greek) in the crucial moments of modern history and its connection with national and linguistic defensive trends. After this cultural-historical insight, in the fifth, sixth and seventh chapter we return to the lexical borrowings from Greek. We follow various means by which they entered the Czech language, the way of their involvement in the Czech vocabulary, and finally the semantic and stylistic spheres, in which the Graecisms were most applied in our country. As a separate attachment following the final summary, we attach a list of words of Greek...
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“Haply I may remember, And haply may forget”: The Doubled Nature of Intertextual Genre Relationships in Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s Six Sorrow Songs, Op. 57Rajabzadeh, Saeideh 18 January 2022 (has links)
In 1904, Black British composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor published six songs from the oeuvre of white British poet Christina Georgina Rossetti, only a few months after reading W.E.B. Du Bois’ groundbreaking work The Souls of Black Folk (1903). This seminal book included a chapter called “Sorrow Songs” devoted to discussing slave songs. It also introduced the concept of double-consciousness to describe how Black people, see themselves through the lens of the white society. This point of view creates a sense of doubleness in their identity and recognition of self. The songs that Coleridge-Taylor composed, which he titled Six Sorrow Songs, Op. 57, address themes of love, death, and spirituality. Coleridge-Taylor grouped these art songs under the title “Sorrow Songs”—showing a connection to Du Bois’ work and its influence. This fusion of art song and slave song opens up room for examinations of cross-genre relations, which highlights complexity of meaning and textual changes when interpreted and performed—revealing a “doubledness” to the composition in this time in the composer’s life.
Serge Lacasse’s (2018) model for intertextuality offers a framework for considering the cross-genre relations that emerge in this song cycle. The concepts of architextuality, transfictionality, and polytextuality from his model are particularly relevant in this cycle, as they account for inter-genre relationships, fictional elements of the story (including speakers and the setting), as well as the overall compilation of the songs, respectively. Drawing this model together with scholarship on Sorrow Songs, this thesis focuses on the emergence of “Sorrow Songs” at this pivotal moment in the composer’s life, which will enable the consideration of the intertext of Western classical and African slave songs in this composition as well as the creation of a story in this musico-literary hybrid. Context is critical to this discussion so his trips to the USA, personal experiences, the socio-political events of the time, and the encounter with the influential Black figures will be discussed to understand how this song cycle reshaped Coleridge-Taylor’s musical path. Intertextual analysis of this song cycle reveals a sense of double meaning in Six Sorrow Songs, Op. 57, where one clearly sees Du Bois’ concept at work in the life of the composer living as a Black man in a white society, in his music combining Western classical and Sorrow Song genres, in the medium he chose to write for, a singer and a pianist, and in setting spiritual/religious poetry written by a white poet to these romantic songs.
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Языковая репрезентация образа Японии в современном русском дискурсе : магистерская диссертация / Linguistic representation of the image of Japan in contemporary Russian discourseЕжелева, Ю. А., Ezheleva, Yu. A. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению языковой репрезентации образа Японии и японцев, представленного в русской языковой картине мира. Языковыми средствами выявления образа Японии явились этностереотипные представления о стране и ее жителях, выявленные с помощью диагностирующего маркера – качественно-обстоятельственного наречия по-японски с опорой на электронную базу данных Интегрум. Кроме того, в работе дан анализ иноязычным словам, пришедших из японского языка, выделены лексико-тематические группы, детерминирующие основные черты репрезентации образа Японии в русском языковом сознании. Проводится фонетический, графический, грамматический и семантический анализ отобранных репрезентативных лексических единиц как этапы адаптации японизмов в русском языке. / The master's thesis is devoted to the study of the linguistic representation of the image of Japan and the Japanese, represented in the Russian language picture of the world. The linguistic means of identifying the image of Japan were ethnostereotypic ideas about the country and its inhabitants, identified with the help of a diagnostic marker – a qualitatively circumstantial adverb in Japanese based on the Integrum electronic database. In addition, the paper analyzes foreign words that came from the Japanese language, identifies lexical and thematic groups that determine the main features of the representation of the image of Japan in the Russian language consciousness. The phonetic, graphic, grammatical and semantic analysis of selected representative lexical units as stages of adaptation of Japanisms in the Russian language is carried out.
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Nové německé výpůjčky v češtině / New German Borrowings in the Czech LanguageNeprašová, Renáta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis New German Borrowings in the Czech Language is a confirmation of the importance of language contacts in Czech and German. The work demonstrates that acceptance of German lexical units into Czech language is a productive way of enriching its vocabulary. The use of German borrowings in different kinds of utterances and their frequency analysis show that language speakers are starting to see the position of germanisms in Czech in a neutral way, thus not negatively, as was the case in the past. I deal with the analysis of foreign language lexical units from the integral-adaptation, semantic and frequency point of view. The method of my research is targeted excerption of newspapers, where you can see how the new German borrowings are used more and more in contemporary Czech vocabulary. I focus on productivity of use of different borrowed parts of speech. In addition to the various parts of speech I also describe hybrid composites and deproprial expressions. The amount of the new German borrowings, which are collected in neologism exceptions database, demonstrates that acceptance of German words and word formation elements is an important and productive linguistic process of creating of neologisms.
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