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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vers la fabrication d’échantillons permettant la condensation Bose-Einstein de polaritons excitoniques dans des cristaux d’anthracène en microcavités

Robert, Mathieu 08 1900 (has links)
Nous investiguons dans ce travail la création d'échantillons permettant l'étude du comportement des polaritons excitoniques dans les matériaux semi-conducteurs organiques. Le couplage fort entre les états excités d'électrons et des photons impose la création de nouveaux états propres dans le milieu. Ces nouveaux états, les polaritons, ont un comportement bosonique et sont donc capables de se condenser dans un état fortement dégénéré. Une occupation massive de l'état fondamental permet l'étude de comportements explicables uniquement par la mécanique quantique. La démonstration, au niveau macroscopique, d'effets quantiques promet d'éclairer notre compréhension de la matière condensée. De plus, la forte localisation des excitons dans les milieux organiques permet la condensation des polaritons excitoniques organiques à des températures beaucoup plus hautes que dans les semi-conducteurs inorganiques. À terme, les échantillons proposés dans ce travail pourraient donc servir à observer une phase cohérente macroscopique à des températures facilement atteignables en laboratoire. Les cavités proposées sont des résonateurs Fabry-Perot ultraminces dans lesquels est inséré un cristal unique d'anthracène. Des miroirs diélectriques sont fabriqués par une compagnie externe. Une couche d'or de 60 nanomètres est ensuite déposée sur leur surface. Les miroirs sont ensuite mis en contact, or contre or, et compressés par 2,6 tonnes de pression. Cette pression soude la cavité et laisse des espaces vides entre les lignes d'or. Une molécule organique, l'anthracène, est ensuite insérée par capillarité dans la cavité et y est cristallisée par la suite. Dans leur état actuel, les cavités présentent des défauts majeurs quant à la planarité des miroirs et à l'uniformité des cristaux. Un protocole détaillé est présenté et commenté dans ce travail. Nous y proposons aussi quelques pistes pour régler les problèmes courants de l'appareil. / In this work we investigate the creation of samples for the study of the behavior of excitonic polaritons in organic semiconductor materials. The strong coupling between the excited states of electrons and photons implies the creation new eigenstates in the medium. These new states, called polaritons, are composite bosons and are therefore capable of condensing in a strongly degenerated state. A massive occupation of the ground state allows the study of behaviors that are only explainable by quantum mechanics. A macroscopic demonstration of quantum effects offers a rare opportunity for scientific research and discoveries. The strong localization of excitons in organic materials allows condensation of exciton polaritons at temperatures much higher than in inorganic semiconductors. Therefore the samples proposed in this work could ultimately be used to observe a macroscopic coherent phase at temperatures easily attainable in a laboratory. The cavities proposed in this work are Fabry-Perot resonators in which anthracene is inserted and crystalized. The mirrors used in the resonator are dielectric reflectors made by a external company according to our specifications. A gold layer of 60 nm is deposited on their surface. The mirrors are then brought into contact, gold against gold, and compressed by 2.6 tons of pressure. This pressure seals the cavity and leaves voids between the gold lines. An organic molecule, anthracene, is then inserted in by capillary inside the cavity voids and subsequently crystallized by controlled cooling. In their current state cavities have defects regarding the planarity of the mirrors and the uniformity of the crystals. A detailed protocol is presented and discussed in this work.

Caractérisation et modélisation de l’aimant organique NIT-2Py

Gauthier, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
L'aimant organique NIT-2Py a été caractérisé expérimentalement et ses propriétés ont été simulées numériquement à partir de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. Le magnétisme dans ce matériau provient de la présence d'un électron non apparié sur chaque molécule qui a ainsi un moment magnétique non nul. Ceci a été confirmé par des simulations sur une molécule isolée. Les molécules de NIT-2Py cristallisent dans le groupe d'espace P21/c avec huit molécules par maille élémentaire pour former la structure cristalline Alpha étudiée dans ce document. Le moment effectif de la susceptibilité et l'entropie magnétique totale montre que ce matériau est un système de spins 1/2 avec un spin par molécule. Les mesures de chaleur spécifique ont mis en évidence la présence de deux phases magnétiques ordonnées à basse température qui sont séparées par un plateau en aimantation. Une première phase est observée à des champs magnétiques inférieurs à 2.2 T et a une température de transition de 1.32 K en champ nul. Les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique et d'aimantation ont permis d'établir que cette phase ordonnée est antiferromagnétique. Ceci est confirmé par les simulations numériques. La deuxième phase est induite par le champ magnétique avec une température de transition de 0.53 K à 6 T. L'information disponible sur cette phase est limitée et l'étude du système à l'extérieur des phases ordonnées en donne une meilleure compréhension. Un modèle de spins S=1/2 isolés et de dimères S=0 isolés reproduit bien les mesures d'aimantation et de chaleur spécifique au-dessus de 3 K. L'application d'un champ magnétique réduit l'écart d'énergie entre le singulet et le triplet du dimère jusqu'au croisement qui se produit à 6 T. La phase induite émerge précisément à ce croisement et on spécule l'existence d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein des états triplets. / The organic magnet built from NIT-2Py molecules has been characterized experimentally and its properties have been simulated using density functional theory. In this material, an unpaired electron carrying a magnetic moment on each molecule is responsible for the magnetism. This has been confirmed by numeric simulations on an isolated molecule. NIT-2Py molecules crystallize in space group P21/c with eight molecules per unit cell to form crystalline phase Alpha studied in this document. The effective moment obtained from magnetic susceptibility and the total magnetic entropy show that this material is a spin 1/2 system with one spin per molecule. Specific heat measurements have highlighted the presence of two magnetically ordered phases at low temperature, which are separated by a plateau in magnetization. A first phase is observed at magnetic field lower than 2.2 T and has a transition temperature of 1.32 K in zero field. Magnetic susceptibility and magnetization measurements have established that this ordered phase is antiferromagnetic. This is confirmed by numeric simulations. The second phase is induced by a magnetic field and has a transition temperature of 0.53 K at 6 T. Information concerning the field induced phase is limited and a study of the system above the transition temperatures helps to gain a better understanding. A model of isolated spins S=1/2 and isolated dimers S=0 reproduces nicely the specific heat and magnetization data above 3 K. The application of a magnetic field reduces the energy gap between the singlet and the triplet of the dimer and the crossover between these levels is observed at 6 T. The field induced phase emerges precisely at this crossover suggesting the occurrence of a Bose-Einstein condensation of triplets states.

First-principles quantum simulations of many-mode open interacting Bose gases using stochastic gauge methods

Deuar, Piotr Pawel Unknown Date (has links)
The quantum dynamics and grand canonical thermodynamics of many-mode (one-, two-, and three-dimensional) interacting Bose gases are simulated from first principles. The model uses a lattice Hamiltonian based on a continuum second-quantized model with two-particle interactions, external potential, and interactions with an environment, with no further approximations. The interparticle potential can be either an (effective) delta function as in Bose-Hubbard models, or extended with a shape resolved by the lattice. Simulations are of a set of stochastic equations that in the limit of many realizations correspond exactly to the full quantum evolution of the many-body systems. These equations describe the evolution of samples of the gauge P distribution of the quantum state, details of which are developed. Conditions under which general quantum phase-space representations can be used to derive stochastic simulation methods are investigated in detail, given the criteria: 1) The simulation corresponds exactly to quantum mechanics in the limit of many trajectories. 2) The number of equations scales linearly with system size, to allow the possibility of efficient first-principles quantum mesoscopic simulations. 3) All observables can be calculated from one simulation. 4) Each stochastic realization is independent to allow straightforward use of parallel algorithms. Special emphasis is placed on allowing for simulation of open systems. In contrast to typical Monte Carlo techniques based on path integrals, the phase-space representation approach can also be used for dynamical calculations. Two major (and related) known technical stumbling blocks with such stochastic simulations are instabilities in the stochastic equations, and pathological trajectory distributions as the boundaries of phase space are approached. These can (and often do) lead to systematic biases in the calculated observables. The nature of these problems are investigated in detail. Many phase-space distributions have, however, more phase-space freedoms than the minimum required for exact correspondence to quantum mechanics, and these freedoms can in many cases be exploited to overcome the instability and boundary term problems, recovering an unbiased simulation. The stochastic gauge technique, which achieves this in a systematic way, is derived and heuristic guidelines for its use are developed. The gauge P representation is an extension of the positive P distribution, which uses coherent basis states, but allows a variety of useful stochastic gauges that are used to overcome the stability problems. Its properties are investigated, and the resulting equations to be simulated for the open interacting Bose gas system are derived. The dynamics of the following many-mode systems are simulated as examples: 1) Uniform one-dimensional and two-dimensional Bose gases after the rapid appearance of significant two-body collisions (e.g. after entering a Feshbach resonance). 2) Trapped bosons, where the size of the trap is of the same order as the range of the interparticle potential. 3) Stimulated Bose enhancement of scattered atom modes during the collision of two Bose-Einstein condensates. The grand canonical thermodynamics of uniform one-dimensional Bose gases is also calculated for a variety of temperatures and collision strengths. Observables calculated include first to third order spatial correlation functions (including at finite interparticle separation) and momentum distributions. The predicted phenomena are discussed. Improvements over the positive P distribution and other methods are discussed, and simulation times are analyzed for Bose-Hubbard lattice models from a general perspective. To understand the behavior of the equations, and subsequently optimize the gauges for the interacting Bose gas, single- and coupled two-mode dynamical and thermodynamical models of interacting Bose gases are investigated in detail. Directions in which future progress can be expected are considered. Lastly, safeguards are necessary to avoid biased averages when exponentials of Gaussian-like trajectory distributions are used (as here), and these are investigated.

First-principles quantum simulations of many-mode open interacting Bose gases using stochastic gauge methods

Deuar, Piotr Pawel Unknown Date (has links)
The quantum dynamics and grand canonical thermodynamics of many-mode (one-, two-, and three-dimensional) interacting Bose gases are simulated from first principles. The model uses a lattice Hamiltonian based on a continuum second-quantized model with two-particle interactions, external potential, and interactions with an environment, with no further approximations. The interparticle potential can be either an (effective) delta function as in Bose-Hubbard models, or extended with a shape resolved by the lattice. Simulations are of a set of stochastic equations that in the limit of many realizations correspond exactly to the full quantum evolution of the many-body systems. These equations describe the evolution of samples of the gauge P distribution of the quantum state, details of which are developed. Conditions under which general quantum phase-space representations can be used to derive stochastic simulation methods are investigated in detail, given the criteria: 1) The simulation corresponds exactly to quantum mechanics in the limit of many trajectories. 2) The number of equations scales linearly with system size, to allow the possibility of efficient first-principles quantum mesoscopic simulations. 3) All observables can be calculated from one simulation. 4) Each stochastic realization is independent to allow straightforward use of parallel algorithms. Special emphasis is placed on allowing for simulation of open systems. In contrast to typical Monte Carlo techniques based on path integrals, the phase-space representation approach can also be used for dynamical calculations. Two major (and related) known technical stumbling blocks with such stochastic simulations are instabilities in the stochastic equations, and pathological trajectory distributions as the boundaries of phase space are approached. These can (and often do) lead to systematic biases in the calculated observables. The nature of these problems are investigated in detail. Many phase-space distributions have, however, more phase-space freedoms than the minimum required for exact correspondence to quantum mechanics, and these freedoms can in many cases be exploited to overcome the instability and boundary term problems, recovering an unbiased simulation. The stochastic gauge technique, which achieves this in a systematic way, is derived and heuristic guidelines for its use are developed. The gauge P representation is an extension of the positive P distribution, which uses coherent basis states, but allows a variety of useful stochastic gauges that are used to overcome the stability problems. Its properties are investigated, and the resulting equations to be simulated for the open interacting Bose gas system are derived. The dynamics of the following many-mode systems are simulated as examples: 1) Uniform one-dimensional and two-dimensional Bose gases after the rapid appearance of significant two-body collisions (e.g. after entering a Feshbach resonance). 2) Trapped bosons, where the size of the trap is of the same order as the range of the interparticle potential. 3) Stimulated Bose enhancement of scattered atom modes during the collision of two Bose-Einstein condensates. The grand canonical thermodynamics of uniform one-dimensional Bose gases is also calculated for a variety of temperatures and collision strengths. Observables calculated include first to third order spatial correlation functions (including at finite interparticle separation) and momentum distributions. The predicted phenomena are discussed. Improvements over the positive P distribution and other methods are discussed, and simulation times are analyzed for Bose-Hubbard lattice models from a general perspective. To understand the behavior of the equations, and subsequently optimize the gauges for the interacting Bose gas, single- and coupled two-mode dynamical and thermodynamical models of interacting Bose gases are investigated in detail. Directions in which future progress can be expected are considered. Lastly, safeguards are necessary to avoid biased averages when exponentials of Gaussian-like trajectory distributions are used (as here), and these are investigated.

Phase separation and spin domains in quasi-1D spinor condensates / Séparation de phase et domaines de spin dans un condensat spineur quasi-1D

Invernizzi, Andrea 09 November 2017 (has links)
Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons une étude expérimentale d’un gaz de Bose de spin-1 avec des interactions antiferromagnétiques, réalisée pour des atomes de sodium ultra-froids dans l’état hyperfin F=1. Gr au refroidissement évaporatif, nous obtenons un condensat de Bose-Einstein (CBE) spineur, soit dans un piège très confinant (« piège 0D »), soit sous la forme d’un quasi-condensat quasi-unidimensionnel dans un piège très allongé. Les deux systèmes présentent un ordre magnétique a très basse température, qui résulte de la compétition entre les interactions d’échange et l’énergie Zeeman quadratique q dans un champ magnétique externe. Nous étudions dans un premier temps l’ordre magnétique se forme dans le piège 0D. À très bassetempérature deux phases magnétiques sont possible : une phase dite « antiferromagnétique » pour q < Us, ou une phase dite « à aimantation transverse » dans le cas inverse. Dans ce travail, nous nous plaçons près de la température critique. Nous mesurons plusieurs scénarios de condensation séquentielles en changeant la magnétisation et le champ magnétique externe, ou une composante Zeeman condense toujours en premier et ou l’ordre magnétique n’apparait qu’à une seconde température de condensation. Les résultats expérimentaux pour les températures critiques sont bien décrits par une théorie d’Hartree-Fock simplifiée dans les cas ou une seule composante Zeeman est condensée. Dans un second temps, nous étudions l’ordre magnétique du système quasi-unidimensionnel a basse température. On observe la formation de domaines de spin ou les composantes Zeeman se sépare spontanément en domaines disjoints en l’absence de force extérieure (par exemple, un gradient de champ magnétique). On étudie l’état d’équilibre du système en fonction de la magnétisation et du champ magnétique. On observe une transition de phase entre une phase miscible et une phase immiscible ou la composante Zeeman mF = 0 forme un domaine séparé de mF = ±1 dans le centre du piège. L’équation d’état d’un nuage polarisé (atomes dans l’état mF = +1) est utilisée pourmesurer la température du système. Enfin, nous mesurons la réponse mécanique a une force magnétique appliquée pour un système binaire mF = 0, +1. Nous mesures une exaltation de la réponse par rapport a l’attente na basée sur l’effet Zeeman habituel, d’un facteur qui peut varier de plusieurs dizaines a environ cent. La configuration spatiale des domaines est ainsi sensible a de très faibles gradients de champ magnétique inférieurs au mG/cm. / In this thesis we present the experimental study of a spin-1 Bose gas of ultra-cold Na atoms with antiferromagnetic interactions in the F=1 manifold. Thanks to evaporative cooling in optical traps we obtain, depending on the trap geometry, quasi-pure spinor Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) in 0D traps and quasi-condensates in quasi-1D traps. The quantum-statistical Bose enhancement, typical of BEC, allows inter-component interactions (between the different Zeeman components) to order the system just below the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature. The magnetic ordering of the system is set: by contact interactions, that do not change the Zeeman populations, by spin-exchange interactions (U_s spin-exchange energy), that do, and by the quadratic Zeeman energy q. In particular, for q < U_s the system is in the antiferromagnetic phase while, for q > U_s, is in the transverse magnetised phase. We study first in which order the magnetic ordering appears, in the 0D trap, near to the critical temperature for BEC. We experimentally study different condensations scenarii varying q and magnetisation. The condensation of the different components is sequential and strongly influenced by interactions. We find a good agreement between the experimental data and a simplified Hartree-Fock model.Then we study the magnetic ordering, at T=0, in a quasi-1D trap. The system presents the formation of spin domains. We study the ground state of the system varying magnetisation and q. We observe a transition from the miscible to the immiscible phase, associated with the transition from the antiferromagnetic to the transverse magnetised phase. This is due to the relative strengths of inter-species contact interaction. To measure the temperature of the system, we measure the equation of state for a polarised cloud (all atoms in m_F=+1). Finally, we prepare the system in the immiscible phase m_F=0,+1 and we measure the spin-dipole polarisability of the system.

Physique mésoscopique d'un gaz de Bose unidimensionnel : courants permanents et excitations dipolaires collectives / Mesoscopic physics of a one-dimensional Bose gas : persistent currents and collective dipole excitations

Cominotti, Marco 09 October 2015 (has links)
Ces dernières années d'importantes avancées techniques dans la manipulation des gaz atomiques ultrafroids ont ouvert la voie à la réalisation de fluides quantiques mésoscopiques de basse dimension. L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude théorique de certains systèmes mésoscopiques réalisables avec un gaz de Bose unidimensionel. Ces systèmes présentent des phénomènes quantiques intéressants, et sont potentiellement utiles en vue d'applications technologiques. Nous étudions le phénomène des courants permanents induits dans un gaz confiné sur un anneau par la rotation d'une barrière de potentiel, nous examinons la faisabilité d'un qubit fondé sur la superposition d'états de courant dans un réseau en forme d'anneau traversé par un champ de jauge et contenant un 'weak-link', ainsi que l'excitation dipolaire du gaz dans un 'split-trap' induit par le déplacement hors équilibre du potentiel externe. Dans tous ces cas, nous combinons diverses approches analytiques et numériques, qui permettent de couvrir l'ensemble des régimes d'interactions. Nous mettons en lumière un régime jusque-là inconnu, d'écrantage maximal des barrières de potentiel par le fluide, dû à une competition entre les effets des interactions et des fluctuations quantiques. Ces résultats ont des conséquences significatives sur le comportement de tels systèmes et, de ce fait, sont importants pour les réalisations en cours et à venir de dispositifs à gaz d'atomes ultrafroids. / Thanks to the experimental breakthrough of the last years in the manipulation of ultra cold atomic gases, it has become possible to realize low-dimensional and mesoscopic quantum fluids. The object of this thesis is the theoretical investigation of a few mesoscopic systems that can be realized with a one-dimensional Bose gas. These systems exhibit interesting quantum phenomena, and are potentially relevant for technological applications. We study the phenomenon of persistent currents induced by stirring the gas confined on a ring with a potential barrier, we examine the feasibility of a qubit based on the superposition of current states in a ring lattice threaded by a gauge field in the presence of a weak-link, and we investigate the dipole excitation of the gas in a split trap induced by an out-of-equilibrium displacement of the external potential. In all these cases, we apply a combination of analytical and numerical approaches that allow to cover all the interaction regimes. As a recurring theme, we disclose a so-far unknown regime of maximal screening of the barrier potential by the fluid, arising from the interplay of effects due to interactions and quantum fluctuations. These results have significant consequences for the behaviour of such systems and are important for the ongoing and future realization of ultracold atomic gases devices.

Phases classiques et quantiques des systèmes dipolaires de basse dimensionnalité / Classical and quantum phases of low-dimensional dipolar systems

Cartarius, Florian 22 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les phases classiques et quantiques des systèmes atomiques ou moléculaires de basse dimension en mettant un accent particulier sur le crossover dimensionnel de une à deux dimensions.La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à la description d'un système d'atomes froids interagissants avec un potentiel de contact. Plus précisément, nous étudions le dé-piégeage dynamique qui, suite à l'extinction rapide d'un réseau optique, s'opère dans un gaz composé de bosons impénétrables dans un guide d'onde atomique linéaire.  Nous employons une solution exacte, basée sur une  correspondance entre bosons en forte interaction et fermions sans interaction pour déduire l'évolution dynamique quantique exacte. Dans la limite thermodynamique, nous observons l'approche vers un état stationnaire hors équilibre, caractérisé par l'absence d'ordre hors diagonal à longue distance et une visibilité réduite de la distribution en impulsions. Des caractéristiques similaires sont observées dans un système de taille finie pour des temps  correspondant à la moitié du temps de récurrence, lors desquels nous observons que le système approche un état  quasi-stationnaire auquel le système s'approche avec une dépendance temporelle en loi de puissance.La deuxième partie de la thèse analyse l'effet des interactions dipolaires sur l'état fondamental du système. L'inclusion de l'interaction dipôle-dipôle donne lieu à de nouvelles phases quantiques du système unidimensionnel, mais peut également entraîner une instabilité transverse.Cette instabilité est tout d'abord analysée dans le régime classique. Nous considérons des particules classiques  avec interactions dipolaires, confinés sur un anneau par un potentiel harmonique radiale.  Les dipôles sont polarisés perpendiculairement au plan de confinement. En diminuant le confinement dans la direction radiale, les particules classique montrent une transition entre une chaîne simple et une chaîne double (en zigzag).  Nous montrons que cette transition est faiblement du premier ordre. Nous expliquons que la nature de cette transition est déterminée par le couplage entre les modes d'excitation transversaux et axiaux de la chaîne des dipôles.  Ce résultat est très différent du  comportement observé dans les systèmes Coulombiens, où la transition entre la chaîne linéaire et la chaîne en zigzag est continue et appartient à la classe d'universalité de la transition ferromagnétique. Nos résultats s'appliquent aux systèmes dipolaires classiques et aux atomes Rydberg, qui peuvent constituer un banc d'essai pour simuler le comportement critique des aimants couplés à des grilles.Dans le régime quantique, nous considérons un système des bosons dipolaires sur un réseaux optique, confinés par un potentiel harmonique anisotrope. Dans le régime favorisant l'instabilité d'une chaîne simple, nous démontrons que le système peut être  décrit  par un modèle de  Bose-Hubbard étendu à plusieurs modes couplés entre eux, dont les coefficients peuvent être déterminés en utilisant une théorie de basse énergie. La méthode d'intégrale de chemin Monte Carlo, la diagonalisation exacte et TEBD sont utilisés pour déterminer l'état fondamental de modèle de Bose-Hubbard étendu et démontrent que ce modèle capture la transition entre la chaîne linéaire et la chaîne en zigzag. / In this work, the classical and quantum phases of low-dimensional atomic or molecular systems is studied with a particular focus on the regime where a system goes over from a strictly one-dimensional to a two dimensional system.The first part of the thesis is dedicated to atoms interacting via contact interactions. In particular, we study the dynamical depinning following a sudden turn off of an optical lattice for a gas of impenetrable bosons in a tight atomic waveguide. We use an exact solution, which is based on an equivalence between strongly interacting bosons and noninteraction fermions, in order to derive the exact quantum dynamical evolution. At long times, in the thermodynamic limit, we observe the approach to a nonequilibrium steady state, characterized by the absence of quasi-long-range order and a reduced visibility in the momentum distribution. Similar features are found in a finite-size system at times corresponding to half the revival time, where we find that the system approaches a quasisteady state with a power-law behavior.In the second part, we study the effect of additional dipolar interactions on the ground state of the system. The inclusion of dipole-dipole interaction leads to new quantum phases of the one-dimensional system, but can also lead to a transverse instability.This instability is first analyzed in the classical regime. We study classical particles with dipolar interactions, that are confined on a chain by a harmonic potential. The dipoles are polarised perpendicular to the plane of confinement. Classical particles with repulsive power-law interactions undergo a transition from a single to a double chain (zigzag) by decreasing the confinement in the transverse direction. We theoretically characterize this transition when the particles are classical dipoles, polarized perpendicularly to the plane in which the motion occurs, and argue that this transition is of first order, even though weakly. The nature of the transition is determined by the coupling between transverse and axial modes of the chain and contrasts with the behavior found in Coulomb systems, where the linear-zigzag transition is continuous and belongs to the universality class of the ferromagnetic transition. Our results hold for classical dipolar systems and Rydberg atoms, which can offer a test bed for simulating the critical behavior of magnets with lattice coupling.In the quantum regime, we consider dipolar bosons in an optical lattice, tightly confined by an anisotropic harmonic potential. In the regime where a single chain becomes unstable, we show that the system can be mapped onto an extended multi-mode Bose-Hubbard model, where the coefficients can be determined by means of a low energy theory. A path integral Monte Carlo method, exact diagonalization and TEBD are used to determine the ground state of the extended Bose-Hubbard models. and show that the model captures the linear to zigzag transition.

Solução variacional para um condensado atrativo e colapsante / A variational solution for the collapsing attractive condensate

Lôbo, Adriano Malta 29 May 2009 (has links)
Among the wide range of remarkable experimentson dilute Bose-Einstein condensates has been the observed dynamics of attractive condensatesexhibiting collapse and subsequent explosion. For attractive condensates the collapse occurs when the number of atoms N becomes higher than a critical value Nc. After a collapse, the number of atoms N in the condensate is reduced so that for N below Nc A stable configuration is attained. By increasing the number of atoms in the condensate up to the point where N>Nc a further collapse is induced and so on, this process may be repeated and a series of collapses may be observed.In this work we investigate analytically the behavior of the collapsing condensate within the framework of a nonlinear Gross-Pitaevskii equation, suitable to describe the dynamics of the order parameter Ψ(r, t ) of a Bose-Einstein condensatemagnetically trapped in a harmonic three-dimensional potential.Two and three-body inelastic collisions which remove atoms from the condensate are included.By using a variational approach based on d’Alembert ́s principle and suitable for non-conservative systems wefindananalyticalsolutionforacollapsingBose-Einsteincondensate.We demonstrate that a Gaussianansatzcapturesremarkablywellthesequenceofimplosionand explosionobservedinattractivecondensates. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Entre o vasto leque de experiências notáveis em condensados de Bose-Einstein diluídos, foi observada a dinâmica de condensados atrativos exibindo colapso e subseqüente explosão. Para condensados atrativos, o colapso ocorre quando o número de átomos N torna-se maior que um valor crítico Nc'N>Nc. Após um colapso, o número de átomos no condensado é reduzido tal que, para N abaixo de Nc uma configuração estável é atingida. Aumentando o número de átomos no condensado até o ponto onde N>Nc outro colapso é induzido e, assim por diante, esse processo será repetido e uma série de colapsos pode ser observada. Neste trabalho, nós investigamos analiticamente o comportamento do condensado colapsante no âmbito de uma equação de Gross-Pitaevskii não-linear, apropriada para descrever a dinâmica do parâmetro de ordem Ψ(r, t ) de um condensado de Bose-Einstein magneticamente aprisionado em um potencial harmônico tridimensional. Colisões inelásticas de dois e três corpos que removem átomos do condensado são incluídas. Usando uma abordagem variacional baseada no princípio de D’Alembert e apropriada para sistemas não-conservativos nós encontramos uma solução analítica para o condensado de Bose-Einstein colapsante. Nós demonstramos que um ansatz Gaussiano captura notavelmente bem a seqüência de implosões e explosões observada em condensados atrativos.

Método variacional dependente do tempo para a equação de Schrödinger não linear e não-local em condensados de Bose-Einstein / Time-dependent variational method for the non-linear and non-local Schrödinger equation in Bose-Einstein condensates

Soares, Luiz Gustavo Ferreira January 2016 (has links)
Condensação de Bose-Einstein é um fenômeno quântico que pode ser observado macroscopicamente. Para a sua obtenção são necessários aprisionamentos externos, porém a presença desses leva ao colapso da função de onda. As interações de longo alcance são propostas como uma forma alternativa ao confinamento externo, um vez que podem prevenir o colapso da função de onda. Neste trabalho será apresentada uma revisão sobre os estudos de condensados de Bose-Einstein. Também, será buscada a solução aproximada da equação de Schrödinger não linear e não-local, a qual descreve condensados de Bose-Einstein com auto-interações de longo alcance. Para isso, será suposta uma forma espacial da função de onda, permitindo o tratamento analítico do sistema dinâmico resultante. Ao fim, por meio do método variacional dependente do tempo, será demonstrado que existem soluções estáveis para a função de onda sujeito a interações de longo alcance na forma gaussiana e gravitacional. / Bose-Einstein condensation is a quantum phenomenon that can be observed macroscopically. External trappings are required to obtain them, however the presence of these leads to the collapse of the wave function. Long-range interactions are proposed as an alternative to external confinement, since they can prevent the collapse of the wave function. In this work a review will be presented on the Bose-Einstein condensate studies. Also, we review the approximate solution of the non-linear and non-local Schrödinger equation, which describes Bose-Einstein condensates with long-range auto-interactions. For this, a spatial form of the wave function will be assumed, allowing the analytical treatment of the system. Finally, through the time-dependent variational method, it will be demonstrated that there are stable solutions for the wave function subject to long-range interactions in gaussian and gravitational form.

Tópicos de teoria de campos com aplicações a condensados de Bose-Einstein / Topics of field theory with applications in Bose-Einstein condensales

Valéria de Carvalho Souza 30 October 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese de doutorado apresenta uma aplicação de técnicas de teoria de campos em um sistema da matéria condensada. Motivados por experimentos em gases atômicos, apresentamos um estudo sobre misturas binárias de gases atômicos na presença de uma interação do tipo Josephson. O foco principal é o estudo de um modelo de dois campos complexos não-relativisticos com simetria O(2). Esta simetria é quebrada por interações que produzem um desbalanço nas populações das duas espécies bosônicas. Estudamos o modelo na aproximação de campo médio mais flutuações gaussianas, usando o formalismo de teoria de campos a temperatura finita em tempo imaginário. Os resultados mostram que, num certo intervalo de temperaturas, as duas espécies bosônicas condensam à mesma temperatura crítica e a fase relativa do condensado é fixa, determinada pela fase do campo externo aplicado. / The thesis apresents an applications of field theory techniques in a condensed matter system. Motivated by experiments in atomic gases, we present a study of binary mixture of atomic gases in the presence of an interaction type Josephson. The main focus is the study of a model of two complex fields with non-relativistic symmetry O(2). This symmetry is broken by interactions that produce an inbalance in the populations of the two species bosonic. We study the model in the mean-field approximattion more gaussian fluctuations, using the formalism of field theory at finite temperature in imaginary time. The results show that in a certain temperature range, the two bosonic species condense the same critical temperature and the ralative phase of the condensate is fixed and determined by the applied external field phase.

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