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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Journey Towards Sustainable Tourism : A Case Study About Gotland’s Cruise Quay Project

David, Sigrén, Anja, Prochnau January 2016 (has links)
The decision has been made: The new cruise-ship quay in Visby will soon be an essential part of the Swedish island Gotland. This can be a great deal not only in regard to Gotland’s Vision 2025 and its citizens but also for Gotland as a tourist destination and its sustainable tourism development. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore which sustainable considerations and goal settings Gotland’s municipality emphasised in the decision process of construction a new cruise-ship quay in Visby. Besides, we intended to raise awareness of discussing the cruise project from a sustainable tourism development perspective. This study explored the decision process through an overarching sustainability lens with the help of the triple bottom line (TBL) concept. The analysis was based on a triangulation of protocols and reports, meetings and semi-structured interviews with different key actors. This study contributes to the existing tourism literature by adopt the TBL concept on a political setting. The empirical contribution was to better understand and explain the results normally used by organisations from a broader, more holistic sustainable tourism development perspective. An overall conclusion from our study is that the planning and decision process for building a cruise quay in Visby has left residents not involved in the industry with split reactions. The case study reveals that public participation and public information throughout the decision process is essential to the public legitimacy.

Hållbarhetsredovisning - bidrar Global Reporting Initiatives riktlinjer till hållbar utveckling?

Nilsson, Marie, Spets, Linda January 2016 (has links)
Vi lever i ett samhälle där arbete för en hållbar utveckling uppmärksammas allt mer. Företag kan påverka samhället och miljön omkring dem både positivt och negativt. Genom en hållbarhetsredovisning kan företagen att redovisa sin påverkan på sin omgivning. En hållbarhetsredovisning är en sammanställning över företagets ekonomiska, miljömässiga och sociala effekter. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) är en organisation och de tillhandahåller världens mest använda riktlinjer för upprättandet av hållbarhetsredovisningar. Uppsatsens syfte är att skapa en djupare förståelse för om GRI:s riktlinjer för upprättandet av hållbarhetsredovisningar bidrar till hållbar utveckling i företagen. Den teoretiska referensramen innehåller relevanta teorier och begrepp som förklarar varför företag upprättar hållbarhetsredovisningar, samt en sammanfattning av GRI:s riktlinjer. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har kvalitativa semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer använts för att samla in data. I urvalet av respondenter har vi använt oss av ett målstyrt urval och kontaktat den person som är ansvarig för hållbarhetsrelaterade frågor och/eller upprättandet av hållbarhetsredovisningen i respektive företag. Alla tillfrågade företagen upprättar sin hållbarhetsredovisning enligt de senaste riktlinjerna utgivna av GRI. Data som samlats in har analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning och teorierna i den teoretiska referensramen. Slutsatsen visar att GRI:s riktlinjer kan vara komplicerade att använda i företag som är verksamma inom andra branscher än tillverkningsbranschen men att riktlinjerna bidrar till hållbar utveckling i företagen.

Oblique decision trees in transformed spaces.

Wickramarachchi, Darshana Chitraka January 2015 (has links)
Decision trees (DTs) play a vital role in statistical modelling. Simplicity and interpretability of the solution structure have made the method popular in a wide range of disciplines. In data classification problems, DTs recursively partition the feature space into disjoint sub-regions until each sub-region becomes homogeneous with respect to a particular class. Axis parallel splits, the simplest form of splits, partition the feature space parallel to feature axes. However, for some problem domains DTs with axis parallel splits can produce complicated boundary structures. As an alternative, oblique splits are used to partition the feature space potentially simplifying the boundary structure. Various approaches have been explored to find optimal oblique splits. One approach is based on optimisation techniques. This is considered the benchmark approach, however, its major limitation is that the tree induction algorithm is computationally expensive. On the other hand, split finding approaches based on heuristic arguments have gained popularity and have made improvements on benchmark methods. This thesis proposes a methodology to induce oblique decision trees in transformed spaces based on a heuristic argument. As the first goal of the thesis, a new oblique decision tree algorithm, called HHCART (\underline{H}ouse\underline{H}older \underline{C}lassification and \underline{R}egression \underline{T}ree) is proposed. The proposed algorithm utilises a series of Householder matrices to reflect the training data at each non-terminal node during the tree construction. Householder matrices are constructed using the eigenvectors from each classes' covariance matrix. Axis parallel splits in the reflected (or transformed) spaces provide an efficient way of finding oblique splits in the original space. Experimental results show that the accuracy and size of the HHCART trees are comparable with some benchmark methods in the literature. The appealing features of HHCART is that it can handle both qualitative and quantitative features in the same oblique split, conceptually simple and computationally efficient. Data mining applications often come with massive example sets and inducing oblique DTs for such example sets often consumes considerable time. HHCART is a serial computing memory resident algorithm which may be ineffective when handling massive example sets. As the second goal of the thesis parallel computing and disk resident versions of the HHCART algorithm are presented so that HHCART can be used irrespective of the size of the problem. HHCART is a flexible algorithm and the eigenvectors defining Householder matrices can be replaced by other vectors deemed effective in oblique split finding. The third endeavour of this thesis explores this aspect of HHCART. HHCART can be used with other vectors in order to improve classification results. For example, a normal vector of the angular bisector, introduced in the Geometric Decision Tree (GDT) algorithm, is used to construct the Householder reflection matrix. The proposed method produces better results than GDT for some problem domains. In the second case, \textit{Class Representative Vectors} are introduced and used to construct Householder reflection matrices. The results of this experiment show that these oblique trees produce classification results competitive with those achieved with some benchmark decision trees. DTs are constructed using two approaches, namely: top-down and bottom-up. HHCART is a top-down tree, which is the most common approach. As the fourth idea of the thesis, the concept of HHCART is used to induce a new DT, HHBUT, using the bottom-up approach. The bottom-up approach performs cluster analysis prior to the tree building to identify the terminal nodes. The use of the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to determine the number of clusters leads to accurate and compact trees when compared with Cross Validation (CV) based bottom-up trees. We suggest that HHBUT is a good alternative to the existing bottom-up tree especially when the number of examples is much higher than the number of features.

Ämnestransport med grundvatten i hydrogeologiska typmiljöer

Winnerstam, Björn January 2005 (has links)
<p>Certain types of waste, e.g. bottom ash originating from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI bottom ash) can be used as road construction materials. A potential problem is the possibility of substances leaching out of the road and spreading in the surrounding groundwater.</p><p>The aim of this master’s thesis is to conclude whether hydrogeological type settings can be employed to, based on local conditions, provide an estimate of the probable spreading of these substances in the surrounding groundwater, and whether certain types of soils can be identified as being less suitable for the localization of a MSWI bottom ash road. A hydrogeological type setting is defined as a mappable unit with similar hydrogeological properties. An advantage of this approach would be that mainly existing maps and surveys could form the basis for the assessment.</p><p>The work has been performed by placing a hypothetical road construction in different hydrogeological type settings. The expected patterns of spreading has then been evaluated using theoretical reasoning and analytical and numerical models.</p><p>The method can be used. In the report various type settings are defined. In several cases further information will be required to render possible a more exact estimate of the spreading. By locating the road on less permeable soils to reduce the local spreading of substances in groundwater, a greater proportion of the water will be drained as surface water. Thus it becomes important to take into account surface water transport aswell. In the report a procedure to estimate the maximum concentrations in groundwater at locations situated downstream the road is presented. This estimate could be used as basis for a more balanced valuation of appropriateness, e.g. by relating the estimated concentrations to background values.</p> / <p>Vissa typer av avfall, exempelvis slaggrus (sorterad bottenaska från avfallsförbränning), kan användas som vägbyggnadsmaterial. Ett potentiellt problem är möjligheten att ämnen lakas ut ur vägen och sprids i omgivande grundvatten.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att avgöra om hydrogeologiska typmiljöer kan användas för att, utifrån omgivningens förutsättningar, ge en bild av hur den vidare spridningen av dessa ämnen i omgivande grundvatten sannolikt ser ut, och om vissa typer av mark kan pekas ut som mindre lämpade för lokalisering av en slaggrusväg. En hydrogeologisk typmiljö definieras som ett område möjligt att avgränsa med avseende på karakteristiska hydrogeologiska förhållanden. En fördel med angreppssättet skulle vara att underlagsmaterialet till bedömningen då kan utgöras av i huvudsak befintligt kartmaterial.</p><p>Studien har utförts genom att en hypotetisk vägkonstruktion placerats in i olika hydrogeologiska typmiljöer. De troliga spridningsscenarierna har sedan utvärderats genom teoretiska resonemang, samt genom användande av analytiska och numeriska modeller.</p><p>Metodiken går att använda och i rapporten definieras olika typmiljöer. I flera fall kommer platsspecifik kunskap behöva inhämtas för en närmare beskrivning av spridningsbilden. Genom placering av vägen på tätare mark för att minska lokal spridning av ämnen i grundvatten kommer en större andel av vattnet att avledas som ytvatten. Därmed blir det viktigt att även inhämta kunskap om transport med ytvatten. I rapporten presenteras också en metod för uppskattning av maximala halter i grundvatten nedströms en väg. Denna metod kan användas som underlag för en mer nyanserad värdering av lämplighet, genom att de uppskattade halterna relateras till bakgrundsvärden eller lämpliga riktvärden.</p>


Valipour, REZA 20 December 2012 (has links)
High-resolution physical and biogeochemical field data in central Lake Erie during the summers of 2008-2009 along with a three-dimensional numerical model were used to investigate the dynamics of basin scale waves and sediment resuspension mechanisms. In Chapter 2, the modal response of the Poincaré waves in the lake is assessed. The vertical mode-one Poincaré wave was found to be mostly dominant during the seasonal stratified period. The horizontal modal structure was also investigated in a sensitivity analysis, using the numerical model forced with real and idealized wind events. In Chapter 3, dynamics of bottom mixed layer (BML), primarily forced in the outer layer by surface seiches and Poincaré waves is studied for two 10-days representative intervals of weak and strong stratification. Shear velocity was calculated by least square fitting the well-known law-of-the-wall equation to observed near-bed velocity in a region of constant shear stress. Height of the BML is computed using water density (from water temperature) and compared with heights of logarithmic layer approximated using the law-of-the-wall equation and its modified form with buoyancy length scale term. Published equations for estimating BML heights are evaluated and modified for the lake. In Chapter 4, we investigate physical processes leading to sediment resuspension in the lake including surface waves (periods of 4-8s), up/downwelling events (periods of 3-4 day), and high frequency internal waves (periods of 5-45min). Temporal changes in near-bottom sediment resuspension are illustrated using changes in acoustic backscatter signals from current profilers and time series of turbidity measurements to identify the mechanism responsible for sediment resuspension. Resuspension is parameterized as a function of the critical velocity ~0.25ms-1 and from surface waves using linear wave theory. Finally, based on the critical velocity and sediment grain size analysis (from in-site field data), critical shear stress and Shields parameter are calculated and compared with previous observations in Lake Erie and in other locations suggesting a modified Shields diagram for silty bed materials. / Thesis (Ph.D, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2012-12-19 20:54:15.832

An investigation into sustainable forest policies and practices in Syria

Al Berni, Rim Rateb January 2010 (has links)
Appreciation of how forest land can be managed in a sustainable way in arid and semi-arid zones (ASAZs) of centralized countries is limited. Accordingly, this thesis seeks to analyse the role of government and communities, including women, in the formulation and implementation of sustainable forest management (SFM) policy and practices in the semi-arid environment of Syria where such land is limited in extent (e.g. 3% forest and 57% rangeland) and yet where its high biodiversity value is of international significance. The thesis employs a variety of methods: a case study approach (Syria); a questionnaire (i.e. 142 respondents); face-to-face interviews (i.e. 26 interviewees); participant observation and secondary data. The SFM model was used to organise and analyse the influences of environmental, economic, social, cultural and political issues on the state of forest land in Syria. Three contrasting forest areas were selected for detailed analysis at local level: Al Foronloq had the Arab Institute of Forestry close by and the area had a high biodiversity value for landscape; Abo Kbeis contained key genetic resources and a number of women there had been trained in forest management and Abd Aziz Mountain was characterised by rangeland with traditional grazing plus a very arid environment. The main results obtained from census data confirmed that Syrian forest lands have diminished considerably since 1900 with regard to their geographical extent due to agricultural development, expansion of rural-urban settlements as well as of agricultural land onto Syrian forest land. On a more general level, the political issues in Syria (i.e. centralization and independency of the country) demand development of the internal resources of the country, such as agricultural production, in order to cover the needs of human maintenance. Scrutinising forest documentation and using results of face-to-face interviews, it was found that there were considerable changes in forest policies in terms of forest protection and plantation. In addition, there was a recent indication of adopting SFM principles in the case study area, largely as a result of action by agencies external to Syria at the national level, and the new role of NGOs in forest management at the local level. The increasing level of awareness of environmental problems; the capacity of institutions; community participation in natural resources management and achieving international agreements were also found to be paramount in any contracts between the Syrian government and other organisations. This thesis, at the local level, showed that respondents in the mountains (in the Abd Aziz Mountain (AAM) study area) seemed to be older, poorer, mostly with non-educated background, with more than three children, than in the Al Foronloq (AF) and Abo Kbeis (AK) study areas. Respondent groups in AAM were found to be more dependent upon forest resources than respondents in AF and AK; and they occupied land illegally because of their mission to develop agricultural activities, including grazing. The study confirmed that educated households in AF and AK use forest resources more than non-educated households. Conversely, non-educated households in AAM suffer from gaining a local income which may in turn affect their attitudes and behaviours in using forest resources; and as consequence, householders suffering from financial problems may be less aware of the importance of forest protection and try to solve their individual needs by increasing the pressures on the forest resources. The major constraints affecting the formulation and implementation of SFM policy are insufficient financial resources, inadequate management from national to regional and local levels; the limitations are also related to local communities’ attitudes and ignorance of the role of women in forest management. This thesis found that the contribution of women in the labour force at the local level was high in Lattakia (Al Foronloq study area) compared with other study areas (e.g. 32.9% in Lattakia against 13.4% in Hamah and 18.8% in Alhasake) (UNDP: Syrian Human development, 2005); although, there was a significant relationship between income level, family size and women’s contribution in forest management at the local level and no significant relationship with the educational level. On a more specific level, the role of religious faith in AK affects the contribution of women in the society and the workplace generally and in forest management in particular. Finally, the application of the SFM model in this study provided a flexible approach for analysis of complicated interactions between the government and communities. It also provided a comprehensive framework for different types of analytical purposes. Each of the three main components (issues, state and political decisionmakers) was divided into several sub-components which facilitate the explanation and identification of the complexities affecting the formulation of SFM policy and the implementation of such policy. It helped to provide a set of policy recommendations which may help to increase future community participation in forest management and reduce the influences of community pressures on forest resources in Syria.

Marine benthic biodiversity-ecosystem function relations in complex systems

Godbold, Jasmin Annica January 2008 (has links)
A wealth of empirical and theoretical studies has investigated the consequences of biodiversity loss on ecosystem properties. Whilst the importance of biodiversity in mediating ecosystem properties has been established, the magnitude and direction of effects vary between studies and are dependent on the biotic and abiotic conditions of the experimental system. Consequently there are still significant gaps in our understanding of how species loss may affect ecosystem properties, what the underlying mechanisms are, and how the effects of species loss are modified by environmental context.

The Dialectics of Engaging the BOP through Microfranchising: Evidence from a Mexican Agribusiness

Hernandez Cazares, Rafael 08 July 2016 (has links)
Microfranchising is emerging as a potentially powerful strategy for reaching the enormous markets at the base of the pyramid (BOP). Microfranchising also represents an effective and sustainable way to contribute to poverty alleviation and economic growth. However, we know little about how organizations maneuver contradictory forces as they use this innovative business model to engage the BOP. To address this gap, I offer a longitudinal case study of an emerging microfranchise effort by a successful Mexican agribusiness—one whose ambitions to continue growing were challenged by multinational agrochemicals suppliers. As this project shows, companies and BOP markets can realize mutual benefits from a value co-creation strategy. Specifically, I adopted a dialectical approach to analyze the tensions and competing forces that arose as business managers and local BOP distributors and producers collaborated in this emerging microfranchising venture. As a result, the research offers three contributions. First, it provides a detailed empirical account of how contradictory forces shaped the Mexican agricultural firm’s implementation of microfranchising to engage with BOP farmers. Second, it presents a conceptual synthesis that describes the major contradictory forces a company faces as it implements microfranchising as part of its BOP strategy. Finally, it offers lessons for how business managers can maneuver contradictory forces to co-create value with the BOP through microfranchising.

Evaluating relative operational performance of firms on sustainability metrics using multi-level multi attributed decision making (MADM)

Walia, Rajdeep Singh 20 January 2017 (has links)
Investors, stock exchanges and financial regulatory institutions can be used as strong levers for making firms accountable for achieving sustainable operational performance and not just maximizing profits. The objective of this research study is to enhance the quantitative tools available to stakeholders for evaluating relative operational performance of firms, thereby encouraging the financial investors to base their portfolio investment decisions on the basis of sustainable operational performance of firms. The study reviews the existing literature on evaluating relative operational performance of firms on sustainability metrics and proposes multi-level multi criteria decision making (MCDM) quantitative methods for measuring the same. The research work demonstrates the research framework proposed in the study by evaluating the 2014 Sustainable Operational Performance of firms in the oil & gas sector. The reason for choosing the oil & gas sector for this case study is in view of the relative large ecological and social impact which this industry has on different stakeholders. Due to the same reasons, the oil & gas sector is a bit more advanced in terms of its sustainability performance reporting standards. The review of past literature and the sustainability reports of firms for the year 2014 is initially used to develop the construct for measuring the firm operational performance on three pillars of TBL i.e. for the ecological, social and economic dimensions. / February 2017

Effect of Substrate on Bottom-Up Fabrication and Electronic Properties of Graphene Nanoribbons

Simonov, Konstantin January 2016 (has links)
Taking into account the technological demand for the controlled preparation of atomically precise graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with well-defined properties, the present thesis is focused on the investigation of the role of the underlying metal substrate in the process of building GNRs using bottom-up strategy and on the changes in the electronic structure of GNRs induced by the GNR-metal interaction. The combination of surface sensitive synchrotron-radiation-based spectroscopic techniques and scanning tunneling microscopy with in situ sample preparation allowed to trace evolution of the structural and electronic properties of the investigated systems. Significant impact of the substrate activity on the growth dynamics of armchair GNRs of width N = 7 (7-AGNRs) prepared on inert Au(111) and active Cu(111) was demonstrated. It was shown that unlike inert Au(111) substrate, the mechanism of GNRs formation on Ag(111) and Cu(111) includes the formation of organometallic intermediates based on the carbon-metal-carbon bonds. Experiments performed on Cu(111) and Cu(110), showed that a change of the balance between molecular diffusion and intermolecular interaction significantly affects the on-surface reaction mechanism making it impossible to grow GNRs on Cu(110). It was demonstrated that deposition of metals on spatially aligned GNRs prepared on stepped Au(788) substrate allows to investigate GNR-metal interaction using angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. In particular intercalation of one monolayer of copper beneath 7-AGNRs leads to significant electron injection into the nanoribbons, indicating that charge doping by metal contacts must be taken into account when designing GNR/electrode systems. Alloying of intercalated copper with gold substrate upon post-annealing at 200°C leads to a recovery of the initial position of GNR-related bands with respect to the Fermi level, thus proving tunability of the induced n-doping. Contrary, changes in the electronic structure of 7-AGNRs induced by the deposition of Li are not reversible.  It is demonstrated that via lithium doping 7-AGNRs can be transformed from a semiconductor into a metal state due to the partial filling of the conduction band. The band gap of Li-doped GNRs is reduced and the effective mass of the conduction band carriers is increased.

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