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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reatividade vascular e atividade da ECA em resposta ao treinamento físico são moduladas pelo polimorfismo +9/-9 do gene do receptor B2 de bradicinina / Vascular reactivity and ACE activity response to exercise are Modulated by the +9/-9 bradykinin B2 receptor gene functional polymorphism

Cleber Rene Alves 23 September 2009 (has links)
A ausência (9) e não a presença (+9) de um segmento de nove pares de base do gene codificador do receptor B2 de bradicinina (BDKRB2), está associada com a maior transcrição do gene, com fenótipos cardiovasculares e performance física. Entretanto, os efeitos dessas variantes na reatividade vascular são desconhecidos. Hipotetizamos que, 1) a vasodilatação reflexa em resposta ao exercício de handgrip poderia estar aumenta em sujeitos portadores do genótipo -9/-9, 2) O treinamento físico potencializaria essa resposta, e 3) a atividade da enzima conversora de angiotensina-I (ECA) estaria diminuída. Foram133 homens genotipados para o BDKRB2 (-9/-9 n=30; - 9/+9 n=68; +9/+9 n=35). Freqüência cardíaca (FC, ECG) pressão arterial média (PAM, cuff automático oscilométrico), e fluxo sanguíneo no antebraço (FSA, pletismografia) foram avaliados 3 minutos no repouso e 3 minutos durante o exercício de handgrip (30%CVM). A capacidade funcional foi mensurada por teste cardiopulmonar. E a atividade da enzima conversora de angiotensina I (ECA), foi analisada em soro. As avaliações foram realizadas antes e depois do treinamento físico aeróbio (18 semanas, 90 minutos, 3vezes semanais).No pré-treinamento físico o FSA e a condutância vascular no antebraço (CVA) em resposta ao exercício foram similares entre os genótipos -9/-9, -9/+9 e +9/+9 (FSA: 630±26; 626±22; 585±22 ASC, P=0.71; CVA: 584±21; 592±27; 559±16 UAC, P=0.79, respectivamente). No pós-treinamento físico somente 58 indivíduos mostraram ganho acima ou igual a 10% no VO2pico e, portanto, foram incluídos no estudo. O aumento no FSA e CVA do genótipo -9/-9 foi significantemente maior do que nos genótipos -9/+9 e +9/+9 (FSA: 514±65 vs. 635±44; 672 ±56 vs. 632 ±37; 569±41 vs. 549±45 ASC, P=0.05, respectivamente) (CVA: 512±63 vs. 639±56; 657±101 vs. 622 ±45; 578±49 vs. 549±62 ASC, P=0.05, respectivamente). Ademais a atividade da enzima conversora de angiotensina-I, demonstrou uma redução de 23% em sua atividade no genótipo -9/-9 em comparação aos genótipos -9/+9 e +9/+9 (p<0.008), respectivamente. Finalmente fomos capazes de confirmar em cultura de células musculares lisas vasculares, que o genótipo -9/-9 está associado com aumentos na atividade transcricional do gene BDKRB2 (p=0.03). Esses resultados sugerem que o polimorfismo -9/+9 do gene do receptor B2 de bradicinina, influencia a vasodilatação muscular reflexa durante o exercício em indivíduos treinados. Além disso, a vasodilatação poderia estar aumenta no genótipo - 9/-9, pela menor atividade da enzima conversora de angiotensina-I, e maior biodisponibilidade do substrato bradicinina. / Absence (-9), rather than the presence (+9), of a 9 base pair repeat in the bradykinin type 2 receptor gene (BDKRB2) was associated with higher gene transcriptional activity, cardiovascular phenotypes and physical performance. However, their effects on vascular reactivity are unknown. We hypothesized that vasodilatation response to physical training is modulated by BDKRB2 genotype. hundred and thirty-three healthy volunters were genotyped for the +9/-9 BDKRB2 polymorphism. Heart rate (HR), mean blood pressure (MBP), and forearm blood flow (FBF) were evaluated at baseline. Functional capacity was measured by cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) activity was measured. Aerobic training was performed for 18 weeks, following a standardized protocol. All baseline variables were re-assessed following completion of the training period. Baseline HR, MBP, and forearm vascular conductance (FVC) were not different among -9/+9 genotypes. During handgrip exercise, FBF and FVC increased significantly and similarly among -9/-9, -9/-9 and +9/+9 genotypes. Resting HR, MBP, FBF, and FVC change following, aerobic training completion was not different between genotypes. However, FBF and FVC response to aerobic training were higher in -9/-9 carriers (p=0.05, and p=0.05, respectively). In addition, ACE activity decrease following aerobic training was higher in the -9/-9 group (p <0.008). Finally, we were able to confirm, in primary culture of human vascular smooth muscle cells, that the -9/-9 genotype was associated with increased transcriptional activity of the BDKRB2 gene (p=0.03).These results suggest that reflex muscle vasodilatation response to physical training is modulated by, the +9/-9 bradykinin B2 receptor gene polymorphism in healthy individuals.

Caracterização do fenótipo ósseo do modelo mg&#916;loxPneo da síndrome de Marfan e análise dos mecanismos de patogênese / Characterization of the skeletal phenotype of the mg?loxPneo mouse model of Marfan syndrome and analysis of the mechanisms of pathogenesis

Elisa Ito Kawahara 02 December 2016 (has links)
A Síndrome de Marfan (SMF) é uma doença de caráter autossômico dominante que acomete o tecido conjuntivo. As principais manifestações clínicas afetam o sistema cardiovascular, ótico e ósseo. A SMF é causada por mutações no gene FBN1, que codifica a proteína extracelular fibrilina-1, componente principal das microfibrilas, que formam as fibras elásticas. Estudos mostraram que mutações no gene da fibrilina-1 levam a um aumento indiscriminado do TGF-&Beta; ativo na matriz, que resulta nos principais fenótipos da doença. O Sistema Renina Angiotensina (RAS) tem como produto principal a Angiotensina II (Ang-II), envolvida na regulação da massa óssea e da atividade do TGF-&Beta;. Estratégias terapêuticas para a SMF utilizando fármacos que agem no RAS têm sido alvos de estudos em modelos animais. Em camundongos, Ramipril, inibidor da ACE (Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, ACEi), aumenta a transcrição do gene Fbn1 em 35% e melhora a cifose, característica do fenótipo ósseo no modelo animal mg&Delta;loxPneo. O mecanismo de ação do Ramipril no sistema ósseo ainda não está totalmente elucidado, sendo que pode agir por diminuição na produção de Ang-II e consequente diminuição nos níveis de TGF-&Beta;, ou pela inibição de degradação da bradicinina (BK) pela Ang-II. A bradicinina ativa diretamente seu receptor B2R, que induz ações fisiológicas opostas às da Ang-II. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e compreender os mecanismos gerais da patogênese óssea do modelo murino mg&Delta;loxPneo para a SMF. Para tanto, foi analisado o fenótipo ósseo dos animais mg&Delta;loxPneo e selvagens controle e tratados com Ramipril. Foi verificado que, além da cifose, os animais mutantes apresentaram pior estrutura óssea. O tratamento melhorou a cifose, porém não alterou a qualidade óssea dos animais mutantes. Portanto, o efeito benéfico do Ramipril na cifose dos animais mg&Delta;loxPneo não se deve a uma melhora da estrutura óssea, e pode estar relacionado à integridade do ligamento que sustenta a coluna vertebral. Com o intuito de testar a hipótese de que a sinalização pelo receptor B2R da BK possa estar envolvida no desenvolvimento do fenótipo ósseo dos animais mg&Delta;loxPneo, foram gerados animais mg&Delta;loxPneo e knockout para o receptor B2R. Os resultados mostram que o receptor B2R não interfere no desenvolvimento da cifose, sendo apenas o genótipo para Fbn1 o fator determinante para a manifestação desse fenótipo. Foi realizada a análise de RNA-seq para verificar genes e vias diferencialmente expressas que possam explicar o mecanismo de desenvolvimento do fenótipo ósseo dos animais mg&Delta;loxPneo. Foram encontradas vias como da adesão focal, interação receptor-meio extracelular (MEC), junção ocludente, reparação por excisão de nucleotídeo e de reparação missmatch, que podem explicar alterações no metabolismo de células ósseas. Além disso, foram encontradas diferenças de expressão de genes relacionados ao metabolismo muscular esquelético, o que está de acordo com a hipótese de regulação parácrina entre o tecido muscular e ósseo, levando a uma pior estrutura óssea / Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant disease that affects the connective tissue. The main clinical manifestations affect the cardiovascular, optical and bone systems. MFS is caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene, that encodes the extracellular protein fibrillin-1, a major component of microfibrils, which form elastic fibers. Studies have shown that mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene lead to an indiscriminate increase in active TGF-&Beta; in the matrix, which results in the major phenotypes of the disease. The Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) has as its main product Angiotensin II (Ang-II), involved in bone mass regulation and TGF-&Beta; activity. Therapeutic strategies using drugs targeting the RAS have been studied in animal models. Ramipril, an ACE inhibitor (Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, ACEi), increase Fbn1 gene expression in 35% and improve kyphosis index in the mg&Delta;loxPneo mouse model for SMF. Its mechanism of action in bone tissue is not completely elucidated, and it may act by decreasing Ang-II production and consequent reduction in TGF-&Beta; levels, or by inhibiting degradation of bradykinin (BK) by Ang II. BK directly activates its B2R receptor, which induces opposite physiological actions to Ang-II. This study aims to evaluate and understand the general mechanisms of bone pathogenesis in the mg&Delta;loxPneo mouse model. We analyzed the bone phenotype of mg&Delta;loxPneo and wildtype animals treated, or not, with Ramipril by measuring the kyphosis index (KI), micro computed tomography (&mu;CT) and Real-time PCR (RT-PCR). We found that mutant animals showed a greater degree of kyphosis and an altered bone structure. Ramipril improved kyphosis but did not alter bone quality of mutant animals, while in wild type animals Ramipril decreased bone structure without altering KI. Therefore, the beneficial effect of Ramipril on mg&Delta;loxPneo animals\' kyphosis is not due to an improvement in bone structure. In order to test the hypothesis where signaling through BK B2R receptor may be involved in the development of bone phenotype of mg&Delta;loxPneo animals, a mouse model with the mg&Delta;loxPneo mutation and knockout for B2R receptor was generated. The analysis of these animals show that the B2R receptor does not interfere with the development of kyphosis, with Fbn1 genotype as sole determinant for this phenotype manifestation. RNA-seq analysis was performed to verify differential expression of genes and altered cellular pathways, which could reveal mechanisms of bone phenotype development in mg&Delta;loxPneo animals. Altered pathways found included focal adhesion, receptor- extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction, tight junction, nucleotide excision repair and missmatch repair, which may explain changes in bone cells metabolism. In addition, there were differences in gene expression related to skeletal muscle metabolism, which is in agreement with the paracrine regulation of bone and muscle tissue, leading to worst bone structure

Einfluss mechanischer Dehnung von alveolaren Typ-II-Zellen auf die Bildung von Bradykinin durch das Kallikrein-Kinin-System

Knauth, Jessica 05 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Resting Distribution and Stimulated Translocation of Protein Kinase C Isoforms Alpha, Epsilon and Zeta in Response to Bradykinin and TNF in Human Endothelial Cells

Ross, Dan, Joyner, William L. 01 January 1997 (has links)
Protein kinase C (PKC) has been linked to functional and morphological changes in endothelial cells involved in increased microvessel permeability. Bradykinin and TNF are potent inflammatory mediators which translocate PKC from the cytosol to the membrane of various cell types, including endothelial cells. The PKC isoforms α, ε and ζ have been demonstrated as the most prominent in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). We propose that bradykinin and TNF cause increased microvascular permeability via a PKC-dependent endothelial cell signalling pathway. HUVEC were incubated at 37°C and 5% CO2 for 1 min, 15 min and 3 h with either bradykinin (1 μM) or TNF (100 U/ml). PMA incubation served as a positive control (100 nM, 15 min). Cytosolic and membrane-bound extracts were obtained by incubation in digitonin (0.5%) and Triton X100 (1%). PKC isoforms were assayed by Western blot and membrane fractions calculated. These experiments revealed that: HUVEC clearly displayed a non-uniform basal membrane fraction distribution of PKC isoforms, with ζ (35.4%) greater than ε (30.6%) and both much greater than α (8.6%); Bradykinin caused significant translocation of PKC α with 15 min and 3 h of treatment but not 1 min; TNF caused dramatic translocation of PKC α at 1 min treatment which subsided at 15 min and 3 h but remained significantly elevated; and PMA caused dramatic translocation of α and ε but not ζ. Treatments of bradykinin and TNF that translocated PKC also showed cytoskeletal rearrangement of rhodamine-phalloidin stained actin, causing it to become more prevalent near cell membranes and concentrated at focal points between cells. These results suggest that PKC α may contribute to long term low grade increases in microvessel permeability in response to bradykinin, and that PKC α could be involved in both transient and sustained microvessel permeability changes induced by TNF. Also, cytoskeletal actin organization appears to be a downstream pathway in the activation process, possibly leading to alteration in endothelial cell shape and contact points.

Interaction of Ovokinin(2-7) With Vascular Bradykinin 2 Receptors

Scruggs, Phouangmala, Filipeanu, Catalin M., Yang, Jun, Chang, Jaw Kang, Dun, Nae J. 15 August 2004 (has links)
Intravenous administration of ovokinin(2-7), a cleavage peptide derived from ovalbumin, dose-dependently (0.1-5 mg/kg) lowered the mean arterial pressure (MAP) that was not accompanied by a significant change in the heart rate (HR) of urethane-anesthetized rats. The hypotensive effects of ovokinin(2-7) were five orders of magnitude lower compared to that of bradykinin and were largely prevented by pretreatment with the bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist HOE140 (81.6±18.4%) and moderately affected by the B1 receptor antagonist [des-Arg10]-HOE140 (26.3±15.5%). Intracellular Ca2+ levels, as measured by Fur 2-AM, were significantly elevated in cultured aorta smooth muscle cells by ovokinin(2-7). The increases were abolished by HOE140 and unaffected by [des-Arg10]-HOE140. The elevation of intracellular Ca2+ by ovokinin(2-7) was dependent on Ca2+ entry from extracellular space as it was reduced in a Ca2+-free solution. Pretreatment of the cells with the phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 (2 μM) eliminated the Ca 2+ increase by the peptide. PA phosphohydrolase and phospholipase A2 inhibitors significantly reduced the responses as well. Our results show that ovokinin(2-7) modulates cardiovascular activity by interacting with B2 bradykinin receptors.

Study of ERK12 MAP kinases activation by the bradykinin type 2 receptor : characterization of beta-arrestin scaffolding function in the temporal regulation of ERK12 activation induced by the B2R

Houri, Nadia January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Bradykinin and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Alter Albumin Transport in Vivo: A Comparative Study

Saulpaw, Charles E., Joyner, William L. 01 November 1997 (has links)
These studies indicate that tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) alters albumin permeability and unlike bradykinin (BK) the increased albumin permeability lasts for the duration of the application. Neither agonist requires the presence of white blood cells or other blood-borne substances to produce this inflammatory response. These experiments were completed in the in situ, microcannulated, perfused venules of the mesentery in the anesthetized hamster. Albumin transport was measured using intravital fluorescence microscopy, TRITC-labeled albumin, and densitometric tracking. Further, by varying the intravascular pressure, the hydraulic (L(p)(1 - σ)) and diffusive permeability (P0) coefficients of these microvessels were determined. Both BK and TNFα produced an increase in albumin flux, which was dependent upon the dose and time domains. This response was present when the agonists were given by either intra- or extravascular presentation. Both hydraulic coupling and microvascular permeability were increased by BK and TNFα. TNFα increased albumin permeability rapidly and its effect lasted as long as TNFα was present, whereas the increased albumin transport by BK was biphasic. The results implicate a dynamic modification in the microvascular wall to these inflammatory agonists and the mechanism(s) for transduction in the endothelium are quite different.

Rôle des kinines dans la physiopathologie des effets secondaires causés par les héparines contaminées d’origine chinoise : approche expérimentale

Montpas, Nicolas 07 1900 (has links)
En janvier 2008, une éclosion de réactions anaphylactoïdes (RA) potentiellement mortelles associées à l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine manufacturées en Chine et contaminée par le chondroïtine sulfate hypersulfaté (CSHS) a forcé le rappel de ces dernières par la U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Ces RA ont rapidement été attribuées à la libération de la bradykinine (BK) suite à l’activation du système de contact par le CSHS. Cependant, aucune évidence expérimentale définitive n’est à ce jour venue appuyer directement cette hypothèse. En se basant sur le nombre de morts déclaré et associé à la contamination (>150 morts au niveau mondial) ainsi qu’aux données épidémiologiques, qui stipulent que 25% des patients ayant développés une RA aux États-Unis étaient essentiellement des insuffisant rénaux en dialyse traités au moyen d’un inhibiteur de l’enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine (iECA), nous avons émis l’hypothèse suivante : les RA causées par l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine contaminée au CSHS sont de nature multifactorielle et complexe. Le but de notre travail est donc, dans un premier temps, d’évaluer le pouvoir kininoformateur du CSHS en présence d’un iECA et de le comparer à celui du sulfate de dextran, un activateur de référence du système de contact. Comme les RA associées à l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine contaminée par le CSHS se produisent généralement dans les premières minutes des séances de dialyse, nous allons étudier l’effet de la dilution du plasma sur la quantité de BK libérée en présence ou en absence d’un iECA. Nous allons également mesurer les profils cinétiques de la libération de la BK sur un plasma stimulé par différents lots d’héparine contaminée, et associée à des RA, et nous comparerons cette cinétique avec celles d’une héparine de référence complémentée ou non avec différentes concentrations de CSHS synthétique. Enfin, nous allons caractériser le profil de libération de la BK et de son métabolite actif, la des-Arg9-BK, dans le plasma de patients dialysé ayant présenté une RA associée à une membrane de dialyse chargée négativement. L’application de méthodes expérimentales développées dans notre laboratoire nous a permis de montrer, pour la première fois, que l’héparine contaminée au CSHS a la capacité de libérer la BK à des concentrations susceptibles d’expliquer le rôle de ce peptide inflammatoire dans la physiopathologie des RA causées par l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine d’origine chinoise contaminée au CSHS. / In January 2008, fatal anaphylactoid reaction (AR) has been associated to oversulfated chondroitin sulphate (OSCS) contaminated heparin. Although attributed to bradykinin (BK) released during contact system activation by OSCS, no definitive evidence exists until now for a BK release during incubation of contaminated heparin with human plasma. While looking at the number of death associated with OSCS (>150 worldwide) and at the epidemiologic fact, who state that 25% of the cases of AR associated to OSCS in United-States were treated with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi), we hypothesis that: AR associated with bolus injection of OSCS contaminated heparin are bind to a complex and multi-factorial aspect. The first objective of our study is to measure the kinetics of BK release in human plasma incubated with OSCS in presence of an ACEi and to compare it to the kinetics profile of the reference activator dextran sulfate. As the AR associated with OSCS contaminated heparin occurred mainly in the first minutes of dialysis session, we also studied the effect of the plasma dilution on the amount of BK released when treated or not with an ACEi. We also quantify the BK forming capacity of different batches of OSCS contaminated heparin responsible for AR and we compare this effect with reference heparin spiked or not with increasing concentrations of synthetic OSCS. Finally, we measure the kinetics of BK and des- Arg9-BK, its active metabolite, release in human plasma collected from patients who developed an AR associated to negatively charged dialysis membrane. The application of experimental method developed in our laboratory show, for the first time, that OSCS contaminated heparin incubated with human plasma has the capacity to liberate BK at a concentration that could explain the role of this inflammatory peptide in the pathophysiology of AR associated with OSCS contaminated Chinese heparins.

Rôle des kinines dans la physiopathologie des effets secondaires causés par les héparines contaminées d’origine chinoise : approche expérimentale

Montpas, Nicolas 07 1900 (has links)
En janvier 2008, une éclosion de réactions anaphylactoïdes (RA) potentiellement mortelles associées à l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine manufacturées en Chine et contaminée par le chondroïtine sulfate hypersulfaté (CSHS) a forcé le rappel de ces dernières par la U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Ces RA ont rapidement été attribuées à la libération de la bradykinine (BK) suite à l’activation du système de contact par le CSHS. Cependant, aucune évidence expérimentale définitive n’est à ce jour venue appuyer directement cette hypothèse. En se basant sur le nombre de morts déclaré et associé à la contamination (>150 morts au niveau mondial) ainsi qu’aux données épidémiologiques, qui stipulent que 25% des patients ayant développés une RA aux États-Unis étaient essentiellement des insuffisant rénaux en dialyse traités au moyen d’un inhibiteur de l’enzyme de conversion de l’angiotensine (iECA), nous avons émis l’hypothèse suivante : les RA causées par l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine contaminée au CSHS sont de nature multifactorielle et complexe. Le but de notre travail est donc, dans un premier temps, d’évaluer le pouvoir kininoformateur du CSHS en présence d’un iECA et de le comparer à celui du sulfate de dextran, un activateur de référence du système de contact. Comme les RA associées à l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine contaminée par le CSHS se produisent généralement dans les premières minutes des séances de dialyse, nous allons étudier l’effet de la dilution du plasma sur la quantité de BK libérée en présence ou en absence d’un iECA. Nous allons également mesurer les profils cinétiques de la libération de la BK sur un plasma stimulé par différents lots d’héparine contaminée, et associée à des RA, et nous comparerons cette cinétique avec celles d’une héparine de référence complémentée ou non avec différentes concentrations de CSHS synthétique. Enfin, nous allons caractériser le profil de libération de la BK et de son métabolite actif, la des-Arg9-BK, dans le plasma de patients dialysé ayant présenté une RA associée à une membrane de dialyse chargée négativement. L’application de méthodes expérimentales développées dans notre laboratoire nous a permis de montrer, pour la première fois, que l’héparine contaminée au CSHS a la capacité de libérer la BK à des concentrations susceptibles d’expliquer le rôle de ce peptide inflammatoire dans la physiopathologie des RA causées par l’injection intraveineuse d’héparine d’origine chinoise contaminée au CSHS. / In January 2008, fatal anaphylactoid reaction (AR) has been associated to oversulfated chondroitin sulphate (OSCS) contaminated heparin. Although attributed to bradykinin (BK) released during contact system activation by OSCS, no definitive evidence exists until now for a BK release during incubation of contaminated heparin with human plasma. While looking at the number of death associated with OSCS (>150 worldwide) and at the epidemiologic fact, who state that 25% of the cases of AR associated to OSCS in United-States were treated with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi), we hypothesis that: AR associated with bolus injection of OSCS contaminated heparin are bind to a complex and multi-factorial aspect. The first objective of our study is to measure the kinetics of BK release in human plasma incubated with OSCS in presence of an ACEi and to compare it to the kinetics profile of the reference activator dextran sulfate. As the AR associated with OSCS contaminated heparin occurred mainly in the first minutes of dialysis session, we also studied the effect of the plasma dilution on the amount of BK released when treated or not with an ACEi. We also quantify the BK forming capacity of different batches of OSCS contaminated heparin responsible for AR and we compare this effect with reference heparin spiked or not with increasing concentrations of synthetic OSCS. Finally, we measure the kinetics of BK and des- Arg9-BK, its active metabolite, release in human plasma collected from patients who developed an AR associated to negatively charged dialysis membrane. The application of experimental method developed in our laboratory show, for the first time, that OSCS contaminated heparin incubated with human plasma has the capacity to liberate BK at a concentration that could explain the role of this inflammatory peptide in the pathophysiology of AR associated with OSCS contaminated Chinese heparins.

A função do óxido nítrico no processo de angiogênese através do controle da atividade do receptor de EGF / A critical role for NO-mediated, epidermal growth factor receptor-dependent angiogenesis in endothelial cells

Moraes, Miriam Santos de 26 June 2008 (has links)
Óxido nítrico (NO) obtido a partir de fonts exógenas estimula a via de sinalização Ras/MAP cinases ERK1/2 em células endoteliais de coelho (RAEC). A ativação desta via também envolve a transativação do receptor de EGF (EGFR) mediada por ERK1/2 (Oliveira, 2003). Agora, nós avaliamos os efeitos de NO gerado endogenamente por bradicinina e \"shear stress\" sobre a fosforilação de resíduos de tirosina em EGFR e no processo de angiogênese; Nós encontramos que após estímulo com bradicinina (1 M) ou \"shear stress\" (16 dynes/cm2) a isoforma endotelial de NO sintetase (eNOS) foi ativada em células RAEC e HUVEC. Além disso, o aumento na produção de NO correlaciona-se com um aumento na fosforilação em resíduos de tirosina de EGFR conforme verificado por imunoprecipitação e western blot. Para determinar a capacidade angiogênica da via de sinalização NO-EGFR, nós usamos um ensaio in vitro baseado em Matrigel®. Em adição nós analisamos as vias de sinalização envolvidas no processo. Nós mostramos que bradicina e \"shear stress\" induz a formação de estruturas semelhantes a capilares em células HUVEC cultivadas em Matrigel®. Células HUVEC expressando um mutante de EGFR com atividade de tirosina cinase defective não forma estruturas semelhantes a capilares após estímulo com bradicinina ou \"shear stress\". Reunidos, estes achados nos sugerem que a ativação da via de NO e EGFR é necessária na promoção de angiogênese em células HUVEC / Nitric oxide (NO) obtained from exogenous sources stimulated the Ras/MAP kinases ERK1/2 signaling pathway in rabbit endothelial cells (RAEC). Activation of this pathway also involved the transactivation of the EGF receptor (EGF-R) mediated by ERK1/2 (FRBM 35:381; 2003). Now, we evaluate the effects of endogenously generated NO elicited by bradykinin and fluid laminar \"shear stress\" on tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGF receptor and in the process of angiogenesis. We found that upon stimulation with bradykinin (1 M) or under shear stress conditions (16 dynes/cm2) the endothelial isoform of NO synthase was activated in RAEC and in human endothelial cells (HUVEC). Furthermore, increase in NO production correlated with enhanced phosphorylation of tyrosine residues of the EGF-R as seen by immunoprecipitation and western blot analysis. To determine the importance of the NO-EGFR signaling pathway in angiogenesis, we used the Matrigel®-based in vitro assay for angiogenesis. In addition, we analyzed the signaling pathway involved in the process. We showed that bradykinin and shear stress induced the formation of capillary-like structures in HUVEC cultures grown in Matrigel®. HUVEC expressing a mutant of the EGF-R lacking tyrosine kinase activity did not form capillary-like structures upon stimulation with bradykinin or shear stress conditions. Taken together, these findings suggest that the activation of the NO-EGFR signaling pathway is necessary to promote angiogenesis in HUVEC

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