Spelling suggestions: "subject:"broadleaved"" "subject:"broadleaaved""
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Environmental analysis of the habitat (biotic and abiotic factors) associated with Broadleaf Barbara's Buttons (Marshallia trinervia)Blanchard, Jennifer L. 20 December 2009 (has links)
In June 2009 I conducted a study of the habitat associated with Broadleaf Barbara's Buttons (Marshallia trinervia) along Bird's Creek in Vernon Parish, LA. Twenty two plots were sampled for all vascular plants. Of these, 17 samples were from the area where M. trinervia was present and 5 samples were from the area where M. trinervia was absent. From each sampling plot a soil sample was collected and analyzed. There were significant differences in the species richness of all plant groups (p=0.0075), herbaceous plants (p=0.056), and woody vines (p=0.083) between the two locations. The soil texture was also significantly different in the percentage of sand (p=0.021), silt (p=0.029), and clay (p=0.089) between the study locations. The study found that the samples associated with M. trinervia were higher in species richness for all plant groups and the soils from these locations had a higher mean percentage of silt and clay particles.
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Climate-induced changes of vegetation in broadleaved deciduous forests / Plačialapių lapuočių miškų augalijos kaita skirtingais klimatinių sąlygų metaisAbraitienė, Jolita 24 October 2012 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of meteorological factors on the phenological phases of the vegetation in broadleaved forests under varying climatic conditions.
To attain the aim, the following objectives were set:
1. Characterize the changes of values of meteorological parameters (temperature, precipitation) in the studied period;
2. Determine solar radiation intensity under the canopies of trees, phenological phases of trees and bushes and their changes;
3. Determine the changes of projection coverage, height and phenological phases of herbaceous plants during the growing period;
4. Ascertain the relationship between meteorological factors and phenological phases of woody and herbaceous plants.
Scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance. Up till now in Lithuania phenological studies mostly of agricultural plants have been conducted. Phenological studies on woody and herbaceous plants in the forests of Lithuania are almost absent. Most of the studies were conducted with indicator species, such as hazel, coltsfoot, etc.
During the study, for the first time in Lithuania a complex investigation of forest community was carried out and the influence of meteorological factors on the phenological phases of herbaceous and woody plants in Kamša botanical-zoological reserve was determined.
The results of the study allow to better assess the influence of meteorological factors on seasonal development (phenology) of herbaceous plants, trees and... [to full text] / Darbo tikslas – ištirti meteorologinių veiksnių įtaką plačialapių lapuočių miškų augalijos fenologiniams tarpsniams skirtingų klimatinių sąlygų metais. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. charakterizuoti meteorologinių rodiklių (temperatūros, kritulių) reikšmių kaitą tiriamuoju laikotarpiu; 2. nustatyti apšvietimą po medžių lajomis, medžių ir krūmų lapojimo fenologinius tarpsnius ir jų pokyčius; 3. nustatyti žolinių augalų projekcinio padengimo, aukščio, fenologinių tarpsnių kaitą vegetacijos metu; 4. nustatyti ryšį tarp meteorologinių veiksnių ir sumedėjusių, žolinių augalų fenologinių tarpsnių. Darbo mokslinis naujumas, teorinė ir praktinė reikšmė. Lietuvoje iki šiol daugiausia atlikta fenologinių tyrimų su žemės ūkio augalais. Sumedėjusių augalų ir miško žolinių augalų detalių fenologinių tyrimų Lietuvoje beveik nėra. Daugiausia atlikta indikatorinių rūšių, kaip paprastasis lazdynas, paprastasis šalpusnis ir kt., tyrimų. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje kompleksiškai tirta miško bendrija, nustatyta meteorologinių veiksnių įtaka sumedėjusių augalų lapojimo ir žolinių augalų fenologiniams tarpsniams Kamšos botaniniame-zoologiniame draustinyje. Darbo rezultatai leidžia geriau įvertinti meteorologinių veiksnių įtaką miško žolinės augalijos, medžių ir krūmų sezoniniam vystymuisi (fenologijai). Gautos žinios svarbios ne tik teoriniam išsamesniam atskirų rūšių biologijos pažinimui, bet ir praktiniams tikslams: dendrologijoje, fitopatologijoje ir t. t.
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Bokskog för framtiden : Planer och visioner för en bokplantering / Beech for future : Plans and visions for a beech plantationIngestad, Gunilla January 1900 (has links)
Objekt för undersökningen är en nyplantering av bok på en mindre skogsfastighet i sydöstra Blekinge. Bok och ek, som är de viktigaste ädla lövträden för den biologiska mångfalden, intog i dessa trakter en stor andel av skogsbeståndet fram till 1960-70-talet, men har sedan minskat i takt med att de ersatts av planterad gran. Det finns idag, bland annat i Skogsstyrelsens riktlinjer, en uttalad strävan mot en högre andel ädellövskog på de breddgrader som ingår i dessa trädslags naturliga utbredningsområden. På så sätt kan det projekt, som studien beskriver, anses ligga rätt i tiden. Inledningsvis ger rapporten en översikt över skog och skogsbruk som kunskapsområde och bakgrunden till att vi nu ser tendenser till att de traditionella formerna av skogsbruk, där ekonomi är den dominerande styrfaktorn, börjar ge vika för skogsbruksmetoder som gynnar även naturvårds- och sociala värden. Detta är en tendens som nu börjar få genomslag såväl i myndigheters styrdokument som i forskning och kunskapsutveckling. I rapporten beskrivs utvecklingen av en tio-årig plantering av bok, dels resultatet av den första fasen, etableringsfasen, och dels en bedömning av hur den framtida planeringen kan göras utifrån de uppställda målen med fokus på de skötselformer som kan betecknas som ”hyggesfria” eller ”naturnära” metoder. I analysen av studiens resultat görs jämförelser dels med liknande studier och dels med schabloniserade tillväxtprognoser för bok. En satsning på naturnära skogsbruk och på lövskog ger, enligt de sammanfattande slutsatserna, inte de högsta ekonomiska vinsterna i dagsläget. Däremot kan det, med ett långsiktigt skötselprogram, ses som en framtidsinvestering. Dels fås en kvalitetshöjning av framtida jordmån och växtbetingelser och större chans att klara stormar och dess effekter. En ytterligare vinst är möjligheten att vara med och bygga erfarenheter av och kunskap om utvecklingen av ett framtida lövskogsbruk. / The aim of this study was to evaluate an area, where planting of beech, Fagus sylvatica, has been made after clear cutting of spruce, Picea abies. Focus of the study was primary to follow-up the first phase of the planting, and also make an assessment of future planning based on such achievements as "selective cutting" or "natural" methods. In the result analysis comparisons are made with similar studies and also previous results for the area. An investment in natural methods for deciduous forest gives, according to the summary conclusions, not the highest economic gains in the current situation. However, with a long-term care program you can reach investment possibilities. On the one hand you get increase in quality of future soil and growing conditions, and greater chance of passing climate change and their effects. An additional profit is the opportunity to be part of building experience and knowledge of the development of a future broadleaved forest.
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Bryophytes on boulders : diversity, habitat preferences and conservation aspects /Weibull, Henrik, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Om lunden : bidrag till kännedomen om begreppet lund och om lunden som företeelse /Oostra, Swantje, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Alnarp : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Installation d'espèces feuillues en forêt de pins d'Alep : interactions avec les strates arborées et arbustives / Broadleaved seedling establishment in Aleppo pine forests : overstorey and understorey interactionsGavinet, Jordane 08 December 2016 (has links)
L’installation de plantules est une phase critique fortement influencée par les interactions avec la végétation établie, compétition ou facilitation. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons que l’effet du pin d’Alep ou d'arbustes sur l’installation d’espèces feuillues dépend de la densité du couvert, de la stratégie des espèces cibles et nurses et des conditions locales. Sous couverts très denses, la survie et la croissance des plantules sont drastiquement limitées par compétition lumineuse et hydrique, le stress hydrique étant renforcé par une faible allocation de biomasse aux racines. À l’autre extrémité du gradient, en milieu ouvert, la photoinhibition et la concurrence avec les herbacées peuvent limiter l'installation des plantules. Les espèces sclérophylles sempervirentes sont peu sensibles aux fortes irradiances, températures et demandes évaporatives et peuvent profiter de conditions favorables momentanées par polycyclisme en milieu ouvert. L’effet d’un couvert végétal sur ces espèces est principalement compétitif, tandis que les espèces décidues à fort SLA bénéficient d’un couvert modéré. En pépinière, la litière des principales espèces ligneuses modifie les propriétés physico-chimiques et microbiologiques du sol sous-jacent mais sans effet sur des plantules de chêne au bout de 2 ans, montrant un faible effet allélopathique. L’éclaircie des peuplements de pin d’Alep denses est une stratégie pour faciliter l’installation d’espèces feuillues et ainsi améliorer la diversité et la résilience au feu des forêts. L’optimum de couvert semble se déplacer vers des couverts plus denses dans des sites à conditions climatiques ou édaphiques plus sévères et pour les espèces décidues. / Seedling establishment is a critical demographic phase, strongly influenced by plant-plant interactions. This thesis shows that the effect of Aleppo pine and shrubs on broadleaved seedling establishment depends on vegetation cover density, target and nurse species strategies and local conditions. A dense vegetation cover strongly limits seedling establishment by light and water competition, seedlings water stress being worsened by a low biomass allocation to roots. At the other extreme, in the open, photoinhibition and competition with grasses can limit seedling establishment. Sclerophyllous species are poorly sensitive to high temperature, irradiance and evaporative demand and can take advantage of favorable conditions at any time of the year by polycyclism in the open: interactions with pine are thus mostly competitive. In contrast, deciduous species with high SLA are more sensitive to photo-inhibition and benefit from the protection of a moderate cover, under which they are able to grow faster. In a nursery experiment, pine and shrub litters modified soil chemical and microbiological properties but without feedback on oak seedlings, indicating a poor allelopathic effect. Pine thinning is a strategy to enhance broadleaved seedling establishment and increase Mediterranean forest diversity and fire-resilience. However, the optimum thinning intensity seems to decrease in harsher climatic or edaphic conditions and for deciduous species.
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Effet de la diversité des essences forestières sur les niveaux de population de la processionnaire du pin (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), à différentes échelles spatiales, dans la forêt des Landes de Gascogne / Effect of tree species diversity on population levels of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), at different spatial scales, in the Landes de Gascogne forestDulaurent, Anne-Maïmiti 10 December 2010 (has links)
Les peuplements forestiers mélangés subissent moins de dégâts d’insectes herbivores que les peuplements purs, du fait d’une diminution de l’accessibilité à la ressource ou/et d’une amélioration des conditions de survie de leurs ennemis naturels. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, nous avons étudié un insecte ravageur, la processionnaire du pin (Thaumetopoea pityocampa), et ses insectes parasitoïdes dans le contexte de monoculture de pin maritime (Pinus pinaster) de la forêt des Landes de Gascogne, où persistent localement des zones de milieu ouvert (parefeux, coupes rases) et des boisements d’essences feuillues (haies en bordure de peuplement de pin, ripisylves, îlots). Nous avons pu démontrer que :(1) La colonisation des parcelles de pin par la processionnaire est limitée parla présence de haies de feuillus en lisière de parcelle. En effet, les feuillus jouent un rôle de barrière physique, entravant la détection visuelle des pins par la femelle de processionnaire lorsqu’elle recherche un site d’oviposition.(2) La longévité des principaux parasitoïdes, spécialiste et généraliste, des oeufs de processionnaire est favorisée par la consommation de miel lat produit pardes pucerons du chêne. Cela permet notamment à l’espèce généraliste, qui émergedeux mois avant la processionnaire, de prolonger sa présence dans le milieu et doncd’augmenter sa probabilité de parasiter des pontes de processionnaire.(3) Les chrysalides de processionnaire du pin survivent mieux dans le sol desmilieux ouverts que sous couvert forestier (de pin ou de feuillus), du fait d’unetempérature et d’une humidité plus élevées. L’association de pins et de milieuxouverts favorise la processionnaire par complémentation des habitats, tandis que laprésence de feuillus peut représenter un piège écologique pour les chenilles aumoment de l’enfouissement.(4) À l’échelle du paysage, les peuplements de pin maritime au centre depaysages hétérogènes sont moins infestés que dans les paysages de monoculture.De plus, les niveaux d’infestation de la processionnaire diminuent lorsque laproportion de feuillus dans le paysage environnant augmente.Ces résultats sont interprétés en fonction des mécanismes écologiquesexpliquant la relation entre diversité et herbivorie. Des possibilités de transfert vers lagestion forestière de la forêt des Landes de Gascogne sont proposées, ainsi que desperspectives en termes de recherche scientifique. / Mixed forests are less prone to insect damage than pure forests because ofreduced host accessibility and/or improved control by natural enemies. To test thesehypotheses, we have studied the ecology of the pine processionary moth (PPM)(Thaumetopoea pityocampa) and its parasitoid, in a monoculture of maritime pine(Pinus pinaster) plantations, the Landes de Gascogne forest. There, open areas(firebreaks, clear cuts) and patches of broadleaved woodlands (hedgerows, riparianforest, natural forest remnants) still persist locally. In this study we have shown that:(1) Pine stand colonization by PPM was limited by the presence ofbroadleaved hedgerows at stand edge. Broadleaved trees formed physical barriersdisrupting the visual detection of pine trees by PPM females when searching for anoviposition site.(2) The longevity of the two main PPM egg parasitoids increased whenspecimen were fed with honeydew produced by oak aphids. The generalist species,which emerges two months before PPM, could benefit from this longer lifespan tooverlap its host emergence.(3) PPM pupae survived better in the soil of open areas than under forestcovers (pine or broadleaved trees), because of higher temperature and humidity. Theassociation between pine stands and open areas benefits PPM through habitatcomplementation, whereas the presence of broadleaved trees may act as anecological trap for PPM caterpillars.(4) Maritime pine stands within heterogeneous landscapes exhibited lowerPPM infestations than similar stands within pine monocultures. PPM infestation levelsdecreased with increasing percent broadleaved area in the surrounding landscape.These results are discussed according to the ecological mechanisms whichmay explain the relationship between insect herbivory and tree species diversity.Perspectives for improved PPM management in the Landes de Gascogne forest, andfor further scientific research are proposed.
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Seasonal patterns of forest canopy and their relevance for the global carbon cycleMizunuma, Toshie January 2015 (has links)
In the terrestrial biosphere forests have a significant role as a carbon sink. Under recent climate change, it is increasingly important to detect seasonal change or ‘phenology’ that can influence the global carbon cycle. Monitoring canopies using camera systems has offered an inexpensive means to quantify the phenological changes. However, the reliability is not well known. In order to examine the usefulness of cameras to observe forest phenology, we analysed canopy images taken in two deciduous forests in Japan and England and investigate which colour index is best for tracking forest phenology and predict carbon uptake by trees. A camera test using model leaves under controlled conditions has also carried out to examine sensitivity of colour indices for discriminating leaf colours. The main findings of the present study are: 1) Time courses of colour indices derived from images taken in deciduous forests showed typical patterns throughout the growing season. Although cameras are not calibrated instrument, analysis of images allowed detecting the timings of phenological events such as leaf onset and leaf fall; 2) The strength of the green channel (or chromatic coordinate of green) was useful to observe leaf expansion as well as damage by spring late frost. However, the results of the camera test using model leaves suggested that this index was not sufficiently sensitive to detect leaf senescence. Amongst colour indices, Hue was the most robust metric for different cameras, different atmospheric conditions and different distances. The test also revealed Hue was useful to track nitrogen status of leaves; 3) Modelling results using a light use efficiency model for GPP showed a strong relationship between GPP and Hue, which was stronger than the relationships using alternative traditional indices.
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Vliv pěstování jehličnatých monokultur na diverzitu rostlin / Effect of coniferous monoculture plantation on plant species dversityNěmeček, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
A structure and a function of a monoculture woodland is diferent from the natural woodland condition. This is an influence of a herb layer diversity. The change of the herb layer are mainly distinguishable in the case of tree coniferous monoculture. They are the poorest at all of them viewpoint diverzity. The diversity of the woodland was analysed with an insuffiently consequence. This study get the knowledge about the species composition and the diversity of these monoculture. At the same time get the knowlege about next factores, which change diversity and species composition of stand. As a confirmation of this, coniferous monoculture are numerously and species-compositionally diferent from broadleave monoculture. And more, coniferous trees change the enviroment's condition and the whole biotopes. There are not depend any species of the herb layer at the coniferous monoculture on this studied site of Křivoklátsko.
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The potential for forestry to reduce net CO₂ emissions /Eriksson, Erik, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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