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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní postavení sousedů v procesech podle stavebního zákona / Legal status of neighbours in the procedures under the Building Act

Šanovec, Přemysl January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to provide explanation of the legal status of the neighbours in the procedures under the Building Act while working with the contemporary literature and the established practice of the courts. The first part of the thesis is devoted to a description of basic concepts. The first chapter explains the concept of structure and plot. The second chapter is describing the concept of neighbour and the evolution of the concept in detail to provide the best means of understanding the possible problems of the concept's interpretations. The final chapter of the first part explores the means of neighbour's defence against interferences of his rights connected with his real estate with special attention to the essentials of objections, as these are the main mean of said defence, while the factual content of the objections is explained in later chapters within the boundaries of individual procedures. The second part is divided into four chapters each dedicated to a certain field of procedures under the Building Act while focusing the neighbour's point of view. The first chapter describes the application for a planning permission procedure and its alternatives: the public law contract, the simplified procedure and the planning consent. The second chapter follows on with the building...

Užívání staveb a jejich změn / Occupancy of buildings and their alterations

Mazáčková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
- 1 - Abstract This thesis deals with the Occupancy of buildings and their alterations. To select this theme inspired me the decision to leave home and reconstruction of apartment. The aim of this thesis was to exclusion and describing the problems of practices that lead to the occupancy of buildings. A choice selected institute was targeted because the area governed by the Building Act is very wide. Another aim was to define the differences of the amended provisions. I also considered it important to outline the practice of building offices. The thesis is presented a short introduction. The sources of law are discussed in the first chapter. This chapter is divided into four subchapters and this chapter is dealing with the historical development of legislation, current sources of legislation, the last amendment to the building law and its deficiencies. Content of the second chapter is interpretation of some terms that relate to occupancy of buildings. This is essentially a building, "black" building, change of the completed building, change building before its completed, change in the way of building occupancy and builder. In the third chapter, attention is paid to executors of public administration in the section of the building code. This chapter consists of two subchapters. The first subchapter focuses...

Návrh dispozuičního řešení dvoupodlažního obecního úřadu se školkou a místností pro kancelář lékaře. / Proposal of a process layout of a two-floor building as a townhall with a kindergarten and a medical four territory.

ŘÍPOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The goal of my thesis was to work out a proposal of a process layout of a two-floor building as a townhall with a kindergarten and a medical four territory. The project documentation corresponded with the project documentation for building license. It was a typified object, it means without particular placement in terrain, which is likely to be repeatedly used in the process of building-up. There were two versions of the process layout suggested in the first phase. One of them was chosen and finished up to its final form, with help of the supervisor of the thesis. The townhall and the medical four territory is to be found in the first ground in the final version. There are two separate kindergartens in the second floor. The project respected law Nr. 183/2006 Sb. about land-use planning and a building act, its notices and valid norms.

Tzv. černé stavby a jejich právní osod / Illegal construtions and their legal destiny

Krotil, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis named "So called black construction and their legal fate" is to provide a complex view on issues concerning black constructions in accordance with new trends in the Czech construction law. The new trends in the Czech construction law relates especially to the concept amendment of the Building Act made by Act No. 350/2012 Coll., on amendment of Planning and Building Regulation (Building Act), as amended. The further aim of this thesis is to trace the problematic issues concerning black constructions and try to suggest the solutions of these problematic issues de lege ferenda. The principle of a protection of an ownership is being compared against the principle of a public interest in the first chapter. These principles clash against each other in the issue and disputes related to black constructions. The following second chapter is dedicated to the definition of a construction in the legal manner. In the third chapter are being presented legal titles of a construction right. The next chapter deals with the process of the discharge and dissolution of a construction right and genesis of a black construction. The fifth part is dedicated to the definition of a black construction and the differentiation of the black construction from an illegal building in the manner of civil law...


Josefsson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine whether law reforms in the detailed planning process can be an aspect that gets in conflict with the citizens rights to participate in the Swedish planning through dialogue, and how five chosen municipalities are working with citizen participation. To be able to answer the aim of the thesis a literature study and five semi-structured interviews was performed in purpose to get wide-ranging information from municipal officials working with detailed planning handling.   Law changes that aims to make the detailed planning process more efficient has been implemented partly to satisfy the needs of dwellings since the detailed planning process among master builders seems to be slow and inefficient, which to the them means higher costs. The requirement on having a detailed planning program was taken away when the new planning law was adopted year 2011. The planning program was including a moment of citizen dialogue. The case studied municipalities have not been affected in this law change arguing that it’s still possible to bring a program if needed. 1st of January 2015 new procedures were implemented in the planning process in purpose to make the process more efficient, where most of the respondents argue that the process don’t have to be more efficient because of the reform, but that the room for citizen dialogue will probably be smaller. The best way of dialogue among municipalities is to include citizens early in the communication process. Nevertheless there are divided meanings whether how there is enough room for dialogue.

Handläggningstiden vid bygglov : En studie kring kravet i PBL 9:27 / Handling time at permits : A study of the demand in the PBL 9:27

Andersson, Karin, Carmesund, Julia January 2015 (has links)
Genom 2011 års plan- och bygglag (PBL) infördes krav på handläggningstiden för lov och förhandsbesked, vilket tidigare inte funnits i svensk lagstiftning. Enligt PBL 9:27 ska en ansökan om lov handläggas skyndsamt och sökanden ska meddelas beslut inom tio veckor från det att en komplett ansökan har kommit in till byggnadsnämnden. Syftet med kravet var att effektivisera handläggningsprocessen och minska skillnader i handläggningen mellan olika kommuner. I samband med införandet valde man att inte koppla någon sanktion till kravet med motivet att målet med en effektivare handläggningsprocess skulle uppfyllas ändå. Efter flera anmälningar till JO kan man konstatera att kommunerna i flera fall inte uppfyller kravet på en handläggningstid inom tio veckor. Eftersom det inte finns några sanktioner kopplade till kravet kan kommunerna utan risk ta den tid de anser sig behöva för handläggning. Därigenom motverkas även syftet med en enhetlig bygglovsprövning i Sverige. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur långa handläggningstiderna är vid bygglov. Genom ett omfattande granskningsarbete av bygglovsärenden hos sju kommuner i Västra Götalands län skulle huvudfrågan om kommunerna handläggningstider uppfyller kravet i PBL 9:27 besvaras. Studien avgränsar sig till ärenden från 2014 med åtgärder gällande nybyggnation av byggnad. Materialet sammanställdes i en datamatris för respektive kommun. Utöver datamatrisen fick respektive kommun besvara ett frågeformulär angående arbetsbelastning. Syftet med formuläret var att koppla resultatet från granskningen till hur arbetssituationen såg ut för de anställda under år 2014. Av de 436 granskade ärendena var det 44 ärenden som inte uppfyllde kravet på en handläggningstid inom tio veckor, vilket motsvarar cirka 10 % av antalet granskade ärenden. Av de ärenden som inte uppfyllde kravet i PBL 9:27 var 32 fastigheter belägna inom detaljplan eller områdesbestämmelser och resterande tolv var belägna utanför detaljplanelagt område. Av de 32 ärendena vars fastigheter var belägna inom detaljplan eller områdesbestämmelse innebar 13 ärenden en liten avvikelse från gällande bestämmelser och resterande 19 överensstämde med detaljplanen eller områdesbestämmelserna. Utifrån resultatet är slutsatsen att kommunerna även fortsättningsvis behöver arbeta med sina handläggningstider. Under granskningen noterades även att det brister i kommunernas dokumentation kring viktiga datum och att kommunerna har olika syn på huruvida en ansökan ska anses vara komplett. Förslagsvis bör tydligare riktlinjer upprättas kring dokumentation och när en ansökan ska anses vara komplett. / With Swedish planning and building act (PBL) of 2011 a new demand was adopted for handling time before permits and advance rule, called PBL 9:27. Following PBL 9:27 an application for permits shall be processed promptly and the applicant shall be informed of the decision within ten weeks from the moment a complete application has been submitted to the local building committee. Previously this demand had not been included into Swedish law. The purpose of this demand was to speed up the handling time and to reduce differences in handling time between municipalities. When this demand was adopted a decision was made not to connect it with any form of sanction, should the demand not be met. The argument being that a more effective handling time would be met even without sanctions. Following several notifications to the legal ombudsman one may conclude that in several cases, municipalities do not meet the demand for a handling time within ten weeks. While there are no sanctions connected to the demand municipalities, may without any risk, take as much time they fell needed for the handling of each case. Thereby one of the key purposes of PBL 9:27, that is, reduced differences in handling time between municipalities is counteracted. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether handling time in building permit cases are in compliance with PBL 9:27. In order to answer this question building permit cases were examined thoroughly in seven municipalities in Västra Götaland County. The study has focused cases from 2014 and cases pertaining to construction of buildings. The collected information was compiled in one data matrix for each municipality. Beside of the information compiled in the data matrix each municipality answered a questionnaire focusing workload. The purpose of the questionnaire was to relate the results from the investigation of handling time to a possible explanation, that is, the workload of employees during 2014. Out of 436 examined cases 44 did not meet the demand of handling tie within ten weeks, or approximately 10 % of the cases. Of these 44 cases that did not meet PLB 9:27, 32 were real estates that were located within areas regulated by detailed municipal plans and twelve were located outside of planned areas. Out of the 32 real estates located within planned areas 13 accounted for a minor deviance from the detailed municipal plan while 19 were in compliance with the detailed plan and regulation areas. The results indicate that municipalities need to speed up their handling time for building permit cases regulated by PBL 9:27. An additional result of this study is that several municipalities have flaws in relation to documentation of significant dates. Also, municipalities tend to make different assessments of when an application is considered complete. This study suggests that clearer guidelines are adopted pertaining to documentation of cases and the demands for how to assess if an application is complete.

An Examination of Improvements Required to Legislative Provisions for Post Disaster Reconstruction in New Zealand.

Rotimi, James Olabode Bamidele January 2010 (has links)
Previous disaster management studies allude to the problems of coordination and the difficulties that may be associated with the implementation of recovery programmes in New Zealand. These studies have also indicated opportunities for improving the current recovery and reconstruction framework in advance of a major disaster. They have shown that much existing legislation were not drafted to cope with wide-scale devastations and were not developed to operate under the conditions that will inevitably prevail in the aftermath of a severe disaster. This thesis therefore explores improvements that could be made to legislative provisions so that they facilitate large-scale recovery management in New Zealand. Three legislative documents are in view: Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Act, Resource Management Act (RMA) and Building Act (BA). The research investigations involved qualitative research methodology using multi-methods to determine the practical implication of implementing current reconstruction arrangement under these legislative documents. The methods employed include: interviews, document analysis, focus group study, surveys, and the use of subject matter experts for research verification. Results show that the three legislative documents may become sources of vulnerability in post disaster reconstruction because of their influence on the timely achievement of recovery objectives. The impediments posed by these legislative documents are mainly in the form of procedural constraints; ambiguities in rights and responsibilities for recovery management; and deficiencies in the intents and purposes of the legislative documents. More general results show that pre-planning the management of disaster resources; and collaborative arrangements for response and recovery programmes are a pre-cursor to effective and efficient management of reconstruction in New Zealand. The research concludes by providing useful recommendations that are specific to the three legislative documents and other general recommendations. It is hoped the implementation of these recommendations could improve the robustness of the current reconstruction framework so that it is able to cater for the complex needs of rebuilding for resilience in New Zealand.

Konsekvensredovisning vid detaljplanering : En studie av planer enligt nya PBL / Impact description within detail planning : A study of plans according to new PBL

Blom, Roger, Höglund, Annika January 2014 (has links)
Till stor del bygger samhällsplanering på förändring och utveckling av den fysiska miljön, vilket närboende kan ha olika synpunkter på. För att uppnå acceptans vid en förändring är det viktigt att berörda känner delaktighet i processen samt att informationen är tydlig och begriplig även för den som inte är kunnig inom området. Vid framtagande av en detaljplan ska planbeskrivningen ange de organisatoriska, tekniska, ekonomiska och fastighetsrättsliga åtgärder som krävs för dess tänkta genomförande. För att de berörda fastighetsägarna ska kunna läsa och förstå hur de påverkas av en detaljplan måste planbeskrivningen tydligt och begripligt redovisa det tänkta genomförandets konsekvenser. Syftet med studien är att få svar på i vilken omfattning konsekvensredovisning av genomförandefrågor förekommer och om kraven i 2011 års Plan- och bygglag (PBL) kan anses vara uppfyllda. PBL-kommittén konstaterar år 2005 att beskrivningarna av genomförandet av detaljplaner många gånger är bristfälliga eller saknas helt. Införandet av en ny PBL den 2 maj år 2011 syftade bland annat till att stärka genomförandefrågornas status. I studien undersöktes omfattningen av redovisningen med avseende på organisatoriska, tekniska, ekonomiska och fastighetsrättsliga frågor samt om redovisningen sker summariskt eller fastighetsvis. Studien omfattar 84 detaljplaner från Västra Götalands och Stockholms län som var i granskningsskedet under vecka 14 och 15, år 2014. För att få en bild av tillämpningen av 2011 års PBL 4:33 § skapades 19 frågor. Till dessa frågor togs ett antal kategorier/svarsalternativ fram som användes för att klassificera innehållet i planbeskrivningarna. Resultatet visar att det förekommer en stor variation på omfattningen av konsekvensredovisning i planbeskrivningen. Ett genomsnittligt värde på hur vanligt det är med bristfällig konsekvensredovisning (i de applicerbara fallen) i respektive huvudgrupp ger följande resultat:  Organisatoriska frågor: 49 %  Tekniska frågor: 30 %  Ekonomiska frågor: 68 %  Fastighetsrättsliga frågor: 13 % Studien visar också att fastighetsvis redovisning förekommer i mycket begränsad omfattning. Med ovanstående resultat är det tveksamt om ett flertal av detaljplanerna uppfyller lagens krav på redovisning och skulle klara en prövning i domstol / Community planning is often based on changes and development of the physical environment which local residents may have different opinions on. To achieve acceptance of a change it is important that concerned feel involved in the process and that the information is clear and understandable even for those who are not proficient in the area. Within the process of developing a detail plan a description shall specify the organizational, technical, financial and real estate law actions necessary for its intended implementation. To make it possible for concerned property owners to be able to read and understand how they are affected by a detail plan the description must be clear and comprehensible explain the intended implementation consequences. The purpose of this study is to find out the extent to which impact description of implementation issues exist and if the requirements of Swedish planning and building act (PBL) from 2011 can be considered fulfilled. The PBL Committee noted in 2005 that the description of the implementation of detail plans is often weak or lacking. The introduction of a new PBL May 2, 2011 aimed to strengthen the status of the implementation issues. In the study the extent of the descriptions was examined with respect to organizational, technical, financial and real estate law issues as well as if the description is done summarily or per property. The study includes 84 detail plans from Västra Götaland and Stockholm County who were in the examination phase during weeks 14 and 15, 2014. There were 19 questions created to provide a picture of the application of PBL 4:33 §. A number of categories were created for these questions to classify the content of the plan descriptions. The result shows a large variation in the extent of the content in the plan descriptions. An average value of how common it is with insufficient content of description (in applicable cases) in each division gives the following result:  Organizational issues: 49 %  Technical issues: 30 %  Economic issues: 68 %  Real estate law issues: 13 % The study also shows that "per property" reporting occurs in a very limited extent. With the above results, it is doubtful if many of the detail plans meet the legal requirements of description and could withstand a judicial review

Návrh projektové dokumentace pro výstavbu rodinného statku s ubytovacími prostory a vložené samostatné objekty zastřešení kruhovky a pískové jízdárny / Draft project documentation for construction of a family farm with accommodation spaces and separate embedded objects roofed round riding stables and sand riding stables

DRÁBIK, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the content of documentation for building permit, required for build a family farm with space for family living and accommodation. The aim is to design a project, that its content will meet the conditions for the granting of a building permit, according the Building Act and the relevant regulations and will respect the conditions of planning documentation with respect to architectural and structural design.

Návrh dispozičního řešení obecního úřadu potřebným zázemím jako typový projekt. / The project of dispositional solution of a municipal office with required facilities as a typified design

MATOUŠKOVÁ, Hana January 2009 (has links)
In my thesis I have solved the project of contract documents for a mid size municipal office. The typified design can be used repeatedly in the process of build-up . First, I have designed two alternates of dispositional solution. These alternates are processed in a ground plan in standard gauge 1:100. Both alternates have the same ground plan, the differences are only in the dispositional solution. After the discussion with the head of my thesis I chose the alternate {\clqq}A``. I elaborated the chosen alternate in the standard gauge 1:50 in the demanded extent. It is a two floor building which is based on a steel-concrete zone and is projected with the brick build system POROTHERM. The roof is made from prefabricated, timber, trussed rafter. It is a saddle roof with a slight declivity. The walls are lined with facing bricks, that give the building original and incommutable looks, which suits both, historical and modern development.

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