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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Foundational Analysis in Initiative-Based Change Management Modeling An Interdisciplinary Study of Organizational Change in the Built Environment

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: Within the vast area of study in Organizational Change lays the industrial application of Change Management, which includes the understanding of both resisters and facilitators to organizational change. This dissertation presents an approach of gauging levels of change as it relates to both external and internal organization factors. The arena of such a test is given through the introduction of the same initiative change model, which attempts to improve transparency and accountability, across six different organizations where the varying results of change are measured. The change model itself consists of an interdisciplinary approach which emphasizes education of advanced organizational measurement techniques as fundamental drivers of converging change. The observations are documented in the real-time observed cased studies of six organizations as they progressed through the change process. This research also introduces a scaled metric for determining preliminary levels of change and endeavors to test both internal and external, or environmental, factors of change. A key contribution to the work is the analysis between both observed and surveyed data where a grounded theory analysis is used to help answer the question of what are factors of change in organizations. This work is considered to be foundational in real-time observational studies but has a promise for future additional contributions which would further elaborate on the phenomenon of prescribed organizational change. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Engineering 2012

O ambiente escolar e o ambiente urbano como fatores intervenientes nas atividades físicas de adolescentes

Dias, Arieli Fernandes January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo principal desse estudo foi identificar as contribuições dos ambientes (escolar e urbano) na atividade física dos adolescentes em diferentes contextos: (1) no período total do dia (diário) e especificamente, (2) no turno escolar; (3) na aula de educação física; (4) no recreio e (5) no período que corresponde ao tempo fora da escola. É um estudo de corte transversal, desenvolvido em 176 adolescentes (71 meninos e 105 meninas) de 10 escolas da rede estadual de ensino médio na cidade de Passo Fundo - RS, selecionadas por procedimento aleatório. A atividade física foi avaliada através de pedometria, verificando o número de passos nos diferentes contextos avaliados. O ambiente escolar foi avaliado por observação direta, observou-se a quantidade e a qualidade das estruturas físicas da escola, com o auxílio de uma ferramenta de auditoria. O ambiente urbano também foi avaliado por observação direta, através do Physical Activity Resource Assessment Instrument. Os adolescentes foram geocodificados e as características do ambiente urbano foram avaliadas em um raio de 500 metros (buffer) circundantes as suas residências. Para análise de dados utilizou-se estatística descritiva, test t independente e regressão linear generalizada. Os resultados indicaram que os meninos são mais ativos fisicamente em relação as meninas na aula de educação física, no recreio, fora da escola e no diário (p<0,05). As análises descritivas indicam que as escolas estaduais se diferem em relação a estrutura física e que metade dos adolescentes (52,5%) não possuem espaços públicos no buffer. Com relação as análises de associações, os resultados mostram, que não houve contribuição significativa das características do ambiente escolar com a atividade física realizada dentro da escola, nos diferentes contextos avaliados. Foi encontrada uma associação inversa, onde os meninos que estudam nas escolas com estruturas de qualidade regular, realizaram em média 208,04 (IC Intervalo de Confiança 95%=16,44/ 399,65; p=0,03) passos a mais quando comparados aos meninos das escolas com estruturas de qualidade boa. No ambiente urbano os resultados mostram que os meninos que tem um espaço público no buffer, aumentaram em média de 3.239,90 (IC 95%=1.133,86/ 5.345,93; p=0,003) passos diário e 4.073,29 (IC 95%=1.915,27/ 6.231.32; p<0,0001) passos fora da escola, em relação aos meninos que não tem espaços ou os que tem duas ou mais estruturas disponíveis. Ainda para os meninos, a proximidade de até 250 metros da sua residência até um espaço público, está associada com um aumento em média de 2.855,61 (IC 95%=785,25/ 4.925,97; p=0,007) passos diário e 3.907,96 (IC 95%=1.818,63/ 5.997,29; p<0,0001) passos fora da escola, em relação aos meninos que não tem espaço público no buffer e aos que possui esses espaços acima de 250 metros. Para as meninas a única associação encontrada foi que a menor distância até um espaço público (até 250 metros), está associada a um aumento de em média 1.908,88 (IC 95%= 98,51/ 3.719,26; p=0,03) passos diários, com relação as meninas que não tem espaço público no buffer ou as que possui esses espaços acima de 250 metros. A partir dos resultados encontrados, conclui-se que não há contribuição do ambiente escolar para a atividade física na aula de educação física, no recreio e no turno escolar. Com relação ao ambiente urbano, ter espaço público no buffer e se esses forem mais próximos de suas residências os adolescentes tendem a realizar mais atividades físicas. / The main objective of this study was to identify the contributions of environments (scholar and urban) in adolescent’s physical activity in different context: (1) total time of day (daily) and specifically, (2) the school period; (3) in physical education class; (4) in recess and (5) the period corresponding to the time out of school. This is cross sectional study, developed in 176 adolescents (71 boy and 105 girls) of 10 public high school from Passo Fundo city, Rio Grande do Sul state, selected by random procedure. Pedometer evaluated the physical activity, checking the different context of steps number. School environment was valued by direct observation, was observed the quantity and quality of school physical structures, with auditing tool helps. The urban environment was valued by direct observation too, with Physical Activity Resource Assessment Instrument. The adolescents were geocodified and the urban characteristics were valued in residence buffer (500 meters radius). Descriptive statics were used for data analysis, independent t test and generalized linear regression. The results indicate what the boys are active physically more in related girls in physical education class, in recess, out of school and daily (p<0,005). The descriptive analysis indicate that public schools differ in relation to physical structure and the half of adolescents (52,5%) don’t have public spaces in buffer. Regarding the analyzes of associations, the results show no significant contribution of environment scholar characteristics in physical activity in school, in the different context. Was found a inverse association, in which boys what study in regular structure quality school realized in mean 208.04 (CI Confidence Interval 95%=16,44/ 399,65; p=0,03) more steps related the boys what study in good structure quality school. In the urban environment the results show, the boys what have one public space in buffer realized in mean 3,239.90 (CI 95%=1.133,86/ 5.345,93; p=0,003) daily steps and 4,073.29 (CI 95%=1.915,27/ 6.231.32; p<0,0001) out school steps more related the boys what don’t have public space in buffer or have two or more structures available. Also for the boys, the proximity of up to 250 meters from his residence to a public space, is associated with an increase mean of 2,855.61 (CI 95%=785,25/ 4.925,97; p=0,007) daily steps and 3,907.96 (CI 95%=1.818,63/ 5.997,29; p<0,0001) out school steps more related the boys what don’t have public spaces in buffer and when have public spaces more than 250 meters. To girls, only found association what was the smaller distance to public space (up to 250 meters), it’s associate with increase mean of 1,908.88 (CI 95%= 98,51/ 3.719,26; p=0,03) daily steps, related the girls what don’t have public space in buffer or have a space more than 250 meters. From these results, it has concluded that there is contribution of the school environment for physical activity in physical education class, in recess and in the school period. Regarding the urban environment, have public space in buffer and these are closer to their homes teenagers tend to perform more physical activities.

Estrutura urbana e viagens a pé / Urban structure and walking trips

Larrañaga Uriarte, Ana Margarita January 2012 (has links)
Planejadores têm recomendado políticas de uso do solo e desenho urbano visando à promoção do transporte não motorizado e a consequente redução do uso do automóvel. A grande parte destes estudos foi desenvolvida em países industrializados. Em cidades em desenvolvimento, com rápido crescimento urbano, e problemas de transporte intensificados, tais como congestionamento e poluição do ar, qual o impacto que é possível esperar de mudanças na estrutura urbana no padrão de viagens a pé? Esta tese pretende responder essa questão no contexto de América Latina, focando o estudo na cidade de Porto Alegre, Brasil. O desenvolvimento do trabalho ocorre através de cinco etapas, que são apresentadas em formato de artigos. Os artigos procuram analisar através de diferentes abordagens e diferentes fontes de dados a interação entre estrutura urbana e viagens a pé. Assim, em alguns artigos os dados de viagens são coletados através de questionários domiciliares realizados especificamente para fins do estudo, em outros, são utilizados dados de pesquisas domiciliares Origem- Destino realizadas em Porto Alegre. Os dados da estrutura urbana analisados são de dois tipos: (i) subjetivos percebidos pelos entrevistados, e (ii) objetivos, medidos e processados através de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (GIS). Os resultados obtidos apontam que existe uma relação entre estrutura urbana e viagens a pé. Ainda, a relação existente é primariamente uma função das características socioeconômicas dos viajantes, e, secundariamente, função da estrutura urbana. Dentre as características urbanas, densidade populacional, padrão viário em forma de grelha, topografia pouco acentuada e comércios e serviços próximos à residência mostraram ser as mais significativas. Resultados similares foram obtidos em estudos realizados em cidades em desenvolvimento, como é o caso de Santiago (Chile), Bogotá (Colômbia) e São Carlos (Brasil). Efeitos decorrentes de mudanças na estrutura urbana serão positivos. Porém, efeitos maiores serão obtidos, provavelmente, por políticas que tornem a posse do carro menos desejável ou mais cara. Enquanto no longo prazo os esforços devem ser dirigidos à construção de estruturas urbanas que melhor acomodem e estimulem a realização de viagens a pé, no curto prazo deve ser destacada a importância de ações que influenciem a atitude e as percepções das pessoas sobre a caminhada. / Researchers have studied the impact of policies for land use and urban design in order to promote non-motorized trips and the consequent reduction in car use. However, the majority of these studies had been performed in cities of developed countries. In developing countries, cities undergo rapid urban growth, fast increase in car ownership rates and this enhanced transportation problems such as congestion and air pollution. This dissertation aims to better understand what impact can be expected from changes in urban structure in the pattern of walking trips, in the context of Latin-American city such as Porto Alegre, Brazil. The research conducted in this dissertation is structured in five stages, which are presented in the form of five scientific papers. These articles seek to analyze through different approaches and different data sources, the interaction between urban structure and walking trips. Thus, in some of them travel data were collected through household surveys, which were conducted specifically for this study, while in others, data from household surveys obtained from the Origin-Destination Study for the City of Porto Alegre was used. The data about the urban structure analyzed are of two types: (i) subjective perceived by respondents, and (ii) objective, measured and processed using Geographic Information System (GIS). The results indicate that there is a relationship between urban structure and walking trips. Though, this relationship is primarily a function of socioeconomic characteristics of travelers and secondarily a function of urban structure. Among the urban characteristics that favor walking trips, the following proved to be the most significant: population density, road pattern in a grid, topography without high slopes, and shops and services close to home. Similar results were obtained in studies conducted in developing cities, such as Santiago (Chile), Bogotá (Colombia) and San Carlos (Brazil). Effects arising from changes in the urban structure will be positive. However, larger effects are obtained, probably due to policies that make car ownership less desirable or more expensive. While the long-term efforts should be directed to the construction of urban structures that better accommodate and encourage walking trips, in the short term should be highlighted the importance of actions that influence individual’s attitudes and perceptions towards walk.

Análise de métodos de avaliação de sustentabilidade do ambiente construído: o caso dos conjuntos habitacionais. / Analysis of sustainable assessment methods: the case of housing schemes.

Patricia Aulicino 28 November 2008 (has links)
As cidades são as grandes modificadoras da paisagem natural, uma vez que não são organismos auto-sustentáveis e sim grandes consumidores dos insumos agrícolas, industriais e dos recursos naturais, sem, no entanto, reciclá-los ou reutilizá-los. São Paulo, com quase 11 milhões de habitantes, apresenta entre outros problemas, um grande déficit habitacional, seja pela insuficiência na quantidade de habitações para atender a demanda existente, seja pela inadequação das unidades existentes. Com a finalidade de melhorar a qualidade do ambiente construído e minimizar seu impacto negativo no ambiente natural, diversas metodologias de avaliação de sustentabilidade vêm sendo desenvolvidas por diferentes países e regiões. No contexto apresentado, este artigo teve como objetivo analisar algumas destas metodologias de avaliação de sustentabilidade do ambiente construído que foram desenvolvidas internacionalmente estudando seus indicadores, estrutura e a sua aplicabilidade na avaliação de conjuntos habitacionais no contexto da realidade brasileira. A partir da revisão bibliográfica, foram selecionados alguns métodos que foram aplicados em estudos de caso formados por dois conjuntos habitacionais de interesse social produzidos pela Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano do Estado de São Paulo - CDHU. Como resultado, foi possível verificar quais requisitos de sustentabilidade são atendidos pelos conjuntos e quais métodos e indicadores são aplicáveis ou não à realidade brasileira. / Cities are the major modifier of the natural landscape, they are large consumers of agricultural inputs, industrial and natural resources, without, however, recycle it or reuse it. To improve the quality of the built environment, developed countries have designed methodologies to assess sustainability both of building constructions and urban areas. Among other problems, São Paulo, with almost 11 million inhabitants, has a significant housing deficit, both owing to the insufficiency of housing units to meet the existing demand and the low quality of existing units. In order to improve the quality of the built environment and minimize its negative impact on the natural environment, different methodologies for assessing sustainability have been developed by different countries and regions. In the presented context, the purpose of this research was to analyze some sustainable assessment methods existing internationally, reviewing their indicators, structure and its applicability in the Brazilian reality applying them to two housing schemes. With such analysis, the author has reviewed the situation of housing schemes in regard to sustainability and, at the same time, analyzed the applicability of international methods to the Brazilian reality, identifying the main difficulties of the assessments and also identifying which methods and indicators are able to be applied or not in Brazilian reality.

Globalização, trabalho e pobreza no Brasil metropolitano. O circuito inferior da economia urbana em São Paulo, Brasilia, Fortaleza e Belém / globalization, employment and poverty in metropolitan Brazil: the lower circuit of the urban economy in São Paulo, Fortaleza e Belém

Marina Regitz Montenegro 07 March 2012 (has links)
As cidades abrigam diferentes divisões sociais e territoriais do trabalho que se explicam por lógicas distintas porém interdependentes. Justapostas no meio construído, encontram-se combinadas múltiplas formas de produção e de consumo realizadas com técnicas e formas de organização diversas. Segundo Santos (1975), estas divisões do trabalho coexistentes compreendem circuitos da economia urbana. Enquanto totalidade, a cidade pode ser entendida, assim, a partir da relação dialética e indissociável entre o circuito superior e o circuito inferior, cujas atividades se distinguem em função dos diversos graus de tecnologia, capital e organização (SANTOS, 1975; SILVEIRA, 2007). No trabalho a seguir, buscamos analisar o processo de expansão e renovação do circuito inferior nas metrópoles brasileiras. Partindo das realidades das cidades de São Paulo, Brasília, Fortaleza e Belém, procuramos desvendar os dinamismos que caracterizam o circuito inferior no período da globalização e revelar as diferentes feições regionais assumidas por este circuito no território brasileiro hoje. Na medida em que os dados do período da globalização se instalam nos lugares com intensidade variável e através de diferentes nexos, a forma como o meio técnico-científico-informacional alcança as regiões é diferencialmente produtora de pobreza e implica, por sua vez, uma reformulação distinta do circuito inferior segundo a região e a cidade. / Cities host different social and territorial divisions of labor that can be explained by distinct nevertheless interdependent logics. Juxtaposed in the built environment, multiple forms of production and consumption are performed with various techniques and forms of organization. According to Santos (1975), these coexisting divisions of labor comprehend circuits of the urban economy. As a totality, the city can be understood through the dialectical and inseparable relationship between the upper and the lower circuits, whose activities are distinguished according to the different degrees of technology, capital and organization (SANTOS, 1975; SILVEIRA, 2007). In this study, we seek to analyze the process of expansion and renovation of the lower circuit in the Brazilian metropolises. Starting from the realities of the cities of Sao Paulo, Brasília, Fortaleza and Belém, we search to unveil the dynamics that characterize the lower circuit in the period of globalization and to reveal the different regional features embodied by this circuit in the Brazilian territory today. To the extent that the contents of the period of globalization install themselves in places with varying degrees and through different connections, the form that the scientific, technological and informational space reaches the regions produces poverty in different ways and implies, in turn, a distinct reformulation of the lower circuit according to each region and city.

Designating and Maintaining Buffer Zones: A Look at Tucson’s Protected Lands

Schmidt, Zachary A. 12 1900 (has links)
Sustainable Built Environments Senior Capstone Project / This paper examines the continued encroachment of Tucson, Arizona’s built environment on the borders of the surrounding protected lands. This will be a concern as the city of Tucson continues to grow and develop its rural areas. Case studies were conducted on three separate cities: Tucson, AZ, Estes Park, CO, and Missoula, MT. In each of the case studies the cities growth rate is looked at, as well as the zoning laws located around the boundaries of the cities respective protected lands. Tucson’s zoning laws and growth was compared to the other two case study cities. A sample buffer zone was created to show how these protected lands could help implement policies to maintain the ecosystems health, while also protecting Tucson’s rural population from dangerous encounters with wildlife or natural disasters.

Ageing in place:potentials and restrictions – a case study of the living environment for older people in Oulu

Kondo, S. (Shigehiko) 01 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract The political principle concerning services for older people in Finland emphasises home care. The public authority set the national targets concerning service provisions and attempts to encourage the older population to remain in their own homes for as long as possible. In this regard, the national government employs a typical sociological or gerontological concept, known as ageing in place. Although the structure of social and health care services significantly shifted to domiciliary services in the 1990s, Finland is still considered to maintain relatively institutionalised welfare programmes. Due to continual ageing and pressures to reduce expenditure on social services, it still remains unexplored as to what extent encouraging ageing in place is realistic from the aspect of the living environment. This study is conducted as a single case study focusing on sixteen local districts in the city of Oulu. The forty-three projects researched, covering all categories, namely residential homes, sheltered housing and rental accommodation for older people, and ranging from central location to suburban districts, are systematically analysed using the building permits and the collected data in addition to the researcher’s neighbourhood surveys. The collected data are primarily analysed in quantitative manners and measured in multi-disciplinary ways. The outcomes of the analysis overall suggest that the living standards of all the housing projects studied here do not necessarily help older residents to cope with every possible environmental problem while real meanings of diversity among the projects studied are considered to be rather limited regarding the aspect of the possible lifestyles of residents. The degree of the realisation of ageing in place depends on the definition of the concept adopted by the various stakeholders (national and local authorities, developers, service providers, older people). The realisation of ageing in place seems to require wider and deeper discussions. Discussion of the ageing-in-place concept points to a lack of preventative objectives which aims at minimising services by providing appropriate living settings for older people instead of pursuing the best combination of care services and accommodation. There are special roles which only housing facilities can address. / Tiivistelmä Poliittisesti Suomessa painotetaan vanhusten palveluissa lähtökohtaisesti kotihoitoa. Viranomaiset ovat asettaneet valtakunnallisia tavoitteita palvelujen tarjoamisesta vanhuksille ja pyrkivät edistämään vanhusten kotiasumista niin pitkään kuin mahdollista. Tässä mielessä valtio toteuttaa ageing in place -toimintamallia, joka on laajalti vakiintunut sosiologian ja gerontologian konsepti. Vaikka sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltopalveluiden rakenteet siirtyivät 1990-luvulla merkittävästi kotipalveluiden suuntaan, Suomea pidetään edelleen maana, jossa hyvinvointipalvelut ovat suhteellisen laitoskeskeisiä. Johtuen väestön etenevästä ikääntymisestä ja paineista vähentää sosiaalipalvelujen kustannuksia, on vielä epäselvää missä määrin ageing in place -mallin edistäminen on realistista asuinympäristön näkökulmasta. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, joka keskittyi kuuteentoista Oulun kaupunginosaan. Tutkittuja neljääkymmentäkolmea kohdetta, jotka edustivat erilaisia vanhusten asuinkategorioita, siis vanhainkoteja, tehostettua palveluasumista ja ikääntyneiden vuokra-asumista, ja olivat sijoittuneet niin keskustan alueelle kuin lähiöihin, analysoitiin systemaattisesti käyttäen avuksi rakennuslupia, kerättyä dataa ja tutkijan naapurustokyselyitä. Näin kerättyä dataa analysoitiin pääasiassa kvantitatiivisesti ja mitattiin monitieteellisin menetelmin. Analyysin lopputulokset viittaavat yleisesti ottaen siihen, että tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelluissa asuinrakennuskohteissa asumisen taso ei välttämättä auttanut ikääntyneitä asukkaita selviytymään kaikista mahdollista asuinympäristöä koskevista ongelmista, ja toisaalta asukkaiden erilaisten elämäntyylien kannalta rakennusten välisten erojen nähdään olevan todelliselta merkitykseltään varsin rajoittuneita. Ageing in place -mallin toteutumisen aste riippuu siitä, miten eri tahot (valtion viranomaiset ja paikalliset viranomaiset, kehittäjät, palveluntarjoajat, vanhukset) kyseisen konseptin määrittelevät. Vaikuttaa siltä, että ageing in place -mallin toteuttaminen edellyttää jatkossa laajempaa ja perusteellisempaa keskustelua. Ageing in place -konseptia koskevassa keskustelussa ei ole nähtävissä sellaista ajattelutapaa, jossa pyrittäisi minimoimaan palveluiden määrä tarjoamalla vanhuksille sopivanlaiset asuinolosuhteet, vaan sen sijaan keskustelussa on keskitytty etsimään parasta hoitopalveluiden ja asumisen yhdistelmää. On kuitenkin tiettyjä ongelmia, joita voi ratkaista vain sopivilla asuinympäristöillä.

The Outside-In Method for Sustainable Design Within the Built Environment Spatial Layers

Alnuaimi, Abdulla Nasser, Alnuaimi, Abdulla Nasser January 2017 (has links)
The expression "no man is an island" is intended to represent human isolation in its most extreme form depicting man as an isolated body of land. Contrary to the statement, an element unnoticed within this expression frequently is the existence of that Island. The expression is intended as an example of articulating absolute isolation of the human in existence. However, the idea of the human being a location being the island is still declared. As humans who inhabit this earth, we cannot exist without space. There is an undeniable link between the spaces and the inhabitants within them. As a result of Modernity, the majority of the human inhabitants of the world exist throughout their entire lives within the Built Environment. The Built Environment holds an assortment of spaces that have been composed in order to accommodate our existence. A practice of engaging the composition of these spaces for human inhabitance is commonly what is known as Architectural Design. Spaces will continue to exist and Architecture is a mean of addressing the design of them. Understanding these spaces through their Concepts, Conditions, and Components allows for a classification of common spaces that exist within the Built Environment. The classification of these spaces within the Built Environment arrives at the mutual dialogue of the Built Environment Spatial Layers. The ever-demanding human population that is growing exponentially cause many ecological, economical, and social dilemmas through our modern interpretations of spaces composed within the Built Environment. Understanding the Built Environment through the Built Environment Spatial Layers allows for the acknowledged design surrounding these spaces that yield the greatest sustainability through energy efficiency and minimizing environmental impacts without denying the humanity of that concept.

Climate change, renewable energy and population impact on future energy demand for Burkina Faso built environment

Ouedraogo, Bachir Ismael January 2012 (has links)
This research addresses the dual challenge faced by Burkina Faso engineers to design sustainable low-energy cost public buildings and domestic dwellings while still providing the required thermal comfort under warmer temperature conditions caused by climate change. Past and potential climate induced future energy demand for air conditioning has been investigated. It was found based on climate change SRES scenario A2 that predicted mean temperature in Burkina Faso will increase by 2°C between 2010 and 2050. Therefore, in order to maintain a thermally comfortable 25°C inside public buildings, the projected annual energy consumption for cooling load will increase by 15%, 36% and 100% respectively for the period between 2020 to 2039, 2040 to 2059 and 2070 to 2089 when compared to the control case. It has also been found that a 1% increase in population growth will result in a 1.38% and 2.03% increase in carbon emission from primary energy consumption and future electricity consumption respectively. Furthermore, this research has investigated possible solutions for adaptation to the severe climate change and population growth impact on energy demand in Burkina Faso. It has been found that shading devices could potentially reduce the cooling load by up to 40%. Computer simulation programming of building energy consumption and a field study has shown that adobe houses have the potential of significantly reducing energy demand for cooling and offer a formidable method for climate change adaptation. Finally this research has shown, based on the Net Present Cost that hybrid photovoltaic (PV) and Diesel generator energy production configuration is the most cost effective local electricity supply system, for areas without electricity at present, with a payback time of 8 years when compared to the business as usual diesel generator stand-alone configuration. It is therefore a viable solution to increase electricity access to the majority of the population.

Investigating Early Village Community Formation and Development at Kolomoki (9ER1)

West, Shaun Eric 03 November 2016 (has links)
In southeastern North America, the Woodland period (ca. 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1050) was arguably witness to the first early village societies, and Kolomoki—located in southwestern Georgia—is among the largest villages during this interval. Though archaeologists recognize these communities as seminal developments in the course of human history, little attention has been paid to how they develop and vary internally. This thesis seeks to address these issues by focusing on the development and social construction of the early village community at Kolomoki. The results of an excavation program carried out within Kolomoki’s South Village affords a clearer picture of this understudied area, and provides supplemental collections to previous work at the site. New radiocarbon dates suggest a dynamic developmental sequence of Kolomoki’s village, starting as a relatively compact village sometime around the second century A.D., and growing to a massive scale around the seventh or eighth century A.D. Comparisons of various classes of material cultural provide evidence for contrasts between occupation along Kolomoki’s northern and southern enclosures, interpreted as differing uses of space by an internally differentiated community.

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