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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Market efficiency in the portfolio strategy of technical indicators in the bull and bear stock markets

Chang, Tze-Wei 26 June 2012 (has links)
The study uses Moving Average, On Balance Volume, and KD (Stochastic Oscillator) to analyze that the technical analysis in which the bull or bear stock markets is efficiency. Also, verifies the changes of market efficiency before and after the financial crisis and whether it can earn excess returns or not by using technical analysis. That is, the returns earned by using technical analysis significantly greater than buy and hold which means the efficiency of technical analysis. Nevertheless, the study also aims to realize that whether the returns of the portfolio of technical indicators better than unit indicator. The companies in our samples are selected by the size of market value top 30 companies in the industries of electronic and finance in order to avoid the effect of market micro structure. Our results are as follows: (1) The returns in bear market are significantly higher than bull market by using MA6-144. (2) The MA6-72 and MA6-144 of financial stock before financial crisis, the returns of technical analysis are significantly better than buy and hold. In the other hand, in the electronic stock, we can use MA6-22-250, KD, and OBV to beat the buy and hold strategy and verify that the market efficiency does not exist. (3) The returns which combine of KD and OBV indicators are significantly higher than KD.

Skandinavijos ir Baltijos šalių akcijų rinkų cikliškumo įvertinimas / Assessment of Scandinavian and Baltic stock market cycles

Chackevič, Marija 18 August 2008 (has links)
Baltijos šalių akcijų rinkų istorija yra trumpa, tuo tarpu akcijų kainų ciklų nagrinėjimui bei galimam vėlesniam prognozavimui reikalinga ilgesnė duomenų imtis. Dėl šios priežasties šiame darbe bus siekiama išsiaiškinti ar šių šalių akcijų rinkos elgesys yra panašus į Skandinavijos šalių akcijų rinkų pokyčius. Panašumams ar skirtumams atskleisti teorinėje dalyje buvo nagrinėjami akcijų rinkos cikliškumo charakteristikos, o taip pat ciklų atsiradimo ir jų koreliacijos sąlygos. Antrojoje dalyje šalių ekonominės situacijos nagrinėjimui pasirinkti tokie rodikliai kaip: infliacijos ir BVP dinamika. O akcijų ciklai buvo identifikuojami pagal modifikuotą NBER metodą. Darbe buvo iškeltos trys hipotezės, kurios buvo nagrinėjamos tre�����iojoje darbo dalyje. Panašumas buvo nagrinėjamas trimis aspektais, kurie yra iškeltų hipotezių pagrindas: akcijų rinkos indekso charakteristikos, indeksų pokyčių koreliacija, ekonominių sąlygų akcijų kainų indeksų pakilimo metu panašumas. Patvirtintos buvo tik antroji ir iš dalies trečioji hipotezės. Vertinant bendrai tris hipotezes, Skandinavijos šalių patirtis netinka Baltijos šalių akcijų rinkos tendencijoms prognozuoti, nes egzistuoja daug skirtumų. / The history of stock markets in Baltic states is short, whereas analysis of stock market cycles requires longer time series data. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to find out whether the behavior of stock market in above mentioned countries is similar to Scandinavian stock market changes. In theoretical chapter of paper work characteristics and conditions of stock market cycles were examined to determine similarities or differences in analyzed countries. Second chapter studies economic background and identifies stock market cycles using NBER method. Three hypotheses were raised based on three aspects of stock market cycles: stock market cycle characteristics, correlations of stock indices’ changes and economic background in light of stock cycles’ peaks. Only second and third hypotheses were proved. Assessing all three hypotheses Scandinavian stock market history is not suitable to make prognosis for stock markets cycles in Baltic states because of lots of differences.

Relativvärdering som investeringsstrategi inom olika branscher : En kvantitativ studie om vilka multiplar som presterar bäst i sex undersökta branscher på Stockholmsbörsen

Haeger Christiansson, Jacob, Hellqvist, Leo January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Background: The popularity of stocks in Sweden is high and with the prevailing low interest climate investors must invest in stocks to earn return on their investment. Achieving a higher return than the market has been a continuous struggle for professional as well as private investors. Having an investment strategy is of great importance because it helps the investor make rational decisions, avoid psychological traps, and prevents them from losing out on possible return. Investing in securities with different characteristics diversifies the portfolio and reduces the total risk taken. Therefore, an interest among investors in examining whether multiple valuation is a fitting investment strategy should exist. Further to examine if there are any multiples that are especially suited for specific branches. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze which multiple of P/E, P/BV, EV/S and EV/EBITDA generates the highest risk-adjusted return through relative valuation within six branches on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The study also aims to analyze whether high or low multiples generates the highest risk adjusted return in a Bull Market and try to explain why. Method: Too achieve the purpose, a quantitative study with an abductive approach has been used. An analysis of historical stock prices and multiples has been made. A total of 48 portfolios have been constructed including high respectively low P/E, P/BV, EV/S and EV/EBITDA multiples. The portfolios have been weighted on a yearly basis and afterwards compared with several risk-adjustment tools. The risk-adjusted return has thereafter been compared to a general index too make it possible to draw conclusions. Result: The result implies that it is statistically assured that investors can achieve a higher return than index by using multiple valuation as an investment strategy in four out of six examined branches. A difference in return among the branches and portfolios can be concluded and there were in total 18 out of 48 portfolios that showed a higher risk-adjusted return in which twelve were statistically assured. statistically assured higher return than the chosen index. Keywords: Multiple Valuation, Relative Valuation, Branches, P/E, P/BV, EV/S, EV/EBITDA, Stock Market Psychology, Bull Market.

An investigation into the strength of the 52-week high momentum strategy in the United States : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Masters of Business Studies in Finance at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Cahan, Rachael Marie January 2008 (has links)
This thesis extends the 52-week high momentum literature, which was first published by George and Hwang in 2004, by stressing the parameters of the trading strategy to investigate its robustness. George and Hwang, in their seminal paper, find that the ratio of a stock’s close price to its 52-week high price is a good predictor of future returns. The thesis stresses various parameters of the strategy - such as the percent of total stocks bought and sold each period – and applies the strategy over different time periods – such as bull and bear markets. The study finds that the strategy is more profitable over the later half of the data set due to underperformance in bear markets such as the 1929 market crash and subsequent Great Depression. The results also show a significant difference in profitability between bull and bear market periods. The second half of the thesis looks at a new area in momentum, the absolute 52-week high. The strategy buys stocks whose price has increased over the previous six months, and who also close to their 52-week high price. Stocks are only bought (sold) if their price has increased (decreased) over the past six months and is close to (far from) the 52-week high price. The aim is to cut out stocks that are considered to be underperforming in the 52-week high momentum strategy, leaving only true winner and loser stocks. This strategy was found to increase the strength of the 52-week high momentum strategy, and the results show that there is no longer a significant difference between bull and bear market returns.

Hedge Fund Industry: Performance Measurement, Statistical Properties and Fund Characteristics

DONGMO GUEFACK, ERIC 01 March 2011 (has links)
In questa tesi, l’analisi verte su risk-adjusted performance, proprietà statistiche e caratteristiche dei fondi hedge (FH). Nel primo articolo, i risultati relativi al survivorship bias e backfill bias indicano che l’impatto delle distorsioni è diverso a seconda delle strategie. Utilizzando il modello multifattoriale di Fung and Hsieh (2004), l’analisi della performance indica che il 42% dei FH ha ottenuto un rendimento superiore al mercato. Infine, utilizzando dei metodi parametrici e non parametrici, l’analisi della persistenza indica differenti livelli di persistenza a seconda della strategia. Nel secondo articolo, vengono analizzati i fondi di fondi hedge (FOHFs). I risultati sono particolarmente interessanti. In primo luogo, i FOHFs e le sotto strategie hanno generato un excess return positivo; inoltre l’alfa ottenuto attraverso il modello a 7 fattori di Fung and Hsieh (2004) risulta elevato. In secondo luogo, i FOHFs e le sotto strategie hanno un rendimento inferiore a quello dell’indice dei FH. In terzo luogo, le correlazioni tra gli indici dei FOHFs e l’indice azionario sono inferiori rispetto alle correlazioni tra l’indice dei FH e gli indici azionari. Infine, l’indice dei FH e quelli dei FOHFs sono positivamente correlati con l’indice azionario quando il mercato tende al ribasso, ma risultano non correlati con l’indice azionario quando il mercato tende al rialzo. Rispetto all’indice dei FH, gli indici dei FOHFs hanno una correlazione minore con gli indici azionari in entrambe le fasi del mercato, suggerendo che i FOHFs forniscono benefici maggiori in termini di diversificazione rispetto ai fondi hedge puri. / In this thesis, I examine the risk-adjusted performance, statistical properties and fund characteristics of hedge fund investments. In Essay One, results of survivorship bias and backfill bias by investment styles indicate that biases are different across styles. Using a multi-factor model of Fung and Hsieh (2004), the analysis of performance indicates that 42% of the hedge funds significantly outperformed the market. Finally, using parametric and non-parametric methods, the analysis of persistence indicates different degree of persistence depending on the hedge fund strategy. In Essay Two, I analyse fund of hedge funds (FOHFs). I find several interesting results. First, FOHFs and the sub-strategies earn positive excess returns and a high Fung and Hsieh 7-factor alpha. Second, FOHFs and the sub-strategies underperform the hedge fund index (HFI). Third, the correlations between FOHF indices and equity index are lower than correlations between HFI and equity indices. Finally, hedge funds and FOHFs are positively correlated with the equity index in the bear markets but uncorrelated with the equity index in the bull markets. Compared to HFI, FOHF indices have lower correlation with equity index in both bull and bear markets, indicating that FOHFs provide better diversification benefits than individual hedge funds.

Relativvärdering som investeringsstrategi tillämpat på nordiska verkstadsföretag : En kvantitativ studie på nordiska börser mellan 2012–2022 / Relative valuation as investment strategy applied on Nordic manufacturing companies

Skarfors, Andreas, Thunberg, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: De senaste åren har svenska privatpersoner aktiehandel ökat markant. Det låga ränteläget tillsammans med lägre entrébarriärer har resulterat i att ett stadigt inflöde av nya användare har tillkommit till plattformar för aktiehandel. Det är dock ingen lätt uppgift att skapa överavkastning. Föreliggande studie ämnar undersöka om det med hjälp av relativvärdering kan skapas en strategi som konsekvent kan skapa en riskjusterad överavkastning. Studien har valt att fokusera på den nordiska verkstadsindustrin, som historiskt har gett en stabil avkastning och innehåller flera väletablerade företag. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera om man med hjälp av nyckeltalen P/E, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/S och förändring av Cash Conversion Cycle kan skapa riskjusterad avkastning på nordiska verkstadsföretag som är högre än jämförelseindex under perioden 2012–2022. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvantitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats använts. Ett urval ur Nasdaqs listade industriaktier med rensade från producerande och finansiella företag har använts för att skapa portföljer baserade på P/E, P/B, EV/S, EV/EBITDA och ΔCCC. Totalt 10 portföljer skapades, 5 baserade låga respektive 5 på höga nyckeltal. Portföljerna har sedan ombalanserats årligen, den observerade avkastningen har sedan riskjusterats och satts emot ett jämförelseindex. Resultat: Höga EV/EBITDA-, höga EV/S-, låga EV/EBITDA-, låga EV/EBITDA- och störst negativ ΔCCC-portföljerna presterade överavkastning under den aktuella perioden mellan 2012–2022 för verkstadsföretag i Norden. Portföljen som bestod av höga EV/EBITDA-aktier skapade högst riskjusterad avkastning. Totalt presterade 50% av portföljerna högre riskjusterad avkastning än jämförelseindex. Ingen av de överpresterande portföljerna visade sig vara signifikanta. / Background: In recent years, Swedish private equity trading has increased markedly. The low interest rate in addition to fewer entry barriers have resulted in a steady influx of new users of stock trading platforms. However, creating excess returns is no easy task. This study intends to investigate whether, with the help of relative valuation, a strategy can be created that can consistently create a risk-adjusted excess return. The study has chosen to focus on the Nordic manufacturing companies, which has historically provided a stable return and includes several well-established companies. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze whether the key figures P/E, EV/EBITDA, P/B, EV/S and Changes in Cash Conversion Cycle can create a risk adjusted return on Nordic manufacturing companies that is higher than the comparable stock index during the period 2012–2022. Method: To fulfill the purpose of the study, a quantitative study with a deductive approach has been used. A sample of Nasdaq listed industrial shares cleared of non-producing and financial companies has been used to create portfolios based on P/E, P/B, EV/S, EV/EBITDA and ΔCCC. A total of 10 portfolios were created, 5 based on low and 5 on high key figures. The portfolios have since been rebalanced annually, the observed return has since been risk adjusted and compared against a comparable index. Result: High EV/EBITDA-, high EV/S-, low EV/EBITDA-, low EV/EBITDA- and the largest negative ΔCCC portfolios achieved excess returns during the period between 2012–2022 for manufacturing companies in the Nordic countries. The portfolio consisting of high EV/EBITDA stocks created the highest risk-adjusted return. In total, 50% of the portfolios performed higher risk adjusted return than the benchmark index. None of the overperforming portfolios proved to be significant.

A Multi-Factor Stock Market Model with Regime-Switches, Student's T Margins, and Copula Dependencies

Berberovic, Adnan, Eriksson, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Investors constantly seek information that provides an edge over the market. One of the conventional methods is to find factors which can predict asset returns. In this study we improve the Fama and French Five-Factor model with Regime-Switches, student's t distributions and copula dependencies. We also add price momentum as a sixth factor and add a one-day lag to the factors. The Regime-Switches are obtained from a Hidden Markov Model with conditional Student's t distributions. For the return process we use factor data as input, Student's t distributed residuals, and Student's t copula dependencies. To fit the copulas, we develop a novel approach based on the Expectation-Maximisation algorithm. The results are promising as the quantiles for most of the portfolios show a good fit to the theoretical quantiles. Using a sophisticated Stochastic Programming model, we back-test the predictive power over a 26 year period out-of-sample. Furthermore we analyse the performance of different factors during different market regimes.

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