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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beanspruchungsmuster im Pflegeberuf : eine Studie an österreichischem Pflegepersonal im Schnittpunkt von persönlichkeits-, gesundheits- und arbeitspsychologischem Herangehen / Strain patterns of nursing personnel

Fischer, Andreas W. January 2006 (has links)
Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Beanspruchungssituation des Pflegepersonals im Krankenhausbereich. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, mit welchem Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster Pflegepersonen ihren Anforderungen gegenübertreten und wie sie über die Art und Weise der persönlichen Auseinandersetzung mit den Anforderungen ihre Beanspruchungsverhältnisse mitgestalten.<br><br>Den theoretischen Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit bilden salutogenetisch orientierte Ressourcenmodelle, insbesondere Beckers Modell der seelischen Gesundheit (Becker, 1982, 1986). Nach ihm hängt der Gesundheitszustand einer Person davon ab, wie gut es ihr gelingt, externe und interne Anforderungen mithilfe externer und interner Ressourcen zu bewältigen. Hier knüpft das in der Arbeit im Mittelpunkt stehende diagnostische Instrument AVEM (Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster; Schaarschmidt & Fischer, 1996, 2001) an, das die Erfassung interner Anforderungen und Ressourcen der Person sowie deren Zuordnung zu 4 Verhaltens- und Erlebensmustern gegenüber der Arbeit unter Gesundheits- und Motivationsbezug ermöglicht.<br><br>Mit den Hypothesen wird angenommen, dass in Anbetracht der problematischen Arbeitsbedingungen in der Pflege eine Zurücknahme im Engagement bzw. eine Schutzhaltung vor nicht gewollten und als unangemessen empfundenen Anforderungen sowie wenig beeinflussbaren Bedingungen im Vordergrund stehen. Dort, wo zumindest partiell gesundheitsförderliche und als herausfordernd erlebte Arbeitsbedingungen anzutreffen sind, sollten günstigere Musterkonstellationen auftreten. Wir vermuteten, dass sich die ungünstigen Tendenzen bereits in der Berufsausbildung und in frühen Berufsjahren zeigen. Musterveränderungen in gesundheits- und persönlichkeitsförderlicher Hinsicht sollten durch gezielte Intervention herbeigeführt werden können. Schließlich nahmen wir an, dass die Tätigkeit und die mit ihr verbundenen Anforderungen und Ausführungsbedingungen musterspezifisch wahrgenommen werden.<br><br>Zur Beantwortung der Fragen werden Ergebnisse aus verschiedenen Quer- und Längsschnittuntersuchungen herangezogen, die in Wiener Spitälern und Krankenpflegeschulen, aber auch in deutschen Krankenhäusern durchgeführt wurden. Zu Vergleichszwecken werden Befunde anderer Berufsgruppen dargestellt. Neben dem AVEM wurden weitere Fragebögen zu folgenden Inhalten eingesetzt: Arbeitsbezogene Werte, Erleben von Ressourcen in der Pflegetätigkeit, Belastungserleben und Objektive Merkmale der Arbeitstätigkeit.<br><br>Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Hypothesen in allen wesentlichen Punkten. Im Vergleich mit anderen Berufsgruppen fallen für die Pflegekräfte deutliche Einschränkungen im Arbeitsengagement auf. In Bezug auf die gesundheitlichen Risikomuster nimmt das Pflegepersonal eine Mittelstellung ein. Die Musterdifferenzierung in der Pflegepopulation lässt die stärksten Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit von der Position erkennen: Je höher die Position, desto größer ist der Anteil des Gesundheitsmusters und desto geringer ist die Resignationstendenz. Die meisten Risikomuster zeigen sich bei den Pflegekräften mit der niedrigsten Qualifikation. Für Pflegeschüler ist ein zeitweiliges starkes Auftreten von resignativen Verhaltens- und Erlebensweisen sowie eine kontinuierliche Abnahme des Engagements kennzeichnend. Dieser Trend setzt sich nach Aufnahme der Berufstätigkeit fort. Nur gezielte intensive personenorientierte Interventionen erwiesen sich als geeignet, Musterveränderungen in gesundheits- und persönlichkeitsförderlicher Hinsicht zu erreichen. Die Tätigkeit und die mit ihr verbundenen Anforderungen und Ausführungsbedingungen werden musterspezifisch wahrgenommen, wobei Personen mit eingeschränktem Engagement bzw. mit einer Resignationstendenz wesentliche Tätigkeitsmerkmale, denen persönlichkeits- und gesundheitsförderliche Wirkung zugesprochen wird, für sich als wenig wichtig beurteilen und sich mehr Defizite im Verhalten gegenüber Patienten bescheinigen.<br><br>Die Ergebnisse verweisen darauf, dass im Pflegeberuf vor allem die Zurückhaltung im Engagement Anlass für eine kritische Betrachtung sein muss. Das Problem "Burnout" stellt sich in seiner Bedeutung relativiert dar. Günstigere Voraussetzungen für die Aufrechterhaltung und Förderung der Gesundheit bestehen dort, wo im konkreten Arbeitsfeld ein erweiterter Tätigkeits- und Handlungsspielraum sowie mehr Verantwortung vorliegen. Diese Befunde stehen in Einklang mit arbeitspsychologischen Ressourcenmodellen. Die Befunde zu den Pflegeschülern verweisen auf teilweise ungünstige Eignungsvoraussetzungen der Auszubildenden und legen nahe, die Angemessenheit der Anforderungen in den Krankenpflegeschulen zu hinterfragen. Hinsichtlich der Möglichkeiten der Veränderung der Muster in gesundheits- und motivationsdienlicher Weise brachten die Ergebnisse zum Ausdruck, dass verhaltensbezogenen Maßnahmen ohne gleichzeitige bedingungsbezogene Interventionen wenig Erfolg beschieden ist. Mit Blick auf die musterspezifische Wahrnehmung der Tätigkeit und der mit ihr verbundenen Anforderungen und Ausführungsbedingungen ist schließlich grundsätzlich festzuhalten, dass arbeitspsychologische Konzepte, die hohen bzw. komplexen Anforderungen und umfangreichen Freiheitsgraden in der Arbeit grundsätzlich persönlichkeits- und gesundheitsförderliche Wirkungen zuschreiben, einer Relativierung durch eine differentielle Perspektive bedürfen. Die vorgefundene Interaktion von Persönlichkeit und Arbeitsbedingungen hat zur Konsequenz, dass Verhaltens- und Verhältnisprävention in untrennbarem Zusammenhang gesehen werden sollten. / The object of this essay is the strain situation of nursing personnel in the hospital sector. We will take a look at the coping capacity of the nursing personnel, the behaviour and experience patterns with which they meet their challenges and how they co-design their present and future strain situations by means of their personal approach to these challenges.<br><br>The theoretic starting points of this work are salutogenetic-oriented resource models, especially Becker's model of mental health (Becker, 1982, 1986). According to him, a person's state of health depends on how well he or she manages to cope with external and internal demands with the help of external and internal resources. The model uses the lack of satisfaction of personal requirements as a source of extraordinary strain. This is where the diagnostic instrument AVEM (Arbeitsbezogenes Verhaltens- und Erlebensmuster [work-related behaviour and experience patterns]; Schaarschmidt & Fischer, 1996, 2001) comes into the picture, which is at the center of work and helps to determine the internal requirements and resources of the person as well as the classification into 4 behaviour and experience patterns compared to working under health and motivation aspects.<br><br>These hypotheses assume that reduced engagement as well as guarding against demands deemed unwanted and inappropriate together with hard to influence conditions are in the foreground when considering the problematic working conditions in the nursing profession.<br><br>More favourable model constellations should occur in areas with partially health-promoting and challenging working conditions. We furthermore assume that the expected unfavourable trends already become apparent during vocational training and the early working years. It should be possible to induce pattern changes from a health and personality promotion point of view by means of targeted intervention. And finally, we assumed that the profession and its related challenges and performance conditions are perceived as patterns.<br><br>In order to answer these questions, we will refer to results from various cross-section and panel studies performed in hospitals and nursing colleges in Vienna but also in German hospitals. The results obtained in other profession groups will be presented for comparison. Besides the AVEM, we applied additional questionnaires dealing with the following contents: work-related values, experiencing resources in the nursing profession, experiencing strain and objective professional features.<br><br>The results confirm the hypothesis in all essential points. Compared to other profession groups in Austria, the nursing profession shows clear restrictions when it comes to work engagement. With respect to the health risk patterns, the nursing profession takes a medial position. The pattern differentiation in the nursing population shows the strongest differences depending on the position: the higher the position, the larger the share of the health pattern and the lower the resignation tendency. Most risk patterns become evident among nursing staff with the lowest qualifications. Nursing students temporarily show strong occurrences of resignation and experience patterns as well as a continuous decline in engagement. This trend continues once the vocational training is completed. Only direct, intensive and person-oriented intervention turned out to be suitable in order to achieve pattern changes with respect to promoting health and personality. In the end it turned out that the profession and its related demands and performance conditions is perceived in a pattern-specific way, whereby especially persons with restricted engagement or a trend towards resignation rate essential work features that are said to promote health and personality as less important for themselves and attribute themselves more deficits in their behaviour towards patients.<br><br>The results indicate that above all restrained engagement must be critically examined in the nursing profession. The "burnout" problem, which is often seen as a central problem, is therefore relative. More favourable prerequisites for maintaining and promoting health are especially given wherever there is extended activity and action scope in the actual working environment together with more responsibility. These results coincide with the recognised work psychology models, which emphasise the effect of resources. The results obtained for nursing students indicate that part of the trainees lacks qualification. However, one also has to question the appropriateness of the demands made in nursing schools. With respect to changing the patterns in a way that suits health and motivation, the results showed that behaviour-related measures are not very successful if there are no condition-related interventions at the same time. Concerning the pattern-specific perception of the profession and its related demands and performance conditions, we conclusively have to ascertain that work psychology concepts, which generally attribute personality and health-promoting effects to high or complex demands and extensive degrees of liberty at work, require relativisation through a differential perspective. As a consequence of the encountered interaction of personality and work conditions, behaviour and condition prevention should be seen in an inseparable context.

Emotional Intelligence and Positive Affect as Protective Factors Against Burnout in Syrian Teachers

Hallum, Suhair 04 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Bisherige Studien deuten an, dass Emotionale Intelligenz eine wichtige Rolle in der Lehrtätigkeit spielt. Sie hilft dem Lehrer bzw. der Lehrerin mit sich selbst, aber auch mit Schülern klarzukommen. Jedoch ist bislang noch weitgehend unklar, welche Mechanismen dem Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und berufsnahen Kriterien zugrundeliegen. Zur Klärung dieser Frage soll die vorliegende Arbeit einen Beitrag leisten. Emotionale Intelligenz wird dabei in Anlehnung an Mayer und Salovey (1997) als Fähigkeit aufgefasst. Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst drei Artikel. Der erste Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen wahrgenommener Emotionaler Intelligenz des Lehrers und Schülerverhalten im Klassenraum. Gefunden wurde, dass Lehrer über weniger unpassendes Verhalten ihrer Schüler berichten, wenn sie selbst über hohe emotionale Fähigkeiten verfügen. Hohe Emotionale Intelligenz scheint positiv verbunden zu sein mit der Tendenz, auf die Bedürfnisse der Schüler zu fokussieren, die wiederum weniger unpassendes Verhalten im Klassenraum zeigen. Im zweiten Artikel wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout untersucht. Proaktives Coping wurde als Mediator zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout angenommen. Daneben wurde geprüft, ob die wahrgenommene Unterstützung durch den Vorgesetzten den vermuteten Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout und die Dimension moderiert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Lehrer mit hoher Emotionaler Intelligenz deshalb weniger Burnout-Symptome zeigen, weil sie dazu tendieren, proaktives Coping als Strategie der Stressbewältigung zu nutzen. Sie können ihre Kompetenzen und Ressourcen offensichtlich situationsangemessen einsetzen, um emotional anspruchsvolle Situationen am Arbeitsplatz zu meistern. Darüber hinaus zeigt sich, dass wahrgenommene Unterstützung durch den Vorgesetzten den Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout moderiert: Für Lehrer, die angaben, von ihrem Vorgesetzten unterstützt zu werden, zeigte sich der indirekte Effekt von Emotional Intelligenz auf wahrgenommene Leistungsfähigkeit über proaktives Coping deutlicher. Die Beziehung zwischen positivem und negativem Affekt, Arbeitszufriedenheit und Burnout ist Inhalt des dritten Artikels. Gefunden wurde, dass Lehrer mit hohem positiven Affekt zufriedener mit ihrer Arbeit sind als Lehrer, die negativen Affekt im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Arbeit berichten. Darüber hinaus war Arbeitszufriedenheit negativ mit dem Level an Burnout verbunden. Die Ergebnisse der Mediationsanalyse zeigen, dass Arbeitszufriedenheit den Zusammenhang zwischen Affekt und Burnout vermittelt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich also sagen, dass Lehrer mit hoher wahrgenommener Emotionaler Intelligenz erfolgreicher und zufriedener im Beruf sind und zudem eine höhere psychische Gesundheit aufweisen. Schüler von Lehrern mit hohen emotionalen Fähigkeiten scheinen deshalb weniger unpassendes Verhalten im Klassenraum zu zeigen, weil auf sie mehr geachtet und ihre Probleme und Bedürfnisse besser erkannt werden. Emotional intelligente Lehrer versuchen, Problemen im Klassenraum schon bei deren Entstehung zu begegnen, was wiederum dazu führen könnte, dass sie weniger Belastung erleben und langfristig weniger Burnoutsymptome zeigen. Dieser Prozess kann durch die Unterstützung des Vorgesetzten positiv beeinflusst werden. Daneben zeigt sich auch, dass Lehrer, die positiven Affekt gegenüber ihrer Arbeit erfahren, zufriedener mit ihrer Arbeitstätigkeit sind, was wiederum damit verbunden ist, dass jene Lehrer Burnout-Symptome in geringem Maße erleben. Daher scheint es gewinnbringend, in die Personalauswahl Emotionale Intelligenz als ein wichtiges Entscheidungskriterium einzubeziehen. Bestehende Qualifizierungsprogramme sollten zusätzlich auf eine Verbesserung der emotionalen Fähigkeiten abzielen. Weiteres Potential zur Intervention von Burnout besteht im Aufbau oder der Stabilisierung kooperativer Beziehungen zwischen Lehrer und Vorgesetztem. / Many teachers experience high levels of stress from their work, but not all of them suffer from burnout. Why are some teachers less likely to succumb to burnout than others? How can teachers avoid suffering from burnout and continue to have a good influence on the behavior of their students? One reason that some teachers are able to avoid burnout might be that these teachers embody personality characteristics such as emotional intelligence and proactive coping, and these characteristics may act as resources that counteract burnout. Another reason might be that they experience feelings of positive affect from their work and feel satisfied with their jobs. Perhaps this occurs because emotional intelligence helps teachers to understand the emotions of their students and to interact with them. Or perhaps these teachers are engaged in their jobs, and this might reduce the risk of burnout. Proactive coping helps teachers to use their resources to overcome their difficulties and to manage the demands they face, which aids in preventing burnout. Emotional intelligence can help teachers to control their emotions and be able to think effectively and use active strategies to find solutions to their problems. In my thesis, I expected that emotional intelligence would have a direct negative effect on burnout and an indirect effect on it through proactive coping. Furthermore, proactive coping was expected to be positively related to emotional intelligence and negatively related to burnout. Perceived supervisor support in the form of information, advice, and feedback provided by supervisors may help teachers to more actively deal with stressors. I assumed that perceived support from supervisors would moderate the influence of emotional intelligence on reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. However, teachers with positive affect tend to derive enjoyment from their work and to find their jobs interesting in spite of many difficulties. They are satisfied with their jobs, and this may prevent them from experiencing burnout. Positive affect is considered to be a stable personality variable, whereas job satisfaction is a temporal attitude toward one’s job; therefore, positive affect was expected to predict job satisfaction and to be positively related to it. Burnout is more of a job outcome that results from having excessive stress for a long time, whereas job satisfaction is an evaluative response to one’s job. Job satisfaction also means that a person enjoys his or her career and is engaged in it; people who are satisfied tend to feel energized and competent and are protected from being at risk of burnout. Thus, job satisfaction was expected to contribute to the prediction of burnout by being negatively linked to it. In addition, teachers who experience positive emotions while working as teachers tend to want to keep working as teachers despite any setbacks that they experience. They have positive attitudes about their jobs and are thus satisfied with them. Therefore, it was expected that positive affect would predict job satisfaction and would be positively related to it. Having positive emotions in the workplace can help teachers to like their work and to find pleasure in it. They then probably exhibit good job performance and this prevents them from suffering from burnout. Therefore, I assumed that job satisfaction would mediate the relation between positive affect and burnout. Little attention has been given to the relation between teachers’ emotional intelligence and student misconduct in the literature, but these factors may be linked. Emotionally intelligent teachers are aware of their own emotions; thus, they can regulate their own negative emotions so they can act as a role model for the students and influence the behavior of their students. Emotional intelligence also helps teachers to understand their students’ emotions, to address their students’ emotions in a positive fashion, and to establish warm relationships with their students. Emotionally intelligent teachers can understand their students and motivates these students so the teachers can focus on helping their students to accomplish their goals. These factors strengthen the relationships between the teachers and their students and have a positive impact on the behavior of the students. This thesis consists of three studies.The aim of the first study was to investigate the link between emotional intelligence and student misconduct through attention to student needs. The findings showed that attention to student needs mediates the emotional intelligence- student misconduct relation. Identifying the factors that are related to burnout is important as this can help to reduce the risk of such negative outcomes. Although many studies have been conducted on the resources that protect teachers from burnout, few studies have examined the relation between burnout and personal resources such as emotional intelligence and proactive coping. Therefore, I tested how these factors are related to burnout in direct and indirect ways. The role of perceived supervisor support has also been neglected. Thus, I tested the relation between emotional intelligence and burnout through proactive coping in the second study. In addition, I tested the moderating role of perceived supervisor support on the link between emotional intelligence and reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. The results showed that proactive coping mediated the impact of emotional intelligence on burnout, and perceived supervisor support moderated the influence of emotional intelligence on reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. Emotions in the work environment play an essential role in job satisfaction and seem to protect teachers from experiencing burnout. The purpose of the third study was to examine the relations between positive affect, job satisfaction, and burnout and to determine whether job satisfaction would mediate the association between positive affect and burnout. The results indicated that positive affect was positively related to job satisfaction and negatively related to burnout, and job satisfaction functioned as a mediator between positive affect and burnout.

Subjektivierung von Arbeit: freiwillige Selbstausbeutung : ein Erklärungsmodell für die Verausgabungsbereitschaft von Hochqualifizierten /

Moosbrugger, Jeanette. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Fernuniversität, Hagen. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [154]-165).

Šikana na pracovišti / The Vexation at the workplace

Chaloupková, Naďa January 2007 (has links)
The border between common and vexation matter of person behaviour we are accustomed to is very slight. The topic of my diploma paper "Vexation at the workplace" becomes very actual and constantly the bigger problem in the contemporary modern society. Everyday mentally terror at the workplace, vexation among the colleagues, systematically made malignancies through which the superiors attack their inferiors (or vice-versa) is a problem that belongs serious incoveniences both to its victims and the company. My diploma paper is above all focused on the sophisticated and malicious area of work-vexation that is called the mobbing. Marginally I mention other forms of vexation and the bossing. I made my exploration at the public service environment as the work-vexation is usually put together with it. Primarily I point the legal and moral side of the mobbing and its psychological and social aspects. Secondarily I mark the mobbing as a job-psychological phenomenon, its influence to the company itself and consequences between it and some modern society trends (teamwork, power, burn-out syndrome, internet technologies). Supposing to become the managers we should make effort to eliminate the mobbing. As only the workplace without the vexation brings the satisfaction that can results in higher level of the work productivity, economic profit and the the incapacity of work decreasement. Thereby the mobbing affects the whole life of its victim and also that anyone of us can become the victim it is necessary to solve this problem urgently and constantly.

Zjištění stresové zátěže a oblasti s nejvyšší náchylností ke stresu při výkonu učitelské profese / Determination of stress load and areas with the highest susceptibility to stress in the teaching profession

Klučinová, Klára January 2021 (has links)
I have been interested in the topic I chose for my diploma thesis since I was deciding on my future profession. When it comes to the teaching profession, usually the idea of summer holidays attracts everyone. However, the stress that teachers face in performing this profession is not so much talked about. Therefore, I decided to learn more about this issue. This thesis deals specifically with stress in primary school teachers, to which teachers are increasingly exposed, and the word stress is very often associated with this profession. For several years I personally worked as a teaching assistant in a special school and now I teach Czech to foreigners at a primary school in Pilsen. Also for this reason, I decided to map the stress of primary school teachers. I would like to continue working in this profession, as well as working on my personal growth and finding a way to effectively prevent stress. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part, I define the terms load and stress first and cite some well-known authors dealing with this issue. I also describe the symptoms of stress of various kinds and its consequences for our health. In the following chapter I describe individual stressors, which have a significant effect on the teacher's work performance. The chapter describing...

Kreative Gruppentreffen (KGT) Zur gemeinsamen bildnerischen Verarbeitung individueller beruflicher Probleme am Beispiel von Lehrkräften / "Creative groupmeetings" a new methode of work-supervision on the example of teachers including elements of art-therapy

Hartwig, Dirk January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Bei Kreativen Gruppentreffen (KGT) versammeln sich Mitarbeitende einer Institution in regelmäßigen Abständen in einer Kleingruppe unter der Leitung eines Moderators zum gemeinsamen, konstruktiven Bearbeiten individueller, aktueller, beruflicher Probleme und zur Findung praktikabler, zeitnah realisierbarer Lösungsstrategien zum Wohle des Einzelnen und damit des Gesamtsystems. Kreative Gruppentreffen sind dabei eine Kombination aus Anteilen der Teamsupervision und der Kollegialen Beratung unter bewusstem Einbeziehen bildnerisch-gestalterischer Methodik, die ihre Wurzeln in der Kunsttherapie hat. Im bildnerischen Explorationsraum kann durch Probehandeln Selbsterfahrung gesammelt werden und Lösungsstrategien für konkrete berufliche Schwierigkeiten erarbeitet und ausprobiert werden. Als exemplarische Berufsgruppe dienen Lehrkräfte. Ziel ist das Steigern der Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter, was sich positiv auf deren Leistungsbereitschaft niederschlägt. / "Creative groupmeetings" are a new methode of supervision including elements of selfreflection with the help of different methods of art-therapy.

Supervize v sociální práci / Supervision in the Social Work

Nagyová, Nicole January 2018 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce Supervision is one of the possibilities of professional support, which helps in solving difficult working situations. They imply challenges, personal constraints and ethical issues. Uncertainties can be on the both sides of the social worker and his client. Supervision should not be a check of incorrect decisions or supervision of the choice of work outcomes. On the contrary, the supervisor should be supportive of his clients and provide them professional and correct leadership to ensure the quality of their work. The diploma thesis deals with the interconnection of supervision with burnout syndrome. The theoretical part draws attention to the preventive nature of the supervision process and the risks that are threatened in the absence of supervision. Both concepts, supervision and burnout syndrome, are described and explained in the diploma thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis contains basic terminology, division and important participants in such cooperation. The second section describes the situation regarding the use of supervision and the rate of burnout syndrome in selected social workers. The results of this survey are shown in the charts. The thesis is concluded with a discussion which contains comments on the legal anchoring of supervision in the Czech Republic and...

Emotional Intelligence and Positive Affect as Protective Factors Against Burnout in Syrian Teachers: Emotional Intelligence and Positive Affect as Protective Factors AgainstBurnout in Syrian Teachers: The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on the Teachers’ Relationships with their Students

Hallum, Suhair 08 October 2012 (has links)
Bisherige Studien deuten an, dass Emotionale Intelligenz eine wichtige Rolle in der Lehrtätigkeit spielt. Sie hilft dem Lehrer bzw. der Lehrerin mit sich selbst, aber auch mit Schülern klarzukommen. Jedoch ist bislang noch weitgehend unklar, welche Mechanismen dem Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und berufsnahen Kriterien zugrundeliegen. Zur Klärung dieser Frage soll die vorliegende Arbeit einen Beitrag leisten. Emotionale Intelligenz wird dabei in Anlehnung an Mayer und Salovey (1997) als Fähigkeit aufgefasst. Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst drei Artikel. Der erste Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen wahrgenommener Emotionaler Intelligenz des Lehrers und Schülerverhalten im Klassenraum. Gefunden wurde, dass Lehrer über weniger unpassendes Verhalten ihrer Schüler berichten, wenn sie selbst über hohe emotionale Fähigkeiten verfügen. Hohe Emotionale Intelligenz scheint positiv verbunden zu sein mit der Tendenz, auf die Bedürfnisse der Schüler zu fokussieren, die wiederum weniger unpassendes Verhalten im Klassenraum zeigen. Im zweiten Artikel wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout untersucht. Proaktives Coping wurde als Mediator zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout angenommen. Daneben wurde geprüft, ob die wahrgenommene Unterstützung durch den Vorgesetzten den vermuteten Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout und die Dimension moderiert. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Lehrer mit hoher Emotionaler Intelligenz deshalb weniger Burnout-Symptome zeigen, weil sie dazu tendieren, proaktives Coping als Strategie der Stressbewältigung zu nutzen. Sie können ihre Kompetenzen und Ressourcen offensichtlich situationsangemessen einsetzen, um emotional anspruchsvolle Situationen am Arbeitsplatz zu meistern. Darüber hinaus zeigt sich, dass wahrgenommene Unterstützung durch den Vorgesetzten den Zusammenhang zwischen Emotionaler Intelligenz und Burnout moderiert: Für Lehrer, die angaben, von ihrem Vorgesetzten unterstützt zu werden, zeigte sich der indirekte Effekt von Emotional Intelligenz auf wahrgenommene Leistungsfähigkeit über proaktives Coping deutlicher. Die Beziehung zwischen positivem und negativem Affekt, Arbeitszufriedenheit und Burnout ist Inhalt des dritten Artikels. Gefunden wurde, dass Lehrer mit hohem positiven Affekt zufriedener mit ihrer Arbeit sind als Lehrer, die negativen Affekt im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Arbeit berichten. Darüber hinaus war Arbeitszufriedenheit negativ mit dem Level an Burnout verbunden. Die Ergebnisse der Mediationsanalyse zeigen, dass Arbeitszufriedenheit den Zusammenhang zwischen Affekt und Burnout vermittelt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich also sagen, dass Lehrer mit hoher wahrgenommener Emotionaler Intelligenz erfolgreicher und zufriedener im Beruf sind und zudem eine höhere psychische Gesundheit aufweisen. Schüler von Lehrern mit hohen emotionalen Fähigkeiten scheinen deshalb weniger unpassendes Verhalten im Klassenraum zu zeigen, weil auf sie mehr geachtet und ihre Probleme und Bedürfnisse besser erkannt werden. Emotional intelligente Lehrer versuchen, Problemen im Klassenraum schon bei deren Entstehung zu begegnen, was wiederum dazu führen könnte, dass sie weniger Belastung erleben und langfristig weniger Burnoutsymptome zeigen. Dieser Prozess kann durch die Unterstützung des Vorgesetzten positiv beeinflusst werden. Daneben zeigt sich auch, dass Lehrer, die positiven Affekt gegenüber ihrer Arbeit erfahren, zufriedener mit ihrer Arbeitstätigkeit sind, was wiederum damit verbunden ist, dass jene Lehrer Burnout-Symptome in geringem Maße erleben. Daher scheint es gewinnbringend, in die Personalauswahl Emotionale Intelligenz als ein wichtiges Entscheidungskriterium einzubeziehen. Bestehende Qualifizierungsprogramme sollten zusätzlich auf eine Verbesserung der emotionalen Fähigkeiten abzielen. Weiteres Potential zur Intervention von Burnout besteht im Aufbau oder der Stabilisierung kooperativer Beziehungen zwischen Lehrer und Vorgesetztem.:1 Introduction 1 2 Burnout 3 2.1 Risk factors for burnout 3 2.2 Assessment of burnout 4 2.3 Consequences of burnout 6 2.4 Protective factors against burnout 6 2.4.1 Protective facotrs at the individual level 6 2.4.2 Protective factors at the organizational level 8 3 The situation of Syrian teachers 8 4 General questions of the studies and general hypotheses 9 4.1 Emotional Intelligence, Attention to Student Needs, and Student Misconduct 10 4.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, Burnout, and Supervisor Support 10 4.3 Positive Affect, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout 11 5 Studies 12 5.1 Attention to Student Needs Mediates the Relationship between Teacher Emotional Intelligence and Student Misconduct in the Classroom 12 5.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, and Burnout in Syrian Teachers: Examination of a Mediation Model 25 5.3 The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Mediator between Positive Affect and Burnout 45 6 General Findings of the Three Studies 58 6.1 Emotional Intelligence, Attention to Student Needs, and Student Misconduct 58 6.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, Burnout, and Supervisor Support 58 6.3 Positive Affect, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout 59 7 General Discussion 59 8 Limitations and implications for future research 61 9 Conclusions 63 10 References 65 / Many teachers experience high levels of stress from their work, but not all of them suffer from burnout. Why are some teachers less likely to succumb to burnout than others? How can teachers avoid suffering from burnout and continue to have a good influence on the behavior of their students? One reason that some teachers are able to avoid burnout might be that these teachers embody personality characteristics such as emotional intelligence and proactive coping, and these characteristics may act as resources that counteract burnout. Another reason might be that they experience feelings of positive affect from their work and feel satisfied with their jobs. Perhaps this occurs because emotional intelligence helps teachers to understand the emotions of their students and to interact with them. Or perhaps these teachers are engaged in their jobs, and this might reduce the risk of burnout. Proactive coping helps teachers to use their resources to overcome their difficulties and to manage the demands they face, which aids in preventing burnout. Emotional intelligence can help teachers to control their emotions and be able to think effectively and use active strategies to find solutions to their problems. In my thesis, I expected that emotional intelligence would have a direct negative effect on burnout and an indirect effect on it through proactive coping. Furthermore, proactive coping was expected to be positively related to emotional intelligence and negatively related to burnout. Perceived supervisor support in the form of information, advice, and feedback provided by supervisors may help teachers to more actively deal with stressors. I assumed that perceived support from supervisors would moderate the influence of emotional intelligence on reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. However, teachers with positive affect tend to derive enjoyment from their work and to find their jobs interesting in spite of many difficulties. They are satisfied with their jobs, and this may prevent them from experiencing burnout. Positive affect is considered to be a stable personality variable, whereas job satisfaction is a temporal attitude toward one’s job; therefore, positive affect was expected to predict job satisfaction and to be positively related to it. Burnout is more of a job outcome that results from having excessive stress for a long time, whereas job satisfaction is an evaluative response to one’s job. Job satisfaction also means that a person enjoys his or her career and is engaged in it; people who are satisfied tend to feel energized and competent and are protected from being at risk of burnout. Thus, job satisfaction was expected to contribute to the prediction of burnout by being negatively linked to it. In addition, teachers who experience positive emotions while working as teachers tend to want to keep working as teachers despite any setbacks that they experience. They have positive attitudes about their jobs and are thus satisfied with them. Therefore, it was expected that positive affect would predict job satisfaction and would be positively related to it. Having positive emotions in the workplace can help teachers to like their work and to find pleasure in it. They then probably exhibit good job performance and this prevents them from suffering from burnout. Therefore, I assumed that job satisfaction would mediate the relation between positive affect and burnout. Little attention has been given to the relation between teachers’ emotional intelligence and student misconduct in the literature, but these factors may be linked. Emotionally intelligent teachers are aware of their own emotions; thus, they can regulate their own negative emotions so they can act as a role model for the students and influence the behavior of their students. Emotional intelligence also helps teachers to understand their students’ emotions, to address their students’ emotions in a positive fashion, and to establish warm relationships with their students. Emotionally intelligent teachers can understand their students and motivates these students so the teachers can focus on helping their students to accomplish their goals. These factors strengthen the relationships between the teachers and their students and have a positive impact on the behavior of the students. This thesis consists of three studies.The aim of the first study was to investigate the link between emotional intelligence and student misconduct through attention to student needs. The findings showed that attention to student needs mediates the emotional intelligence- student misconduct relation. Identifying the factors that are related to burnout is important as this can help to reduce the risk of such negative outcomes. Although many studies have been conducted on the resources that protect teachers from burnout, few studies have examined the relation between burnout and personal resources such as emotional intelligence and proactive coping. Therefore, I tested how these factors are related to burnout in direct and indirect ways. The role of perceived supervisor support has also been neglected. Thus, I tested the relation between emotional intelligence and burnout through proactive coping in the second study. In addition, I tested the moderating role of perceived supervisor support on the link between emotional intelligence and reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. The results showed that proactive coping mediated the impact of emotional intelligence on burnout, and perceived supervisor support moderated the influence of emotional intelligence on reduced personal accomplishment through proactive coping. Emotions in the work environment play an essential role in job satisfaction and seem to protect teachers from experiencing burnout. The purpose of the third study was to examine the relations between positive affect, job satisfaction, and burnout and to determine whether job satisfaction would mediate the association between positive affect and burnout. The results indicated that positive affect was positively related to job satisfaction and negatively related to burnout, and job satisfaction functioned as a mediator between positive affect and burnout.:1 Introduction 1 2 Burnout 3 2.1 Risk factors for burnout 3 2.2 Assessment of burnout 4 2.3 Consequences of burnout 6 2.4 Protective factors against burnout 6 2.4.1 Protective facotrs at the individual level 6 2.4.2 Protective factors at the organizational level 8 3 The situation of Syrian teachers 8 4 General questions of the studies and general hypotheses 9 4.1 Emotional Intelligence, Attention to Student Needs, and Student Misconduct 10 4.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, Burnout, and Supervisor Support 10 4.3 Positive Affect, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout 11 5 Studies 12 5.1 Attention to Student Needs Mediates the Relationship between Teacher Emotional Intelligence and Student Misconduct in the Classroom 12 5.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, and Burnout in Syrian Teachers: Examination of a Mediation Model 25 5.3 The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Mediator between Positive Affect and Burnout 45 6 General Findings of the Three Studies 58 6.1 Emotional Intelligence, Attention to Student Needs, and Student Misconduct 58 6.2 Emotional Intelligence, Proactive Coping, Burnout, and Supervisor Support 58 6.3 Positive Affect, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout 59 7 General Discussion 59 8 Limitations and implications for future research 61 9 Conclusions 63 10 References 65

Postoj ke smrti a psychická zátěž sester na odděleních se zvýšeným rizikem úmrtí. / Attitude toward death and psychical stress of nurses at work stations with an increased risk of death.

VONEŠOVÁ, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of dying and death within the job of a nurse. Nurses very often see dying and death. Death rate also depends on type of the ward. A healthy person usually does not think about death, but being ill one is uncertain and starts to ask many questions, which may also include questions about dying and death. Meeting a dying person is psychically demanding for the medical staff as well as for the family, friends and the dearest. The medical workers are expected to be professional and empathic. It is a question if the nurses are prepared to face the death and if they can cope with the physical and psychical stress. Long-term excessive psychical stress may result in numerous diseases. A nurse must know how to avoid such negative impacts. The theoretic part of the thesis describes the present status, explains specificities of palliative treatment within intensive care, within care for chronically ill patients and in paediatrics, it specifies attitudes and their functions in connection with difficult life situations. Furthermore, the theoretical part deals with psychical stress imposed on nurses in connection with dying and rules of communication in a multi-disciplinary team within palliative care. There are four objectives of the thesis. The first objective is to find out whether nurses feel ready to meet death after finishing qualification studies. Another objective is to find out whether death rate in the workplace affects psychical stress imposed on the nurses and their attitude to death. The third objective is to find out whether the nurses think that the information and experience gained during studies affected their attitude to death and professional skills of care for dying patients. The research part made use of quantitative research. Data collection was made through anonymous questionnaires. Respondents answered 35 questions. Out of that, 17 questions were closed and 18 questions were semi-closed. The research survey was completed with statistical survey. Nurses, who work in wards with higher risk of death, were contacted. We have made up four hypotheses. H1: Nurses? attitude to death depends on the level of education was not confirmed. The results of research and statistic survey showed that there is no difference in attitude in connection with the level of education reached. H2: Nurses? attitude to death depends on experience with death in personal life was not confirmed either. The respondents? answer showed that their attitude to death is mostly influences by experienced acquired in practice. H3: Death rate reduces psychical stress of nurses, was confimed. The respondents said they had still the same feelings and at most they answered that they did not feel anything, or they did not think about their feelings and they consider the death to be a part of their occupation. H4: Subjective readiness of nurses to meet death does not depend on finishing of qualification studies, but it depends on exeprience acquired in practice. The last hypothesis was confirmed by research and statistic survey, as well. The research and tests of hypothesis have revealed that sufficient attention has not been paid to the issue of care for dying patients within studies. Nurses acquire their experience mostly in practice. Furthermore, the survey showed that it is an important thing to teach the nurses to communicate effectively and to feel empathy. The conclusion, that nurses are more stressed with conflicts at the workplace, bad inter-personnel relationships, low wages than with care for dying patients, is alarming . Thus the labour force is wasted unnecessarily and it is obvious that the occupation of a nurse has not been appreciated properly, yet. Such factors influence quality of the work done and may cause the burn-out syndrome.

Psychologická a duchovní podpora v Policii ČR / The Psychological and Spiritual Support in the Police of the Czech Republic

KOZÁK, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the description of the psychological and spiritual support for the members of the police force. Its basis is the definition of the police force as the service to the public while the policeman is perceived as both the representative of the state force and the human being. In the part dealing with the professional ethics one points out to the usefulness of the ethical codex for a policeman as a possible inspiration for one's responsibility in the role of a policeman.Next, negative phenomena influencing a policeman are described, such as stress, a traumatic event,crisis,and a burn-out syndrom. The thesis considers the needs of the man linked to the needs of a policeman proper. Based on the information collected it then deals with the psychological and spiritual support. The psychological support in the police force has got a certain framework defined in the form of a crisis intervention, a psychological advisory service and a posttraumatic intervention care. A spiritual support has no specific concept defined. A priest has his role in posttraumatic intervention teams only. Based on the research carried out and on the literature available the possibility is outlined for the provision of not only psychological but also for the spiritual support.

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