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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Three Essays on Venture Capital Finance

Peter, Jeffrey Scott Kobayahsi 29 September 2011 (has links)
Venture capital finances high-risk, high-return projects. In addition to financing, venture capitalists provide advice and expertise in management, commercialization, and development that enhance the value, success, and marketability of projects. Venture capitalists also have skills in selecting projects with potentially high returns. The first chapter investigates the contracting relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in a setting where the venture capitalist and entrepreneur contribute intangible assets (advice and effort) to a project that are non-contractible and non-verifiable. In general, in the private market equilibrium, advice provided by the venture capitalist and the number of projects funded are lower than the social optimum. Government tax and investment policies may alleviate these market failures. The impact of a capital gains tax, a tax on entrepreneur’s revenue, an investment subsidy to venture capitalists, and government run project enhancing programs are evaluated. Finally, we analyze the effects of a government venture capital firm competing with private venture capital. The second chapter focuses on competition in venture capital markets. We model a three-stage game of fund raising, investment in innovative projects and input of advice and effort, where fund raising is used as an entry deterrence mechanism. We examine the impacts of taxes and subsidies on venture capital market structure. We find that a tax on venture capitalist revenue and a tax on entrepreneur revenue increase the likelihood of entry deterrence and reduce the number of projects funded in equilibrium. A subsidy on investment reduces the likelihood of entry deterrence and increases the number of projects funded. The third chapter examines the venture capitalist's choice of investment in project selection skills and investment in managerial advice. We model, separately, a private venture capitalist and a labour-sponsored venture capitalist (LSVCC) with different objectives. A LSVCC is a special type of venture capitalist fund that is sponsored by a labour union. The private venture capitalist maximizes its expected profits, while the LSVCC maximizes a weighted function of expected profits and returns to labour. Consistent with empirical evidence, the quality of projects, determined by project selection skills and managerial advice, is higher for the private venture capitalist.

Three Essays on Venture Capital Finance

Peter, Jeffrey Scott Kobayahsi 29 September 2011 (has links)
Venture capital finances high-risk, high-return projects. In addition to financing, venture capitalists provide advice and expertise in management, commercialization, and development that enhance the value, success, and marketability of projects. Venture capitalists also have skills in selecting projects with potentially high returns. The first chapter investigates the contracting relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in a setting where the venture capitalist and entrepreneur contribute intangible assets (advice and effort) to a project that are non-contractible and non-verifiable. In general, in the private market equilibrium, advice provided by the venture capitalist and the number of projects funded are lower than the social optimum. Government tax and investment policies may alleviate these market failures. The impact of a capital gains tax, a tax on entrepreneur’s revenue, an investment subsidy to venture capitalists, and government run project enhancing programs are evaluated. Finally, we analyze the effects of a government venture capital firm competing with private venture capital. The second chapter focuses on competition in venture capital markets. We model a three-stage game of fund raising, investment in innovative projects and input of advice and effort, where fund raising is used as an entry deterrence mechanism. We examine the impacts of taxes and subsidies on venture capital market structure. We find that a tax on venture capitalist revenue and a tax on entrepreneur revenue increase the likelihood of entry deterrence and reduce the number of projects funded in equilibrium. A subsidy on investment reduces the likelihood of entry deterrence and increases the number of projects funded. The third chapter examines the venture capitalist's choice of investment in project selection skills and investment in managerial advice. We model, separately, a private venture capitalist and a labour-sponsored venture capitalist (LSVCC) with different objectives. A LSVCC is a special type of venture capitalist fund that is sponsored by a labour union. The private venture capitalist maximizes its expected profits, while the LSVCC maximizes a weighted function of expected profits and returns to labour. Consistent with empirical evidence, the quality of projects, determined by project selection skills and managerial advice, is higher for the private venture capitalist.

Pagrindinių verslo mokesčių politika AB „Mažeikių nafta“ pavyzdžiu / The Policy of the Major Business Taxes as in AB Mažeikių Nafta

Betingienė, Alma 16 August 2007 (has links)
Mokesčių politika turi lemiamą vaidmenį tiek atskiriems ūkio subjektams, verslo plėtrai, tiek valstybės ekonomikai. Verslo išvystymas yra grindžiamas mokesčių sistemos reforma. Norint sukurti efektyvią mokesčių politiką, būtini ekonominiai ūkinių subjektų tyrimai. Magistro darbe atlikta Lietuvos pagrindinių verslo mokesčių analizė, palygintos mokesčių sistemos pokyčiai ir tendencijos Europos Sąjungos šalyse. Pasitelkus horizontalios ir vertikalios finansinės analizės būdus, įvertinta 2002 – 2006 metų AB“Mažeikių nafta“ ūkinė - komercinė veikla, nustatyta pagrindinių verslo mokesčių našta įmonei. Panaudojant scenarijaus metodą, analizuota įmonės finansinė būklė, įvertinant prognozuojamas įvairias apmokestinimo strategijas. Išaiškinama kokia apmokestinimo strategija būtų naudingiausia įmonei. Patvirtinama autorės suformuota hipotezė, kad pasirinkta mokesčių politika daro tiesioginę įtaką įmonės veiklos efektyvumui bei konkurencingumui. / Tax policy has a significant influence over individual economic entities, investments and economy of the country. Business development is grounded on tax reforms. Thus, the development of an effective tax system calls for the study of business activities of the entities. The Master‘s Thesis contains the analysis of the major taxes applicable to the Lithuanian entities, the comparison of changes in tax system and the tendencies of the European Union countries. Using horizontal and vertical methods of financial analysis AB Mažeikių Nafta’s business-commercial activities of 2002-2006 were evaluated, the burden of the major taxes applicable to the Company identified. The analysis of the financial standing of the Company was performed using the scenario method taking into consideration the different forecasted taxation strategies. Finally it provides the most beneficial taxation strategy for the Company. The scientific research hypothesis of the author stating that the selected tax policy makes a direct influence to the efficiency and competitiveness of the Company activities was proved to be correct.

Three Essays on Venture Capital Finance

Peter, Jeffrey Scott Kobayahsi 29 September 2011 (has links)
Venture capital finances high-risk, high-return projects. In addition to financing, venture capitalists provide advice and expertise in management, commercialization, and development that enhance the value, success, and marketability of projects. Venture capitalists also have skills in selecting projects with potentially high returns. The first chapter investigates the contracting relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in a setting where the venture capitalist and entrepreneur contribute intangible assets (advice and effort) to a project that are non-contractible and non-verifiable. In general, in the private market equilibrium, advice provided by the venture capitalist and the number of projects funded are lower than the social optimum. Government tax and investment policies may alleviate these market failures. The impact of a capital gains tax, a tax on entrepreneur’s revenue, an investment subsidy to venture capitalists, and government run project enhancing programs are evaluated. Finally, we analyze the effects of a government venture capital firm competing with private venture capital. The second chapter focuses on competition in venture capital markets. We model a three-stage game of fund raising, investment in innovative projects and input of advice and effort, where fund raising is used as an entry deterrence mechanism. We examine the impacts of taxes and subsidies on venture capital market structure. We find that a tax on venture capitalist revenue and a tax on entrepreneur revenue increase the likelihood of entry deterrence and reduce the number of projects funded in equilibrium. A subsidy on investment reduces the likelihood of entry deterrence and increases the number of projects funded. The third chapter examines the venture capitalist's choice of investment in project selection skills and investment in managerial advice. We model, separately, a private venture capitalist and a labour-sponsored venture capitalist (LSVCC) with different objectives. A LSVCC is a special type of venture capitalist fund that is sponsored by a labour union. The private venture capitalist maximizes its expected profits, while the LSVCC maximizes a weighted function of expected profits and returns to labour. Consistent with empirical evidence, the quality of projects, determined by project selection skills and managerial advice, is higher for the private venture capitalist.

Three Essays on Venture Capital Finance

Peter, Jeffrey Scott Kobayahsi January 2011 (has links)
Venture capital finances high-risk, high-return projects. In addition to financing, venture capitalists provide advice and expertise in management, commercialization, and development that enhance the value, success, and marketability of projects. Venture capitalists also have skills in selecting projects with potentially high returns. The first chapter investigates the contracting relationship between venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in a setting where the venture capitalist and entrepreneur contribute intangible assets (advice and effort) to a project that are non-contractible and non-verifiable. In general, in the private market equilibrium, advice provided by the venture capitalist and the number of projects funded are lower than the social optimum. Government tax and investment policies may alleviate these market failures. The impact of a capital gains tax, a tax on entrepreneur’s revenue, an investment subsidy to venture capitalists, and government run project enhancing programs are evaluated. Finally, we analyze the effects of a government venture capital firm competing with private venture capital. The second chapter focuses on competition in venture capital markets. We model a three-stage game of fund raising, investment in innovative projects and input of advice and effort, where fund raising is used as an entry deterrence mechanism. We examine the impacts of taxes and subsidies on venture capital market structure. We find that a tax on venture capitalist revenue and a tax on entrepreneur revenue increase the likelihood of entry deterrence and reduce the number of projects funded in equilibrium. A subsidy on investment reduces the likelihood of entry deterrence and increases the number of projects funded. The third chapter examines the venture capitalist's choice of investment in project selection skills and investment in managerial advice. We model, separately, a private venture capitalist and a labour-sponsored venture capitalist (LSVCC) with different objectives. A LSVCC is a special type of venture capitalist fund that is sponsored by a labour union. The private venture capitalist maximizes its expected profits, while the LSVCC maximizes a weighted function of expected profits and returns to labour. Consistent with empirical evidence, the quality of projects, determined by project selection skills and managerial advice, is higher for the private venture capitalist.

Essays on Gross Receipts Taxes

Yang, Zhou 01 May 2011 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the incentives and economic effects of gross receipts taxes (GRTs) versus corporate income taxes (CITs). Conventional wisdom holds that GRTs are very poor tax instruments; however, several states have shown renewed interest in GRTs since 2002. An interesting question to ask is why states are reconsidering GRTs in spite of all criticisms. Are GRTs really as bad as what conventional wisdom says? There is little rigorous theoretical or empirical work on GRTs. My dissertation aims to help fill this gap by providing both theoretical and empirical analysis on the comparative advantages and disadvantages of GRTs versus CITs. Essay one provides the first systematic theoretical analysis to compare and contrast the incentives and economic effects of gross receipts taxes versus corporate income taxes. Specifically, it focuses on the incentives for vertical integration in the sense of make-or-buy decisions, the effects on profit shifting between out-of-state and in-state firms, the incentives to change organizational form for tax purposes, and the incentives for cost-saving innovation under each tax system. Several results contradict conventional wisdom and deepen our understanding of GRTs. Based on Essay one, Essay two empirically tests the theoretical prediction that GRTs eliminate the distortion on organizational form choice, increasing the chance for a firm to incorporate. The analysis uses state-industry panel data from Nonemployer Statistics during the period 2002- 2008. The results show that states with a GRT have a higher share of corporate firms. Further, by replacing the CIT with a GRT, states may promote the real activity of C corporations.

Le juge administratif et les libertés économiques : contribution à la définition des libertés économiques au sein de la jurisprudence adminuistrative / Administrative judges and economic freedoms : contributing to the definition of economic freedoms in administrative case law

Marson, Grégory 25 January 2012 (has links)
L'étude a pour principal objet l'identification et la définition des libertés publiques économiques au sein de la jurisprudence administrative. Au terme de cette recherche, il apparaît que la liberté d'entreprendre constitue la seule véritable liberté publique économique utilisée par le juge administratif. Elle est en effet la seule qui a pour fondement la protection de droits ou d'intérêts subjectifs liés à la personnalité juridique, en particulier celles des personnes privées. Elle recouvre deux prérogatives essentielles : l’accès à une activité économique et l’exercice d’une activité économique. Si l'expression « liberté d'entreprendre » n'est pas apparue au sein de la jurisprudence administrative mais au sein des jurisprudences constitutionnelle et européenne, il importe de ne pas se laisser abuser par les mots employés. Celle-ci est en réalité présente au sein de la jurisprudence administrative depuis fort longtemps sous l'expression « liberté du commerce et de l'industrie ». A ce titre, elle recouvre un certain nombre d'autres appellations qui varient en fonction du contexte. Même si le juge administratif considère - à l'image du juge constitutionnel ou du juge européen - qu'il s'agit d'une liberté de second rang, il n'en demeure pas moins qu'il s'agit d'une liberté de valeur constitutionnelle. La définition et la classification de la « libre concurrence » s'avèrent plus problématiques. Celle-ci recouvre deux aspects distincts :- un aspect dans lequel elle doit être envisagée comme le respect du principe d'égale concurrence, c'est-à-dire comme celui d'une déclinaison, le cas échéant rénovée, du principe d'égalité. Dans cette optique, elle peut revêtir un aspect subjectif, c’est-à-dire qu’elle protège un droit dont le fondement se trouve dans la personnalité juridique, alors même que son objet principal reste la protection du mécanisme de marché.- un aspect dans lequel elle doit être regardée comme un ordre concurrentiel. Dans cette optique, elle ne peut être assimilée à une liberté publique mais doit être envisagée comme un objectif ou un impératif d'intérêt général correspondant au bon fonctionnement concurrentiel du marché. Les prérogatives ou intérêts que les opérateurs économiques tirent de la défense de cet ordre concurrentiel ne leur sont pas accordés en raison de leur seule personnalité. Ces prérogatives et intérêts sont défendus de manière subsidiaire puisque c’est l’atteinte au fonctionnement concurrentiel du marché qui est en premier lieu et avant tout prohibée. Les prérogatives et intérêts que les opérateurs tirent de la défense de l’ordre concurrentiel trouvent leur source et leur assise dans la liberté d’entreprendre. C’est cette liberté qui octroie aux personnes morales et physiques le droit d’accéder à l’activité économique et le droit de l’exercer. La libre concurrence a pour effet de garantir et de renforcer l’effectivité de ces deux prérogatives fondamentales. / The primary purpose of this study is to identify and define economic public freedoms in administrative case law. The research shows that free enterprise is the only genuine public economic freedom relied upon by administrative judges. It is indeed the only one based on protecting the subjective rights or interests that are related to the legal personality, especially when it comes to individuals. It covers two essential rights: access to an economic activity and the running thereof. If the expression "free enterprise" was not created by the administrative judges but by the constitutional and European judges, it has however been known for a long time by administrative judges as "freedom of trade and industry." As such, it has a number of different names, which may vary depending on the context. Even if administrative judges consider – like their constitutional and European counterparts – that is it a secondary freedom, it is still a constitutional freedom.The definition and classification of "free competition" are more problematic, since such freedom covers two different aspects:- it may first be considered the respect of equal competition, as a new version of the equality principle. In this context, it can take a subjective aspect since it protects a right based on legal personality, even though its primary purpose is to protect market mechanisms.- it may also be considered as a competition system. From this perspective, it cannot be considered a public freedom but rather a goal or a requirement of general interest in the market good competitive functioning. The rights or interests of economic actors that derive from the protection of the competition system are not granted on the basis of their legal personality alone. The protection of those rights and interests in only subsidiary; interfering with free competition on the market is first and foremost prohibited. The rights and interests of economic actors in protecting the competition system have their source and guarantee in free enterprise. This freedom gives legal and natural persons the right to access and to run a business. Free competition ensures and reinforces the effectiveness of these two fundamental rights.

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