Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business school"" "subject:"dbusiness school""
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Problems affecting the growth of microfinance institutions in TanzaniaMukama, Julius 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Microfinance services in Tanzania have existed for some years, yet have remained weak and
slow to develop. Therefore, the objective of this study is to survey problems that impact on
the growth of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Tanzania. MFIs in Tanzania include
commercial banks, rural community banks, on-bank financial institutions, NGOs and Savings
and Credit Co-operative Societies (SACCOs).
The problems in the microfinance sector are prioritised and show that the lack of sufficient
capital to lend to clients is the problem that has the greatest impact on growth, followed by
education level of clients. A number of these problems show agreement as expressed by the
Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients.
The recommendations directly touch the provision of capital support to MFIs as a most
priority criteria towards MFIs growth. Sufficient capital to lend to clients can decrease the
impact of other problems that shows correlation with it, such as service quality to customers,
attraction of low income earners, client focus, small and irregular cash flows from clients, as
well as education level of clients.
Finally, it is shown by a selected best practice matrix that solutions to problems impacting on
the growth of MFIs in Tanzania depend on a combination of several best practices that can
lead to sustainable solutions. Hence MFls may find a combination of relevant best practices
that fit efficiently. effectively and economically to their respective operating environments. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mikrofinansieringsdienste in Tanzania bestaan al geruime jare, maar is ongelukkig swak
ontwikkeld en toon stadige groei. Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om probleme te
identifiseer wat impakteer op die groei van die Mikrofinansiering-instansies (MFI) in
Tanzania. MFIs in Tanzania sluit in kommersiele banke, landelike / gemeenskapsbanke, niebank
finansiele instansies, Nie-regeringsorganisasies (NGOs) en Spaar en Krediet
Samewerkende Gemeenskappe (SACCO's).
Die probleme in die mikrofinansiering-sektor is geprioritiseer en dui daarop dat die gebrek
aan beskikbaarheid van voldoende lenings-kapitaal die grootste impak op die sektor het,
gevolg deur die vlak van onderwys-opvoeding van kliente. Verskeie van die probleme gelys
vind ooreenkomste by mekaar, soos uitgelig deur die "Spearman Rank Correlation
Aanbevelings gemaak, hou direk verhand met die voorsiening van kapitale ondersteuning aan
MFIs, as die belangrikste kriteria wat sal lei tot MFI groei. Voldoende leningskapitaal kan
die impak van ander probleme wat verband hou met die tekort aan kapitaal verminder, soos
onder andere die kwaliteit van klientediens, die lae-inkomste mark wat bedien word, kliente
fokus, klein / ongereelde inkomste-strome van kliente, asook die onderwys-opvoedingsvlakke
van kliente.
Ter afsluiting, dit is getoon deur die beste praktykbeginse/s matriks, dat die oplossing vir
probleme wat impakteer op die groei van die MFI sektor in Tanzania, afhanklik is van 'n
kombinasie van verskeie beste praktykbeginsels wat kan lei tot volhoubare oplossings.
Sodoende kan MFIs 'n kombinasie van beste praktykbeginsels vind wat effektief en
ekonomies sal werk vir hulle onderskeie omgewings.
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Managerial data management applications utilising periodic data outputs from multiple legacy systems : a case within DaimlerChrysler AGTheron, Frederik J 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch Unversity, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In project environments where periodical. standardised data exports from large relational databases serve as the source data for further repetitive manipulation, relational principles can be applied to automate or facilitate this process. The subsequent data model is only valid in environments where the recipient of these data exports has no influence on the data content or
structure, and where it can be relied upon these standardised exports not to change significantly over time. This paper discusses the development of a data application within the Development department of DaimlerChrysler AG that utilises standardised data objects as data sources, along with various aspects of the Relational and Entity models that enabled additional user generated
data to be related to the data structure. It further provides a brief introduction into Agile development strategies and iterative problem solving techniques as it pertains to database development. A working build of the application containing all the source code along with a
representative data set is supplied on a CD. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In projek omgewings waar standaard, periodiese data stelle dien as die bron vir verdere
repeterende data manupulasie kan data verhoudings modelle gebruik word om die proses te outomatiseer. Die werkende data model wat hierdeur gegenereer word is slegs geldig indien die klient geen beheer kan uitoefen oor die data struktuur of inhouds vorm wat as bron gebruik word nie. Dit moet ook geredelik aanvaar kan word dat die gestandardiseerde data struktuur nie
wesenlik sal verander met tyd nie. Die studie stel ondersoek in na die ontwikkeling van 'n data program binne die ontwikkelingsdepartement van DaimlerChrysler AG asook verskye beginsels aangaande die verhoudings en entiteits modelle soos van toepassing op die ontwikkelde program.
Gestandardiseerde data stelle dien as 'n periodiese data bron vir hierdie program en word deur verhoudings beginsels gekoppel aan data wat deur gebruikers gegenereer word. 'n Werkende kopie van die program gepaartgaande met 'n verteenwoordigende data stel asook alle oorspronklike programerings kode word op 'n CD voorsien.
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Revisiting project management supporting organization culture from post 1997 literatureStrangfeld, V. 02 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An organizational culture guides members of the organization to think and behave as the
organization requires. Project management has its own culture, which could be defined as
a set of work related values and beliefs shared by project management members.
The research analyzed the Brown (2000) model and dimensions that were used to
describe a project management supportive organizational culture. These dimensions were
used as the basis of the research.
A literature study was performed on articles published after 1997 to determine if the
dimensions are still applicable to a project management supportive organizational culture,
as described in the earlier literature. Only three of the articles used for the evaluation
included a statistical analysis of the dimensions as published by the authors. Most of the
authors suggested dimensions that are supportive of project management, from practical
experience gained in the industry. A short summary is given of the dimensions of the
different articles. The dimensions were then compared to that of Brown (2000) to
determine any deviation s.
From the comparison it was found that the dimensions correspond to that what was
published by Brown, but that there was a movement away from the individual to that of
the team dimensions. Virtual team characteristics were analyzed and found that
communication and trust are some of the dimensions that contribute to a project
management supportive culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasie kultuur gee leiding aan hul lede van die professie om te dink en hul te gedra
soos wat die organisasie benodig. Projekbestuur het 'n eie kultuur wat gekenmerk word
deur werk verwante waardes en opvattings wat gedeel word deur die praktisyns daarvan.
Die navorsing analiseer Brown (2000) se model en die gepaardgaande dimensies van
organisasie kuItuur wat projekbestuur ondersteun. Hierdie dimensies was gebruik as die
basis van die navorsing.
Die literatuur studie het gefokus op artikels gepubliseer na 1997 om vas te stel of hulle
dimensies verskil van vroeere literatuur. Drie van die artikels wat geevalueer is bevat
statistiese analises van die dimensies voorgesit deur die skrywers. Die skrywers het
meestal dimensies voorgesit van projekbestuur vanuit hul praktiese ondervinding in die
industrie. 'n Kort opsomming is weergegee van die dimensies uit die onderskeie artikels.
Hierdie dimensies is dan vergelyk met die van Brown (2000) en verskille was uitgewys.
Uit die vergelyking van die dimenisies voorgesit van Brown (2000) en die ander
skrywers was daar 'n beweging weg van die individuele na 'n spandimensie gevind.
VirtueIe spanne se dimensies het meer gefokus op kommunikasie en vertroue tussen
spanlede om 'n projekbestuur organisasiekultuur te ondersteun.
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A critical analysis of Mozambique with specific reference to assessing the opportunity for a development in the clay brick industryOwen, Patrick Hugh Thomas, Surmon, Douglas Campbell 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Development in the world and particularly in South Africa has
resulted in change. This presents new opportunities and
challenges to today's managers and entrepreneurs. As a result
of our local political reform process, together with the collapse
of the Soviet Union and the general deterioration of communistic
ideologies, south Africans are experiencing a growing acceptance
back into the world and neighbouring African communities. south
African businessmen are faced with opportunities in foreign
countries, especially neighbouring African countries, with South
Africa cited as the key to Africa.
The problem South African managers face, is how to evaluate
opportunities in a neighbouring African country and to ascertain
the type of trading conditions in that country.
After eighteen years of communistic rule and ten years of civil
war Mozambique is amongst the poorest countries in the world.
World aid programs have come to the country's assistance,
introducing economic recovery programs as well as replacing the
out-dated socialistic ideas with western style free market
principles. Although the country is suffering the effects of an
ongoing civil war, indications are that a peace settlement is
imminent. The Mozambique government has .introduced an attractive
foreign investment package which is aimed at attracting foreign
capital. A first impression indicates that this country is ready
for foreign investment and exploitation, but is it?
This research proj ect firstly evaluates existing feasibility
models in an attempt to find a suitable model to assess the
feasibility of investing in a clay brickworks located in
Mozambique. Failing to find such a feasibility model, a suitable
model is then presented.
The feasibility model presented takes a holistic approach,
acknowledging that first world structures, such as a financial
or transportational infrastructure, should not be assumed to
exist. The model is divided into two parts, the first
evaluating the macro parameters of the country and the second
evaluating the micro parameters or specifics of the opportunity.
The assessment of macro parameters is divided into five sections,
namely, socio- cultural, political, economic, technological and
physical parameters. After the completion of each section
parameters are summarised and graded. At the end of the macro
parameters, an interim evaluation is required to assess whether
the country is favourable for investment. If the investor
believes the country is ready for investment, the following
section covering the micro parameters is investigated. If,
however, the investor believes that the country is not suitable
for investment then further analysis is suspended.
The second section which covers the micro parameters is also
divided into five sections, namely, financial, manufacturing,
proposed infrastructure, marketing and personnel parameters.
These parameters cover the project specifically and are similar
to those of a normal business plan. Following this analysis, a
final evaluation is done culminating in a decision on whether the
project is feasible or not .
In applying this model to evaluate the feasibility of
establishing a clay brickworks in Mozambique, the researchers
concluded at the interim evaluation that it was premature to
invest in a clay brickworks in Mozambique . This type of
investment might only become attractive after a peace settlement
were reached between the government and the resistance movement
and with the restoration of the country's infrastructure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkeling wereldwyd, en veral in Suid-Afrika, het verandering
meegebring. Dit stel nuwe geleenthede en uitdagings aan vandag
se bestuurders en entrepreneurs. Na aanleiding van veranderinge
in die politieke bestel in Suid-Afrika, die verbrokkeling van die
Sowjet-Unie en die verlies van geloofwaardigheid van die
kommunistiese ideologie, beleef Suid-Afrika toenemende
aanvaarbaarheid in die wereld asook met sy naburige Afrika lande.
Nuwe geleenthede buitelands en veral in die naburige Afrika
lande, word nou aan besigheidslui in Suid-Afrika gebied, derhalwe
word Suid- Afrika gesien as die sleutel tot Afrika.
Die probleem wat Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurders tans in die gesig
staar, is die evaluasie van lewensvatbare geleenthede in 'n naburige Afrika land en om die handelstoestande te bepaal
waaronder hulle sal moet funksioneer.
Na agtien jaar van kommunistiese heerskappy en tien jaar van
burgeroorloe is Mosambiek een van die armste lande ter wereld.
Buitelandse noodlenigingsprogramme het tot die land se redding
gekom met die daarstel van ekonomiese herstel programme sowel as
die vervanging van sosialistiese idees met 'n Westerse
Alhoewel Mosambiek nog swaar gebuk gaan onder burgeroorloe, is
daar wel aanduidings dat 'n vredesooreenkoms onafwendbaar is.
Die Mosambiekse regering bied tans aantreklike beleggingspakkette
aan wat hoofsaaklik gerig is op die buitelandse belegger. Die
eerste indrukke wat gelaat word, is dat Mosambiek gereed is vir
buitelandse belegging en ontginning. Die vraag is, is dit wel so?
Hierdie navorsingsprojek evalueer eerstens bestaande
uitvoerbaarheidsmodelle ten einde 'n toepaslike model te vind om
die uitvoerbaarheid te bepaal van investering in 'n
kleibaksteenfabriek in Mosambiek.
Die uitvoerbaarheidsmodel wat hier voorgestel word, neem 'n
holistiese benadering aan, met die erkenning dat elemente soos die finansiele- en vervoer-infrastruktuur nie noodwendig tans
bestaan nie. Die model is verdeel in twee dele waarvan die
eerste die makro- parameters van die land evalueer, en die tweede
die mikra-parameters, of spesifieke besonderhede aangaande die
Die evaluering van makro- parameters word opgedeel in vyf
afdelings, naamlik, die sosio-kulturele, politiese, ekonomiese,
tegnologiese en fisiese parameters. Na voltooiing van elke
afdeling word 'n kort opsomming en gradering gedoen. Aan die
einde van die deel wat handel oor makro-parameters, is daar 'n tussentydse evaluasie gedoen om te bepaal of die land gunstig is
vir beleggings. As die belegger glo dat die land gereed is vir
belegging, word die volgende afdeling, naamlik mikro-parameters,
ondersoek. Indien die belegger egter van mening is dat die land
nie geskik is vir beleggings nie, word die ontleding na die
eerste gedeelte gestaak.
Die tweede afdeling, wat na mikro-parameters verwys, word ook in
vyf sub- afdelings opgedeel, naamlik, finansieel, vervaardiging,
voorgestelde infrastruktuur, bemarking en personeel parameters.
Hierdie parameters is soortgelyk aan 'n gewone besigheidsplan
en is omvattend en spesifiek. Hierdie ontleding word gevolg deur
'n finale evaluasie wat uitloop op 'n besluit of die projek
uitvoerbaar is of nie.
Deur middel van die toepassing van hierdie model om die
lewensvatbaarheid van die vestiging van 'n kleibaksteenfabriek
in Mosambiek te evalueer, het die navorsers in die tussentydse
ontleding getoon dat so 'n belegging nie op hierdie stadium
lewensvatbaar sal wees nie. 'n Belegging sal moontlik aantreklik
wees nadat daar ' n vredesooreenkoms bereik word tussen die
regering en die weerstandsbeweging, en met die herstel van die
land se infrastruktuur.
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Estratégias de captação de recursos aplicáveis à realidade das faculdades de administração de instituições de ensino superior brasileiras / Fundraising strategies applicable to the business schools of Brazilian higher education institutionsRiscarolli, Valeria 14 November 2007 (has links)
A sustentabilidade econômica das instituições de ensino superior (IES) no Brasil vem sendo cada vez mais discutida como uma questão estratégica. No setor público, a dificuldade do Estado de garantir verbas para a sustentabilidade das instituições mostra que há restrições a investimentos para melhoria da qualidade e expansão dessas instituições. No setor privado, a dependência quase exclusiva das mensalidades dos alunos também torna-se um forte restringente da capacidade de investimentos em infra-estrutura, qualidade dos serviços educacionais e pesquisa. Alternativas financeiras, por isso, impõem-se como importante suporte à sobrevivência e continuidade das instituições. Captação de recursos na sociedade pode ser uma alternativa viável, usada comumente pelas IES norte-americanas e tem se transformado em item indispensável em seu orçamento. Seria possível aplicar as estratégias de captação usadas pelas instituições norte-americanas em faculdades de Administração no Brasil? Esta pesquisa estuda a exeqüibilidade de aplicação das estratégias de captação usadas por aquelas instituições na realidade das suas congêneres brasileiras. O método usado foi um estudo de multicaso, em três instituições norte-americanas, uma pública e duas privadas, e em três congêneres brasileiras, avaliando-se contexto, origem e estrutura, papel e finalidades, estratégias, cultura e legislação, e voluntariado. Os principais resultados indicam que nas estratégias de captação das instituições estrangeiras pesquisadas as atividades de captação são centralizadas, usufruem de contexto cultural e legal positivo para a doação, focam mais em indivíduos do que em empresas e atrelam as solicitações a atributos institucionais de credibilidade, garantia de execução dos projetos, flexibilidade, conveniência e interesse dos doadores. Um grande contingente de voluntários é utilizado na captação dessas instituições. As conclusões são de que não há restrições significativas para a aplicação das estratégias usadas pelas instituições norte-americanas na realidade brasileira. A captação de recursos nas congêneres brasileiras é ainda incipiente, não é item orçamentário e voluntários não são utilizados para este fim. Finalmente, contribuições à formulação de estratégias de captação nas instituições brasileiras são sugeridas. / The economic sustainability of higher education institutions in Brazil becomes a strategic issue for these institutions\' survival. For public institutions, Government hurdles to guarantee financial resources cause a strong restriction to investments in quality improvement and institutional expansion. For private institutions, exclusive dependence on tuition causes , on the other hand, a strong restriction to the ability to keep infra-structure, quality of educational services and research abreast. Hence, financial alternatives are vital for continuity of these institutions. Fundraising could be a viable alternative, since this is a commonly used way by American higher education institutions and is an indispensable budget item. Would it be possible to use American higher education fundraising strategies in Brazilian Management School of higher education? This research targets at studying the viability of transferring American higher education fundraising strategies to the Brazilian counterparts. A multicase study was used to study three American, one public and two private, higher education institutions and three Brazilian similar institutions. Context, Structure and Origins; Role and Function; Strategies; Culture and Legislation and Volunteering were studied. Main results indicate that American researched institutions centralize fundraising activities, take advantage of cultural and legal context, target more individual donors than organizations and link soliciting to institutional attributes like credibility and continuity of projects. They also leverage on campaigns\' attributes such as convenience, flexibility and donors interest. Main conclusions show that there is no serious restrictions to use American higher education fundraising strategies in the Brazilian counterparts. Fundraising among Brazilian higher education institutions is still very incipient, it did not become yet a budget item and volunteers are not used whatsoever. Finally, contributions to fundraising strategy formulation for Brazilian higher education are proposed.
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Shaping the Identity of the International Business School : -Accreditation as the Road to Success?Palmqvist, Monica January 2009 (has links)
<p>Internationalization is an important strategic issue for survival for most business schools of today. Following this, various international accreditation bodies have in recent years been very successful in promoting accreditation as a means of gaining status and prove high quality. These business school accreditation schemes clearly state their targets against top quality international schools and programs. Internationalization of the business school operations can thus be stated to be of vital importance for schools aiming for one or more of these accreditations. The intention of this study is to turn the issue around and explore to which extent, and with what kind of impact, the accreditation processes in turn have on the area of internationalization within the business school organization.</p><p> </p><p>The theoretical framework consists of three main areas: ’The Business School Environment’, ‘Strategy as Practice’ and ‘Institutional Theory’. The first part aims to reach an understanding for the environment and situation that business schools of today are facing. It also highlights major challenges for the future. In the second part, Strategy as Practice research theories are used to gain understanding for strategy behaviour and strategy creation within pluralistic organizations, such as the higher education institution. The third part deals with issues on Quality Frameworks with the aim to reach understanding for the impact such processes can have on the organization. Sensemaking Theory is further used to illustrate the rational behind decision making of business school leaders and the concluding part connects theories on quality frameworks to Identity Creation, linking together identity with culture and image.</p><p> </p><p>The research approach for this qualitative study is the abductive one and the empirical data is collected through a number of semi-structured interviews with business school representatives at various levels working in the area of international relations.</p><p> </p><p>Main findings are presented within the framework of a time structured (past, present, future) model connected to the study’s five objectives: The development of internationalization within the school; the view on internationalization among organizational members; the characteristics of decision making and implementation processes; the main impact factors of accreditation and the expectations of major future challenges.</p><p> </p><p>The results indicate that although accreditation has shown to have had a substantial impact on the success of business school operations in an international perspective, it is to a much lesser extent a concrete tool for change and improvement within the area of internationalization as such. Accreditation has shown to be strongly connected to previous development and view on internationalization within the organizations. Also, a strong belief in, and commitment to, internationalization among influential organizational members has proved to be vital for the accreditation processes. Furthermore, a number of unique characteristics connected to the identities’ of the organizations studied, showed to have notable impact on the success of the schools’ international operations, so also the accreditation processes. This includes organizational culture and tradition; working methods; dissemination of information; strong social connections; knowledge, dedication and commitment by individuals and management’s ability to provide organizational members with trust, respect, autonomy and encouragement.</p>
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Hur kan en handelshögskola marknadsföra sig? : En fallstudie av Handelshögskolan vid Karlstads universitet / How can you market a business school?Joandén, Daniella, Jahic, Adnan January 2013 (has links)
Kampen om studenterna blir allt hårdare för handelshögskolorna, och studieplatserna blir allt fler. Det gäller för handelshögskolorna att attrahera studenterna att just välja dem som studieplats. Handelshögskolorna är idag i en kamp där det gäller att sticka ut och erbjuda det lilla extra som skiljer en handelshögskola från dess konkurrenter. Konkurrensen är hård, och utbildningarna är oftast av samma kvalité. Ändå finns det handelshögskolor som Handelshögskolan i Stockholm och Handelshögskolan i Göteborg som ligger i toppskiktet. För Handelshögskolan i Karlstad gäller det att sticka ut bland de etablerade och traditionella handelshögskolorna i landet. Handelshögskolan måste hitta ett effektivt sätt att sticka ut och konkurrera på bland de stora handelshögskolorna i landet. En sak som är säker är att tid är en viktig variabel. Att bygga upp ett högt anseende tar tid och få potentiella studenter att vet vad handelshögskolan står för och vad studenterna kan få ut av det. Som ny och ung är det alltid svårt, därför är det nu upp till Handelshögskolan i Karlstad att finnas där studenten finns, och lyssna på vad studenterna vill. Samtidigt som handelshögskolan ska erbjuda utbildningar av hög kvalité och med tiden bygga sitt varumärke ännu starkare. För att bli en framgångsrik handelshögskola krävs de generellt goda kontakter i näringslivet och att kunna erbjuda praktiska inslag i utbildningarna i form av praktik och samarbete med partnerföretag i näringslivet. Handelshögskolorna måste även ha en stark profil som syns generellt i marknadsföringen av handelshögskolan. / The battle for students is getting tougher for business schools, and study sites abound. It applies for business schools to attract students to choose them as their place to study. Business schools are in a battle where you have to stand out and offer that extra something that separates you from your competitors. The competition is fierce and the training is generally of the same quality, but still there are those business schools like the School of Economics in Stockholm and Gothenburg that are located at the top. For the Business School in Karlstad it applies to stand out among the established and traditional business schools in the country. One must find an effective way to stand out and fight among the major business schools in the country. One thing for sure is that time is the most important variable, to build up a good reputation and a strong brand, that potential students know what you stand for and what they can get from you is the winning recipe. But as a new and young, it is always difficult, so it is now up to the Business School in Karlstad to be where the students are, and listen to what the students’ want, while you can offer high quality and with time build their brand even stronger. I order to be a success full business school it requires generally good contacts in the business community and to offer students practical elements in their education, such as intern ships and co-operation with business partners. Business schools must also have a strong profile that is seen generally in the marketing of the business school.
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Shaping the Identity of the International Business School : Accreditation as the Road to Success?Palmqvist, Monica January 2009 (has links)
Internationalization is an important strategic issue for survival for most business schools of today. Following this, various international accreditation bodies have in recent years been very successful in promoting accreditation as a means of gaining status and prove high quality. These business school accreditation schemes clearly state their targets against top quality international schools and programs. Internationalization of the business school operations can thus be stated to be of vital importance for schools aiming for one or more of these accreditations. The intention of this study is to turn the issue around and explore to which extent, and with what kind of impact, the accreditation processes in turn have on the area of internationalization within the business school organization. The theoretical framework consists of three main areas: ’The Business School Environment’, ‘Strategy as Practice’ and ‘Institutional Theory’. The first part aims to reach an understanding for the environment and situation that business schools of today are facing. It also highlights major challenges for the future. In the second part, Strategy as Practice research theories are used to gain understanding for strategy behaviour and strategy creation within pluralistic organizations, such as the higher education institution. The third part deals with issues on Quality Frameworks with the aim to reach understanding for the impact such processes can have on the organization. Sensemaking Theory is further used to illustrate the rational behind decision making of business school leaders and the concluding part connects theories on quality frameworks to Identity Creation, linking together identity with culture and image. The research approach for this qualitative study is the abductive one and the empirical data is collected through a number of semi-structured interviews with business school representatives at various levels working in the area of international relations. Main findings are presented within the framework of a time structured (past, present, future) model connected to the study’s five objectives: The development of internationalization within the school; the view on internationalization among organizational members; the characteristics of decision making and implementation processes; the main impact factors of accreditation and the expectations of major future challenges. The results indicate that although accreditation has shown to have had a substantial impact on the success of business school operations in an international perspective, it is to a much lesser extent a concrete tool for change and improvement within the area of internationalization as such. Accreditation has shown to be strongly connected to previous development and view on internationalization within the organizations. Also, a strong belief in, and commitment to, internationalization among influential organizational members has proved to be vital for the accreditation processes. Furthermore, a number of unique characteristics connected to the identities’ of the organizations studied, showed to have notable impact on the success of the schools’ international operations, so also the accreditation processes. This includes organizational culture and tradition; working methods; dissemination of information; strong social connections; knowledge, dedication and commitment by individuals and management’s ability to provide organizational members with trust, respect, autonomy and encouragement.
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Service Firms in an Early stage of InternationalizationFlodin, Ellen, Jansson, Frida January 2012 (has links)
Purpose The aim of this study is to explore, describe and analyze how service firms overcome barriers of internationalization at an early stage. Thus, this study is aiming to increase a better understanding of what kind of preconditions these firms have in the very early stages of internationalization. Methodology This research has been based on qualitative case study and abductive approach. We wanted to pursue this research strategy since we were aiming to receive an in-depth understanding of service firms’ early internationalization process. A delimitation we further have applied in this study is a focus only on early entry to Norwegian market and on Swedish consulting firms. These delimitations have been based mainly on the fact that it would be easier to compare the results from the empirical data. We have furthermore conducting a total of 5 interviews with 6 interviewees. Three of these have been with our chosen case companies and the other two have been with two external actors with profound knowledge about the Norwegian market. Conclusions In our conclusions, we have identified the main characteristics of barriers in an early internationalization stage for service firms and enablers to overcome these barriers. The three key enablers are networks and relationships, international entrepreneurship and presence at the foreign market.
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An evaluation of the ethical behaviour of MBA students at a selected business school / Rapule S.O.Rapule, Sello Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Business schools have been under scrutiny over the last few years with regard to the type of
manager leaders that they produce. This is because the business sector has suffered significantly,
both financially and in terms of global reputation due to the unethical conduct of those in
management and leadership of the organisations. The scandals that rocked the world in recent
times, from business entities such as Enron and Tiger Brands provide examples of the unethical
behaviour in the day–to–day running of business and further bring forth the essential need for an
in–depth study in the behaviour of the manager–leaders.
These manager–leaders are said to be graduates from business schools around the world.
Researchers and business schools have started to put emphasis on the importance of ethical
behaviour in manager–leaders. Business schools in particular have introduced and included
business law and ethics as one of the modules in the curriculum of the MBA program so as to
inculcate the ethical conduct in the present and emerging manager–leaders in organisations.
Therefore, this study is based on the evaluation of the ethical behaviour of the MBA students at a
selected business school in South Africa.
The subjects of this study (MBA students) were subjected to questionnaires that prompted their
convictions with regard to ethical behaviour at personal (individual) level and on company level
as well. The results of the study indicated that the MBA students at this selected business school
are ethical in behaviour at both individual and company levels, hence complied with principles
that are guidelines in the renowned King reports. However, a comparative study with other
business schools will be necessary so as to measure the relative ethical behaviour of the MBA
students at other business schools. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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