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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Современное состояние рынка кредитования субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства в России, проблемы и перспективы развития : магистерская диссертация / The current state of the lending market for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia, problems and development prospects

Голованова, К. А., Golovanova, K. A. January 2021 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, библиографический список. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические аспекты организации кредитования субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства. Во второй главе проанализировано современное состояние рынка кредитования субъектов малого и среднего бизнеса в России и на примере кредитной организации. В третьей главе выявлены основные проблемы в области кредитования субъектов малого и среднего бизнеса в России и представлены пути их решения. В заключении сформированы основные выводы проведенного исследования. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography. The first chapter examines the theoretical aspects of the organization of lending to small and medium-sized businesses. The second chapter analyzes the current state of the lending market for small and medium-sized businesses in Russia and on the example of a credit institution. The third chapter identifies the main problems in the field of lending to small and medium-sized businesses in Russia and presents ways to solve them. In the conclusion, the main conclusions of the study are formed.

A comparative study of tax incentives for small businesses in South Africa, Australia, India and the United Kingdom

Ssennyonjo, Peter 07 1900 (has links)
This study discusses South Africa’s tax incentives for small businesses and identifies shortcomings and areas of concern within the tax incentive regimes. A comparison of small business tax incentives provided by Australia, India, and the United Kingdom is made with South Africa’s small business tax incentives to identify similarities and differences, and new lessons are learned from the approaches of other countries. As a result of the comparison with the tax dispensations available to small businesses in other countries, the study recommends additional tax incentives that could be implemented by South Africa. Only those tax incentives that are available in other countries but not in South Africa that were deemed worthwhile were recommended to be introduced in the Republic. Recommendations were also made based on the gaps identified in South Africa’s small business tax incentives. / College of Accounting Sciences / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

The strategic processes of small businesses operating in a turbulent environment: a retail community pharmacy perspective

Naidoo, Kamsaladevi Kumudini 03 1900 (has links)
In South Africa, the small business sector has been identified as a sector that is not performing optimally. In a turbulent environment, this type of small business profile is magnified. Therefore, it is important to examine mechanisms through which the performance of this sector can be enhanced. Dynamic capabilities have emerged as a strategic tool of the highest order in terms of firm management and strengthening these capabilities is a key concern for firms that operate in a turbulent environment. Dynamic capabilities are described as the processes required to reconfigure existing resources into new functional competencies. Therefore, this study investigated the strategic processes of small businesses and developed a new strategic model and theory to illustrate and elucidate intervention mechanisms and strategies to strengthen the dynamic capabilities of these small businesses. Methodology: The retail community pharmacy sector was chosen as a model sector for this study since it is a sector that comprises mainly of small businesses and it is currently experiencing environmental turbulence. The methodology followed an initial exploratory, qualitative approach followed by a formal, empirical, quantitative approach. The research questionnaire was derived after ensuring that content validity, criterion related validity, construct validity and reliability criteria were met. This questionnaire was administered to a sample of 477 out of a population of 2549 small businesses in the retail community pharmacy sector, using an unrestricted, simple, random, probability sampling approach. As a consequence of having received 130 completed questionnaires, the results obtained in this study were expressed at the 95% confidence level with a confidence interval of 0.08. Results and Discussion: From a gap analysis of the level of importance of dynamic capabilities and their extent of implementation, seven dynamic capabilities whose implementation can be enhanced by an alteration of the management importance perception of them, were extracted. These capabilities revolve around staff reward, well-being, empowerment and education and training, as well as the abilities of the small business leadership to sense the environment and opportunities while being sensitive to stakeholder needs. Through a consolidation of the results of the gap analysis, a model for the initiation and the sustaining of innovative resource reconfigurations was developed. Conclusion: For the management practice setting, this study�s findings suggest that the dynamic capabilities of small firms operating in a turbulent environment can be enhanced and strengthened by the employment of the model developed by this study. From a management education perspective, this study�s findings also suggest that the employment of specific and focussed management education that revolves around the seven identified processes will enable not only the initiating phase of the proposed model but will also provide a multiplier effect in the model since management capability is also part of the general resource base of the firm. This study thus proposes the use of these management practice and educational approaches to strengthen and enhance the dynamic capabilities of small businesses operating in a turbulent environment. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D. BL.

Success factors in sustaining strategic alliances between large and small businesses in the IT sector in South Africa

Smith, Esme Joy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Collaborative strategies such as strategic alliances are being adopted by small and large companies to gain a competitive advantage in a fast changing global and local business environment. Companies are recognising the value of achieving their business goals through mutually beneficial strategic alliances. Strategic alliances provide a more flexible, non-permanent means through collaborative engagement between companies to attain complementary services, skills, products and resources. This study aimed to contribute to an understanding of the nature of strategic alliances between large and small companies within the information technology (IT) sector in South Africa and to highlight the particular dynamics, challenges and success factors from the perspective of these companies. The research question posed was: "What are the success factors that impact on the sustainability of strategic alliances between large and small companies within the IT industry in South Africa?" In this study, a strategic alliance was defined as a "co-operative arrangement between two or more local and / or global firms that invest in a collaborative effort to achieve their individual and mutual goals and positively impact their competitive positioning". Limited research had been conducted on strategic alliances in South Africa in general and no research was available on the IT sector. This exploratory research study was conducted to provide an overview of the dynamics and issues related to strategic alliances keeping the respective contexts of small and large companies in mind. This study contributes to an understanding of the respective contributions of small and large companies in complementing their respective strengths and experiences to achieve business objectives. This area of study supports government policies and initiatives in promoting the collaboration between large and small companies in developing the economy and the small business sector in particular. Within a dynamic and fast-growing information communications technology (ICT) sector, there are increasing opportunities for strategic alliances between small and large companies within the IT sub-sector. A qualitative, inductive research approach was used to determine the kind of alliances that existed, test the themes identified in the literature review in relation to the South African context and identify new insights based on the experiences of respondents engaged in strategic alliance relationships. This approach supported the assumption that the circumstances explored are complex and dynamic and require flexibility both in the approach and methods used. Semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were used as the instrument or method of data collection. An interviewer guide was developed to direct the interview. Themes and key factors identified through the literature review provided input into the structure and content of the interviews. Three small and three large companies from the IT sector were interviewed as part of this study. The number of employees was used as the primary indicator of company size using the guidelines provided by the DTI. Research results indicated that the main motivations for engaging in strategic alliances included risk sharing, access to new markets, expanded product service offerings, complementary skills and learning, funding support and enhancing competitive positioning. The primary motivator that all respondents identified was 'collaborative bidding for business'. Forty-three percent of alliances of the small and large companies interviewed were with small companies. Small companies indicated a wider range of alliances and included partnering with micro enterprises to large multinationals in their alliance formations. Strategic alliances were monitored and measured by all respondents. Quantitative measures were used most frequently and included measures such as profitability, delivery to project deadlines, meeting service levels and delivery to baseline commitments made in the solutions submitted to clients. Qualitative measures were identified but applied in a less structured way. Challenges identified by small and large companies included achieving an understanding of the culture and needs of small and large companies, managing the financial challenges, relationship management and dealing with co-opetition where competitors are incorporated into the strategic alliance. Respondents all indicated that the value of strategic alliances outweigh the cost of establishing and managing strategic alliances particularly between small and large companies. The success factors identified were largely similar between small and large companies. The highest ranked factors identified by small companies were partner selection and benefit analysis whereas leadership and strategy were the main priority factors for large companies. It is recommended that further research be conducted into measuring and monitoring methods that assists in monitoring the effectiveness of alliances and to develop the capacity of strategic alliance managers in managing the complex of relationships between alliance members, alliance delivery performance and client demands and influences on the strategic alliance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klein en groot maatskappye gebruik toenemend samewerkingstrategiee soos strategiese alliansies om 'n kompeterende voorsprong te verkry in 'n vinnig veranderende globale en plaaslike besigheidsomgewing. Maatskappye besef die waarde daarvan om hulle besigheidsdoelwitte te bereik deur wedersydse voordelige strategiese alliansies. Strategiese alliansies verskaf 'n buigsamer, nie-permanente metode, deur middel van samewerking tussen maatskappye, waarmee bykomende dienste, vaardighede, produkte en hulpbronne verkry kan word. Hierdie studie beoog om by te dra tot die begrip van die aard van strategiese alliansies tussen groot en klein maatskappye in die Informasie Tegnologiesektor (IT-sektor) in Suid-Afrika en om die spesifieke dinamika, uitdagings en suksesfaktore vanuit die perspektief van hierdie maatskappye te belig. Die navorsingsvraag is: "Wat is die suksesfaktore wat 'n impak het op die volhoubaarheid van strategiese alliansies tussen groot en klein maatskappye in die IT-bedryf in Suid-Afrika?" In hierdie studie word 'n strategiese alliansie gedefinieer as 'n "samewerkingsooreenkoms tussen twee of meer plaaslike en / of globale maatskappye wat bele in 'n samewerkingspoging om hulle individuele en gesamentlike doelwitte te bereik en wat 'n positiewe uitwerking het op hulle kompeterende posisionering." Beperkte navorsing is al gedoen oor strategiese alliansies in Suid-Afrika in die algemeen en geen navorsing was beskikbaar oor die IT-bedryf nie. Hierdie ondersoekende navorsingstudie is gedoen om 'n verkennende oorsig te verskaf van die dinamika en kwessies verwant aan strategiese alliansies, spesifiek binne die konteks van onderskeidelik klein en groot maatskappye. Hierdie studie dra by tot 'n begrip van die onderskeie bydraes van klein en groot maatskappye in soverre hulle onderskeie sterk punte en ervarings mekaar komplementeer om besigheidsdoelwitte te bereik. Die navorsingsveld ondersteun ook die regering se beleid en inisiatiewe om samewerking tussen groot en klein maatskappye te bevorder en daardeur die ekonomie, spesifiek die kleinsakesektor, te ontwikkel. Binne 'n dinamiese en snelgroeiende Informasie- en Kommunikasiesektor (IKT-sektor), is daar toenemend geleenthede vir strategiese alliansies tussen klein en groot maatskappye binne die IT-subsektor. 'n Kwalitatiewe, inleidende navorsingsbenadering is gebruik om die tipe alliansies wat bestaan te bepaal, die geidentifiseerde temas uit 'n literatuurstudie, toegespits op die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie, te toets en nuwe insigte, gebaseer op die ervarings van die respondente in strategiese alliansieverhoudings, te identifiseer. Hierdie benadering het die aanname bevestig dat die omstandighede wat ondersoek is, kompleks en dinamies is, en buigsaamheid in beide die benadering en metodiek, vereis. Gedeeltelik gestruktureerde, persoonlike onderhoude is gebruik as die navorsingsinstrument of -metode van dataversameling. 'n Vraelys is opgestel as riglyn vir die onderhoude. Die temas en kernfaktore, wat geidentifiseer is uit die literatuuroorsig, het insette vir die struktuur en inhoud van die onderhoude verskaf. Drie klein en drie groot maatskappye in die IT-bedryf is as deel van hierdie studie nagevors. Die getal werknemers is gebruik as die belangrikste bepaler van die maatskappy se grootte volgens die riglyne verskaf deur die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid (DHN). Die navorsingsresultate het aangedui dat die belangrikste beweegredes vir die sluit van strategiese alliansies die volgende is: gedeelde risiko's, toegang tot nuwe markte, uitgebreide produk- / diensaanbiedings, aanvullende vaardighede en opleiding, steun vir befondsing en die bevordering van kompeterende posisionering. Die belangrikste beweegrede wat alle respondente geidentifiseer het, was "gesamentlike tender vir besigheid" . Drie-en-veertig persent van die alliansies van die klein en groot maatskappye wat ondersoek is, was met klein maatskappye. Klein maatskappye het 'n wyer verskeidenheid van alliansies, insluitend vennootskappe van mikro-ondernemings tot groot multinasionale maatskappye, in hulle alliansievormings, ingesluit. Strategiese alliansies is deur alle respondente gemonitor en gemeet. Kwantitatiewe meetinstrumente is die meeste gebruik en het maatstawwe bevat soos winsgewendheid, lewering binne die projek se spertye, die nakom van diensvlakvereistes en die nakom van die aanvanklike ooreenkoms in die oplossings voorgehou aan die kliente. Kwalitatiewe meetinstrumente is ook geidentifiseer, maar minder gestruktureerd toegepas. Die volgende uitdagings is deur beide klein en groot maatskappye geidentifiseer: om'n begrip te vorm van die kultuur en behoeftes van klein en groot maatskappye, bestuur van die finansiele uitdagings, verhoudingsbestuur en die hantering van kooptering waar mededingers in die strategiese alliansie ingesluit is. Al die respondente het aangedui dat die waarde van strategiese alliansies die koste verbonde aan die sluit en bestuur van strategiese alliansies oortref, veral tussen klein en groot maatskappye. Die suksesfaktore wat geidentifiseer is, was hoofsaaklik dieselfde by klein en groot maatskappye. Die faktore wat die meeste waardeer is deur die klein maatskappye, was die keuse van vennote en voordele-analises, terwyl leierskap en strategie die twee hooffaktore vir die groot maatskappye was. Daar word aanbeveel dat verdere navorsing gedoen word oor meetinstrurnente en moniteringmetodes wat kan help om die effektiwiteit van alliansies te monitor. Die kapasiteit van strategiese alliansiebestuurders om die verskeidenheid van verhoudings tussen alliansielede, alliansie-diensleweringvermoens en klientvereistes en invloede op die strategiese alliansie, te bestuur, moet ook ontwikkel word.

Influences on small firm growth rates in Ghana : factors which influence small firm growth rates and which are important in distinguishing rapid-growth small firms from slow-growth small firms

Dzotefe, S. A. January 2008 (has links)
Although the development of small businesses is generally considered important for income generation and job creation, there has been relatively little research in developing countries such as Ghana on understanding why some small firms succeed and grow rapidly while others do not in. This thesis investigates the influences on small firm growth rates in Ghana using data from a random sample of 252 manufacturing and services firms from the database of the Association of Ghana Industries. The general hypothesis is that, growth is a function of the characteristics of the entrepreneur; characteristics of the firm; strategic factors; environmental factors; and cultural factors. Consequently, the research tests 36 hypotheses drawn from the five main categories of variables using the turnover and the employment growth measures. It also uses logistic regression analysis to isolate significant factors differentiating rapid-growth firms from slow-growth firms. Overall, the research finds strong evidence which suggests that, perception of a market opportunity; university education; multiple founders; entrepreneurs with marketing skills; workforce training; new product development; presence of a clear vision and mission statement; majority non-family members in management and membership of professional or business associations were associated with rapid-growth firms. iv Factors which were significant in discriminating between rapid-growth and slow-growth firms but were more likely to be associated with slow-growth firms included threat of unemployment or actual unemployment as a motivation for starting a business; production skills; legal form (limited liability companies); access to external equity (post-formation); exporting; access to public or external aid; unionization and frequent management meetings.

www.crimesagainstchildren.com: addressing child pornography via the internet in Africa

Asubiaro, Omowumi Modupe January 2004 (has links)
The study focus on child pornography on the Internet as a manifestation of sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children. The debate centres around the exacerbated effect of child pornography on victims and subsequent effects on the society. Ultimately, the study aims to highlight the various legal and non-legal responses specific to child pornography on the Internet with a view to proffer solutions to African states on how to deal with the problem. The study also lend an African voice to the ongoing debate on how to deal with the problem of child pornography on the Internet

Community College Collaboration with Business and Industry in Providing Workplace Literacy Programs: a Modified Case Study of Five Corporate Programs in a Metropolitan Area

Kutilek, Janis G. (Janis Gayle) 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to provide both businesses and institutions of higher education with a descriptive analysis of the programs of five companies that have utilized community colleges in their basic skills programs. The five companies represented included Texas Instruments Defense Systems Corporation and SGS-Thomson Microelectronics (electronics companies), Abbott Laboratories (a pharmaceutical company), J & E Die Casting (a small die casting firm), and Company X, a semiconductor company that requested anonymity. The community colleges included were Richland College, Brookhaven College, and North Lake College. Modified case studies were used to obtain data collected through individual interviews with representatives from the community colleges and the companies. The syntheses of documentaries provided details of how the five community college-directed workplace literacy programs met, or failed to meet, their literacy challenges. Descriptions of the curriculum and structure of each program were also included. Numerous factors contributed to the success or demise of the programs studied. Elements that served as powerful assets when adequately supported were detrimental when neglected. Factors common to all of the programs were financial support, management philosophical support, confidentiality, adequate testing instruments, class schedule flexibility, instructor capability, physical classroom facilities, and work-related documentation integrated into the curriculum. The findings of this study support previous research concerning successful and detrimental factors found in workplace literacy programs.

The Role of Workstation-Based Client/Server Systems in Changing Business Processes: a Multiple Case Study

Nik Hassan, Nik Rushdi 12 1900 (has links)
Although several studies question information technology's contribution to productivity, organizations continue to invest in client/server systems (CSSs) particularly as enablers of business process reengineering (BPR). These efforts may be wasted if they do not improve business processes. This study focused on business processes and investigated the role of workstation-based CSSs in changing business processes. A multiple case study of workstation-based CSS databases in three organizations was performed with the proposition that they moderate the relation between managerial action and changes within business processes. The research framework suggested that changes to business processes are achieved by reducing uncertainty. In order to measure change in business processes, this study categorized business process change into: (1) compressing sequential tasks across functions, (2) compressing tasks vertically within the managerial hierarchy, (3) eliminating slack resources, (4) reducing the distance between the point of decision and the point of information or eliminating intermediaries, (5) reconfiguring sequential processes to operate in parallel, and (6) linking parallel activities during the process. Data collected from questionnaires, interviews, and observations from three case studies were used to construct network diagrams, relationship matrices, reachability matrices, and task tables of business processes. The results of this research partially support the proposition that managerial action affects business process change by reducing uncertainty. This research suggests that changes in the use of workstation-based CSSs are related to changes in business processes. However, because ofthe small sample size, no finding was made regarding changes in the strength of that relationship. Therefore, within its limitations, this research (1) partially supports the proposition that CSSs moderate changes in business processes, (2) found that both favorable and unfavorable changes may result from using CSSs, (3) explains how business process change occurs, and (4) suggests new variables for measuring successful BPR.

L'influence du gouvernement corporatif des entreprises familiales sur son comportement financier : le cas de la République Dominicaine / The influence of the corporate governance of the family business in his financial behavior : the Dominican Republic Case

Severino Bueno, Illuminada del Carmen 23 June 2012 (has links)
Long term family fortune preservation is a matter of human behavior; it is a dynamic process of activity or group governance that has to be reenergized successfully in each successive generation to overcome the threat of falling into entropy. Each successive generation has to reaffirm its participation in such government system.Family enterprises are the fundamental actors of the economic activity, and also constitute a stability factor of the productive system, because the majority of them is small or medium-sized (SMEs), and that is why it is interesting to investigate their financial behavior.There is little knowledge concerning financing decisions of enterprises on emerging markets. There is a particular need of empirical work that identifies the financial patterns of developing countries enterprises. It is possible that these enterprises are creating a new financial structure that results convenient for their particular environment. / Long term family fortune preservation is a matter of human behavior; it is a dynamic process of activity or group governance that has to be reenergized successfully in each successive generation to overcome the threat of falling into entropy. Each successive generation has to reaffirm its participation in such government system.Family enterprises are the fundamental actors of the economic activity, and also constitute a stability factor of the productive system, because the majority of them is small or medium-sized (SMEs), and that is why it is interesting to investigate their financial behavior.There is little knowledge concerning financing decisions of enterprises on emerging markets. There is a particular need of empirical work that identifies the financial patterns of developing countries enterprises. It is possible that these enterprises are creating a new financial structure that results convenient for their particular environment.

Globalizace: společensko-politické důsledky činnosti nadnárodních korporací / Globalization: social-political effects of activities of multinational corpotations

Koryntová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
This thesis entitled "Globalization: the sociopolitical consequences of the activities of supranational corporations" examines the effects of actions of supranational organizations in the process of globalization, on the basis of contemporary sociological literature. In the first two chapters I assess the process of globalization itself and its most important aspects. The third chapter inspects the supranational corporations, their development, functioning and characteristic attributes and then presents the consequences of these actions. The final chapter focuses on socially responsible behavior.

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