Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deactivation"" "subject:"bioactivation""
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Exploring Mechanism of Chemical Reactions and Material Properties Using Computational ToolsWang, Ankai 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Computational chemistry has emerged as a transformative discipline within the chemical sciences. Fueled by advancements in theoretical frameworks and the exponential growth of computational power, it offers unparalleled capabilities for elucidating the intricacies of matter at the atomic and molecular level. Modern chemistry research demonstrates the power of computational tools in revealing material properties and guiding the discovery of novel materials. By employing varies of theoretical methods, in this thesis, we present our research focused on catalytic reactions and optical properties of nanomaterials. In Chapter 1, the theory foundations of Density Functional Theory are introduced. Chapter 2 introduces methods for optical properties calculation, including Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) method and coupled dipole (CD) method, are reviewed. In Chapter 3, we discuss our research on carbon monoxide reduction to methanol using frustrated Lewis pair (FLP) catalyst. We propose a new FLP catalyst that successfully reduced CO with low activation barrier. Chapter 4 explores the mechanism of [2+2] benzannulation reaction with palladium coordination catalyst. The catalytic reaction pathway is proposed, with the activation energy barrier of each transition state calculated. How ligand participates in the C-H activation and benzannulation steps is also examined. In Chapter 5, we discuss our numerical investigation on enhancement factor of the radiative decay rate of multiple emitters when emitters are placed near a nanosphere. We found that the enhancement factor is affected by the magnitude and the relative phase of the induced dipole.
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C(sp3)-H activation énantiospécifique catalysée par des nanoparticules de ruthénium : application au marquage isotopique de molécules d’intérêt biologique. / Enantiospecific C(sp3)-H activation catalyzed by ruthenium nanoparticles : application to isotopic labeling of molecules of biological interest.Taglang, Céline 24 June 2015 (has links)
Le marquage isotopique par le deutérium et le tritium est largement utilisé en chimie, en biologie ainsi qu’en recherche pharmaceutique.De nombreuses méthodes de marquage par échange isotopique permettent d’atteindre des enrichissements isotopiques élevés, mais elles requièrent généralement l’utilisation de conditions drastiques (température élevée, acidité). Ainsi, une méthode générale de marquage, régiosélective et douce, applicable à une grande variété de substrats, reste encore à développer. Dans le premier volet de cette thèse, nous avons montré que des nanoparticules de ruthénium (RuNP@PVP), synthétisées par l’équipe du Pr. Bruno Chaudret (INSA Toulouse), catalysaient avec une grande efficacité la réaction d’échange H/D sur des amines, des pyridines et des indoles par C‒H activation, sous 2 bars de D2 à 55 °C. L’application à la deutération de huit molécules azotées d'intérêt biologique a montré que la réaction était efficace sans pour autant altérer l’intégrité chimique ou stéréochimique des composés. Cependant, le respect de la stéréochimie originelle d’un centre chiral C‒H activé demeurait un problème majeur. Nous avons donc entrepris l’étude de la réactivité des RuNP@PVP sur différentes classes de substrats azotés chiraux (amines, aminoacides et peptides) dans l’eau ou dans des solvants organiques. Nos résultats ont montré sans ambiguïté que la C-H activation des carbones C(sp3) chiraux s’effectuait efficacement, sélectivement et dans tous les cas avec une rétention totale de configuration. La large gamme d’application de cette procédure a été démontrée par le marquage de 3 amines chirales, 14 aminoacides naturels, 3 aminoesters aromatiques et 4 peptides. D’autre part, notre collaboration avec l’équipe du Pr. Romuald Poteau (INSA Toulouse) a permis d’identifier deux mécanismes réactionnels par simulation ab initio en parfait accord avec nos résultats expérimentaux : le mécanisme par métathèse de liaison σ et le mécanisme d’addition oxydante. Ces deux mécanismes impliquent deux atomes de ruthénium voisins agissant ensemble pour conduire à la formation d’un intermédiaire-clé original dimétallacycle à quatre centres.Le second volet de cette thèse est consacré au développement d’une nouvelle méthode de détermination de la conformation et de l’arrangement relatif de petites molécules auto-assemblées. Elle repose sur la synergie entre chimie de marquage, RMN du tritium à l’état solide et modélisation moléculaire. Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés au dipeptide diphénylalanine (Phe-Phe) qui, selon le solvant utilisé, peut former des cristaux (structure résolue) ou s’auto-assembler en nanotubes dont la structure atomique reste inconnue. Trois dipeptides Phe-Phe ditritiés sur des positions aromatiques, définies à l’aide de la modélisation moléculaire par le Dr. Yves Boulard (CEA Saclay), ont été synthétisés. La RMN du tritium à l’état solide a permis au Dr. Thibault Charpentier (CEA Saclay) de mesurer, sur des échantillons cristallisés, trois distances inter-tritiums très proches des distances de référence. Cette technique a également mis en évidence un éventuel désordre d’orientation d’un cycle aromatique de Phe-Phe cristallisé. Une modélisation ab initio nous a également incités à entreprendre un double marquage Caryl et Cα de Phe-Phe, ce dernier utilisant les nanoparticules de ruthénium. Les essais de marquage au deutérium avec RuNP@PVP sont très encourageants et des études complémentaires sont en cours dans notre laboratoire pour parvenir au marquage au tritium. Ainsi, nous espérons mettre au point un nouvel outil d’étude structurale permettant d’accéder à la structure atomique de petites molécules intégrées dans des ensembles supramoléculaires complexes (nanotubes, peptides amyloïdes ou membranaires). / Isotopic labeling with deuterium and tritium is extensively used in chemistry, biology and pharmaceutical research.Numerous methods of labeling by isotopic exchange allow high isotopic enrichments but generally require harsh conditions (high temperatures, acidity). As a consequence, a general, regioselective and smooth labeling method that might be applicable to a wide diversity of substrates remains to develop. In the first part of this thesis, we demonstrated that the use of ruthenium nanoparticles, synthesized by Pr. Bruno Chaudret’s team (INSA Toulouse), allowed the mild (2 bar of deuterium gas at 55°C), effective and selective H/D exchange reaction of a large variety of nitrogen-containing compounds, such as pyridines, indoles and primary, secondary and tertiary alkyl amines. The usefulness and the efficiency of this novel methodology was demonstrated by the deuteration of eight nitrogen-containing molecules of biological interest without altering their chemical and stereochemical properties. However, the conservation of the original stereochemistry of an activated chiral C-H center remains a major issue. We studied the reactivity of RuNP@PVP on different categories of nitrogen-containing substrates (amines, aminoacids and peptides) in water or in organic solvents. Our results showed that C-H activation of chiral carbons C(sp3) took place efficiently, selectively and, in all cases, with total retention of configuration. The wide range of applications of this procedure was demonstrated by the labeling of three chiral amines, fourteen aminoacids, three aromatic aminoesters and four peptides. Moreover, our collaboration with Pr. Romuald Poteau’s team (INSA Toulouse) led to the identification of two mechanisms by ab initio simulation in agreement with our experimental results: the σ-bond metathesis mechanism and the oxidative addition mechanism. These two mechanisms imply two vicinal ruthenium atoms leading to the formation an original dimetallacycle key-intermediate with four centers.The second part of this thesis deals with the development of a new method for the determination of the conformation and the relative arrangement of auto-assembled small molecules. It is based on the synergy between labeling chemistry, tritium solid-state NMR and molecular modeling. We focused on the diphenylalanine dipeptide (Phe-Phe) which forms either crystals or self-assembled nanotubes depending on the solvent. If the crystalline atomic structure of Phe-Phe has been solved, the structure of the self-assembled nanotubes of Phe-Phe is still unknown. Three Phe-Phe dipeptides ditritiated on aromatic positions, determined with the help of molecular modeling by Dr. Yves Boulard (CEA Saclay), were synthesized. Tritium solid-state NMR allowed Dr. Thibault Charpentier (CEA Saclay) to measure, on crystallized samples, three inter-tritiums distances very close to the reference distances. This technique also revealed a possible orientational disorder on an aromatic cycle of crystallized Phe-Phe. Ab initio modeling led us to set a double labeling Caryl and Cα on Phe-Phe with ruthenium nanoparticles. Deuteration with RuNP@PVP are very promising and supplementary studies are in progress to perform tritium labeling. We expect to set a new tool of structural study to determine atomic structures of small molecules integrated in supramolecular complexes (nanotubes, amyloid peptides or membranes).
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Synthèses de molécules polycycliques par arylation C(sp³)-H intramoléculaire catalysée par le palladium / synthesis of polycyclic molecules by intramolecular palladium-catalyzed C(sp³)-H arylationPierre, Cathleen 16 October 2012 (has links)
La synthèse de produits complexes se doit de prendre en compte de nouvelles méthodes desynthèse plus efficaces, dont la fonctionnalisation de liaisons carbone-hydrogène. Dans cecontexte, la catalyse homogène par les métaux de transition s’est avérée performante, tout encontrôlant la régio- et la chimiosélectivité de la réaction. Les travaux de thèse présentés dansce manuscrit témoignent de l’efficacité de cette stratégie pour la construction rapide decomplexité moléculaire.Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’utilisation de précurseurs chlorés, cequi a permis d’étendre significativement le champ d’application de l’arylation C(sp3)-Hintramoléculaire pallado-catalysée. Ces travaux ont conduit à la synthèse de nombreuxhétérocycles, difficilement accessibles par d’autres voies de synthèse plus traditionnelles.Dans un deuxième temps, le développement d’une méthodologie de double arylation C-Hnous a permis de synthétiser des molécules polycycliques aux squelettes originaux. Une seuleet même espèce catalytique permet dans ce cas de réaliser les deux opérations d’activation CHavec succès.Par la suite, nous avons montré qu’il était possible de synthétiser des composés énantioenrichispar arylation C(sp3)-H intramoléculaire asymétrique. Pour cela, les ligands chiraux detype phosphépine se sont avérés particulièrement performants, et induisent desénantiosélectivités prometteuses.Enfin, notre attention s’est portée vers la synthèse de polycycles par arylation C(sp3)-Hintramoléculaire deshydrogénante. Les résultats encourageants obtenus apparaissent commeune preuve de concept dans ce domaine, où très peu de travaux de recherche ont été rapportés. / The direct functionalization of C-H bonds constitutes a faster and more « atom-economical »synthetic approach. This concept is gradually modifying organic chemistry, because itprovides chemists of both academic and industrial worlds with new disconnection strategies,giving access to molecules of original structures and properties in a more efficient andecological manner.In this context, we first investigated the extension of the intramolecular palladium-catalyzedC(sp3)-H arylation, by using aryl chlorides as coupling partners. This methodology wasapplied to the synthesis of fused valuable five-membered carbocycles and heterocycles.A further part of this work focused on the synthesis of polycyclic molecules by double C-Harylations. Interestingly, a single batch of catalyst was able to perform both operations in onepot, which indicates that this concept can be used for the rapid construction of molecularcomplexity.Then, we focused our efforts on the enantioselective synthesis of indanes and heterocyclicanalogues by intramolecular C(sp3)-H arylation. The employment of a chiral binepine ligandplays a key role in this palladium-catalyzed process to achieve moderate to highstereoinduction.Finally, our work was devoted to the construction of fused thiophenes by intramolecular PdIIcatalyzeddeshydrogenative C(sp3)–H arylation.
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Synthèse et fonctionnalisation du motif pyridine-[b]-bicyclique / Synthesis and functionalization of [b]-fused pyridine compoundsLavrard-Meyer, Hubert 02 October 2017 (has links)
Une multitude de composés organiques présente une structure bicyclique azotée insaturée.Parmi ceux-ci, le motif pyridine-[b]-bicyclique est extrêmement fréquent, et se compose d’unepyridine accolée à un autre cycle aromatique. Cependant, les méthodes de synthèse de cescomposés sont aujourd’hui encore trop spécifiques. Les conditions réactionnelles ne sont pastoujours utilisables, ou ne permettent pas de préparer certains produits spécifiques. Afin des’affranchir de ces limitations, une nouvelle méthode de construction du cycle pyridine à partirdu motif ß–aminoacrylonitrile est proposée dans ce manuscrit, utilisant un alcène activé par unmotif trichlorométhyle.Outre la préparation de ces pyridines-[b]-bicycliques, la réactivité des pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines a été étudiée. Des réactions de fonctionnalisation de fin de synthèse ont étédéveloppées, qui exploitent des procédures basées sur la chimie du palladium. Trois positionsdes pyrazolopyridines ont pu être arylées, permettant d’accéder à de nouveaux composés / Bicyclic unsaturated structures containing one or more nitrogen atom appear in a widerange of organic compounds. In particular, the [b]-fused pyridine is a frequent structural motif,with striking biological activities. However, there is still a lack for general methods, withrespect to the reaction conditions or the scope. In order to override these limitations, a newsynthetic procedure for preparation of the pyridine ring starting from ß–aminoacrylonitrile isproposed. This procedure relies on a trichloromethyl-activated alkene.The reactivity of pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridine, a subclass of [b]-fused pyridine, have beeninvestigated. Some late-stage functionnalization have been developped, relying on palladiumcatalyzed chemistry. Three positions of the pyrazolopyridine core have been arylated, thusgiving access to new structures
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Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed C-N, C-O and C-C Formations by C-H ActivationRaghuvanshi, Keshav 06 February 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Experimental and Computational Studies on Ruthenium- and Manganese-Catalyzed C-H and C-C ActivationRogge, Torben 30 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of Photo-Induced C–H Activation by Copper and Ruthenium CatalysisKoeller, Julian 29 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Substrate Transformations Promoted by Adjacent Group 8 and 9 MetalsSamant, Rahul G. 11 1900 (has links)
The use of transition metal catalysts - either homogeneous (discrete well-defined metal complexes) or heterogeneous (more poorly-defined metal surfaces) - play an important role in the transformations of small substrates into larger, value-added compounds. Although heterogeneous catalysts have the greater industrial applicability, there has been enormous interest in homogeneous transition metal systems for effecting selective transformations of small substrate molecules. The bulk of these homogeneous systems are mononuclear. Perhaps surprisingly, very little research has focuses on systems with adjacent metal centres. Binuclear systems possess adjacent metals that may interact and possibly lead to transformations not observed in monometallic systems. It is this opportunity for adjacent metal involvement in substrate activation that is the focus of this dissertation. the goal of this research is to gain an increased understanding of metal-metal cooperativity and adjacent metal involvement in substrate transformations; how can adjacent metal involvement lead to substrate activation not seen in monometallic counterparts, and what role does each metal play in these interactions, particularly when the two metals are different.
Throughout this dissertation examples of transformation unique to systems with at least two metals are presented and examined with a particular focus on the roles of the two metals and any associated binding modes in these transformations. In addition, by comparing the RhOs, RhRu and IrRu systems, the influence of metal substitution is also examined. For example, diazoalkane activation and C-c bond formation promoted by the Rh-based systems is investigated, the roles of the adjacent metals of the IrRu system in the conversion of methylene groups to oxygenates is examined, and the unusual geminal C-H bond activation of olefinic substrates is explored.
Overall, the work presented within this thesis adds to the growing understanding of adjacent metal cooperativety, leading us toward a more rational approach to the design of homogeneous homo- and heterobimetallic catalysts, heterogeneous catalyst and nanoparticle catalysts for selective substrate transformations.
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Strong Bond Activation with Late Transition-Metal Pincer Complexes as a Foundation for Potential CatalysisZhu, Yanjun 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Strong bond activation mediated by pincer ligated transiton-metal complexes has been the subject of intense study in recent years, due to its potential involvement in catalytic transformations. This dissertation has focused on the net heterolytic cleavage of B-H and B-B bonds across the N-Pd bond in a cationic (PNP)Pd fragment, the C-H oxidative addition to a (PNP)Ir center and the recent results on the C-H and C-O oxidative addition in reactions of aryl carboxylates with the (PNP)Rh fragment.
Transition metal carbene and carbyne complexes are of great interest because of their role in a wide variety of catalytic reactions. Our work has resulted in the isolation of a rhodium(I) difluorocarbene. Reaction of the rhodium difluorocarbene complex with a silylium salt led to the C-F bond cleavage and the formation of a terminal fluorocarbyne complex.
Reductive elimination is a critical step of cross coupling reactions. In order to examine the effect of the pincer ligand on the reductive elimination reactions from Rh(III), the first pi-accepting PNP ligand bearing pyrrolyl substituents was prepared and installed onto the rhodium center. Arylhalide (halide = Br, I) oxidative addition was achieved in the presence of donor ligands such as acetonitrile to form stable six-coordinate Rh(III) compounds. The C-O reductive elimination reactions in this system were also explored.
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Reduction of Tertiary Benzamides to Benzaldehydes by an in situ-Generated Schwartz Reagent (Cp2Zr(H)Cl); Formal Synthesis of Lysergic Acid 2. Ru-Catalyzed Amide-Directed Aryl C-H, C-N and C-O Bond Functionalizations: C-B Formation, C-C Suzuki Cross Coupling and HydrodemethoxylationZHAO, YIGANG 25 August 2011 (has links)
Chapter 2 of the thesis describes a highly efficient in situ method for the reduction of amides to aldehydes and aryl O-carbamates to phenols and other transformations involving hydrozirconations. The method, as a three-component-type reaction, involves in situ generation of the Schwartz reagent (Cp2Zr(H)Cl) from Cp2ZrCl2 and the reductant, LiAlH(O-t-Bu)3, and immediate reaction with a substrate. Substrates include aliphatic and aromatic tertiary amides which are reduced to aldehydes, aryl O-carbamates which are reduced to phenols, and alkynes which undergo other transformations via hydrozirconation. Compared to prior methods, this method has advantage in that reagents are inexpensive and stable, reaction times are short, and reaction temperatures are generally conveniently at room temperature. The use of the in situ method described herein instead of the requirement for the synthesis of the commercially available Schwartz reagent is estimated to provide more than 50% reduction in cost.
Chapter 3 of the thesis describes the discovery and development of efficient and regioselective Ru-catalyzed amide-directed C-H, C-N, C-O activation/C-C bond forming reactions, ester-directed C-O activation/C-C bond forming reaction, and amide-directed C-O activation/hydrodemethoxylation reactions under a simple RuH2(CO)(PPh3)3/toluene catalytic system. Of these, the amide-directed C-H activation/cross coupling reaction proceeds well but uniquely on furan 3-amide substrates while the ester-directed C-O activation is effective on the 2-MeO-1-naphthoic acid methyl ester. On the other hand, the amide-directed C-N and C-O activation/coupling reactions are broadly applicable on benzamides and naphthamides. All of these achievements of directed C-H, C-N, C-O activation/coupling reactions complement and may supercede the DoM (directed ortho metalation)-cross coupling strategy, and establish the catalytic base-free DoM-cross coupling process at non-cryogenic temperature as a convenient, economical and green alternative. The new catalytic amide-directed ortho-hydrodemethoxylation reaction has potential value in links to aromatic electrophilic substitution and DoM chemistries. Furthermore, a new borylation reaction via Ru-catalyzed amide-directed C-H activation/C-B bond forming process is also reported herein. / Thesis (Ph.D, Chemistry) -- Queen's University, 2010-12-21 11:12:35.564
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