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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterització elèctrica de dielèctrics de porta de dispositius MOS amb CAFM: SiO2 i dielèctrics d'alta permitivitat

Blasco Jiménez, Xavier 19 July 2005 (has links)
Des dels seus inicis fa unes quatre dècades, la tecnologia microelectrònica ha anat reduint contínuament les dimensions dels dispositius, per tal d'oferir millors prestacions. Actualment les dimensions d'interès dels dispositius han entrat profundament en el rang nanomètric. Com exemples representatius, la longitud de porta i el gruix de l'òxid de porta (SiO2) dels transistors MOS està per sota dels 100nm i d'uns 2nm, respectivament. Dos dels problemes més importants amb que es troba la indústria microelectrònica a l'hora de continuar millorant les característiques dels dispositius tenen el seu origen en la reducció dels dos paràmetres esmentats anteriorment: - Com reduir la longitud de porta fins a poques desenes de nm i- Com solucionar els problemes associats al corrent túnel tant gran que es té en òxids de porta tant extremadament prims.Per reduir la longitud de porta, i les dimensions superficials de les estructures en general, s'estan seguint dues tendències: per un costat continuar amb la fotolitografia convencional però utilitzant cada vegada radiacions amb longitud d'ona més curta, i per altra banda la utilització de tècniques radicalment noves com les microscopies de sonda propera. Entre aquestes darreres cal destacar la microscopia de forces atòmiques (AFM), que permet fer oxidacions locals amb dimensions laterals mínimes de l'ordre de 10nm i dimensions verticals per sota de 1nm.- En aquesta tesi s'ha utilitzat aquest òxid crescut amb AFM com a dielèctric de porta en estructures MOS i s'ha caracteritzat amb Conductive-AFM (CAFM) tant a nivell microestructural com elèctric. A més, s'ha integrat l'oxidació amb AFM dintre d'un procés CMOS estàndard.Una de les estratègies principals que s'ha proposat per reduir el corrent túnel que es té a través de l'òxid de porta (que provoca un augment del consum d'energia del dispositiu inacceptable) és la substitució del SiO2 per altres materials amb permitivitat més alta (H-K materials), com el HfO2 o el ZrO2. Aquests materials H-K permetran assolir el gruix d'òxid equivalent necessari, però, amb un gruix físic més gran, reduint així dràsticament el corrent túnel. En aquesta tesi s'ha:- Caracteritzat microestructural i elèctricament amb CAFM alguns dels materials H-K amb més possibilitats de substituir al SiO2 per tal d'ampliar el coneixement sobre les seves propietats elèctriques.-Estudiat (principalment amb CAFM) la degradació i ruptura dielèctrica en estructures MOS amb dielèctric de porta H-K, i s'han proposat models per aquests fenòmens que permeten millorar les prediccions sobre la seva fiabilitat. / Desde sus inicios hace unas cuatro décadas, la tecnología microelectrónica ha ido reduciendo continuamente las dimensiones de los dispositivos, para ofrecer mejores prestaciones. Actualmente las dimensiones de interés de los dispositivos han entrado profundamente en el rango nanométrico. Como ejemplos representativos, la longitud del canal y el grosor del óxido de puerta (SiO2) de los transistores MOS está por debajo de los 100nm y de unos 2nm respectivamente. Dos de los problemas más importantes con que se encuentra la industria microelectrónica para continuar mejorando las prestaciones de los dispositivos tienen su origen en la reducción de los dos parámetros mencionados anteriormente:- Como reducir la longitud de canal hasta pocas decenas de nm y- Como solucionar los problemas asociados a la corriente túnel tan elevada que se tiene en óxidos de puerta tan extremadamente delgados.Para reducir la longitud de la puerta, y las dimensiones laterales de las estructuras en general, se están siguiendo dos tendencias: por un lado continuar con la fotolitografía convencional pero utilizando cada vez radiaciones con una longitud de onda menor, i por otro lado, la utilización de técnicas radicalmente nuevas como las microscopías de sonda cercana. Entre estas últimas se debe destacar la microscopía de fuerzas atómicas (AFM), que permite realizar oxidaciones locales con dimensiones laterales mínimas del orden de 10nm y dimensiones verticales por debajo de 1nm.- En esta tesis se ha utilizado este óxido crecido mediante AFM como dieléctrico de puerta en estructuras MOS y se ha caracterizado con Conductive-AFM (CAFM) tanto a nivel microestructural como eléctrico. Además se ha integrado la oxidación con AFM dentro de un proceso CMOS estándar.Una de las estrategias principales que se ha propuesto para reducir la corriente túnel que se tiene a través del óxido de puerta (que provoca un aumento inaceptable del consumo de energía del dispositivo) es la substitución del SiO2 por otros materiales con permitividad mayor (materiales H-K, del inglés high-k materials), como el HfO2 o el ZrO2. Estos materiales H-K permiten alcanzar el grosor eléctrico equivalente necessario, pero, con un grosor físico superior, reduciendo drásticamente la corriente túnel. En esta tesis se ha:- Caracterizado microestructural y eléctricamente con CAFM algunos de los materiales H-K con más posibilidades de substituir al SiO2, para ampliar los conocimientos sobre sus propiedades eléctricas.- Estudiado (principalmente mediante CAFM) la degradación y la ruptura dieléctrica en estructuras MOS con dieléctrico de puerta H-K, y se han propuesto modelos para estos fenómenos. / Since its early days, microelectronics has always searched for smaller devices in order to increase the performance of its products. At present, this means that the dimensions of the electronic devices have deeply entered into the nanometric range. At this scale, two of the main showstoppers related to MOS fabrication and reliability are: - From a lateral size viewpoint, how to define smaller patterns, and- From a vertical dimension viewpoint, how to reduce the tunneling current through the ultra thin SiO2 layers used as the GOX.To achieve the demanded lateral dimensions, nanofabrication has evolved following mainly two strategies: on the one hand, the standard photolithographic process resolution has been improved by using for instance shorter wavelengths, whereas, on the other, several new techniques such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) oxidation, based on completely different working principles than standard photolithography, have emerged. AFM can oxidize with lateral resolution of a few nm and with a vertical resolution below the nm.- In this Thesis AFM grown SiO2 has been used as the gate oxide in MOS structures, and it has been characterized by Conductive-AFM (CAFM). Moreover, AFM oxidation has been integrated in a standard CMOS process.In order to reduce the tunneling current, one of the several solutions proposed is replacing thermal SiO2 by another material with a higher dielectric constant (known as high-k materials) such as HfO2 or ZrO2. High-k materials could allow to reach the required equivalent oxide thickness, but with a larger physical oxide thickness, which reduces the leakage current drastically. In this Thesis:- Some of these high-k materials has been studied by CAFM in order to analyze their electrical properties.- The electrical degradation and breakdown of HfO2/SiO2 stacks have been analyzed by CAFM in order to study their dielectric reliability.

CAFM Nanoscale electrical properties and reliability of HfOz based gate dielectrics in electron devices : Impact of the polycrystallization and resistive switching

Iglesias Santiso, Vanessa 30 November 2012 (has links)
La evolución de los dispositivos MOS ha conllevado una reducción de tamaño de los mismos con el fin de mejorar sus prestaciones. Sin embargo, este continuo escalado se ha topado con un límite físico: la delgada capa aislante de SiO2 (entre otros), que fuerza la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas que permitan abastecer al exigente mercado tecnológico. En las dimensiones en las que actualmente se trabaja, del orden de nanómetros, los fenómenos cuánticos adquieren gran importancia siendo, entre otros, las corrientes de fuga uno de los principales escollos con los que se ha de lidiar. Estas corrientes provocan un aumento del consumo de potencia y disminución de la fiabilidad del dispositivo. Entre las alternativas que se perfilan como posibles opciones para reducir estas corrientes de fuga, la sustitución del hasta ahora principal aislante de la electrónica, el SiO2, por un material con una mayor constante dieléctrica, high-k (HK), ocupa una posición aventajada. Estos nuevos materiales HK permitirían mantener la misma capacidad del óxido que se obtendría usando un determinado grosor de SiO2 pero, utilizando un grosor físico mayor, reduciendo de esta manera las corrientes de fuga a través de la puerta del MOSFET. Aunque es una idea ampliamente aceptada no por ello es una tarea sencilla, ya que la introducción de estos nuevos materiales no está exenta de problemas que puedan influir en la fiabilidad del dispositivo. Por ejemplo, la morfología de los high-k y su impacto en las propiedades eléctricas del stack son factores importantes que deben ser considerados ya que pueden influir en el correcto funcionamiento del dispositivo. Los materiales bajo estudio son varios y diversos, pero gran parte de la comunidad científica apunta hacia el HfO2, o aleaciones relacionadas, y el Al2O3, como sustitutos del SiO2. Esta tesis, enmarcada en el campo de la microelectrónica, y concretamente en el estudio de la fiabilidad y caracterización eléctrica de los dispositivos MOS (Metal Óxido Semiconductor) de última generación, basados en HfO2, se centra principalmente en la evaluación, a escala nanométrica, de las propiedades morfológicas y eléctricas de dispositivos MOS fabricados con dieléctricos high-k (en concreto el HfO2). Particularmente, se analiza la influencia de la cristalización de la capa de HfO2, característica que adquiere tras haber sido sometida a un proceso de annealing durante el proceso de fabricación, en las propiedades eléctricas de la misma. Dicha cristalización puede alterar las propiedades morfológicas del material, lo que a su vez, puede repercutir en su homogeneidad eléctrica y su fiabilidad. También se ha llevado a cabo el estudio a escala nanométrica del fenómeno Resistive Switching, principal principio de operación de las memorias resistivas de acceso aleatorio (ReRAM). La evaluación del impacto de la cristalización, a escala nanométrica, se ha llevado a cabo mediante el uso de técnicas y herramientas de caracterización con resoluciones nanométricas como el AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) y técnicas relacionadas como el C-AFM (Conductive Atomic Force Microscope) o el Kelvin Probe Force Microscope (KPFM). / The evolution of MOS devices has involved an important shrinking in the transistor size with the aim of improve their benefits. However, this continuous miniaturization has found its physical limits in the thin SiO2 dielectric layer with current sizes at nanometric scale. Due to the continuous SiO2 layer thickness shrinking in a MOS transistor, tunnelling current increased more and more becoming the dominant source of device leakage. The main consequences of this leakage current enlargement are, on one hand, the consumption increase and, on the other hand, the impoverishment of the reliability of the device, which can be understood as an increment of the probability that the device failure happens for shorter times than usually. As a possible alternative to reduce the tunnelling current and also to avoid reliability issues, materials with higher dielectric constant were proposed to replace the SiO2 layer. These materials, known as high-k dielectrics, allow to obtain the equivalent performance for the capacitance with a larger physical thickness reducing, therefore, the leakage current. However, this substitution, although it sounds simple it is really a complicate issue since the introduction of new materials has associated new challenges and difficulties that must be solved. For example, the morphology of the high-k material and its impact on the electrical properties of the stack are important factors to be considered. Different materials are under study but HfO2, and related alloys, and Al2O3 are highlighted materials. This thesis, enshrined in the field of microelectronics and, specifically, in the reliability and electrical characterization of MOS devices based on high-k dielectrics, has been devoted to the analysis of nanoscale morphological and electrical properties of thin HfO2 layers with the aim to gain more insight in these new materials and related problems. Concretly, the influence of their polycrystallization on the electrical properties and breakdown (BD) of a HfO2 based gate stack has been evaluated. The study of the Resistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM) operating principle, Resistive Switching (RS), has been also investigated on MIM structures with HfO2 as dielectric. Since many of the problems associated to these materials (like, for example, their polycrystallization) and the failure mechanisms that affect the gate oxide are phenomena that have been found to have a nanometric origin, these analyses have been performed with AFM and related techniques as CAFM (Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy) or KPFM (Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy).

Investigation of Surface Properties for Ga- and N-polar GaN using Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques

Ferguson, Josephus Daniel, III 26 April 2013 (has links)
Because the surface plays an important role in the electrical and optical properties of GaN devices, an improved understanding of surface effects should help optimize device performance. In this work, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and related techniques have been used to characterize three unique sets of n-type GaN samples. The sample sets comprised freestanding bulk GaN with Ga polar and N polar surfaces, epitaxial GaN films with laterally patterned Ga- and N-polar regions on a common surface, and truncated, hexagonal GaN microstructures containing Ga-polar mesas and semipolar facets. Morphology studies revealed that bulk Ga-polar surfaces treated with a chemical-mechanical polish (CMP) were the flattest of the entire set, with rms values of only 0.4 nm. Conducting AFM (CAFM) indicated unexpected insulating behavior for N-polar GaN bulk samples, but showed expected forward and reverse-bias conduction for periodically patterned GaN samples. Using scanning Kelvin probe microscopy, these same patterned samples demonstrated surface potential differences between the two polarities of up to 0.5 eV, where N-polar showed the expected higher surface potential. An HCl cleaning procedure used to remove the surface oxide decreased this difference between the two regions by 0.2 eV. It is possible to locally inject surface charge and measure the resulting change in surface potential using CAFM in conjunction with SKPM. After injecting electrons using a 10 V applied voltage between sample and tip, the patterned polarity samples reveal that the N-polar regions become significantly more negatively charged as compared to Ga-polar regions, with up to a 2 eV difference between charged and uncharged N polar regions. This result suggests that the N-polar regions have a thicker surface oxide that effectively stores charge. Removal of this oxide layer using HCl results in significantly decreased surface charging behavior. A phenomenological model was then developed to fit the discharging behavior of N-polar GaN with good agreement to experimental data. Surface photovoltage (SPV) measurements obtained using SKPM further support the presence of a thicker surface oxide for N polar GaN based on steady state and restoration SPV behaviors. Scanning probe microscopy techniques have therefore been used to effectively discriminate between the surface morphological and electrical behaviors of Ga- vs. N-polar GaN.

A Study on the Nature of Anomalous Current Conduction in Gallium Nitride

Spradlin, Joshua K. 01 January 2005 (has links)
Current leakage in GaN thin films limits reliable device fabrication. A variety of Ga and N rich MBE GaN thin films grown by Rf, NH3, and Rf+ NH3, are examined with electrical measurements on NiIAu Schottky diodes and CAFM. Current-voltage (IV) mechanisms will identify conduction mechanisms on diodes, and CAFM measurements will investigate the microstructure of conduction in GaN thin films. With CAFM, enhanced conduction has been shown to decorate some extended defects and surface features, while CAFM spectroscopy on a MODFET structure indicates a correlation between extended defects and field conduction behavior at room temperature. A remedy for poor conduction characteristics is presented in molten KOH etching, as evidenced by CAFM measurements, Schottky diodes, and MODFET's. The aim of this study is to identify anomalous conduction mechanisms, the likely cause of anomalous conduction, and a method for improving the conduction characteristics. Keywords: 111-Nitride, 111-V, Gallium Nitride, GaN, Electrical Properties, Conduction, Conductivity, Mobility, Hall Measurements, Resistivity, Schottky Diode, Modulation Doped Field Effect Transistor (MODFET), Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Defects, Molten Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) etching, Silvaco, Atlas, and Illumination.

Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Electron Transport Through Diazonium Derived Films and Mixed – Mode Bonded Layers on Gold and Carbon Surfaces

Reid, Michael S Unknown Date
No description available.

SISTEMA DE ALOCAÇÃO DE ESPAÇOS PARA A FAUFBA: uma aplicação de Facilities Management

Teles, Roberta Pinto 06 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Uilliam Castro (uilliam.de.castro@gmail.com) on 2017-02-13T13:47:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_Dissertação_Roberta Teles_DOC.pdf: 15708788 bytes, checksum: 5b4b3104a32ca008f0b48207b76503ec (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca de Arquitetura (bibarq@ufba.br) on 2017-12-15T15:53:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_Dissertação_Roberta Teles_DOC.pdf: 15708788 bytes, checksum: 5b4b3104a32ca008f0b48207b76503ec (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-15T15:53:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_Dissertação_Roberta Teles_DOC.pdf: 15708788 bytes, checksum: 5b4b3104a32ca008f0b48207b76503ec (MD5) / De uma forma geral é difícil associar recursos tão avançados da tecnologia à forma que se conduz a operação e a manutenção nas edificações na atualidade. Quando se refere à adoção de recursos tecnológicos nesta etapa do ciclo de vida da edificação, é comum relacioná-los a métodos tradicionais de operação, uma grande quantidade de documentos, que geralmente não são achados quando necessário, ou recursos utilizados para desenvolver a manutenção preditiva. Este cenário não é diferente na Faculdade de Arquitetura da UFBA (FAUFBA), onde os processos de operação e manutenção seguem padrões tradicionais, de pouca eficiência e eficácia, que dependem de departamentos como a Superintendência de Meio Ambiente e Infraestrutura da UFBA (SUMAI), responsável pela manutenção e conservação dos campi de Salvador: campus Federação / Ondina, campus do Canela, das unidades dispersas e também do campus Anísio Teixeira em Vitória da Conquista. O presente trabalho aborda a utilização da tecnologia CAFM em Instituições de Ensino Superior. Para tanto, foram analisados estudos de caso sobre a aplicação de CAFM na operação e na manutenção de Universidades nacionais e no exterior. Foram identificadas as dificuldades e a metodologia adotada para a implementação da tecnologia, que propõe a concentração de informações essenciais ao processo de gestão da edificação. Diante de recursos promissores, desde a gestão de instalações físicas à gestão de pessoas, a FAUFBA foi utilizada como objeto de trabalho para a implementação do Sistema de Alocação de Espaços em uma aplicação de Facilities Management. Para este propósito, foram utilizados modelos BIM das edificações que compõem a FAUFBA para a realização de testes. Ressaltase a importância da precisão dos dados alfanuméricos ou geométricos, visto que, este é um sistema de banco de dados espacialmente referenciado, ou seja, um repositório de informações, que é de grande valor durante a etapa de operação e manutenção da edificação. / . / In general, it is difficult to associate such advanced technology resources with the way that operation and maintenance in today's buildings is conducted. Regarding the adoption of technological resources at this stage of edification life cycle, it is common to relate them to traditional methods of operation. Usually a large number of documents are not found when necessary, or resources used to develop predictive maintenance. This scenario is no different in the Faculty of Architecture of UFBA (FAUFBA), where operation and maintenance processes follow traditional, lowefficiency and efficacious standards, which depend on departments such as the UFBA Superintendence of the Environment and Infrastructure (SUMAI), responsible for the maintenance and conservation of the campuses of Salvador: Federação / Ondina campus, Canela campus, dispersed units and also the Anísio Teixeira campus in Vitória da Conquista. The present work deals with the use of CAFM technology in Higher Education Institutions. Therefore, we analyzed case studies on the application of CAFM in the operation and maintenance of national universities and abroad. We identified the difficulties and the methodology adopted for the implementation of the technology, which proposes the concentration of essential information to the process of building management. Considering the necessities of the university with regards of management of physical facilities and personnel, it was used as a work object for the implementation of the Space Allocation System, using Facilities Management. For this purpose, BIM models of the buildings that make up the FAUFBA were used to carry out tests. The importance of the precision of the alphanumeric or geometric data is emphasized, since this is a spatially referenced database system - a repository of information, which is of great value during the stage of operation and maintenance of the building.

Estudo do comportamento PTCR em cerâmicas de BaTiO3 : la sinterizadas a laser

Silva, Marcelo Souza da 10 October 2014 (has links)
The present work aimed to laser sintering and physical characterization of barium titanate ceramics doped with lanthanum, Ba1-xLaxTiO3 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) mol%, and co-doped with manganese, in order to study the PTC effect (Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistance). In electrical and electronic equipments, materials that exhibit PTC effect are generally used in circuit protection, or as temperature sensors (thermistors), whose main advantages of thermistors are no contacts subject to corrosion, high resistance to mechanical shock, the long operating life, low cost and more stable than thermocouples. Additionally, the laser sintering process uses a CO2 laser as the main heating source. This process has been touted as a promising technology for the ceramic processing, which are subjected to extremely high heating and cooling rates (~ 2000 ° C / min). During the processes of synthesis and characterization Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Thermogravimetry (TG), Dilatometry, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, X-ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Impedance Spectroscopy and Conductive Microscopy Atomic Force (CAFM) technique were used. Lanthanum doped barium titanate powders were produced via solid state reaction method and calcined at 1200 ° C for 4 hours. The laser sintering process was efficient to obtain ceramics with relative density of up to 95%. The sintered ceramics presented homogeny microstructure surface under the condition of Pmax = 5.5 W/mm2 for 60 seconds. The 02BT La sample showed the lowest room temperature resistivity (104 .cm). This value is roughly three orders of magnitude lower than that observed for conventionally sintered ceramic in electric furnace and with the same dopant concentration. Finally, it is clear that the sintering conditions strongly modify the PTC behavior of the like-BaTiO3 ceramics, thus allowing the fabrication of ceramic components for the thermistors manufacture with different characteristics. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivos a sinterização a laser e a caracterização físicas de cerâmicas de titanato de bário dopadas com lantânio, Ba1-xLaxTiO3 (0,1 ≤ X ≤ 0,4) mol%, e co-dopadas com manganês, visando estudar o efeito PTC (Coeficiente positivo de resistência com a elevação da temperatura). Em equipamentos eletro-eletrônicos os materiais que exibem o efeito PTC geralmente são utilizados na proteção de circuitos ou como sensores de temperatura (termistores), cujas principais vantagens dos termistores são a inexistência de contatos sujeitos à corrosão, a alta resistência a choques mecânicos, a longa vida de operação, baixo custo, e são mais estáveis que os termopares. Adicionalmente, o processo de sinterização a laser utiliza como principal fonte de calor um laser de CO2. Este processo tem sido apontado como uma técnica promissora no processamento de corpos cerâmicos, os quais são submetidos a taxas de aquecimento e resfriamento extremamente elevadas (~2000 °C/min), podendo provocar assim alterações em suas propriedades físicas. Durante os processos de síntese e caracterização fez-se uso das técnicas de Diferencial de Análise Térmica (DTA), Termogravimétria (TG), Dilatometria, Calorimétria Exploratória Diferencial, Difração de raios X, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura e Espectroscopia de Impedância e de Microscopia de Força Atômica em modo condutivo (CAFM). Pós de titanato de bário dopados com lantânio foram sintetizados pelo método da reação de estado sólido e calcinados a 1200 oC por 4 horas. O processo e sinterização a laser se mostrou eficiente para obtenção de cerâmicas com densidade relativa de até 95%. Foi obtida uma homogeneidade na microestrutura em toda a superfície da cerâmica, sob a condição de Pmax = 5,5 W/mm2 por 60s. A amostra 02BT:La apresentou menor valor de resistividade à temperatura ambiente, da ordem de 104 .cm. Este valor é aproximadamente três ordens de grandeza menor que o observado para a cerâmica sinterizada convencionalmente em forno elétrico e na mesma concentração de dopante. Finalmente, é possível afirmar que as condições de sinterização modificam fortemente o comportamento PTC em cerâmicas a base de BaTiO3, possibilitando dessa forma a confecção de cerâmicas para fabricação de componentes termistores com diferentes características.

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