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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ataxin-7 SUMOylation and its functional consequences in the spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) pathophysiology / La SUMOylation de l'ataxine-7 et ses conséquences fonctionnelles dans la physiopathologie de l'ataxie spinocérébelleuse de type 7 (SCA7)

Marinello, Martina 26 September 2014 (has links)
L'ataxie spinocérébelleuse de type 7 (SCA7) est une maladie neurodégénerative due à une expansion de CAG traduit en polyQ dans la protéine ataxine-7. La SUMOylation, modification post-traductionnelle que nous avons identifiée moduler l'agrégation de la protéine mutante, est facilitée par une SUMO E3 ligase.Nous avons identifié RanBP2, une nucléoporine appartenant au complexe du pore nucléaire en tant que SUMO E3 ligase, via SUMO-1 de l'ataxine-7. En effet, le silencing de RanBP2 induit l'agrégation de l'ataxine-7 mutante, ce qui démontre l'implication de RanBP2 dans la physiopathologie de SCA7. Nous montrons également que l'ataxine-7 endogène est une cible modifiée par SUMO-1 et -2. L'ataxine-7 poly-SUMOylée, grâce à la présence de chaines SUMO2/3, est capable de recruter RNF4. Cette protéine conduit à la dégradation de l'ataxine-7 mutante par la voie du protéasome. La dégradation est abolie en présence d'un mutant de RNF4.Dans un modèle murin KI SCA7, nous avons quantifié l'expression des gènes impliqués dans la voie de la SUMOylation au niveau des régions les plus touchées du cerveau. Le niveau d'expression des ARNs messagers montre des altérations dépendantes des répétitions CAG du gène SCA7. A 6 mois (avant le début de la pathologie), les premières dérégulations sont observées; à 12 mois (à un stade avancé de la maladie), on note une diminution statistiquement significative de Sumo-1 dans le cervelet des souris Atxn7100Q/5Q. Ces résultats, alliés à l'observation de l'accumulation anormale des protéines SUMO-1 et RanBP2 dans le cervelet d'un patient SCA7, suggèrent que les voies de la SUMOylation in vivo peuvent être perturbées dans SCA7. / Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by a CAG expansion (polyQ) in the protein ataxin-7. SUMOylation, a post-translational modification that we identified to modulate mutant protein aggregation in a SCA7 cellular model, is facilitated by a SUMO E3 ligase. Here, we identified RanBP2 (Nup358), a nucleoporin belonging to the nuclear pore complex, as the major E3 enzyme implicated in ataxin-7 modification by SUMO-1. Indeed, RanBP2 silencing renders mutant ataxin-7 more prone to aggregation, thus demonstrating the implication of RanBP2 in SCA7 pathophysiology. We also show that endogenous ataxin-7 is a target for both SUMO-1 and -2 modification. Poly-SUMOylated ataxin-7 presents a docking site composed of SUMO2/3 chains for the recruitment of RNF4: this protein is a SUMO E3 ubiquitin ligase that mediates degradation of mutant ataxin-7 by the proteasome pathway. The degradation is abolished in presence of a mutant form of RNF4. In a SCA7 knock-in mouse model we quantified expression of SUMO-pathway related genes in cerebellum and retina, the most affected regions using quantitative RT-PCR. SUMO-related genes show expanded repeat-dependent alterations in expression patterns. At 6 months (before onset), deregulations begin to occur; by 12 months (late stage of disease), there is a statistically significant impairment in Sumo-1 levels in Atxn7100Q/5Q cerebellum. These results, together with the observation that SUMO-1 and RanBP2 protein accumulate abnormally in the cerebellum of a SCA7 patient, suggest that in vivo SUMO-modifying pathways may be perturbed in SCA7.

Investigating the defects of postnatal global Fli1 deletion in a mouse model

Marden, Grace 13 July 2020 (has links)
Scleroderma (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by dysfunctional immunity, vasculopathy, and fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. There is a poor prognosis for SSc patients and effective therapeutics have not yet been developed. Many mouse models have been developed, but most fail to recapitulate all of the symptoms seen in SSc patients. In this study we characterize a Fli1flox/flox mouse with CAG Cre under the beta-actin promoter. Based on what has been previously described in mice with deletion of Fli1 in specific cell types, we predicted that global postnatal deletion of Fli1 will result in systemic fibrosis, vasculopathy, and inflammation in these mice. The penetrance of a phenotype was highly variable; however, mice that developed a phenotype displayed disorganized vascular networks, fibrosis and proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the skin and lungs after 4 and 8 weeks of Fli1 deficiency. Increased macrophage and dendritic cell populations were observed in the lungs after 8 weeks. Fli1flox/flox CAG Cre mice exhibited hair loss after 5 months of Fli1 deletion. Since our experiments focus mainly on the lungs and skin, more experiments are required to characterize these mice to determine if they can be used as a novel animal model of SSc.

Au-delà du cerveau : une importance majeure de la huntingtine et de sa phosphorylation à la sérine 421 dans les cancers du sein / Beyond the brain : a major involvement of huntingtin and its phosphorylation at serine 421 in breast cancer

Thion, Morgane 03 October 2014 (has links)
La huntingtine (HTT) est une protéine d’échafaudage participant à des fonctions indispensables au bon fonctionnement cellulaire. Elle est codée par le gène HTT qui présente une répétition polymorphique de triplet CAG. Une répétition excédant 35 CAG dans la HTT est à l’origine de la maladie de Huntington, une maladie neurodégénérative héréditaire sévère. Ainsi, bien que d’expression ubiquitaire, la HTT est principalement étudiée dans le système nerveux. Par exemple, ses implications dans le tissu mammaire, en condition normale et pathologique, sont inconnues. Nous avons observé que la forme mutante de la HTT accélère le développement de cancer du sein et en accentue la sévérité et que la forme sauvage est impliquée dans le développement normal de la glande mammaire. Mon projet principal de thèse était de caractériser le rôle de la HTT, de sa phosphorylation à la sérine 421 (S421-P-HTT) ainsi que du polymorphisme des répétitions CAG dans les cancers du sein.En utilisant des modèles cellulaires et murins et par des études d’expression chez des patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein, j’ai observé que l’expression de la HTT et de la S421-P-HTT corrèlent avec le stade de différenciation tumorale. Au niveau moléculaire, la HTT régule, par sa phosphorylation à la S421, l’expression et la localisation d’une des protéines des jonctions serrées, ZO1 et module ainsi l’adhésion intercellulaire. ZO1 colocalise avec la S421-P-HTT aux jonctions intercellulaires et forme un complexe avec la HTT. La perte d’expression de HTT est pro-Métastatique chez la souris et est moindre dans les cancers du sein métastatiques. De plus, les niveaux d’expression de HTT et de ZO1 sont diminués en parallèle dans les carcinomes humains de bas grades.J’ai également montré que le polymorphisme CAG présent dans la HTT sauvage joue un « double emploi » : tandis que de longues répétitions protègent de l’apparition de cancers, elles accentuent sa sévérité lorsque la maladie se développe. Dans le sous-Type HER2 spécifiquement, la longueur de la répétition CAG est un facteur pronostic indépendant du développement de métastases.Ainsi, ces travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence un rôle clé pour la HTT au cours de la progression tumorale mammaire, et devraient conduire à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le développement de métastases dans le cancer du sein. / Huntingtin (HTT) is a scaffold protein involved in numerous cellular mechanisms essentials for appropriate physiological functions. HTT is encoded by HTT gene which carries a polymorphic repetition of CAG triplet. When the CAG repetition exceeds 35, it leads to Huntington’s disease, a hereditary severe neurodegenerative disorder. While HTT expression is ubiquitous, it is mainly studied in nervous system. For example, HTT roles in breast physiology and cancer are unknown. We demonstrated that mutant HTT accelerates breast tumor and metastasis development and that wild-Type HTT is involved in normal mammary gland development. My main project was to characterize the roles of HTT and of its phosphorylation at S421 (S421-P-HTT) and that of the polymorphic CAG length in mammary carcinomas.First, leaning on cellular and murine models as well as on expression studies in breast cancer patients, I observed that HTT and S421-P-HTT expression correlates with tumoral differentiation stage. At the molecular level, HTT regulates through its phosphorylation at S421, the expression and localization of ZO1, a marker of intercellular junction and therefore modulates intercellular adhesion. ZO1 colocalizes with S421-P-HTT specifically at tight junctions and forms a complex with HTT. Loss of HTT is itself pro-Metastatic in mice and is decreased in metastatic human breast cancer. Moreover, HTT and ZO1 are concomitantly downregulated in low-Grade human carcinomas.On the other hand, the polymorphism of CAG repetitions in HTT has a dual-Purpose: while long repetitions protect against cancer development, it increases its severity once cancer is developed. In HER2 subtype specifically, HTT appears as an independent prognostic factor of metastasis development.Thus, these studies point out a key function of HTT outside the brain during mammary carcinoma progression and should lead to a better understanding of molecular mechanisms involved in metastasis development.

Strategies for de novo DNA sequencing

Blomstergren, Anna January 2003 (has links)
The development of improved sequencing technologies hasenabled the field of genomics to evolve. Handling andsequencing of large numbers of samples require an increasedlevel of automation in order to obtain high throughput andconsistent quality. Improved performance has lead to thesequencing of numerous microbial genomes and a few genomes fromhigher eukaryotes and the benefits of comparing sequences bothwithin and between species are now becoming apparent. Thisthesis describes both the development of automated purificationmethods for DNA, mainly sequencing products, and a comparativesequencing project. The initially developed purification technique is dedicatedto single stranded DNA containing vector specific sequences,exemplified by sequencing products. Specific capture probescoupled to paramagnetic beads together with stabilizing modularprobes hybridize to the single stranded target. After washing,the purified DNA can be released using water. When sequencingproducts are purified they can be directly loaded onto acapillary sequencer after elution. Since this approach isspecific it can be applied to multiplex sequencing products.Different probe sets are used for each sequencing product andthe purifications are performed iteratively. The second purification approach, which can be applied to anumber of different targets, involves biotinylated PCR productsor sequencing products that are captured using streptavidinbeads. This has been described previously, buthere theinteraction between streptavidin and biotin can be disruptedwithout denaturing the streptavidin, enabling the re-use of thebeads. The relatively mild elution conditions also enable therelease of sensitive biotinylated molecules. Another project described in this thesis is the comparativesequencing of the 40 kbcagpathogenicity island (PAI) in fourHelicobacter pyloristrains. The results included thediscovery of a novel gene, present in approximately half of theSwedish strains tested. In addition, one of the strainscontained a major rearrangement dividing thecagPAI into two parts. Further, information about thevariability of different genes could be obtained. Keywords:DNA sequencing, DNA purification, automation,solid-phase, streptavidin, biotin, modular probes,Helicobacter pylori,cagPAI. / <p>NR 20140805</p>

Expression and functional analysis of the SCA7 disease protein ataxin-7 / Studier av uttrycket och funktionen av SCA7 sjukdomsproteinet ataxin-7

Ström, Anna-Lena January 2004 (has links)
<p>Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by cerebellar ataxia and visual problems due to a progressive and selective loss of neurons within the cerebellum, brainstem and retina. The disease is caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat in the first coding exon of the SCA7 gene, resulting in an expanded polyglutamine domain in the N-terminal part of ataxin-7, a protein of unknown function.</p><p>To expand our knowledge of the ataxin-7 protein and the mechanism by which mutant ataxin-7 causes disease, we have studied the expression and function of both the normal and the mutated ataxin-7 protein. </p><p>Ataxin-7 expression was examination in brain and non-CNS tissues from SCA7 patients and age-matched controls. Expression was predominantly nuclear in neurons throughout the brain of both healthy and SCA7 individuals. We also observed aggregation of mutant ataxin-7 in the nuclei of neurons. No obvious difference in the expression level of ataxin-7 or the formation of aggregates could be observed between affected and non-affected brain regions in SCA7 patients. Based on these findings, we could conclude that the cell type specific neurodegeneration in SCA7 is not due to differences in expression levels or to the formation of ataxin-7 aggregates.</p><p>To widen our studies on ataxin-7 expression, we isolated and characterized the mouse SCA7 gene homolog. Cloning of the mouse SCA7 gene revealed two SCA7 mRNA isoforms that were highly homologous to their human counterparts. Immunohistochemical analysis also revealed a conserved expression pattern of ataxin-7 in adult mouse brain. In addition, ataxin-7 expression was observed during embryonic development in brain as well as in several non-neuronal tissues such as heart, liver and lung. </p><p>Besides SCA7, eight neurodegenerative disorders are known to be caused by expanded polyglutamine repeats, including SCA 1-3, 6 and 17, DRPLA, SBMA and Huntington’s disease. The polyglutamine disorders have many features in common and a common pathological disease mechanism involving transcriptional dysregulation has been proposed. To investigate the possible involvement of transcriptional dysregulation in SCA7 pathology, we analyzed the effects of both wild-type and expanded ataxin-7 on transcription driven by the co-activator CBP, the Purkinje cell-expressed nuclear receptor RORα1 or a basic TATA promoter. As previously shown for other polyglutamine disease proteins, expansion of the polyglutamine domain in ataxin-7 leads to reduced transcription. Surprisingly, strong repression of CBP-mediated, RORα1-mediated and basal transcription was also observed with wild-type ataxin-7, suggesting that the normal ataxin-7 protein may have a role in transcriptional regulation. </p>

Expression and functional analysis of the SCA7 disease protein ataxin-7 / Studier av uttrycket och funktionen av SCA7 sjukdomsproteinet ataxin-7

Ström, Anna-Lena January 2004 (has links)
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 (SCA7) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by cerebellar ataxia and visual problems due to a progressive and selective loss of neurons within the cerebellum, brainstem and retina. The disease is caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat in the first coding exon of the SCA7 gene, resulting in an expanded polyglutamine domain in the N-terminal part of ataxin-7, a protein of unknown function. To expand our knowledge of the ataxin-7 protein and the mechanism by which mutant ataxin-7 causes disease, we have studied the expression and function of both the normal and the mutated ataxin-7 protein. Ataxin-7 expression was examination in brain and non-CNS tissues from SCA7 patients and age-matched controls. Expression was predominantly nuclear in neurons throughout the brain of both healthy and SCA7 individuals. We also observed aggregation of mutant ataxin-7 in the nuclei of neurons. No obvious difference in the expression level of ataxin-7 or the formation of aggregates could be observed between affected and non-affected brain regions in SCA7 patients. Based on these findings, we could conclude that the cell type specific neurodegeneration in SCA7 is not due to differences in expression levels or to the formation of ataxin-7 aggregates. To widen our studies on ataxin-7 expression, we isolated and characterized the mouse SCA7 gene homolog. Cloning of the mouse SCA7 gene revealed two SCA7 mRNA isoforms that were highly homologous to their human counterparts. Immunohistochemical analysis also revealed a conserved expression pattern of ataxin-7 in adult mouse brain. In addition, ataxin-7 expression was observed during embryonic development in brain as well as in several non-neuronal tissues such as heart, liver and lung. Besides SCA7, eight neurodegenerative disorders are known to be caused by expanded polyglutamine repeats, including SCA 1-3, 6 and 17, DRPLA, SBMA and Huntington’s disease. The polyglutamine disorders have many features in common and a common pathological disease mechanism involving transcriptional dysregulation has been proposed. To investigate the possible involvement of transcriptional dysregulation in SCA7 pathology, we analyzed the effects of both wild-type and expanded ataxin-7 on transcription driven by the co-activator CBP, the Purkinje cell-expressed nuclear receptor RORα1 or a basic TATA promoter. As previously shown for other polyglutamine disease proteins, expansion of the polyglutamine domain in ataxin-7 leads to reduced transcription. Surprisingly, strong repression of CBP-mediated, RORα1-mediated and basal transcription was also observed with wild-type ataxin-7, suggesting that the normal ataxin-7 protein may have a role in transcriptional regulation.

Strategies for de novo DNA sequencing

Blomstergren, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>The development of improved sequencing technologies hasenabled the field of genomics to evolve. Handling andsequencing of large numbers of samples require an increasedlevel of automation in order to obtain high throughput andconsistent quality. Improved performance has lead to thesequencing of numerous microbial genomes and a few genomes fromhigher eukaryotes and the benefits of comparing sequences bothwithin and between species are now becoming apparent. Thisthesis describes both the development of automated purificationmethods for DNA, mainly sequencing products, and a comparativesequencing project.</p><p>The initially developed purification technique is dedicatedto single stranded DNA containing vector specific sequences,exemplified by sequencing products. Specific capture probescoupled to paramagnetic beads together with stabilizing modularprobes hybridize to the single stranded target. After washing,the purified DNA can be released using water. When sequencingproducts are purified they can be directly loaded onto acapillary sequencer after elution. Since this approach isspecific it can be applied to multiplex sequencing products.Different probe sets are used for each sequencing product andthe purifications are performed iteratively.</p><p>The second purification approach, which can be applied to anumber of different targets, involves biotinylated PCR productsor sequencing products that are captured using streptavidinbeads. This has been described previously, buthere theinteraction between streptavidin and biotin can be disruptedwithout denaturing the streptavidin, enabling the re-use of thebeads. The relatively mild elution conditions also enable therelease of sensitive biotinylated molecules.</p><p>Another project described in this thesis is the comparativesequencing of the 40 kb<i>cag</i>pathogenicity island (PAI) in four<i>Helicobacter pylori</i>strains. The results included thediscovery of a novel gene, present in approximately half of theSwedish strains tested. In addition, one of the strainscontained a major rearrangement dividing the<i>cag</i>PAI into two parts. Further, information about thevariability of different genes could be obtained.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>DNA sequencing, DNA purification, automation,solid-phase, streptavidin, biotin, modular probes,<i>Helicobacter pylori</i>,<i>cag</i>PAI.</p>

Relationship Between CAG Repeats of the N Terminal Region of the Androgen Receptor and Body Shape

Wen, Michael John 01 May 2001 (has links)
Androgen receptor (AR) gene CAG polymorphisms may be associated with body shape, and are associated with certain breast and prostate cancers. In addition, body shape is associated with risk for a variety of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain forms of cancer. The CAG repeat in exon l of the AR gene was quantified using Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystems GeneScan analysis software in 96 and 59 healthy Caucasian men and women, respectively, who were over the age of 50 years. All participants had body measurements taken and donated a blood sample. Waist measurements included circumferences at the 1) umbilicus (wstumb), 2) top of the iliac crest (wstili), and 3) midpoint between the lowest rib and the iliac crest (wstwst). Waist-hip ratio (Wl-IR) was calculated using each corresponding waist measurement, respectively (WHRUMB, WHRILI, WHRWST). Mean repeat length was significantly different (p < 0.01) between men (22 ± 0.3 repeats) and women (23 ± 0.3 repeats). There was a significant relationship (p < 0.05) between mean individual CAG repeat number and tertile of WHRUMB in women based on the mean number of CAG repeats for each woman. Waist measurements in women were significantly different for all pairwise comparisons (p < 0.05). In addition, the three measurements of WHR in women, WHRUMB, WHRILI, and WHRWST, were significantly different from each other (p < 0.05). Thus, lesser numbers of CAG repeats may indicate a more androgenic phenotype in women.

CAG Repeat Length and Suicidality in Huntington's disease

Kutz, Christen 01 January 2015 (has links)
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation exists between suicide and CAG repeat length in Huntington’s disease. Methodology: A case-control study using the COHORT Study de-identified database was conducted. Responses were collected from 163 participants. Depression, substance abuse history and use of benzodiazepines were covariates. Responses to the UHDRS behavioral section pertaining to the frequency and severity of suicidal ideation (“feels life is not worth living”, “has suicidal thoughts”) were analyzed. Results: Despite taking depression, benzodiazepine use, and history of substance abuse into account, there was a predictive relationship between CAG repeat length and frequency of suicidal ideation (p = .010). When the effect of depression was taken into account, there was no significant relationship between CAG repeat length and the severity of suicidal ideation. Recommendations: The findings from this quantitative analysis supported using CAG length in a clinician’s risk factor assessment to determine the frequency of suicidality.

Modelos de toxicidad inducidos por microsatélites CAG y caracterización de dianas terapéuticas en C. elegans

Gómez Escribano, Ana Pilar 24 May 2021 (has links)
[ES] El equilibrio de la homeostasis de proteínas es esencial para asegurar la funcionalidad celular. La expresión de proteínas propensas a plegarse mal induce la formación de agregados tóxicos que alteran el correcto funcionamiento de estos sistemas de control, lo que conduce a un desequilibrio de la homeostasis de proteínas, y por consiguiente a una afectación patológica. Varias enfermedades neurodegenerativas, como la enfermedad de Huntington (EH), Parkinson, Alzheimer, entre otras, tienen en común esta marca patológica molecular. Especialmente, la EH pertenece a un grupo de patologías producidas por proteínas que contienen expansiones de poliQs (varias ataxias espinocerebelosas, la atrofia muscular bulbar y espinal y la atrofia dentatorubro-pálidoluisiana), que hacen que estos péptidos sean propensos a la agregación, y causen los problemas que hemos descrito. A pesar de que estas enfermedades son genéticas, y se conoce su causa molecular, se cree que la presencia de variantes alélicas en otros genes puede exacerbar o ralentizar la agregación de proteínas con poliQs. Por tanto, la identificación de estos genes permitirá profundizar en los mecanismos moduladores de la dinámica de agregación de poliQs e identificar dianas terapéuticas frente a la toxicidad de poliQs. También es ampliamente conocido que el ARN que porta tripletes CAG tiene carácter patogénico. En este trabajo hemos desarrollado modelos, empleando C. elegans, que muestran signos indirectos de que están expresando transcritos CAG patogénicos, puesto que los tejidos diana están alterados. Usamos uno de estos modelos, que perturba la función de las neuronas GABAérgicas del gusano, para realizar un cribado de 85 compuestos farmacológicos, que nos llevó a identificar cuatro compuestos que reducían los defectos motores en estos animales. Además de poliQs y transcritos CAG, también se producen péptidos derivados de una traducción no canónica, conocida como traducción RAN. En relación a esto, hemos profundizado en la identificación y modelización de estos péptidos en C. elegans mediante la expresión de expansiones CAG fusionadas a proteínas fluorescentes para su detección in vivo. Además hemos empleado otros modelos ya existentes, para caracterizar potenciales dianas terapéuticas, como AMPK, la cual puede ser activada por diferentes sustancias. Sin embargo, algunas sustancias, como la metformina o el salicilato, son pleiotrópicas. Por tanto, hemos caracterizado la activación sinérgica de AMPK, mediante metformina y salicilato, para reducir el estrés por agregados de poliQs, con lo que podríamos evitar que otras dianas resulten activadas. Por último, hemos demostrado que este tratamiento sinérgico reduce la toxicidad inducida por la α -sinucleína implicada en la enfermedad de Parkinson. Por otro lado, hemos caracterizado en C. elegans un nuevo alelo que potencia la la agregación de poliQs, vlt10, en el gen unc-1. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la mutación unc-1(vlt10) perturba la sinapsis eléctrica entre las neuronas sensoriales IL2 y ASJ, induciendo un exceso de señalización hormonal que requiere la función de la sulfotransferasa SSU-1. También hemos demostrado que la diana de esta señal es un receptor nuclear llamado NHR-1. En este mismo capítulo, hemos identificado otra ruta de señalización hormonal, mediada por otro receptor nuclear (DAF-12), que tiene un papel protector. Se desconoce qué hormona modula la actividad de NHR-1. Sin embargo, hemos identificado que algunos de los genes regulados por NHR-1 están relacionados con el metabolismo lipídico. Además, hemos observado que la disrupción de unc-1 induce la acumulación de lípidos en los gusanos, pero a la vez estos animales contienen menos ácidos grasos totales. Esto sugiere que las grasas juegan un papel fundamental en la modulación de la agregación de poliQs, y quizás señala posibles dianas terapéuticas contra enfermedades causadas / [CA] L'equilibri de l'homeòstasi de proteïnes és essencial per a assegurar la funcionalitat cel·lular. L'expressió de proteïnes propenses a plegar-se malament indueix la formació d'agregats tòxics i altera el correcte funcionament dels sistemes de control, cosa que condueix a un desequilibri de l'homeòstasi de proteïnes, i per consegüent a una afectació patològica. Diverses malalties neurodegeneratives, com la malaltia de Huntington (MH), Parkinson i Alzheimer, entre altres, tenen en comú aquesta signatura patològica. Especialment, la MH pertany a un grup de patologies produïdes per proteïnes que contenen expansions de poliQs (s'inclouen diverses atàxies espinocerebel·loses 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 i 17, l'atròfia muscular bulbar i espinal, i l'atròfia dentatorúbrica-pàl·lidaluisiana), que fan que aquests pèptids siguen propensos a l'agregació, i causen els problemes que hem descrit. Malgrat que aquestes malalties són genètiques i es coneix la seva causa molecular, es creu que la presència de variants al·lèliques en gens pot incrementar o alentir l'agregació de proteïnes amb poliQs. Per tant, la identificació de gens modificadors permet aprofundir en els mecanismes moduladors de la dinàmica d'agregació de poliQs ens permet trobar dianes terapèutiques enfront de la toxicitat de poliQs. També és àmpliament conegut que l'ARN que contenen expansions CAG té caràcter patogènic. Per tant, hem desenvolupat models, utilitzant C. elegans, en els quals es mostren signes indirectes que expressen transcrits patogènics, ja que els teixits diana revelen una funcionalitat alterada. Utilitzant aquests models, que alteren la funció de les neurones GABAèrgiques del cuc, hem realitzat un cribratge de 85 compostos farmacològics, que ens va portar a identificar quatre compostos que reduïen els defectes motors en aquests animals. A més de poliQs i l'ARN que conté expansions de CAG, es produeixen pèptids derivats d'una traducció no canònica, coneguda com a traducció RAN. En relació amb això, hem aprofundit en la identificació i modelització d'aquests pèptids en C. elegans mitjançant l'expressió d'expansions CAG fusionades a proteïnes fluorescents per a la seva detecció in vivo. A més hem emprat models ja generats, per a caracteritzar potencials dianes terapèutiques, com AMPK puga ser activat per diversos fàrmacs. No obstant això, alguns activadors, com la metformina o el salicilat, són substàncies pleiotròpiques. Per tant, hem caracteritzat l'activació sinèrgic de AMPK, mitjançant metformina i salicilat, per a reduir l'estrés induït per agregats de poliQs i s'evita l'activació de dianes no desitjades. I finalment, hem demostrat que aquest tractament sinèrgic podria ser utilitzat per a reduir proteïnes tòxiques com la α-sinucleína, causant de la malaltia de Parkinson. D'altra banda, hem caracteritzat un nou modulador de l'agregació de poliQs, vlt10, en el gen unc-1, que produeix un augment d'agregació de poliQs. Els nostres resultats suggereixen que la mutació unc-1(vlt10) pertorba la sinapsi elèctrica entre les neurones sensorials IL2 i ASJ, induint un excés de senyalització hormonal que requereix la funció de la sulfotransferasa SSU-1. També hem demostrat que la diana d'aquest senyal és un receptor nuclear anomenat NHR-1. En el mateix capítol, hem identificat una altra ruta de senyalització hormonal, mitjançada per un altre receptor nuclear (DAF-12), que té un paper protector. Es desconeix l'hormona que modula l'activitat de NHR-1. No obstant això, hem identificat que alguns del genes regulats per NHR-1 estan relacionats amb el metabolisme lipídic. els resultats han sigut confirmats. També hem observat que la disrupció de unc-1 indueix l'acumulació de lípids en els cucs, però simultàniament aquests animals contenen menys àcids grassos totals. Això suggereix que els greixos juguen un paper fonamental en la modulació de l'agregació de poliQs, i potser assenyala / [EN] The balance of protein homeostasis is essential to ensure cellular functionality. The expression of proteins that are prone to misfolding induces the formation of toxic aggregates, which leads to an imbalance in protein homeostasis and pathological consequences. Several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Huntington disease (HD), Parkinson, Alzheimer, among others, have this molecular pathological mark in common. HD belongs to a group of pathologies produced by proteins that contain expansions of polyQs (several spinocerebellar ataxias 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 and 17, bulbar and spinal muscular atrophy and the dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy), which make these peptides prone to aggregation, and cause the problems described above. Although these diseases are genetic, and their molecular cause is known, it is believed that the presence of allelic variants in other genes can exacerbate or slow the polyQ aggregation. Therefore, the identification of these genes will allow delving into the modulating mechanisms of the polyQ aggregation dynamics and find therapeutic targets against the polyQ toxicity. In addition, RNA that contains CAG triplets is pathogenic. In this work we have developed models using C. elegans that show indirect signs of pathogenic transcript expression since altered functionality was observed in target tissues. We use a model, which disturbs the function of the worm's GABAergic neurons, to screen for 85 pharmacological compounds, which led us to identify four compounds that reduced motor defects in these animals. In addition to polyQs and CAG transcripts, also are produced peptides derived from a non-canonical translation, known as RAN translation. In this regard, we have delved into the identification and modelling of these peptides in C. elegans through the expression of CAG expansions fused to fluorescent proteins to investigate them in vivo. Furthermore, we have used models previously generated to characterize potential therapeutic targets, such as AMPK. This enzyme can be activated using different compounds. However, some activators, such as metformin or salicylate, are pleiotropic substances. Therefore, in the second chapter of this thesis, we have characterised the synergistic activation of AMPK, using metformin and salicylate, to reduce the stress induced by polyQ aggregates and prevent possible unwanted targets from being activated. Finally, we have shown that this synergistic treatment could be used to reduce α-synuclein toxicity, which is involved in Parkinson disease. On the other hand, we have characterised a new allele that enhances polyQ aggregation, vlt10, in the unc-1 gene. Our results suggest that the unc-1(vlt10) mutation disturbs the electrical synapse between sensory neurons IL2 and ASJ, inducing an excess of hormonal signalling that requires the function of the sulfotransferase SSU-1. We have also shown that the target of this signal is the nuclear receptor NHR-1. In the same chapter, we have identified another hormonal signalling pathway, mediated by another nuclear receptor (DAF-12), which has a protective role. It is unknown which hormone modulates the activity of NHR-1. However, we have identified several genes that regulate lipid metabolism and whose expression could be modulated by NHR-1. In addition, we have observed that the disruption of unc-1 induces the accumulation of lipids in worms, but at the same time these animals contain less total fatty acids. Thus, our results suggest that the metabolism of fats play a key role in modulating polyQs aggregation, highlighting potential therapeutic targets against diseases caused by aggregation-prone proteins. / Gómez Escribano, AP. (2021). Modelos de toxicidad inducidos por microsatélites CAG y caracterización de dianas terapéuticas en C. elegans [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/166783

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