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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bill Share - Capacity Planning and Management

Balaraman, Subha 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Prognostisering av produktionskapacitet - En studie på PET-Turbuhaler, AstraZeneca / Forecasting capacity of PET-Turbuhaler production at AstraZeneca

En viktig aspekt för att få ett företag att bli så framgångsrikt som möjligt är att ha en träffsäker kapacitetsprognostisering av produktionen. En kapacitetsprognostisering hjälper ett företag att förutse och planera sin produktion för att kunna uppfylla den framtida efterfrågan. Därför är det av stor betydelse att prognostiseringen av kapaciteten är träffsäker. Detta är huvudområdet i denna examensrapport. Rapportens författare kom under vårterminen 2016 i kontakt med produktionsenheten PET-Turbuhaler på AstraZeneca i Södertälje. De efterfrågade en träffsäker modell för deras kapacitetsprognostisering på lång sikt, 12-24 månader. Examensarbetets syfte har därför sammanställts i en huvudfrågeställning som lyder; Vilket arbetssätt är det bästa för att PET-Turbuhaler ska uppnå en träffsäker produktionskapacitetsprognostisering på 12-24 månader? För att besvara frågeställningen genomfördes en förstudie, en litteraturstudie samt en intern och en extern benchmarking som alla analyserades och sammanställdes. Förstudien gav en övergripande bild av hur arbetet med den Microsoft Excel-modell som PET-Turbuhaler använder idag fungerar. Dessutom framkom vilka problem som de anställda ser att det finns med den nuvarande modellen. Författarna har även gjort egna analyser av PET-Turbuhalers kapacitetsmodell. Litteraturstudien som gjordes visar bland annat varför det är en skillnad mellan teoretisk och verklig kapacitet. För att beräkna den verkliga produktionskapaciteten behöver anläggningens schemalagda kapacitetsförluster (t.ex. lunch, möten), kapacitetsbortfall (t.ex. maskinhaveri, ställtid) och ej planerad verksamhet (t.ex. defekter) subtraheras från anläggningens teoretiska kapacitetstillgång, d.v.s. när anläggningen är igång dygnet runt, året om. Analysen visade att den modell som PET-Turbuhaler använder idag omfattar i stort sett samma parametrar som den modell litteraturen hänvisar till. Examensarbetarna insåg därför att PET-Turbuhalers problem med en bristande kapacitetsprognos på lång sikt inte nödvändigtvis ligger i den modell som används idag utan snarare i hur modellen används. Det har kommit upp till ytan att parametrar inom den nuvarande modellen inte uppdateras kontinuerligt med aktuell indata. Detta gör att gammal produktionsdata som är inaktuell ligger till grund för den kapacitetsprognos som görs på lång sikt. Frågeställningen kunde besvaras utifrån det underlag som tagits fram i analysen. Det mest intressanta resultatet blev att PET-Turbuhalers kapacitetsprognos på kort sikt inte är lika träffsäker som man tidigare trott. Följden av detta är att ett bra fungerande standardiserat arbete för den korta prognosen behöver utformas för att i framtiden få en träffsäkrare prognos på lång sikt. Efter diskussioner av resultatet kunde examensarbetarna slutligen komma fram till rekommendationer för hur PET-Turbuhaler bör fortsätta arbeta. Några av rekommendationerna är att utvärdera insamlad data kontinuerligt, ha regelbundna möten mellan produktionstekniker och gruppchefer samt att montera en sensor, som kan registrera output-takten, längst ner i flödet på produktionslinorna. / A company needs an accurate capacity plan to become successful. The capacity plan is an important tool for planning and anticipating production which is essential to be able to meet future demands. It is therefore of great importance to get an accurate forecasting of the production capacity, which is the main topic of this report. During the spring semester 2016, the authors of this report were contacted by the production unit PET-Turbuhaler at AstraZeneca in Södertälje. PET-Turbuhaler requested an accurate model for the long term, 12-24 months, forecasting of their production capacity. From this problem, a research question has been formulated into; Which is the best way for PET-Turbuhaler to work to reach an accurate long term, 12-24 months, production capacity prognosis? A pre-study, a literature study and an internal and an external benchmarking were conducted in order to answer the research question. The result from these were afterwards compiled and analyzed. The pre-study at PET-Turbuhaler gave an overview of the work with the current Microsoft Excel-model and its associated problems. The pre-study did also consist of the authors’ own analysis of PET-Turbuhalers capacity model. The literature study was made to investigate how theory advocates the work with capacity forecasting. It showed a difference between theoretical and real capacity. The real capacity is calculated by subtracting the plant’s scheduled and nonscheduled capacity losses (such as time losses for lunch, meetings, set-ups, machine breakdowns and defects from production) from the theoretical capacity. The theoretical capacity of the plant is the capacity when the plant runs 24 hours a day every day of the year. The analysis showed that the current model PET-Turbuhaler use today consist of more or less the same parameters as the literature suggests. The authors could therefore realize that the current model is not necessarily the main problem at this stage. The biggest problem is rather how the current model is being used by the employees. Parameters within the current model are not continuously updated with right data as PET-Turbuhaler thought. The consequence of this is that the long term forecasting is based on out-of-date data even though new and more accurate data is available. The research question can be answered based on the analysis. The most interesting result was the insight that the short term forecasting is not as accurate as PET-Turbuhaler believed. This gives, in order to achieve a good long term forecasting, that PET-Turbuhaler must first improve their short term forecasting by establishing a standardized way of working with the model. Only then can the long term forecasting be accurate. Through discussions regarding the result the authors were able to suggest improvements on how PET-Turbuhaler could work to reach an accurate long term forecast of their production capacity prognosis. The recommendations include continuous evaluation of collected data, regular meetings between production support and production line managers and the benefit of using a sensor, in the end of the production line, to registrate the output rate.

Řízení o svéprávnosti / Legal capacity proceedings

Machová, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines legal capacity and its restriction. The legal capacity of a person makes along with his legal personality an inherent and inalienable component of his personality that enables him to act legally. It is therefore a prerequisite of his self-realization and active participation in society. Legal capacity and legal personality are components so significant, that they cannot be relinquished. Not even partially. Unlike legal personality, a person's legal capacity can be restricted by a court order. And it is the very legal capacity proceeding, this thesis focuses on. In view of the fact, that procedural law is reflected in substantive law, part of this thesis also concerns with the analysis of legislation contained within the Civil Code (Act. No. 89/2012 Coll.). The thesis thoroughly analyses individual stages of a legal capacity proceeding and the subsequent legal provisions and court decisions. The thesis is divided into two parts and eight chapters. The first part discusses substantive regulations of legal capacity. In the introduction to the first chapter, I draw attention to an alteration in legal terminology and a new conception of legal capacity restriction according to the legal regulation that came into force on the 1st of January 2014. Subsequently I define the concept of...

A departure regulator for closely spaced parallel runways

Robeson, Isaac J. 29 August 2011 (has links)
Increased efficiency at airports is necessary to reduce delays and fuel consumption. Many of the busiest airports in the nation have at least one pair of closely spaced parallel runways (CSPRs), defined by a separation of less than 2500 ft, with one runway dedicated to arrivals and the other to departures. CSPRs experience a large decrease in capacity under instrument conditions because they can no longer operate independently. In order to mitigate this decrease in capacity and to increase efficiency, proposed herein is a departure regulator for runways so configured, along with a plan of study to investigate the effects of this regulator. The proposed departure regulator makes use of data from precision tracking systems such as ADS-B to issue automated or semi-automated departure clearances. Assuming sequential departure separations are sufficient for clearance, the regulator will automatically issue, or advise the controller to issue, the departure clearance as soon as the arrival on the adjacent runway has descended below its decision height. By issuing the departure clearance earlier, the departure regulator reduces the gap between a pair of arrivals that is required to clear a departure. By decreasing the gap, the regulator increases the number of opportunities where a departure clearance can be issued, given a particular arrival stream. A simulation models the effects of the regulator and quantifies the resulting increases in capacity. The simulation results indicate that all forms of the regulator would provide significant gains of between 14% and 23% in capacity over the current operating paradigm. The results also indicate that the capacity gains are greatest at high arrival rates. Therefore, implementation of the departure regulator could significantly decrease the congestion at many major airports during inclement weather.

The effect of adsorption on the electrical capacitance of liquid surfaces

Schrenk, William George. January 1936 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1936 S31

Relations entre le risque nutritionnel, les symptômes dépressifs et la capacité fonctionnelle chez la personne âgée de la communauté une analyse secondaire des données de l'étude NuAge

Ávila-Funes, José Alberto January 2007 (has links)
La dépression et la malnutrition ne sont pas des conditions inévitables du vieillissement et elles représentent des problèmes de santé très importants étant donné leur prévalence élevée et leurs effets néfastes sur les capacités fonctionnelles. Précédemment, aucun travail de recherche ne s'est intéressé à étudier l'effet explicatif de la nutrition dans la relation entre la dépression et la capacité fonctionnelle. Objectifs. 1) Déterminer l'effet du risque nutritionnel (RN) dans la relation entre les symptômes dépressifs (SD) et la capacité fonctionnelle (CF) des personnes âgées. Méthodologie. Les données de base (TI) des 1,793 hommes (48 %) et femmes (52 %) (74,4[plus ou moins]4,1 ans) de la cohorte NuAge ont été utilisées pour les analyses. La CF a été mesurée par le score global de 4 tests de performance physique selon la méthode proposée par Guralnik et coil. (Timed"up & go", vitesse de marche (4 m), levée de chaise (5X), équilibre unipodal). Un résultat [supérieur ou égal à] 11 ou [inférieur ou égal à] 20 à l'Échelle de dépression gériatrique indique la présence de SD et un score [supérieur ou égal à] 3 au Dépistage nutritionnel des aînés (DNA[copyright]), un RN. Des analyses de variance ont été utilisées pour comparer les groupes suivants sur leur CF : saris RN et sans SD, avec RN et sans SD, sans RN et avec SD, avec RN et avec SD. La régression linéaire multivariée a permis de tester l'effet modificateur du RN VII dans la relation SD/CF ainsi que les associations entre le score global de CF et plusieurs variables sociodémographiques et sanitaires. Résultats. Le RN est présent chez 51% des sujets et sa prévalence est plus élevée dans les groupes plus âgés dans les 2 sexes ([rhô][inférieur à]0,001). La prévalence des SD est plus élevée chez les femmes (12,7%) que chez les hommes (7,7%) ([rhô]=0,001) de même que le score de CF (H: 10,59[plus ou moins]3,41; F: 9,25[plus ou moins]3,40; [rhô][inférieur à]0,001). Chez les deux sexes, la meilleure performance a été observée chez les plus jeunes et chez ceux qui rapportaient plus d'activités physiques. Par contre, le score de CF est plus faible dans le groupe avec RN et avec SD (8,86[plus ou moins]3,42) en comparaison avec le groupe sans RN et sans SD (10,55[plus ou moins]3,28) ([rhô]=0,001). L'inclusion du RN dans un modèle comprenant l'âge, le sexe et les SD a montré que le RN a un effet additionnel indépendant sur la CF ([rhô][inférieur à]0,001), lequel persiste après l'ajustement selon la scolarité, le revenu, l'indice de masse corporelle, le fardeau de la maladie et l'activité physisque. Par contre, l'interaction (RN*SD) n'est pas significative indiquant que le RN ne modifie pas la relation entre les SD et le score de CF. Ce dernier modèle explique 34% de la variabilité observée dans le score de la CF. Conclusion. Le risque nutritionnel est associé, de façon indépendante, à une capacité fonctionnelle réduite, mais ne modifie pas la relation entre cette dernière et les symptômes dépressifs. Étant donné l'importance des capacités fonctionnelles pour le maintien de l'autonomie, le développement de programmes comprenant la prévention du risque nutritionnel est une voie plausible et raisonnable d'intervention. De plus, ces programmes devraient inclure des composantes psychosociales qui auraient le potentiel de soulager les symptômes dépressifs. Malgré leurs limites liées aux analyses transversales, nos résultats proposent des hypothèses pour identifier les personnes âgées les plus à risque de présenter des limites fonctionnelles.

Utökade dimensioneringskrav från en förhöjd installationsgrad av distribuerade solcellssystem / Increased dimensioning requirements from an elevated degree of installed distributed photovoltaics

Zetterström, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to examine the hosting capacity (the maximum amount of distributed generation possible to add to a current grid) of Mälarenergi’s distribution networks. The three areas examined are a rural network, a modern suburban grid and an older suburban grid. The networks are modelled in PowerWorld Simulator with data mainly from Mälarenergi’s NIS (Network Information System). The basic models include calculated minimum loads based on load profiles, combined with 0 kW, 2 kW, 4kW or 5 kW installed photovoltaics (PV) systems at each consumer. The compensating models are based on the previous ones but with reduced transformer voltages to lower the risk of grid over-voltages. A high load case is also examined to make sure there are no under-voltages for these models. The results show that the rural network is strong enough to handle the biggest available PV system at 5 kW, if the transformer voltage is lowered from 1.03 p.u. to 1.005 p.u. The modern suburban grid can host 4 kW solar panels together with a lowered voltage level of 1.005 p.u. The larger package of 5 kW leads to overloading at the transformer when used. The older suburban grid has the largest issues with both overvoltages and overloading and can only handle 2 kW distributed generation with a voltage reduction to 1.005 p.u. The models are fairly sensitive because of assumed transfomer parameters and, in the case of the modern suburban grid, some lines being removed due to limitations in the software. Regardless, the results are robust enough that they can be considered correct.

Culture and Capacity : Drought and Gender Differentiated Vulnerability of Rural Poor in Nicaragua, 1970-2010

Segnestam, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation interprets gender-differentiated vulnerability to drought within a rural community located in the dry zone, la zona seca, of Nicaragua, a region that has been identified by the government and NGO sector as suffering from prolonged and, since the 1970s, more frequent droughts.  A combination of gender, capitals, and vulnerability demonstrates the value in using a multidimensional perspective to look at the socioeconomic and cultural contexts that form the capacity individuals have had to reduce their long-term vulnerability to drought in Nicaragua.  Due to the place-based characteristics of gender as well as vulnerability the analysis is mainly based on people’s stories about the history of their lives.  Based on these stories a local level picture is created of the households’ situation over time, how their work strategies and management of resources have varied, and how they perceived changes in capacity and vulnerability in relation to continuity and change in the climate.  The issue of adaptive capacity, which currently is less covered in research on gender and vulnerability and recognized in the literature as in need of more attention, and how it distinguishes itself from coping capacity in relation to vulnerability, is placed at the center of analysis.  In an additional analysis of how Nicaragua’s hazard management policies look upon the role and importance of interaction among societal levels and actors in reducing hazard vulnerability I show how the discourse has moved from emergency response to risk management with an increased emphasis on capacity building.  However, the recognition to differentiated vulnerability is lacking which risks hampering a successful vulnerability reduction. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Accepted. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

Capacity planning and scheduling with applications in healthcare

Villarreal, Monica Cecilia 27 May 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we address capacity planning problems with different demand and service characteristics, motivated by healthcare applications. In the first application, we develop, implement, and assess the impact of analytical models, accompanied by a decision-support tool, for operating room (OR) staff planning decisions with different service lines. First, we propose a methodology to forecast the staff demand by service line. We use these results in a two-phase mathematical model that defines the staffing budget for each service line, and then decides how many staff to assign to each potential shift and day pair while considering staff overtime and pooling policies and other staff planning constraints. We also propose a heuristic to solve the model's second phase. We implement these models using historical data from a community hospital and analyze the effect of different model parameters and settings. Compared with the current practice, we reduce delays and staff pooling at no additional cost. We validate these conclusions through a simulation model. In the second application, we consider the problem of staff planning and scheduling when there is an accepted time window between each order's arrival and fulfillment, with the goal of obtaining a balanced schedule that focuses on on-time demand fulfillment but also considers staff characteristics and operational practices. Hence, solving this problem requires simultaneously scheduling the staff and the forecasted demand. We propose, implement, and analyze the results of a model for staff and demand scheduling under this setting, accompanied by a decision-support tool. We implement this model in a company that offers document processing and other back-office services to healthcare providers. We provide details on the model validation, implementation, and results, including a 25\% increase in the company's staff productivity. Finally, we provide insights on the effects of some of the model's parameters and settings, and assess the performance of a proposed heuristic to solve this problem. In the third application, we consider a non-consumable resource planning problem. Demand consists of a set of jobs, each job has a scheduled start time and duration, and belongs to a particular demand class that requires a subset of resources. Jobs can be `accepted' or `rejected,' and the service level is measured by the (weighted) percentage of accepted jobs. The goal is to find the capacity level that minimizes the total cost of the resources, subject to global and demand-class-based service level constraints. We first analyze the complexity of this problem and several of its special cases, and then we propose a model to find the optimal inventory for each type of resource. We show the convergence of the sample average approximation method to solve a stochastic extension of the model. This problem is motivated by the inventory planning decisions for surgical instruments for ORs. We study the effects of different model parameters and settings on the cost and service levels, based on surgical data from a community hospital.

Effect of a low carbohydrate - moderate protein supplement on endurance performance in female athletes

McCleave, Erin Louise 29 October 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate if a low mixed carbohydrate plus moderate protein supplement, provided during endurance exercise, would improve time to exhaustion in comparison to a traditional 6% carbohydrate supplement in female athletes exercising at or below their ventilatory threshold. Fourteen (n = 14) trained female cyclists and triathletes cycled on two separate occasions for three hours at intensities varying between 45% - 70% VO₂max, followed by a ride to exhaustion at an intensity approximating the individual's VT (average 75.06% VO₂max). Supplements (275ml) were provided every 20 min during exercise and were composed of a 3% carbohydrate mixture + 1.2% protein (CHO+PRO) or a 6% carbohydrate-only (CHO). The CHO+PRO treatment contained a mixture of dextrose, maltodextrin, fructose, and whey protein isolate. The CHO treatment was composed of dextrose only. Time to exhaustion (TTE) was significantly greater with CHO+PRO in comparison to CHO (49.94 ± 7.01 vs 42.36 ± 6.21 min, respectively, p < 0.05). Blood glucose was signifcantly lower during the CHO+PRO (4.07 ± 0.12 mmol x L⁻¹) trial compared to CHO (4.47 ± 0.12 mmol x L⁻¹), with treatment x time interactions occurring from 118 minutes of exercise until exhaustion (p < 0.05). Heart rate was significantly lowered in the CHO+PRO treatment during exercise as compared to CHO (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences for other blood measures, ratings of perceived exertion or carbohydrate and fat oxidation between trials. Results from the present study suggest that the addition of a moderate amount of protein to a low mixed carbohydrate supplement improves endurance performance in females above that of a traditional 6% carbohydrate supplement. Improvement in performance occurred despite CHO+PRO containing a lower carbohydrate and caloric content. It is likely the greater performance seen with CHO+PRO was a result of the carbohydrate protein combination and the use of a mixture of carbohydrate sources. / text

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