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Komparácia nástrojov marketingu a návrhy na zlepšenie ich využívania za účelom zvýšenia konkurencieschopnosti v segmente luxusných hotelov (v čase krízy) / Comparison of the Marketing Tools and Proposals to Improve their Use in Order to Increase Competitiveness in the Segment of Luxury Hotels (in Crisis)Žuffová, Michala January 2011 (has links)
The object of this work is the analysis and proposals for changes to the marketing tools to enhance the competitiveness of the hotel. The thesis compares the theoretical knowledge with reality in the hotel, specifies opportunities for changes and methods, how to achieve these opportunities. Based on the analysis of the competitors, SWOT analysis and the questionnaire the proposals for change will be identified.
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Kvalita ve strategickém řízení firem a organizací / Quality in Strategic Management in Companies and OrganizationsRůžička, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with the status of quality in strategic management of organizations in industry, services, small and medium-sized enterprises, public organizations and administration. It reflects the development in the Czech Republic in the last 25 years in terms of quality. It concerns establishment processes contained in the Blue Guide and the NLF in the Czech Republic, including some instruments such as certification, accreditation and conformity assessment. The second area of the work deals with the National Quality Policy in the Czech Republic, defined by the Council of quality of the Czech Republic. The main objective is the realization of research and determination / verification, whether the strategic management of organizations polled is used and in what way. What modern management concepts do these organizations use and how are their strategies contained in the individual quality requirements. The results were compared with results of similar research carried out not only in the Czech Republic in the past years, so it would be possible to confirm the trends I´ve observed. The results will be used as a guidance for Czech organizations in respect of the aforementioned topics.
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Factores que influyeron en la optimización de la cadena de suministros de las empresas exportadoras e importadoras peruanas certificadas como Operadores Económicos Autorizados (OEA) durante los años 2013 al 2018Escudero Perla, Yaniree Belén, Ponce Vélez, Sergio Antonio 03 March 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación busca identificar los factores que influyeron en la optimización de la cadena de suministros de las empresas exportadoras e importadoras peruanas certificadas como Operadores Económicos Autorizados (OEA) durante los años 2013 al 2018, los cuales permitieron disminuir tiempos y costos en la cadena de abastecimientos. Es por ello, que en primera instancia se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre las teorías que existen en relación a la cadena de suministro. Las teorías utilizadas fueron pilares de la presente investigación. Asimismo, se identificaron variables de estudio mediante de la data empírica, validada para el contexto específico por expertos en comercio internacional. El trabajo de investigación utiliza un enfoque cualitativo con un diseño de teoría fundamentada, que ayuda a analizar aspectos específicos de las variables. La información fue obtenida mediante entrevistas a expertos en la materia de comercio internacional, empresas certificadas como OEA, e incluso a una funcionaria de SUNAT, así mismo se fue complementado la investigación con diversas fuentes secundarias, en donde se estudia el impacto del programa OEA en otros contextos. Los resultados fueron trabajados en softwares especializados como Atlas. Ti, el cual fue de utilidad para poder identificar la validación de las hipótesis propuestas. Con ello, se espera generar un espacio de discusión académica y que sea un soporte para futuros trabajos de investigación que tengan como principal rama de estudio la cadena de suministro. / This research seeks to identify the factors that influenced the optimization of the supply chain of Peruvian exporting and importing companies certified as Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) during the years 2013 to 2018, which allowed the optimization of times and costs in the supply chain. For this reason, in first instance, a literature review was carried out about the theories that exist in relation to the supply chain. The theories used were pillars of the present investigation. Likewise, study variables can be identified through empirical data, validated for the specific context by experts in international trade. The research work uses a qualitative approach with a grounded theory design, which helps analyze specific aspects of the variables. The information was obtained through interviews with experts in the field of international trade, companies certified as AEO, a function of the custom administration and was complemented with secondary sources, where the impact of the AEO program in other contexts is studied. The results were worked on specialized software’s such as Atlas. Ti, which was useful to identify the validation of the proposed hypotheses. With this, it is expected to generate an academic discussion space and that it will be a support for future research work that has as its main branch of study the supply chain. / Tesis
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Factores que influyeron en la disminución de las exportaciones de café de la provincia de La Convención, Cusco hacia Alemania en el marco del TLC Perú – UE durante los años 2008 – 2018Fernandez Ato, Xiomara Betzabeth, Orellana Camarena, Rodolfo Hans 29 January 2020 (has links)
Las certificaciones como FairTrade, Organic, Rainforest Alliance y Utz son las más solicitadas por el mercado de Alemania. Estas certificaciones suponen ser de carácter voluntario, sin embargo, los requisitos de acceso y mantenimiento exige al sistema una regulación constante en materia laboral, social y medioambiental que desencadena en una serie de costos de auditoría e implementación considerablemente elevados. Asimismo, al ser el café un producto commodity está condicionado a las variaciones del precio internacional, lo cual influye en el funcionamiento del sistema. A través de una metodología de enfoque mixto, compuesta por entrevistas semiestructuradas y una regresión lineal múltiple con las principales variables identificadas dentro del periodo planteado en la problemática de la investigación, se analizará la significancia de cada uno de los factores mencionados. El principal resultado en el enfoque cualitativo fue la influencia de los sistemas de certificación como un factor que más impactó al flujo de las exportaciones de café, debido a que sus exigencias requieren de mucha organización a nivel cooperativo u empresarial, además del soporte de todas las instituciones involucradas que promueven las exportaciones de este producto. Bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, el principal hallazgo fue el nivel significativo de correlación de la demanda de café de la economía de Alemania procedente de otros países diferentes a Perú. Se pudo concluir que los tres factores mencionados influyeron en la disminución de las exportaciones de café de La Convención hacia Alemania, principalmente a causa de la demanda procedente de otros países diferentes a Perú. / Certifications such as FairTrade, Organic, Rainforest Alliance and Utz are the most requested by the German market. These certifications mean being voluntary, however, the requirements of access and maintenance demanding the system of constant regulation in labor, social and environmental matters that triggers a series of costs of auditing and controlled implementation. Also, since coffee is a basic product, it is conditioned to variations in the international price, which influences the operation of the system. Through a mixed approach methodology, composed of semi-structured interviews and a multiple linear regression with the main variables identified within the period posed in the research problem, analyze the significance of each of the impact factors. The main result in the qualitative approach was the influence of certification systems as a factor that impacts the flow of coffee exports more, due to their demands of a lot of cooperative or business organization, in addition to the support of all the institutions involved that promote exports of this product. Under the quantitative approach, the main finding was the significant level of correlation in the demand for coffee from Germany's economy derived from other countries instead of Peru. It could be concluded that the three factors influenced in the decrease on coffee exports from The Convention to Germany, mainly due to the demand derived from other countries instead of Peru. / Tesis
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Factores determinantes de las exportaciones de aceite de palma: tecnología, capacitación y calidad de la Región Ucayali durante el periodo 2013-2018 / Determining factors of palm oil exports: technology, training and quality of ucayali region during the period 2013-2018Alvarado Aguilar, Arisa, Ballarte Beraún, Norlit Gabriela 19 July 2020 (has links)
Las exportaciones de Aceite de Palma producido en los principales países productores a nivel mundial registran una tendencia creciente, lo cual indica que este producto cuenta con gran perspectiva de desarrollo. Además, a nivel Latinoamérica la producción y exportación de aceite de Palma ha incrementado, siendo liderada por Ecuador y Colombia. Asimismo, Perú cuenta con superficies altamente potenciales para la producción de Palma en la Amazonia y climas adecuados para el desarrollo, por lo que la producción de aceite de palma en la Región Ucayali representa nuevos retos para lograr un desarrollo sostenible. Esto se debe a que Ucayali se encuentra entre las Regiones que produce mayor cantidad de aceite de palma para la exportación. Por lo que, en el siguiente trabajo analizaremos los factores: tecnología, capacitación y calidad, que influyen en el incremento de las exportaciones de aceite de palma. Mediante una metodología de enfoque cualitativo, se analiza el impacto de cada uno de los factores mencionados en el incremento de las exportaciones de aceite de palma. El principal resultado desde el enfoque cualitativo fue el factor calidad y su gran impacto positivo en el incremento de las exportaciones de aceite de palma en los últimos años, ya que, debido a este factor se presenta la oportunidad de incrementar los volúmenes de exportación e ingresar a más mercados. Sin embargo, los factores tecnología y capacitación se encuentran ligados al factor calidad, ya que para obtener una mejor calidad de producto es necesario el manejo de tecnología y personal capacitado. / Exports of Palm Oil produced in the main producing countries worldwide register an increasing trend, which indicates that this product has a great development perspective. In addition, at Latin American level the production and export of palm oil has increased, being led by Ecuador and Colombia. Likewise, Peru has highly potential areas for palm production in the Amazon and suitable climates for development, so the production of palm oil in Ucayali Region represents new challenges to achieve sustainable development. This is because Ucayali is among the Regions that produces the largest quantity of palm oil for export. Therefore, in this investigation we will analyze the factors: technology, training and quality, that influence the increase in palm oil exports. Using a qualitative approach methodology, the impact of each of the factors mentioned in the increase in palm oil exports is analyzed. The main result from the qualitative approach was the quality factor and its great positive impact on the increase in palm oil exports in recent years. This factor represents the opportunity to increase export volumes and get into new markets. / Tesis
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Requisitos a superar de la Normativa Restrictiva de la Unión Europea con respecto a la mosca de la fruta, impuesta a los agroexportadores de mangos desde el 2019 / Analysis of the requirements of the restrictive regulation of the European Union to overcome the Phytosanitary Restrictions imposed on Mangoes Agro-exporters since 2019Galindo Valer, Fabiola Alejandra, Guzmán Quispe, Luisa Katherine 29 August 2020 (has links)
Una de las medidas de proteccionismo de los países frente a las importaciones de productos vegetales es el requerimiento de certificación sanitaria, con la finalidad de proteger al país frente al posible ingreso de plagas cuarentenarias. La mosca de la fruta es una de las plagas más perjudiciales económicamente a nivel mundial, en vista de que ocasiona pérdidas anuales del total de producción agrícola de los países hospedantes. De igual forma, los agricultores de estos países se ven sumamente afectados, debido a que deben invertir en diferentes mecanismos tanto de control, como de erradicación de plagas. Nuestro país no es exento a esta plaga, por lo que en muchos casos nuestras exportaciones se han visto restringidas. El año pasado la Unión Europea impuso una serie de restricciones a la importación de mango a través de una serie de requisitos con la finalidad de que el Perú cumpla al menos con uno de ellos para que sus exportaciones de mango no se vean afectadas, los requisitos impuestos fueron país libre de la mosca de la fruta, área libre de la mosca de la fruta, parcela que durante los últimos tres meses no haya tenido rastro de la mosca de la fruta o aplicar un tratamiento eficaz. En la presente investigación buscamos analizar cada uno de estos requisitos y establecer a cuál de ellos debería acogerse nuestro país. / One of the protectionist measures of the countries against imports of plant products is the requirement of sanitary certification, in order to protect the country against the possible entry of quarantine pests. The fruit fly is one of the most economically damaging pests in the world, since it causes annual losses of the total agricultural production of the host countries. Similarly, farmers in these countries are highly affected, because they must invest in different mechanisms, both for control and eradication of pests. Our country is not exempt from this plague, which is why in many cases our exports have been restricted. Last year the European Union imposed a series of restrictions on mango imports through a series of requirements in order for Peru to comply with at least one of them so that its mango exports are not affected; the requirements imposed were fruit fly free country, fruit fly free area, piece of ground that for the last three months we have had no trace of fruit fly or applied effective treatment.. In the present investigation, we seek to analyze each of these requirements and establish which of them should be accepted by our country. / Tesis
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En kartläggning av de vanligaste standarderna inom livsmedelsbranschen och deras koppling till livsmedelslagstiftningen. / A survey of the most common standards in the food industry and their connection to food legislationOsman, Adnan Abdi January 2020 (has links)
The Swedish Food Safety Authority is working to develop a new model for risk classification to classify food companies. An objective of the new risk classification model is to enable food companies to obtain reduced control time through third-party certifications. The purpose of this study was to map out the most common standards in the food industry and to evaluate how relevant they are for food safety legislation. An investigation was made of the content in four selected standards to assess how relevant they were for the food legislation. Surveys were designed to study how common the standards were. One survey was sent to municipalities in northern and southern regions in Sweden. Another survey was sent to companies and trade associations. There are significantly more municipalities that have heard about the selected standards than municipalities that have not. All trade associations stated that they knew one or more of the standards. The review of the standards reveals that the standards are relevant for compliance with food legislation. The standards cover the food legislation, such as product traceability, HACCP, and allergens. Trade associations and companies were more convinced about a decreased need for control through certifications in comparison with control authorities. In conclusion, a future national classification model should allow control authorities to determine when it is appropriate to reduce the need for control through third-party certification. Certification against the selected standards can be used to reduce control time, but a study needs to be done on how to use them.
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A Mixed-Methods Study of Alternate-Route Teachers' Effect on Student LearningSpearman, Cassandra Faye 01 January 2017 (has links)
Due to teacher shortages at the study site, teaching positions in the state that is the focus of this study are filled by alternate route (AR) teachers, who earned bachelor degrees in the fields that were not related to education and received teacher certification through alternative teacher education programs. Because there is limited information about the preparation and performance of AR teachers at the site of this study, the purpose of this sequential mixed methods project study was to explore AR teachers' preparation and their effect on student learning as measured by Northwest Evaluation Association's Measures of Academic Progress/Discovery Education Assessments. Guided by Mezirow's experiential learning theory and Dewey's educational philosophy, this project study investigated the relationship between the alternate route teachers' field experiences and years of experience, and teachers' effect on student learning. Data collection included a survey of 36 K-12 AR teachers selected through convenience sampling, document analysis of their student assessment scores, and 6 structured interviews with purposefully selected high performing AR teachers. Data were triangulated and cross-analyzed. Findings indicated that when AR teachers engage in field experiences prior to teaching, their students have higher levels of achievement as evidenced in their assessment scores. There was no correlation between AR teachers' years of teaching experience and their student assessment scores. Analysis of AR teachers' interview responses revealed a need for professional development, which was then created to address those needs. This study may contribute to social change by offering the targeted professional development of AR teachers and improving the design of AR preparation programs to better influence student learning.
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Stakeholders' Perception of Alternative Certification ProgramPark, Sherry 01 January 2015 (has links)
The diminution of Alternative Certification Program (ACP) teachers contributes to the teacher shortage and complicates the challenges of hard-to-staff schools. Some ethnic minority, economically challenged districts have experienced a growing attrition rate of teachers prepared by ACPs, resulting in a scarcity of qualified teachers. The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of stakeholders, including teachers currently in the program, teachers who left the program before completion, and program administrators, in order to understand the ACP program. A conceptual framework was based upon theorists Feistritzer and Klagholz, the originators of the ACP movement. Ten participants were selected for this qualitative case study using purposeful sampling, and data were collected through open ended interviews focused on training, challenges, support, and improvements. The hand analysis method was used to generate codes and subsequent themes. The themes developed from the interview questions and that provided some insight into stakeholders' perceptions included the influences of a positive school environment, the detriments of lack of support and preparation, and the apparent need for program restructuring. An ACP training manual based on study findings was designed to address the immanent training and support needs of ACP teachers. The manual may be implemented to train and retain ACP teachers in the district of study. Positive change implications of this study and of this manual may include more relevant professional development and a more structured ACP.
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Creating fundraising professionals: the development of the certified fund raising executive credentialAldrich, Eva E. 09 November 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Credentialing has become an established albeit voluntary—and often debated—
part of the fundraising profession. Despite this, scholarly attention to the phenomenon of
credentialing for fundraising professionals has been woefully lacking. While the literature
has discussed what the benefits of credentialing are to fundraisers and the general public,
it has failed to research how particular credentials came to be and why they were created
at a particular place and time. This study analyzes the origins of the first fundraising
credential, the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential, which was first
awarded in 1981. While touching briefly on the phenomenon of mass philanthropy that
paved the way for the birth of fundraising as a profession in the early twentieth century,
the study concentrates on the way in which early practitioner associations such as the
American Association of Fundraising Counsel and the National Association of Fund
Raising Executives worked to establish fundraising as a legitimate profession. They
fended off external threats from government regulation and capitalized on opportunities
to give shape to the profession through the development of criteria for determining
professional standing, codes and standards of practice and, eventually, the self-regulatory
mechanism of voluntary credentialing. The principal results and conclusions of this study
are: 1) while the fundraising profession has been witness to major events impacting
American philanthropy in the twentieth century, including the reification of philanthropy
as an economic “third sector” through the impact of the Tax Reform Act of 1969, the fundraising profession as a whole has been largely disengaged from these events except
when they have directly threatened the economic welfare of the profession; and 2) the
creation of the CFRE credential was largely spurred by increased calls for self-regulation
of fundraising in the late 1970s.
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