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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência de diferentes isoformas de fosfodiesterases no controle da maturação de oócitos bovinos / Influence of different phosphodiesterase isoforms on the control of bovine oocyte maturation

Zaffalon, Fabiane Gilli 31 July 2014 (has links)
A maturação in vitro do oócito é um dos fatores limitantes na produção in vitro de embriões. In vivo, esta maturação é um processo altamente orquestrado no qual a meiose é retomada pela onda de gonadotrofina que antecede a ovulação e que induz à queda dos níveis de AMPc no oócito. No entanto, os oócitos aspirados ao serem retirados dos folículos ovarianos retomam espontaneamente a maturação comprometendo a competência de seu desenvolvimento. O AMPc é sintetizado pela adenilato ciclase (AC) e degradado pelas fosfodiesterases (PDE), existindo algumas relacionadas à degradação do AMPc e outras do GMPc. Sendo assim, a proposição deste trabalho foi averiguar a contribuição de diferentes isoformas de fosfodiesterases na retomada da meiose e nos níveis de GMPc, AMPc e ainda, determinar quando há manutenção de AMPc em níveis elevados observando sua influência na competência oocitária e ativação da MAPK. Para isso, os complexos cumulus-oócito (CCOs) foram maturados in vitro na ausência, presença ou associação de inibidores de PDEs-AMPc e GMPc específicas e FSHr. As amostras foram avaliadas em relação a: 1) taxa de maturação; 2) níveis intracelulares de AMPc e GMPc nos CCOs; 3) taxa de desenvolvimento de blastocistos ; 4) ativação da MAPK em oócitos e células do cumulus. Os resultados obtidos no primeiro experimento indiaram que o inibidor da PDE3 foi o mais eficaz (p<0,05) em atrasar a retomada da meiose, às nove horas de maturação, porém, isolado ou em associação com o inibidor da PDE8, não foi capaz de alterar (p>0,05) os níveis de AMPc. No experimento dois, o inibidor da PDE5 isolado não influenciou a retomada da meiose (p>0,05), porém, quando associado aos inibidores da PDE3 e 8 houve atraso na retomada (p<0,05) e ainda alteraram os níveis de GMPc e AMPc (p<0,05) nas primeiras horas de maturação. O experimento três mostrou a influencia do FSHr durante a MIV, o qual estimulou a retomada da meiose, mas em associação com inibidores da PDE5 e 8 atrasa a retomada (p<0,05). Além disso, o FSHr provoca aumento do nível de AMPc e sua associação com inibidores de PDE5 e PDE8 ocasionou elevação adicional (p<0,05). As condições de cultivo estudadas no experimento quatro mostraram que a maturação induzida (pré-MIV de duas horas com agentes para elevar AMPc seguindo de 22 horas de MIV com FSH associado a inibidores de PDEs) atrasaram a retomada da meiose às nove horas de maturação, mas não afetaram progressão da meiose às 24, 28 e 30 horas. Os tratamentos, porém, não melhoraram a competência oocitária após a fertilização in vitro e ocasionaram pequenas variações na ativação da MAPK em oócitos e células do cumulus. / In vitro maturation of oocytes is a limiting factor in the in vitro production of bovine embryos. In vivo, this maturation is a highly orchestrated process in which meiosis resumption by the gonadotropin surge that precedes ovulation induces the decrease in cAMP levels in the oocyte. However, when oocytes are removed from follicles, they spontaneously resume maturation compromising the competence for its development. cAMP is synthesized by adenylyl cyclase (AC) and degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDE), and there are some PDEs related to degradation of cAMP and/or cGMP. Thus, the purpose of this work was to investigate the contribution of different isoforms of phosphodiesterases in the resumption of meiosis and levels of cAMP and, also, to determine differences in signaling pathways when maintaining high levels of cAMP and its influence on oocyte competence. For this purpose, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) were matured in vitro in the presence, absence or combination of inhibitors of cAMP- and cGMP-specific PDEs and FSH. Samples be were evaluated in relation to: 1) maturation rate, 2) intracellular levels of cAMP and cGMP in COCs, 3) rate of blastocyst development and 4) activation of MAPK in oocytes and cumulus cells. The results of the first experiment showed that the PDE3 inhibitor is more effective (p <0.05) in delaying meiosis resumption, at nine hours of maturation, but was not capable of altering cAMP levels (p> 0.05) either alone or in combination with the PDE8 inhibitor. In experiment two, the PDE5 inhibitor alone did not affect the meiosis resumption (p> 0.05), however, when associated with PDE3 and PDE8 inhibitors it delayed their resumption (p <0.05) and also altered cGMP and cAMP levels of (p <0.05) in the early hours of maturation. The third experiments showed the influence of FSHr during IVM, which stimulated the resumption of meiosis, but in combination with PDE5 and PDE8 inhibitors meiosis was delayed (p <0.05). Furthermore, FSHr causes increased levels of cAMP and its association with PDE5 and PDE8 inhibitors caused an additional increase (p <0.05). Culture conditions studied in experiment four showed that induced maturation (pre-IVM for two hours with agents to elevate cAMP followed by 22 hours IVM with FSH associated with PDE inhibitors) delayed the resumption of meiotic maturation at nine hours, but has no effect on meiosis progression at 24, 28 and 30 hours. The treatments, however, did not improve oocyte competence after in vitro fertilization and caused minor variations in the activation of MAPK in oocytes and cumulus cells.

Efeitos da sinvastatina e do sildenafil na atividade do NHE3 em túbulos proximais de ratos wistar. / Effects of simvastatin and sildenafil on NHE3 activity in proximal tubes of wistar rats.

Santos, Priscilla Marys Costa dos 26 October 2017 (has links)
Por meio da técnica de microperfusão estacionária in vivo, túbulos proximais (TP) de ratos Wistar foram perfundidos com solução CTRL contendo ou não Sinva 100μM ou Sil 10μM para determinar a reabsorção de bicarbonato (JHCO3-). A perfusão de Sil diminuiu o JHCO3- em 20%, enquanto que Sinva incrementou em 19,31% o JHCO3- comparado com o CTRL. Já a Prav diminuiu em 15% o JHCO3- . Para testar se os efeitos foram dependents de NHE3, PTs foram perfundidos com CTRL, Sil, Sinva ou Prav mais S3226, um inibidor específico de NHE3. O JHCO3- remanescente (insensível à S3226) não foi diferente entre os grupos, mostrando que NHE3 foi modulado por Sil e Sinva. Já o efeito inibitório da Prav ocorre não apenas via NHE3 mas também via H+ ATPase. Para determinar se a via Rho está envolvida nestes efeitos, os PTs foram perfundidos com Y-27632 1μM, inibidor de Rho GTPase. A perfusão com Y-27632 reverteu o efeito inibitório promovido tanto pelo Sil quanto pela Prav, demonstrando que o efeito inibitório destes fármacos sobre a atividade do NHE3 ocorre via Rho. Além disso, o efeito inibitório de Sil foi completamente abolido pelo inibidor de PKG dependente de GMPc KT5823 10-6 M. Para confirmar estes resultados, animais foram mantidos em gaiolas metabólicas por 24 h e tratados via oral com 7mg/Kg/dia de Sinva e 20mg/Kg/dia de Sil. Sil diminuiu a CE Na+, indicando que outros mecanismos de transporte podem estar envolvidos em alterações no manejo de Na+ pelos rins promovidas por Sil. Já a infusão de Prav em ratos Wistar pela jugular durante 30 min promoveu aumento da CE Na+, sugerindo que o fármaco age inibindo NHE3. / By means of stationary microperfusion, PT of Wistar rats were perfused with a CTRL solution with or without 100μM Simva or 10μM Sil to determine bicarbonate reabsorption (JHCO3-). Perfusion of Sil decreased JHCO3- by 20% and perfusion of Simva increased JHCO3- by 19,31% compared to CTRL. Prav decreased JHCO3- by 15%. To test if these effects were NHE3-dependent, PTs were perfused with CTRL, Sil, Simva or Prav plus 2μ M S3226, a specific NHE3 inhibitor. The reminiscent S3226-insensitive JHCO3- was not different among groups, showing that NHE3 was modulated by Sil or Simva. To determine if Rho was involved in these effects, the PTs were perfused with the Rho GTPase inhibitor Y-27632 (1μM). Perfusion with Y-27632 reversed the inhibitory effect promoted by both Sil and Prav, demonstrating that the inhibitory effect of these drugs on NHE3 activity occurs via Rho. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of Sil was completely abolished by either the protein kinase G (PKG) inhibitor dependent of cGPM KT5823 10-6 M. To confirm our results the animals were kept for 24 hours in metabolic cages and treated orally with 7mg/kg Sim or 20mg/kg Sil. The Sil decreased the Na+ excretion load, indicating that other transport mechanisms beyond the proximal tubule involved in the changes of handling of Na+ by the treatment with Sil. On the other hand, the infusion of Prav in Wistar rats by jugular for 30 min promoted an increase in Na+ CE, suggesting that the drug acts by inhibiting NHE3.

Efeito do BAY 41-2272, estimulador de guanilato ciclase solúvel, em neutrófilos humanos / Efeito do BAY 41-2272, estimulador de guanilato ciclase solúvel, em neutrófilos humanos

Rosa, Paola Vendramini Ferreira 28 November 2018 (has links)
Os neutrófilos estão entre as principais células da imunidade inata e são as primeiras células a migrarem para o sítio de infecção. O BAY 41-2272, estimulador de guanilato ciclase solúvel, é capaz de ativar fagócitos mononucleares e em neutrófilos diminuir migração in vivo e in vitro. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial do BAY 41-2272, e sua via, como uma ferramenta farmacológica para modulação da função dos neutrófilos. Para isso foi realizado o tratamento in vitro dos PMNs com o BAY 41-2272. A viabilidade celular, quimiotaxia e funções efetoras como burst oxidativo e produção de citocinas foram avaliadas, observando-se que o BAY 41-2272, como ativador direto, não altera estas funções. No entanto, o pré-tratamento com BAY 41-2272 nas doses de 3 M e 30M por uma hora, com subsequente ativação com PMA, mostrou perfil inibitório na quimiotaxia, produção da citocina IL-8 e no burst oxidativo . Foram avaliados também a expressão de moléculas como CD15, CD31, CD35, CD49d, CD63, CD66b, CD162 e a produção de GMPc. As moléculas de superfícies não mostraram alterações após tratamento direto com BAY 41-2272. A produção de GMPc foi induzida na dose de 30 M de BAY 41-2272 e pelo SNAP (doador de NO). Esses dados sugerem um potencial inibitório do BAY 41-2272 sobre a ação dos neutrófilos, e uma possível alternativa a ser explorada em seus aspectos translacionais na busca por novas terapias destinadas ao controle de doenças ligadas a inflamações crônicas e doenças auto-imunes. / Neutrophils are the major cells of innate immunity and are the first cells to migrate to the site of infection. BAY 41-2272, a soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator, is capable of activating mononuclear phagocytes and in neutrophils decreasing migration in vivo and in vitro. The present work aimed to evaluate the potential of BAY 41-2272, and its pathway, as a pharmacological tool for modulating neutrophil function. For this, the in vitro treatment of PMNs with BAY 41-2272 was performed. Cell viability, chemotaxis and effector functions such as oxidative burst and cytokine production were evaluated, observing that BAY 41-2272, as a direct activator, does not alter these functions. However, pretreatment with BAY 41-2272 at the doses of 3 M and 30 M for one hour, with subsequent activation with PMA, showed an inhibitory profile in chemotaxis, IL-8 cytokine production and in the \"oxidative burst\". We also evaluated the expression of molecules such as CD15, CD31, CD35, CD49d, CD63, CD66b, CD162 and cGMP production. Surface molecules did not show changes after direct treatment with BAY 41-2272. The cGMP production was induced at the dose of 30 M BAY 41-2272 and for SNAP (NO donor). These data suggest an inhibitory potential of BAY 41-2272 on the action of neutrophils, and a possible alternative to be explored in its translational aspects in the search for new therapies aimed at the control of diseases linked to chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

Το κολπικό νατριουρητικό πεπτίδιο ως αγγειογενετικός παράγοντας

Κουκαλιώτης, Αναστάσιος 01 July 2008 (has links)
H οικογένεια των γουανυλικών κυκλασών περιλαμβάνει δύο μέλη, μία διαλυτή μορφή (sGC) και μια μορφή που είναι συνδεδεμένη στην κυτταρική μεμβράνη (pGC). Αυτές ενεργοποιούνται από τα διαφορετικούς προσδέτες. Η μεν sGC από το μονοξείδιο του αζώτου (NO), η δε pGC από τα νατριουρητικά πεπτίδια και με την ενεργοποίησή τους παράγουν την κυκλική GMP (cGMP). Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις, η ξεχωριστή αυτή παραγωγή του cGMP από sGC έναντι αυτής που προέρχεται από την pGC οδηγεί σε διαφορετικές βιολογικές δράσεις. Προηγούμενη εργασία στο εργαστήριό μας έχει δώσει έμφαση στη σημασία της από sGC παραγόμενης cGMP στην αγγειογένεση. Ωστόσο, περιορισμένες πληροφορίες είναι διαθέσιμες όσον αφορά στις αγγειογενετικές δράσεις της pGC στο ενδοθήλιο. Επομένως επιδιώξαμε να καθορίσουμε τα αποτελέσματα της ενεργοποίησης pGC στις ιδιότητες των ενδοθηλιακών κυττάρων που σχετίζονται με την αγγειογένεση. Αρχικά, ερευνήσαμε την επίδραση του κολπικού νατριουρητικού πεπτιδίου (ANP) στο σχηματισμό αγγείων αίματος in vivo, χρησιμοποιώντας ως πρότυπο μοντέλο τη χοριοαλλαντοϊκή μεμβράνη εμβρύου όρνιθας (CAM). Το ANP (0.1-10 μmole) ενίσχυσε τη νεοαγγειογένεση με δοσοεξαρτώμενο τρόπο, όπως διαπιστώθηκε από την αύξηση στα σημείων διακλάδωσης και το μήκος αγγείων. In vitro, το ANP ενίσχυσε τον πολλαπλασιασμό (0.01-1 μΜ) και τη μετανάστευση (10 μΜ) ενδοθηλιακών κυττάρων ανθρώπινου ομφάλιου λώρου (HUVEC) και υποκίνησε το σχηματισμό δομών αγγειακού τύπου από τα HUVEC 10 μΜ) σε υπόστρωμα Matrigel. Προκειμένου να μελετηθούν οι μηχανισμοί που ενέχονται στην επαγόμενη από ANP αγγειογένεση, εξετάσαμε τη φωσφορυλίωση δύο κινασών (MAPK), των ERK1/2 και p38, ως πιθανά μόρια-στόχουςστο μονοπάτι της σηματοδότησης του ANP. Το ANP ενεργοποίησε τόσο την ERK1/2, όσο και την p38 MAPKs κατά χρονοεξαρτώμενο τρόπο. Για να εξασφαλίσουμε στοιχεία για τη λειτουργική σημασία p38 χρησιμοποιήσαμε ένα φαρμακολογικό της αναστολέα, τον παράγοντα SB203580. Προεπώαση των κυττάρων με SB203580 ανέστειλε εν μέρει τη μετανάστευση των HUVEC. Εν περιλήψει, τα στοιχεία μας δείχνουν ότι το ANP προάγει την αγγειογένεση in vivo και ενισχύει τις σχετιζόμενες με αγγειογένεση, ιδιότητες των ενδοθηλιακών κυττάρω in vitro με τη ρύθμιση της φωσφορυλίωσης των MAPK. Η ενεργοποίηση λοιπόν της pGC να είναι ευεργετική όταν απαιτείται ο σχηματισμός νέων αγγείων αίματος. / The guanylyl cyclase (GC) family comprises of two members, a soluble one (sGC) and a membrane-bound GC, the particulate GC (pGC). These are activated by different ligands; sGC by nitric oxide (NO) and pGC by natriuretic peptides and upon activation produce cyclic GMP (cGMP). In many instances compartmentalized production of cGMP by sGC vs pGC results in different biological responses. Previous work in our laboratory has highlighted the importance of sGC-derived cGMP in angiogenesis. However, limited information is available with regard to the angiogenic actions of pGC in the endothelium. We therefore sought to determine the effects of pGC activation on angiogenesis-related properties of EC. Initially, we investigated the effects of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on blood vessel formation in vivo, using as a model the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). ANP (0.1-10 μmole) enhanced neovascularization in a dose-dependent manner, as shown by the increase in branching points and vessel length. In vitro, ANP increased human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) growth (0.01-1 μΜ) and migration (10 μΜ) and stimulated the assembly of HUVEC into tube-like networks (10 μΜ) on Matrigel. In order to study the mechanisms implicated in ANP-induced angiogenesis, we examined the phosphorylation of two MAP Kinases (MAPK), ERK1/2 and p38, as possible downstream targets of ANP signaling. ANP activated both ERK1/2 and p38 MAPKs in a time-dependent manner. To provide evidence for the functional significance of p38 we used the pharmacological inhibitor SB203580. Pretreatment of cells with SB203580 inhibited ANF-stimulated migration of HUVEC. In summary, our data show that ANP promotes angiogenesis in vivo and enhances angiogenesis-related properties of endothelial cells in vitro by modulating phosphorylation of MAPK. pGC activation might be beneficial when new blood vessel formation is desired.

The modulating effect of sildenafil on cell viability and on the function of selected pharmacological receptors in cell cultures / B.E. Eagar

Eager, Blenerhassit Edward January 2004 (has links)
Since sildenafil's (Viagra®), a phospodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, approval for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction (MED) in the United States early 1998, 274 adverse event reports were filed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 4 Jan. 1998 and 21 Feb. 2001 with sildenafil as the primary suspect of various neurological disturbances, including amnesia and aggressive behaviour (Milman and Arnold, 2002). These and other research findings have prompted investigations into the possible central effects of sildenafil. The G protein-coupled muscarinic adetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) and serotonergic receptors (5HT-Rs), have been linked to antidepressant action (Brink et al. 2004). GPCRs signal through the phosphatidylinositol signal transduction pathway known to activate protein kinases (PKs). Since the nitric oxide (NO)-guanylyl cyclase signal transduction pathway is also known to involve the activation of PKs (via cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)), the scope is opened for sildenafil to possibly modulate the action of antidepressants by elevating cGMP levels. It is generally assumed that excitotoxic delayed cell death is pathologically linked to an increase in the release of excitatory neurotransmitters e.g. glutamate. Glutamate antagonists, especially those that block the define NMDA-receptors, are neuroprotective, showing the importance of the NMDA-NO-cGMP pathway in neuroprotection (Brandt et al., 2003). Sildenafil may play a role in neuroprotection by elevating cGMP levels. Aims: The aims of the study were to investigate any neuroprotective properties of sildenafil, as well as modulating effects of sildenafil pre-treatment on mAChR function. Methods: Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y or human epithelial HeLa cells were seeded in 24-well plates and pre-treated for 24 hours in serum-free medium with no drug (control), PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil (100nM and 450 nM), dipiridamole (20 µM) or zaprinast (20 µM), non-selective PDE inhibitor 3-isobutyl-I-methylxanthine (IBMX - ImM), cGMP analogue N2,2'-0-dibutyrylguanosine 3'5'-cyclic monophosphate sodium salt (500 µM), guanylcyclase inhibitor 1H-[1 ,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-I-one (ODQ - 3 µM) or sildenafil + ODQ (450 nM and 3 µM respectively). Thereafter cells were used to determine mAChR function by constructing dose-response curves of methacholine or to determine cell viability utilising the Trypan blue, propidium iodide and MTT tests for cell viability. Results: Sildenafil pre-treatments induced a 2.5-fold increase in ,the Emax value of methacholine in neuronal cells but did not show a significant increase in epithelial cells The Trypan blue test suggests that neither the PDE5 inhibitors nor a cGMP analogue show any neuroprotection. Rather, sildenafil 450 nM, dipiridamole and IBMX displayed a neurodegenerative effect. The MTT test was not suitable, since pre-treatment with the abovementioned drugs inhibited the formation of forrnazan. The propidium iodide assay could also not be used, due to severe cell loss. Conclusion: Sildenafil upregulates mAChR function in SH-SY5Y cells and displays a neurodegenerative, and not a protective property, in neuronal cells. This is not likely to be associated with its PDE5 inhibitory action, but may possibly be linked to an increase in cGMP levels via the NO-cGMP pathway. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

The role of the NO-cGMP pathway as a putative target in antidepressant action / Renché Retief

Retief, Renché January 2004 (has links)
Depressive disorders are among the most frequent psychiatric diseases in the Western world with prevalence between 9% and 18%. Poor compliance and inappropriate antidepressant discontinuation invokes long-term morbidity, and appear linked to hippocampal shrinkage. Despite major advances in pharmacological treatment of the illness over the past 3040 years, currently available agents have distinct shortfalls both in clinical efficacy and in maintenance of response. This implies a greater long-term morbidity with significant impact on the patient, the patient's family as well as economic implications to health care managers and providers. The major reason for this state of affairs is our poor understanding of the neurobiology of depression and hence, of antidepressant (AD) action. AD drugs are thus not addressing the crucial neurobiological target underlying the illness, and new strategies and treatments are urgently needed. In recent years, depression has been associated with disturbances in excitotoxic glutamatergic activity, yet this has not been systematically evaluated. While the role of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine has been extensively studied, new evidence suggests a role for the unique neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide (NO), is activated by glutamatergic systems in various limbic and other regions of the brain, and has recently also been implicated in anxiety and affective disorders. Of special interest is the putative role of NO in cellular memory, synaptic plasticity and cell survival, all-important processes in the neuropathology and neurodevelopment of depression. Recent clinical studies have provided evidence of the role of the NO-pathway in depression, while preclinical studies have demonstrated the anxiolytic and antidepressant actions of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-inhibitors. Moreover, NO interacts with other classical transmitters that have a regulatory role on mood, particularly the monoamines, as well as glutamate and gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA). In the current study the role of the NO-cGMP pathway in AD action was investigated, after chronic imipramine (IMI) and after IMI withdrawal, using a learned helplessness paradigm. Behavioural changes, hippocampal NOS activity and cGMP accumulation was determined together with pharmacological manipulation of the NO-cGMP pathway. Chronic IMI, 15 mg/kg/day intraperitoneal (ip) administration induced a pronounced reduction in swim immobility time in the forced swim test (FST), with no effect on horizontal or vertical locomotor activity. These behavioural changes were accompanied by a significant reduction in NOS enzyme activity and cGMP accumulation. In order to confirm the involvement of the NO-cGMP pathway in the AD action of IMI, chronic (3 weeks) IMI treatment was followed by an acute withdrawal of 7 days. Acute withdrawal, after chronic IMI treatment, resulted in a significant increase in swim immobility time and an increase in NOS enzyme activity and cGMP levels. In fact, NOS activity was raised above that of control, not just higher than the effect of chronic IMI. In order to assess the possible role of the NMDA-NO-cGMP pathway in AD withdrawal, the NMDA receptor antagonist, memantine, and the NOS/guanylyl cyclase (GC) inhibitor, methylene blue (MB), were administered during the 7 day IMI withdrawal period. Memantine (5 mg/kg/d ip), during the 7 day IMI withdrawal period, significantly reversed the increase in immobility time evoked after IMI withdrawal. This was accompanied by a significant reduction in NOS enzyme activity and a tendency to decrease cGMP levels. This data confirms that the antidepressant action of IMI, as well as IMI withdrawal, is associated with actions on the NMDA-GIu-NO-cGMP pathway. Particularly. IMI withdrawal evokes an increase in glutamate activity that is responsible for NOS activation. During the 7 day IMI withdrawal period, MB (15 mg/kg/d ip) also significantly reversed the increased immobility time after IMI withdrawal and was accompanied by a tendency to decrease NOS enzyme activity and cGMP levels in the rat hippocampus, however statistical significance was not reached. Although not emphatic, this data implies a possible role of the NO-cGMP pathway in AD action and AD withdrawal. In order to determine whether the observed IMI withdrawal effects on the NO-cGMP pathway may occur through an initial destabilisation in the serotonergic system, the 5-HT2a/2c receptor antagonist, ritanserin (4 mg/kg/d ip), was administered during the IMI withdrawal period. These studies revealed that antidepressant withdrawal evokes an increase in 5-HT2-mediated activity, and that antidepressant-induced NOS activation after withdrawal has its origin in serotonergic hyperactivity. Clearly, this is supportive of a distinct relationship between the NO and serotonergic system in antidepressant response. On its own, ritanserin was found to increase NOS and cGMP levels, yet during IMI withdrawal this response was lost, suggesting that IMI withdrawal alters the response to a 5-HT2a/2c receptor antagonist, which may have major clinical implications. In conclusion, the AD action of IMI, as well as chronic IMI withdrawal, involves actions on the NO-cGMP pathway. Withdrawal of ADS is associated with a loss of AD efficacy together with an increase in release of NO and cGMP. The NMDA antagonist, memantine, and the NOS/GC inhibitor, MB, reversed these responses therefore suggesting that the NMDA-GIu-NO-cGMP pathway may be a new putative target in understanding the neurobiology of AD action. Finally, NOS activation following withdrawal suggest that inappropriate withdrawal during the treatment of depression may mediate neurodegenerative pathology observed in recurrent depression, possibly by severely increased hippocampal NOS activity which is toxic to neurons. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

The modulating effect of sildenafil on cell viability and on the function of selected pharmacological receptors in cell cultures / B.E. Eagar

Eager, Blenerhassit Edward January 2004 (has links)
Since sildenafil's (Viagra®), a phospodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, approval for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction (MED) in the United States early 1998, 274 adverse event reports were filed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 4 Jan. 1998 and 21 Feb. 2001 with sildenafil as the primary suspect of various neurological disturbances, including amnesia and aggressive behaviour (Milman and Arnold, 2002). These and other research findings have prompted investigations into the possible central effects of sildenafil. The G protein-coupled muscarinic adetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) and serotonergic receptors (5HT-Rs), have been linked to antidepressant action (Brink et al. 2004). GPCRs signal through the phosphatidylinositol signal transduction pathway known to activate protein kinases (PKs). Since the nitric oxide (NO)-guanylyl cyclase signal transduction pathway is also known to involve the activation of PKs (via cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)), the scope is opened for sildenafil to possibly modulate the action of antidepressants by elevating cGMP levels. It is generally assumed that excitotoxic delayed cell death is pathologically linked to an increase in the release of excitatory neurotransmitters e.g. glutamate. Glutamate antagonists, especially those that block the define NMDA-receptors, are neuroprotective, showing the importance of the NMDA-NO-cGMP pathway in neuroprotection (Brandt et al., 2003). Sildenafil may play a role in neuroprotection by elevating cGMP levels. Aims: The aims of the study were to investigate any neuroprotective properties of sildenafil, as well as modulating effects of sildenafil pre-treatment on mAChR function. Methods: Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y or human epithelial HeLa cells were seeded in 24-well plates and pre-treated for 24 hours in serum-free medium with no drug (control), PDE5 inhibitors sildenafil (100nM and 450 nM), dipiridamole (20 µM) or zaprinast (20 µM), non-selective PDE inhibitor 3-isobutyl-I-methylxanthine (IBMX - ImM), cGMP analogue N2,2'-0-dibutyrylguanosine 3'5'-cyclic monophosphate sodium salt (500 µM), guanylcyclase inhibitor 1H-[1 ,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-I-one (ODQ - 3 µM) or sildenafil + ODQ (450 nM and 3 µM respectively). Thereafter cells were used to determine mAChR function by constructing dose-response curves of methacholine or to determine cell viability utilising the Trypan blue, propidium iodide and MTT tests for cell viability. Results: Sildenafil pre-treatments induced a 2.5-fold increase in ,the Emax value of methacholine in neuronal cells but did not show a significant increase in epithelial cells The Trypan blue test suggests that neither the PDE5 inhibitors nor a cGMP analogue show any neuroprotection. Rather, sildenafil 450 nM, dipiridamole and IBMX displayed a neurodegenerative effect. The MTT test was not suitable, since pre-treatment with the abovementioned drugs inhibited the formation of forrnazan. The propidium iodide assay could also not be used, due to severe cell loss. Conclusion: Sildenafil upregulates mAChR function in SH-SY5Y cells and displays a neurodegenerative, and not a protective property, in neuronal cells. This is not likely to be associated with its PDE5 inhibitory action, but may possibly be linked to an increase in cGMP levels via the NO-cGMP pathway. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

The role of the NO-cGMP pathway as a putative target in antidepressant action / Renché Retief

Retief, Renché January 2004 (has links)
Depressive disorders are among the most frequent psychiatric diseases in the Western world with prevalence between 9% and 18%. Poor compliance and inappropriate antidepressant discontinuation invokes long-term morbidity, and appear linked to hippocampal shrinkage. Despite major advances in pharmacological treatment of the illness over the past 3040 years, currently available agents have distinct shortfalls both in clinical efficacy and in maintenance of response. This implies a greater long-term morbidity with significant impact on the patient, the patient's family as well as economic implications to health care managers and providers. The major reason for this state of affairs is our poor understanding of the neurobiology of depression and hence, of antidepressant (AD) action. AD drugs are thus not addressing the crucial neurobiological target underlying the illness, and new strategies and treatments are urgently needed. In recent years, depression has been associated with disturbances in excitotoxic glutamatergic activity, yet this has not been systematically evaluated. While the role of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine has been extensively studied, new evidence suggests a role for the unique neurotransmitter nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide (NO), is activated by glutamatergic systems in various limbic and other regions of the brain, and has recently also been implicated in anxiety and affective disorders. Of special interest is the putative role of NO in cellular memory, synaptic plasticity and cell survival, all-important processes in the neuropathology and neurodevelopment of depression. Recent clinical studies have provided evidence of the role of the NO-pathway in depression, while preclinical studies have demonstrated the anxiolytic and antidepressant actions of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-inhibitors. Moreover, NO interacts with other classical transmitters that have a regulatory role on mood, particularly the monoamines, as well as glutamate and gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA). In the current study the role of the NO-cGMP pathway in AD action was investigated, after chronic imipramine (IMI) and after IMI withdrawal, using a learned helplessness paradigm. Behavioural changes, hippocampal NOS activity and cGMP accumulation was determined together with pharmacological manipulation of the NO-cGMP pathway. Chronic IMI, 15 mg/kg/day intraperitoneal (ip) administration induced a pronounced reduction in swim immobility time in the forced swim test (FST), with no effect on horizontal or vertical locomotor activity. These behavioural changes were accompanied by a significant reduction in NOS enzyme activity and cGMP accumulation. In order to confirm the involvement of the NO-cGMP pathway in the AD action of IMI, chronic (3 weeks) IMI treatment was followed by an acute withdrawal of 7 days. Acute withdrawal, after chronic IMI treatment, resulted in a significant increase in swim immobility time and an increase in NOS enzyme activity and cGMP levels. In fact, NOS activity was raised above that of control, not just higher than the effect of chronic IMI. In order to assess the possible role of the NMDA-NO-cGMP pathway in AD withdrawal, the NMDA receptor antagonist, memantine, and the NOS/guanylyl cyclase (GC) inhibitor, methylene blue (MB), were administered during the 7 day IMI withdrawal period. Memantine (5 mg/kg/d ip), during the 7 day IMI withdrawal period, significantly reversed the increase in immobility time evoked after IMI withdrawal. This was accompanied by a significant reduction in NOS enzyme activity and a tendency to decrease cGMP levels. This data confirms that the antidepressant action of IMI, as well as IMI withdrawal, is associated with actions on the NMDA-GIu-NO-cGMP pathway. Particularly. IMI withdrawal evokes an increase in glutamate activity that is responsible for NOS activation. During the 7 day IMI withdrawal period, MB (15 mg/kg/d ip) also significantly reversed the increased immobility time after IMI withdrawal and was accompanied by a tendency to decrease NOS enzyme activity and cGMP levels in the rat hippocampus, however statistical significance was not reached. Although not emphatic, this data implies a possible role of the NO-cGMP pathway in AD action and AD withdrawal. In order to determine whether the observed IMI withdrawal effects on the NO-cGMP pathway may occur through an initial destabilisation in the serotonergic system, the 5-HT2a/2c receptor antagonist, ritanserin (4 mg/kg/d ip), was administered during the IMI withdrawal period. These studies revealed that antidepressant withdrawal evokes an increase in 5-HT2-mediated activity, and that antidepressant-induced NOS activation after withdrawal has its origin in serotonergic hyperactivity. Clearly, this is supportive of a distinct relationship between the NO and serotonergic system in antidepressant response. On its own, ritanserin was found to increase NOS and cGMP levels, yet during IMI withdrawal this response was lost, suggesting that IMI withdrawal alters the response to a 5-HT2a/2c receptor antagonist, which may have major clinical implications. In conclusion, the AD action of IMI, as well as chronic IMI withdrawal, involves actions on the NO-cGMP pathway. Withdrawal of ADS is associated with a loss of AD efficacy together with an increase in release of NO and cGMP. The NMDA antagonist, memantine, and the NOS/GC inhibitor, MB, reversed these responses therefore suggesting that the NMDA-GIu-NO-cGMP pathway may be a new putative target in understanding the neurobiology of AD action. Finally, NOS activation following withdrawal suggest that inappropriate withdrawal during the treatment of depression may mediate neurodegenerative pathology observed in recurrent depression, possibly by severely increased hippocampal NOS activity which is toxic to neurons. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Insulin Sensitivity is Enhanced by CGMP-mediated MAPK Inhibition in Rat Adipocytes

Thomas, Garry 16 February 2010 (has links)
Bradykinin (BK) acts through eNOS to reduce MAPK-mediated feedback inhibition of insulin signalling. Preliminary data suggest that the sGC-cGMP-PKG pathway, a prominent NO target, is involved. Our present study aimed to support the role of this pathway with atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), which uses a receptor associated GC (NPR-A) to generate cGMP. We found that treating adipocytes with ANP mimicked BK effects on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, Tyr-IRS-1 and Akt/PKB phosphorylation, as well as JNK and ERK1/2 inhibition. These outcomes depended on GC-cGMP-PKG signalling since A71915 (NPR-A antagonist), and KT-5823 (PKG inhibitor), completely abrogated them, while zaprinast (phosphodiesterase inhibitor), prolonged ANP actions. Furthermore, decreased MAPK phosphorylation was independent of upstream kinase activity, suggesting that MAPK phosphatases may be involved. These data indicate that BK and ANP act through the GC-cGMP-PKG pathway to potentiate insulin signalling via attenuated feedback inhibition. Stimulating the GC-cGMP-PKG pathway may, therefore, be a promising therapy for T2DM.

L'activation de la voie du GMP cyclique réduit le comportement d'auto-administration de cocaïne chez le rat : implication de régulations épigénétiques / Activation of the cyclic GMP pathway reduces cocaine self-administration in rats : implication of epigenetic regulations

Deschatrettes, Élodie 26 September 2012 (has links)
Nous avons étudié l'influence de la voie du cGMP sur le comportement d'auto-administration de cocaïne chez le rat. Les injections, dans le cortex préfrontal médian, de trois activateurs différents de cette voie diminuent le nombre d'injections que les rats déclenchent, indiquant une réduction de l'effet renforçant de la cocaïne et de leur motivation pour la drogue. Des études immunohistochimiques nous ont permis de mettre en évidence que cette effet comportemental s'accompagnait d'une diminution de l'expression de marqueurs épigénétiques (MeCP2, HDAC2) et d'une augmentation des niveaux d'acétylation des histones. Des résultats complémentaires confirment que la voie du cGMP est bien en mesure de réguler des protéines impliquées dans les mécanismes épigénétiques. La découverte d'une action via ces régulations nous permet de suggérer des pistes originales quant aux phénomènes mis en jeu dans la diminution observée des propriétés renforçantes de la cocaïne. / We studied the influence of the cGMP pathway on cocaine self-administration by rats. When injected in the medial prefrontal cortex, three distinct activators of this pathway reduced the number of self-injections triggered by rats, suggesting a reduction of the reinforcing properties of cocaine and a lesser motivation of the animals for the drug. Immunohistochemical studies revealed that this behavioural effect was accompanied by a reduced expression of epigenetic markers (MeCP2, HDAC2), as well as inceased levels of histone acetylation. Complementary results indicate that the cGMP pathway is indeed able to regulate proteins implied in epigenetic mechanisms. The uncovering of an implication of these types of regulations leads us to suggest original hypotheses about the processes underlying the reduction of the reinforcing properties of cocaine.

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