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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A converg?ncia do ?ndice de desenvolvimento humano frente ? liberaliza??o econ?mica dos pa?ses : uma aplica??o da Matriz de Markov entre 1980 a 2009

Reidel, Marcelo Kochen 19 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 447930.pdf: 1651647 bytes, checksum: 2046ce98aff22209ec95ea3897152d77 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-19 / This dissertation was to investigate the convergence order of human development among nations in the period from 1980 to 2009, a period where there was a strengthening of liberalism on a global scale economies. For this, we used the Human Development Index (HDI) calculated by the United Nations (UN), using Markov chains for 106 countries to find convergence. In a second step, we investigated the role of economic freedom compared to the HDI, for which we used the five areas that make up the index of economic freedom calculated by the Fraser Institute (FI), through an analysis of panel data for 138 countries from 1980 to 2009. The results showed that Markov absolute convergence occurs, where countries converge to the upper layer HDI which reflects more than 0.818 for all countries in the long run, and the time to reach half the distance found is estimated equilibrium 20. Regarding the findings related to economic freedom, the results of the panel showed that almost all areas including the indicator of economic freedom were positively correlated with the HDI, where factor positively impacted more liberal than the HDI was the area encompassing the legal structure and private property rights. / Esta disserta??o teve como fim investigar a converg?ncia do desenvolvimento humano entre as na??es no per?odo de 1980 a 2009, per?odo onde houve um fortalecimento do liberalismo em escala mundial nas economias. Para isso, usou-se o ?ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) calculado pela Organiza??o das Na??es Unidas (ONU), usando cadeias de Markov para 106 pa?ses para encontrar a converg?ncia. Em um segundo momento, investigou-se o papel da liberdade econ?mica em rela??o ao IDH, para o qual foram utilizadas as cinco ?reas que comp?em o ?ndice de liberdade econ?mica calculado pelo Fraser Institute (FI), atrav?s de uma an?lise de dados em painel para 138 pa?ses de 1980 a 2009. Os resultados de Markov mostraram que ocorre uma converg?ncia absoluta, onde os pa?ses convergem para o estrato superior que reflete um IDH de mais de 0,818 para todos os pa?ses no longo prazo, sendo que o tempo para atingir a metade da dist?ncia de equil?brio estimada encontrada ? de 20 anos. Em rela??o aos resultados encontrados referentes ? liberdade econ?mica, os resultados de painel mostraram que quase todas as ?reas que abrangem o indicador de liberdade econ?mica foram positivamente correlacionadas com o IDH, onde o fator liberal que mais impactou positivamente o IDH foi a ?rea que abrange a estrutura legal e direitos ? propriedade privada.

Investimento estrangeiro em renda vari?vel e taxa de c?mbio : rela??es no per?odo 1999-2012 para a economia brasileira

Matos, M?rian da Silva 15 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 448508.pdf: 1111280 bytes, checksum: 05f048ce0bf13c5b1303603b6ca480ec (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / Capital flows for portfolio investment in Brazil has risen in recent years. In the 1990s foreign investment was predominantly to fixed income, and this inflow has influenced exchange rate. In the next decade the fixed income flow was overcome by investment in equities. The objective of this study is verify if exist a relationship between foreign investment in equities and exchange rates, considering the simultaneous influences between these and Ibovespa with interest rate differential. This analysis comprises the shift to floating exchange rate regime in 1999 until 2012, divided into three periods in which were identified trend breaks.The methodology employed is Vector Autoregressive (VAR) by considering all variables as endogenous, each depending on their lagged values. The results for VAR and Granger causality test indicate a causal relationship between equities and exchange rate in periods of devaluation of Ibovespa, but these coefficients remain lower than that of interest rate differential / Os fluxos de capitais externos para investimento em carteira no Brasil tem se elevado nos ?ltimos anos. Na d?cada de 1990 o investimento estrangeiro foi predominantemente para renda fixa, e seu influxo exerceu influ?ncias sobre o c?mbio. Na d?cada seguinte este foi superado pelo investimento para renda vari?vel. O objetivo deste trabalho ? verificar se existe uma rela??o entre investimento estrangeiro em renda vari?vel e taxa de c?mbio, considerando as influ?ncias que exercem simultaneamente com Ibovespa e diferencial da taxa de juros. A an?lise compreende a mudan?a do regime cambial para flutuante em 1999 at? 2012, subdividido em tr?s per?odos em que se identificou haver quebras de tend?ncia.A metodologia empregada foi a de Vetores Auto-Regressivos (VAR) por considerar todas as vari?veis como end?genas, em fun??o umas das outras sobre seus valores defasados. Os resultados para o VAR e o teste de causalidade de Granger apontam para uma rela??o de causalidade da bolsa sobre o c?mbio nos per?odos de queda do Ibovespa, mas estes coeficientes ainda s?o inferiores aos do diferencial de taxa de juros

Impactos regionais assim?tricos das pol?ticas monet?ria e cambial no Brasil : uma abordagem com o m?todo VAR

Braatz, Jac? 14 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 448900.pdf: 3038490 bytes, checksum: 2e0eeacfc638c3cd6bd75aeafe0d72b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-14 / This dissertation present a discussion on exchange rate and monetary policies and their potential asymmetric effects in regional terms for Brazil. The main focus is to examine how regional economies are affected by variations in the level of exchange rates and interest rates, and in particular, something that previous studies do not point: what is the impact of regional variations in the exchange rate? And deepening the study, how long regional economies are affected? What is the intensity and impact of these effects? For this, the dissertation was divided into four chapters, besides the introduction. In chapter two was discussed the theoretical background, with the presentation of analyzes that seek to explain the asymmetric effects of macroeconomic policies on the productive structures and sites on the different regions of a country or region, besides the characterization of regional economies studied. The third chapter presents the methodological strategy, modeling Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) used in the study and the procedures followed to reach the results. Chapter four presents the results of work in the estimation of the model, the analysis of impulse-response functions and the dynamic effects of monetary and exchange rate shocks on the study variables. Chapter five presents the conclusions of the study that indicates the confirmation that there are asymmetries in the responses of the Brazilian states facing common macroeconomic shocks, since regionally differentiated impacts were found in the sample used, showing that structural features as productive structure and economic relationship between regional economies are of paramount importance to explain the different levels of impacts, with very large differences in the intensity and staging of responses. / Nesta disserta??o, apresenta-se uma discuss?o sobre as pol?ticas cambial e monet?ria e seus potenciais efeitos assim?tricos em termos regionais para o Brasil. O foco principal ? analisar de que modo as economias regionais s?o afetadas pelas varia??es no n?vel de c?mbio e da taxa b?sica de juros, e em especial, algo que os trabalhos anteriores n?o apontam: qual o impacto regional de varia??es na taxa de c?mbio? E aprofundando o estudo, por quanto tempo as economias regionais s?o afetadas? Qual a intensidade e a repercuss?o desses efeitos? Para isso, o trabalho foi dividido em quatro cap?tulos, al?m da introdu??o. No cap?tulo dois, ? discutido o referencial te?rico, com a apresenta??o de an?lises que buscam explicar os efeitos assim?tricos das pol?ticas macroecon?micas sobre as estruturas produtivas locais e sobre as distintas regi?es de um pa?s ou regi?o, al?m da caracteriza??o das economias regionais estudadas. No terceiro cap?tulo, apresenta-se a estrat?gia metodol?gica, a modelagem de Vetores Auto-Regressivos (VAR) utilizada no estudo e os procedimentos tomados para se chegar aos resultados. O cap?tulo quatro apresenta os resultados, com as estima??es do modelo, a an?lise das fun??es impulsoresposta e os efeitos din?micos dos choques cambiais e monet?rios sobre as vari?veis de estudo. O cap?tulo cinco apresenta as conclus?es do trabalho que apontam para a confirma??o de que h? assimetrias nas respostas dos estados brasileiros frente a choques macroecon?micos comuns, j? que foram constatados impactos regionalmente diferenciados na amostra utilizada, mostrando que caracteristicas como estrutura produtiva e inser??o no com?rcio internacional das economias regionais s?o de suma import?ncia para explicar os diferentes n?veis de impactos, com diferen?as bastante acentuadas na intensidade e temporariedade das respostas.

Dois ensaios sobre educa??o superior no Brasil

Ramos, Lilian das Gra?as 27 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 448908.pdf: 989002 bytes, checksum: 37001fa87d9421d4fc1ef420dd21a6f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-27 / This research presents two papers that examine high education in Brazil. The aim of the study is to analyze the development of the high education in the country, considering recent changes in this segment and pointing the most important challenges to be overcome to achieve the full development of this sector, emphasizing the problem of the drop out of the students in this educational level. For this, the microdata of the Censo da Educa??o Superior (High Education Census), provided by the Instituto Nacional de Educa??o e Pesquisa An?sio Teixeira (INEP) are used. In the first essay it s presented a comparative analysis of the period between 1998 and 2010 that establishes the changes in the characteristics of Brazilian higher education and stands out issues such as administrative dependence and academic organization of the higher education institutions, geographic distribution, research field of the courses and enrollments in the higher education in Brazil. In this stage, descriptive statistics methods and the Hirschman-Herfindahl concentration index (HH) are used. The evidences in this analysis point that the Brazilian high education expansion in the period between 1998 and 2010 was sustained by small private institutions of higher education colleges and other kinds of small institutions. It is remarkable that the concentration of enrollments in higher education related to geographic distribution in the country has been dropping, but there is still concentration related to research field of the courses. The second essay focuses on the main challenges to develop Brazilian higher education, especially the problem of university drop out. It presents an analysis of the determinants of evasion at Brazilian college students in 2010. A probit model is used with evasion as dependent variable and individuals and institutional factors that affect evasion phenomena as explanatory variables. The results show that young students are more likely to leave the university than older students as well as female students are more likely to evade than male students. It s also observed that students of private institutions evade more than students in the public universities and that students enrolled in distance learning courses and night shift are more likely to evade. The probability of evade higher education also increases among the students that stay too much time in the college, students who don t have access to educational loan and don t participate of additional training activities. / Este trabalho apresenta dois artigos que se dedicam ? an?lise do ensino superior no Brasil. O objetivo ? analisar o desenvolvimento do ensino superior no pa?s, considerando as mudan?as recentes nesse cen?rio, e destacar os principais desafios a serem superados para o pleno desenvolvimento desse setor, com ?nfase para o problema da evas?o nesse n?vel de ensino. Para tanto, utilizam-se os microdados dos Censos da Educa??o Superior, disponibilizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Educa??o e Pesquisa An?sio Teixeira (INEP). No primeiro ensaio, apresenta-se uma an?lise comparativa entre os anos de 1998 e 2010, que estabelece as mudan?as no perfil do ensino superior e destaca quest?es como depend?ncia administrativa e organiza??o acad?mica das Institui??es de Ensino Superior (IES), distribui??o geogr?fica e por ?rea de conhecimento dos cursos e matr?culas no ensino superior no Brasil. Nessa etapa, empregam-se as metodologias de estat?stica descritiva e do ?ndice de concentra??o Hirschman-Herfindahl (HH). As evid?ncias dessa parte da an?lise apontam que a expans?o no ensino superior no per?odo entre 1998 e 2010 foi sustentada por institui??es privadas e de pequeno porte faculdades ou centros universit?rios. Nota-se tamb?m que houve redu??o na concentra??o de matr?culas no ensino superior em rela??o ? distribui??o geogr?fica do pa?s, mas mant?m-se a concentra??o em rela??o ?s ?reas de conhecimento. O segundo ensaio enfatiza os principais desafios para que a educa??o superior brasileira possa se desenvolver, com destaque para o problema da evas?o. Apresenta-se uma an?lise dos fatores determinantes da evas?o no ensino superior brasileiro para o ano de 2010. Emprega-se um modelo probit, que utiliza como vari?vel dependente a evas?o e como vari?veis explicativas fatores individuais e institucionais que influenciam na decis?o de evadir. Os resultados apontam que estudantes jovens possuem maior probabilidade de evadir do que estudantes mais velhos, assim como mulheres possuem maior probabilidade que homens. Observa-se tamb?m que estudantes de institui??es privadas evadem mais que os estudantes do setor p?blico e que o os cursos ? dist?ncia e o turno noturno apresentam maior probabilidade de evas?o. A probabilidade de abandonar o ensino superior tamb?m aumenta entre os alunos que se mant?m mais tempo em um curso, n?o possuem financiamento estudantil e n?o participam de atividades de forma??o complementar.

Dois ensaios sobre a obesidade feminina no Brasil

Barboza, Izabelita Oliveira 27 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 449832.pdf: 952473 bytes, checksum: bf35237594ce63b0278bf8e227c79f42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-27 / The objective of this dissertation is to measure socioeconomic inequalities in obesity as well as to canvass the factors associated of obesity for Brazilian women in fertile age from 20 to 49 years using data from 2006 Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Sa?de da Crian?a e da Mulher (PNDS). Obesity is considered the biggest public health problem not recognized faced by contemporary society. Nowadays overweight and obesity are more recurrent causes of death of individuals than malnutrition. Socioeconomic information, demographic aspects and lifestyle of women were analyzed through the estimation of indexes and concentration curves plus a logit model to determinate the main factors associated to overweight. The results show that there is a great concentration of obesity on the lower rungs of the income and schooling distribution. The evidences also show that there is a negative relation between obesity and income variables, schooling and smoking habit. Furthermore, the place of residence influences the determination of these morbidities. / O objetivo dessa disserta??o ? mensurar as desigualdades socioecon?micas em obesidade bem como a apura??o dos fatores associados para as mulheres brasileiras em idade f?rtil dos 20 aos 49 anos a partir dos dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Sa?de da Crian?a e da Mulher (PNDS) de 2006. A obesidade ? considerada o maior problema de sa?de p?blica n?o reconhecido que a sociedade contempor?nea enfrenta. Atualmente o sobrepeso e a obesidade s?o causas mais recorrentes de morte dos indiv?duos que a subnutri??o. Foram analisadas informa??es socioecon?micas, demogr?ficas e de estilo de vida das mulheres por meio da estima??o dos ?ndices e curvas de concentra??o e de um modelo log?stico para determina??o dos principais fatores associados ao excesso de peso. Os principais resultados apontam para uma maior concentra??o da obesidade nas camadas mais baixas tanto da distribui??o de renda quanto da escolaridade. Observou-se uma rela??o negativa entre obesidade e as vari?veis de renda, escolaridade e o h?bito de fumar. O local de resid?ncia tamb?m influencia na determina??o dessas morbidades.

Ciclos econ?micos e arranjos institucionais no Brasil : a vis?o de Ign?cio Rangel

Santos, Viviane Freitas 25 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 450049.pdf: 621004 bytes, checksum: ad175c200f85d8e95acf15f2991d0bb2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-25 / This essay aims to research the conceptual similarities and the differences between three "schools" of contemporary economic thought, namely the Regulation School, the School of Social Structure of Accumulation and Ign?cio Rangel. For such purpose, it was made an compulsory literature review of each studied "school", dealing with the main concepts and discussing their interpretation about the crises of capitalism. Finally, on the last chapter, it were discussed the impressions of each "school" on perceptions of capitalist mode of production, the institutions which will form socioeconomic structures and policies, besides the discussion on technical progress. These considerations bring the thoughts of the schools on the study of the crises of capitalism as well as the role of institutions in observed changes in recent economic history to resume profit rates. Therefore, it was realized that the arguments used to understand the crisis of the 1970s and its implications for the world economy from the perspective of Regulation Theory and Social Structure of Accumulation Theory, they had already been indicated by Ignacio Rangel since the early 1940s, from his considerations about Brazil. / Esta disserta??o tem por objetivo investigar as aproxima??es conceituais e as diverg?ncias existentes entre tr?s escolas do pensamento econ?mico contempor?neo, a saber: a Escola da Regula??o, a escola da Estrutura Social de Acumula??o e Ign?cio Rangel. Para tanto, foi feito uma revis?o da literatura basilar de cada escola estudada, abordando os principais conceitos e discutindo sua interpreta??o sobre as crises do capitalismo. Por fim, no ?ltimo cap?tulo, foram abordadas as impress?es de cada escola sobre as percep??es do modo de produ??o capitalista, quais as institui??es que ir?o compor as estruturas socioecon?micas e pol?ticas, al?m, da discuss?o sobre progresso t?cnico. Estas considera??es trazem as reflex?es das escolas no estudo das crises do capitalismo, bem como o papel das institui??es nas mudan?as observadas na hist?ria econ?mica recente para retomar as taxas de lucro. Percebeu-se, portanto, que os argumentos utilizados para compreender a crise da d?cada de 1970 e seus desdobramentos na economia mundial, a partir da ?tica da Escola da Regula??o e da Estrutura Social de Acumula??o j? haviam sido apontados por Ign?cio Rangel desde o in?cio da d?cada 1940, a partir de suas considera??es sobre o Brasil.

Determinantes do desempenho escolar no estado do Rio Grande do Sul no ano de 2007 : uma an?lise com regress?es quant?licas

Vernier, Laura Desir?e Silva 26 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 450537.pdf: 2108770 bytes, checksum: c30a573976f6604801125d3279108076 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-26 / In the past few decades, education has been highlighted by the economic literature as an important mean for growth and economic development. The present study aims to identify the determinants for school achievements at Rio Grande do Sul state for the year 2007 through Quantile Regression estimation. To that end, two different analysis are made, one considering average grades; and another more desegregated, considering individual students proficiency and intra-state regional heterogeneity. The first analysis showed that teachers, students and school director s characteristics are the prime determinant for average school performance. In regard to individual achievements, only socio-economic matters revealed significant effect. Furthermore, significant regional differences on school performance were observed, indicating that to participate in a particular Conselho Regional de Desenvolvimento impacts individual proficiency. / Nas ?ltimas d?cadas, a educa??o vem sendo destacada pela literatura econ?mica como um importante meio para o crescimento e desenvolvimento econ?mico. O presente trabalho busca identificar os determinantes do desempenho escolar no Rio Grande do Sul para o ano de 2007, atrav?s de estima??es por Regress?es Quant?licas. Para isto, s?o feitas duas an?lises diferenciadas, uma considerando as m?dias escolares; e outra mais desagregada, considerando a profici?ncia individual dos estudantes e a heterogeneidade das regi?es do Estado. Na primeira an?lise, demonstrou-se que as caracter?sticas dos professores, diretores e alunos s?o os principais determinantes do desempenho m?dio escolar. Com rela??o ao resultado individual, somente as quest?es s?cio-econ?micas dos estudantes apresentaram efeito. Al?m disso, verificaram-se diferen?as significativas no desempenho escolar conforme a regi?o, indicando que participar de determinado Conselho Regional de Desenvolvimento impacta nas profici?ncias individuais.

Perdas de rendimento dos portadores de diabetes Mellitus : uma an?lise contra-factual, Brasil, 2008

Silva, Isabel Kopezinski da 31 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 450820.pdf: 978241 bytes, checksum: 52234ab6d1c3b7b250cba9edd04aefda (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-31 / This work aims to investigate the impact caused by chronic Mellitus Diabetes on: the participation of individuals in workforce, their wages and productivity. This way, it has been necessary to analyze the health status in relation to individual earnings of people with Diabetes, as those who do not have this disease, that is, by verifying what are their differential wages, incomes and working hours. The methodology which has been utilized is the Probit econometric model, and the values, adjusted to individuals who have Diabetes, have been obtained from the equations according to their participation in the workforce, their working hours and wages. In addition, the estimation of coefficients has been applied to the vector of the characteristics of individuals who have Diabetes so that the average adjusted income may be obtained. Differences in average income of people with Diabetes and the contra-factual value are losses that have occurred due to the health status of individuals. Therefore, health has been treated as a pre-determined variable. The analyzed data have been taken from NHSS (National Household Sample Survey) referring to 2008, which supplement has presented information on the population health, being an important cross-section database utilized to analyze health status and income differentials of the population in the country. Thus, the results have demonstrated that individuals, both men and women with Diabetes, derive smaller incomes than those who are healthy, in all regions of the country. The composition of earning losses in relation to gender and Diabetes incidence elapses from the least probability of participation in the workforce. Furthermore, this has illustrated that the composition of losses has been distinct between genders, and has been associated with the jobs characteristics which men and women have held, being the presence of diabetes what has affected not only their productivity but also their participation in the labor market / O objetivo desse trabalho ? investigar o impacto que a doen?a cr?nica Diabete Mellitus causa sobre a participa??o na for?a de trabalho, a taxa salarial e a produtividade dos indiv?duos. Dessa maneira, analisar o status de sa?de em rela??o aos ganhos individuais dos portadores de diabetes com aqueles que n?o possuem essa doen?a, ou seja, verificar quais s?o os diferenciais de sal?rios, rendimentos e horas trabalhadas. A metodologia utilizada ? o modelo econom?trico Probit. Os valores ajustados para indiv?duos portadores de diabetes s?o obtidos a partir das equa??es de participa??o na for?a de trabalho, de horas trabalhadas e de sal?rios. A estimativa dos coeficientes ? aplicada ao vetor de caracter?sticas dos indiv?duos portadores de diabetes para obter o rendimento m?dio ajustado. As diferen?as de rendimento m?dio dos portadores de diabetes e o valor contra-factual s?o as perdas devidas ?s condi??es de sa?de dos indiv?duos. Sendo assim, a sa?de ? tratada como uma vari?vel predeterminada. Os dados analisados s?o retirados da PNAD (Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domic?lios) referente ao ano de 2008, cujo suplemento apresenta informa??es sobre a sa?de da popula??o, sendo uma importante base de an?lise dos dados cross-section para se analisarem o status de sa?de e os diferencias de rendimentos da popula??o do Pa?s. Os resultados encontrados mostram que os indiv?duos, tanto homens quanto mulheres, portadores de diabetes, auferem rendimentos menores ?queles que s?o saud?veis, em todas as regi?es do Pa?s. A composi??o das perdas de rendimentos em rela??o ao g?nero e a incid?ncia de diabetes decorrem da menor probabilidade de participar da for?a de trabalho. Isso ilustra que a composi??o das perdas ? distinta entre os g?neros e est? associada ?s caracter?sticas dos trabalhos ocupados por homens e mulheres e que a presen?a de diabetes afeta a produtividade e a sua participa??o no mercado de trabalho

An?lise da desindustrializa??o no Rio Grande do Sul : 1995-10

Silva, Andr? Neves da 29 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 451613.pdf: 1183119 bytes, checksum: 1bf7154a6511058f78adadff392c859f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-29 / This dissertation discusses the economic phenomenon deindustrialization in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the period 1995-10, considering that other studies already show their existence in Brazil. The Rio Grande do Sul, from 1995 to 2010, showed average growth below the national and industry appears to be losing its representativeness. Through the methodology used by Robert Rowthorn and Fiona Tregenna, it will be analyzed the evolution of the share of industrial output of RS in their respective total to verify the existence of deindustrialization in the state as well as in Coredes of Rio Grande do Sul. / Esta disserta??o aborda o fen?meno econ?mico desindustrializa??o no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no per?odo 1995-10, tendo em vista que outros estudos j? apontam sua exist?ncia no Brasil. O Rio Grande do Sul, de 1995 a 2010, apresentou m?dia de crescimento inferior ? nacional, e sua ind?stria aparenta estar perdendo representatividade. Atrav?s da metodologia utilizada por Robert Rowthorn e Fiona Tregenna, analisa-se a evolu??o da parcela do produto industrial do RS no seu respectivo total para se verificar a exist?ncia de desindustrializa??o no Estado, bem como nos Coredes do Rio Grande do Sul.

O padr?o espacial das atividades intensivas em tecnologia nas microrregi?es brasileiras entre os anos 2006 e 2010

Scherer, Wilibaldo Josu? Gr?ner 22 March 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 451614.pdf: 3405686 bytes, checksum: 7f62c02e01efafc7a9c4d6685db08e17 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-03-22 / The general aim of this research is to analyze the spatial behavior of technology intensive activities in the Brazilian?s micro regions between 2006 and 2010. For this purpose the study uses formal employment data from the Annual Report of Social Information (RAIS). The dataset is organized in 676 classes of economic activities according to the National Classification of Economic Activities (NACE 2.0) and covers the 558 Brazilian micro regions. The study performs the construction of a potential innovation indicator for each of the Brazilian micro-regions and verifies the correlations with indicators of productive specialization and regional economic performance. The results point out the existence of a relative concentration of technology-intensive activities in Brazil, primarily in the Southeast. The indicator of potential innovation presents a positive association with the local development. Finally, the micro regions with less specialized productive structures showed the greatest results in the potential innovation indicator. / O objetivo geral desta disserta??o ? analisar de forma explorat?ria o comportamento espacial das atividades intensivas em tecnologia nas microrregi?es brasileiras entre os anos 2006 e 2010. Para tal, o estudo utiliza dados de emprego formal, obtido na Rela??o Anual de Informa??es Sociais (RAIS), para um conjunto de 676 classes de atividades econ?micas da Classifica??o Nacional de Atividades Econ?micas (CNAE 2.0), distribu?dos nas 558 microrregi?es brasileiras. O estudo realiza a constru??o de um indicador de potencial de inova??o para cada uma das microrregi?es brasileiras e verifica, de forma explorat?ria, as suas correla??es com indicadores de especializa??o produtiva e de desempenho econ?mico regional. Os resultados apontam para exist?ncia de uma relativa concentra??o das atividades intensivas em tecnologia no Brasil, principalmente na grande regi?o Sudeste. O indicador de potencial de inova??o apresenta uma associa??o positiva com o desenvolvimento local. Por fim, as microrregi?es com uma estrutura produtiva menos especializada apresentaram melhores resultados no indicador de potencial de inova??o regional.

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