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Norming a Dynamic Assessment of Narrative Language for Diverse School-Age Children With and Without Language Disorder: A Preliminary Psychometric StudyFrahm, Ashley Elizabeth 08 April 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate preliminary psychometric normative data of an English dynamic assessment of narrative language for a group of diverse school-age students with and without language disorder. This study included 364 diverse students with and without language disorder ranging from kindergarten through 6th grade. Students were confirmed as having a language disorder if they had an existing active IEP for language, and scores below a certain cutoff point on a nonword repetition (NWR) task and the narrative language measure (NLM). English language proficiency was investigated, and students were classified as being a dual language learner (DLL) based on student, teacher, or parent report of diverse home language, and poor performance on an English narrative language assessment. Participants were administered a nonword repetition task (NWR), the Narrative Language Measure (NLM), and the Dynamic Assessment of Oral Narrative Discourse (the DYMOND). Data were analyzed within groups of typically developing students and students with a language disorder to identify statistically different mean modifiability and posttest scores given various demographic factors. Results of this study indicate that modifiability and posttest scores for typically developing students were not found to be statistically different given gender or school location, however, significant differences were noted given grade and level of English proficiency or DLL status. The group of students with a disorder demonstrated no statistically different mean modifiability scores given any demographic factor. Students with a language disorder demonstrated significantly different mean posttest scores given school location and English proficiency and DLL status. Results from this study are consistent with previous dynamic assessment research in demonstrating excellent classification accuracy in culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) populations. Students may benefit from a norm-referenced dynamic assessment of narrative language in order to provide less-biased standardized forms of assessment for CLD populations.
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Multicultural Considerations in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse AAC UsersFrick, Bethany Joan January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Risk analysis under a circular economy context using a systems thinking approachAL Mashaqbeh, S., Munive-Hernandez, J. Eduardo 06 February 2023 (has links)
Yes / Applying the circular economy (CE) concept is crucial for achieving sustainable development goals. A transition towards a CE requires new tools to clarify the interdependency among systems and assist policy-makers in their decisions, particularly in the risk assessment field. This paper analyzes the systemic effects and interdependencies of several risks in the context of a CE. The developed tool helps adopt proactive strategies that consider the four aspects of sustainability (economic, environmental, social, and technological). The adopted tool improves strategic thinking for a circular economy concept and supports organizations with respect to assessing risks. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive and novel model to quantify the priority weights of the sustainability risk indicators to provide guidelines for supporting the policy formulation process for decision-makers. In this paper, the taxonomy of various risk indicators has been proposed, and we have identified and adopted 40 risk indicators for the CE. This paper focuses on understanding how risks can be constructed and how they affect the performance of power plants over time in terms of availability, efficiency, and operational and maintenance cost. The causal loop diagram (CLD) model is built by deploying various risk quantifications, and the adopted tool was tested and validated to assess the CE risks relevant to the environmental perspective in power plants in the Middle East. The risk indicators under the concept of the CE model and the system thinking approach can help policy-makers in their strategic and operational decision-making process for achieving a better understanding of the risk assessment process. The taxonomy of risk categories and its linking with the system thinking approach will help in the successful and effective implementation of a CE in the energy sector in the long-term. The proposed model offers a tool for policy-makers to design policies when planning a CE.
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Veränderungen im LPS-Muster von E.coli Shigella durch cld pHS-2Schmidt, Bastian 10 May 2006 (has links)
Bei neun von vierzehn Serogruppen der Subspezies E. coli Flexneri (SF) konnte ein pHS-2-Plasmid nachgewiesen werden. Es besteht eine positive Korrelation zwischen pHS-2-positiven SF und dem Auftreten einer Reaktiven Arthritis, eine Komplikation der bakteriellen Ruhr. Verschiedene Autoren führen das gehäufte Auftreten der Reaktiven Arthritis bei pHS-2-positiven SF auf eine erhöhte Serumresistenz zurück, die den Bakterien durch das cld(pHS-2)-Gen vermittelt wird. Das cld(pHS-2)-Gen als längstes aller 18 "open reading frames" auf dem pHS-2-Plasmid kodiert für ein 35 kD großes Protein, das aufgrund seiner Funktion als "chain length determinant" (Cld(pHS-2)) bezeichnet wurde. Cld(pHS-2) ist maßgeblich an der Produktion von Lipopolysacchariden vom VL-Typ beteiligt. LPS vom VL-Typ produzieren O-Seitenketten mit mehr als 70 bis 80 Oligosaccharideinheiten und sollen die bakterielle Membran vor einer Komplementbindung und Serum-Antikörpern schützen, wodurch den Bakterien eine erhöhte Serumresistenz vermittelt werde. In dieser Arbeit wurde cld(pHS-2) in einen pHS-2-negativen Stamm der SF Serogruppe 6 integriert, um nachzuweisen, dass cld(pHS-2) das LPS-Muster pHS-2-negativer SF in charakteristischer Weise modifiziert. Während der Expressionsnachweis von cld(pHS-2) als Einzelprotein misslang, war eine Expression von cld(pHS-2) als Fusionsprotein in SF Serogruppe 6 erfolgreich. Im Vergleich zu pHS-2-negativen SF war unsere SF Serogruppe 6-Mutante nun in der Lage, LPS vom VL-Typ in Form einer zusätzlichen Bande mit ca. 80 Oligosaccharideinheiten zu produzieren. Diese phänotypische Veränderung war zwar nur gering ausgeprägt, konnte jedoch den spezifischen Einfluss von cld(pHS-2) als Fusionsprotein auf das LPS-Muster pHS-2-negativer SF nachweisen. / In nine out of fourteen serogroups of E. Coli Flexneri (SF) a pHS-2 plasmid has been isolated. There is a positive correlation between pHS-2-positive SF and the occurence of reactive arthritis (ReA) which is a complication of bacterial dysentery. Different authors reduce the widespread appearance of ReA by pHS-2-positive SF to an increased serum resistance caused by a cld(pHS-2)-gene. The cld(pHS-2)-gene ist the longest of 18 open reading frames in pHS-2 and it is the coding for a 35 kD protein which has been identified as a chain length determinant because of its function. Cld(pHS-2) plays a decisive role in the production of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of the VL-type. LPS of the VL-type produce O antigen with more than 70-80 repeat units, and protect the bacterial outer membrane from complement factors and serum antibodies by a higher serum resistance. In this research the cld(pHS-2)-gene was integrated in a pHS-2-negative SF serogroup 6 to prove that cld(pHS-2) is able to modify the LPS pattern (destribution) of pHS-2-negative SF in a characteristic manner. The expression of cld(pHS-2) in SF serogroup 6 as an isolated protein failed, but the expression of cld(pHS-2) as a fusion protein was successful. In contrast to the pHS-2-negative SF our SF serogroup 6 mutant was able to produce LPS of the VL-type with 80-90 repeat units. Despite the slight effect, a specific influence of cld(pHS-2) as a fusion protein on LPS pattern and the bacterial phaenotype has to be confirmed.
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This study examined the extent to which teachers’ levels of cultural competence is a factor in the nomination/referral process for gifted identification of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Specifically, this study compared the self-assessed perceptions of second and third grade elementary teachers’ cultural competence to the various factors included in the gifted referral process. A quasi-experimental quantitative study was used. However, this study superficially included some qualitative exploration due to the nature of the open-ended survey questions and secondary data set analysis. Quantitative data were collected via an adapted version of the Cultural Competence Self-Assessment for Teachers survey created by Lindsey, Robins, & Terrell (2009). Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, independent samples t-test, and correlation analysis were conducted. Results revealed that there were no significantly statistical differences in the relationship between teachers’ levels of cultural competence and nomination/referral patterns for gifted identification. Yet, the results also indicated that the district’s second and third grade teachers were generally high on the cultural competence continuum. An overwhelming majority of the teachers believed themselves to be culturally competent however, cultural competence sub-scale scores in institutionalizing cultural knowledge and interacting with CLD students were lower percentages when compared to the other sub-scale scores. In general, this study may have important practical implications for the ongoing process of becoming culturally competent, gifted education practices and policy, teacher preparation, and professional practice.
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A Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Framework for Improving Academic and Postsecondary Outcomes of Students with Moderate or Severe Intellectual DisabilityRivera, Christopher J., Jimenez, Bree A., Baker, Joshua N., Spies, Tracy, Mims, Pamela J., Courtade, Ginevra 01 January 2016 (has links)
The needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students with moderate or severe intellectual disability (ID) are quite unique and complex. CLD students with moderate or severe ID face many of the same issues as their non-disabled CLD peers; however, due to the nature of their disability this may lead to even less access to the general curriculum, appropriate services, materials, and meaningful collaboration between families and educators. The purpose of this article is to provide a culturally responsive framework for facilitating academic instruction for CLD students with moderate or severe ID that also includes appropriate supports in an effort to increase access to postsecondary outcomes for this population. Suggestions for accessing the general curriculum and a discussion about increasing parental involvement and accessing appropriate adult agencies to further enhance these outcomes are provided.
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Systems thinking methodology in researching the impacts of climate change on livestock industry / Phương pháp tư duy hệ thống trong nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của biến đổi khí hậu đến ngành chăn nuôiNguyen, Quan Van, Nguyen, Nam Cao 14 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The impacts of climate change on livestock production are complex problems, existing in the rela-tionship among this sector and others sectors such as environmental, social, economic and political systems. The complexity and dynamic of these impacts cannot be solved simply in isolation with the linear approach. A system thinking methodology is introduced in this paper to understand the impacts of climate change on livestock production, and identify effective interventions strategies to address this systemic problem. System thinking is a way of thinking about the world and relationships which has been developed far along way in the past. Today, systems thinking has become increasingly popular because it provides a \'new way of thinking\' to understand and manage complex problems, whether they rest within a local or global context. While four levels of thinking is a fundamental tool to identify systemic problems, Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) is a visual tool created by a computer program to illustrate the whole picture of climate change impacts. CLD consist of feedbacks for system, which help strategists identify appropriate intervention strategies in solving the systemic problem. / Ảnh hưởng của biến đổi khí hậu đến ngành chăn nuôi là một trong những vấn đề phức tạp, bởi mối quan hệ chặt chẽ có hệ thống của chúng với các lĩnh vực khác như môi trường, xã hội, kinh tế và chính trị. Những tác động phức tạp đa chiều này không thể giải quyết đơn thuần bằng các giải pháp mang tính đơn lẻ. Phương pháp tư duy hệ thống được giới thiệu trong bài này cho phép hiểu đầy đủ, có hệ thống các tác động của biến đổi khí hậu đến ngành chăn nuôi, đồng thời xác định được những giải pháp chiến lược phù hợp để giải quyết vấn đề mang tính hệ thống này. Tư duy hệ thống là cách tư duy và tiếp cận với sự vật, hiện tượng khách quan, và các mối quan hệ của chúng, phương pháp này đã được nghiên cứu và phát triển từ xa xưa. Ngày nay, tư duy hệ thống đang được ứng dụng phổ biến và rộng rãi hơn trong các nghiên cứu phát triển bền vững vì phương pháp này cung cấp một “tư duy mới” để hiểu và quản lý được các vấn đề phức tạp, dù chúng ở qui mô địa phương hay trên phạm vi toàn cầu. Trong đó, bốn cấp bậc của tư duy là công cụ cơ bản để nhận biết các vấn đề phức tạp, và sơ đồ các vòng tròn tác động (CLD) là công cụ trực quan được xây dựng bằng phần mềm máy tính để chỉ ra bức tranh toàn cảnh các tác động của biến đổi khí hậu. Các vòng tròn tác động này phản ánh các diễn biến thực tế và các thông tin giúp cho việc xác định các giải pháp chiến lược.
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Systems thinking methodology in researching the impacts of climate change on livestock industry: Policy paperNguyen, Quan Van, Nguyen, Nam Cao 14 November 2013 (has links)
The impacts of climate change on livestock production are complex problems, existing in the rela-tionship among this sector and others sectors such as environmental, social, economic and political systems. The complexity and dynamic of these impacts cannot be solved simply in isolation with the linear approach. A system thinking methodology is introduced in this paper to understand the impacts of climate change on livestock production, and identify effective interventions strategies to address this systemic problem. System thinking is a way of thinking about the world and relationships which has been developed far along way in the past. Today, systems thinking has become increasingly popular because it provides a \'new way of thinking\' to understand and manage complex problems, whether they rest within a local or global context. While four levels of thinking is a fundamental tool to identify systemic problems, Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) is a visual tool created by a computer program to illustrate the whole picture of climate change impacts. CLD consist of feedbacks for system, which help strategists identify appropriate intervention strategies in solving the systemic problem. / Ảnh hưởng của biến đổi khí hậu đến ngành chăn nuôi là một trong những vấn đề phức tạp, bởi mối quan hệ chặt chẽ có hệ thống của chúng với các lĩnh vực khác như môi trường, xã hội, kinh tế và chính trị. Những tác động phức tạp đa chiều này không thể giải quyết đơn thuần bằng các giải pháp mang tính đơn lẻ. Phương pháp tư duy hệ thống được giới thiệu trong bài này cho phép hiểu đầy đủ, có hệ thống các tác động của biến đổi khí hậu đến ngành chăn nuôi, đồng thời xác định được những giải pháp chiến lược phù hợp để giải quyết vấn đề mang tính hệ thống này. Tư duy hệ thống là cách tư duy và tiếp cận với sự vật, hiện tượng khách quan, và các mối quan hệ của chúng, phương pháp này đã được nghiên cứu và phát triển từ xa xưa. Ngày nay, tư duy hệ thống đang được ứng dụng phổ biến và rộng rãi hơn trong các nghiên cứu phát triển bền vững vì phương pháp này cung cấp một “tư duy mới” để hiểu và quản lý được các vấn đề phức tạp, dù chúng ở qui mô địa phương hay trên phạm vi toàn cầu. Trong đó, bốn cấp bậc của tư duy là công cụ cơ bản để nhận biết các vấn đề phức tạp, và sơ đồ các vòng tròn tác động (CLD) là công cụ trực quan được xây dựng bằng phần mềm máy tính để chỉ ra bức tranh toàn cảnh các tác động của biến đổi khí hậu. Các vòng tròn tác động này phản ánh các diễn biến thực tế và các thông tin giúp cho việc xác định các giải pháp chiến lược.
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Utilización de geopolímero para la mejora de las propiedades en morteros cal-puzolana y su empleo en países en desarrollo.Villca Pozo, Ariel Rey 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] El descubrimiento del cemento Portland ha cambiado nuestra forma de construir, pero también es el responsable de grandes emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera durante su fabricación (~1450 ᴼC), agravando la crisis actual que está sufriendo nuestro planeta debido al cambio climático y sus consecuencias en todo el medio ambiente.
Por lo tanto, una alternativa más sostenible en la construcción es la utilización de la cal que necesita menor temperatura para su fabricación (~900 ᴼC). Si bien la introducción de puzolanas naturales o artificiales en morteros de cal han mejorado sus propiedades mecánicas y de durabilidad, estas aún tienen el inconveniente de ganar resistencias a edades largas de curado. Es por esta razón que en la presente tesis se pretende eliminar este inconveniente técnico, buscando la asociación de la cal con nuevos conglomerantes más sostenibles a partir de residuos para obtener morteros mixtos denominados cal/puzolana-geopolímero.
Los residuos estudiados fueron: el catalizador gastado de craqueo catalítico, la ceniza de cascara de arroz, la tierra diatomea de origen residual y la ceniza de lodo de depuradora. También se estudia una puzolana natural proveniente de la República de Guatemala.
En los morteros cal/puzolana (cal/FCC, cal/CCA, cal/CLD) se ha realizado sustituciones en peso hasta un 50 % de la mezcla cal/puzolana por geopolímero. El geopolímero se obtiene por una combinación del FCC como precursor y diferentes activadores alcalinos siendo estos la mezcla de: NaOH/Na2SiO3, NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN y NaOH/TDR. Los últimos tres sustituyen al silicato comercial como fuente de sílice alternativa.
Asimismo, se realizaron estudios a nivel mecánico y microestructural. Para los estudios microestructurales, tanto de muestras endurecidas como de materiales de partida, se emplearon como técnicas: FRX, ADL, TG, DRX y FESEM.
Los resultados han demostrado con éxito que añadir pequeñas cantidades de geopolímero sobre el sistema cal/puzolana fue notable, debido a que este potenció la formación de los nuevos productos de reacción, lo que mejoró la resistencia mecánica de los morteros desde las primeras horas de curado, llegando a obtener 7 veces más de resistencia que un mortero control cal/puzolana en 1 día de curado.
El reemplazo del silicato de sodio comercial por CCA, TDN, TDR, como fuente de sílice, condujo a mejores desempeños del mortero en términos de resistencia a la compresión. Además, redujo el coeficiente de absorción de agua por capilaridad y aumento el tiempo de exposición a los ciclos hielo-deshielo frente a los morteros activados con activadores comerciales.
Finalmente, los conglomerantes desarrollados en este estudio podría beneficiar tanto a la gestión de residuos como al desarrollo de materiales de construcción más sostenibles, aportando a los objetivos propuestos en la agenda 2030. / [CA] El descobriment del ciment Portland ha canviat la nostra manera de construir, però també és el responsable de grans emissions de CO¿ a l'atmosfera durant la seva fabricació (~1450 ᴼC), agreujant la crisi actual que està patint el nostre planeta degut al canvi climàtic i les seves conseqüències en tot el medi ambient.
Per tant, una alternativa més sostenible en la construcció és la utilització de la calç que necessita menor temperatura per a la seva fabricació (~900 ᴼC). Si bé la introducció de putzolanes naturals o artificials en morters de calç han millorat les seves propietats mecàniques i de durabilitat, aquestes encara tenen l'inconvenient de guanyar resistències a edats llargues de curat. És per aquesta raó que en la present tesi es pretén eliminar aquest inconvenient tècnic, buscant l'associació de la calç amb nous conglomerants més sostenibles a partir de residus per a obtenir morters mixtos denominats calç/putzolana-geopolímer.
Els residus estudiats van ser: el catalitzador gastat del craqueig catalític, la cendra de closca d'arròs, la terra diatomea d'origen residual i la cendra de llot de depuradora. També es va estudiar una putzolana natural provinent de la República de Guatemala.
En els morters calç/putzolana (calç/FCC, calç/CCA, calç/CLD) s'ha realitzat substitucions en pes fins a un 50 % de la barreja calç/putzolana per geopolímer. El geopolímer s'obté per una combinació del FCC com a precursor i diferents activadors alcalins, sent aquests la mescla de: NaOH/Na2SiO3, NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN i NaOH/TDR. Els últims tres substitueixen al silicat comercial com a font de sílice alternativa.
Així mateix, es van realitzar estudis a nivell mecànic i microestructural. Per als estudis microestructurals, tant de mostres endurides com de materia primera, es van emprar tècniques com: FRX, ADL, TG, DRX i FESEM.
Els resultats han demostrat amb èxit que afegir petites quantitats de geopolímer sobre el sistema calç/putzolana va ser notable, pel fet que aquest va potenciar la formació dels nous productes de reacció, la qual cosa va millorar la resistència mecànica dels morters des de les primeres hores de curat, arribant a obtenir 7 vegades més de resistència que un morter control calç/putzolana en 1 dia de curat.
El reemplaçament del silicat de sodi comercial per CCA, TDN, TDR, com a font de sílice, va conduir a millors acompliments del morter en termes de resistència a la compressió. A més, va reduir el coeficient d'absorció d'aigua per capil·laritat i va augmentar el temps d'exposició als cicles gel-desgel enfront dels morters activats amb activadors comercials.
Finalment, els conglomerants desenvolupats en aquest estudi podrien beneficiar tant a la gestió de residus com al desenvolupament de materials de construcció més sostenibles, aportant als objectius proposats en l'Agenda 2030. / [EN] The discovery of Portland cement has changed the way we build; however, it is also responsible for large CO2 emissions into the atmosphere during its manufacturing (~ 1450 ᴼC), thereby aggravating the current crisis that our planet is suffering due to climate change and its consequences in the environment.
Thus, a more sustainable alternative in construction is the use of lime that requires a lower temperature for its manufacturing (~ 900 ᴼC). The introduction of natural or artificial pozzolans in lime mortars has improved their mechanical properties and durability. Nevertheless, they present some technical disadvantages, as the low compressive strength, especially at early curing time.
This thesis aims to eliminate this technical disadvantage by mixing lime with new more sustainable binders derived from waste, obtaining mixed mortars called lime/pozzolan-geopolymer
The waste materials studied included fluid catalytic cracking residue (FCC), rice husk ash (CCA), residual diatomite (TDR) and sewage sludge ash (CLD). A natural pozzolan from the Republic of Guatemala was also studied.
In the experimental procedure, in lime/pozzolan mortar mixtures (lime/FCC, lime/CCA, lime/CLD), up to 50% of their weight was substituted by geopolymer. The geopolymer is obtained by combining FCC as a precursor, and different alkaline activator mixtures including NaOH/Na2SiO3 (commercial waterglass), NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN, and NaOH/TDR, with the last three being an alternative silica source to commercial waterglass.
In the same way, both mechanical and microstructural studies were carried out. The following techniques were used: XRF, ADL, TG, XRD and FESEM to assess the microstructural properties of both the raw materials and the hardened samples.
The results have demonstrated that adding small amounts of geopolymer to the lime/pozzolan system was remarkable; it enhanced the formation of new reaction products, which improved the mechanical strength of the mortar from the first hours of curing, obtaining 7 times more strength than the lime/pozzolan control mortar in 1 day of curing.
The replacement of commercial waterglass by CCA, TDN, TDR, as a source of silica, led to better performance of the mortar in terms of compressive strength. In addition, the coefficient of water absorption by capillarity was reduced and the exposure time during freezing-thawing cycles was increased compared to mortars activated with commercial activators.
Finally, the binders developed in this study could benefit both waste management and the development of more sustainable construction materials, contributing to the objectives proposed in the 2030 Agenda. / Gracias al programa ADSIDEO-COOPERACIÓN de la Universitat Politècnica de
València, que me ha brindado financiación para la presente investigación. / Villca Pozo, AR. (2021). Utilización de geopolímero para la mejora de las propiedades en morteros cal-puzolana y su empleo en países en desarrollo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172663
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Stavba-Prostor-Město "Dostavba městského bloku" / Structure-Space-City "Urban block completion"Czapek, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of a design of a new apartmen building in the city of Brno on the plot expected to be completed by the city block. Typologically it deals with the current design possibilities of gallery apartment buildings / porch houses, implementation of space-demanding grocery stores and commercial areas into urban structures. Architecturally explores the possibilities of designing new constructions with citation of architectural language a tectonics of past styles.
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