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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Amélioration des connaissances sur le colmatage des systèmes d’infiltration d’eaux pluviales / Improvement of knowledge about clogging stormwater infiltration systems

Gonzalez-Merchan, Carolina 15 May 2012 (has links)
Les ouvrages d’infiltration sont utilisés aujourd’hui comme alternative au réseau d’assainissement pluvial. Ils réduisent les risques d’inondation, contribuent au piégeage de polluants permettant ainsi de limiter la détérioration des milieux aquatiques superficiels et sont reconnus pour recharger la nappe. Cependant leur fonctionnement est affecté à long terme par le colmatage réduisant leur performance hydraulique. Par ailleurs, lorsque ces systèmes sont munis de surverses, le colmatage limite les capacités d’interception des flux d’eau et des polluants. Le colmatage constitue donc un facteur clé dans le fonctionnement de ces systèmes tant sur un plan hydraulique qu’environnemental. Cette thèse a pour but de mesurer et de comprendre l’évolution spatio-temporelle du colmatage à une échelle mégascopique (l’échelle d’un ouvrage extensif type) et diachronique (sur le moyen terme). Pour cela une approche expérimentale a été menée au sein de l’Observatoire de Terrain en Hydrologie Urbaine (OTHU) selon trois niveaux d’investigation sur un même ouvrage en conditions réelles de fonctionnement. Un premier niveau (échelle globale) a consisté à mesurer l’évolution temporelle du système pris dans son ensemble grâce au calage de la résistance hydraulique au sens du modèle de Bouwer. Cette étape a nécessité de mesurer et d’exploiter des données en continu de flux d’eau, de sédiments, de matière organique apportés au système, les facteurs environnementaux comme la température d’air et d’eau, l’ensoleillement, le rythme, la nature des événements pluvieux, la saisonnalité, etc., sur un historique de 8 ans. Cette étape nous a mis en évidence la dynamique d’évolution du colmatage et le rôle bénéfique du développement de la végétation sur le maintien de la capacité d’infiltration globale d’un ouvrage de ce type. Un deuxième niveau (échelle semi globale) nous permettant de distinguer l’évolution temporelle du colmatage du fond et des parois, a montré leur dynamique respective (rapide pour le fond, très lente voire inexistante pour les parois). Un troisième niveau (échelle locale) a tenté d’explorer la répartition spatiale et temporelle du colmatage sur le fond des ouvrages sur des échelles de temps plus courtes. L’approche expérimentale a consisté à caractériser la couche colmatante en terme physico chimique et dans une moindre mesure biologique (conductivité hydraulique à saturation, granulométrie, porosité, masse volumique apparente, masse volumique des particules solides, matière organique, biomasse). Elle a analysé également le rôle de la végétation spontanée sur la capacité d’infiltration vis-à-vis des caractéristiques de l’horizon de surface et la structure aérienne et racinaire des espèces présentes. Enfin des analyses statistiques de l’évolution du colmatage à chaque échelle a mis en évidence la part potentiellement importante du colmatage biologique sur ces systèmes alors que, pour la gestion des eaux pluviales ce facteur est généralement négligé. / Infiltration systems are widely used in urban stormwater management. Infiltration systems can significantly reduce stormwater discharges to sewer systems and may therefore contribute to the mitigation of flooding problems. In addition infiltrations systems also help to reduce stormwater pollution, contribute to groundwater recharge and to water course protection. However, the hydraulic performance of infiltration systems decreases with time due to clogging effects. A clogged layer limits the transfer of water and pollutants in infiltrations systems. The clogging has a significant impact on the long-term performance of a system. The aim of this PhD study is to better understand spatio-temporal evolution of clogging on large infiltration systems involving different scales: (i) global scale, (ii) semi - global (the whole bottom and the sides), (iii) local scale (different part of the bottom). An experimental approach has been carried out in the OTHU project (Field Observatory on Urban Hydrology, www.othu.org). An infiltration basin studied with three investigations scales under real operation conditions. In a global scale, the temporal clogging evolution of the system was evaluated in terms of hydraulic resistance. This clogging indicator was calibrated from Bouwer’s model. Water inflow, TSS, COD, climatic factors (air temperature and solar energy), stormwater events and season variations were measured. The results describe the clogging evolution over 8 years. It indicates that vegetation may have a beneficial effect on infiltration capacity. In a semi global scale study, clogging evolution at the bottom and the sides, of the infiltration basin was evaluated. It proved that the clogging mainly occurs at the bottom, that is, the bottom was clogged fast and the clogging at the sides was slow. Local scale study, spatial distribution and temporal evolution of clogging at the bottom with in situ measurements during 2 years were investigated. The study characterised the clogged layer, with bio physic-chemical parameters (i.e., were investigated hydraulic conductivity, porosity, grain size, dry bulk density, organic matter and biomass content). This analyze compared also the role of different types of spontaneous vegetation. The result showed the high spatio-temporal heterogeneity on the infiltration surface. Statistical analysis of clogging evolution in each scale showed the significant impacts of biological activity in the stormwater infiltration basins, which was often neglected

Transport of moderately sorted gravels at low bed shear stress : impact of bed arrangement and fine sediment infiltration / Transport de graviers à faible contrainte : impact de l'arrangement et de l'infiltration du lit par des sédiments fins

Perret, Emeline 18 October 2017 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de comprendre la dynamique des graviers au sein des rivières alpines à faible contrainte en utilisant des expériences en laboratoire. Ces rivières sont souvent composées d’une large gamme de sédiments, allant des argiles aux galets. Ces différentes classes sédimentaires peuvent interagir entre elles, ce qui peut rendre difficile l’estimation du transport solide. Des expériences en laboratoire ont été conduites en écoulements instationnaires dans un canal de 18m de long et 1m de large. Deux types de lits ont été étudiés : lits unimodaux et bimodaux. Une attention particulière a été portée sur la réalisation des lits de graviers dans notre canal. Ils ont été créés dans le but d’approcher au mieux la configuration des lits de rivières alpines, c’est-à-dire avec différents arrangements et degrés de colmatage du lit par des sédiments fins. Les lits unimodaux sont composés de graviers peu triés avec divers arrangements de surface. Les lits bimodaux sont composés d’une matrice de graviers peu triés dans laquelle des sédiments fins se sont infiltrés (sables ou limons). Les processus régissant le transport de graviers ont été mis en avant. Le transport de graviers est impacté par l’arrangement du lit, la concentration de sédiments fins dans la couche de charriage, et par le changement de propriétés du lit due à la présence de sédiments fins (cohésion, perméabilité du lit). Plus le lit est arrangé, plus le transport est difficile. Plus la couche de charriage est concentrée en sédiments fins, plus le transport est facile. La forme des sédiments fins est aussi un facteur important pouvant modifier le transport des graviers. La présence de sédiments fins cohésifs dans la matrice peut considérablement réduire le taux de graviers transportés. Un modèle conceptuel a été développé pour résumer les différents processus contrôlant le transport de graviers. Il décrit le comportement des graviers dans les différentes configurations étudiées. L’outil proposé peut aider à comprendre, estimer et interpréter le transport de graviers. Il a été appliqué et discuté sur un cas de terrain sur la rivière de l’Arc. Basé sur ce modèle, nous avons proposé une nouvelle analyse dimensionnelle pour la construction d’un modèle de prédiction de transport solide prenant en compte des paramètres décrivant l’arrangement du lit, les propriétés géotechniques du lit et la présence de sédiments fins / This PhD thesis aims to understand gravel dynamics in Alpine rivers at low bed shear stress using laboratory experiments. Alpine river beds are often poorly sorted and composed of sediments ranging from clay to pebble. To understand interactions between these classes is an issue for predicting bedload rate. Laboratory experiments were performed in a 18m long and 1m wide flume, under unsteady flows. Two types of bed were investigated: unimodal and bimodal beds. A particular attention was paid to the bed construction, which was conducted in order to obtain a nature-like bed 12with different bed arrangements and degrees of clogging. Unimodal beds were made of moderately sorted gravels with different bed surface arrangements. Bimodal beds were made of moderately sorted gravels in which fine sediments (sand or silt) were infiltrated. Gravel rate was found to be impacted by the bed arrangement degree, the fine sediment concentration within the bedload layer and the changes in bed properties due to fine sediment presence (bed cohesion, bed permeability). The more packed the bed is; the more difficult it is to move gravels. The more concentrated in fine sediment the bedload layer is; the easier the transport of gravels is. The shape of fine sediments can also be an important factor for modifying the gravel rate. The presence of cohesive fine sediments within the bed matrix reduces significantly the gravel rate. A conceptual model was developed to recap the different processes controlling gravel transport. It provides a phenomenological description of the overall bed responses to a hydrograph. This tool is designed to help understanding, estimating or interpreting gravel transport in Alpine rivers. The conceptual model was discussed and applied to a field case made on the Arc River. Using the model, we also suggest a new dimensionless analysis for the construction of a bedload predicting model involving parameters describing bed arrangement, bed properties and fine sediment presence

Performance of pulse-jet bag filter regarding particle removal for nano-waste incineration conditions / Performances d’un filtre à manche pour la capture de particules en conditions représentatives de l’incinération de nano-déchets

Boudhan, Rachid 05 July 2017 (has links)
Les performances de filtration d’un filtre à manche vis-à-vis de particules submicroniques et nanométriques ont été évaluées à l’échelle du laboratoire durant plusieurs cycles de colmatage/décolmatage. La distribution granulométrique des particules (aérosol de combustion) était représentative de celle rencontrée en incinération de nano-déchets en sortie de chambre de combustion à l’échelle du laboratoire. Le filtre à manche opérait en conditions réalistes, représentatives de celles rencontrées dans les lignes de traitement des fumées d’incinération de déchets en termes de température, humidité, vitesse de filtration, présence de réactifs et conditions de décolmatage. Le flux d’air et le filtre à manche étaient chauffés à 150°C, la teneur en eau était de 10-12% (soit 3% d’humidité relative HR), et la vitesse de filtration était fixée à 1,9 cm.s⁻¹. Un mélange de particules de taille submicronique de charbon actif et de bicarbonate de sodium, utilisées dans les lignes de traitement des fumées d’incinération pour l’abattement des dioxines/furanes et des gaz acides, était généré simultanément avec l’aérosol de combustion. L’étude s’est centrée sur les performances de filtration au début de la durée de vie du filtre à manche, avant stabilisation de la perte de charge résiduelle du filtre résultant des précédents cycles de filtration. La perte de charge maximale du filtre était fixée à 150 Pa pour tous les cycles de filtration avant décolmatage par rétro-soufflage à air comprimé. Les performances du filtre à manche ont été évaluées en termes d’évolution de sa perte de charge et de son efficacité de collecte (totale et fractionnelle) au cours des cycles de colmatage/décolmatage. De plus, des études expérimentales et théoriques ont été menées afin d’étudier l’influence de divers paramètres sur les performances de filtration du filtre en configuration manche ou plane, tels que l’humidité de l’air (3% HR versus 0% HR à 150°C), la température (150°C versus 24°C), la vitesse de filtration (1,9 cm.s⁻¹ versus 1,4 cm.s⁻¹) et l’influence de l’injection de réactifs. Les principaux résultats de cette étude sont : (i) importante efficacité de capture des particules du filtre à manche en conditions représentatives des lignes de traitement des fumées d’incinération : efficacité minimale de collecte de 98,5% mesurée pour des particules de taille 74 ± 15 nm (diamètre de mobilité électrique), (ii) influence du gâteau résiduel de particules au début de chaque cycle de filtration sur les performances de traitement, (iii) influence significative de l’humidité de l’air sur la structure du gâteau de particules probablement due à l’augmentation des forces d’adhésion entre les particules en présence d’humidité (150°C – 3% HR soit environ 100 g d’eau par kg d’air sec) ; augmentation plus rapide de la perte de charge du filtre à manche en présence d’humidité (150°C – 3% HR) qu’en conditions d’air sec (150°C – 0% HR). / Filtration performance of a pulse-jet bag filter was evaluated at the laboratory-scale regarding submicronic particles with a nanosized fraction during clogging/unclogging cycles. The particle size distribution was representative to those encountered at the outlet of a nano-waste incineration device at laboratory-scale. The bag filter was operated in conditions as similar as possible to those found in flue gas treatment of waste incineration plants, in terms of temperature, humidity, filtration velocity, injection of sorbent reagents and unclogging conditions. The air flow and the bag filter were heated to 150°C, the water content was maintained in the air flow in the range of 10-12% (3% of relative humidity RH), and filtration velocity throughout the bag filter was fixed at 1.9 cm.s⁻¹. A mixture of submicronic suspended particles of activated carbon and sodium bicarbonate, both used in flue gas treatment systems mainly for the removal of dioxins/furans and acid gases, was generated simultaneously with the aerosol representative of combustion emissions.The study focused on the filtration performance at the beginning of the bag filter’s lifetime filter for the 11 first clogging-unclogging cycles before stabilizing the residual pressure drop reached after pulse-jet unclogging. The maximum pressure drop was set at 150 Pa for all filtration cycles. Once the maximum pressure drop was reached, the filter was unclogged using the pulse-jet system. The performance of the bag filter was evaluated in terms of the evolution of pressure drop, fractional and total particle collection efficiencies, during the clogging/unclogging cycles.Moreover, an experimental and theoretical study was carried out on the influence of different parameters on the filtration performance of bag filter and flat filter, such as influence of humidity (3% RH versus 0% RH at 150°C), temperature (150°C versus 24°C), filtration velocity (1.9 cm.s⁻¹ versus 1.4 cm.s⁻¹) and the influence of the injection of sorbent reagents.The main results of this study are: (i) high collection efficiency of the bag filter in representative conditions of flue gas treatment of waste incineration: minimun particle collection efficiency of 98.5% for particle diameter of 74 ± 15 nm (electrical mobility diameter), (ii) influence of residual particle cake at the beginning of the filtration cycles on the bag filter performance, (iii) significant influence of humidity on the porosity of the particle cake due to the capillary condensation of water between the particles in presence of humidity (150°C - 3% RH i.e. almost 100 g of water per kg of dry air). Faster increase of bag filter pressure drop in presence of humidiy (150°C - 3% RH) as compared to the dry conditions (150°C - 0% RH).

Combining hydrologic modelling and boundary shear stress estimates to evaluate the fate of fine sediments in river Juktån : Impact of ecological flows

Andersson Nyberg, Adrian January 2018 (has links)
Altered flow regimes following river regulation can result in significant changes in river bed geomorphology and subsequent negative ecological impacts caused by re-suspended sediments deposited on the riverbed. This study aimed to evaluate the consequences of implementing an ecological flow regime on sediments accumulated within the regulated river Juktån. Sediments were sampled and analysed for particle size distribution to estimate sediment stability. Flow alteration following the ecological flow regime was analysed with HEC-RAS unsteady flow simulation serving as a basis for calculations of forces acting to erode or retain deposited sediments. Additional analyses regarding critical flow were made with HEC-RAS steady flow simulation. Results show that 4 out of 15 cross-sections analysed would have the potential to erode and re-suspend sediments. The estimated average critical flow for when sediments become unstable with potential to re-suspend is 17 m3/s. The total sediment inventory of the studied reach is ~25000 ton, with ~3000-ton sediments potentially eroding into re-suspension. This is approximately 3% of river Umeälvens annual 100 000 ton suspended sediments before being regulated. Results indicate that river bed heterogeneity in river Juktån could benefit from implementing the ecological flow regime while not mobilizing such amounts of fine sediments that would cause clogging effects downstream the site of interest. The study also introduces the erosion rate equation which compares the annual erosion between two different flow regimes.

Technologie pro zvýšení propustnosti vod v kořenových ČOV / Technology to increase hydraulic conductivity of constructed wetlands

Pobořil, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Constructed wetlands are one of alternative solution wastewater treatment. Compared to conventional wastewater plants have many advantages. For example it´s technology saving construction, low operating costs, cleavability diluted wastewater and little or no need for electrical power. There are many publications dealing with Natural Ways wastewater treatment or even constructed wetlands. I decided to look for a thesis on one of the key processes – clogging bed media. The thesis is focused on ways to prevent clogging of bed media, mitigate the consequences and technology to increase hydraulic conductivity of constructed wetlands. The main test method is improving drainage parameters using pulsed filling and emptying of the bed media. This method is a very effective way to achieve quality requirements for effluent water from the treatment plant. Another test method is based on the injection of air into the media bed and sludge extraction using a specially modified industrial vacuum cleaner or pump.

A study on the Submerged Entry Nozzels (SEN) respecting clogging and decarburization

Memarpour, Arashk January 2010 (has links)
The submerged entry nozzle (SEN) has been used to transport the molten steel from tundish to the mould. The main purpose of the SEN usage is both to prevent oxygen and nitrogen pick-up by molten steel and to achieve the desired flow condition in the mould. Therefore, the SEN can be considered as a vital factor for a stable casting process and the steel quality. Furthermore, the steelmaking processes occur at high temperatures around 1873 K so the interaction between the refractory materials of the SEN and molten steel is unavoidable. Therefore, the knowledge of the SEN behaviors during pre-heating and casting is necessary for the design of the steelmaking processes. The internal surfaces of modern SENs are coated with a glass/silicon powder layer to prevent the SEN graphite oxidation during pre-heating. The effects of the interaction between the coating layer and the SEN base refractory materials on clogging were studied in supplement 1. The results of the study indicated the penetration of the formed alkaline-rich glaze into the Alumina/graphite base refractory during pre-heating. More specifically, the alkaline-rich glaze reacts with graphite to form carbon monoxide gas. Thereafter, dissociation of CO at the SEN/molten metal interface takes place. This leads to reoxidation of dissolved REM (Rare Earth Metal), which form the “In Situ” REM oxides at the interface between the SEN and the REM alloyed molten steel. Also, the interaction of the penetrated glaze with alumina in the SEN base refractory materials leads to a formation of a high-viscous alumina-rich glaze during the SEN pre-heating process. This in turn, creates a very uneven surface at the SEN internal surface. The “In Situ” formation of the REM oxides together with the uneven internal surface of the SEN may facilitate the accumulation of the primary inclusions. Supplement 1 revealed the disadvantages of the glass/silicon powder layer. On the other hand the carbon oxidation is a main industrial problem for un-coated Alumina/Graphite Submerged Entry Nozzles (SEN) during pre-heating. This led to the proposal of a new refractory material for the SEN. In supplement 2, the effect of ZrSi2 antioxidant and the coexistence of antioxidant additive and (4B2O3 ·BaO) glass powder on carbon oxidation were investigated at simulated non-isothermal heating conditions in a  controlled atmosphere. Also, the effect of ZrSi2 antioxidant on carbon oxidation was investigated at isothermal temperatures at 1473 K and 1773 K. The specimens’ weight losses and temperatures were plotted versus time and compared to each others. The thickness of the oxide areas were measured and also examined using XRD, FEG-SEM and EDS. The coexistence of 8 wt% ZrSi2 and 15 wt% (4B2O3 ·BaO) glass powder of the total alumina/Graphite base refractory materials, presented the most effective resistance to carbon oxidation. The 121% volume expansion due to the Zircon formation during heating and filling up the open pores by (4B2O3 ·BaO) glaze during green body sintering led to an excellent carbon oxidation resistance. In supplement 3, decarburization behaviors of Al2O3-C, ZrO2-C and MgO-C refractory materials constituting a commercial Submerged Entry Nozzle (SEN), have been investigated in different gas atmosphere consisting of CO2, O2 and Ar. The (CO2/O2) ratio values were kept the same as it is in propane combustion flue gas at Air Fuel Ratio (AFR) values equal to 1.5 and 1 for both Air-fuel and Oxygen-fuel combustions. Laboratory experiments were carried out non-isothermally in the temperature range 873 K to 1473 K at 15 K/min followed by isothermal heating at 1473 K for 60 min. The decarburization ratio (α) values of the three refractory types were determined by measuring the weight losses of the samples. The results showed that the decarburization ratio (α) values of the MgO-C refractory became 3.1 times higher for oxygen-fuel combustion compared to air-fuel combustion both at AFR equal to 1.5 in the temperature range 873 K to 1473 K. The decarburization ratio (α) values for Al2O3-C samples were the same as for the isothermal heating at 1473 K and non-isothermal heating in the temperature range 473  to 1773 K with a 15 K/min heating rate. It substantiates the SEN preheating advantage at higher temperatures for shorter holding times instead of heating at lower temperatures for longer holding times. Jander’s diffusion model was proposed for estimating the decarburization rate of Al2O3-C refractory in the SEN. The activation energy for Al2O3-C samples heated at AFR equal to 1.5, for air-fuel and oxygen-fuel combustions were found to be 84.5 KJ/mol and 95.5 KJ/mol respectively during non-isothermal heating in the temperature range 873 K to 1473 K. / QC 20101008

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Multiphase Micropacked-Bed Reactors and Capillary Sonoreactors

Navarro-Brull, Francisco J. 20 September 2018 (has links)
In the last decades, miniaturized flow chemistry has promised to bring the benefits of process intensification, continuous manufacturing and greener chemistry to the fine chemical industry. However, miniaturized catalytic processes where gas, liquid, and solids are involved have always been impeded by two main drawbacks: multiphase-flow maldistribution (i.e. gas channeling) and clogging of capillary reactors. In this thesis, first principle models have been used to capture the complexity of multiphase flow in micropacked-bed reactors, which can suffer from poor and unpredictable mass-transfer performance. When the particle size ranges 100 µm in diameter, capillary and viscous forces control the hydrodynamics. Under such conditions, the gas —and not the liquid— flows creating preferential channels that cause poor radial dispersion. Experimental observations from the literature were reproduced to validate a physical-based modeling approach, the Phase Field Method (PFM). This simulation strategy sheds light on the impact of the micropacked-bed geometry and wettability on the formation of preferential gas channels. Counterintuitively, to homogenize the two-phase flow hydrodynamics and reduce radial mass-transfer limitations, solvent wettability of the support needs to be restricted, showing best performance when the contact angle ranges 60° and capillary forces are still dominant. Visualization experiments showed that ultrasound irradiation can also be used to partially fluidized the bed and modify the hydrodynamics. Under sonication, residence time distributions (RTD) in micropacked-bed reactors revealed a two-order-of-magnitude reduction in dispersion, allowing for nearly plug-flow behavior at high gas and liquid flow rates. At a reduced scale, surfaces vibrating with a low amplitude were shown to fluidize, prevent and solve capillary tube blockage problems, which are commonly found in the fine chemical industry for continuous product synthesis. The modeling and simulation strategy used in this thesis, enables a fast prototyping methodology for the proper acoustic design of sonoreactors, whose scale-up was achieved by introducing slits in sonotrodes. In addition, a patent-pending helicoidal capillary sonoreactor has shown to transform longitudinal vibrating modes into radial and torsional modes, pioneering a new range of chemistry able to handle a high concentration of particles. The contributions of this thesis made in the fields of reaction engineering and process intensification have demonstrated how computational methods and experimental techniques in other areas of research can be used to foster innovation at a fast pace.

Infiltration capacity assessment of managed aquifer recharge spreading basins under variable climates

Barquero Kamrath, Felix 21 January 2021 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss klimarelevanter Parameter (Temperatur und Sonneneinstrahlung) auf die Reduzierung der Infiltrationskapazität untersucht. Des Weiteren wurde getestet, inwieweit sich die Infiltrationskapazität nach Entfernen der oberen, kolmatierten Bodenschicht im Infiltrationsbecken wiederherstellen lässt. Darüber hinaus wurden Methoden auf Grundlage des Bodenwassergehaltes entwickelt, mit denen eine Abschätzung des fortschreitenden Kolmatierungszustandes möglich ist. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, wurden drei Versuchseinheiten im Feld und Labor aufgebaut.:Abstract Zusammmenfassung Resumen Acknowledgments List of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Acronyms 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Thesis structure 2 Theoretical background 2.1 Managed aquifer recharge 2.2 Clogging in MAR 2.3 Management of clogging 2.4 MAR-relevant soil parameters 2.4.1 Hydraulic conductivity 2.4.2 Soil water content 2.4.3 Electrical conductivity 2.5 MAR-relevant climate properties 2.5.1 Solar irradiance 2.5.2 Temperature 3 Site description 3.1 Study area 3.2 Climate 3.3 Elbe River 3.4 Hydrogeology 4 Methodology 4.1 Influence of climate on infiltration basin recharge 4.1.1 Temperature 4.1.2 Solar irradiance 4.2 Management of clogging in spreading basins 4.3 Determination of infiltration capacity using water content 4.3.1 Tracer method 4.3.2 Libardi method 4.3.3 Root mean square method 4.3.4 Water content method 4.3.5 Trigger time method 5 Results and discussion 5.1 Influence of climate on infiltration basins 5.1.1 Temperature 5.1.2 Solar irradiance 5.2 Management of clogging in spreading basins 5.2.1 Recovery of infiltration capacity by scraping in field unit 5.2.2 Recovery of infiltration capacity by scraping in lab units 5.3 Determination of infiltration capacity using water content 5.3.1 Tracer method 5.3.2 Libardi method 5.3.3 Root mean square method 5.3.4 Water content method 5.3.5 Trigger time method 5.3.6 Validation process 6 Conclusions 7 Limitations and outlook 8 Bibliography A.1. List of publications A.1.1 List of peer reviewed journal articles A.1.2 List of conference proceedings (only first author) A.2 Geology of the Elbtal Group A.3 Supplementary material / This thesis determines the influence of climate related parameters (temperature and solar irradiance) in the reduction of infiltration capacity in different hydraulic scenarios. It also investigated the efficiency of a recovery method of already clogged infiltration ponds, and finally it developed methods based on soil water content to anticipate severe clogging states. For these objectives, three physical experimental models were constructed in the field and laboratory of the INOWAS research group, located in the city of Pirna, Germany.:Abstract Zusammmenfassung Resumen Acknowledgments List of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Acronyms 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Thesis structure 2 Theoretical background 2.1 Managed aquifer recharge 2.2 Clogging in MAR 2.3 Management of clogging 2.4 MAR-relevant soil parameters 2.4.1 Hydraulic conductivity 2.4.2 Soil water content 2.4.3 Electrical conductivity 2.5 MAR-relevant climate properties 2.5.1 Solar irradiance 2.5.2 Temperature 3 Site description 3.1 Study area 3.2 Climate 3.3 Elbe River 3.4 Hydrogeology 4 Methodology 4.1 Influence of climate on infiltration basin recharge 4.1.1 Temperature 4.1.2 Solar irradiance 4.2 Management of clogging in spreading basins 4.3 Determination of infiltration capacity using water content 4.3.1 Tracer method 4.3.2 Libardi method 4.3.3 Root mean square method 4.3.4 Water content method 4.3.5 Trigger time method 5 Results and discussion 5.1 Influence of climate on infiltration basins 5.1.1 Temperature 5.1.2 Solar irradiance 5.2 Management of clogging in spreading basins 5.2.1 Recovery of infiltration capacity by scraping in field unit 5.2.2 Recovery of infiltration capacity by scraping in lab units 5.3 Determination of infiltration capacity using water content 5.3.1 Tracer method 5.3.2 Libardi method 5.3.3 Root mean square method 5.3.4 Water content method 5.3.5 Trigger time method 5.3.6 Validation process 6 Conclusions 7 Limitations and outlook 8 Bibliography A.1. List of publications A.1.1 List of peer reviewed journal articles A.1.2 List of conference proceedings (only first author) A.2 Geology of the Elbtal Group A.3 Supplementary material / Esta tesis investigó la influencia de los parámetros relacionados con el clima (temperatura e irradiancia solar) en la reducción de la capacidad de infiltración. También determinó la eficiencia de recuperación de piscinas de infiltración obstruidas después del raspado de la capa superior y finalmente desarrolló métodos basados en el contenido de agua en el suelo para anticipar estados de obstrucción severos. Para estos objetivos se construyeron tres modelos experimentales físicos en el campo y laboratorio del grupo de investigación INOWAS, ubicado en la ciudad de Pirna, Alemania.:Abstract Zusammmenfassung Resumen Acknowledgments List of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Acronyms 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Thesis structure 2 Theoretical background 2.1 Managed aquifer recharge 2.2 Clogging in MAR 2.3 Management of clogging 2.4 MAR-relevant soil parameters 2.4.1 Hydraulic conductivity 2.4.2 Soil water content 2.4.3 Electrical conductivity 2.5 MAR-relevant climate properties 2.5.1 Solar irradiance 2.5.2 Temperature 3 Site description 3.1 Study area 3.2 Climate 3.3 Elbe River 3.4 Hydrogeology 4 Methodology 4.1 Influence of climate on infiltration basin recharge 4.1.1 Temperature 4.1.2 Solar irradiance 4.2 Management of clogging in spreading basins 4.3 Determination of infiltration capacity using water content 4.3.1 Tracer method 4.3.2 Libardi method 4.3.3 Root mean square method 4.3.4 Water content method 4.3.5 Trigger time method 5 Results and discussion 5.1 Influence of climate on infiltration basins 5.1.1 Temperature 5.1.2 Solar irradiance 5.2 Management of clogging in spreading basins 5.2.1 Recovery of infiltration capacity by scraping in field unit 5.2.2 Recovery of infiltration capacity by scraping in lab units 5.3 Determination of infiltration capacity using water content 5.3.1 Tracer method 5.3.2 Libardi method 5.3.3 Root mean square method 5.3.4 Water content method 5.3.5 Trigger time method 5.3.6 Validation process 6 Conclusions 7 Limitations and outlook 8 Bibliography A.1. List of publications A.1.1 List of peer reviewed journal articles A.1.2 List of conference proceedings (only first author) A.2 Geology of the Elbtal Group A.3 Supplementary material

Pumpverhalten und Blockierungsneigung von Beton: Erkenntnisse aus Großversuchen

Mikhalev, Daniil, Mechtcherine, Viktor, Cotardo, Dario, Haist, Michael 10 November 2022 (has links)
Beim Fördern von Transportbeton mittels Betonpumpen kann es zum unvorhergesehenen Blockieren der Förderleitung kommen. Die Ursachen dafür sind oftmals nicht offensichtlich und können mit rheologischen Eigenschaften des Frischbetons bzw. mit seinem Entmischungsverhalten, der Pumpleitungsgeometrie oder der Pumptechnik zusammenhängen. Die hohe Anzahl an Einflussfaktoren erschwert das Vorhersagen von Blockierungen in einem Fördersystem und ein frühzeitiges Ergreifen von Gegenmaßnahmen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden Erkenntnisse aus großmaßstäblichen Pumpversuchen vorgestellt. Diese Versuche wurden im Rahmen des AiF-Forschungsvorhabens „Sichere Betonförderung – Pumpbarkeit und Pumpstabilität“ (AiF-Nr. 20947 BG) durchgeführt, um eine wissenschaftliche Grundlage für die Beschreibung des Blockierungsverhaltens unterschiedlicher Betone zu schaffen und der Baubranche bereitzustellen.

Development and Scaling Up of Test Protocol to a Full-Scale Filter Rig to Investigate Soft Particle Filtration Efficiency in Biofuel Blends / Utveckling och uppskalning av ett testprotokoll för en fullskalig filteruppställning för undersökning av filtreringseffektiviteten av mjuka partiklar i biobränsleblandningar

Shinkhede, Saurabh January 2021 (has links)
Kommersiella tunga transporter står för en stor del av utsläppen av växthusgaser. För att minska det globala fotavtrycket hos kommersiella fordon är det vanligt att använda biodrivmedel som ”drop in” bränslen. De avancerade motorer som för närvarande finns på marknaden är känsliga för olösliga föroreningarna, vilka benämns ”mjuka partiklar” av Scania. Dessa partiklar bildas som ett resultat av att biodieseln åldras, p.g.a. oxidationsinstabilitet, och en växelverkan med metalltillsatser i bränslet. Mjuka partiklar orsakar interna dieselinjektoravlagringar (IDID) och ett snabbt åldrande av bränslefilters genom igensättning. Avsikten med denna studie var att analysera det sistnämnda problemet genom att undersöka bränslefiltrets filtreringseffektivitet av oönskade mjuka partiklar. Ett protokoll över utförandet av feltreringstesterna utvecklades och skalades upp från en småskalig filterrestrigg vid KTH (Fas 1) till en fullskalig filtertestrigg på Scania (fas 2). Den experimentella uppställningen var ett försök att reproducera fältscenarier för filtrering i verkliga lastbilar. Tyngdpunkten i fas 1 riktades mot accelererade tester i den småskaliga testriggen med höga koncentrationer av tvålmjuka partiklar av zinkneodekanoat och syntetiskt producerade mjuka kalciumpartiklar. Separationseffektiviteten hos bränslefilter undersöktes med hjälp av GC-MS-analys. ICP mätningar gjordes för att upptäcka Zn2+ och Ca2+-joner i tvålämnena. Dessa tvålämnen identifierades tidigare på igensatta bränslefiltren och värden från dessa konventionella bränslefilter jämfördes med resultat från en absorptionsfiltreringsprocess med hjälp av ler(silikat)filter. Syftet med jämförelsen var att studera en alternativ bränslefiltreringsteknik för fordonstillämpningar. Mätningar med SEM-EDS gav rimliga förklaringar angående effektivitetsvärden för Zn-och Ca-tvålämnen för olika filtren, som används i försöken. Adsorptionsfiltret av lera hade 99 % filtreringseffektivitet och är en intressant lösning för framtida studier. Fas 2 fokuserade på en uppskalning av försöksprotokoll för filtreringstester med biobränslen och inkluderade sex olika riggförsök. Resultaten visade på tillförlitliga och exakta värden av tryckvariationer och filtereffektiviteten med en maximal effektivitet på 63,3 % för huvudfiltret och 75 % för förfiltret, som ett resultat av GC-MS-analysen. De uppmätta tryckvariationerna visar att förfiltret fångar in en majoritet (över 70 %) av de mjuka partiklarna, vilket resulterar i en ökning av tryckfallet över tiden. Med hänsyn till resultaten så rekommenderas försöksförfarandet för fortsatta framtida studier. / Commercial heavy duty transportation accounts for a major share of greenhouse gas emissions. In order to reduce the global footprint, commercial vehicles are widely known to use biodiesel as drop in fuels. The advanced engines, currently on the market, are sensitive to the insoluble contaminants, termed as soft particles in Scania. They are formed because of aging of biodiesel and the interaction with metal additives in the fuel. This is a common problem associated with the fuel due to high oxidation instability. Soft particles are responsible for causing Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDIDs) and premature fuel filter clogging. This report deals with the analysis of the latter problem. The purpose of the project is to investigate the fuel filter efficiencies against desired soft particles. A protocol of experiments was developed and scaled up from a small-scale filter rig at KTH (Phase 1) to a full-scale filter test rig at Scania (Phase 2) at ambient temperatures. The experimental campaign in this project is an attempt to replicate on field scenarios of filtration in real trucks. In Phase 1, the emphasis of the accelerated tests (higher concentrations) was on using soap soft particles, zinc neodecanoate and synthetically produced calcium soft particles for the small-scale filter rig. Separation efficiencies of fuel filters were examined using GC-MS analysis. Whereas ICP measurements were done to detect Zn2+ and Ca2+ ion in these soaps. These soaps were successfully identified to be present on the clogged fuel filters. Values from conventional fuel filters were compared with results from absorption filtration process using clay (silicate) filters. The purpose of the comparison was to study an alternate fuel filtration technique for vehicle application. Furthermore, SEM-EDS provided reasonable explanations about the efficiency values of the filters against Zn and Ca soaps used in the operation. The adsorption clay filter as had 99% of filtration efficiency proving an interesting solution for future investigations. Phase 2 started with an initiation of the scaling up or the protocol for test fuels, including six different rig operations. The maximum efficiencies of the filters (63.3% for main filters and 75% for pre filters) were noted as a result of quantification of the GC-MS results of the samples obtained from the rig. The pressure variations recorded proved, that the pre filters were trapping majority (over 70%) of the soft particles showing a rise in pressure drops over time. According to the results, the full-scale filter rig gave reliable and accurate values of pressure variations and filter efficiencies. Thus, it is suggested to use in the future investigations.

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