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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de norma técnica de ensaio para tubogotejadores de irrigação: resistência ao entupimento por particulados sólidos em suspensão / Proposed Technical Standard Testing dripline (Irrigation): Resistance to clogging by particulates in Suspension

Faria, Lucas do Amaral 12 December 2012 (has links)
No mercado nacional de irrigação localizada, a indústria de gotejamento disponibiliza uma ampla gama de emissores, cujas tecnologias são provenientes de diferentes países: Israel, Espanha, EUA, Grécia, Índia, etc. Aos projetistas, técnicos e agricultores irrigantes que atuam no Brasil, cabem à árdua tarefa de selecionar os tipos de emissores mais adequados na implantação dos projetos. Este trabalho teve por objetivo apresentar uma proposta de Norma Técnica para ensaios de tubogotejadores, em função da presença de partículas sólidas em suspensão na água de irrigação. Avaliar o desempenho dos tubos emissores é algo bastante desejado, pois torna a escolha dos emissores mais técnica e segura. Propostas de normas técnicas devem focar a princípio em ensaios de grande porte com a análise de vários emissores simultaneamente, durante a fase inicial de criação do banco de dados. Estudou-se neste trabalho o posicionamento dos emissores tipo pastilha, com os orifícios direcionados para cima e para baixo durante os ensaios, assim como a distribuição do fluxo de água por meio do mainfold de alimentação dos tubogotejadores na bancada e sua influência no caminhamento seletivo de partículas sólidas nos ensaios de grande porte. O experimento foi conduzido em três fases distintas, utilizando-se duas faixas granulométricas de dióxido de silício (SiO2) na água bombeada (areia muito fina e areia média), com as seguintes características: a) partículas com diâmetros de 0,053 a 0,103 mm nas primeiras 80 horas; b) Partículas com diâmetros de 0,103 a 0,250 mm entre 80 a 160 horas e c) Partículas com diâmetros de 0,250 a 0,500 mm entre 160 a 240 horas de ensaio. As fases foram baseadas em duas concentrações de partículas em suspensão, com 125 ppm e 500 ppm para um tempo total de ensaio de 480 horas. Para testar a hipótese de que um mesmo tubogotejador poderia apresentar comportamento diferenciado de resistência ao entupimento em função da posição de entrada do tubogotejador no mainfold, utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos não casualisados e para a comparação das médias de vazões relativas o teste Scott Knott com significância de 5% na análise de variância. Constataram-se diferenças significativas de vazões relativas nos tratamentos de posição dos emissores pastilhas, de tipos de emissores, e posições no mainfold confirmando as hipóteses iniciais do trabalho. Em função dos resultados obtidos sugere-se uma proposta de norma técnica para este tipo de ensaio de resistência ao entupimento de tubogotejadores. / In the market for drip irrigation, drip provides a wide range of issuers, whose technologies are coming from different countries: Israel, Spain, USA, Greece, India, etc.. To designers, technicians and farmers irrigators operating in Brazil, fit the arduous task of selecting the appropriate type of transmitter in deployment projects. The study aimed to propose a Technical Standard for testing large, due to the presence of suspended solids in the irrigation water conducted from August 2010 to June 2012. Evaluate performance of the tubes emitters is quite desired, as it makes the choice of emitters safer and should focus on the large test - analyzing large amounts of both issuers / initial phase of creating the database. We studied also the positioning of the emitters type wafer with holes directed upwards and downwards. The main detail analysis was performed for the distribution of water flow through \"mainfold\" Feed the dripline on the bench and their influence on selective traversal of solid particles in the test large. The experiment was conducted in three distinct stages, using two particle sizes of silicon dioxide (SiO2) in water pumped from very fine sand and medium sand, described below: a) particles with diameters of 0.053 to 0.103 mm in the first 80 hours, b) particles with diameters from .103 to .250 mm 80 to 160 hours and c) Particle diameter 0.250 to 0.500 mm between 160 to 240 hours of testing. The phases are performed in two concentrations of particles in suspension with 125 ppm, and then with 500 ppm of the total time test at 480 hours. To test the hypothesis that the same behavior tubogotejador could present different resistance to clogging as a function of input position with the tubogotejador \"mainfold\", used a non-randomized block design, and the Scott test, with significance of Knott 5% in the analysis of variance to compare the means. Differences were found in the treatments of the emitters position lozenges, flow variations between types of emitters, between blocks (positions of the mainfold) and particle sizes and concentrations of silicon dioxide, confirming the hypothesis initial work. Depending on the results obtained, some models have produced significant effects, and also the different installation positions pad (up, down) and suggest a proposed technical standard for this type of test for resistance to clogging of emitters.

Mineral Solubilization from Municipal Solid Waste Combustion Residues: Implications for Landfill Leachate Collection Systems

Rhea, Lisa R 12 November 2004 (has links)
Leachate collection systems consist of a series of pipes installed beneath the waste at the base of a landfill. The liquid drains toward a central location where it is pumped and then treated, discharged, or recirculated. In some landfills, solid precipitates form in the collection system resulting in clogging and malfunctions of the drainage system. The formation of the precipitates is linked to the chemical and biological stability of the leachate generated within the landfill. To control the formation of precipitates and prevent clogging of leachate collection systems, it is important to understand factors that influence leachate characteristics. Ashes from municipal solid waste (MSW) combustion are either placed in monofills or combined with traditional solid waste, and sludges and biosolids from wastewater and drinking water treatment plants when landfilled. The ashes, depending on the type of combustion process, contain high concentrations of metals and non-biodegradable materials. As the waste degrades, oxygen in the landfill is consumed and the leachate becomes anaerobic. The reducing environment allows for greater solubility of metals. This research tested ashes from three different Waste-to-Energy (WTE) facilities to understand better the role MSW fly ash and MSW bottom ash in the chemical make-up of landfill leachate. Two different types of batch tests were used to analyze the leaching behavior. First, a contact time batch test with a range of different contact times was used to assess the rate at which different elements reach equilibrium. This was followed by a sequential extraction batch test that predicted the total amount of soluble material in the ashes. The chemical characteristics of the leachate produced by the ashes were understood and the leaching behaviors analyzed, dominant chemical factors that influence the formation of precipitates were identified. This data produced a better understanding of the roles of WTE ashes in the production of precipitates in leachate collection systems.

Some aspects of oxygen and sulphur reactions towards clean steel production

Andersson, Margareta January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

A Risk-based Evaluation of the Long-term Performance of Stormwater Infiltration Facilities

Sykes, Caitlin Elizabeth 15 February 2010 (has links)
Infiltration facilities are source control mechanisms that are implemented in urban developments with reduced natural permeable surfaces. Despite the development of design criteria for infiltration facilities, these systems continue to fail due to headloss development, overflow, or chemical breakthrough. The limited research on the long-term performance of these systems has emphasized the role of physical filtration mechanisms within porous media filters to address concerns surrounding system failure, namely filter clogging. A continuous macroscopic depth filtration model was developed to investigate the clogging potential of the underlying sand filter. This continuous model furthers the understanding of temporal and spatial changes in system performance for the development of more appropriate design criteria and more suitable maintenance regimes. The characterization of long-term system performance by defining three different failure modes and a probabilistic approach comprises a comprehensive methodology by considering several performance criteria rather than assuming that one criterion dictates the overall system performance.

A Risk-based Evaluation of the Long-term Performance of Stormwater Infiltration Facilities

Sykes, Caitlin Elizabeth 15 February 2010 (has links)
Infiltration facilities are source control mechanisms that are implemented in urban developments with reduced natural permeable surfaces. Despite the development of design criteria for infiltration facilities, these systems continue to fail due to headloss development, overflow, or chemical breakthrough. The limited research on the long-term performance of these systems has emphasized the role of physical filtration mechanisms within porous media filters to address concerns surrounding system failure, namely filter clogging. A continuous macroscopic depth filtration model was developed to investigate the clogging potential of the underlying sand filter. This continuous model furthers the understanding of temporal and spatial changes in system performance for the development of more appropriate design criteria and more suitable maintenance regimes. The characterization of long-term system performance by defining three different failure modes and a probabilistic approach comprises a comprehensive methodology by considering several performance criteria rather than assuming that one criterion dictates the overall system performance.

Estudio, análisis y diseño de secciones permeables de firmes para vías urbanas con un comportamiento adecuado frente a la colmatación y con la capacidad portante necesaria para soportar tráficos ligeros

Rodríguez Hernández, Jorge 11 July 2008 (has links)
Los firmes permeables forman parte de la tendencia de construcción sosteniblecomo uno de los Sistemas Urbanos de Drenaje Sostenible (SUDS) más completos. Paraestudiar la capacidad de infiltración en laboratorio, se ha desarrollado el ensayo deresistencia a la colmatación con el Infiltrómetro Cántabro Fijo (ICF). Este ensayo es unaherramienta eficaz para la caracterización de diferentes tipos de pavimentos permeables,exponiéndolos a un aporte conocido de agua, variando el estado de colmatación y lainclinación de la superficie. Además, para estudiar la capacidad de infiltración encampo, se ha desarrollado el Infiltrómetro Cántabro Portátil (ICP), el cual permiteidentificar claramente cualquier tipo de superficie, permeable o impermeable, así comosu capacidad de infiltración. Respecto a la degradación de los materiales, se haanalizado la afección de los vertidos de hidrocarburos sobre mezclas bituminosasporosas fabricadas con distintos tipos de betunes. Por último, se han construido modelosde firmes permeables en el Laboratorio (FIDICA), en el Campus de Santander de laUniversidad de Cantabria y en el aparcamiento experimental de la Guía en Gijón. / Pervious pavements are part of the trend of sustainable construction as one of themost complete Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS). The clogging resistancetest with the Fixed Cantabrian Infiltrometer (FCI) has been developed to study theinfiltration capacity in laboratory. The FCI is an effective tool for the characterization ofdifferent pervious pavements types, exposed to a known contribution of water, varyingclogging conditions and slope. Besides, the Portable Cantabrian Infiltrometer (PCI) hasbeen developed to study the infiltration capacity in field. The PCI allows clearlyidentifying any type of surface, pervious or impervious, as well as its clogging level.Regarding the materials degradation, the affection of hydrocarbons leakages overporous asphalt has been analysed. Lastly, models of pervious pavements have been builtin the FIDICA Laboratory and in the Santander Campus of the University of Cantabria,besides several experimental parking bays in La Guía, Gijón.

Computational and experimental investigation of the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose

Bansal, Prabuddha 25 August 2011 (has links)
The enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose by cellulases is one of the major steps in the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to biofuel. This hydrolysis by cellulases, a heterogeneous reaction, currently suffers from some major limitations, most importantly a dramatic rate slowdown at high degrees of conversion in the case of crystalline cellulose. Various rate-limiting factors were investigated employing experimental as well as computational studies. Cellulose accessibility and the hydrolysable fraction of accessible substrate (a previously undefined and unreported quantity) were shown to decrease steadily with conversion, while cellulose reactivity, defined in terms of hydrolytic activity per amount of actively adsorbed cellulase, remained constant. Faster restart rates were observed on partially converted cellulose as compared to uninterrupted hydrolysis rates, supporting the presence of an enzyme clogging phenomenon. Cellulose crystallinity is a major substrate property affecting the rates, but its quantification has suffered from lack of consistency and accuracy. Using multivariate statistical analysis of X-ray data from cellulose, a new method to determine the degree of crystallinity was developed. Cel7A CBD is a promising target for protein engineering as cellulose pretreated with Cel7A CBDs exhibits enhanced hydrolysis rates resulting from a reduction in crystallinity. However, for Cel7A CBD, a high throughput assay is unlikely to be developed. In the absence of a high throughput assay (required for directed evolution) and extensive knowledge of the role of specific protein residues (required for rational protein design), the mutations need to be picked wisely, to avoid the generation of inactive variants. To tackle this issue, a method utilizing the underlying patterns in the sequences of a protein family has been developed.

Some aspects of oxygen and sulphur reactions towards clean steel production

Andersson, Margareta January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

The effects of effluent discharge and concentration on streambed infiltration in the Lower Santa Cruz River

Prietto, Jacob January 2014 (has links)
Wastewater generated in the Tucson metropolitan region is conveyed to and treated at the Roger Road Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF) and Ina Road WRF. From 2005 to 2012, approximately 15,000 acre-feet per year of effluent was returned to the City of Tucson for additional filtration and reuse in the reclaimed water system. The remaining 48,000+ acre-feet per year of treated effluent was discharged to the Santa Cruz River, where a variable portion of the effluent infiltrates the streambed. The effluent that infiltrates the streambed contributes to recharge credits for participants invested in the Managed Underground Storage Facilities. In the effluent-dependent river, physical, chemical, and biological processes work in combination to develop a clogging layer near the streambed surface, which reduces infiltration. Previous studies have shown that large storm events have the ability to scour away the clogging layer and are the most significant processes contributing to establishing infiltration rates. Without the occurrence of large storm events, other variables such as effluent discharge and effluent concentrations affect infiltration to a lesser degree. Effluent discharge, biochemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids are monitored and recorded daily at the outfalls of the WRFs. The parameters were investigated individually and in combination using statistical analyses to determine their correlations with streambed infiltration in the Santa Cruz River. The dry spring-early summer seasons from 2005 to 2012 were analyzed. A water balance was constructed for non-stormflow days during each time period. Evapotranspiration was calculated using riparian vegetation surveys and detailed delineations of aerial photography of the surface water and streamside herbaceous vegetation. Infiltration was derived as the residual of the water balance. At the daily time scale, correlations among variables were unobtainable due to the extremely variable characteristics of infiltration. The seasonal time scale analyses demonstrated an inverse relationship between both the effluent concentrations of biochemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids with infiltration and a direct correlation between effluent discharge and infiltration under extreme conditions. Under normal conditions, the distribution of discharge between Roger Road WRF and Ina Road WRF had a critical effect on infiltration as a result of the different deposition and erosive regimes through the Santa Cruz River.

Stream/Aquifer Interactions in a Semi-Arid Effluent Dependent River: A Clogging Conceptual Model

Treese, Samantha January 2008 (has links)
Treated wastewater (effluent) has been used as a water source for aquifer recharge and sustaining perennial surface water flow. Artificial recharge basins allow effluent to seep into the ground relieving stressed aquifers. However, these basins frequently become clogged due to physical, chemical, and biological processes. Effluent is also used to replace baseflow for dry streambeds. However, little is known about the effect of effluent on stream-aquifer interactions. Effluent from the Nogales International Waste Water Treatment Plant sustains perennial flow in the Upper Santa Cruz River, Arizona. A series of monthly field campaigns were undertaken to understand the impact of effluent on the streambed at 16 different sites along a 30 km river reach. The field campaigns had two foci: physical transformations in the streambed and water source identification using chemical composition. Historic data sets including USGS stream gauging records, NIWTP outfall data, ADWR well transducer data and USGS well chemistry data were also analyzed to provide a larger context for the work. Results indicate that localized clogging forms in the Upper Santa Cruz River. The clogging layers perch the stream and shallow streambed causing a desaturation below the streambed. A clogging cycle is established in the context of a semi-arid hydrologic cycle: formation during dry and hot pre-monsoon months, and removal by a set of large flood flows (10+ m3/sec) during the monsoon season. However, if the intensity of flooding during the semi-arid hydrologic cycle is lessened, the dependent riparian area can experience a die off.

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