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Projeto de um amplificador de baixo ruído em tecnologia CMOS 130nm para frequências de 50MHZ a 1GHz / A 50MHz-1GHz wideband low noise amplifier in 130nm CMOS technologyPimentel, Henrique Luiz Andrade January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo fornecer o embasamento teórico para o projeto de um amplificador de baixo ruído (LNA – Low Noise Amplifier) em tecnologia CMOS que opere em mais de uma faixa de frequência, de modo a permitir seu uso em receptores multibanda e de banda larga. A base teórica que este trabalho abrange desde a revisão bibliográfica do assunto em questão, passando pela análise dos modelos de transistores para alta-frequência, pelo estudo das especificações deste bloco e das métricas utilizadas em projetos de circuitos integrados de RF, bem como pela revisão de topologias clássicas existentes. Com os conhecimentos acima adquiridos, foi possível realizar o projeto de um LNA diferencial de banda larga utilizando tecnologia CMOS IBM 130nm, o qual pode ser aplicado ao padrão IEEE 802.22 para rádios cognitivos (CR). O projeto é baseado na técnica de cancelamento de ruído, sendo validado após apresentar efetiva redução de figura de ruído para banda de frequência desejada, com moderado consumo de potência e utilização moderada de área de silício, devido a solução sem o uso de indutores. O LNA banda larga opera em frequências de 50Mhz a 1GHz e apresenta uma figura de ruído abaixo de 4dB, em 90% da faixa, um ganho acima de 12dB, e perda de retorno na entrada e na saída maiores que 12dB. O IIP3 e a frequência de ocorrência de compressão a 1dB com a entrada em 580MHz estão acima de 0dBm e -10dBm respectivamente. Possui consumo de 46,5mWpara fonte de 1,5V e ocupa uma área ativa de apenas 0,28mm x 0,2mm. / This work presents the theoretical basis for the design of a low noise amplifier (LNA) in CMOS technology that operates in more than one frequency band, which enables its use in multi-band and wideband receivers. The theoretical basis that this work will address extends from the literature review on the subject, through the analysis of models of MOS transistors for high frequencies, study of specifications of this block and the metrics used in RF integrated circuit design, as well as the review of existing classical LNA topologies. Based on the knowledge acquired above, the design of a differential wideband LNA is developed using IBM 130nm RF CMOS process, which can be used in IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio (CR) applications. The design is based on the noise-canceling technique, with an indutctorless solution, showing that this technique effectively reduces the noise figure over the desired frequency range with moderate power consumption and a moderate utilization of silicon die area. The wideband LNA covers the frequency range from 50 MHz to 1 GHz, achieving a noise figure below 4dB in over 90% of the band of interest, a gain of 11dB to 12dB, and an input/output return loss higher than -12 dB. The input IIP3 and input P1dB at 580MHz are above 0dB and -10dB, respectively. It consumes 46.5mW from a 1.5V supply and occupies an active area of only 0.056mm2 (0.28mm x 0.2mm).
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Projeto de um amplificador de baixo ruído em tecnologia CMOS 130nm para frequências de 50MHZ a 1GHz / A 50MHz-1GHz wideband low noise amplifier in 130nm CMOS technologyPimentel, Henrique Luiz Andrade January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo fornecer o embasamento teórico para o projeto de um amplificador de baixo ruído (LNA – Low Noise Amplifier) em tecnologia CMOS que opere em mais de uma faixa de frequência, de modo a permitir seu uso em receptores multibanda e de banda larga. A base teórica que este trabalho abrange desde a revisão bibliográfica do assunto em questão, passando pela análise dos modelos de transistores para alta-frequência, pelo estudo das especificações deste bloco e das métricas utilizadas em projetos de circuitos integrados de RF, bem como pela revisão de topologias clássicas existentes. Com os conhecimentos acima adquiridos, foi possível realizar o projeto de um LNA diferencial de banda larga utilizando tecnologia CMOS IBM 130nm, o qual pode ser aplicado ao padrão IEEE 802.22 para rádios cognitivos (CR). O projeto é baseado na técnica de cancelamento de ruído, sendo validado após apresentar efetiva redução de figura de ruído para banda de frequência desejada, com moderado consumo de potência e utilização moderada de área de silício, devido a solução sem o uso de indutores. O LNA banda larga opera em frequências de 50Mhz a 1GHz e apresenta uma figura de ruído abaixo de 4dB, em 90% da faixa, um ganho acima de 12dB, e perda de retorno na entrada e na saída maiores que 12dB. O IIP3 e a frequência de ocorrência de compressão a 1dB com a entrada em 580MHz estão acima de 0dBm e -10dBm respectivamente. Possui consumo de 46,5mWpara fonte de 1,5V e ocupa uma área ativa de apenas 0,28mm x 0,2mm. / This work presents the theoretical basis for the design of a low noise amplifier (LNA) in CMOS technology that operates in more than one frequency band, which enables its use in multi-band and wideband receivers. The theoretical basis that this work will address extends from the literature review on the subject, through the analysis of models of MOS transistors for high frequencies, study of specifications of this block and the metrics used in RF integrated circuit design, as well as the review of existing classical LNA topologies. Based on the knowledge acquired above, the design of a differential wideband LNA is developed using IBM 130nm RF CMOS process, which can be used in IEEE 802.22 Cognitive Radio (CR) applications. The design is based on the noise-canceling technique, with an indutctorless solution, showing that this technique effectively reduces the noise figure over the desired frequency range with moderate power consumption and a moderate utilization of silicon die area. The wideband LNA covers the frequency range from 50 MHz to 1 GHz, achieving a noise figure below 4dB in over 90% of the band of interest, a gain of 11dB to 12dB, and an input/output return loss higher than -12 dB. The input IIP3 and input P1dB at 580MHz are above 0dB and -10dB, respectively. It consumes 46.5mW from a 1.5V supply and occupies an active area of only 0.056mm2 (0.28mm x 0.2mm).
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A High-Voltage, High-Current Multi-Channel Arbitrary Waveform Generator ASIC for Neural Interface and MEMS ApplicationsLaotaveerungrueng, Noppasit 07 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Adaptive techniques for analog and mixed signal integrated circuitsFayed, Ayman Adel 01 December 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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An integrated CMOS high precision time-to-digital converter based on stabilised three-stage delay line interpolationMäntyniemi, A. (Antti) 23 November 2004 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of a high precision time-to-digital converter (TDC) in which the conversion is based on a counter and three-stage stabilised delay line interpolation developed in this work.
The biggest design challenges in the design of a TDC are related to the fact that the arrival moment of the hit signals (start and stop) is unknown and asynchronous with respect to the reference clock edges. Yet, the time interval measurement system must provide an immediate and unambiguous measurement result over the full dynamic range. It must be made sure that the readings from the counter and the interpolators are always consistent with very high probability. Therefore, the operation of the counter is controlled with a synchronising logic that is in turn controlled with the interpolation result. Another synchronising logic makes it possible to synchronise the timing signals with multiphase time-interleaved clock signals as if the synchronising was done with a GHz-level clock, and enables multi-stage interpolation. Multi-stage interpolation reduces the number of delay cells and registers needed.
The delay line interpolators are stabilised with nested delay-locked loops, which leads to good stability and makes it possible to improve single-shot precision with a single look-up table containing the integral nonlinearities of the interpolators measured at the room temperature.
A multi-channel prototype TDC was fabricated in a 0.6 μm digital CMOS process. The prototype reaches state-of-the-art rms single-shot precision of better than 20 ps and low power consumption of 50 mW as an integrated TDC.
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Adaptively Radio Frequency Powered Implantable Multi-Channel Bio-Sensing Microsystem for Untethered Laboratory Animal Real-Time MonitoringChaimanonart, Nattapon 03 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Anàlisi de l'energia de transició màxima en circuits combinacionals CMOSManich Bou, Salvador 17 November 1998 (has links)
En la dècada actual, l'augment del consum energètic dels circuits integrats està tenint un impacte cada vegada més important en el disseny electrònic. Segons l'informe de la Semiconductor Industry Association de l'any 1997, es preveu que aquest impacte serà encara major en la propera dècada. En la bibliografia existeixen diversos treballs on es relaciona un consumo energètic elevat amb la degradació de les prestacions i la fiabilitat del xip. Per aquesta raó, el consum energètic ha estat incorporat com a un altre paràmetre a tenir en compte en el disseny dels circuits integrats. Es coneix com a energia de transició l'energia consumida per un circuit combinacional CMOS quan es produeix un canvi en les seves entrades. Una energia de transició excessivament elevada pot afectar a la fiabilitat del xip a través dels anomenats hot spots, i de l'electromigració. Altres efectes com el ground bouncing i la signal integrity degradation poden repercutir en les prestacions del circuit. La minimització de les degradacions esmentades anteriorment requereixen de la caracterització de l'energia de transició màxima durant la fase de disseny. A tal efecte, en aquesta tesi es proposen dues metodologies que permeten l'estimació de l'energia de transició màxima en circuits combinacionals CMOS. Donat que l'estimació del nivell màxim exacte es inviable en circuits a partir de mides mitjanes, es proposa el càlcul de dues cotes, una d'inferior i una altra de superior, que delimiten un interval de localització de l'esmentat nivell màxim. La tesi està estructurada en els següents capítols. En el capítol 1 es fa una introducció al tema investigat en aquesta tesi i es presenten els treballs existents que el tracten. En el capítol 2 s'introdueixen els models d'estimació de l'energia de transició emprats més habitualment a nivell lògic, que és el nivell de disseny considerat en aquesta tesi. Aquests models assumeixen que l'únic mecanisme de consum és la commutació de les capacitats paràsites del circuit. En els capítols 3 i 4 es tracta l'estimació de l'energia de transició màxima. Aquesta estimació es realitza a partir del càlcul de dues cotes properes, una superior i una altre inferior, a aquesta energia màxima. En el capítol 5 es presenta l'anàlisi del comportament de l'activitat ponderada front als models de retard estàtics. Finalment, en el capítol 6 s'aborden les conclusions generals de la tesis i el treball futur. / El consumo energético de los circuitos integrados es un factor cuyo impacto en el diseño electrónico ha crecido significativamente en la década actual. Según el informe de la Semiconductor Industry Association del año 1997, se prevé que este impacto será aún mayor en la próxima década. En la bibliografía existen diversos trabajos donde se relaciona un consumo energético elevado con la degradación de las prestaciones y la fiabilidad del chip. Por esta razón, el consumo energético ha sido incorporado como otro parámetro a tener en cuenta en el diseño de los circuitos integrados. Se conoce como energía de transición la energía consumida por un circuito combinacional CMOS cuando se produce un cambio en las entradas del mismo. Una energía de transición excesivamente elevada puede afectar a la fiabilidad del chip a través de los hot spots, de la electromigración. Otros efectos como el ground bouncing y la signal integrity degradation pueden repercutir en las prestaciones del circuito. La minimización de las degradaciones mencionadas anteriormente requiere de la caracterización de la energía de transición máxima durante la fase de diseño. A este efecto, se propone en esta tesis dos metodologías que permiten la estimación de la energía de transición máxima en circuitos combinacionales CMOS. Dado que la estimación del nivel máximo exacto es inviable en circuitos a partir de tamaños medios, se propone el cálculo de dos cotas, una de inferior y otra de superior, que delimiten un intervalo de localización de dicho nivel máximo. La tesis está estructurada en los siguientes capítulos. En el capítulo 1 se presenta una introducción al tema investigado en esta tesis y se resumen los trabajos existentes más importantes. En el capítulo 2 se introducen los modelos de estimación de la energía de transición más comúnmente utilizados a nivel lógico, que es el nivel de diseño considerado en esta tesis. Estos modelos asumen que el único mecanismo de consumo es la conmutación de las capacidades parásitas del circuito. En los capítulos 3 y 4 se aborda la estimación de la energía de transición máxima. Esta estimación se realiza a partir del cálculo de dos cotas cercanas, una superior y una inferior, a esta energía máxima. En el capítulo 5 se presenta el análisis del comportamiento de la actividad ponderada frente a los modelos de retardo estáticos. Finalmente, en el capítulo 6 se presentan las conclusiones generales de la tesis y el trabajo futuro. / The importance of the energy consumption on the design of electronic circuits has increased significantly during the last decade. According to the report of the Semiconductor Industry Association, of 1997, the impact in the next decade will be even greater. In the bibliography several works exist relating to the high energy consumption with the degradation of the reliability and performance of the xip. For this reason, the energy consumption has been included as another parameter to take into account during the design of integrated circuits. It is known as transition energy, the energy consumed by a CMOS combinational circuit when its inputs change their value. Excessively high transition energy may affect the reliability of the chip through the generation of hot spots and electromigration. Other effects such as ground bouncing and signal integrity degradation may reduce the performance of the circuit. In order to minimize the previously detected bad effects it is useful to characterize the maximum transition energy, during the design phase. To this objective, this thesis presents two methodologies that allow for the estimation of the maximum transition energy in CMOS combinational circuits. Given that the estimation of the maximum level is only attainable for medium size circuits, it is proposed the calculation of bounds (higher and lower) delimiting the interval where the maximum level is located. The thesis is divided into the following chapters. In chapter 1 an introduction to the topic and a review of the previous works related to this research domain is given. In chapter 2 the models most extended for the estimation of the transition energy are presented. These models are mainly used at logic level which is the level assumed in this thesis. They assume that the switching of the parasitic capacitances is the only mechanism producing energy consumption. In chapters 3 and 4 the estimation of the maximum transition energy is considered. This estimation is made from the calculation of an upper and lower bound to this maximum transition energy. In chapter 5 the analysis of the switching activity is made for different static delay models. Finally, in chapter 6 the general conclusions of the thesis and future work are discussed.
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Conception et étude d’une synthèse de fréquence innovante en technologies CMOS avancées pour les applications en bande de fréquence millimétrique / Design and study of an innovative frequency synthesis in advanced CMOS technologies for millimeter-wave applicationsJany, Clément 16 September 2014 (has links)
La bande de fréquence non-licensée autour de 60 GHz est une alternative prometteuse pour couvrir les besoins en bande passante des futurs systèmes de communication. L'utilisation de modulations complexes (comme OFDM ou 64-QAM) à ces fréquences permet d'atteindre, en utilisant une technologie CMOS standard, des débits de plusieurs gigabits par seconde sur quelques mètres voire quelques dizaines de mètres. Pour atteindre ces performances, la tête d'émission-réception RF (front-end RF) doit être dotée d'une référence de fréquence haute performance. Dans ce travail, une architecture originale est proposée pour générer cette référence de fréquence haute performance. Elle repose sur la multiplication de fréquence d'ordre élevé (plusieurs dizaines) d'un signal de référence basse fréquence (moins de quelques GHz), tout en recopiant les propriétés spectrales du signal basse fréquence. Cette multiplication est réalisée en combinant la production d'un signal multi-harmonique dont la puissance est concentrée autour de la fréquence à synthétiser. L'harmonique d'intérêt est ensuite extraite au moyen d'un filtrage. Ces deux étapes reposent sur l'utilisation d'oscillateurs dans des configurations spécifiques. Ce travail porte à la fois sur la mise en équation et l'étude du fonctionnement de ce système, et sur la conception de circuits dans des technologies CMOS avancées (CMOS 40 nm, BiCMOS 55 nm). Les mesures sur les circuits fabriqués permettent de valider la preuve de concept ainsi que de montrer des performances à l'état de l'art. L'étude du fonctionnement de ce système a conduit à la découverte d'une forme particulière de synchronisation des oscillateurs ainsi qu'à l'expression de solutions approchées de l'équation de Van der Pol dans deux cas pratiques particuliers. Les perspectives de ce travail sont notamment l'intégration de cette synthèse innovante dans un émetteur-récepteur complet. / The 60-GHz unlicensed band is a promising alternative to perform the high data rate required in the next generation of wireless communication systems. Complex modulations such as OFDM or 64-QAM allow reaching multi-gigabits per second throughput over up to several tens of meters in standard CMOS technologies. This performance rely on the use of high performance millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer in the RF front-end. In this work, an original architecture is proposed to generate this high performance millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer. It is based on a high order (several tens) multiplication of a low frequency reference (few GHz), that is capable of copying the low frequency reference spectral properties. This high order frequency multiplication is performed in two steps. Firstly, a multi-harmonic signal which power is located around the harmonic of interest is generated from the low frequency reference signal. Secondly, the harmonic of interest is filtered out from this multi-harmonic signal. Both steps rely on the specific use of oscillators. This work deals with the circuit design on advanced CMOS technologies (40 nm CMOS, 55 nm BiCMOS) for the proof of concept and on the theoretical study of this system. This novel technique is experimentally validated by measurements on the fabricated circuits and exhibit state-of-the-art performance. The analytical study of this high order frequency multiplication led to the discovery of a particular kind of synchronization in oscillators and to approximated solutions of the Van der Pol equation in two different practical cases. The perspectives of this work include the design of the low frequency reference and the integration of this frequency synthesizer in a complete RF front-end architecture.
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Lignes de propagation intégrées à fort facteur de qualité en technologie CMOS. Application à la synthèse de circuits passifs millimétriques / High quality factor integrated transmission lines in CMOS technology - Application to millimetre passive circuitsFranc, Anne-Laure 06 July 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux est le développement en technologie intégrée standard d’une topologiede ligne de propagation optimisée en termes de pertes, d’encombrement et de facteur de qualitéaux fréquences millimétriques. Cette topologie nommée S-CPW (Shielded CoPlanarWaveguide) utilise le phénomène d’ondes lentes afin de miniaturiser longitudinalement la ligned’un facteur compris entre 1,3 et 3,2 par rapport à des topologies classiques. Disposantégalement de faibles pertes, les lignes développées présentent un facteur de qualité élevé parfoissupérieur à 40, à 60 GHz. A partir de l’étude du champ électromagnétique dans la structure, unmodèle électrique a été développé. C’est le premier modèle dans la littérature prenant en compteles pertes dans ce type de guide d’onde. Plusieurs dispositifs passifs intégrés réalisés avec deslignes S-CPW dans différentes technologies CMOS ont été caractérisés jusqu’à 110GHz. Lacompacité et les faibles pertes d’insertion obtenues pour la mesure de filtres à stubs et dediviseurs de puissance permettent de réussir l’intégration de circuits passifs compacts entechnologie microélectronique CMOS standard aux fréquences millimétriques. / This work focuses on high-performance S-CPW (Shielded CoPlanar Waveguide) transmissionlines in classical CMOS integrated technologies for the millimeter-wave frequency band.Thanks to an important slow-wave phenomenon, the physical length of S-CPW decreases by afactor from 1.3 to 3.2 compared with classical transmission lines. Presenting also lowattenuation loss, the developed transmission lines show very high quality factor (higher than 40at 60 GHz). The precise study of the electromagnetism field leads to an electrical model forS-CPWs. This is the first model that takes the losses in this topology into account. Then, somebasic passive circuits designed with S-CPWs and characterized up to 110 GHz are presented invarious CMOS technologies. The low insertion losses and relative low surfaces of a powerdivider and a passband filter show the great interest of S-CPW to integrate compact passivecircuits in classical CMOS technologies at millimeter-wave frequencies.
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