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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuição ao estudo da prototipagem rápida, digitalização tridimensional e seleção de materiais no design de implantes personalizados

Bertol, Liciane Sabadin January 2008 (has links)
O crescente aumento na expectativa de vida da população vem exigindo melhorias e atualizações a diversas áreas da ciência. Em decorrência disso, verifica-se que as fronteiras entre as diferentes áreas do conhecimento estão cada vez mais tênues, permitindo a sinergia entre as áreas e ações cooperativas, proporcionando melhorias significativas na resposta dada à sociedade em geral. Tal fenômeno ocorre na área relacionada a implantes ortopédicos, onde equipes de médicos, programadores, designers e engenheiros vêm desenvolvendo conjuntamente técnicas auxiliares de planejamento e execução cirúrgica, seleção de materiais adequados para utilização como implantes, softwares de visualização gráfica médica, design e fabricação de implantes personalizados, bem como a otimização dos mesmos. Tais medidas, realizadas por grupos interdisciplinares, representam grande avanço para a ciência e para a qualidade de vida da população. Neste sentido, o objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi o estudo das metodologias atualmente utilizadas para a obtenção de implantes personalizados para a reconstrução de defeitos craniofaciais. Buscou-se utilizar ferramentas da engenharia, design e computação gráfica para fornecer soluções para tais situações da área médica. Foram utilizadas técnicas de prototipagem rápida, sistema CAD/CAE/CAM, seleção de materiais, digitalização tridimensional a laser e softwares de visualização tridimensional de imagens médicas para o design e fabricação de implantes adaptáveis às necessidades individuais de cada paciente. Este trabalho estudou como os sistemas CAD/CAE/CAM e especialmente a prototipagem rápida, técnicas tradicionalmente utilizadas para aplicações industriais, podem contribuir para o aprimoramento de implantes ortopédicos. Foram estudados casos de diferentes pacientes com necessidade de reconstrução óssea facial decorrente de fraturas ou tumores. Seguindo o método tradicional de fabricação de implantes personalizados, modelos do crânio dos pacientes foram produzidos por prototipagem rápida e permitiram que os implantes fossem manualmente moldados para se adaptarem à estrutura anatômica do paciente em questão. Verificou-se a possibilidade de fabricação de implantes com alta complexidade geométrica, ocasionando melhora no posicionamento dos mesmos quando implantados, bem como redução no tempo de cirurgia. O método virtual de fabricação de implantes personalizados, estado da arte na área, foi utilizado para o design e fabricação de uma prótese de mandíbula. Tal método dispensou a utilização de modelos físicos do crânio do paciente, permitindo que a prótese fosse projetada em ambiente virtual e diretamente produzida no material adequado para ser implantado. As técnicas estudadas para a fabricação de implantes foram usinagem CNC seguida de moldagem, e sinterização seletiva a laser da liga Ti- 6Al-4V. Ambas as técnicas obtiveram resultados positivos, sendo que a usinagem CNC possui a vantagem de ser uma técnica largamente difundida no mercado. Os modelos produzidos por sinterização seletiva a laser apresentaram propriedades físicas adequadas para a aplicação (como densidade de 97%, por exemplo), além de possuírem vantagens intrínsecas à técnica, como a possibilidade de fabricação de modelos de grande complexidade geométrica, baixo peso (por possuírem vazios em seu interior), além de permitirem a fabricação de modelos otimizados, simulados previamente em ambiente virtual. / The increase in life expectancy of the general population is constantly demanding improvements and updates in different fields of the science. In this way, it is possible to observe that the borders among the different areas of the knowledge are very thin, leading to synergy between the areas and cooperative actions, resulting in improvements and better solutions for the problems of general society. This phenomenon occurs in the area related to orthopedic implants, where medical teams, programmers, designers and engineers develop together techniques to help on surgical planning and execution, selection of materials suitable for implantations, softwares for medical images, design and manufacturing of customized implants, as well as their optimization. These actions represent great improvements to science and to the life quality of the society. The objective of this work is to use engineering, design and computer graphic tools to give solutions for challenges in the medical field. Techniques such as rapid prototyping, CAD/CAE/CAM systems, material`s selection, three-dimensional laser scanning and medical softwares are used in order to design and manufacture customized orthopedic implants, suitable with the individual needs of each patient. This work investigated how CAD/CAE/CAM systems and rapid prototyping, techniques traditionally used for industrial applications, can help to improve orthopedic implants. Different cases of patients that needed facial reconstruction due to fractures or tumors were studied. According to the traditional method for production of customized implants, models of the patient skulls were manufactured through rapid prototyping, allowing to mould the implant directly on the physical model, so the implant could fit exactly in the patient`s anatomic structure. The feasibility of the manufacture of implants with high geometry complexity was also proved, leading to best fit of the implants in the patient during the surgery, as well as reduction of the surgery time. The virtual method for the production of customized implants, state of the art in the area, was used for the design and manufacturing of mandible prostheses. This method has no need of a physical model of the skull, making the design completely feasible in virtual environment and the model could be produced directly in the suitable material. The manufacturing technologies investigated were CNC milling and direct laser sintering of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Both techniques presented positive results, and CNC milling has the advantage to be a very widespread technology. The models produced through direct laser sintering presented suitable physical properties (such as 97% density) and have some advantages intrinsic to the method, such as the feasibility of geometric complex models, light weight (because of the holes and pores inside), as well as the production of optimized structures, previously simulated in virtual environment.

Návrh technologie výroby zadané součásti pro podmínky školní dílny ÚST FSI VUT v Brně / Design of production technology of specified component for conditions of workshop at IME FME Brno university of technology

Novák, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with design and implementation of manufacturing technology of a part which was given by company Frentech Aerospace s.r.o. Manufacturing technology is prepared for conditions of workshop of Department of Machining FME Brno UT (laboratory C2). Acquired knowledges are used for design of innovative manufacturing technology with cutting tools from company Pramet Tools, s.r.o. Manufacturing technologies of gained part are designed for alloy blank EN AW 6082. Technical-economical assessment of all manufacturing technologies is part of this thesis. Both of manufacturing technologies designed for laboratory C2 are assessed together and manufacturing technology given by company Frentech Aerospace s.r.o. is assessed alone due to using different blank material.

Analýza opotřebení nástrojů při CNC obrábění diskovitých součástí / Wear of cutting tools at CNC production of the disc-shaped parts

Malý, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis evaluates two competitive cutting inserts for machining of disk-shaped blanks. The first part summarizes theoretical knowledge of turning, wear of cutting inserts and cost analysis of the cutting process. In the second part, the wear of two inserts from a different manufacturer is observed in two different cutting speeds. Wear is evaluated by electron microscope images. In the end, there is an economic evaluation of both VBD in different cutting speeds for serial production.

Rotační součást vyráběná na CNC stroji / Rotary part produced on CNC machine

Ratica, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis contains an overview of the development of numerical control of machine tools and a historical excursion of the beginnings of numerical control. The work deals with the design and presentation of the component, and then the calculation documentation used to determine the load and safety of the component. After computational and design analysis, the work deals with the design of component production on CNC machines and the technological process of production. Finally, the production of the part is documented and evaluated.

Návrh realizace technologie součásti "trakční kotouč lanového výtahového stroje". / Solution technology of part "solid belt pulley of hoist-elevator".

Procházka, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
This diploma work deals with a production technology of a tractive bearer rope wheel as a part of a hoist-elevator. A design and technological analysis of the components is studied, including a functional analysis of the grooves, a selection of the material of semi-manufactured blank, a selection of the cutting materials and production machines also. New CNC programs for production of the part have been worked-out. The work includes some suggestions for testing of the part function.

Sestavení technologie součásti "skříň bezpřevodového výtahového stroje" pro TPV sériové výroby. / Solution technology of part "box of elevator" in batch production.

Bílek, Josef January 2010 (has links)
This diploma work deals with a production technology of a casing for a gear-less elevator in a batch production. A technological analysis of the product is done, including two grades of materials for castings or weldments. The technology of machining includes a NC program. Both production variants have been assessed and the optimal production according to selected criteria is recommended.

Tvorba simulačního modelu obráběcího stroje pro určení energetické spotřeby / Design of a simulation model of the machine tool for determining the energy consumption

Vespalec, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a design of the simulation model of a CNC machine tool for determining the energy consumption. It describes a design of the mechanical and the electrical model of the CNC machine and a design of the energy consumption algorithm. The result of that thesis is a size of the consummated energy during a machining process.

Optimalizace NC programu pomocí CAD/CAM software / Optimization of NC program using CAD/CAM software

Paseka, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Tendency of this master thesis is a proposal of savings in the process of technological production’s preparation in a manufacturing company. In the first part is elaborated general theoretical study of current components and NC programs. Based on this, and finished analysis was defined optimization’s proposals described in second part. Thanks this complete proposals comes to time and money savings, which are needed for implementation of prototype project into serial production.

WNF - Werkstattgerechte Nutzerunterstützung bei der Freiformflächenbearbeitung ; Abschlussergebnisse eines Forschungsverbundvorhabens: WNF ; 2. Workshop, 6. März 1996 ; Vortragsband

Schmauder, Martin 17 September 2007 (has links)
Werkstattgerechte Nutzerunterstützung bei der Freiformflächenbearbeitung Die Bearbeitung von Freiformflächen ist vor allem im Modell- und Formenbau dadurch gekennzeichnet, daß die gefertigten Teile Unikate sind und in der Regel sehr komplizierte Oberflächengeometrien aufweisen. Sowohl die Bearbeitungszeit als auch die Verantwortung der Werker an den automatisierten Bearbeitungsmaschinen ist sehr groß. Trotz dieser Besonderheiten unterscheidet sich die Arbeitsorganisation nicht von der Fertigung größerer Stückzahlen. Im Rahmen des Verbundvorhabens " Werkstattgerechte Nutzerunterstützung bei der Freiformflächenbearbeitung" werden die bestehende Arbeitsorganisation zwischen Arbeitsvorbereitung und Werkstatt untersucht und Vorschläge für eine Vervollkommnung der Organisationsformen, der Benutzungsoberflächen sowie für Eingriffsmöglichkeiten der Werker in den automatisierten Prozeßablauf erarbeitet, die die stärkere Einbeziehung und Nutzung des Erfahrungswissens der Facharbeiter zu Ziel haben. Dank der Förderung durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Techno-logie unter der Projektträgerschaft Arbeit & Technik war es möglich, dieses Forschungs-Verbundvorhaben erfolgreich zu bearbeiten. Die großen Resonanzen aus der Industrie bestätigten auf drei Workshops die Wichtigkeit des Anliegens und die Qualität der erzielten Ergebnisse. Dem Forschungsverbund gehörten nachfolgende wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen und Industrieunternehmen mit den genannten Bearbeitern an: • Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Arbeitsingenieurwesen - AIW (Projektleitung und Koordination) – für alle Universitären Partner Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. E. Kruppe (Projektleiter), Dr.-Ing. A. Becherer, Dr.-Ing. V. Bormann • Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Produktionstechnik Lehrstuhl Produktionsautomatisierung / Steuerungstechnik – PAS Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. D. Fichtner, Dipl.-Ing. U. Carlsen, Dipl.-Ing. Ch. Rehm • Universität Dortmund, Institut für Spanende Fertigung – ISF Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Weinert, Dipl.-Inf. J. Friedhoff, Dipl.-Ing. G. Guntermann, Dipl.-Ing. A. Enselmann • Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Steuerungstechnik der Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungseinrichtungen – ISW Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Storr, Dr.-Ing. C. Itterheim, Dipl.-Ing. H. J. Stöhle • andron GmbH, Wasserburg/Bodensee (Steuerungshersteller) Dipl.-Ing. W. J. Blümlein, Dipl.-Ing. W. Natterer • GIB-Gesellschaft für Industrieberatung Dresden mbH (Softwareentwickler) Dipl.-Ing. F. Adam, Dipl.-Ing. I. Lopez, Dipl.-Ing. P. Flehmig • MIKROMAT Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG Dresden (Maschinenhersteller) Dipl.-Ing. M. Hoch, Dipl.-Ing. A. Kretzschmar • Modellbau Schönheide GmbH (Maschinenanwender für die Freiformflächenbearbeitung) Dipl.-Ing. H. Ott, Dipl.-Ing. R. Gierschick. / Workshop-adequate User Assistance for Processing of Sculptured Surfaces Especially in model and pattern making the processing of sculptured surfaces is characterized by the fact that the parts produced are unique specimens, which are very complex, as a rule. The process time as well as the high qualified workers responsibility is very high. In spite of these peculiarities, the work organization does not differ from that of the manufacturing of larger numbers of pieces. Within the framework of the project "Workshop-adequate User Assistance for the Processing of Sculptured Surfaces" the existing work organization between the preparation for work and the workshop is investigated and pro-posals for perfection of organization, using surfaces and possibilities of worker controlled process influences have been developed to support the better utilization and integration of the workers' empirical knowledge.

Innovative mixed reality advanced manufacturing environment with haptic feedback

Satterwhite, Jesse C. 13 July 2018 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In immersive eLearning environments, it has been demonstrated that incorporating haptic feedback improves the software's pedagogical effectiveness. Due to this and recent advancements in virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) environments, more immersive, authentic, and viable pedagogical tools have been created. However, the advanced manufacturing industry has not fully embraced mixed reality training tools. There is currently a need for effective haptic feedback techniques in advanced manufacturing environments. The MR-AVML, a proposed CNC milling machine training tool, is designed to include two forms of haptic feedback, thereby providing users with a natural and intuitive experience. This experience is achieved by tasking users with running a virtual machine seen through the Microsoft HoloLens and interacting with a physical representation of the machine controller. After conducting a pedagogical study on the environment, it was found that the MR-AVML was 6.06% more effective than a version of the environment with no haptic feedback, and only 1.35% less effective than hands-on training led by an instructor. This shows that the inclusion of haptic feedback in an advanced manufacturing training environment can improve pedagogical effectiveness.

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