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Validation of mercury free methods for analysis of Chemical Oxygen Demand in municipial wastewater / Validering av kvicksilverfria analysmetoder för bestämning av kemiskt syreförbrukande ämnen (COD) i kommunalt avloppsvattenJonsson, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Water is used every day in society and to be able to recycle this water we depend upon efficient wastewater treatment. It is vital to test the wastewater based on different parameters. One parameter is the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), which defines the amount of organic substances that can be chemically oxidized within the water. The Swedish standardized analytical method for COD (SS-028142), COD(Cr) is dependent on mercury, a substance which was banned according to Swedish regulations in year 2009 but is still used due to time limited dispensations. This report is a part of a pre-procurement innovative project initiated by the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association (SWWA) in order to bring forward and evaluate mercury free analytical methods for COD for municipal wastewater. The aim was to validate three analytical methods for COD: Chloride Determination, Chloride Elimination and PeCOD and compare the analytical results to the standardized COD(Cr). Three laboratories, Käppala (Stockholm), Gryaab (Gothenburg) and Komlab (Örnsköldsvik) were included in the validation process by providing analytical data. The validation was conducted using the data as input for the statistical methods regression, correlation and analysis of variance to investigate the performance of the individual methods. As a complement to the statistical results, comments regarding the methods brought up by the laboratory staff were compiled in order to reflect on the usability and robustness of the methods. The results indicated that the method Chloride Determination was the method most similar to the COD(Cr) method, when investigating obtained COD concentrations, required analytical time and implementation steps needed to obtain a final COD value. This result was evident by high coefficient of determination values for influent wastewater samples. The PeCOD method, which was submitted in two versions, one manual and one automatic was only able to analyze soluble COD. It was found that the PeCOD methods obtained lower COD concentrations compared to the standardized method when analyzing filtered samples. Due to highly variable correlation coefficients between the PeCOD and COD(Cr) for various types of samples indicated that no uniform linear relation between the methods was present. Analysis with the Chloride Elimination method was halted early in the validation process, but was found to receive approximately 50 percent lower COD values than the reference method COD(Cr). Finally it can be said that the input data for conducting the statistical test were limited and further analysis should be recommended in order to validate the results with a higher certainty. / Varje dag produceras avloppsvatten i samhället och för att kunna återanvända detta vatten krävs en tillförlitlig reningsprocess. För att rena avloppsvatten effektivt är det betydelsefullt att kontinuerligt testa avloppsvattnet utifrån ett antal viktiga parametrar. En av dessa är kemisk syreförbrukning, COD, som definieras av den mängd syre som förbrukas genom fullständig kemisk oxidation av organiskt material. Den svenska standardiserade analysmetoden för COD (SS-028142) , COD(Cr) är beroende av kvicksilver för att erhålla ett korrekt analysresultat utan påverkan av kloridjoner. Kvicksilver är enligt Svensk lag förbjudet sedan år 2009, men analysmetoden är dock vanligt använd på svenska avloppsreningsverk tack vare årliga dispenser. Detta examensarbete är en del av en förkommersiell innovationsupphandling som initierats av Svenskt Vatten med mål att undersöka och validera kvicksilverfria analysmetoder för COD tillgängliga på den internationella marknaden. Projektets syfte var att utföra en validering av tre analysmetoder: Klorid Determination, Klorid Elimination och PeCOD och jämföra dess resultat med referens metoden COD(Cr). Tre olika laboratorier, Käppala (Stockholm), Gryaab (Göteborg) och Komlab (Örnsköldsvik) medverkade i projektet. Valideringen genomfördes med de statistiska metoderna regression, korrelation och variansanalys, utifrån insamlade mätdata i syfte att undersöka de givna metodernas prestanda. Som ett komplement till det statistiska testerna sammanställdes synpunkter som framkommit under analysarbetet av laboratoriepersonal, för bedömning av metodernas användarvänlighet och robusthet. Utifrån valideringen var det tydligt att metoden Klorid Determination hade störst likhet med COD(Cr) metoden utifrån givna analysresultat, analystid samt utförda analyssteg. Detta resultat styrktes av höga värden för determinationskoefficients för inkommande avloppsvatten mellan innovatios metoden och referense metoden COD(Cr). Analysmetoden PeCOD bestod av två olika versioner, skildrade den lösliga COD innehållet i provet istället för den total COD koncentrationen som hos COD(Cr). Oavsett vilken version av PeCOD som används erhålls ett lägre COD resultat jämfört med referens metoden COD(Cr) då filtrerade prover analyserades. De framtagna varierande korrelations koefficienter mellan PeCOD och COD(Cr) indikerade att ingen enhetlig korrelation gick att finna mellan metoderna hos de olika laboratorierna. Analysmetoden COD Elimination pausades tidigt i processen men de tidiga testerna visade på halverade COD koncentrationer jämfört med referens metoden. Slutligen kan det nämnas att mätdata som användes som indata till de beskrivna statistiska testerna var begränsade och att vidare analyser rekommenderas för att kunna bevisa givna resultat med ökad sannolikhet.
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Studies on washing in kraft pulp bleachingSillanpää, M. (Mervi) 15 November 2005 (has links)
Washing during kraft pulping can be divided into two separate areas each with its own distinct features: namely brownstock washing and washing in bleaching. Research interest has so far concentrated mostly on investigating brownstock washing and factors affecting its efficiency. Pulp washing in bleaching, however, has been practically neglected. The basic phenomena are the same as in brownstock washing, but there are differences which have not been taken into consideration to a sufficient extent. This less explored area is the focus of this research.
In this thesis, it is shown that brownstock washing and pulp washing between bleaching stages are distinct areas with their own specific features. They differ for example in terms of the composition and molecular size of the impurities in the pulp suspension. Various process conditions, pH, temperature and so on cause further differences between washing in bleaching and brownstock washing.
The removal of specific compounds can be clearly affected by the appropriate selection of wash liquor. It is shown that the dynamic behaviour during washing is different for different compounds and depends on the properties of the wash water. The key element is to find the most harmful compounds in specific positions in bleaching and on the basis of that finding, to determine the most suitable wash liquor system.
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a widely used method for evaluating the washing result, but as a collective measurement variable it does not describe the actual compounds that cause the "loss" of bleaching chemicals. Studies have shown that many compounds contribute to COD load but ultimately most of them have no real effect on the bleaching result. A suggestion for more precise definition of wash loss is offered than COD.
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The biology of a relict population of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., in Ogac Lake, Baffin Island, N.W.T.Patriquin, David Graham. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.
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Detection of trawling noise by Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.).Buerkle, U. January 1973 (has links)
No description available.
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Clouds and their effects on solar radiation in São Paulo / Nuvens e seus efeitos na radiação solar em São PauloJorge Rosas Santana 03 July 2018 (has links)
Clouds and their instantaneous effects on downward solar radiation were studied at the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo. For this purpose, visual observations of clouds, ground-based measurements performed by different radiometers, products from the polar orbiting satellites CALIPSO and CloudSat and 1-D Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) LibRadtran were used. Daytime climatology of cloud cover fraction (1958-2016) using data of hourly visual observations was carried out. The diurnal cycle of cloud cover fraction was dominated by low clouds especially by stratiform clouds. Remarkable differences in the diurnal cycles of low cumuliform and stratiform clouds were also observed. During the time period, positive trends for low cloud cover (1.6 %/decade), especially stratiform (3.1 %/decade), and cirriform cloud (0.8 %/decade) were observed, while a decreasing trend of mid-level cloud cover (-2.4%/decade) was found. Seasonal and diurnal variability of vertical profile of cloud was observed, with cloud extending to higher altitudes at night and with maximum frequency of occurrence observed in summer. In winter, low clouds prevailed. Effective cloud optical depth (ECOD), using the total transmittance at 415 nm, and instantaneous cloud effects on solar radiation at the surface, using global irradiance measurements, were estimated in synergy with LibRadtran computations. ECOD presented seasonal and diurnal variability, with maximum of mean in spring (34.4) and in the afternoon (34.2), and minimum at sunrise (25.5) and winter (26.9) for low clouds. The shortwave effects of clouds depended on solar disk condition, cloud type and cloud cover. Maximum of shortwave radiative attenuation was observed for low clouds in total overcast conditions with a median reduction of 72 % of global irradiance compared to clear sky. Median reduction of mid and high clouds was 57 % and 33 %, respectively. Enhancement effects with duration as long as 20 minutes, caused by lateral scattering, were observed in the presence of all analyzed cloud types, when the solar disk was not blocked by clouds, increasing global solar irradiance around 10% at the surface. Maximum enhancement could reach 50 % for low clouds. / Na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, foram estudadas as nuvens e seus efeitos na radiação solar. Para tanto, foram usadas observações visuais de nuvens, medições desde a superfície efetuadas por diferentes radiômetros, produtos dos satélites de órbita polar CALIPSO e CloudSat e o modelo de transferência radiativa 1-D LibRadtran. Foi desenvolvida uma climatologia para o ciclo diurno da fração de cobertura de nuvens (1958-2016) usando dados de observações visuais. O ciclo diurno da cobertura de nuvens foi dominado por nuvens baixas, especialmente as estratiformes. Observaram-se diferenças entre o ciclo diurno das nuvens baixas cumuliformes e estratiformes. Além disso, houve uma tendência de aumento da fração de cobertura de nuvens baixas (1,6 %/década), especificamente das estratiformes (3,1 %/década), e das nuvens cirriformes (0,8%/década). Por outro lado, observou-se tendência de diminuição da fração de cobertura de nuvens médias (-2,4%/década). A variabilidade sazonal e diurna do perfil vertical de nuvens foi analisada, com as nuvens atingindo maiores altitudes à noite e no verão. No inverno, as nuvens baixas predominaram. A profundidade óptica efetiva da nuvem (ECOD), usando a transmitância total em 415 nm, e os efeitos instantâneos das nuvens sobre a radiação solar, de medições de irradiância solar global, foram estimados em sinergia com cálculos feitos com o LibRadtran. ECOD apresentou variabilidade diurna e sazonal com máximo na primavera (34,4) e no período da tarde (34,2) e mínimo pela manhã, próximo ao nascer do sol (25,5) e no inverno (26,9) para nuvens baixas. O efeito radiativo de onda curta apresentou dependência com relação à obstrução do disco solar pelas nuvens, o tipo de nuvem e fração de cobertura. A atenuação máxima foi observada para nuvens baixas com o céu totalmente nublado, com valor médio de redução de 72 % da irradiância global, comparada com condições de céu claro. Medianas de redução de nuvens médias e altas foram de 57 % e 33 %, respectivamente. Foram observados efeitos de incrementos da radiação solar (enhancement) de cerca de 10 % com duração de até 20 minutos, devido ao espalhamento pelas laterais das nuvens, em presença de todos os tipos de nuvens analisados, quando o disco solar não estava obstruído. O máximo de enhancement chegou até 50 % na presença de nuvens baixas.
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Clouds and their effects on solar radiation in São Paulo / Nuvens e seus efeitos na radiação solar em São PauloSantana, Jorge Rosas 03 July 2018 (has links)
Clouds and their instantaneous effects on downward solar radiation were studied at the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo. For this purpose, visual observations of clouds, ground-based measurements performed by different radiometers, products from the polar orbiting satellites CALIPSO and CloudSat and 1-D Radiative Transfer Model (RTM) LibRadtran were used. Daytime climatology of cloud cover fraction (1958-2016) using data of hourly visual observations was carried out. The diurnal cycle of cloud cover fraction was dominated by low clouds especially by stratiform clouds. Remarkable differences in the diurnal cycles of low cumuliform and stratiform clouds were also observed. During the time period, positive trends for low cloud cover (1.6 %/decade), especially stratiform (3.1 %/decade), and cirriform cloud (0.8 %/decade) were observed, while a decreasing trend of mid-level cloud cover (-2.4%/decade) was found. Seasonal and diurnal variability of vertical profile of cloud was observed, with cloud extending to higher altitudes at night and with maximum frequency of occurrence observed in summer. In winter, low clouds prevailed. Effective cloud optical depth (ECOD), using the total transmittance at 415 nm, and instantaneous cloud effects on solar radiation at the surface, using global irradiance measurements, were estimated in synergy with LibRadtran computations. ECOD presented seasonal and diurnal variability, with maximum of mean in spring (34.4) and in the afternoon (34.2), and minimum at sunrise (25.5) and winter (26.9) for low clouds. The shortwave effects of clouds depended on solar disk condition, cloud type and cloud cover. Maximum of shortwave radiative attenuation was observed for low clouds in total overcast conditions with a median reduction of 72 % of global irradiance compared to clear sky. Median reduction of mid and high clouds was 57 % and 33 %, respectively. Enhancement effects with duration as long as 20 minutes, caused by lateral scattering, were observed in the presence of all analyzed cloud types, when the solar disk was not blocked by clouds, increasing global solar irradiance around 10% at the surface. Maximum enhancement could reach 50 % for low clouds. / Na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, foram estudadas as nuvens e seus efeitos na radiação solar. Para tanto, foram usadas observações visuais de nuvens, medições desde a superfície efetuadas por diferentes radiômetros, produtos dos satélites de órbita polar CALIPSO e CloudSat e o modelo de transferência radiativa 1-D LibRadtran. Foi desenvolvida uma climatologia para o ciclo diurno da fração de cobertura de nuvens (1958-2016) usando dados de observações visuais. O ciclo diurno da cobertura de nuvens foi dominado por nuvens baixas, especialmente as estratiformes. Observaram-se diferenças entre o ciclo diurno das nuvens baixas cumuliformes e estratiformes. Além disso, houve uma tendência de aumento da fração de cobertura de nuvens baixas (1,6 %/década), especificamente das estratiformes (3,1 %/década), e das nuvens cirriformes (0,8%/década). Por outro lado, observou-se tendência de diminuição da fração de cobertura de nuvens médias (-2,4%/década). A variabilidade sazonal e diurna do perfil vertical de nuvens foi analisada, com as nuvens atingindo maiores altitudes à noite e no verão. No inverno, as nuvens baixas predominaram. A profundidade óptica efetiva da nuvem (ECOD), usando a transmitância total em 415 nm, e os efeitos instantâneos das nuvens sobre a radiação solar, de medições de irradiância solar global, foram estimados em sinergia com cálculos feitos com o LibRadtran. ECOD apresentou variabilidade diurna e sazonal com máximo na primavera (34,4) e no período da tarde (34,2) e mínimo pela manhã, próximo ao nascer do sol (25,5) e no inverno (26,9) para nuvens baixas. O efeito radiativo de onda curta apresentou dependência com relação à obstrução do disco solar pelas nuvens, o tipo de nuvem e fração de cobertura. A atenuação máxima foi observada para nuvens baixas com o céu totalmente nublado, com valor médio de redução de 72 % da irradiância global, comparada com condições de céu claro. Medianas de redução de nuvens médias e altas foram de 57 % e 33 %, respectivamente. Foram observados efeitos de incrementos da radiação solar (enhancement) de cerca de 10 % com duração de até 20 minutos, devido ao espalhamento pelas laterais das nuvens, em presença de todos os tipos de nuvens analisados, quando o disco solar não estava obstruído. O máximo de enhancement chegou até 50 % na presença de nuvens baixas.
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Kartläggning av pH och COD vid pappersbruken Munskjö Paper AB och SCA Hygiene products AB / Mapping of pH and COD in paper mills of Munksjö Paper AB and SCA Hygiene Products ABPuskar, Aldijana January 2010 (has links)
<p>Pappersbruken har två pappersmaskiner, PM4 som tillverkar mjukpapper från returfiber och PM13 som tillverkar papper till transformatorer och kablar från oblekt barrsulfatmassa. Överskottsvattnet från PM4, PM13 och returfiberanläggningen samt dagvattnet leds vidare till den externa avloppsreningen. Då någon utav pappersbruken har driftsstop erhålls ojämna utfall främst för pH och COD.</p><p>Syftet med projektet är att kartlägga pH och COD förändringen i de enskilda delstegen i processerna PM 4, PM 13 samt den externa avloppsreningen.</p><p>Det genomfördes intensiv provtagning från tolv provtagningspunkter i trettiotvå dagar. Prover analyserades samma dag med avseende på pH, konduktivitet, alkalinitet, COD, suspenderade ämnen och glödrester. Dessutom utfördes fällningsförsök på inkommande processavloppsvatten med styrd dosering av järnsulfat, järnklorid och aluminiumsulfat. Det genomfördes även metodvalidering, kalciumbestämning, samt försök med sammanblandat avloppsvattenprov.</p><p>Resultat från mätningarna visar att processlinje PM 4 har generellt sätt högre pH-, konduktivitet-, alkalinitet - och COD värden och högre halt glödrester, men lägre halt suspenderade ämnen än PM 13. Det konstaterades att den största förändringen i de två processerna sker strax innan och efter pappersmaskinen. Efter pappersmaskinen, i det vattnet som leds vidare till den externa avloppsreningen, erhålls 70% COD reduktion och en pH ökning på 0,75 pH ekvivalenter för PM 13, respektive 30% COD reduktion och en pH sänkning på 1,27 pH ekvivalenter för PM 4. Totalt sätt, tyder resultat på att den största pH förändringen sker vid avloppsreningen, med 1,74 pH ekvivalenter. Från fällningsförsöken konstateras det att bästa pH- och lägsta COD- värden erhålls för fällningsmedlen, järnklorid och järnsulfat vid lägsta doseringsmängder, d.v.s. 97 g/m<sup>3</sup> respektive 101 g/m<sup>3</sup>, utan pH justering. Resultat från jämförelse mellan processavloppsvatten och sammanblandat avloppsvatten, där dagvattenpåverkan utesluts tyder på 0,01-0,86 högre pH-värden i dem sammanblandade avloppsvattenprover. Alltså finns det en antydan att dagvatten bidrar till pH sänkning i ingående processavloppsvatten. För att åtgärda problemen borde järnklorid utprövas i lägre doseringsmängder i kombination med minskad svavelsyretillsats.<strong> </strong>Eventuellt kan järnklorid bytas ut mot järnsulfat. Installera mätinstrument för mätning av pH och COD direkt på det ingående- och utgående vattenflödet i den externa avloppsreningen för att möjliggöra exakt dosering av fällningskemikalierna utifrån dessa värden.</p><p>Dagvattnet borde avskiljas från avloppsreningen och istället avledas till det kommunala avloppsnätet.</p> / <p>The paper mills have two paper machines, the PM 4, producing tissue from the RCF and the PM 13, producing paper for transformers and cables from the unbleached softwood craft pulp. Excess water from PM4, PM13 and RCF factory, together with the storm water, leads on to the external wastewater treatment. When any of the paper mills has downtime, unequal outcomes are obtained, primarily with respect to pH and COD.</p><p>The aim of the project is to identify the individual steps in the processes PM 4, PM 13 and wastewater treatment re to the pH and COD changes.</p><p>Intensive sampling was carried out from twelve sampling points during thirty-two days. These samples were analyzed on the same day re to the pH, conductivity, alkalinity, COD, suspended solids, and inorganic residue. In addition, precipitation tests were carried out on the incoming wastewater with controlled doses of the ferrous sulphate, ferric chloride and aluminium sulphate. In addition methodological validation, calcium determination, and experiments with the mixed wastewater samples were carried out.</p><p>The results show that the process line PM 4 has generally higher pH, conductivity, alkalinity, COD and concentration inorganic residues, but has a lower content of suspended solids than PM 13. But the biggest difference in the two processes takes place just before and after the paper machine. After the paper machine, the water that goes on to the external wastewater treatment, where a 70% COD reduction and a pH increase of 0,75 pH equivalents for PM 13, and 30% COD reduction and a pH decrease of 1,27 pH equivalents for the PM 4 are obtained. The results suggest that the greatest pH change occurs in wastewater treatment, with 22.06%. From precipitation experiments it was found that the best pH values and lowest COD values where obtained for precipitation chemicals, ferric chloride and ferrous sulphate at the lowest dose levels, i.e. 97 g/m<sup>3</sup> and 101 g/m<sup>3</sup>, without pH adjustment. Results from the correlation between wastewater- and mixed wastewater samples, which excludes impact of storm water, indicates that pH values are 0.01 to 0.86 pH equivalents higher in those mixed wastewater samples. Thus, there is a hint that the storm water contributes to pH reduction of the input wastewater.</p><p>To address these concerns ferric chloride should be tested at lower dose levels combined with reduced sulphuric acid addition. Eventually ferric chloride may be replaced by the iron sulphate. In addition, there should be measuring devices for pH and COD installed on the process wastewater and outgoing water, in the external wastewater treatment in order to allow for accurate dosing of chemicals precipitate from these values. Storm water should be separated from wastewater treatment and instead be diverted directly to the municipal sewage system.</p>
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Relationship between 20th century dune migration and wetland formation at Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts / Relationship between twentieth century dune migration and wetland formation at Cape Cod National Seashore, MassachusettsSagintayev, Zhanay January 2006 (has links)
Outer Cape Cod (Massachusetts) is dominated by active and stabilizing parabolic and transverse dunes interspersed with numerous inter-dune wetlands. Dune migration has been significantly affected by human activities; conversely, current dune movements are affecting local populations. The objective of the reported research was to assess, using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) technologies, migration of the Cape Cod dunes and the effect of dune movement on distribution of associated wetlands. Aerial photographs from 1938 through 2003 were analyzed to track individual dune movements and subsequent wetland propagation and expansion. Absolute dune movement rates during this period were computed, with a plot of dune movement as a cumulative function. One sub-problem of this study was to quantify `white' areas of active moving sand and `dark' areas of vegetation, in order to quantify changes in vegetative cover with wetland propagation and, conversely, vegetative disappearance with dune movement. Attempts were made to correlate the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) with dune migration. Based on review of aerial photographs, parabolic dunes have migrated 150 to 250 m since 1938, with 60% of the movement occurring between 1938 and 1977. The relation between absolute parabolic dune migration and corresponding PDSI is approximately logarithmic. Maximum dune migration is associated with PDSI values lower than -2 and reflects moderate drought conditions. Wetlands consistently trailed the dunes, and the distance of wetland movement was related to dune movement distances. Wetland migration was particularly marked from the 1950s to the 1980s. Based on review of georeferenced aerial photographs, it is concluded that marked stabilization of Cape Cod dunes occurred in the 1980s and 1990s, with renewed movement in the 21st Century. This study provides a practical application for assessment of dune migration and vegetative transformations over time using remote sensing and GIS technologies. / Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
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Effects of photoperiod manipulation on growth and reproduction in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)Davie, Andrew January 2005 (has links)
Sexual maturation during commercial culture of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) represents a significant production bottleneck restricting the profitability of the industry. Such problems in other species have traditionally been addressed by artificial manipulation of photoperiod cycles, however little research exists in this field in cod. This thesis therefore investigates the interactions between artificial photoperiod manipulation, sexual maturation and somatic growth in this species. In the first experiment, populations of Atlantic cod (hatched, spring 1999) were maintained on either a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP) or continuous illumination (LL) from approximately 15 months post hatch (MPH) (July 2000) in an enclosed tank system. Growth performance was recorded monthly along with observations of reproductive activity over the subsequent 2 years (up to July 2002). At both 2 and 3 years of age the entire population raised under SNP matured and spawned, during which time mean weight reduced by 13% and 24% respectively. No spawning individuals were recorded at 2 years of age in the LL population and only 18% were observed to spawn at 3. However, observations of both changes in gonadal morphology (observed via ultrasound scanning) and a suppression in growth rate at 2 years of age in the LL population alluded to a maturation “dummy run” regulated by an endogenous clock. Despite this phenomenon, the LL treatment realised a 39% and 43% improvement in wet weight following 1 and 2 years of exposure to LL respectively. When the diel cycle of plasma melatonin was compared between the treatments in February 2001 (23MPH) the SNP population displayed an A-profile diel rhythm ranging between 20 and 50 pg/ml while the LL treatment did not display any rhythm. In the second experiment of this work, two populations of cod (hatched, spring 2001) were reared in commercial open cage systems, one of which experienced continuous additional artificial illumination between July 2002 (15MPH) and October 2003 (30MPH) provided by four, 400W submerged lighting units. Growth and maturation were assessed in both populations throughout. In March 2003 (24MPH) it was apparent that spawning individuals were present in both the SNP and LL populations though a significantly lower number of spawning individuals in the LL treatment suggested that the peak in spawning activity was delayed by about 1 to 2 months. With both populations apparently maturing at 2 years of age, there was no significant difference in weight between the populations at the end of the trial. In comparison to experiments I and IV of this work, these results would suggest that in comparison to salmonids for example, Atlantic cod appear to have a heightened sensitivity to light allowing individuals to differentiate the ambient photoperiod signal from the application of continuous artificial light. In the third experiment, 6 populations of approximately 20 tagged individuals (hatched spring 1999) were maintained, from December 2000 to July 2002, under either SNP, LL or one of four, out of season “square wave” photoperiod regimes (repeating cycles with a 12 month period, consisting of a 6 month window of LL followed by six months of short day lengths [SD, 7L:17D] which had been staggered to start over a six month period). Each individual was monitored monthly for maturation status. Out of season “square wave” photoperiods were demonstrated to successfully entrain maturation and hence significantly alter the spawning profiles in these populations. Application of LL from December 2000 failed to inhibit maturation in the spring of 2001 and, in fact, advanced the spawning season by 1 month while those that experienced SD from the same date showed significant extension of the subsequent spawning season. Interestingly, the males maintained on LL throughout the experiment matured both in the spring of 2001 and one year later in the spring of 2002 while females under the same treatment only matured and spawned in 2001. In the fourth experiment, a total of 830 tagged individuals were raised either under SNP or one of 7 photoperiod treatments, consisting of 5 groups transferred from SNP to LL at 3 monthly intervals between 6 and 18 MPH where they remained and a further two groups maintained on LL from 6 to 15MPH and 6 to 21 MPH respectively before being returned to SNP. Both the gonadic and somatic axes were monitored at the physiological and endocrinological level at three monthly intervals from 6 to 27 MPH. The results demonstrated that it is the falling autumnal photoperiod signal after the summer solstice, more specifically after October, that is responsible for recruiting individuals to enter the sexual maturation cycle. Furthermore, in all treatments where this signal was masked i.e. those which experienced LL starting at or prior to 15MPH, except for some restricted spermatogenic activity in the males testis observed at 27MPH, there was no significant reproductive activity and growth was improved by up to 60% at 27 MPH. While providing evidence for direct photic stimulation of somatic growth, the growth results were also correlated with the measurement of plasma IGF-I and demonstrated its potential as a tool to assess growth rates in the species. Plasma melatonin measured at 15MPH, as in experiment I, was suppressed in all populations which were under LL photoperiods. By identifying the photoperiod “window of opportunity” which recruits individuals into the sexual maturation cycle, this work was able to conclude that the application of LL from the summer solstice prior to maturation is the most efficient photoperiod strategy to be adopted by the aquaculture industry to realise maximum growth potential from their cultured stocks.
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Rearing juvenile Australian native percichthyid fish in fertilised earthen pondsIngram, Brett A. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Deakin University, 2001. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on May 16, 2005). Includes bibliographical references (p. 203-224).
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