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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fundamentos metodológicos para a medida de carga cognitiva e do conhecimento prévio num contexto de ensino de cinemática com o auxílio de uma hipermídia / Methodological grounds for the assessment of cognitive load and of a previous knowledge in the context of kinematics teaching with the aid of a hypermedia

Oliveira, Ângelo Mozart Medeiros de January 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estudada a utilização de um sistema hipermídia como um instrumento de avaliação de conhecimento prévio e de medida educacional, dentro da perspectiva da teoria da carga cognitiva e da teoria da aprendizagem significativa, em ensino de cinemática. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura em hipermídias adaptativas e a resolução de problemas. A parte experimental do trabalho foi fundamentada na literatura em hipermídias e os resultados foram analisados com o citado aporte teórico. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma aproximação teórica entre a aprendizagem significativa e a teoria da carga cognitiva, juntamente com os aspectos teóricos elaborados pela literatura em hipermídia adaptativa. Em um primeiro estudo, foi desenvolvida uma metodologia exploratória para a construção de uma hipermídia programada para registrar dados referentes às respostas dos alunos, e, também, a sua navegação dentro da hipermídia durante um teste sobre velocidade média, sendo aplicado a um grupo de alunos do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, no campus Ibirubá, RS, Brasil. O primeiro estudo revelou que a atribuição teórica da dificuldade das questões foi satisfatória e que os alunos possuem a tendência de se estabilizar em determinada dificuldade No segundo estudo, aplicado sobre alunos do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, no campus Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil, foi abordado um estudo de caso, onde o conteúdo produzido pelos alunos foi analisado a partir da sua interação com a hipermídia num contexto de ensino de cinemática, só que agora com uma carga de matéria superior ao primeiro estudo e não apenas sobre a velocidade média. Além de corroborar a atribuição da dificuldade das questões, percebeu-se que não é possível alinhar o estilo cognitivo do aluno com o seu estilo de navegação. Sob a luz do referencial teórico, tentou-se entender esses resultados e fez-se uma crítica à lógica da tentativa de utilizar o estilo cognitivo como método de adaptação da navegação. Por fim, sugere-se uma série de diretrizes que devem ser seguidas para futuros estudos em hipermídias adaptativas no ensino de cinemática. / In this research it was analyzed the use of a hypermedia system as a evaluating instrument of previous knowledge and learning assessment, within the perspective of the cognitive load theory and of the meaningful learning theory, in the teaching of kinematics. For this, initially a review of the literature on adaptative hypermedia and problem solving. The experimental part of research was based on the literature about hypermedia and the findings were interpreted in the light of these theories. It was also made a theoretical approximation between the meaningful learning theory and the cognitive load theory, together with the theoretical features of adaptative hypermedia found in the literature. In the first study an exploratory methodology was developed for the construction of a hypermedia programmed to make records of the answers given by the students as well as their browsing within the hypermedia during a test on average speed applied to students of high school first year of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, Ibirubá campus, Brazil. Findings of the first study suggest that the theoretical distribution of the difficult level of the questions was satisfactory and that the students tend to stay in the certain difficult. The second study was carried out with high school first year students of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, campus Bento Gonçalves, Brazil A case study was done, in which the content produced by students in their interaction with the hypermedia in the context of kinematics teaching was analyzed, but in this case with a context load higher than in the first study that was just about average speed. In addition of corroborating the level of difficult of the question it was found that it is not possible to align the students cognitive style and their browsing style, In the light of the theoretical framework an attempt was made to interpret these findings and a critical position was assumed regarding the logic of using cognitive style as adaptative method of browsing. At the end, a series guideline is proposed for future studies about the use of adaptative hypermedia in the teaching of kinematics.

Razvoj i evaluacija instrukcione strategije zasnovane na tripletnom modelu reprezentacije sadržaja neorganske hemije u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju / Development and evaluation of instructional strategy based on the triplet model of inorganic chemistry content representation in high school education

Milenković Dušica 24 April 2015 (has links)
<p>Glavni cilj ove disertacije bio je da&nbsp;se ispita u kojoj meri će nastavni&nbsp;pristup zasnovan na interkorelaciji&nbsp;makroskopskog, submikroskopskog&nbsp;i simboličkog nivoa &nbsp;reprezentacije&nbsp;znanja uticati na performanse&nbsp;učenika u oblasti neorganskih&nbsp;reakcija, a takođe i kakav će biti&nbsp;njen uticaj na samoprocenu&nbsp;uloženog mentalnog napora.&nbsp;</p><p>Ukupan uzorak ovog istraživanja&nbsp;sačinjavalo je 313 učenika iz dve&nbsp;gimnazije, a &nbsp;istraživanje je&nbsp;sprovedeno u toku &scaron;kolske&nbsp;2012/13. &scaron;kolske godine. Kao&nbsp;merni instrument za merenje&nbsp;performansi kori&scaron;ćen je dvoslojni&nbsp;test znanja sa zadacima&nbsp;<br />vi&scaron;estrukog izbora, a svaki zadatakje praćen sedmostepenom skalom&nbsp;Likertovog tipa za samoprocenu&nbsp;uloženog mentalnog napora.&nbsp;</p><p>Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da&nbsp;primenjena instrukciona strategija,&nbsp;koja se oslanja na primenu&nbsp;vi&scaron;estrukih nivoa reprezentacije&nbsp;znanja vodi povećanju učeničkih&nbsp;performansi, a istovremeno i&nbsp;smanjenju kognitivnog opterećenja.&nbsp;Rezultati dobijeni za procenu&nbsp;instrukcione efikasnosti sugeri&scaron;u&nbsp;da primenjeni model predstavlja&nbsp;efikasan nastavni model.</p><p>Dalje istraživanja performansi&nbsp;pokazala su da&nbsp; primenjena&nbsp;instrukciona strategija ima&nbsp;<br />podjednako pozitivan uticaj kako&nbsp;na performanse, tako i na&nbsp;procenjeni mentalni napor&nbsp;ispitanika oba pola. Ispitivana&nbsp;strategija takođe se pokazala&nbsp;efikasnom u obuci svih ispitivanih&nbsp;grupa učenika (najmanje uspe&scaron;nih,&nbsp;srednje uspe&scaron;nih i najuspe&scaron;nijih).&nbsp;<br />Pored toga&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; su ukazali i na&nbsp;postojanje velikog broja&nbsp;miskoncepcija u K grupi ispitanika,&nbsp;dok su u E grupi, koja je&nbsp;učestvovala u eksperimentalnoj&nbsp;nastavi, veliki broj &nbsp;miskoncepcija&nbsp;bio eliminisan.</p><p>Na kraju, rezultati analize&nbsp;kognitivne kompleksnosti ukazali&nbsp;su na postojanje značajnih&nbsp;korelacija između svih ispitivanih&nbsp;parova varijabli (performanse-kognitivna kompleksnost;&nbsp;performanse-mentalni napor i&nbsp;mentalni napor-kognitivna&nbsp;kompleksnost).</p> / <p>The central goal of this disserta-tion&nbsp; was to examine the extent to&nbsp;which a teaching approach fo-cused on the interaction&nbsp; among&nbsp;macroscopic, submicroscopic and&nbsp;<br />symbolic levels of chemistry representations could affect high&nbsp;school students&rsquo; performance in&nbsp;the field of inorganic reactions, as&nbsp;well as to examine how the appli-ed &nbsp;instruction influences stu-dents&rsquo; assessment of invested&nbsp;mental effort.</p><p>The total sample of this research&nbsp;included 313 high school stu-dents. The survey was conducted&nbsp;in the 2012-2013 school year. As&nbsp;a measuring instrument for stu-dent &nbsp;performance a&nbsp; two-tier mu-ltiple-choice test&nbsp; of knowledge&nbsp;was used.&nbsp; Each task in the test&nbsp;was followed by a seven point&nbsp;Likert-type scale for evaluation of&nbsp;invested mental effort.&nbsp;</p><p>Obtained results indicate that a&nbsp;teaching strategy relying on the&nbsp;interplay between three levels of&nbsp;knowledge representation leads&nbsp;to an increase in students&rsquo; performance and also contributes to&nbsp;the reduction of cognitive load.&nbsp;The obtained results for calcula-ted mental efficiency suggest that&nbsp;the applied instructional model&nbsp;represents an effective teaching&nbsp;model. Further performance te-sting have shown that applied&nbsp;instructional strategy have simi-lar positive impact in terms of&nbsp;both performance and mental&nbsp;effort on the subjects of both&nbsp;genders. This strategy has also&nbsp;<br />proved to be effective in training&nbsp;all examined groups of students&nbsp;(low achievers, &nbsp;middle achievers&nbsp;and high achievers). In addition,&nbsp;results indicated the existence of&nbsp;a large number of misconceptions&nbsp;in the K group, while in the group&nbsp;E, that was subjected to experi-mental teaching, a great deal of&nbsp;misconceptions was eliminated.</p><p>Last but not least, the results of&nbsp;cognitive complexity analysis&nbsp;indicated the existence of signifi-cant correlations between all the&nbsp;examined pairs of variables (pe-rformance-cognitive complexity;&nbsp;performance-mental effort; me-ntal effort-cognitive complexity).</p>

Complexité visuelle du packaging et évaluation du produit : le cas de la représentation des ingrédients dans le secteur alimentaire / Packaging visual complexity and product evaluation : the case of depicting ingredients in the food sector

Thomas, Fanny 13 December 2017 (has links)
L’industrialisation alimentaire est un véritable progrès pour la société et le consommateur qui recherche la facilité d’achat. Cependant, à la suite de plusieurs crises sanitaires, le consommateur souhaite être mieux informé et maîtriser ses choix de produits. C’est pourquoi, les industriels souhaitent à leur tour améliorer la communication sur leur produit par le biais du packaging grâce aux attributs visuels. Néanmoins, une surabondance des informations, peut rendre le packaging difficilement intelligible. De ce fait, ce travail doctoral s’intéresse à l’impact du niveau de complexité visuelle du packaging sur l’évaluation du produit alimentaire. Cette problématique donne lieu à trois questions de recherche adoptant successivement une approche holistique, puis deux approches analytiques de la complexité du packaging considérant le nombre d’ingrédients et leur degré de similitude selon le niveau de disponibilité des ressources cognitives. L’influence du niveau de complexité du packaging sur l’évaluation du produit est étudiée au moyen de sept études par une approche aux méthodes variées, avec des mesures auto-déclarées, comportementales et implicites. Cette recherche souligne, l’association d’un packaging simple à un produit alimentaire sain, valorisé suivant le bénéfice nutritionnel et suivant la qualité des ingrédients dans la composition du produit. Par ailleurs, elle souligne l’association d’un packaging complexe à un produit meilleur en goût qui facilite la formation de l’imagerie mentale gustative, en fonction du degré de similarité des éléments visuels selon une approche analytique de la complexité du design et selon le niveau de ressources cognitives.Mots clés : complexité, simplicité, design du packaging, ingrédients, salubrité, goût, intention d’achat, charge cognitive / Food industrialization is a real advance for society and the consumer who is looking for ease of purchase. However, with several health crises, the consumer wants to be better informed and to control his product choice. In this way, manufacturers want to improve communication on their product through visual attributes of their packaging. Nevertheless, an information overload can make the packaging difficult to understand. As a result, this doctoral research focuses on the impact of the level of visual complexity of the packaging on the evaluation of the food product. This problem leads to three research questions successively adopting a holistic approach, then two analytical approaches to the packaging complexity considering the number of ingredients and their degree of similarity depending on the level of availability of cognitive resources. The influence of the level of complexity on the evaluation of the product is studied by means of seven studies with a mixed methodological approach, with self-declared, behavioral and implicit measures. This research highlights the combination of a simple packaging with a healthy food product, valued according to the nutritional benefit and the quality ingredients in the product composition. In addition, it emphasizes the combination of a complex packaging with a better taste product that facilitates the formation of mental imagery taste depending on the degree of similarity of visual elements in the analytical approach of the design complexity and the cognitive resources level. Keywords: complexity, simplicity, packaging design, ingredients, healthy food, taste, purchase intent, cognitive load

Estudos sobre o uso de mapas conceituais na avaliação da aprendizagem: a importância da tarefa / Studies on concept maps as assessment of learning tool: the importance of de task format

Conceição, Adriano Nardi 19 October 2016 (has links)
Os mapas conceituais são organizadores gráficos que favorecem a descrição explícita de relações conceituais por causa da necessidade de elaborá-los a partir de proposições contendo um termo de ligação. O desafio de obter mapas conceituais elaborados pelos alunos que sejam correlacionáveis com parte dos seus modelos mentais é um obstáculo que merece mais investigações. Dois aspectos relevantes podem ser usualmente negligenciados por parte dos docentes que usam os mapas conceituais em sala de aula: (i) a necessidade de treinar os alunos na técnica de mapeamento conceitual e (ii) a importância de se definir como os mapas conceituais serão solicitados aos alunos. O descuido com esses fatores resulta em mapas conceituais superficiais e com baixa clareza semântica, que não refletem a organização conceitual que está contida na estrutura cognitiva do mapeador. Nesse trabalho investigamos o uso de mapas conceituais como ferramenta de avaliação em um dos momentos da disciplina ACH 0131 Ciências da Natureza oferecida a alunos ingressantes na graduação, a fim de verificar o conhecimento conceitual dos alunos sobre Astronomia sob a perspectiva do desenvolvimento tecnológico e científico. Dois mapas conceituais foram considerados nessa pesquisa: um construído uma semana antes da prova e que poderia ser usado como material de consulta (MC-PREP) e outro que era parte da avaliação e deveria ser construído no dia da prova (MC-AVAL). Para esse trabalho propusemos dois estudos complementares para avaliação do efeito da elaboração do MC-PREP sobre as características estruturais e semânticas do MC-AVAL (Estudo I) e avaliação da relação entre características estruturais e semânticas do MC-AVAL e o entendimento conceitual dos alunos sobre a Astronomia no contexto do surgimento da Ciência Moderna e do avanço científico-tecnológico (Estudo II). Como metodologia, utilizamos análises que consideram os mapas sobre os níveis de conceito, proposição e rede proposicional, oferecendo várias perspectivas sob as quais os mapas conceituais elaborados pelos alunos podem ser avaliados. No Estudo I foi possível verificar que a elaboração do MC-PREP não influenciou nas características estruturais do MC-AVAL, mas influenciou nas características semânticas, de modo que os alunos construíram mais proposições apropriadas e mostraram uma baixa incidência de fuga à pergunta focal. No Estudo II verificamos que os fatores dos MC-AVAL que são positivamente correlacionáveis com o entendimento conceitual dos alunos sobre o tema são, principalmente, a quantidade de proposições apropriadas e a escolha de conceitos mais complexos para compor o mapa de prova. Concluímos com esse trabalho que para alunos bem treinados na técnica de mapeamento conceitual a elaboração de um mapa conceitual preparatório não influencia nas características do mapa de prova mesmo estando próximos da etapa de treinamento. Isso foi explicado pelas características restritivas da demanda e pela proficiência dos alunos. Sob os aspectos semânticos constatamos que a preparação dos alunos influenciou positivamente nas características do MC-AVAL e também que os mapas obtidos eram correlacionáveis com o conhecimento declarativo dos alunos, podendo ser utilizados como ferramentas para avaliação da aprendizagem. / Concept maps are graphic organizers that favor the explicit description of conceptual relationships due to the need to prepare them from propositions that containing a binding term. The challenge to obtain concept maps prepared by students that are correlated with part of their mental models is an obstacle that deserves further investigation. Two important aspects can usually be neglected by teachers who use concept maps in the classroom: (i) the need to train students in the concept mapping technique, and (ii) the importance of to define how the concept maps are requested to students. These two aspects of assessment task with the use of maps generated in students working memory cognitive loads that need to be managed. The neglect of these factors results in superficial concept maps and low semantic clarity that do not reflect the conceptual organization that is contained in cognitive structure of mapper. In this work we investigate the use of concept maps as an assessment tool in one of the moments of discipline ACH 0131 Natural Science offered to first year undergraduate students, in order to verify the conceptual knowledge of students about astronomy from the perspective of technological and scientific development. Two concept maps were considered in this study: the first done one week before the test and that could be used as reference material (CM-PREP) and other that was a part of the test and should be done on day test (CM-EVAL). For this work we proposed two complementary studies to evaluate the effect of the preparation of CM-PREP about the structural and semantic features of the CM-EVAL (Study I) and evaluation of the relationship between structural and semantic features of the CM-EVAL and conceptual understanding of students about astronomy in the context of the emergence of modern science and scientific-technological development (Study II). As methodology were used the analyzes that consider the maps on the levels of concept, proposition and propositional network, offering several perspectives under which the conceptual maps prepared by students can be evaluated. The Study I showed that the development of CM-PREP did not influence the structural features of the CM-EVAL, but influenced the semantic features, so the students used more appropriate propositions and showed a low incidence of escape of the focal question. The Study II verified that the factors of CM-EVAL that are positively correlated with the conceptual understanding of students on the subject are mainly the amount of appropriate propositions and the choice of more complex concepts to compose the test map. We conclude with this work that for well trained students in the concept mapping technique the elaboration of a preparatory concept map does not influence the test map structural features even being near to the training stage. This was explained by the restrictive characteristics of demand and the proficiency of students. On the semantic aspects we observed that the preparation of the students had a positive effect on CM-EVAL features and also that the obtained maps were correlated with the declarative knowledge of the students and can be used as tools for learning assessment.

Die Untersuchung von Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen unter kognitiver Belastung: Ein kombiniertes Verfahren zur Erfassung sexuellen Interesses / Assessing attentional Processes unter cognitive load: A combined approach to measuring sexual interests

von Herder, Jakob 23 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

An investigation of appropriate instructional design to match the ability of the learner

Maxwell, Elizabeth Anne, Education, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Content analyses of research in the literature of gifted education (Coleman, 2006; Rogers, 1999, 2006) has shown a consistent absence of research investigating methodology for instructing gifted students and for the development of expertise using new technologies. In this study, utilising electronic instructional delivery, an investigation was undertaken of the differential effects and appropriateness of matching the prior knowledge of the learner to the instructional method. Underpinned with a theoretical understanding of gifted education and cognitive load theory, a series of three experiments was designed and implemented to determine whether gifted students learn more effectively under guided discovery design than with example based instruction, while not identified as gifted ability students perform significantly better under direct example based instruction than with guided discovery. Data were collected and analysed in three stages. Experiment 1 was conducted in the novel domain of Boolean switching equations. Experiments 2 and 3 used identical test instruments with novel tasks in the semi-familiar domain of geometry. A total of 155 Years 7, 8 and 9 students at three metropolitan secondary schools participated. The study explored whether the presence of schemas, that facilitated greater problem-solving ability in gifted students, would generate clear evidence of instructional efficiency and preference for either mode of instruction. As students advanced from novice state to expert in particular domains of learning, it was anticipated that gifted students would progress from benefiting from worked example instruction to more efficient learning in guided discovery mode. This hypothesis was rejected as the results from each of the experiments did not confirm the hypothesised outcomes. There was no manifested expertise-reversal effect. The absence of any clear delineation of enhanced learning proficiency mode of instruction for gifted students does, however, contribute to the advancement and understanding of cognitive load theory and the complexity of learning strategies necessary for gifted learners.

Measuring cognitive load management in a traditional martial arts training model

Maier, Herbert N. 29 August 2005 (has links)
A training method utilized in a few martial arts was found to agree strongly with current cognitive psychology theory. Further study extracted a procedural model for learning a complex set of whole-body, dyadic motor skills involving high-speed, interactive, continuous situation assessment and decision making. A broader literature survey found relevance in several fields of research, supporting the definition of four performance dimensions in the activity. Data collected from one experienced student partnering with each of ten students of various experience levels was analyzed on these four dimensions. These dimensions were found sufficient to show both individual differences and changes across an instructional intervention. Strong correlations found under linear regression were supportive of anecdotal evidence from the model??s long empirical history in training. Data provided evidence of a self-organizing dynamic emerging from the interaction of a dyad participating in this activity, and of individual differences in cognitive resource management dynamically setting allocation priorities among specific aspects of a complex motor/cognitive activity. Highly individual responses demonstrate a mechanism for insight into students that are difficult to read. Numerous comparisons and contrasts show interactivity of performance dimensions. Impact is foreseen for research, training and testing in motor learning fields, as well as situation awareness, decision making and military tactical training. Further research is recommended to replicate these findings, test hypotheses derived from them, and to extend testing of the drill-network model into other fields of learning.

Measuring cognitive load management in a traditional martial arts training model

Maier, Herbert N. 29 August 2005 (has links)
A training method utilized in a few martial arts was found to agree strongly with current cognitive psychology theory. Further study extracted a procedural model for learning a complex set of whole-body, dyadic motor skills involving high-speed, interactive, continuous situation assessment and decision making. A broader literature survey found relevance in several fields of research, supporting the definition of four performance dimensions in the activity. Data collected from one experienced student partnering with each of ten students of various experience levels was analyzed on these four dimensions. These dimensions were found sufficient to show both individual differences and changes across an instructional intervention. Strong correlations found under linear regression were supportive of anecdotal evidence from the model??s long empirical history in training. Data provided evidence of a self-organizing dynamic emerging from the interaction of a dyad participating in this activity, and of individual differences in cognitive resource management dynamically setting allocation priorities among specific aspects of a complex motor/cognitive activity. Highly individual responses demonstrate a mechanism for insight into students that are difficult to read. Numerous comparisons and contrasts show interactivity of performance dimensions. Impact is foreseen for research, training and testing in motor learning fields, as well as situation awareness, decision making and military tactical training. Further research is recommended to replicate these findings, test hypotheses derived from them, and to extend testing of the drill-network model into other fields of learning.

Lernen mit Multimedia: Die Spezifizierung des Modalitätsprinzips unter Berücksichtigung individueller und gestaltungsdidaktischer Faktoren

Jahn, Verena 26 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Gestaltung von multimedialen Lernumgebungen und fokussiert die Fragestellung, unter welchen Bedingungen eine audiovisuelle Aufbereitung von Lernmaterialien lernförderlicher ist als eine rein visuelle. In der Multimedia-Forschung wird die Überlegenheit multimodaler Lernapplikationen in zahlreichen Studien belegt (Clark & Mayer, 2008). Die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden unter dem so genannten Modalitätsprinzip zusammengefasst (Mayer, 2001). Es besagt, dass zur Erläuterung einer Abbildung der Text besser gesprochen anstatt geschrieben dargeboten werden sollte, da dies zu einer adäquateren Nutzung der begrenzten modalitätsspezifischen Kapazitäten führt und dadurch die kognitive Belastung reduziert wird. Dies stellt einen wesentlichen Einflussfaktor für den Lernprozess dar und wird in der Theorie der kognitiven Belastung (Sweller & Chandler, 1994) näher betrachtet. Allerdings gibt es auch abweichende Befunde, die gegen eine generelle Lernförderlichkeit audiovisueller Lernumgebungen sprechen (Stiller, 2007; Tabbers, 2002). Deswegen war es das Ziel der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit, das Modalitätsprinzip weiter zu spezifizieren und u.a. den Einfluss individueller Faktoren zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden die aufgestellten Hypothesen in zwei Studien empirisch überprüft. In beiden Untersuchungen wurde die Art der Informationspräsentation manipuliert und vermutet, dass Lernende bei einer audiovisuellen Präsentation einen größeren Wissenszuwachs und eine geringere kognitive Belastung aufweisen als bei einer rein visuellen. Die kognitive Belastung wurde dabei unter Zuhilfenahme des Dual-Task Paradigmas erfasst, bei dem Lernende neben der primären Lernaufgabe parallel eine sekundäre Reaktionsaufgabe erfüllen mussten. In Studie 1 konnte der Modalitätseffekt nicht nachgewiesen werden. Es zeigten sich jedoch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den zuerst präsentierten Überblicksseiten und den darauffolgenden Lernseiten mit Detailinformationen. Das wurde mit der Konstruktion eines neuen mentalen Modells erklärt. Deshalb wurde in Studie 2 die Sequenzierung des Lernmaterials manipuliert. Hier zeigte sich der Modalitätseffekt in den Reaktionszeiten, nicht aber im Wissenszuwachs. Dies wird zusammen mit den nicht eindeutigen Ergebnissen der individuellen Faktoren Modalitätspräferenz und räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen zum Abschluss der Arbeit kritisch diskutiert und Perspektiven für zukünftige Forschung aufgezeigt.

An investigation of appropriate instructional design to match the ability of the learner

Maxwell, Elizabeth Anne, Education, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
Content analyses of research in the literature of gifted education (Coleman, 2006; Rogers, 1999, 2006) has shown a consistent absence of research investigating methodology for instructing gifted students and for the development of expertise using new technologies. In this study, utilising electronic instructional delivery, an investigation was undertaken of the differential effects and appropriateness of matching the prior knowledge of the learner to the instructional method. Underpinned with a theoretical understanding of gifted education and cognitive load theory, a series of three experiments was designed and implemented to determine whether gifted students learn more effectively under guided discovery design than with example based instruction, while not identified as gifted ability students perform significantly better under direct example based instruction than with guided discovery. Data were collected and analysed in three stages. Experiment 1 was conducted in the novel domain of Boolean switching equations. Experiments 2 and 3 used identical test instruments with novel tasks in the semi-familiar domain of geometry. A total of 155 Years 7, 8 and 9 students at three metropolitan secondary schools participated. The study explored whether the presence of schemas, that facilitated greater problem-solving ability in gifted students, would generate clear evidence of instructional efficiency and preference for either mode of instruction. As students advanced from novice state to expert in particular domains of learning, it was anticipated that gifted students would progress from benefiting from worked example instruction to more efficient learning in guided discovery mode. This hypothesis was rejected as the results from each of the experiments did not confirm the hypothesised outcomes. There was no manifested expertise-reversal effect. The absence of any clear delineation of enhanced learning proficiency mode of instruction for gifted students does, however, contribute to the advancement and understanding of cognitive load theory and the complexity of learning strategies necessary for gifted learners.

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