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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

DNA-Strangbruchinduktion, Mikrokernbildung, Zellzyklusalteration und Apoptose durch Zahnwerkstoffe in humanen Lymphozyten / DNA strand breake induction, micronuclei formation, cell cycle alteration and apoptosis through dental materials in human lymphocytes

Zinnitsch, Sabrina January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Zahnwerkstoffe HEMA (Hydroxyethylmethacrylat) und TEGDMA (Triethylenglycol-dimethacrylat) gehören zu den so genannten Restmonomeren. Sie liegen nach der Polymerisation noch ungebunden vor und werden anschließend freigesetzt. Sie gelangen in den Organismus über die Pulpa, die Gingiva oder über den Speichel und können biologisch wirksam werden. Bisherige Studien zeigen dosisabhängige mutagene Effekte in tierischen und menschlichen Zellen. HEMA und TEGDMA führen zu DNA-Strangbrüchen, Mikrokernbildung, Apoptosen und nehmen Einfluss auf den Zellzyklus (G1- und G2-Verzögerung). Ebenso wurden ein allergenes Potential und eine toxische Wirkung auf die Niere beschrieben. In dieser Arbeit wurden genotoxische Effekte von HEMA und TEGDMA in humanen Lymphozyten in Konzentrationsbereichen überprüft, wie sie auch im Körper auftreten können. Hierfür wurden die Lymphozyten 24 Stunden mit 10 µM, 100 µM und 1 mM HEMA und mit 1 µM, 10 µM und 100 µM TEGDMA behandelt. Mit dem Comet Assay werden DNA-Einzel- und Doppelstrangbrüche sowie die Reparatur zuvor induzierter DNA-Schäden erfasst. Durch die Modifikation des Comet Assay mit dem Fpg-Protein werden zusätzlich oxidativ geschädigte Basen mit hoher Sensitivität nachgewiesen. Der Mikrokerntest weist manifeste DNA-Schäden auf DNA-Ebene in Form von Mikrokernen nach. Daneben lassen sich auch andere zelluläre Reaktionen wie Mitosen und Apoptosen sowie die Proliferationsrate der Zellen bestimmen. Der Chromosomen-aberrationstest dient zum Nachweis von Veränderungen in der Struktur und/oder in der Anzahl von Chromosomen eines Genoms. Mit dem Schwesterchromatidaustauschtest werden ebenfalls Chromosomenmutationen nachgewiesen. Durchflusszytometrische Methoden werden zum Nachweis von Apoptosen und zur Zellzyklusanalyse eingesetzt. Im herkömmlichen Comet Assay zeigen HEMA und TEGDMA keine signifikante Wirkung auf die DNA (OTM < 2). Es kann aber gezeigt werden, dass die Behandlung mit Fpg zu einer Verdoppelung des OTM führt. Bei 1 mM HEMA und 100 µM TEGDMA wird dadurch das OTM auf > 2 angehoben. HEMA und TEGDMA wirken sich nicht auf die Mikrokernbildung aus, jedoch wird durch den Mikrokerntest ab 1 mM HEMA und 100 µM TEGDMA eine Einflussnahme auf die Proliferation gezeigt. Die Rate früher (< 10%) und später Apoptosen Apoptosen (< 4 %) bleibt im Durchschnitt weitgehend konstant. Eine Ausnahme sind 1 mM HEMA, die die frühen Apoptosen auf > 10 % anheben. Eine Einflussnahme auf den Zellzyklus, in Form einer Verzögerung, üben 1 mM HEMA in der S-Phase und 100 µM TEGDMA in der G1-Phase aus. In den Chromosomentests werden einerseits ein dosisabhängiger Anstieg der Aberrationen und andererseits vermehrte Chromatidaustausche beobachtet. In dieser Arbeit wird die Verbindung von HEMA und TEGDMA zu oxidativen Stress im Comet Assay mit Fpg gezeigt. Da die tatsächlich in vivo erreichbaren Konzentrationen unter 100 µM liegen, ist zu schließen, dass HEMA und TEGDMA in diesem niedrigen Konzentrationsbereich keine nachteiligen Effekte ausüben, denn nur die hohen Konzentrationen (1 mM HEMA, 100 µM TEGDMA) sind in der Lage eine genotoxische Wirkung zu entfalten. Jedoch kann das Auslösen von Mutationen mit dem Chromosomenaberrationstest und Schwesterchromatidaustauschtest bestätigt werden. Um das Schädigungsprofil dieser häufig eingesetzten Zahnwerkstoffe detaillierter beschreiben zu können, müssen Untersuchungen auf Chromatidebene intensiviert werden. / The dental materials HEMA (2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) and TEGDMA (triethylengylcol-dimethacrylate) belong to the so-called rest monomers. After the polymerisation they are still unbound and can be released afterwards. They reach the organism through the pulp, the gingiva or through the saliva and can become biological effective. Present studies indicate dose-dependent mutagene effects in animal and human cells. HEMA and TEGDMA induce DNA strand breaks, micronuclei formation, apoptosis and have influence on the cell cycle (G1 and G2 delay). Also an allergic potential and a toxic effect on kidneys were described. In this study genotoxic effects were checked by HEMA and TEGDMA in human lymphocytes in concentration areas as they can also appear in the body. The lymphocytes were treated 24 hours with 10 µM, 100 µM and 1 mM HEMA and with 1 µM, 10 µM and 100 µM TEGDMA. With the comet assay DNA single and double strand breaks as well as the repair before induced DNA damage are grasped. By the modification of the comet assay with the Fpg protein oxidative injured bases are proved in addition with high sensitivity. The micronucleus test proves manifest DNA damages at DNA level in the form of micronuclei. Beside other cellular reactions like mitosis and apoptosis as well as the proliferation of the cell can also be determined. The chromosomal aberration test serves for the proof of changes in the structure and/or in the number of chromosomes of a genome. With the sister chromatid exchange test chromosomal mutations are also proved. Flow cytometric methods are used to the proof by apoptosis and to the cell cycle analysis. In the conventional comet assay HEMA and TEGDMA indicate no significant effect at the DNA (OTM < 2). However, it can be shown that the treatment with Fpg leads to a duplication of the OTM. At 1 mM HEMA and 100 µM TEGDMA the OTM is thereby raised on >2. HEMA and TEGDMA do not affect the induction of micronuclei, however the micronucleus test indicate a intervention on the proliferation from 1 mM HEMA and 100 µM TEGDMA. The rate earlier (< 10 %) and late apoptosis (< 4 %) remains widely steady on average. An exception is 1 mM HEMA which raise the early apoptosis on > 10 %. 1mM HEMA have an influence on the cell cycle, in form of a delay, in the S phase and 100 µM TEGDMA in the G1 phase. In the chromosomal tests are observed dose-dependent increase of the aberrations on the one hand and increased chromatid exchanges on the other hand. In this study the connection is shown by HEMA and TEGDMA to oxidative stress in the comet assay with Fpg. Because the really in vivo available concentration lie under 100 µM, is to be closed that HEMA and TEGDMA exert no disadvantageous effects in this low concentration area, because only the high concentrations (1 mM HEMA and 100 µM TEGDMA) are able to unfold a genotoxic effect. However, the release of mutations can be confirmed by the chromosomal aberration test and the sister chromatid exchange test. To be able to describe the damage profile of these often used dental materials more detailed investigations on chromatid level must be intensified.

Avaliação da citotoxicidade, genotoxicidade, antigenotoxicidade e expressão dos genes Tp53 e Ephx2 em ratos tratados com Caryocar villosum / Evaluation of cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, antigenotoxicity and expression of Tp53 and Ephx2 genes in rats treated with Caryocar villosum

Almeida, Mara Ribeiro de 01 March 2013 (has links)
O consumo de frutas e verduras está relacionado com a promoção da saúde porque tem sido associado com a redução do risco de desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas como, por exemplo, câncer e doenças degenerativas e cardiovasculares. Dessa forma, o estudo dos efeitos biológicos desses alimentos tem ganhado atenção nos últimos anos. O piquiá (Caryocar villosum) é um fruto nativo da Amazônia e é rico em compostos antioxidantes como os compostos fenólicos. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos genotóxicos e antigenotóxicos in vivo da polpa liofilizada do piquiá e também de seu extrato etanólico. Além disso, os compostos fitoquímicos presentes na polpa e no seu extrato foram quimicamente determinados. Ratos Wistar foram tratados por gavagem, durante 14 dias consecutivos, com três diferentes doses da polpa do piquiá (75, 150 ou 300 mg/kg p.c.) ou com seu extrato etanólico (75 mg/kg p.c.). No 14° dia, os animais receberam solução salina (NaCl 0,9%, i.p.) ou doxorrubicina (DXR, 15 mg/kg p.c., i.p.) e após 24 horas foram eutanasiados. A medula óssea e o sangue periférico foram usados no teste do micronúcleo (MN), e o fígado, rins e coração foram utilizados nos ensaios do cometa, nas análises bioquímicas das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) e glutationa reduzida (GSH) e na avaliação da expressão de mRNA dos genes epóxido hidrolase (Ephx2) e proteína tumoral p53 (Tp53). A polpa do piquiá não apresentou efeito genotóxico nem mutagênico em nenhuma das doses avaliadas, demonstrou atividade antigenotóxica e ainda reduziu os níveis de TBARS induzidos pela DXR no coração. Efeitos opostos foram encontrados para o extrato etanólico da polpa do piquiá, por apresentar genotoxicidade, mas não mutagenicidade, e indução de TBARS no coração. Os níveis de mRNA do gene Ephx2 no rim e coração foram aumentados após o tratamento com a maior dose da polpa do piquiá, entretanto, no rim a menor dose diminuiu a transcrição desse gene induzida pela DXR. No fígado as doses de 75 e 300 mg/kg p.c. diminuíram os níveis de mRNA do gene Ephx2 induzidos pela DXR. A dose de 300 mg/kg p.c. da polpa diminuiu a expressão de mRNA do gene Tp53 nos grupos da associação piquiá + DXR no fígado, rim e coração. O extrato etanólico da polpa do piquiá modulou a expressão de mRNA do gene Ephx2 apenas no fígado, aumentando os níveis desse transcrito, enquanto que no coração houve diminuição da transcrição do gene Tp53. Foi encontrada uma diferença de composição fitoquímica entre a polpa liofilizada e seu extrato etanólico. O extrato apresentou 1,4x mais compostos fenólicos e 3x menos carotenoides quando comparado com a polpa. Além disso, o ácido gálico foi o composto fenólico predominante na polpa, enquanto que no extrato o fenol mais abundante foi o ácido elágico. A diferença dos efeitos biológicos entre a polpa liofilizada do piquiá e seu extrato etanólico pode ser devido à alteração da composição fitoquímica. / Fruit and vegetables intake has been related to the promotion of health because it has been associated to reduced risk of chronic diseases development such as cancer, and cardiovascular and degenerative diseases. Thus, the study of the biological effects of these foods has increased in recent years. Piquiá (Caryocar villosum) is a fruit native of the Amazon and it is rich in antioxidant compounds such as phenolic compounds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity effects of the piquiá lyophilized pulp fruit and its ethanolic extract. Moreover, the phytochemical characterization of pulp and extract was determined. Wistar rats were treated by gavage, for 14 days, with three doses of piquiá pulp (75, 150 or 300 mg/kg b.w.) or with its ethanolic extract (75 mg/kg b.w.). On 14th day, the animals received saline (0.9% i.p.) or doxorubicin (DXR, 15 mg/kg b.w.) and after 24 hours they were euthanized. Bone marrow and peripheral blood were used in micronucleus (MN) test, and the liver, kidney and heart were used in comet assay, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reduced gluthatione (GSH), and in the evaluation of mRNA expression of epoxide hydrolase (Ephx2) and tumor protein p53 (Tp53) genes. The piquiá pulp was not genotoxic nor mutagenic, demonstrated antigenotoxic effects and reduced the TBARS levels induced by DXR in heart. The ethanolic extract had opposite effects, whereas it was genotoxic, but not mutagenic, and increased the TBARS levels in heart. Ephx2 mRNA levels in kidney and heart were increased after treatment with the higher dose of piquiá pulp, however, in kidney the lowest dose decreased the transcription of this gene induced by DXR. In liver, the 75 and 300 mg/kg b.w. doses of piquiá pulp decreased the Ephx2 mRNA levels induced by DXR. The piquiá pulp 300 mg/kg + DXR group, presented lower levels of Tp53 mRNA in liver, kidney and heart. The ethanolic extract of piquiá pulp modulated the mRNA Ephx2 expression only in the liver, increasing the levels of this transcript, while in the heart decreased the transcription of Tp53 gene. There was a difference on phytochemical composition between the pulp and its ethanolic extract. The extract presented 1.4-fold more phenolic compounds and 3-fold less carotenoids than piquiá pulp. Furthermore, gallic acid was the predominant phenol in the pulp, whereas in the ethanolic extract the most abundant phenol was the ellagic acid. The difference in the biological effects between piquiá pulp and is ethanolic extract may be due the change of the phytochemical composition.

Efeito do tamanho das nanopartículas de prata na indução de danos citotóxicos e genotóxicos nas linhagens celulares CHO-K1 e CHO-XRS5 / Effect of silver nanoparticles size in the induction of cytotoxic and genotoxic damage in CHO-K1 and CHO-XRS5 cell lines

Souza, Tiago Alves Jorge de 27 June 2013 (has links)
Devido às características especiais as nanopartículas (10-9m) estão sendo utilizadas em uma ampla gama de produtos, porém é conhecido que a utilização dessas partículas podem causar efeitos biológicos adversos, aumentando a preocupação em relação à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Recentemente, as nanopartículas de prata (AgNPs) têm sido alvo de estudos genotóxicos e citotóxicos, sendo que ainda não existe um consenso acerca da relação entre tamanho e toxicidade dessas partículas. Assim, este trabalho avaliou a citotoxicidade e a genotoxicidade das AgNPs de 10 e 100 nm nas linhagens celulares CHO-K1 e CHO-XRS5, por meio do Ensaios de Viabilidade Celular, Sobrevivência Clonogênica, Teste do Micronúcleo, o Ensaio Cometa e Cinética do Ciclo Celular por Citometria de Fluxo. Em todos os ensaios, as células foram expostas por 24 h à diferentes concentrações de AgNPs (0,025 a 5,0 g/ml) e, as células não tratadas foram utilizadas como controle negativo. A concentração de 5,0 g/ml foi citotóxica nos ensaios de Viabilidade Celular e Sobrevivência Clonogênica, sendo excluída dos ensaios de genotoxicidade. De maneira geral, as células CHO-XRS5 apresentaram menor viabilidade e maior quantidade de danos no DNA do que as células CHO-K1. As AgNPs de 10 nm causaram maiores níveis de danos no DNA em ambas as linhagens e um aumento de células em subG1 logo após o tratamento na linhagem CHO-K1. Entretanto, no tempos 24 e 72 h após o tratamento foi verificada a maior toxicidade (células em subG1) das AgNPs de 100 nm quando comparadas com suas homólogas menores (10 nm). Assim, foi observado que as AgNPs de 10 nm apresentam efeito tóxico a curto prazo similar ou maior do que a mesma concentração de partículas de 100 nm. No entanto, os efeitos genotóxicos e citotóxicos de longo prazo das AgNPs de 100 nm foram maiores do que os da partículas de 10 nm para ambas as linhagens celulares, comprovando que a exposição às AgNPs maiores (100 nm) pode causar mais efeitos biológicos adversos do que suas homólogas menores (10 nm). / Due to their particular characteristics, nanoparticles (10-9m) are being used in a range of products. However, these particles can cause adverse biological effects and because of that, there is a great concern about the health and environmental risks related to the use of these particles. Recently, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been used in a variety of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity studies, but there are still controversies regarding the association between the size and the toxicity of these particles. Thus, in this study, we aimed to evaluate the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of AgNPS (10 and 100 nm) in two different cell lines, CHO-K1 and CHO-XRS5, by performing Cell Viability assay (XTT), Clonogenic assay, Micronucleus test, Comet assay, as well as by investigating the Cell Cycle kinetics using the flow cytometry. For all the different assays, the cell cultures were exposed for 24 hours to different concentrations of AgNPs (0.025 to 5.0 g/ml) and the untreated cells were used as the negative controls. Since results from the Viability and Clonogenic assays indicated that the concentration of 5.0 g/ml was cytotoxic for both cell lines, this concentration was not included in the genotoxic assays. Our results indicated that the CHO-XRS5 cells presented a lower viability and higher levels of DNA damage compared to the CHO-K1 cells. The 10 nm-AgNPs induced greater levels of DNA damage than the 100 nm-particles in both cell lines and the former also led to a subG1 arrest soon after the treatment only in the CHO-K1 cell line. In contrast, results from all the other assays indicated that greater levels of toxicity were induced by the 100 nm-AgNPs when compared to the 10 nm-particles, both 24 and 72 h after the treatment. Thus, at the same concentration, the short-term effects of the 10 nm-AgNPs were equal to or more toxic than those of the 100 nm-particles. Nevertheless, both long-term genotoxicity and cytotoxicity induced by the 100 nm-AgNPs were greater than those induced by the 10 nm-particles for both cell lines, which suggests that the exposure to greater size particles (100 nm) can cause more adverse biological effects than the exposure to the smaller particles(10 nm).

Teste do Cometa: aplicação ao estudo de vida útil de filés de Tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus - LINNAEUS, 1758) / Comet Assay: application in shelf-life study of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus - LINNAEUS, 1758) fillets

Pacola, Gian Stefani 13 March 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho do Teste do Cometa em confronto com métodos convencionais de avaliação de frescor e qualidade higiênica e sanitária de filés de Tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus - LINNAEUS, 1758) refrigerados, durante a vida útil comercial, correlacionando os seus resultados com aqueles obtidos nas análises físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensorial. As análises foram realizadas nos dias zero - cinco - nove - 12 - 14 pós-processamento dos filés. Em cada dia de estudo foram processados três filés diferentes, pertencentes ao mesmo lote de produto. O protocolo foi repetido em três momentos diferentes, completando 45 amostras. Nos resultados encontrou-se no dia zero e no quinto dia útil do produto, condições impróprias para consumo com relação aos microrganismos psicrotróficos e mesófilos, respectivamente, e o tipo de cometa predominante foi o tipo 3. Aos nove dias de vida útil dos filés, a média dos parâmetros Trimetilamina, Odor e Intenção de Compra indicavam produto impróprio e no teste do cometa predomina o tipo 5. Aos 12 dias de vida útil dos filés de Tilápia, refrigerados, bases voláteis nitrogenadas totais e textura obtiveram resultados impróprios, enquanto que a aparência se revelou imprópria a partir do 14º dia. Concluiu-se que o teste do cometa se presta para o estudo de vida útil de filés de Tilápia refrigerados e apresentou correlação com os métodos convencionais de avaliação de frescor e qualidade higiênica e sanitária do pescado. A partir do 9º dia de estudo predominavam cometas do tipo 5, indicativos do grau máximo de dano celular e fragmentação de DNA das células, pelo teste do cometa, o que coincidiu com a rejeição da Intenção de Compra na análise sensorial. / The present study aimed to evaluate the performance of the Comet assay in comparison with conventional methods of assessing freshness and hygienic and sanitary quality of chilled Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus - Linnaeus, 1758) fillets, over the shelf-life, correlating their results with those obtained in the physical-chemical, microbiological and sensory. The analyzes were performed on days zero - 5 - 9 - 12 - 14 post-processing of the fillets. In each study day were processed three different fillets, belonging to the same batch of product. The protocol was repeated at three different times, completing 45 samples. The results showed that at the zero and fifth day of the product, improper conditions for consumption, with respect to psychrotrophic and mesophilic microorganisms, respectively, and the predominant type of comet was the type 3. At nine days of the fillets shelf-life, the average of the parameters trimethylamine, odor and purchase intent indicate improper product, and at the comet assay predominate type 5. At 12 days of the shelf-life of chilled tilapia fillets, total volatile basic nitrogen and texture results obtained improper conditions, while appearance showed improper at the 14th day. It was concluded that the comet assay lends itself to the study of shelf-life of chilled tilapia fillets and correlated with conventional methods of assessing freshness and hygienic and sanitary qualities of fishery. From the 9th day of study, predominated comets type 5, indicative of maximum degree of cell damage and DNA fragmentation of the cells by the comet assay, which coincided with the rejection of Purchase Intent at sensory analysis.

Adaptação de Ensaio Cometa às células meristemáticas provenientes de raízes de propágulos de Rhizophora mangle para avaliar a genotoxicidade no ambiente marinho / Adaptation of comet assay to meristematic cells of mangrove root to study genotoxicity on the marine environment

Garcia, Juliana Maia Rabêlo Nucci 07 October 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo o estabelecimento de um método citogenotoxico, o ensaio cometa, adaptado às células meristemáticas provenientes de raízes de propágulos de mangue da espécie Rhizophora mangle para utilização em estudos sobre genotoxicidade em ambientes marinhos. Foram testados dois tipos de germinação de raízes, quatro diferentes soluções de extração de núcleos, duas soluções de lise e o não uso da lise, dois períodos de exposição à lise, dois períodos de relaxamento, dois períodos de eletroforese e a interação de duas condições de lise com dois diferentes tempos de relaxamento. A validação de método foi realizada através da exposição de núcleos a quatro diferentes concentrações de peróxido de hidrogênio. Os resultados mostraram que é possível a obtenção de cometas com núcleos extraídos de propágulos de Rhizophora mangle e que a validação de método apresenta uma relação concentração dependente entre o índice de dano de núcleos e a concentração do agente genotoxico testado. Os melhores parâmetros utilizados para obtenção de cometas através do método por nós adaptado são: PBS ou solução salina 12&#8240; como solução de extração, exposição à lise alcalina iônica por 60 minutos, 5 minutos de relaxamento e eletroforese em tampão pH>13, 0,8V/cm, 230mA por 20 minutos a 4&#186;C. / This study aimed to establish a citogenotoxic method, the comet assay, adapted to the meristematic cells from propagule roots of red mangrove, Rhizophora mangle, for use in studies of genotoxicity in marine environments. Experiments were carried out to test two ways of root germination, four different nuclei extraction solutions, two lysis solutions and without lysis, two periods of exposure to lysis, two periods of unwinding, two periods of electrophoresis and the interaction of two lysis conditions with two different times of unwinding. Experiments on validation of the method were performed by exposing the nuclei to four different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. The results showed that it is possible to obtain comets with nuclei extracted from the root of propagules of Rhizophora mangle and the validation data showed a dose-dependent relationship between the damage index and the concentration of the genotoxic agent tested. The best parameters to obtain comets using the method adapted by us are: PBS or saline 12&#8240; as extraction solution, exposure to alkaline lysis for 60 minutes, 5 minutes of unwinding and electrophoresis in buffer pH> 13, 0,8V/cm, 230mA for 20 min at 4&#186;C.


Khayat, Carolinne Borges 13 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:38:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CAROLINNE BORGES KHAYAT.pdf: 2297476 bytes, checksum: 992aa1b9dc7b17cdf96375464ab8d719 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-13 / The term pesticide is used to refer to a wide variety of chemicals used to kill weeds, insects and fungi. In Brazil, the use of pesticides in agriculture has been expanding continuously, and therefore the analysis of the effects of this type of environmental exposure begins to document an epidemiological profile of the distribution of cancer in both populations occupationally exposed to these chemicals as in the general population indirectly affected by contaminated food and water resources. The possible toxic effects of such exposures are unknown and the information related only to the toxicity of active ingredients are not sufficient to assess the risk of adverse effects of pesticides on human health and the environment. Workers exposed to pesticides when compared with the control group showed increased 8 times more micronucleus and 20 times more binucleated cells and increased DNA damage measured by comet assay. Variables such as smoking, alcohol consumption, age, sex, duration of exposure and type of pesticide did not affect the appearance of genetic damage. However, there was an increase of micronucleus in workers who did not use personal protective equipment. Pesticide exposure can cause genotoxicity and mutagenicity to individuals who deal with such agents. / O termo pesticida é usado para denominar uma ampla variedade de produtos químicos utilizados para destruir ervas daninhas, insetos e fungos. No Brasil, o uso de pesticidas na agricultura vem se ampliando de forma contínua e, consequentemente, a análise sobre os efeitos deste tipo de exposição ambiental começa a documentar um perfil epidemiológico da distribuição de câncer tanto em populações ocupacionalmente expostas a estes agentes químicos, como na população geral indiretamente afetada por contaminação alimentar e dos recursos hídricos. Os possíveis efeitos tóxicos de tais exposições ainda são desconhecidos e as informações da toxicidade relacionada apenas aos ingredientes ativos não são suficientes para avaliar o risco dos efeitos adversos dos pesticidas à saúde humana e ambiental. Os trabalhadores expostos a pesticidas, quando comparados ao grupo controle, tiveram aumento de 8 vezes mais micronúcleos e 20 vezes mais células binucleadas e maior dano ao DNA avaliado pelo ensaio cometa, em relação ao grupo controle (p<0,0001), como demonstrado pelo teste t e análises de regressão linear simples. Nesse estudo, variáveis como tabagismo, consumo de álcool, idade, sexo, tempo de exposição e tipo de pesticida não influenciaram o aparecimento de danos genéticos. Entretanto, houve aumento de micronúcleos em trabalhadores que não utilizavam equipamentos de proteção pessoal (p=0,006). Assim, a exposição a pesticidas, independente do tempo e tipo de agente utilizado, pode causar genotoxicidade e mutagenicidade aos indivíduos que os manipulam.

Avaliação in vitro da cisplatina, em linfócitos de pacientes com melanoma cutâneo, por meio de testes citogenéticos / In vitro assessment of cisplatin, in lymphocytes of patients with cutaneous melanoma, using cytogenetic tests

Shimabukuro, Fernanda 23 July 2010 (has links)
O melanoma cutâneo maligno é uma lesão neoplásica originada nos melanócitos epidérmicos, sendo altamente invasiva e agressiva, com elevada taxa de mortalidade, cuja incidência vem aumentando nos últimos anos. O tratamento do melanoma é cirúrgico e os pacientes com metástase podem receber quimioterapia com cisplatina que ao formarem adutos com o DNA alteram o processo de replicação da célula cancerosa. Sugere-se que os sistemas de reparo do DNA tenham um papel importante na etiologia do melanoma (reparo deficiente) e no tratamento do mesmo (eficiente eliminação dos adutos). A identificação prévia da resposta dos pacientes com melanoma ao tratamento com cisplatina pode ser um indicador biológico importante na clínica oncológica. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, a partir de linfócitos de sangue periférico de pacientes com melanoma e de controles, avaliar o dano no DNA antes e após a adição, in vitro, de cisplatina (10?M, 100?M e 250?M), além de estimar a capacidade de reparo do DNA, após a retirada da droga (1h, 2,5h e 5h). Foram utilizados os testes do micronúcleo (MN - dano basal) e do Cometa (dano basal, ação da cisplatina e reparo do DNA). A análise citogenética foi possível em 20 pacientes com melanoma (10 homens e 10 mulheres, média de 50,6 ± 5,9 anos) e 19 controles (9 homens e 10 mulheres, média de 49,9 ± 5,5 anos) que também responderam a um questionário sobre hábitos e tipos de exposição a fatores de risco ao melanoma. A frequência do dano basal pelo teste do MN e do Cometa em linfócitos de pacientes (MN = 1,2 ± 1,2 e Cometa = 59,3 ± 62,5) foi praticamente o dobro da observada nos controles (MN = 0,6 ± 1,0 e Cometa = 35,3 ± 18,6) embora a diferença entre os grupos, em ambos os testes, não tenha sido considerada estatisticamente significante (p=0,23 e p=0,85, respectivamente). O tratamento in vitro com cisplatina, em comparação com o dano basal, aumentou a frequência de Cometas nas três concentrações estudadas (10?M, 100?M e 250?M) tanto para os pacientes (65,50 ± 50,06, 72,74 ± 50,89 e 77,26 ± 44,16) quanto para os controles (66,53 ± 49,85, 66,53 ± 26,33 e 81,74 ± 43,12) diferença esta considerada significante somente para o grupo controle, nas três concentrações avaliadas (p=0,0175, p=0,0002, e p=0,0002, respectivamente). Quanto aos diferentes tempos de reparo (1h, 2,5h e 5h), após a retirada de cisplatina nas diferentes concentrações estudadas, verificou-se aumento na frequência média de Cometas tanto para os pacientes com melanoma (93,88 ± 33,7, 101,75 ± 35,7 e 99,31 ± 32,30) quanto para os controles (92,45 ± 38,4, 100,82± 38,8 e 100,81± 31,7), diferença que foi estatisticamente significante quando comparada ao dano basal observado nos pacientes (p<0,001) e nos controles (p<0,001). Resultados semelhantes foram observados quando comparados em conjunto os escores dos tempos de reparo com o escore obtido após tratamento com cisplatina nos pacientes (71,09 ± 48,2; p<=0,005) e nos controles (71,59 ± 40,5; p<=0,005). Os resultados obtidos parecem indicar um padrão de resposta semelhante em relação à cisplatina e ao reparo do DNA nos dois grupos de indivíduos avaliados. O período de incubação das células, após a retirada da cisplatina, bem como o número de indivíduos avaliados podem ter influenciado nos resultados obtidos. Por outro lado, a resposta observada nos linfócitos in vitro, pode não ser representativa do efeito in vivo da célula tumoral. Entretanto, a identificação de marcadores de resposta a tratamentos com quimioterápicos, a partir de linfócitos de sangue periférico pode ser uma estratégia de pesquisa importante na prática clínica, inclusive para o melanoma. / Cutaneous melanoma is a malignant tumor originated from epidermal melanocytes, highly invasive and aggressive, with high mortality, and incidence that has been increasing over the years. The treatment for melanoma is surgery and patients with metastasis may receive chemotherapy with cisplatin, that results in DNA adducts that alters the replication process in cancer cells. It is suggested that the DNA repair systems have an important role in the etiology of melanoma (risk due to deficient repair) and treatment efficiency (removal of DNA adducts can decrease the treatment results). The prior identification of the response of melanoma patients to treatment with cisplatin may be an important biological marker in clinical oncology. The aim of this study was to assess, in peripheral blood lymphocytes from melanoma patients and controls, the DNA damage before and after the addition of cisplatin (10?M, 100?M and 250?M), in vitro, and estimate the capacity of DNA repair after drug removal (1h, 2.5h and 5h). The micronucleus test (MN - basal DNA damage) and the Comet assay (basal DNA damage, action of cisplatin and DNA repair) were used for the evaluation. Cytogenetic analysis was performed in 20 melanoma patients (10 men and 10 women, average age 50.6 ± 5.9 years old) and 19 controls (9 men and 10 women, average age 49.9 ± 5.5 years old) who also answered a questionnaire on habits and types of exposure to risk factors for melanoma. The frequency of basal DNA damage by the MN test and the Comet assay in lymphocytes from patients (MN = 1.2 ± 1.2 and Comet = 59.3 ± 62.5) was nearly twice the observed in controls (MN = 0, 6 ± 1.0 and Comet = 35.3 ± 18.6), although the difference between the groups in both tests was not considered statistically significant (p = 0.23 and p = 0.85, respectively). The in vitro treatment with cisplatin, compared with the basal DNA damage, increased the frequency of Comets in the three studied concentrations (10?M, 100?M and 250?M) for patients (65.50 ± 50.06, 72.74 ± 50.89 and 77.26 ± 44.16) and for the controls (66.53 ± 49.85, 66.53 ± 26.33 and 81.74 ± 43.12) and the difference was statistically significant only for the control group, for all cisplatin concentrations (p = 0.0175, p = 0.0002 and p = 0.0002, respectively). Considering the different repair times (1h, 2.5h and 5h), after removal of cisplatin at different concentrations, there was an increase in the mean frequency of Comets for both melanoma patients (93.88 ± 33.7, 101.75 ± 35.7 and 99.31 ± 32.30) and for the controls (92.45 ± 38.4, 100.82 ± 38.8 and 100.81 ± 31.7), and the difference was statistically significant when the repair Comet score was compared to the basal DNA damage observed in patients (p <0.001) and controls (p <0.001). Similar results were observed when the Comet scores of repair times were compared to the Comet scores obtained after treatment with cisplatin in patients (71.09 ± 48.2, p <= 0.005) and controls (71.59 ± 40.5, p <= 0.005). The results seem to indicate a similar pattern of response to cisplatin and DNA repair in both groups of subjects evaluated. The period of incubation of the cells after cisplatin removal and the number of individuals studied may have influenced the results. The lymphocytes\' response, in vitro, to cisplatin may not be representative of the in vivo effect of tumor cell. However, the identification of markers of response to treatment with chemotherapy from peripheral blood lymphocytes may be an important research strategy in clinical practice, including melanoma.

Atividades in vitro e in vivo do fruto do guajiruzeiro (Chrysobalanus icaco L.) em biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo, danos ao DNA e inflamação e inflamação / In vitro and in vivo activities of guajiru fruit (Chrysobalanus icaco L.) in oxidative stress, DNA damage, and inflammation biomarkers

Venancio, Vinicius de Paula 13 September 2016 (has links)
O guajiru (Chrysobalanus icaco L.) é um fruto rico em antocianinas, as quais exercem vários efeitos benéficos à saúde. Embora as folhas do guajiru sejam utilizadas na medicina popular como hipoglicemiante e antioxidante, os efeitos do fruto na saúde permanecem inexplorados. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do fruto do guajiruzeiro sobre danos ao DNA e estresse oxidativo in vivo e inflamação in vitro e in vivo. Ratos machos Wistar (4-5 semanas, 110 g) foram divididos em oito grupos e tratados por 14 dias com água ou fruto do guajiruzeiro liofilizado (100, 200 ou 400 mg/kg p.c.) por gavagem. No 14º dia, os animais receberam solução fisiológica ou DXR (15 mg/kg p.c. i.p.) e foram eutanasiados após 24 horas. A genotoxicidade e antigenotoxicidade foram avaliadas pelo ensaio do cometa em sangue periférico, fígado, rins e coração. A mutagenicidade e antimutagenicidade foram investigadas pelo teste do micronúcleo em medula óssea e sangue periférico. O burst oxidativo foi avaliado em neutrófilos do sangue periférico. Parâmetros de estresse oxidativo envolveram: concentração de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico, razão glutationa reduzida e oxidada e atividade da catalase em fígado, rins e coração. As expressões de genes de dano/reparo de DNA Gadd45a (growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible alpha), Parp1 (Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1) e Xrcc2 (X-Ray Repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 2) e dos marcadores pró-inflamatórios Il-1? (interleukin 1 beta), Il-6 (interleukin 6), Nf-kb (nuclear factor kappa B) e Tnf-? (tumor necrosis factor alpha) foram realizadas por PCR quantitativo em tempo real. Células de cólon humano CCD-18Co (fibroblastos) e HT-29 (adenocarcinoma) foram tratadas com antocianinas do guajiru (1,0 a 20,0 mg/L equivalentes de ácido gálico - GAE) e as expressões de IL-1?, IL-6, NF-kB e TNF-? analizadas a nível de RNA mensageiro e proteína. TNF-? foi utilizado para induzir inflamação em células CCD- 18Co. Os polifenois do fruto do guajiruzeiro foram quantificados/caracterizados por métodos cromatográficos e espectrométricos. As concentrações de 19 elementos químicos foram determinadas por plasma indutivamente acoplado a espectrometria de massas. Delfinidina, cianidina, petunidina e peonidina foram as antocianinas majoritárias encontradas no fruto. Concentrações significantes de polifenois, magnésio e selênio foram encontradas nesse fruto. O fruto do guajiruzeiro exibiu atividade antioxidante in vivo em neutrófilos, antigenotoxicidade em sangue periférico e antimutagenicidade em sangue periférico e medula óssea. O guajiru diminuiu os danos ao DNA no fígado, rins e coração. O fruto também diminuiu as expressões de Gadd45a, Il-1?, e Tnf-? nos tecidos. A proliferação celular foi suprimida em células HT-29, acompanhado por aumento na produção de ROS e diminuição nas expressões de TNF-?, IL-1?, IL-6 e NF-kB. Não foi observado efeito citotóxico das antocianinas em células CCD-18Co. As expressões das proteínas IL- 1?, IL-6 e TNF-? foram reduzidas em células CCD-18Co tratadas com TNF-? e com as antocianinas. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstram que os fitoquímicos e elementos químicos no fruto do guajiruzeiro possuem efeitos antigenotóxico, antimutagênico, antioxidante e anti-inflamatório e encorajam a realização de outros ensaios in vivo e estudos clínicos com esse fruto subutilizado. / Guajiru (Chrysobalanus icaco L.) is a fruit rich in anthocyanins, which exert several beneficial effects on health. Although guajiru leaves are used in folk medicine as hypoglycemic and antioxidant, the fruit effects on health remain unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of guajiru fruit against in vivo DNA damage and oxidative stress and in vivo/in vitro inflammation. Male Wistar rats (4-5 weeks old, 110 g) were divided into eight groups and treated for 14 days with water or lyophilized guajiru fruit (100, 200 or 400 mg/kg b.w.) by gavage. On the 14th day, animals received physiologic solution or DXR (15 mg/kg b.w. i.p.) and were euthanized after 24 hours. Genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity were evaluated by comet assay in peripheral blood, liver, kidney, and heart. Mutagenicity and antimutagenicity of guajiru fruit were investigated by micronucleus test in peripheral blood and bone marrow. The oxidative burst was measured in peripheral blood neutrophils. Oxidative stress parameters involved the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio, and catalase activity in liver, kidney and heart. The expressions of DNA damage/repair genes Gadd45a (growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible alpha), Parp1 (Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1), and Xrcc2 (X-Ray Repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 2) and pro-inflammatory markers Il-1 ? (interleukin 1 beta), Il-6 (interleukin 6), Nf-kb (nuclear factor kappa B), and Tnf-? (tumor necrosis factor alpha) were evaluated by real-time quantitative PCR. Human colon cell lines CCD- 18Co (fibroblasts), and HT-29 (adenocarcinoma) were treated with guajiru anthocyanins (1.0 - 20.0 mg/L gallic acid equivalents - GAE) and the expressions of IL-1 ?, IL-6, NF-kB and TNF-? were analyzed at mRNA and protein levels. TNF-? was used to induce inflammation in CCD-18Co cells. Guajiru fruit phytochemicals were quantified and characterized by chromatographic and spectrometric methods. The concentrations of 19 chemical elements were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin and peonidin were the major anthocyanins in this fruit. Significant amounts of phytochemicals, magnesium, and selenium were found in this fruit. Guajiru fruit displayed in vivo antioxidant activity in neutrophils, antigenotoxicity in peripheral blood and antimutagenicity in bone marrow and peripheral blood. Guajiru fruit decreased DNA damage in liver, kidney, and heart. This fruit decreased the expression of Gadd45a, Il-1 ?, and Tnf-?, in tissues. Cell proliferation was suppressed in HT-29 cells, and this was accompanied by increased intracellular ROS production as well as decreased TNF-?, IL-1 ?, IL-6, and NF-kB expressions. There was no cytotoxic effect of guajiru fruit anthocyanins in CCD-18Co cells. IL-1 ?, IL-6, and TNF-? protein expressions were reduced in TNF-?-treated CCD-18Co cells by guajiru fruit anthocyanins. The findings from this investigation demonstrated that phytochemicals and chemical elements in guajiru fruit possess antigenotoxic, antimutagenic, antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects and encourage other in vivo and clinical studies with this underutilized fruit.

In vitro studies on genotoxicity and gene expression in spermatogenic cells : mechanisms and assay development

Habas, Khaled Said Ali January 2015 (has links)
Spermatogenesis is a complex process of male germ cell development from diploid spermatogonia to haploid fertile spermatozoa. Apoptosis plays a vital role in limiting cell numbers and eliminating defective germ cells. This requires novel gene products, and precise and well-coordinated programmes of gene expression. It is therefore possible that a disruption of transcription factor function would significantly impact germ cell development. The present work was undertaken to use Staput separation followed by culture of purified germ cells of rodent testis since mammalian spermatogenesis cannot yet be recreated in vitro. Specificity of separation was assessed using immunocytochemistry to identify spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids. The genotoxins H2O2, doxorubicin, N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, 6-mercaptopurine, 5-bromodeoxyuridine, methyl methanesulphonate and ethyl methanesulphonate were investigated. Cells were cultured and treated with different concentrations for each agent. DNA damage and apoptosis were measured by Comet and TUNEL assay respectively. Up-regulation of expression of the transcription factors Tbpl1, FHL5 and Gtf2a1l that are important post-meiotically, were examined using RT- PCR and qPCR. Protein production was evaluated using Western blotting. Tbpl1, FHL5 and Gtf2a1l were cloned in-frame into the inducible expression vector pET/100-TOPO. The recombinant clones were induced and successful expression of the proteins in E. coli was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. The recombinant clones obtained were used to demonstrate genotoxin induced impairment of gene expression. Thus, Staput-isolated rodent testicular germ cells seem to be a suitable model to study genotoxicity in vitro yielding result comparable to those reported in vivo. Furthermore, the work shows that genotoxins can impair gene expression.

Genoprotective effect of aspirin and ibuprofen in human lymphocyte cells : effect of nano and bulk forms of aspirin and ibuprofen on lymphocytes from breast cancer patients compared with those from healthy females

Dandah, Osama M. M. January 2017 (has links)
Various recent studies have suggested that regular intake of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have a preventative effect against several types of tumours including breast cancer. The term nanotechnology refers to technology in which one-billionth of a meter is used as a scale for chemical particle size. This work aims to study the effect of both ibuprofen and aspirin on DNA damage using peripheral blood lymphocytes from breast cancer patients and comparing the results with those from healthy females as a control using the Comet and micronucleus assays. Western blot analysis (WBA) was used to investigate the effect of these drugs on XRCC3 and p53 proteins, whereas QPCR was to evaluate this effect on p53, cox1 and cox2 genes. Two hundred fifty ng/ml of ibuprofen (NP and bulk) and 500 ng/ml of aspirin (NP and bulk) were used to treat the lymphocytes. Both aspirin and ibuprofen caused a reduction in DNA damage and micronucleus formation. Aspirin, both forms, showed a reduction in DNA damage in the Comet and micronucleus assays. Ibuprofen both forms, by contrast, showed a statistically significant reduction in micronucleus frequency in the micronucleus assay, while its preventative effect with the Comet assay was weak or insignificant. NPs of both agents were more effective than bulk sizes. Using the Comet repair assay, aspirin and ibuprofen nano form catalysed DNA repair to a greater extent than their bulk forms. Also, both sizes showed better repair with NSAIDs compared to samples repaired without NSAIDs. In WBA aspirin increased the expression of XRCC3 protein in healthy cells. However, both NSAIDs decreased that expression in cells from BC patients. Furthermore, aspirin increased p53 expression in BC patients lymphocytes. With the QPCR method, results of both aspirin forms increased the expression of the p53 gene in BC patient cells statistically significantly. Both drugs reduced cox1 expression in healthy volunteers and cancer patients lymphocytes. Moreover, cox2 reduction was only in lymphocytes from BC patients. The results of this work are consistent with the view that NSAIDs, particularly aspirin and ibuprofen, could have a promising role in cancer treatment including breast cancer.

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