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Characterization of Conduction Abnormalities in Canine Models of Atrial ArrhythmiasRyu, Kyungmoo 07 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Investigating the Slow Axonal Transport of Neurofilaments: A Precursor for Optimal Neuronal SignalingJohnson, Christopher M. 15 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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A Hybrid Ballistic-Diffusive Method to Solve the Frequency Dependent Boltzmann Transport EquationAllu, Pareekshith 08 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Effect of bone conduction transducer placement on distortion product otoacoustic emissionsHazelbaker, Julie L. 29 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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De har samma temperatur, men den här är kallare : En kvalitativ studie om mellanstadieelevers förståelse av det fysikaliska fenomenet värmeledning / They have the same temperature, but this one is colder : A qualitative study on primary school students’ understanding of the physical phenomenon of heat conductionNilsson, Mikael, Blomqvist, Helen January 2024 (has links)
The study identifies a specific problem area related to students' misconceptions about heat and heat conduction. The aims of the study are to contribute knowledge about how practical activities with thermal cameras impact the interaction and understanding of heat conduction among intermediate-grade students. The study was conducted with 23 fifth-grade students in two different schools in Sweden. To address the study's purpose, groups of three to four students were observed during a designed activity in which we participated. This activity included discussions and experiments on heat conduction using a thermal camera. The activity was recorded on video and later analysed. The results of the study, presented in three experiments, indicate that the use of thermal cameras can effectively support students' understanding of heat conduction. Students articulate the concept of heat conduction and use it in discussions. Visualizing heat with the help of thermal cameras facilitates students in connecting theoretical concepts to practical situations and enhances their ability to explain and reason about the phenomenon. The study also highlights the teacher's role in guiding students in their development. Despite some difficulties in verbalizing their conclusions, students show increased awareness of heat conduction and its connection to different materials. The study thus emphasizes the potential of using thermal cameras to support teaching and improve students' understanding of how heat spreads. / Studien identifierar ett specifikt problemområde relaterat till elevers missuppfattningar om värme och värmeledning. Syften med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur praktiska aktiviteter med värmekameror påverkar mellanstadieelevers interaktion och förståelse för hur värme sprids genom ledning. Studien är utförd på 23 elever i årskurs 5 på två olika skolor i Sverige. För att besvara studiens syfte observerades grupper av tre till fyra elever under en designad aktivitet där vi deltog. I denna aktivitet ingick diskussioner och experiment om värmeledning där värmekamera användes. Aktiviteten videofilmades och analyserades senare. Studiens resultat, presenterade i tre experiment, visar att användningen av värmekameror effektivt kan stödja elevernas förståelse för värmeledning. Eleverna uttrycker begreppet värmeledning och använder det i diskussioner. Visualiseringen av värme med hjälp av värmekameror underlättar för eleverna att koppla teoretiska begrepp till praktiska situationer och främjar deras förmåga att förklara och resonera kring fenomenet. Studien belyser också lärarens roll för att vägleda eleverna i deras utveckling. Trots vissa svårigheter att verbalisera sina slutsatser visar eleverna ökad medvetenhet om värmeledning och dess koppling till olika material. Studien betonar således potentialen i att använda värmekameror för att stödja undervisningen och förbättra elevernas förståelse för hur värme sprids.
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<p>The present work relates to a new procedure, to perform temperature measurements with unprecedented accuracy. The new approach relies on a correction based on a two-wire probe thermocouple that enables a precise estimation of the conduction error. The difference between measured temperature by a thermocouple and total gas temperature for steady conditions can be decomposed into three main contributions: velocity error, conduction error and radiation error. Radiation error can be considered negligible for temperatures lower than 800K. The velocity error can be corrected using dedicated experimental calibrations to measure the recovery factor. However, the conduction error, remains an unresolved challenge in the aerospace and power-energy community. The proposed method includes a comprehensive correction with different options for the postprocessing. The method has been demonstrated using high-fidelity aero-structural computational simulations.</p>
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Conditions of Protection Against Quench and Thermal Runaway of Conduction-Cooled High Temperature Superconducting Magnets / 伝導冷却高温超伝導マグネットのクエンチおよび熱暴走に対する保護可能な条件についての研究LUO, XIJIE 23 March 2022 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: 京都大学卓越大学院プログラム「先端光・電子デバイス創成学」 / 京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23903号 / 工博第4990号 / 新制||工||1779(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電気工学専攻 / (主査)教授 雨宮 尚之, 准教授 掛谷 一弘, 講師 美舩 健, 教授 松尾 哲司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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The Effect of a Neurodynamic Treatment on Nerve Conduction in Clients with Low Back PainDawson, Diana M. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Neurodynamics refers to the mechanical and physiological components of</p> <p>the nervous system and the interconnections between them (Shacklock, 1995).</p> <p>This is a phase 1 pilot trial investigating the immediate effect of a neurodynamic</p> <p>treatment as compared to a sham treatment in eight participants with low back</p> <p>pain. Primary outcome measures included: H-reflex latency and nerve</p> <p>conduction velocity. Secondary outcome measures included: the sitting slump</p> <p>test and visual analog scale for pain following a neurodynamic treatment</p> <p>compared to a sham treatment on eight participants with low back pain. T-tests</p> <p>were used to analyze any differences between the groups at baseline and post-</p> <p>intervention. No statistically significant differences were observed between the</p> <p>groups at baseline. Statistically significant differences were noted post-</p> <p>intervention between the treatment groups for H-reflex latency (t(5)=4.323,</p> <p>p=0.008) and the unaffected leg sitting slump test (t(5)=3.402, p=0.019). The H-</p> <p>reflex latency increased for the group following the neurodynamic treatment and</p> <p>decreased following the sham treatment. This was not expected and is of</p> <p>interest due to the possible mechanisms that may be underlying these</p> <p>phenomena. Despite the small sample size used in this study, differences were</p> <p>observed and displayed trends that were unanticipated. These between-group</p> <p>differences are of interest but require further investigation using a larger sample</p> <p>population. Sample size calculations for future studies based on the primary</p> <p>outcome measures yielded a sample of 2008 participants. This accounted for</p> <p>both a 20% difference between the two groups and a 20% dropout rate. Future</p> <p>studies need to investigate the most beneficial length of time, type and dosage of</p> <p>neurodynamic treatments, as well as, the most appropriate times to assess the</p> <p>outcome measures. Comparison to controls would be beneficial in subsequent</p> <p>studies.</p> / Master of Science Rehabilitation Science (MSc)
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The role of the perinexus in Long QT Syndrome Type 3Wu, Xiaobo 13 February 2023 (has links)
Gain of function of cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel (Nav1.5) leads to Long QT Syndrome Type 3 (LQT3). LQT3 phenotype can be exacerbated by expanding the perinexus, which is an intercellular nanodomain with high density of Nav1.5 in the intercalated disc. Following this finding, we found that elevating extracellular sodium and widening the perinexus synergistically exacerbated LQT3 phenotype, Importantly, we also found that perinexal expansion increases the susceptibility to cardiac arrest in aged LQT3, which demonstrated that perinexal expansion is an arrhythmogenic risk especially in aged LQT3 patients. Furthermore, we observed that the perinexus narrows with aging and conceals LQT3 phenotype, which suggests that perinexal narrowing may have a cardio-protective role during aging in LQT3. Surprisingly, following the finding of the synergistic effect of extracellular sodium elevation and perinexal widening on LQT3 phenotype in drug-induced LQT3 guinea pig hearts, we found that this synergistic effect was not observed in genetically-modified LQT3 mouse hearts, which is due to high sodium also increasing transient outward potassium current (Ito). In summary, the whole project investigated the role of the perinexus in LQT3 from different conditions including sodium, aging and species. The findings in this project discovered the importance of perinexal expansion in LQT3 and also the involvement of Ito in sodium regulating LQT3 phenotype in hearts which functionally express Ito channels. Therefore, a LQT3 animal model which has similar electrophysiology close to human may be a great option for translational purpose. / Doctor of Philosophy / Long QT Syndrome Type 3 (LQT3) is an inherited heart disease with the phenotype of long QT interval in ECG. It has been found that LQT3 phenotype gets worse when a very tiny space in the heart, termed as the perinexus, is wide due to cardiac edema. Following this finding, we also found that increasing sodium concentration together with wide perinexus can further exacerbate LQT3 phenotype in guinea pig hearts. Furthermore, we found that widening the perinexus in aged LQT3 hearts causes cardiac death but not in adult, which suggests that perinexal widening worsens LQT3 phenotype and even leads to cardiac death in aged hearts. Besides, we found that the perinexus narrows with aging and there is no difference in LQT3 phenotype between adult and aged hearts, which suggests that the narrow perinexus during aging may protect the hearts from cardiac death in LQT3. Surprisingly, we discovered that increasing sodium and widening the perinexus together fails to exacerbate LQT3 phenotype when compared with widening the perinexus alone in LQT3 mouse hearts, which is due to high sodium increasing transient outward potassium current (Ito). Notably, Ito channels are not functionally expressed in guinea pig hearts. In summary, the whole project investigated the role of the perinexus in LQT3 from different conditions including sodium, aging and species. The findings in this project discovered the importance of perinexal expansion in LQT3 and also the involvement of Ito in sodium regulating LQT3 phenotype in hearts. Therefore, a LQT3 animal model which has similar electrophysiology close to human may be a great option for translational purpose.
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