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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La rénovation de l'enseignement du français dans les universités en Ukraine : une analyse didactique contextualisée / The renewal of French teaching in Ukrainian universities : a didactic analysis in context / Оновлення викладання французької мови в університетах в Україні : дидактичний контекстуалізований аналіз

Vilpoux, Claire 03 October 2013 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, l’Ukraine s’est lancée dans un processus de réformes touchant tous les secteurs de lasociété. Dans les universités, de nouvelles approches pédagogiques pour l’ « amélioration » de l’enseignement dufrançais ont été mises en place. Dans ce mouvement, un projet de rénovation a été développé par l’Attaché deCoopération Pour le Français et une vingtaine de départements et filières de français. Quels ont été les impacts decette rénovation au sein des universités ukrainiennes? À partir d’une enquête de terrain, mettant en lumière lespratiques d’enseignement et les représentations sociolinguistiques des acteurs de l’enseignement-apprentissagedu français, cette recherche tente de mieux comprendre les diverses dynamiques à l’oeuvre. Elle se pencheessentiellement sur les transformations de l’enseignement supérieur et la diffusion de la langue française. Aprèsune explicitation de la démarche épistémologique et méthodologique retenue, une problématisation du contexteukrainien est proposée autour de la question du plurilinguisme au sein de la société et au sein du système éducatif.L’attention est portée ensuite sur le développement de l’enseignement du français. Ce travail de contextualisationpermet, d’une part, de dégager les éventuelles tensions qui entourent et constituent la rénovation del’enseignement du français, et, d’autre part, d’envisager des pistes sociodidactiques répondant mieux aux besoinsdes universités ukrainiennes / Since the 1990s, Ukraine was involved in a process of reform in all sectors of the society. Universities put intopractice new pedagogical approaches to “improve” French teaching. As a result, a renewal of French teaching wasdeveloped by the Attaché of Cooperation for the development of French language and twenty branch departments.Which were the impacts of this renewal of French teaching in the Ukrainian universities? In the scope of a fieldstudy, we observed and reviewed teaching practices and sociolinguistic representations of the actors in theteaching and learning French language. By this way, we strive to better understand the various dynamics whichcontribute to the development of teaching and learning French language in Ukrainian universities. This study willfocus mainly on the transformations of higher education and the diffusion of French language. First, we will explainthe epistemological and methodological framework. Then, we will question the Ukrainian context in order tounderstand specifities related to plurilinguism in society and in the educational system. On the one hand, we willidentify the possible tensions already existing or emerging from this renewal. On the other hand, we will considerhow teaching French could be contextualized in Ukrainian universities in order to answer the needs of Ukrainianuniversities / В 1990 році Україна почала процес реформ в усіх сферах суспільства. В університетах, були введені новіпедагогічні підходи для « покращення» викладання французької мови. З цією метою, Аташе з питаньспівробітництва в галузі французької мови Посольства Франції в Україні спільно з двадцятьмафранцузькими кафедрами було розроблено проект оновлення викладання французької мови. Якими булинаслідки цього проекту в українських вузах? На базі проведеного анкетування, ми проаналізували процесвикладання, а також соціолінгвістичного відображення учасників процесу викладання та вивченняфранцузької мови, прагнучи краще зрозуміти динаміку процесів, які відбуваються. В цій роботі спершуйдеться про перетворення вищої освіти та поширення французької мови в Україні. Після описуепістемологічного та методологічного підходів, використаних у дослідженні, особливості українськогоконтексту примушують нас зосередитися навколо питань плюрилінгвізму у суспільстві та в системі освіти.Далі увага фокусується на розвитку викладання французької мови. З одного боку, ця робота допомагаєпроаналізувати ці питання у контексті, виявити можливі труднощі, які виникають у процесі oновленнявикладання французької мови, а з іншого боку, розглянути соціодидактичні підходи, які найкращевідповідають потребам українських ВУЗів

As diferentes noções de contextualização do ensino no discurso dos professores do curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC

Orfão, Luciano Gomes January 2017 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Márcia Helena Alvim / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2017. / Nessa pesquisa são analisadas as noções de contextualização do ensino de química que aparecem nos documentos oficiais bem como o atual discurso dos professores do curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC. Para tanto foram analisados os documentos que regem o curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC [Projeto Pedagógico da UFABC (2006), Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para os Cursos de Química (2001), Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC (2015) e Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a formação inicial em nível superior (2015)] e as noções de contextualização do ensino encontrados nesses documentos foram comparadas às respostas que os professores deram a questionários objetivos e entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicados a eles com o intuito de garimpar aspectos de seus pensamentos e práticas. Espera-se com essa pesquisa discutir a polissemia do conceito de contextualização do ensino nos referenciais teóricos, nos documentos oficiais e no pensamento dos professores do curso de Licenciatura em Química da UFABC. A pesquisa enquadra-se no perfil de um estudo de caso e teve caráter majoritariamente qualitativo. Foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo como recurso teórico-metodológico predominante para o tratamento do material coletado (respostas de questionários objetivos e entrevistas semiestruturadas). / In this research it is analysed the contextualization of Chemistry teaching that appears in the official documents as well as the currently UFABC teachers' speech of the chemistry graduation course. Therefore, the official documents that rule the UFABC Chemistry Graduation course were analysed [UFABC Pedagogical Project (2006), Nacional Curricular Guidelines for the Chemistry Courses (2001), Pedagogical Project of the UFABC Chemistry Graduation course (2015), Nacional Curricular Guidelines for the initial formation in upper levels (2015)]. The teaching contextualization found in these documents were compared to the answers that the teachers gave to objective questionnaires and semi-structured interviews applied to them in order to appraise aspects of theirs thougths and pratices. It is expected with this research to discuss the polysemy of the teaching contextualization concept in the theoretical references and in the teachers' of UFABC teachers of Chemistry Graduation course thougth. The research fits the profile of a case study and had a predominantly qualitative character. The content analysis was used as the predominant theoretical-methodological resource for the treatment of the collected material (objective questionnaires and semi-structured interviews answers).

The impact of a visual approach used in the teaching of grammar when embedded into writing instruction : a study on the writing development of Chinese first year university students in a British university in China

Gaikwad, Vinita January 2013 (has links)
Born into a visual culture, today’s generation of learners generally prefer a visually-rich multimodal learning environment. Tapping into the potential of visuals in language pedagogy, this study was aimed at discovering the impact of a visual presentation of grammatical concepts related to sentence structure on student writing. The study used a mixed methods design to analyse the impact of the visual approach first by statistically measuring sentence variety and syntactic complexity of student pre and post intervention texts and then using interviews to explain the nature of the impact of visuals on student conceptual understanding and its effect on their writing development. Statistical findings reveal that the experimental groups of Chinese students who were taught grammatical concepts in the context of writing instruction using a visual approach outperformed the students in the control groups who were given similar lessons in the context of writing instruction but using traditional printed hand-outs. Qualitative findings suggest that the visuals seems to have increased these students’ conceptual understanding of grammatical items that were taught, and this resulted in more sophisticated and syntactically complex texts after the intervention. The study supports the theory of contextualized teaching of grammar and proposes the use of external visuals that lead to internal visualization based on the cognitive theory of multimodal learning. In so doing, it extends the use of visual learning to grammar pedagogy. However, the findings also suggest that the visual approach would not work effectively in cultures that promote rote learning and decontextualized exercises in grammar with the sole aim of passing the exams. A shift in attitude towards grammar pedagogy in China is deemed necessary.

Le rôle de l'enseignant dans les interactions en classe de FLE : analyses de cas des pratiques enseignantes en classeavec le public coréen / The role of the teacher in the interaction of FLE (French as a Foreign Language) Students : case Studies of Teaching Practices with Korean Students

Lee, Eunja 24 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de l’étude est de mettre en valeur les fonctions de l’enseignant remplies dans les interactions en classe du FLE et de trouver des pistes didactiques optimisant au maximum les résultats de l’enseignement en classe de FLE en Corée du Sud. Nous avons recueilli les corpus oraux des enseignants coréens et des enseignants français en classe avec les apprenants coréens pour comparer leurs techniques et apercevoir comment les objectifs pédagogiques et la compréhension des apprenants s’accomplissent. Les classes observées, enregistrées ont été analysées pour observer la méthode de constitution du scénario didactique et les stratégies didactiques que chaque enseignant choisit selon ses propres expériences et sa culture, et leurs effets didactiques. L’analyse des interactions en classe est accompagnée des entretiens avec les enseignants effectuées avant/après le cours ; la planification et l’auto-évaluation de chaque enseignant nous permettent de comprendre leurs choix en matière de méthodologies didactiques. Cette étude nous amène enfin à réfléchir sur le type d’enseignement contextualisé au public coréen ; des interviews et une enquête effectuées auprès des apprenants sont présentés afin de cerner leurs envies et besoins, et discutés ensuite en rapport avec le travail de l’enseignant. L’étude vise à établir les différents rôles de l’enseignant adaptés à un public coréen. / The objective of the study is to highlight the functions of the teacher in FLE classroom interactions and to discover teaching methods that can lead to optimal teaching results of FLE in South Korea. We collected the oral corpus of both Korean and French teachers in class with Korean learners to compare their techniques and to identify how the learning objectives and learners' understanding are accomplished. The observed, recorded classes were analyzed in order to observe the method of constitution of the didactic scenario and the didactic strategies that each teacher chooses according to his own experiences and culture and their didactic effects. Interaction analysis in the classroom is accompanied by interviews with teachers before/ after the class ; The planning and the self-evaluation of each teacher enables us to understand their didactic choices. This study finally leads us to reflect on the type of teaching contextualized for Koreans; Interviews and a survey of learners are presented to identify their wants and needs and then discussed in relation to the work of the teacher. The study aims to establish the different roles of the teacher adapted to the Korean public.

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