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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle em cascata de um atuador hidráulico utilizando redes neurais

Borges, Fábio Augusto Pires January 2017 (has links)
No presente trabalho, é realizada a modelagem e identificação de um serovoposicionador hidráulico de uma bancada de testes. As expressões analíticas tradicionalmente utilizadas em uma estratégia em cascata aplicada ao controle de trajetória de posição são obtidas. A estratégia em questão utiliza, conjuntamente, a linearização por realimentação como lei de controle do subsistema hidráulico e a lei de controle de Slotine e Li no subsistema mecânico. Com base na mesma estratégia, um controlador em cascata neural é proposto. Em tal controlador, a função analítica que representa o mapa inverso, presente na linearização por realimentação, e a função de compensação de atrito utilizada na lei de Slotine e Li são substituídas por funções constituidas por meio de redes neurais de perceptrons de múltiplas camadas. Essas redes neurais têm como entradas os estados do sistema e também a temperatura do fluido hidráulico. O novo controlador é apresentado em uma versão onde as redes neurais são aplicadas sem modificações on-line e em outra, onde são apresentadas leis de controle adaptativo para as mesmas. A prova de estabilidade do sistema em malha fechada é apresentada em ambos os casos. Resultados experimentais do controle de seguimento de trajetórias de posição em diferentes temperaturas do fluido hidráulico são apresentados. Esses resultados demonstram a maior efetividade do controlador proposto em relação aos controladores clássicos PID e PID+feefforward e ao controlador em cascata com funções analíticas fixas. Os experimentos são realizados em duas situações: quando não ocorrem variações paramétricas importantes no sistema, onde é utilizado o controlador em cascata neural fixo e quando ocorrem essas variações, onde se utiliza o controlador em cascata neural adaptativo. / In this work, the modeling and identification of a hydraulic actuator testing setup are performed and the analytical expressions that are used in a cascade control strategy applyied in a position trajectory tracking control are designed. Such cascade strategy uses the feedback linearization control law in the hydraulical subsystem and the Slotine and Li control law in the mechanical one. Based on this cascade strategy, a neural cascade controller is proposed, for which the analytical function used as inversion set in the feedback linearization control law and the friction function compensation of the Slotine and Li control law are replaced by multi layer perceptrons neural networks where the inputs are the states of the system and the hydraulic fluid temperature. The novel controller is introduced in two different aproachs: the first one where the neural networks do not have on-line modifications and the second one where adaptive control laws are proposed. For both of them the stability proof of the closed-loop system is presented. Experimental results about some position tracking controls performed in different fluid temperature are showed. The results show that the novel controller is more efective than the classical PID, PID+feedforward and the traditional analytical cascade controller. The experiments are performed in two different setups: considering the system without importants parametric variations where is applied the non adaptive cascade neural controller and in the presence of parametric variations where is applied the adaptive cascade neural controller.

Modelagem e implementação no ros de um controlador para manipuladores móveis

Barros, Taiser Tadeu Teixeira January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a modelagem matemática para um manipulador móvel composto por uma base móvel (o robô móvel Twil) e um manipulador (o manipulador WAM da Barrett). Os modelos cinemático e dinâmico para a base móvel, manipulador e manipulador móvel são apresentados. Como o manipulador móvel é um sistema não linear, uma estratégia de controle baseada em linearização por realimentação da dinâmica da plataforma seguida por uma transformação não suave para tratar a não holonomicidade do modelo cinemático é proposta. Então o método de backstepping é utilizado para obter as entradas do modelo dinâmico. Um controlador de torque calculado é proposto para o manipulador, Estas técnicas de controle são utilizadas simultaneamente para controlar o manipulador móvel. A implementação dos controladores propostos, na forma de plugins para o gerenciador de controladores é feita no ROS, assim os controladores são executados em tempo real. A maioria dos controladores existentes no ROS são do tipo SISO baseados em controle PID e independentes para cada junta, sendo que neste trabalho controladores MIMO não lineares são implementados. / This work presents a mathematical modelling for a mobile manipulator composed by a mobile base (the Twil mobile robot) and a manipulator (the Barrett WAM manipulator). The kinematic and dynamic models for the mobile base, the manipulator and the mobile manipulator are presented. As the the mobilie manipulator is a non-linear system, a control strategy based on feedback linearization of the platform dynamics followed by a non-smooth transform to handle the non-holonomicity of its kinematic model is proposed. Then, the backstepping method is used to obtain the inputs for the dynamic model. A computed torque controller is proposed for the manipulador. These control techniques are used simultaneously to control the mobile manipulator. The implementation of the proposed controllers is done in ROS as plugins for the controller manager so that the controllers run in real-time. Most controllers existing in ROS are independent joint SISO controllers based on the PID control law while in this work MIMO non-linear controllers are implemented.

Využití programovatelného logického automatu Siemens LOGO! při výuce automatizace a elektroniky na SŠ / Application of Programmable Logic Controller - Siemens LOGO! in high school education of automatization and electronics

KOŠÍČEK, František January 2012 (has links)
The content of the thesis is to familiarize students with module PLC Siemens LOGO! and its practical use in teaching courses in the subjects as automation, electro-nics and mechatronics at vocational secondary schools. The content is focused on the basic description of the development and graphical environment and its use in practical problems solving. In the practical part of the proposals there are worksheets for pupils with the design of pupils´ simple tasks. After studying this text and the compilation of practical problems, the student should be capable of independent operation with module PLC Siemens LOGO! and implementation of complex applications.

Effective Approaches to the Care of the Employees on Parental Leave

Maleček, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with mapping and reengineering of existing wifi network. The goal is an analysis of the measured characteristics with the program Ekahau Site Survey. On its basis is designed new solution. Own work is also an financial assessment of the solution.

Hardware Reconfigurável para Controladores Nebulosos. / Reconfigurable hardware for fuzzy controllers.

Paulo Renato de Souza e Silva Sandres 22 February 2013 (has links)
Controle de processos é uma das muitas aplicações que aproveitam as vantagens do uso da teoria de conjuntos nebulosos. Nesse tipo de aplicação, o controlador é, geralmente, embutido no dispositivo controlado. Esta dissertação propõe uma arquitetura reconfigurável eficiente para controladores nebulosos embutidos. A arquitetura é parametrizável, de tal forma, que permite a configuração do controlador para que este possa ser usado na implementação de qualquer aplicação ou modelo nebuloso. Os parâmetros de configuração são: o número de variáveis de entrada (N); o número de variáveis de saída (M); o número de termos linguísticos (Q); e o número total de regras (P). A arquitetura proposta proporciona também a configuração das características que definem as regras e as funções de pertinência de cada variável de entrada e saída, permitindo a escalabilidade do projeto. A composição das premissas e consequentes das regras são configuráveis, de acordo com o controlador nebuloso objetivado. A arquitetura suporta funções de pertinência triangulares, mas pode ser estendida para aceitar outras formas, do tipo trapezoidal, sem grandes modificações. As características das funções de pertinência de cada termo linguístico, podem ser ajustadas de acordo com a definição do controlador nebuloso, permitindo o uso de triângulos. Virtualmente, não há limites máximos do número de regras ou de termos linguísticos empregados no modelo, bem como no número de variáveis de entrada e de saída. A macro-arquitetura do controlador proposto é composta por N blocos de fuzzificação, 1 bloco de inferência, M blocos de defuzzificação e N blocos referentes às características das funções de pertinência. Este último opera apenas durante a configuração do controlador. A função dos blocos de fuzzificação das variáveis de entrada é executada em paralelo, assim como, os cálculos realizados pelos blocos de defuzzificação das variáveis de saída. A paralelização das unidades de fuzzificação e defuzzificação permite acelerar o processo de obtenção da resposta final do controlador. Foram realizadas várias simulações para verificar o correto funcionamento do controlador, especificado em VHDL. Em um segundo momento, para avaliar o desempenho da arquitetura, o controlador foi sintetizado em FPGA e testado em seis aplicações para verificar sua reconfigurabilidade e escalabilidade. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os do MATLAB em cada aplicação implementada, para comprovar precisão do controlador. / Process control is one of the many applications that benefits from fuzzy control. In this kind of application, the controller is usually embedded in the controlled device. This dissertation proposes a reconfigurable architecture for efficient embedded fuzzy controllers. The architecture is customizable, as it allows the controller configuration to be used to implement any fuzzy model. The configuration parameters are: the number of input variables (N); the number of output variables (M); the number of linguistic terms (Q); and the total number of rules (P). The proposed architecture also enables the configuration of the characteristics that define the rules and membership functions of each input and output variable, allowing for an optimal scalability of the project. The composition of the antecedent and consequent of the rules are configurable, according to the fuzzy model that is being implemented. A priori, the architecture supports triangular membership functions, but it can be extended to accommodate other forms, such as trapezium, without major modifications. The characteristics of the lines, forming the membership functions of the linguistic terms, can be adjusted according to the definition of the fuzzy model, allowing the use of non-isosceles and isosceles triangles. Virtually, there are no limits on the number of rules or linguistic terms used in the model, as well as the number of input and output variables. The macro-architecture of the proposed controller is composed of N fuzzification blocks, 1 inference block, M defuzzification blocks and N blocks to handle the characteristics of the membership functions. This block operates only during the controller setup. The work done by the fuzzification blocks of the input variables is executed in parallel, as well as the computation performed by the defuzzification blocks of the output variables. The duplication of the fuzzification and defuzzification blocks accelerates the process of yielding the final response of the controller. Several simulations were performed to verify the correct operation of the controller, which is specified in VHDL. In a second stage, to evaluate the controller performance, the architecture was synthesized into a FPGA and tested with six applications to verify the reconfigurability and scalability of the design. The results obtained were compared with the ones obtained from MATLAB for each of the implemented applications, to demonstrate the accuracy of the controller.

Estudo de alternativas para o ajuste de controladores PID utilizando métodos baseados em dados

Bergel, Marcus Eduardo January 2009 (has links)
Controladores PID são amplamente utilizados no controle de processos industriais. Estes controladores precisam necessariamente ser ajustados adequadamente a fim de garantir a correta operação do processo controlado. A fim de suprir esta necessidade surgiram os chamados métodos de ajuste para controladores PID, inicialmente propostos por John Ziegler e Nathaniel B. Nichols em 1942. Desde então muitos outros métodos de ajuste baseados nas idéias de Ziegler e Nichols foram propostos, surgindo assim uma família de métodos afins. Em vista da simplicidade de implementação e do consequente baixo custo computacional envolvido, estes métodos mostraram-se adequados para serem incorporados ao firmware de controladores PID industriais de baixo custo. Estes métodos acabaram por gerar um legado tal que sua utilização persiste intensamente até os dias de hoje. No entanto, frente à crescente oferta de microcontroladores de baixo custo e alto desempenho, o custo computacional de um método de ajuste vem perdendo relevância. Isso abre margem para explorar outros métodos que proporcionem melhor desempenho e robustez, mas, por ventura, demandem mais recursos computacionais. Dessa forma, este trabalho propõe-se a avaliar métodos alternativos que sejam compatíveis com os recursos computacionais atuais. Métodos com maior custo computacional, como o Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning (VRFT), Iterative Feedback Tuning (IFT) e Iterative Correlation-based Tuning (ICbT), são apresentados como candidatos para serem incorporados ao firmware de controladores PID industriais. Tratam-se de métodos diretos de ajuste baseado em dados onde os parâmetros do controlador são determinados de forma que o comportamento do sistema em malha fechada seja tal que minimize um critério de desempenho definido a priori. Através deste critério de desempenho pode-se definir o comportamento desejado para o sistema em malha fechada. Neste trabalho são analisadas as principais características destes métodos, resultados obtidos e custo computacional. Com base nos resultados desta análise é mostrado que os métodos VRFT, IFT e ICbT podem ser utilizados como alternativa para o ajuste (incorporado ao firmware) de controladores PID industriais. / PID controllers are widely used in industrial process control. These controllers must necessarily be properly tuned to ensure the correct operation of the controlled process. In order to meet this need, the so-called tuning methods for PID controllers have emerged, initially proposed by John Ziegler and Nathaniel B. Nichols in 1942. Since then many other controller design methods based on the ideas of Ziegler and Nichols have been proposed, giving rise to a family of related methods. Given the simplicity of implementation and the low computational effort involved, these methods are suitable to be incorporated into the firmware of low cost industrial PID controllers. These methods have generated such a legacy that its use remains intense until the present day. However, with the growing offer of low cost and high performance microcontrollers, the computational effort of a tuning method is becoming less important. This opens up scope for exploring other methods that provide better performance and robustness, possibly at the cost of demanding more computational resources. This study aims to evaluate alternative methods that are compatible with current computational resources. Methods with higher computational effort, such as Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning (VRFT), Iterative Feedback Tuning (IFT) and Iterative Correlation based Tuning (ICbT) are presented as candidates to be incorporated into the firmware of industrial PID controllers. These are direct data-based methods for the adjustment of controllers where the parameters are determined such that the behavior of the closed-loop system is such as to minimize a performance criterion defined a priori. Through this performance criterion one can specify the desired behavior for the closed-loop system. This work analyzes the main characteristics of these methods, results and computational effort. Based on the results of this analysis it is shown that the methods VRFT, IFT and ICbT can be used as an alternative to the adjustment (build into the firmware) of industrial PID controllers.

As alterações contábeis na lei das sociedades anônimas em razão da lei nº 11.638/07

Longo, Jônia Koller Di Francesco January 2011 (has links)
Com as alterações no texto da Lei nº 6.404, através da Lei nº 11.638 no que diz respeito, principalmente, a escrituração e elaboração das demonstrações financeiras das sociedades anônimas, culminando em uma padronização internacional em relação as formas de demonstração contábil e seus lançamentos, através de uma abordagem teórica passando pelos órgãos regulamentadores da matéria dentro e fora do Brasil. O que para Hugo Braga e Marcelo Almeida, em sua obra Mudanças Contábeis na Lei Societária (2009), no futuro, ao permitir essa convergência internacional, irá permitir também o benefício do acesso das companhias brasileiras a capitais externos a um custo e taxa de risco menores. Sendo que esta convergência, segundo o autor, contribui ainda para uma maior transparência das informações das empresas, se expondo mais aos investidores internacionais e também ao mercado de um modo geral. / With the changes in the text of Law No. 6404, by Law No. 11,638 with regard mainly to accounting and financial reporting of corporations, culminating in an international standard for forms of financial statement and its release through a theoretical approach past the regulators of the matter inside and outside Brazil. What to Hugo Almeida Braga and Marcelo, in his book Accounting Changes in Corporate Law (2009), in the future to allow this international convergence will also allow the benefit of access of Brazilian companies to foreign capital at a cost and risk rate minors. Since this convergence, according to the author, also contributes to greater transparency of corporate information, is exposed more to international investors and also to the market in general.

Development and Analysis of Stochastic Boundary Coverage Strategies for Multi-Robot Systems

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Robotic technology is advancing to the point where it will soon be feasible to deploy massive populations, or swarms, of low-cost autonomous robots to collectively perform tasks over large domains and time scales. Many of these tasks will require the robots to allocate themselves around the boundaries of regions or features of interest and achieve target objectives that derive from their resulting spatial configurations, such as forming a connected communication network or acquiring sensor data around the entire boundary. We refer to this spatial allocation problem as boundary coverage. Possible swarm tasks that will involve boundary coverage include cooperative load manipulation for applications in construction, manufacturing, and disaster response. In this work, I address the challenges of controlling a swarm of resource-constrained robots to achieve boundary coverage, which I refer to as the problem of stochastic boundary coverage. I first examined an instance of this behavior in the biological phenomenon of group food retrieval by desert ants, and developed a hybrid dynamical system model of this process from experimental data. Subsequently, with the aid of collaborators, I used a continuum abstraction of swarm population dynamics, adapted from a modeling framework used in chemical kinetics, to derive stochastic robot control policies that drive a swarm to target steady-state allocations around multiple boundaries in a way that is robust to environmental variations. Next, I determined the statistical properties of the random graph that is formed by a group of robots, each with the same capabilities, that have attached to a boundary at random locations. I also computed the probability density functions (pdfs) of the robot positions and inter-robot distances for this case. I then extended this analysis to cases in which the robots have heterogeneous communication/sensing radii and attach to a boundary according to non-uniform, non-identical pdfs. I proved that these more general coverage strategies generate random graphs whose probability of connectivity is Sharp-P Hard to compute. Finally, I investigated possible approaches to validating our boundary coverage strategies in multi-robot simulations with realistic Wi-fi communication. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Computer Science 2016

PID Controller Tuning and Adaptation of a Buck Converter

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Buck converters are electronic devices that changes a voltage from one level to a lower one and are present in many everyday applications. However, due to factors like aging, degradation or failures, these devices require a system identification process to track and diagnose their parameters. The system identification process should be performed on-line to not affect the normal operation of the device. Identifying the parameters of the system is essential to design and tune an adaptive proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller. Three techniques were used to design the PID controller. Phase and gain margin still prevails as one of the easiest methods to design controllers. Pole-zero cancellation is another technique which is based on pole-placement. However, although these controllers can be easily designed, they did not provide the best response compared to the Frequency Loop Shaping (FLS) technique. Therefore, since FLS showed to have a better frequency and time responses compared to the other two controllers, it was selected to perform the adaptation of the system. An on-line system identification process was performed for the buck converter using indirect adaptation and the least square algorithm. The estimation error and the parameter error were computed to determine the rate of convergence of the system. The indirect adaptation required about 2000 points to converge to the true parameters prior designing the controller. These results were compared to the adaptation executed using robust stability condition (RSC) and a switching controller. Two different scenarios were studied consisting of five plants that defined the percentage of deterioration of the capacitor and inductor within the buck converter. The switching logic did not always select the optimal controller for the first scenario because the frequency response of the different plants was not significantly different. However, the second scenario consisted of plants with more noticeable different frequency responses and the switching logic selected the optimal controller all the time in about 500 points. Additionally, a disturbance was introduced at the plant input to observe its effect in the switching controller. However, for reasonable low disturbances no change was detected in the proper selection of controllers. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2016

An Intelligent Framework for Energy-Aware Mobile Computing Subject to Stochastic System Dynamics

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: User satisfaction is pivotal to the success of mobile applications. At the same time, it is imperative to maximize the energy efficiency of the mobile device to ensure optimal usage of the limited energy source available to mobile devices while maintaining the necessary levels of user satisfaction. However, this is complicated due to user interactions, numerous shared resources, and network conditions that produce substantial uncertainty to the mobile device's performance and power characteristics. In this dissertation, a new approach is presented to characterize and control mobile devices that accurately models these uncertainties. The proposed modeling framework is a completely data-driven approach to predicting power and performance. The approach makes no assumptions on the distributions of the underlying sources of uncertainty and is capable of predicting power and performance with over 93% accuracy. Using this data-driven prediction framework, a closed-loop solution to the DEM problem is derived to maximize the energy efficiency of the mobile device subject to various thermal, reliability and deadline constraints. The design of the controller imposes minimal operational overhead and is able to tune the performance and power prediction models to changing system conditions. The proposed controller is implemented on a real mobile platform, the Google Pixel smartphone, and demonstrates a 19% improvement in energy efficiency over the standard frequency governor implemented on all Android devices. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 2017

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