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The Influence Of Counselor Education Programs On Counselor WellnessRoach, Leila 01 January 2005 (has links)
Counselor education programs strive to promote the personal development and wellness of counselors in addition to cognitive, skill, and professional competencies. The purpose of this study was to examine trends in self-reported levels of wellness of master's level counseling students. The cross-sectional study investigated the influence of time in a counselor education program on the wellness levels of counseling students. Students were surveyed at three points in their counselor education training: the beginning, middle, and end. Participants included 204 master's level counseling students enrolled in three CACREP-accredited counselor education programs located in the southeastern United States. Each participant completed the Five Factor Wellness Inventory (5F-Wel) and a demographic questionnaire. A monotonic trend analysis was conducted in SPSS Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) to answer the question of whether master's level counseling students report higher levels of wellness as they advance through a counseling program. Additional univariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were performed in order to answer questions related to the influence of demographic variables. Results of the study yielded no significant trends in self-reported levels of wellness by students as they progressed through their counselor training. Furthermore, gender, cultural background, and a requirement for personal counseling were not significant in accounting for differences in the wellness levels of students. However, those students who reported that their counselor education program offered a wellness course reported statistically significant higher levels of wellness. Responses to an open ended question on the demographic questionnaire, 'What, if anything, have you learned in your counseling coursework that has helped you develop knowledge and skills regarding your personal wellness?" were included in the discussion to provide insight into the results of the study. The findings suggested that, while counselor education programs may not increase levels of wellness in students, evidence from the demographic questionnaire indicated that personal development and wellness were emphasized. Perhaps systematic procedures for teaching and evaluating student wellness could be implemented in counselor education programs to insure that goals regarding personal development and wellness are being met.
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The Relationship Among Wellness, Severity Of Disturbance, And Social Desirability Of Entering Master's-level Counseling StudentsSmith, Heather 01 January 2006 (has links)
A wellness paradigm may hold promise for unifying and strengthening the identity of the counseling profession. The construct of wellness may also hold implications for assessment of entering master's-level counseling students, as a tool for continuous evaluation of students, or for overall program evaluation. In this study, the only counseling-based wellness assessment measure, the Five Factor Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle, was tested for its relationship to two other constructs: psychological disturbance and social desirability. In order to test the research hypotheses, a total of nine programs (in five states) and 204 entering master's-level counseling students completed instrumentation packets comprised of the Five-Factor Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle, the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, and the Outcome Questionnaire 45.2. The results of the analyses indicated statically significant relationships in 52 out of 55 correlations between the instruments' total scores and subscale scores. The first null hypothesis was rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis; there was a statistically significant negative relationship between level of psychological disturbance and level of wellness. The results of the study failed to reject null hypothesis two; the relationship between wellness and social desirability was found to have no statistical significance after removing the influence of psychological disturbance. Null hypothesis three was rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis; there was a statistically significant negative relationship between level of psychological disturbance and social desirability. Number and percent of participants exceeding psychological disturbance cutoff scores was examined. Measures of central tendency and the effects of demographic variables for each of the instruments were presented. Exploratory data analysis revealed that the first-order wellness factor, second-order wellness factors, and social desirability mean scores of those scoring above the cutoff for Severity of Disturbance, difficulty in Interpersonal Relations, Symptom Distress, and Difficulty in Social Roles were lower than those scoring below each cutoff score. Results of the study were summarized, factors to consider in the interpretation of the results were discussed, and implications for counselor education and future research were provided.
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Client Outcome: An Exploratory Investigation of Multicultural Competence and the Working AllianceGonzalez, Jessica 01 January 2015 (has links)
Early termination and low retention of clients is a common problem in counseling, with between 65%-80% of clients terminating treatment before the 10th session (Garfield, 1994; Lambert, 2013). Researchers (Lampropoulous, Schneider, & Spengler, 2009; Owen, Smith, & Rodolfa, 2009) have found that predictors of early termination include client age, race, socioeconomic status, and level of perceived distress. Furthermore, racial and ethnic minorities underutilize mental health services and have low retention when engaged in services, highlighting the need for counseling professionals to empirically explore factors that may be contributing to client engagement of the counseling process. Exploration of multicultural competence and working alliances may increase understanding of the therapeutic factors that influence client outcomes. The purpose of this research study was to investigate relationships between multicultural competence, working alliance, and client outcomes as perceived by counselors-in-training and their clients (N = 191; n = 72 counselors'-in-training, n = 119 clients). The Tripartite Model of Multicultural Counseling (Arredondo et al., 1996) was used as the primary theoretical framework in which the study is grounded. This investigation explored clients' perceptions of their counselors'-in-training ' multicultural competence as measured by the Cross-Cultural Counseling Inventory ([CCCI-R]; LaFromboise, Coleman, & Hernandez, 1991), the working alliance as measured by the Working Alliance Inventory- Short Revision ([WAI-S]; Horvath & Greenberg, 1989; Tracey & Kovocivic, 1989) and prediction on client outcome as measured by the Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 ([OQ 45.2]; Lambert & Burlingame, 1996), after controlling for social desirability (as measured by the (Social Desirability Scale-Short Form [SDS; Reynolds,1982]). This investigation also examined if there were any differences in clients' and counselors'-in-training perceptions on multicultural competence (as measured by the CCCI-R) or the working alliance (as measured by the WAI-S). Results from the investigation indicated that counselors'-in-training perceptions of their multicultural competence was a predictor of client outcomes. However, counselors'-in-training perceptions of the working alliance or clients' perceptions of their counselors'-in-training multicultural competence and the working alliance were not predictors of client outcomes. Positive relationships between clients' and counselors'-in-training perceptions of counselors'-in-training multicultural competence and the working alliance were found. The results of this investigation contribute to a gap in the counseling literature on multicultural competence, the working alliance, and client outcomes. A review of the literature on the constructs of interest, research methodology, data analysis, results and implications are discussed.
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The Effect of Virtual Simulation on the Development of Basic Counseling Skills, Self-Reported Immersion Experience, Self-Reported Counselor Self-Efficacy, and Self-Reported Anxiety of Counselors-in-TrainingUwamahoro, Olivia 01 January 2015 (has links)
There is a high need for competent professional counselors because of the increasing number of children and adults presenting mental health concerns each year in the United States (National Institute of Mental Health, 2012). Counselor educators are tasked with the duty of preparing counselors-in-training (CITs) to be competent clinicians. In order for counseling professionals to be considered competent clinicians, they must demonstrate competence in three domains: (a) knowledge, (b) skills, and (c) behavior (ACA, 2014; CACREP, 2009). The goal of this study was to contribute to further understanding the most effective instructional approach to facilitating role play while instructing pre-practicum counseling students. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of virtual simulation training on the development of basic counseling skills, the immersion experience, levels of anxiety, and levels of counselor self-efficacy (CSE) among CITs using student-to-avatar and student-to-student role play. A quasi-experimental research design was used to investigate the effect of the treatment on the constructs. The results of this study found that there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups across all four constructs. A spilt-plot analysis of variance, trend analysis, and repeated measures between factor multivariate analysis of variance were used to analyze the data. The results of this study indicated that exposure to virtual simulation training did not affect the development of basic counseling skills, immersion experience, counselor self-efficacy, and anxiety. The results also showed that virtual simulation did not hinder the development of basic counseling skills, or negatively influence immersion experience, counselor self-efficacy or anxiety.
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The Use Of A Phototherapy Intervention To Foster Empathy, Self-awareness, And Self-disclosure In Counselors-in-training Using The Personal Growth GroupWilkes, Dallas 01 January 2012 (has links)
The researcher set out to investigate the effectiveness of a specific phototherapy intervention on counselor-in-training’s empathy, self-awareness, and self-disclosure development through participation in a personal growth group using Davis’ (1980) Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) Govern and Marsch’s (2001) Situational Self-Awareness Scale, and behavioral observations. The study also explored the relationship between the three factors. The study looked to see if there was a difference in the change over time between the group receiving the phototherapy intervention and those participants who did not receive the intervention. The data was collected and measured through a (a) repeated measures MANOVA, (b) independent samples t-test, and (c) Pearson product correlation. The study used 41 participants who were currently enrolled in a group counseling course at a CACREP-accredited master’s program in the Southeast. The students were either on a marriage and family, mental health, or school track. Both the treatment and the comparison group consisted of four groups and met weekly for a total of 10 meetings. Each group used a manualized treatment developed by the researcher with the treatment group incorporating the use of images. The findings showed that the phototherapy intervention did not have a significant impact on affective empathy or selfawareness when compared to the comparison group. Cognitive empathy showed a significant difference between the two groups over the course of the study. There was no difference between the observations of self-disclosure for the treatment and comparison groups, and the factors of empathy, self-awareness, and self-disclosure were not correlated. The results did show a significant change for both groups when looking at self-awareness. As a whole the study iv attempted to fill a gap in the literature surrounding how the factors of empathy, self-awareness, and self-disclosure are taught in counselor training programs and proposed next steps for future studies.
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Counselor Education Doctoral Students' Levels Of Research Self-efficacy, Interest In Research, And Research Mentoring: A Cross-sectional InvestigationPetko, John 01 January 2012 (has links)
Doctoral counselor education programs are charged to develop effective researchers; however, limited investigations have examined research constructs in counselor educators-in-training. Therefore, this study will investigate a national sample of doctoral counselor education students’ levels of research self-efficacy (Research Self-Efficacy Scale; Greeley, et. al 1989), interest in research (Interest in Research Questionnaire; Bishop & Bieschke, 1994), and research mentoring (Research Mentoring Experiences Scale; Hollingsworth & Fassinger, 2002). A cross-sectional, correlational research design will be used to test if doctoral counselor education students’ year of preparation (1st, 2nd, or 3rd year) predicts their research self-efficacy, interest in research, and research mentoring scores. In addition, the study will investigate if doctoral students’ research practices, (e.g., publishing refereed journal articles, presenting papers at national conferences) correlates with their levels of the three research constructs. Limitations and implications for the study will be discussed.
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Predicting The Development Of Counselor Self-efficacy In Counselors-in-training During Their First Semester In Practicum Using Embedded, Rich Media In A Distributed Learning Environment.Super, John 01 January 2013 (has links)
The first semester of practicum is a difficult time for counseling students as they learn to integrate knowledge and theory into clinical practice, often evoking high levels of anxiety (Barbee, Scherer, & Combs, 2003; Ronnestad & Skovholt, 1993) and limiting counselor selfefficacy (Bernard & Goodyear, 2009; Melchert et al., 1996). Practicum is the first opportunity counselors-in-training have to apply theoretical knowledge in a professional setting, use new clinical skills, and test how well they fit into the field of counseling (O‟Connell & Smith, 2005). Additionally, if counselor educators do not fully understand the process counselors in training develop counselor self-efficacy, they may be overlooking opportunities to educate a new generation of counselors or using their time, energy and resources in areas that may not be the most efficient in counselor development. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an embedded, rich-media distributed learning environment added to practicum had on the development of counselor self-efficacy, reduction of anxiety and effect on treatment outcomes for counselors in training in their first semester of practicum. This study found the use of distributed learning to extend education beyond the classroom significantly and positively affected the development of counselor selfefficacy, had mixed statistical results on the reduction of anxiety and did not have an affect on treatment outcome. Furthermore, the study used hierarchical linear modeling to see if the characteristics of individual practicums affected the three main constructs, the results did not find a significant effect from the groups. iv The results of the study produced several implications for counseling. First, if counselor educators help counselors in training become more aware of counselor self-efficacy, the students can better understand how the construct affects their anxiety, their comfort with expanding or improving their clinical skills and the approach they take to a client, session or treatment plan. A second implication is that using an embedded, rich-media learning environment may help the counselors in training to develop their clinical skills. The results of this study imply that utilizing technology and discussions beyond the classroom is beneficial for (a) increasing the students‟ counselor self-efficacy, (b) normalizing the emotions the students may experience and (c) improving the methods for development through vicarious learning. Also, as technology continues to evolve and as education continues to adapt by integrating technology into the classrooms, counselor educators should begin exploring how to best use technology to teach students during practicum. Traditionally, based on the nature of counseling, practicum has been an interpersonal experience, but the results of the current study imply the methods of extending learning beyond the traditional class time is beneficial. Finally, as counselor educators strive to increase students‟ counselor self-efficacy early in practicum, in an environment that contains anxiety and self-doubt (Bernard & Goodyear, 2009; Cashwell & Dooley, 2001) using vicarious learning through video and online discussions can assist in accomplishing the goal.
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The Impact Of A Group Counseling Intervention On Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, And Queer Older Adolescents' Levels Of Hope, Coping, And SuicidalityLamb, Catherine 01 January 2014 (has links)
This investigation examined the impact of an eight-week group counseling intervention on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) older adolescents’ (aged 18-20) levels of hopefulness, coping skills, and suicidality. An experimental, randomized-controlledtrial research design was employed to identify differences between the intervention group and waitlist control group participants’ hopefulness, coping skills, and suicidality scores. In addition, the relationship between the LGBTQ+ participants’ outcome variables (hopefulness, coping skills, and suicidality) scores was examined. Furthermore, the impact of group therapeutic factors experienced by the LGBTQ+ participants in intervention group for the variables of hopefulness, coping skills, and suicidality was examined. Key findings included a significant interaction between time and group placement, indicating that the intervention group participants experienced significant improvements on measures of hopefulness, coping behaviors, and suicidality when compared to participants in the waitlist control group. In addition, hope was demonstrated to be a strong and significant predictor of suicidality. Furthermore, it was found that group therapeutic factors had a positive effect on intervention group participants’ Adaptive Coping scores, but did not have an effect on Hopefulness, Maladaptive Coping, or Suicidality as hypothesized. Lastly, there was no significant differences between the demographic variables perceptions of parental/guardian support, perceptions of peer support, gender identity, or ethnicity on their hopefulness, coping behaviors, or suicidality. There was, however, a significant difference between bisexual’s and lesbian’s post-test scores on Suicidality, with bisexuals scoring significantly lower. No other significant differences were observed between sexual orientation and the other key constructs.
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Navigating LGBTQ+ Self-Disclosure in CESWhite, Mickey, Oaks, Christine A. 04 November 2022 (has links)
Supervisors and counselor educators who identify as LGBTQ+ may face uncertainty in whether or not to disclose sexual or gender identity in professional settings. This presentation will provide a review of current literature and initiate discussion regarding the experiences of LGBTQ+ counselor educators and supervisors, as well as factors that impact decision-making processes to disclose or not disclose marginalized identities within a position of relative power and privilege as supervisors or educators.
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The Mentorship Experiences of Black Masters Students in CACREP-Accredited Counselor Education ProgramsSmith, Hailey Brierre 07 1900 (has links)
Within this research study, a qualitative phenomenological approach was used to explore the lived experiences of Black master's students (n = 10) who engage in mentorship in CACREP-accredited counselor education programs. The participants in this study represent different ACES regions in the United States, including SACES, NARACES, and NCACES. Six themes were discovered as a result of participants' experiences: (a) impact of mentorship, (b) benefits of mentorship, (c) qualities within mentoring relationships, (d) composition of mentoring relationships, (e) saliency and influence of identity, and (f) barriers to mentorship and program satisfaction. Furthermore, I offer suggestions for increasing support for Black master's students in counseling programs as well as recommendations for supporting the professional and personal development of this population.
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