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Living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic: insights into identity from the IDEAL cohortStapley, S., Pentecost, C., Collins, R., Quinn, Catherine, Dawson, E., Morris, R., Sabatini, S., Thom, J., Clare, L. 07 November 2022 (has links)
Yes / The continuing COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions have impacted on the cognitive decline and mental health of people with dementia. Social isolation and loss of activities due to social restrictions may also have implications as to sense of identity for people with dementia. As part of the INCLUDE (Identifying and Mitigating the Individual and Dyadic Impact of COVID-19 and Life Under Physical Distancing on People with Dementia and Carers) component of the IDEAL (Improving the Experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life) cohort study, the overall aim of this subtle realist qualitative study was to explore the perspectives of people with dementia on living through the COVID-19 pandemic within the context of the ‘post-vaccine’ period and the national lockdowns in England and Wales; and to determine perceived challenges to and facilitators of ‘living well’ during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond as restrictions were eased. In addition, the study findings are considered in relation to understandings of identity in dementia which the broader accounts of living through the pandemic have highlighted. Seven people with mild-to-moderate dementia were interviewed and themes were derived using framework analysis. Themes suggest interviewees' stoic acceptance of the pandemic and social restrictions but also fear of decline related to the temporality of their condition as well as loss of self-confidence to re-engage with the world. Interviewees managed threats to social identity by striving to maintain social and emotional connections, where the importance of a shared, social identity, particularly for people with young-onset dementia, was also apparent. Unlike in previous studies during the pandemic, the relevance of occupation for identity was observed, where maintaining previous or new activities or occupations was important to facilitate identity as well as to keep a sense of purpose. Therefore, as well as supporting people with dementia as the pandemic eases, future research into occupation and identity in dementia is of potential value. / ‘Identifying and Mitigating the Individual and Dyadic Impact of COVID-19 and Life Under Physical Distancing on People with Dementia and Carers (INCLUDE)’ was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC; grant number ES/V004964/1).
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Gestion des revenus en restauration pour les établissements à service complet : les pratiques post-Covid-19Kadi, Kheira 11 November 2023 (has links)
Cette étude vise à comprendre comment les leviers stratégiques de la gestion des revenus en restauration sont utilisés par les restaurants à service complet en période de reprise après la sixième vague de la Covid-19. Elle permet également de découvrir si les restaurateurs à service complet ont recours à de nouvelles pratiques de gestion des revenus en restauration et ainsi, de contribuer à la mise à jour de la littérature sur la gestion des revenus en période post pandémie. Le contexte théorique de cette étude a été développé en se basant sur un examen évolutif de la littérature en gestion des revenus suggéré par (Denizci-Guillet, 2020). En effet, un examen de l'évolution de la gestion des revenus en restauration à travers une ligne de temps de 1989 à 2021 met en évidence le recours à différentes pratiques. Ces pratiques ont été regroupées notamment par Rohlfs (2021a, 2021b, 2021c) en deux grandes catégories : les pratiques d'optimisation de la gestion de la demande (segmentation, prix de vente, tarification dynamique, ingénierie des menus et prévision de la demande) et les pratiques d'optimisation de la gestion de l'offre (gestion de la capacité, combinaison des tables, surréservation, gestion de la durée des repas, canaux de distribution), ainsi que les indicateurs de mesure de la performance. Afin d'explorer l'évolution des pratiques, une étude qualitative exploratoire a permis de récolter des données sur les pratiques de gestion des revenus en restauration auprès de neuf répondants qui représentaient cent-quarante restaurants de type casual et fine dining en période de reprise après la sixième vague de la Covid-19. Le dixième répondant n'étant pas gestionnaire de restaurant, il a été interrogé en tant qu'expert en restauration. Ce travail vient compléter les résultats des recherches antécédentes sur les pratiques de gestion des revenus en restauration, en mettant en évidence de nouvelles pratiques de la gestion des revenus en restauration. Telles que, les ressources humaines, la diminution du menu et la vente de plats à emporter. En conclusion, cette recherche a atteint son objectif en observant que les restaurants à service complet ont utilisé différemment les pratiques de gestion des revenus en restauration en période post-Covid-19 : telle que, la gestion de la durée des repas. De plus, les résultats ont mis en évidence un nouveau levier à prendre en considération dans la gestion des revenus en restauration, c'est la main-d'œuvre. D'autre part, les restaurants à service complet ont eu recours à des pratiques inhabituelles de gestion des revenus en restauration; plus particulièrement, la diminution du menu et la vente de plats à emporter. / This study aims to understand how the strategic levers of restaurant revenue management are used by full-service restaurants in the recovery period after the sixth wave of Covid-19. It also makes it possible to discover whether full-service restaurateurs are using new restaurant revenue management practices and thus contribute to updating the literature on revenue management in the post-pandemic period. The conceptual framework was developed based on the variables identified by Denizci-Guillet (2020) in an evolving review of the revenue management literature across a timeline from 1989 to 2021. Those variables were grouped according to Rohlfs (2021a, 2021b, 2021c) categories: namely, demand management practices (segmentation, selling price, dynamic pricing, menu engineering and demand forecasting) and supply management practices (capacity management, table combining, overbooking, meal duration management, distribution channels), as well as performance measurement indicators. To explore the evolution of practices, an exploratory qualitative study collected data on restaurant revenue management practices from nine respondents who represented one hundred and forty casual and fine dining restaurants in times of recovery from the sixth wave of Covid-19. As the tenth respondent was not a restaurant manager, he was interviewed as a restaurant expert. This work complements the results of previous research on revenue management practices in restaurants, by highlighting new practices in revenue management in restaurants. Such as, human resources, shrinking the menu and selling takeout. In conclusion, this research achieved its objective by observing that full-service restaurants used restaurant revenue management practices differently in the post-Covid-19 era: practices such as, managing the duration of meals for example. In addition, the results have highlighted a new lever to be taken into consideration in the management of restaurant revenues, it is the workforce. On the other hand, full-service restaurants have resorted to unusual restaurant revenue management practices; in particular, the reduction of the menu and the sale of takeaways.
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Remote Workplace Learning Shift to Remote Learning during the COVID-19 PandemicJackson, Kimberly Nicole 07 1900 (has links)
The need for online remote working from home significantly increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This unexpected crisis forced individuals and organizations to rapidly transition from face-to-face training to remote learning at home. This switch happened overnight and was not optional but necessary. Employees had to adapt to new online learning techniques, seeking to preserve the same level of learning as working from the office. The study participants were male and female remote workers in the United States aged 18 and over. A questionnaire focused on evaluating online training in the workplace and a survey measuring two types of attitudes related to the transfer of training and technology integration while taking online training courses that were distributed online. The study collected a total of 50 responses from participants for analysis. According to the study results, employees noted some positive features of remote learning, such as flexibility, self-paced learning opportunities, and faster content absorption. Areas employees identified for improvement were closely related to the causes of complaints, such as network and technology issues, using a learning management system (LMS), instructions for using an LMS or course management system (CMS), face-to-face tech support, distractions, and suitable workspace at home. The study's results revealed a need to design and improve an effective emergency remote training system that maintains remote learning similar to traditional classroom training and opportunities for non-co-located workers to prepare for future emergencies.
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Understanding the Diffusion of COVID-19-Related Information on Social MediaAlasmari, Hanan Mohammed 08 1900 (has links)
Very few studies have examined information sentiment and explored other factors that contribute to health information dissemination and sharing. In particular, there is a lack of studies that performed these combined analyses in the modern social network environment during the disease outbreaks, such as with zika, ebola, SARS, or COVID-19. This study aimed to fill the gap in the literature by investigating what drives social media users to widely disseminate health-related information during a pandemic. Diffusion of innovation theory and theory of planned behavior were the basis of the theoretical approach utilized to answer the research questions. The two theories identified antecedents of sharing online health information. Data was collected through an online survey distributed to students in a higher education institution in the United States of America. The study revealed the extent of the relationships between the four major factors derived from the previous literature—attitudes toward sharing, beliefs toward source, peer influence, and information sentiment—and the behavioral intention to share information. The results would support the information science literature by offering and testing a new model that identifies the factors that affect users' intentions to share health information in the social network environment. This study will further the understanding and application of health information behavior research.
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The Relationship of Resilience, Self-Compassion, and Social Support to Psychological Well-being in NCAA Female Athletes during COVID-19Mikesell, Matthew 08 1900 (has links)
When COVID-19 hit the United States in spring of 2020, collegiate student-athletes, who had sport seasons canceled and were forced to move off-campus, were uniquely and significantly impacted. Psychosocial resources, such as social support, self-compassion, and resilience, may have been used to help athletes cope with the stress of COVID-19. I used structural equation modeling to analyze the relationship of resilience, self-compassion, and social support to collegiate female athlete's (n = 3,924) psychological well-being at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collectively, the more supported, self-compassionate, and resilient the athletes reported being, the less psychological distress they said they were experiencing (resilience to psychological distress (β = -.215, p < .001), self-compassion to psychological distress (β = -.533, p < .001), and social support to psychological distress (β = -.187, p < .001)). Further, self-compassion and social support were related indirectly (and inversely) to psychological distress, to the extent that they contributed to the athletes perceiving themselves as more resilient (Self Compassion X Resilience X Psychological Distress: β = -.106, 90% CI [-.148, -.069]; Social Support X Resilience Psychological Distress: β = -.065, 90% CI [-.099, -.041]). The total effect of social support, which included the direct and indirect effects, also was significant (β = -.253, 90% CI -.307, -.196]), as was the total effect of self-compassion (β = -.639, 90% CI [-.679, -.597]). Although I collected my data in the context of this pandemic, the supported relationships have application beyond it and can guide how sports medicine professionals intervene with athletes and their general mental health concerns.
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Foi, pandémie et contre-récits : les enjeux de la production et de la publication de vidéos en ligneSantander, Jérémie 16 January 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 10 janvier 2024) / Au fil de l'Histoire, des moments ont émergé où les courants complotistes se sont entremêlés avec la foi chrétienne, générant ainsi un mélange complexe de croyances. Cependant, l'avènement de la pandémie mondiale sans précédent du Covid-19 a projeté cette confluence sur le devant de la scène, en particulier à travers la production et la diffusion de vidéos sur internet. Cette exposition médiatique a mis en lumière le mariage délicat entre ces deux éléments, suscitant l'attention et la réflexion de tous. Parmi les milieux religieux touchés, le protestantisme évangélique s'est particulièrement illustré. C'est à travers l'étude de l'Église Nouvelle Vie, implantée à Longueuil au Québec, que cet enjeu sera étudié dans le cadre de ma recherche en théologie pratique. L'analyse approfondie de cette dynamique a révélé des signes préoccupants, dont la cristallisation des positions. Cette polarisation extrême menace non seulement la cohésion interne de l'institution chrétienne, mais projette également une ombre sur les interactions sociales plus larges. Les théories complotistes, que je qualifierai ici de contre-récits, semblent s'étendre comme un voile sombre sur tous les aspects de la société contemporaine. Cependant, c'est l'introduction du facteur religieux qui semble amplifier ces tensions, agissant à la fois comme un révélateur des fractures préexistantes et un catalyseur des conflits latents dans les relations humaines. L'Église Nouvelle Vie, dans son rôle d'exemple concret, illustre les défis complexes auxquels les institutions religieuses sont confrontées dans un monde saturé d'informations, de contre-récits et de discours alternatifs. Les enjeux d'unité, de crédibilité et de communication prennent une nouvelle dimension à l'ère de la communication numérique, de YouTube et des autres médias sociaux. Cette recherche démontre que l'identification des points de rupture et des failles dans la compréhension mutuelle est cruciale pour préserver l'intégrité des institutions religieuses et pour cultiver des dialogues authentiques dans un contexte de diversité d'opinions et de croyances. En fin de compte, l'étude approfondie de la fusion entre foi et contre-récits, à travers l'exemple spécifique de l'Église Nouvelle Vie, souligne l'urgence d'approches ouvertes et éclairées pour naviguer dans ce paysage complexe. Ce faisant, les institutions religieuses peuvent aspirer à préserver leur mission fondamentale de connexion spirituelle tout en favorisant l'harmonie sociale et en contribuant à la compréhension collective. / Throughout history, there have been moments when conspiracy theories intertwined with the Christian faith, creating a complex blend of beliefs. However, the unprecedented global Covid-19 pandemic brought this amalgamation to the forefront, particularly through the production and circulation of online videos. This media exposure illuminated the delicate interplay between these two elements, capturing the attention and contemplation of society at large. Within the realm of religious spheres, evangelical Protestantism emerged as a focal point. It is through the study of Nouvelle Vie church, situated in Longueuil, Quebec, that this issue is examined within the framework of my practical theology research. A comprehensive analysis of this dynamic has unveiled concerning indicators, notably the crystalization of positions. This extreme polarization not only jeopardizes the internal cohesion of the Christian institution but also casts a shadow over broader social interactions. The conspiracy theories, which I will term counter-narratives, appear to cast a dark veil across various facets of contemporary society. Nevertheless, it is the introduction of the religious factor that seems to intensify these tensions, serving as both a revealer of preexisting fractures and an accelerator of latent conflicts within human relationships. Nouvelle Vie church, as a concrete example, showcases the intricate challenges that religious institutions grapple with in a world saturated with information, counter-narratives, and alternative discourses. The challenges of unity, credibility, and communication take on new dimensions in the age of digital communication, YouTube, and other social media platforms. This research underscores the significance of identifying rupture points and gaps in mutual understanding, crucial for upholding the integrity of religious institutions and fostering authentic dialogues amidst a context of diverse opinions and beliefs. Ultimately, the in-depth exploration of the interplay between faith and counter-narratives, through the specific lens of Nouvelle Vie church, emphasizes the urgency of open-minded and enlightened approaches to navigate this intricate landscape. In doing so, religious institutions can strive to uphold their fundamental mission of spiritual connection while promoting social harmony and contributing to collective understanding.
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Exploring the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Social Injustices on Black Student-AthletesWallace, Briana M 12 1900 (has links)
In March 2020, the U.S. declared COVID-19 a pandemic, instituting safety measures that resulted in collegiate sports being canceled, shifting institutions of higher education to online learning, and upending the lives of 500,000 college athletes. During the summer of 2020, the U.S. also experienced a racial awakening, catalyzed by George Floyd’s murder. Although anecdotal accounts exist regarding how Black athletes were affected by, and responded to, these twin pandemics, empirical research directly addressing their experiences does not exist. In August/September 2020, as part of a national study, Black collegiate athletes (N = 156; 110 women) responded to two open-ended questions regarding how they had been coping and who their social supports were; they reflected on the timeframe of April/May to August/September 2020. We analyzed their written responses using reflective thematic analysis (RTA), applying a constructivist paradigm. We used the critical race theory as a theoretical framework and contextualized the athletes’ experiences and perspectives through the acknowledgment that they lived in uncertain times during which they had to navigate systemic racism that was exacerbated by the twin pandemics. We developed a thematic structure to represent their experiences: (a) My life has been affected across many domains; (b) I was present, kind, and human; (c) I developed my new normal; (d) I have been supported in so many different ways; and (e) social activism: from my team, to my school, to society at large. Analyses shed light on how athletic departments can engage with Black student-athletes to change the racist sports systems in which they exist.
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Reimagining Student Support Services through Blended Educational ExperiencesGregerson, Neil Cassidy 12 1900 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the landscape of higher education in the United States and caused institutions to rethink existing organizational structures and practices. Furthermore, the traditional aged students entering college along with the current students are accustomed to a digitally immersed world and expect their higher education experiences to mirror that digitally immersed world. Based on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes caused by technology, students are consuming higher education differently than before. Students more and more are enrolling in online courses to accommodate their schedules and needs, which is resulting in a hybrid or blended experience. With students having that option to take classes both online and in-person, students are wanting to have their support services blended as well. The purpose of this study was to explore how a public four-year high online enrollment university redefines and rethinks student support services in a post-COVID-19 world through blended educational experiences. A single site qualitative explanatory case study methodology was used, and data was collected through interviews and institutional documents. Three major themes emerged from the findings: changing the institution and its mindsets, meeting students where they are, and getting to a blended educational experience. The blended learning adoption framework provided helpful insights to guide the analysis and understanding of the data. Ultimately these three themes helped to paint a picture of what the institution needs to do to adopt and implement blended educational experiences for students and provided insights into the recommendations of how institutions can go about adopting and implementing blended educational experiences.
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Individens oro för den nya pandemin COVID-19 / Peoples concern for the new pandemic COVID-19Oskarsson, Jean-Philippe, Montalvo Panezo, Adonaldo January 2020 (has links)
Ångest/ oro är något som vi alla drabbas av på olika plan. Vid världskatastrofer har detta haft en påföljd för människans ångest/oro som till exempel vid den nuvarande pandemin COVID-19 påverkar människors beteenden och ageranden. Syftet med studien är att undersöka oron för COVID-19, bland studenter och vårdpersonal. Den frågeställning som berör studien är hur oron för COVID-19 skiljer sig mellan studenter och vårdpersonal inom fyra olika dimensioner. Dessa var oro för; individen, andra, samhället och totalen. Denna studie utfördes genom ett enkätformulär som behandlar frågor gällande oro för COVID-19 från en modifierad version av Swine Flu Anxiety items mätskalan. 64 vårdpersonal (åldrarna mellan 21-63) och 113 studenter (åldrarna mellan 19-33) undersöktes i studien. Resultatet påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna och dess oro för COVID-19 inom de olika dimensioner som i studien berördes. Alltså skiljer sig studenter och vårdpersonal inte i den upplevda oron för COVID-19. / Anxiety and concern is something that we all experience on different levels. Global catastrophes have had an impact on people's anxiety and concern, in this case with the novel corona outbreak COVID-19 which impact people's behavior. The purpose of this study is to examine how the concern for COVID-19 differs among students and healthcare workers. The issue is to examine how the concern for COVID-19 is distinguish between students and healthcare workers regarding four dimensions. These being concern about; the individual, others, the society and the total concern. This study used a questionnaire to addresses questions regarding concern about COVID-19 using a modified version of the Swine Flu Anxiety items scale. 64 healthcare workers (ages between 21-63) and 113 students (ages between 19-33) were examined in the study. The result showed that there were no significant differences between the groups and their anxiety for COVID-19 within the different dimensions examined. Therefore there’s no difference between students and health care workers in their experience of anxiety amid COVID-19.
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Påtvingad distansundervisning och desseffekter för lärande : Gymnasielärares erfarenheter kring omställning tilldistansundervisning under Covid-19Isaksson, Linnea, Olsson, Ann January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to research how social study teachers have experienced the fast adjustment to distance learning in upper secondary school during spring 2020 through semi-structured interviews. The study has focused on the didactics and sociocultural aspects which have been affected in a negative manner by the forced distance learning. The results from this study are consistent with earlier research regarding what kind of students’ distance learning is more or less suited for. Another example is that social interaction has been inadequate between both students and between students and teachers. A positive finding in both our results and earlier research is that distance learning creates flexibility which increases the overall attendance. A new finding from this study is that it expresses teachers’ opinions on didactic opportunities and failures in the social study classroom. Another finding is that teachers' collaborations have changed during distance learning, and this study finds out in what way. / Denna studie har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer undersökt hur samhällskunskapslärare uppfattat den snabba omställningen till distansundervisningen för gymnasieskolan under våren 2020. Studien har varit inriktad på de didaktiska och sociokulturella aspekter som förändrats när distansundervisningen har blivit påtvingad. Resultatet från denna studie bekräftar tidigare forskning när det gäller exempelvis de elevgrupper som distansundervisning fungerar bättre och sämre för. Ett annat exempel är försämrad social interaktion mellan både lärare och elever samt mellan elever. Något positivt som både vårt resultat och tidigare forskning kunnat visa är att distansundervisning bidrar till mer flexibilitet, vilket medverkar till en högre närvaro. Något nytt denna studie bidrar med är att redovisa didaktiskt vad som fungerat och inte fungerat i undervisningen enligt lärarna. En annan upptäckt är hur lärares samarbete med kollegor förändrats när de arbetat på distans.
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