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Investigating air quality impacts of cruise ship and ferry emissions in James Bay, Victoria, BC, CanadaPoplawski, Karla 31 August 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate air quality in the James Bay neighbourhood of Victoria, BC, Canada, and determine the effects of emissions from cruise ships and ferries on local air quality. A combination of field monitoring and air quality modeling conducted during the 2007 cruise ship season in Victoria is used to achieve this objective. Pollutants examined include nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10). Field monitoring provides long-term average concentration levels throughout the area, while the California Puff Model (CALPUFF) is used to predict concentrations from ferry and cruise ship sources at shorter time periods (1-hour and 24-hour). The two methodologies used for this research quantify air quality in James Bay and establish a baseline of concentration levels which can be referred to during any future air quality studies in the area. Results show possible, yet infrequent, exceedences of Capital Regional District and World Health Organization 1-hour NO2 and 24-hour SO2 air quality guidelines in the study domain. The potential implications of these exceedences on health of residents will be assessed by the Vancouver Island Health Authority.
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Utvärdering och implementering av automatiska farthållare i fordonssimulatorBorst, Rikard January 2006 (has links)
Vehicle simulators are becoming more common in vehicle industries. Company earns lot of money on simulations instead of real tests. Real tests are necessary but not made so extensively as before. In this thesis the building of an vehice simulator will be described and a comparison between three different cruise controls. The three cruise controls are PI-regulator, a regulator who regulates after positions in the terrain and a MPC-regulator. The reason for choosing this three is to see the difference between simple regulation and more complex regulation with respect to fuel consumption, travel time and complexity. The vehicle simulator is made in Matlab/Simulink, Visual Studio and Open Scene Graph. The facilities needed for runnning the simulator is a relative good computer with a grapics card on at least 128 MB RAM plus a steering wheel and pedals for brake and gas to achieve best feeling. A keyboard can be used but it reduces almost all feeling. After several simulations a conclusion was made. The MPC-regulator was the regulator who consumed least fuel and travel time. The regulator who regulates after positions in the terrain was not too far away. It would be interesting to do more research about it. In fact it is only a PI-regulator who makes ``clever'' decisions when a hill with enough slope appears. With enough slope means a downhill where the vehicle can accelerate without the use of fuel and an uphill where the vehicle can not keep its speed with maximum use of fuel. A conclusion was stated that the friction and height profile influenced on settings for the PI-regulator and with some adjustments on this settings, fuel could be saved.
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Cruzeiros marítimos e Stakeholders: perspectivas de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros no Brasil / Cruises and Stakeholders: perspectives of cruise infrastructure development in BrazilWallace Bezerra Farias 12 September 2016 (has links)
Com o desenvolvimento do mercado nacional de cruzeiros marítimos, a partir dos anos 2000, o número de cruzeiristas passou a crescer ano a ano até o final da primeira década. Entretanto, esse mercado tem declinado nos últimos anos, tendo a infraestrutura de cruzeiros como um dos fatores que justificam essa queda. Em contrapartida, neste mesmo período, o Brasil se destacou pelos investimentos na área de infraestrutura, dentre elas a estrutura dos portos brasileiros. A falta de estudos sobre o tema dos cruzeiros marítimos e a baixa expectativa sobre o desenvolvimento do setor, criaram um cenário de incertezas e controvérsias sobre o desenvolvimento de sua infraestrutura para os próximos anos. Neste contexto, o estudo visou analisar quais as perspectivas de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros marítimos no Brasil, baseando-se na investigação suas características, na participação dos stakeholders-chave indicadores de poder, influência e interesse e na discussão de estratégias para o seu desenvolvimento. Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativo de natureza descritiva e exploratória, baseando-se na revisão de literatura e na investigação documental. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada e a amostragem snowball como técnica de coleta de dados. A análise e tratamento dos dados tiveram como princípios a triangulação de dados e a análise de stakeholders. Identificaram-se como stakeholders-chave no processo de desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros brasileira: as armadoras (companhias) de cruzeiros, os investidores privados, a Secretaria de Portos, o Ministério do Turismo e as associações CLIA-Abremar e Brasilcruise. A burocracia e a legislação brasileira apresentam-se como elementos que impedem o desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de cruzeiros, devido à grande variedade de stakeholders envolvidos, em diferentes esferas e competências de atuação, tornando o setor uma estrutura organizacional complexa, lenta e burocrática, revertida em elevados custos operacionais e em grandes barreiras na retomada do crescimento do setor. O segmento de cruzeiros, por sua vez, exige que todas as ações sejam feitas em conjunto e de maneira articulada com os interesses dos stakeholders envolvidos. Apesar disso, apresentam-se expectativas positivas diante da chegada de novos navios ao mercado brasileiro, a partir de 2020, enquanto o seu atual declínio encontra-se principalmente baseado na baixa competitividade do país em relação aos novos destinos emergentes, como Austrália, Nova Zelândia, Cuba e China. Por fim, concluiu-se que a atividade tem nas parceiras parcerias público-privadas um caminho promissor, necessitando de ações integradas entre armadoras, investidores privados, associações e o poder público para o seu pleno desenvolvimento / With the development of the market of sea cruises, mainly from the 2000s, the number of cruise passengers began to grow until the end of the first decade. However, this market has declined in the recent years and the cruise infrastructure is a factor that justify this fall. In contrast, during the same period, Brazil was highlighted by investments in infrastructure, such as the structure of Brazilian ports. The lack of studies on cruises and the low expectations about the industry development created a scenario of uncertainty and controversy about the development of cruise infrastructure in the coming years. In this context, the study aims to analyze what are the perspectives of cruise infrastructure development in Brazil, based on the research of its characteristics, key-stakeholders participation power, influence and interest indicators and discussion of strategies for its development. This qualitative research is also descriptive and exploratory, based on the literature review and documentary research, using semi-structured interviews and snowball sampling as data collection technique. The analysis and processing of the data had the principles of triangulation data and stakeholders analysis. In the process of cruise infrastructure development have been identified as key-stakeholders: cruise lines, private investors, Ports Secretariat, Tourism Ministry and associations CLIA-Abremar and Brasilcruise. The bureaucracy and the Brazilian legislation are presented as elements that prevent the development of cruise infrastructure due to the wide range of stakeholders involved, in different areas and kills, making the industry a complex, slow and bureaucratic organizational structure, converted in high operating costs and high barriers in reactivating the sector\'s growth. Cruise industry, in turn, requires that all actions are made together and meshing with the interests of the stakeholders involved. On the other hand, there are positive expectations about the arrival of new ships to the Brazilian market from 2020, while its current decline is based on the low competitiveness of the country in relation to new emerging destinations such as Australia, New Zealand, Cuba and China. In addition, cruise infrastructure has public-private partnerships as a promising path, requiring actions between cruise lines, private investors and local government
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Simulation of a Distributed Implementation of an Adaptive Cruise ControllerRiis, Pontus January 2007 (has links)
Much functionality of today's vehicles runs as software on embedded computer systems. This includes, for example, automatic climate control and engine control. As the processors necessarily are located in diffent physical locations inside the vehicle wires must be drawn between processors that need to communicate. Therefore, it is typical to have one or several buses connecting the processors in an embedded computer network, thus creating a distributed system. As some parts of the system in the car have real-time properties, it is necessary to validate that the real-time properties are upheld in the distributed system. This thesis presents the design and implementation of an adaptive cruise controller (ACC), which is a cruise controller that also keeps a minimum distance to the closest vehicle in front. Further, the performance of the ACC has been evaluated using an existing system-level simulator for distributed real-time systems together with metrics for Quality-of-Control (QoC). The ACC has then been simulated under different scenarios. The scenarios include outside conditions, for example the slope of the road, the behaviour of the vehicle in front, and the desired velocity, as well as internal conditions as adding different amounts of extra load on the processors and the bus. The results show that the functionality of the ACC starts deteriorating when the extra load on the nodes reaches high levels. When the extra load reaches very high levels, the ACC stops functioning completely. The results also show that the extra load on the bus has very little effect on the performance of the ACC.
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Tourisme de croisière dans la Caraïbe : enjeux de spatialisation / Cruise tourism in the Caribbean : spatial issuesPetit-Charles, Nathalie 26 November 2015 (has links)
L’industrie de la croisière a considérablement évolué au cours des dernières années. L’espace caribéen occupe une place capitale dans ce marché, de plus en plus globalisé et capitalistique, organisé principalement à partir des ports floridiens et des capitaux extra-caribéens. Les logiques économiques et commerciales de cette industrie, qui déplace des volumes de touristes de plus en plus massifs, échappent aux territoires d’accueil qui ne sont plus en mesure de négocier des conditions économiques susceptibles de soutenir leur développement. La croisière relève désormais du tourisme sous bulle que les consommateurs captifs quittent temporairement pour parcourir quelques ambiances exotiques mises en scène dans le cadre d’enclaves territoriales. Les stratégies des grands armateurs qui visent à maximiser leurs revenus à travers le contrôle des dépenses et donc des consommations de leurs clientèles, sont confortées par les préoccupations actuelles d’ordre sécuritaires, légitimes et entretenues, qui justifient le déroulement de ces séjours dans le cadre de bulles touristiques protégées. Dans le contexte actuel, au regard des logiques économiques qui prévalent dans l’industrie de la croisière, nombre de petites îles s’interrogent sur l’opportunité de soutenir le tourisme de croisière. Trois types d’arguments soutiennent ce positionnement : tout d’abord, les effets d’entraînement sur l’économie local sont loin d’être à la hauteur des attentes (il ne faut pas oublier pas l’importance des investissements qui doivent être réaliser pour disposer des infrastructures adéquates pour accueillir ces imposants navires) ; en second lieu, les modalités actuelles du développement de la croisière (dont le contrôle échappe aux ports d’accueil) vont à l’encontre des projets de développement durable de ces îles et les préoccupations sont sérieuses sur le plan écologique. En dernier lieu, l’argument tant vanté par les professionnels qui affirment que le croisiériste reviendra séjourner à l’occasion de prochaines vacances reste à démonter. Les enquêtes de terrain attestent du profil spécifique de ce visiteur qui évolue dans une douce insouciance festive du navire, ponctuée d’une suite de courtes escales. Le produit «croisière », matérialisé par le paquebot, qui incarne le temple de la consommation, est devenue la destination. / The cruise industry has evolved considerably in recent years. The Caribbean area occupies a crucial place in this market, increasingly globalized, capitalistic, and mainly organized from the Floridians ports and extra-Caribbean capital. Economic and commercial logic of this industry, which moves in tourist volumes increasingly massive, escape the host territories which are no longer able to negotiate economic conditions that support their development.The cruise now falls under the tourism bubble that temporarily leave captive consumers to browse some exotic atmospheres staged within the framework of territorial enclaves. The strategies of the major ship owners who aim to maximize their revenues through expenditure control and therefore the consumption of their customers, are supported by the current concerns of safety order, legitimate and maintained, which justify the conduct of these visits as part protected tourist bubbles. In the current context, in light of economic logic prevailing in the cruise industry, many small islands are questioning whether to support cruise tourism. Three types of arguments support this position: first, spillover effects on the local economy are not up to the expectations (do not forget the importance of investments that need to be achieve to have adequate infrastructure to accommodate these imposing vessels); Second, the current terms of the development of the cruise (which is outside the host ports) are against sustainable development projects of the islands and concerns are serious ecologically. Finally, the much vaunted argument by professionals who say that the cruise will return to stay during next vacation rest disassemble. Field surveys attest to the profile of the visitor who evolves in a sweet festive carefree ship, punctuated by a series of short stops. The product "cruise", materialized by the liner, which embodies the temple of consumption, has become the destination.
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Consumer Perceptions of Sustainability in the Cruise IndustryAckerman, Lindsay Marie 04 March 2015 (has links)
This thesis addresses the lack of available research regarding consumer perceptions of sustainability in the cruise industry. The study was conducted by administering an anonymous online survey with cruise message board participants and social media users. The survey was available to all consumers, including consumers who have not cruised. The survey focused on general reasons a consumer books a cruise, consumer travel behaviors, sustainability of the cruise industry, and sustainable factors that may impact a consumers’ choice of a cruise line. The goal of this research was to determine any patterns and trends that may emerge regarding consumer perceptions. The findings of the study showed cruise history and demographics have influenced consumer views on sustainability in the cruise industry.
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Using Online Technologies to Deliver Management Courses to Cruise Ship Personnel at SeaLloyd-James, Maureen 01 January 2008 (has links)
As the cruise industry continues to grow at a rapid pace, additional qualifications for its management personnel are becoming increasingly important. Many new ships are built each year, leaving a void in experienced personnel. Additionally, some leave the ships in order to improve professional qualifications on shore. Whereas many of the companies are training personnel onboard using on-the-job training, the concepts addressed in college-level management programs remain lacking.
The goal was to implement and evaluate delivery of formal coursework to English-speaking, multicultural cruise ship personnel onboard by using emerging technologies that are available today. College-level management courses using Web 2.0 technologies were designed, delivered and evaluated. Two courses were offered each was split into two groups using different technologies. Group 1 used non-emerging technologies via a web page with additional material to support the textbook. This group also used discussion forums, online quizzes and tests and online grade book. Group 2 used the same features as the first and Web 2.0 technologies including Wikis, blogs, vodcasts, YouTube.com video clips, and synchronous Instant Messaging.
Both groups had intense, positive distant interactions with faculty and had comparable outcomes. The least effective technology was the wiki and the most, the Discussion Forum. The finding was that the cruise industry may well have developed a distinct culture is an important one that may well lead to a better understanding of acculturation. Three weeks proved an ideal length of time for students to complete the 1.5-credit courses. Dividing 4.5-credit courses into 1.5-modules proved successful. Out of the original 249 applicants, 162 students participated from 36 different countries located on 64 different ships around the world.
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Learning on the open road: examining the effect of non-sequential user choice on learning from OERsValentine, Ethan Philip 01 December 2018 (has links)
In recent decades, open, online learning environments have become progressively more popular and well-funded. An integral aspect of this open learning movement is the transition of a substantial amount of control of the learning process from designers and instructors to the users engaging with the environment. With heavy investments coming from both the public and private sectors, and an ever-growing market of online learners, it is crucial that we better understand how the provision of user control over the learning process affects the quality of that learning process.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of one aspect of open learning environments that has yet to be fully understood: user choice of learning sequence, or non-sequential user choice. Building on previous research with open educational resources (OERs) designed to help drivers learn about adaptive cruise control (ACC), an advanced car safety system, this research compared the learning process of subjects with (N = 42) and without (N = 42) control of the learning sequence. Specifically, this study sought to investigate two core issues: 1) the effect(s), positive or negative, that non-sequential user choice has on the development of mental models of ACC, as measured by a post-test assessment; and 2) the relationship among post-test performance, chosen order of resources, and time spent engaging with individual learning resources.
To examine these issues, two primary analyses were completed. To address the effect of non-sequential user choice, subjects’ performance on scenario problems and a declarative knowledge post-test was compared using independent sample t-tests (α = .05). A multiple regression analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship among post-test performance, chosen order of resources, and time spent on each of three learning resources (α = .05). Subjects in the experimental (choice) condition scored significantly worse on the post-test assessment than subjects in the control (non-choice) condition (t[82] = -2.116, p < .05, d = -0.462). The regression analysis found a significant regression equation (F(4,37) = 3.930, p < .05) with an R2 of 0.298 (Adjusted R2 = 0.222). Surprisingly, however, only one of the resource time predictor variables was an individually significant predictor of post-test performance.
Possible explanations for these findings are explored based on the available research literature. These explanations include the possibility of choice overload, poor decision-making by subjects, confusion due to a lack of instructional guidance, and the development of choice apathy. However, further research is necessary to determine why non-sequential user choice had a negative effect, as well as to expand research on non-sequential user choice to other contexts and content areas.
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Radarový senzor pro adaptivní tempomat / Radar Sensor for Active Cruise ControlRous, Petr January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with implementation of the radar sensor for adaptive cruise control system. It discusses used technologies and processes and documents implementation of signal processing serving for the purpose of adaptive cruise control. It also describes the testing on the real data gathered in traffic. Texas Instrument's AWR1843 radar module was used as the sensor. This sensor represents currently very popular milimeter wave technology radars. Result of this master thesis are two implemented systems processing digital signal. One of them is a prototype application of the adaptive cruise control system, which also visualises the data. The other is implemented firmware of radar module doing real-time on-chip signal processing according to adaptive cruise control logic.
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Examining factors for low use behavior of Advanced Driving Assistance SystemsEmanuelsson, Kajsa January 2020 (has links)
Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) has the potential to decrease the number of fatal accidents in traffic. However, in some cases, drivers with the systems in their car are resistant against using them. Exploring the underlying reasons and factors of the low-usage of ADAS was the purpose of this thesis. The thesis consists of Study I, an exploratory interview study with ten drivers who had cars with ADAS. The goal of Study I was to highlight the possible reasons behind the low usage of ADAS. The results of Study I were used to design Study II, which consisted of a survey targeted to drivers who had access to the ADAS adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist (N = 49). The results indicate that the factors or circumstances that affect usage depend on the ADAS and the user groups. Some identified underlying factors for low usage behavior of ADAS are the need to monitor the vehicle more when ADAS is activated and lack of trust in own ability when using ADAS compared to the high usage group. / Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) har potential att förhindra antalet dödsfall i trafiken. Det förekommer att förare som har systemen i sin bil, väljer bort att använda dem. Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka underliggande orsaker och faktorer till låg användningsgrad av ADAS. Uppsatsen består av två studier. Studie I är en explorativ intervjustudie med tio förare som hade bilar med ADAS. Målet med Studie I var att ringa in de möjliga bakomliggande faktorerna för låg användningsgrad av ADAS. Resultaten från Studie I användes för att utforma en enkätstudie till Studie II som var riktad till förare som hade bilar med förarstödsystemen adaptiv farthållare och körfältsassistans (N = 49). Resultaten pekar på att de underliggande orsakerna och faktorerna beror på vilken ADAS som avses samt vilket användargrupp föraren tillhör. Några underliggande faktorer för låg användingsgruppen tycks vara känsla av att behöva övervaka fordonet samt lägre grad av tilltro till den egna förmågan än vad höganvändingsgrupper rapporterade.
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