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Communicating Responsibility : Audience reception of CSR communication on social mediaOredsson, Lindsey January 2014 (has links)
This study offers insight into international audience reception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communication. Swedish companies are currently reaching international audiences through a variety of social media channels and this study analyzes how audiences in Sweden and the U.S. respond to specific messages. Qualitative interviews with professionals offer background information on how CSR is currently communicated while audience responses to CSR communication are gathered through a web-based survey and focus groups consisting of American and Swedish citizens. Results indicate that the two countries have more similarities than differences. Americans have a slightly more positive outlook on the communication and they are more likely to look up information about CSR initiatives after hearing a corporate message. This might indicate a more profound interest. Cultural and social differences are given as a possible explanation for the key differences.
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L’influence de la communication RSE (Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises) sur les perceptions de la valeur et la confiance : Applications aux PME agroalimentaires / The influence of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) communication on brand perceived value and trust : The case of SME in the food industryBoysselle, Jacqueline 10 December 2015 (has links)
La Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE) a été étudiée par de nombreux chercheurs et professionnels du monde de l'entreprise ; ces travaux montrent que les consommateurs adoptent une attitude plus positive envers les entreprises qui agissent de manière responsable. Cependant, ils suggèrent également que les consommateurs restent encore sceptiques aux argumentaires développés par les entreprises sur leur responsabilité sociale et donc qu'une méfiance s'est instaurée envers les marques. Cela implique, que les entreprises doivent veiller à ce que leur communication n'éveille pas de sentiments négatifs. Par ailleurs et conséquemment aux effets de la crise économique mondiale, les consommateurs se préoccupent de plus en plus de leur pouvoir d'achat. Dès lors, ils peuvent estimer ne pas avoir les moyens de payer leurs produits provenant des entreprises engagées. Ces résultats sont issus principalement de travaux portant sur la communication des grandes entreprises. Néanmoins, aucun n'étudie spécifiquement les effets sur les consommateurs de la communication sociétale des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME), en terme de valeur perçue de la marque et de confiance. Or, les PME présentent un grand intérêt de recherche, tant au niveau national qu'international. Aussi, l'absence de résultats empiriques sur la valeur perçue est surprenante compte tenu du fait qu'elle est considérée comme un antécédent naturel à la fidélité (Holbrook, 1994, 1999 ; Sirieix and Dubois, 1999 ; Frisou, 2000 ; Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Aurier, et al., 2001). De ce fait, ce travail se propose de combler ce manque théorique et empirique en proposant de mieux comprendre les effets des discours socialement responsables des entreprises sur deux dimensions de la valeur perçue : la valeur sociale et la valeur éthique. De plus, l'étude s'intéressera à la confiance des consommateurs. L'objectif est de mieux comprendre : « Quelle est l'influence de la communication RSE sur la valeur perçue et la confiance des consommateurs envers les marques ? » Pour ce faire, le choix d'un visuel de magazine d'une marque fictive agroalimentaire a été fait. En effet, il a été considéré comme stimuli et canal de communication pour l'expérimentation. L'objectif était d'évaluer l'impact de la communication d'une PME impliquée dans une démarche responsable sur la valeur perçue et la confiance du consommateur. Un questionnaire en ligne auprès de 645 consommateurs a été mis en place pour tester quatre messages responsables (les messages portait sur la dimension environnementale, ou sociale, ou encore sociale et environnementale à la fois et un message de contrôle). Les résultats montrent l'intérêt pour les PME de communiquer prioritairement aux consommateurs des messages portant sur la dimension environnementale. Les résultats suggèrent que le message environnemental non seulement est plus efficace sur les valeurs éthique et sociale mais engendre également une confiance accrue des consommateurs envers la marque. De plus, cet impact positif suggère qu'il est pur, car il n'est pas modéré ni par le scepticisme du consommateur ni par sa préoccupation concernant son pouvoir d'achat. L'originalité de la recherche réside dans la prise en compte de la théorie de la valeur perçue dans une perspective de communication responsable. Enfin, la conceptualisation et l'étude de l'impact de ce genre d'argumentaire permettent de développer une façon plus efficace pour les PME de communiquer leurs engagements responsables aux consommateurs. / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been studied by academics and business leaders and they have proven that consumers develop a positive attitude towards companies that behave in socially responsible ways. However, they also suggest that CSR communication is subject to consumer scepticism. This implies that organizations and brands while communicating about their CSR activities may have the risk to be encountered with consumers' disbelieve. Furthermore, the previous global economic crisis limits CSR effectiveness due to consumer's concerns regarding their purchasing power. As a result, customers may feel guilty or unable to pay for products coming from engaged enterprises, which are considered sometimes by consumers as premium products. Moreover, a large body of research on CSR communication discusses the effectiveness of the message content and the efficiency on communication channels, within the case of multinational enterprises. However, there is little research linking CSR communication in the case of SME and perceived value and trust, whereas the topic of SME is an important research issue for national or international governmental entities. Also, the lack of empirical research on this issue is surprising, as perceived value and trust are considered by researchers as natural antecedents of customers brand loyalty ((Holbrook, 1994, 1999; Sirieix and Dubois, 1999; Frisou, 2000; Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001; Aurier, et al.,2001). As a result, this work aims to fill this gap in order to better understand the effects of socially responsible communication on two dimensions of perceived value: social value and ethical value and consumers' trust. In order to enhance understanding with regards to our research question: “What is the influence of CSR communication on perceived value and trust”, a qualitative research was conducted with consumers and practitioners. Additionally, an experiment has been conducted in which the level of CSR involvement from an SME in the food industry has been manipulated. A set of four different printed ad magazines has been considered as stimuli and communication channel for the experiment: one with an environmental message, with a social message, message or with a mix of these two messages together (social and environmental) or a control message. An online survey is conducted to a heterogeneous sample of consumers (n=645) Results reveal an interest for the SME to communicate prioritary through their environmental engagements. Results suggest that the environmental message is not only more effective on the ethical and social value perception but on consumers trust as well. Also, neither scepticism nor consumer's purchasing power concern show to moderate the positive effect between the CSR communications on perceived value and trust. The originality of the research lies in the consideration of the perceived value theory on the CSR communication research. More generally, the conceptualization and the study of perceived value on CSR communication highlight a more efficient CSR communication strategy between consumers and the SME.
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Förhållandet mellan CSR och förtroende : En studie över hur Sveriges banksektor kan skapa förtroende genom kommunikation av CSRAnturi, Nathalia, Kozma, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Modern-day society demands a high-level of responsibility from all of its participants when it comes to the sustainable development. The civic duty is an important part of corporate culture which is why many corporations today are positioning their priorities towards CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR is a concept which depicts how companies are supporting the sustainable development. The increased level of consumer awareness relating to this concept is the reason why more companies are applying CSR in order to achieve the competitive advantages, such as good reputation, trust, and a positive company image. A paradox manifests from the use of CSR, however, since it contributes to a greater scrutiny and skepticism towards how companies are utilizing CSR as a public relations tool, which people generally feel is neither genuine nor based on public interest. Therefore, while communicating their CSR strategies, companies must be careful since it can either strengthen or weaken the consumer trust, depending how the communication is perceived by the general public. The consumer trust is extremely important during high risk- and involvement decisions. This concept is particularly important within the bank industry. When it comes to applying CSR, studies indicate that the different banks in Sweden are not performing as well compared to international banks. Another study suggests that one out of four consumers is unaware of whether their bank is utilizing sustainable efforts or not. This study aims to map and identify what strategies of CSR communication that the Swedish bank sector use, and which of these that can build consumer trust. The research methodology is based on a triangulation which conducts both a qualitative and quantitative method. Three semi structured interviews with three different banks have been applied to identify and acquire a deeper understanding of the communication by the Swedish bank sector and their CSR efforts. Afterwards, data from consumers has been collected throughout a survey to understand how the consumers perceive the communication of the CSR effort by the Swedish bank sector. Based on collected empirical data and analysis, the study has been able to identify two CSR communication strategies that the Swedish bank sector employs which build consumer trust. The swedish bank sector communicates their CSR effort by interacting and engaging in an open discourse which increases the consumer trust. The swedish bank sector communicates their CSR effort by a high degree of communication, which indirectly increases the consumer trust.○ A high degree of communication of CSR effort reduce the consumer skepticism, which increases the consumer trust. / Dagens samhälle förutsätter att alla aktörer skall ta ett ansvar för att bidra till den hållbara utvecklingen. Ett extra stort ansvar åligger företagen, vilket har lett fram till att företag idag prioriterar i all högre grad att applicera CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR är ett tillvägagångssätt som visar hur företag tar ett samhällsansvar. En ökad grad av medvetenhet hos konsumenterna har föranlett till att allt fler företag tillämpar CSR för att i sin tur ta del av konkurrensfördelar såsom ett gott rykte, högt förtroende samt positiv image. Det har däremot visat sig uppstå en paradox vid tillämpning av CSR, då komplexiteten innefattar samhällets ökade skepticism till att företags kommunicering av ansvarstagande inte är genuint och enbart grundar sig i ett egenintresse. Kommunikationen av CSR måste hanteras varsamt, då beroende på hur kommunikationen av CSR-initiativet uppfattas av konsumenten kan det likväl stärka som att försvaga företagets förtroende. Konsumenternas förtroende är särskilt viktigt vid höga risk- och involveringsbeslut, därav är det betydelsefullt att specifikt banker förmedlar trovärdighet. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att svenska banker omfattar en lägre grad CSRinitiativ till skillnad från internationella banker, samt att en av fyra svenska kunder inte kan svara på om deras bank arbetar med hållbara frågor. Studien syftar därför till att kartlägga och identifiera vilka strategier av CSR-kommunikation som innefattas i den svenska banksektorn, som fortsättningsvis kan skapa förtroende hos konsumenter. Studien har applicerat en triangulering som innefattar både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ ansats. För att få en fördjupad förståelse samt identifiera den svenska banksektorns strategier av CSR-kommunikation har tre semistrukturerade intervjuer med bankerna Swedbank, Handelsbanken och SEB genomförts. För att undersöka konsumenternas uppfattning och förtroende till de svenska bankernas kommunikation av CSR har 1170 enkäter skickats ut, varav 221 respondenter svarade. Utifrån insamlad empiri och genomförd analys har studien kunnat kartlägga två strategier av CSR- kommunikation som den svenska banksektorn använder sig av samt skapar förtroende hos konsumenten. Sveriges banksektor kommunicerar sitt CSR-arbete genom att interagera och involvera i en öppen diskurs som ökar konsumenternas förtroende till banken. Sveriges banksektor kommunicerar sitt CSR-arbete genom att kommunicera i hög grad till konsumenter vilket indirekt leder till ett ökat förtroende hos konsumenter. ○ En hög grad CSR-kommunikation leder till minskad skepticism hos konsumenter, och en minskad skepticism hos konsumenter leder till ett ökat förtroende hos konsumenter.
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CSR och klädbranschen : Vilka effekter har H&Ms CSR-strategi?Abrahamsson, Beatrice, Bodén, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Research questions: How does the company's CSR communication affect consumers' purchase intention and brand attitude? Purpose: The study aims to examine the relationship between how companies' work with CSR (marketing) influences brand attitude and further purchase intention among consumers in the fashion industry. Method: The study was conducted using a quantitative method and a deductive research approach. A survey was carried out, and 149 responses were collected for data analysis. Conclusion: The results show that CSR is an effective marketing strategy for strengthening the brand, as the majority of respondents consider it important for clothing companies to take responsibility. However, it is not an easy task to effectively and credibly communicate these efforts. This study reveals that, in the case of H&M, few respondents were aware of what the company does regarding CSR and they were skeptical about the overall accuracy of H&M's claims. Thus, many respondents are still consumers with a positive brand attitude, likely due to reasons other than CSR. / Forskningsfråga: Hur påverkar företagets CSR-kommunikation konsumenternas köpintention och varumärkesattityd? Syfte: Studien ämnar undersöka sambandet mellan hur företags arbete med CSR (marketing) påverkar varumärkesattityden och vidare köpintentionen hos konsumenterna i klädbranschen Metod: Studien utfördes med en kvantitativ metod och en deduktiv forskningsansats. En enkätundersökning genomfördes där 149 svar samlades in för dataanalys. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att CSR är en effektiv marknadsföringsstrategi för att stärka varumärket, då majoriteten av respondenterna anser det är viktigt att klädföretagen tar ansvar. Däremot är det inte en enkel uppgift att nå ut med kommunikationen på ett effektivt och trovärdigt sätt. Denna studie visar på att i H&Ms fall var det få som hade koll på vad företaget gör när det kommer till CSR, men respondenterna var ändå skeptiska till om det H&M säger att det gör generellt sett stämmer. Många av respondenterna är ändå konsumenter och har en positiv varumärkesattityd, men troligtvis av andra anledningar än CSR.
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Being On the Right Side Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation in Large Firms –A Study within IKEAKazerooni, Gisoo January 2015 (has links)
Accounting for the environmental and social impacts produced by the business or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), has arguably been one of the main topics and requisites within urban sustainability. Large companies having more impacts on the environment and the society due to amongst others the more diverse background of stakeholders and the more use of resources are more in the spotlight to implement CSR in their business. Companies which carelessly aim mainly for profitability and give less care to the environment are more and more proving to loose sustainability in their lifeline (Waldman, Kenett, & Zilberg, n.d.).This paper, using IKEA as a case study, has demonstrated the importance of CSR in larger firms. It has well demonstrated how and why large firms engage in CSR activities and how it could further enhance these activities in the upcoming demanding future. This has been done by presenting three theories, CSR communication, proactive and reactive CSR and motives for CSR. These theories principally show the effectiveness of CSR communication and a framework for successful internal and external communication; the difference and benefits of proactive and reactive CSR and which is more desirable; and finally the motives companies have to engage in both reactive and proactive CSR activities. With the help of these theories in the analysis section, this paper demonstrates how IKEA has used CSR in its framework to rebuild its reputation and how it has improved its sustainability by using proactive CSR strategies. The study further demonstrates how IKEA has proven that they are caring in gaining a sustainable future and presents some thoughts for further studies and practices.
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Låt inte resan förstöra resmålet : En kvalitativ studie om kommunikation av CSR i resebranschenAndersson, Emmelie, Gillberg, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Frågeställningar: Vad bör en CSR-strategi innehålla för en resebyrå? Underfråga: Hur bör en resebyrå kommunicera sin CSR-strategi till sina leverantörer? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera vilka aspekter och komponenter som bör ligga till grund för en resebyrås CSR-strategi. Målet är att dessa grunder ska mynna ut i rekommendationer för resebyråer för hur de ska formulera sin CSR-strategi. Syftet är även att undersöka och analysera hur resebyrån, som mellanhand, på bästa sätt ska kommunicera denna strategi till sina leverantörer. Vi ämnar hjälpa och guida resebyråer med att kommunicera dessa rekommendationer till sina leverantörer för att på så sätt göra resebranschen till en industri som på ett mer ansvarsfullt sätt tar hänsyn till ovan nämnda aspekter och komponenter. Metod: Denna kvalitativa uppsats har utförts med en induktiv ansats. Studien har byggts på data insamlad från semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer, sekundärkällor från relevanta organisationer samt litteraturstudier från framstående författare i ämnena CSR och CSR-kommunikation. Resultat: Studien har visat att CSR bör delas in i aspekter och komponenter som senare mynnar ut i aktiviteter för företag inom resebranschen att vidta. Dessa bör sedan kommuniceras till leverantörer med hjälp av kommunikation i form av dialoger, avtal och uppföljning. / Research questions: What should be included in a CSR-strategy for a travel agency? Sub question: How should a travel agency communicate this CSR-strategy to its suppliers? Purpose: This study aims to analyze what aspects and components that should be included in a travel agency’s CSR-strategy. The goal with the study is to create recommendations for travel agencies so that they can formulate their CSR-strategy. The aim is also to examine and analyze how the travel agency, as an intermediator, in best possible way can communicate this strategy to its suppliers to make the tourism industry more responsible. The study also aims to help and guide companies in the tourism industry to communicate their CSR-strategy. Methods: This qualitative research is inductive. The study has been built on data from semi-structured phone interviews, secondary data from relevant organizations and literature studies from well-known authors in the subjects of CSR and CSRcommunication. Results: The study has shown that CSR should be divided in to aspects and components, which in turn will lead to activities for companies in the tourism industry to take part of. These aspects, components and activities should then be communicated by agreements, dialogues and follow-ups.
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Online communication of CSR by Swedish MNEs : A multiple case studyThyssen, Jacqueline, Hinrichs, Christiane January 2015 (has links)
Most multinational enterprises face difficulties regarding what and how to best communicate activities related to corporate social responsibility. Therefore, this master thesis addresses the online communication of corporate social responsibility by Swedish multinational enterprises. The purpose is to contribute to the understanding of the way Swedish multinational enterprises reveal messages regarding corporate social responsibility to their international stakeholders while communicating with them online via their websites and social media. This research is of qualitative nature and follows a multiple case study design. The six Swedish MNEs the Volvo Group, H&M, Atlas Copco, Securitas AB, Svenska Kullagerfabriken, and Svenska Cellulosa AB are included in the sample. Two methods for data collection are combined: online observation of the communication regarding corporate social responsibility on the corporate websites including sustainability reports or alike and in social media as well as qualitative, semi-structured interviews with the employees in charge of corporate social responsibility. The results indicate that the examined multinational enterprises communicated corporate social responsibility in different ways depending on whether they communicate via their corporate websites, their reports or in social media. This master thesis concludes with practical recommendations for multinational enterprises involved in communication of corporate social responsibility.
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Designing Communication for Dialogue and Engagement : The Volkswagen Emission Scandal in SwedenBradson, Christopher, Amanuel, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Title: Designing Communication for Dialogue and Engagement Authors: Christopher Bradson & Sofia Amanuel Level: Master Thesis, 30p Keywords: Dialogue, Communication Design, Stakeholder engagement, Stakeholder communication, CSR communication. Background: The changed attitudes about the role of business in today's contemporary society alongside with globalization and the evolved media-information environment has enlarged the pressures on businesses in regards to how they should pursue profitability, while responding to demands about accountability that is motivated beyond financial gain. There is a need for a better understanding about communication choices and how these are perceived by intended stakeholders, in order to accelerate effective communication that initiates stakeholder engagement. Research Questions:(1)How is Volkswagens communication design constructed in creating dialogue and engagement after a corporate scandal with its customers? (2)How does Swedish Volkswagen customers, in attribute of being external stakeholders, perceive the opportunities for engagement based on the four selected Volkswagen tools? What challenges does Volkswagen encounter when trying to create dialogue through these tools? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Volkswagen is creating opportunities for stakeholder dialogue and engagement through the theoretical perspective of communication design. By engagement we mean one-way or two-way communication, where stakeholders seek out or take part of communicative messages provided by the organisation.The study aims to examine how Volkswagen has designed their communication efforts, after being subjected to a global corporate scandal which proposed public demands for accountability and responsibility. Theoretical Framework: The framework consists of Communication theories, giving considerable space to literature from theorists Aakhus and Bzdak whom developed the framework for communication design used in this study. Additionally, the framework includes a smaller selection of CSR, Public Relation, and Media research focusing on stakeholder engagement. Method: We have taken two parallel methodological pathways. The first method involved applying for elements provided by Aakhus and Bzdak framework for reconstructive design, while doing a thematic analysis on the media texts provided by the tools. The second research question was examined by conducting semi-structured interviews with Swedish Volkswagen stakeholders in order to gain a deeper understanding if Volkswagens communicative instruments were enabling engagement. Findings & Conclusions: Our study concludes that Volkswagen is showcasing constructs in their design that aims to reduce scepticism among stakeholders, addressing important issues for stakeholders, providing solutions and articulating progress in multi-stake issues. Wealso conclude that Volkswagens communication messages are conveyed in a calculated way, with a persuasive nature to create an identity of being a ‘corporate good citizen’.There is a complexity in terms of diminishing scepticism, since stakeholders are being more demanding in today's society, particularly after a corporate scandal such as the one Volkswagen has been subjected to. Stakeholders are becoming more aware that companies are dictating the dialogic discourse, which affects the communication design in what motives a company incorporates in their communication. We conclude that customers felt that the opportunities to engage with the company was fairly low, and highly depended on how they where processing the nature of the messages (intrinsic/extrinsic),as well as how they defined engagement from personal beliefs and values.
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”People, planet, profit” : En studie om konsumentens förmåga att värdera ett modeföretags hållbara marknadsföring och CSR-kommunikation. / ”People, planet, profit” : A study regarding consumers´ability to appraise fashion companies´sustainble marketing and CSR-communication.Roman, Hedvig, Karlsson, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
Collapse of the textile factory Rana Plaza, among other disasters, has been a wake up call for the textile industry. These disasters, in combination with other factors, have resulted in raised consciousness regarding sustainability through a social and environmental perspective. Fashion companies have adapted new strategies in order to survive hard competition on the market, sustainable marketing has become a common tool to meet the conscious customers’ demands and requirements. A phenomena like Greenwashing, which promotes an overly environmentally friendly image externally, has trigged skepticism among consumers towards fashion companies’ sustainable marketing and CSR-communication. To gain an understanding in what the causes of skepticism are among consumers, this study aims to research whether knowledge and interest regarding CSR, have an effect on the consumer's willingness and ability to appraise fashion companies’ sustainable marketing and CSR-communication. We also review what is necessary for a company to do, in order to create legitimacy and build a “social contract”, supported by the legitimacy theory. To research this topic, we use theories concerning CSR-communication, sustainable marketing, Greenwashing as well as legitimacy theory. Empirical material has been collected through a self-questionnaire survey, which later generated an analysis of sustainable marketing and CSR-communication of four fashion companies. Results of the 405 replies to our questionnaire were processed in the statistic program SPSS. Our analysis indicated a low correlation between the factors knowledge, interest and the attitude towards sustainable marketing and CSR-communication. Other factors are more likely to affect the consumers’ attitude. Results also show that admitting ones’ mistakes, having a transparent supply chain, integrating sustainable strategies within the whole company, co-operateting with non-governmental organizations, and to setting reachable goals, are all essential actions in order to gain legitimacy. / Kollapsen av textilfabriken Rana Plaza, tillsammans med en rad andra incidenter, har gett textilindustrin ett rejält uppvaknande. Detta, i kombination med ytterligare faktorer, har lett till en ökad medvetenhet kring hållbarhet, både ur ett socialt och miljömässigt perspektiv. Modeföretag har därför tagit till nya strategier för att överleva den tuffa konkurrensen på marknaden och hållbar marknadsföring har blivit ett vanligt verktyg för att möta den allt mer medvetna konsumentens behov och krav. Då fenomen som Greenwashing, att skapa en bild av sig som miljövänlig, har blivit allt vanligare, har konsumenters skepticism mot modeföretags hållbara marknadsföring blivit ett allt mer utforskat ämne. För att få en uppfattning om vad det egentligen är hos konsumenten som skapar denna skepticism, riktar sig denna studie till att undersöka huruvida de två faktorerna kunskap och intresse kring CSR påverkar en konsuments förmåga att värdera ett modeföretags hållbara marknadsföring. Vi tittar också på vad det egentligen är som krävs för att skapa legitimitet och bygga ett “socialt kontrakt”, med legitimitetsteorin i grunden. För att kunna undersöka detta ämne använder vi oss av teorier kring CSR-kommunikation, hållbar marknadsföring, Greenwashing samt legitimitetsteorin. Empiri har samlats in med hjälp av en enkätundersökning vilket i sig genererade till en analys av fyra modeföretags hållbara marknadsföring och CSR-kommunikation. Resultatet av de 405 besvarade enkäterna, som bearbetades i statistikprogrammet SPSS, visade oss att det inte finns något direkt samband mellan de två faktorerna intresse och kunskap och huruvida man ställer sig till modeföretags hållbara marknadsföring och CSR-kommunikation. Det finns förmodligen andra faktorer som ligger bakom istället. Våra resultat visar också att erkänna sina misstag, vara transparenta, integrera hållbarhet i hela organisationen, samarbeta med utomstående organisationer, och att inte sätta upp miljömål som inte kan nås är grundläggande handlingar till att uppnå legitimitet.
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Constructing authenticity : A qualitative study of internal CSR communication / Konstruktion av autenticitet : En kvalitativ studie av intern CSR kommunikationKöllner, Karl, Hofvendahl, Julia January 2017 (has links)
The rapid increase of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has led to a large numbers of programs that have failed to meet the expectations of stakeholders (McShane & Cunningham 2012). The reason being that stakeholders are becoming more sceptical about firms true purpose for engaging in CSR activities (Arendt & Brettel 2010). It may fuel worries that firms are acting in self-interest and trying to look good instead of doing good and not acting in line with the communicated CSR (Porter and Kramer 2011). Despite this downside, a well-executed CSR can lead to an increased company attractiveness and stakeholder identification. CSR is acknowledged as one of the most important tools for companies to use for creating corporate reputation (Arendt and Brettel 2010). This thesis wants to understand and evaluate the development of CSR, given that organizations must continuously look at both the tensions between profit seeking and the conflicting demands from different stakeholder groups. Authenticity can be seen as an appropriate view or perspective since stakeholders want to know if the communicated CSR is a reflection of the organization’s true self (Harvey et al. 2006). The aim of this study is to investigate CSR as a marketing practice and to explore how authenticity is constructed in relation to internal CSR communication. By answering this aim, there will be an enhanced understanding of how authenticity can be constructed and how CSR can be communicated within organizations. A qualitative approach has been conducted for this thesis. The primary data has been collected from semi-structured interviews at Grant Thornton and the interviews consisted of eight respondents with different positions in the company. Five mechanisms have been developed, showing how the work of constructing CSR is carried out, as well as how Grant Thornton integrate CSR into the organisation. Furthermore, three features have been developed showing how authenticity can be created within organizations. / Corporate social responsibility (CSR) har ökat kraftigt bland organisationer vilket har lett till ett stort antal CSR program som inte kunnat uppfylla intressenternas förväntningar (McShane & Cunningham 2012). Anledningen är att intressenterna blir allt mer skeptiska gällande vilket organisationers verkliga syfte är till att driva CSR program (Arendt & Brettel 2010). Intressenternas skepticism grundas i att företag kan välja att agera i eget intresse för att skapa en förbättrad image istället för ren välvilja. Därmed agerar inte företagen i linje med deras kommunicerade CSR (Porter & Kramer 2011). Däremot kan en välutvecklad CSR öka attraktionskraften och skapa samhörighet mellan organisationen och intressenterna. CSR har därför blivit erkänt som ett av de viktigaste verktygen för företag att använda för att förbättra företagens image (Arendt & Brettel 2010). Den här uppsatsen ämnar att skapa en förståelse för utvecklingen av CSR eftersom organisationer måste kontinuerligt välja mellan att följa vinstdrivande initiativ eller följa krav från olika intressentgrupper. För att avgöra om den CSR som kommuniceras är i linje med vad organisationer utger sig för att vara, kan autenticitet ses som ett lämpligt verktyg att utgå från (Harvey et al. 2007). Syftet med studien är att undersöka CSR ur ett marknadsföringsperspektiv samt hur autenticitet kan konstrueras inom intern CSR kommunikation. Genom att undersöka syftet kommer teori att skapas för att visa hur autenticitet kan alstras i intern CSR kommunikation samt hur CSR kan kommuniceras inom organisationer. Ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt har använts. Primär data har samlats in med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer som utfördes på företaget Grant Thornton. Respondenterna bestod av åtta individer med anställning på olika positioner inom företaget. Fem mekanismer har kunnat påvisas som beskriver hur företag kan arbeta med att integrera CSR i organisationen. Tre funktioner har också utvecklats som påvisar hur autenticitet kan skapas inom organisationer i samband med CSR.
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