Spelling suggestions: "subject:"california)"" "subject:"galifornia)""
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A study of the occupational choices of senior students at Modesto High School and some of the salient factors affecting those choicesAhlberg, Alice 01 January 1946 (has links)
This study is concerned with the problem of occupational choices of high school students and the interplay of the various factors which enter into those choices.
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A survey of state laws and regulations regarding corporal punishment in the public schoolsCoolidge, Frances Elizabeth 01 January 1958 (has links)
It was the purpose of this study (1) to determine how many states have laws relating to corporal punishment in the public schools; (2) to ascertain the number of states having specific provisions in their education code relating to corporal punishment; (3) to determine the authority which authorizes or prohibits or restricts corporal punishment in each states; (4) to find to what extent the laws relating to corporal punishment are specific; (5) to find how much power the laws give school districts and school personnel; (6) to learn the nature of the regulations set forth by the state department of education, or other authority, concerning corporal punishment (7) to learn of the provisions in the regulations for administering corporal punishment; (8) to examine the laws relating to liability of public officials and school employees in each state; and (9) to prepare a recommendation governing corporal punishment in the public schools to be presented to the California State Legislature.
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The relationship between the professional status of certificated personnel and the size of the elementary school districts in San Joaquin and Stanislaus CountiesHyman, Jack Robert 01 January 1955 (has links)
This study was conducted for the purpose of determining whether the size of school districts (in terms of the number of teachers they employ) affects the employment of the instructional staff with regard to their academic preparation, experiences, and professional interest. In question form the problem may be stated: What is the relationship of the professional status of the teacher to the size of the district in the elementary schools of San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties?
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A preliminary survey of the concentration of selected ions in some California native plants growing in serpentine and non-serpentine soilBoyko, Gregory Roger 01 January 1980 (has links)
Do the peculiar ion concentrations of serpentine soils appear in the tissues of plants growing on those soils? To what extent are the same species of plants growing in serpentine and non-serpentine soil similar in ionic concentrations? This work was an attempt to answer these questions.
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The selection and professional training of teachers : a study based upon questionnaire returns from selected teachers and school administrators in California, as collected by the State Department of EducationJacobs, Peter G. 01 January 1939 (has links)
This paper is concerned with the professional preparation of teachers and seek to set forth and evaluate the ideas which teachers in the field think would improve the chances of success for the teachers now in training. Obviously, the person to realize the advantages and disadvantages if the preparation which he has had. It is apparent also, that our present system of educating teachers is out of step with present day needs in some respects.
A small number of responses were received from the elementary group and therefore the conclusions which will be set forth in this article are predicated very largely upon the answers received from the others. Nevertheless, a high percentage of the suggestions and criticisms which the survey produced may be applied directly to the elementary schools.
Evaluation of answers was made somewhat difficult by the fact that in some cases a given answer was not that or an individual but of a committee of teachers. Of course, such a response is really entitled to more consideration, but to know just how much more is something belonging to speculative rather than mathematical thinking.
Many replies did not bear directly upon the question. Where replies do not seem to bear directly on the question considered, these will be placed at the end of each group under the heading of "Miscellaneous Replies". The responses from the committees especially, showed that the thinking was clear, concise and well organized.
In many cases several answers were grouped under one heading in the compilation. Perhaps there is a need for further grouping under basic fields, but in some cases we do not have the word or words to name the basic field. This is true especially, concerning basic traits for teachers.
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Public interest concerning elementary school information in Ceres, CaliforniaStanford, Joseph Benton, Jr. 01 January 1956 (has links)
The emphasis of this study will be centered in the search for answers to the following questions: (1) How accurately and extensively do adults of the community know their elementary schools?; (2) What are the various sources by which adults of the community receive school information?; (3) What types (categories) of school information for citizens desire most?; (4) What types of school news items appear most frequently in the local newspaper, and how accurate and effective in it?
The objective in conducting this study is to gain an insight into the matter of communication between the elementary school and the community and to evaluate local school publicity.
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Certain significant characteristics of various sizes of California school districts for the fiscal year 1950-1951Weimer, Clifford Putman 01 January 1953 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to find for the fiscal year 1950-51 some characteristics of the variou sizes of California school districts as indicated by the average daily attendance for the fiscal year 1950-51 in relation to (1) the average current expenses per unit of average daily attendance, (2) the average state apportionment per unit of average daily attendance, (3) the average transportation costs per unit of average daily attendance, and (4) the average district tax rates.
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Estudio de las praderas de fanerógamas marinas en Baja California Sur (México): ciclo de vida y estrategias reproductivas de Zostera marina, Halodule wrightii y Halophila decipiensSanta-María Gallegos, Noé Abraham 22 July 2016 (has links)
Se analizó el comportamiento de la biomasa, densidad de haces, morfología y floración de tres especies de fanerógamas marinas Zostera marina L., Halodule wrightii Ascherson y Halophila decipiens Ostenfeld, en la península de Baja California Sur, una región en la que enfrentan condiciones ambientales cercanas a sus límites de tolerancia. El trabajo se compone de dos partes, la primera consiste de cuatro estudios sobre Zostera marina L., especie de afinidad templado-fría, que es dominante en la costa del Pacífico norte, y la segunda que se enfoca al estudio de Halodule wrightii y Halophila decipiens, especies de afinidad tropical que se observan en la costa del Golfo de California. Todas las praderas de Zostera marina ubicadas en la costa del Pacífico de la Península de Baja California son perennes. No se observaron indicadores de la existencia de plantas anuales. Existe una tendencia a una mayor reproducción sexual de Z. marina hacia el sur. Esta tendencia fue significativa en el nivel intermareal, mas no en el submareal. Se observó una amplia variabilidad en la abundancia y reproducción sexual de Z. marina entre las diferentes localidades de la costa del Pacífico de Baja California Sur. La variación estacional de la biomasa y reproducción sexual de Z. marina en el complejo lagunar de Bahía Magdalena, el límite sur de distribución de esta especie en la costa oriental del Pacífico norte, indica que existen condiciones favorables para su crecimiento desde invierno hasta el verano y que a fin del verano y principio del otoño se presentan condiciones adversas que limitan su desarrollo. La praderas de Z. marina en Bahía Magdalena sobreviven a condiciones muy limitantes durante el periodo entre verano y otoño, pero mantienen su forma de vida perenne y no se observó la presencia de plantas anuales, este comportamiento de diferente de otras regiones que son límite de distribución latitudinal, donde coexisten plantas perennes y anuales. Dentro del Golfo de California las poblaciones de Z. marina tienen una forma de vida completamente anual, ninguna planta sobrevive al paso del verano, su temporada de crecimiento y reproducción ocurre desde el final del otoño hasta mitad de la primavera. Al evaluar mediante un trasplante recíproco la influencia ambiental sobre las diferentes estrategias de vida (anual y perenne), de poblaciones de Z. marina en las costas de Baja California Sur. Las plantas anuales no pudieron sobrevivir en una localidad donde Z. marina vive en forma perenne, mientras que las plantas perennes trasplantadas dentro del Golfo de California pueden sobrevivir unas semanas más que las plantas anuales, pero no sobreviven al final del verano. En las praderas tanto anuales como perennes se observan variaciones interanuales de abundancia y reproducción sexual que están asociadas a las variaciones térmicas del ambiente. Se evaluó la variación estacional de la abundancia y morfología de haces de Halodule wrightii en dos localidades del Suroeste del Golfo de California. Presentó limitaciones a su crecimiento, especialmente en el invierno y ante eventos como las tormentas, aunque resiste bien bajas temperaturas de hasta 20°C y muestra una buena capacidad de recuperación al enterramiento. Las localidades estudiadas muestran una tendencia al aumento en la extensión de las praderas. No se observó formación de flores o producción de semillas de Halodule wrightii. Halophila decipiens fue observada y documentada por primera vez dentro del Golfo de California y el Pacífico oriental mediante este estudio. Se observó que su mayor crecimiento y la reproducción sexual se presentan en la temporada de primavera a principio del otoño. La presencia de especies de fanerógamas de afinidad tropical y templada en esta región favorece una moderada diversidad biológica de este grupo, con 4 especies presentes dentro del Golfo de California y un total de 6 especies en las costas de la península de Baja California. Esta diversidad se ve enriquecida a nivel genético debido a que incluye las formas anual y perenne de Zostera marina.
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Taxonomic studies on adult and larval ascidians from CaliforniaHaugsten, Robert Christian 01 January 1958 (has links)
The primary purpose of this research is to further morphological studies on larval ascidians and to encourage greater reliance on larval structures in ascidian taxonomy. This may necessitate some revisions in current classifications, but it is hoped that such revisions will lead to a better understanding of the group. Some general considerations of ascidians are here included for the benefit of those who may not be familiar with them. All specimens used in this study were collected at the Pacific Marine Station area at Dillon Beach, California, during June, July, and August of 1957.
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Lodi recreation surveyFrancis, Ralph B. 01 January 1941 (has links)
It is the purpose of this study to make a complete recreation survey of Lodi with the idea of determining the need for a community sponsored recreation program. Lodi as a community is anxious to develop the welfare of its citizens. With the advancement and betterment of the community in mind, the results of this report are to be studied, checked, and acted upon by all groups interested in a community recreation program. For the purpose of clarification, recreation will be treated as leisure-time activity as for most people the opportunities for it are largely confined to their leisure hours. Dr. John H. Finley has pointed out, "the word, 'recreation' is broad enough to include play-music, the drama, the crafts, every free activity and especially creative activity for the enrichment of life".1 These findings will present the many factors showing the place of a community recreation program in our modern city life.
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