Spelling suggestions: "subject:"capturing"" "subject:"apturing""
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Simulationsbasierte Absicherung der Ergonomie mit Hilfe digital beschriebener menschlicher BewegungenSchönherr, Ricardo 10 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Digitale Menschmodelle gelten als gut geeignete Werkzeuge zur Planung und Bewertung manueller Arbeit, insbesondere zur präventiven Ergonomieabsicherung. Bislang ist jedoch der Funktionsumfang der Softwaretools unzureichend und der Bedienaufwand zu hoch. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Aufbereitung digital erfasster menschlicher Bewegungen für die Bewegungsgenerierung und semiautomatische Ergonomiebewertung beschrieben. Nach einer Diskussion des gegenwärtigen Wissensstandes folgt die Darstellung zweier empirischer Untersuchungen zur Bewegungserfassung und -auswertung. Anschließend wird die Implementierung eines mehrere Belastungsfaktoren umfassenden Kombinationsverfahrens zur Ergonomiebewertung erläutert. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zur Bewegungsgenerierung und Ergonomiebewertung fließen in die Entwicklung einer Software zur Planung und Bewertung manueller Arbeit, den Editor menschlicher Arbeit (ema), ein. Schließlich erfolgt eine Evaluation anhand realer Planungsszenarien. / Digital Human Models are said to be appropriate tools for planning and assessing human work; especially for preventive ergonomics risk assessment. Up to now, the functional range of established software tools is not sufficient and the operation is too complex and time consuming. Thus, in the present doctoral thesis, the development of a method for the preparation of digitally captured human motions for an algorithmic motion generation and automatic ergonomic risk assessment is described.
On the summarization of the relevant current level of knowledge follows the description of two empirical studies for motion capturing and analysis. Afterwards the implementation of a method of the ergonomics risk assessment that combines several biomechanical risk factors is explained.
The results of the preliminary studies flow into the development of a new software tool for planning and assessing human work – the editor for manual work activities (ema).
Finally, the practical evaluation with the help of real planning scenarios is presented.
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Simulationsbasierte Absicherung der Ergonomie mit Hilfe digital beschriebener menschlicher BewegungenSchönherr, Ricardo 30 January 2014 (has links)
Digitale Menschmodelle gelten als gut geeignete Werkzeuge zur Planung und Bewertung manueller Arbeit, insbesondere zur präventiven Ergonomieabsicherung. Bislang ist jedoch der Funktionsumfang der Softwaretools unzureichend und der Bedienaufwand zu hoch. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird daher die Entwicklung einer Methode zur Aufbereitung digital erfasster menschlicher Bewegungen für die Bewegungsgenerierung und semiautomatische Ergonomiebewertung beschrieben. Nach einer Diskussion des gegenwärtigen Wissensstandes folgt die Darstellung zweier empirischer Untersuchungen zur Bewegungserfassung und -auswertung. Anschließend wird die Implementierung eines mehrere Belastungsfaktoren umfassenden Kombinationsverfahrens zur Ergonomiebewertung erläutert. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zur Bewegungsgenerierung und Ergonomiebewertung fließen in die Entwicklung einer Software zur Planung und Bewertung manueller Arbeit, den Editor menschlicher Arbeit (ema), ein. Schließlich erfolgt eine Evaluation anhand realer Planungsszenarien. / Digital Human Models are said to be appropriate tools for planning and assessing human work; especially for preventive ergonomics risk assessment. Up to now, the functional range of established software tools is not sufficient and the operation is too complex and time consuming. Thus, in the present doctoral thesis, the development of a method for the preparation of digitally captured human motions for an algorithmic motion generation and automatic ergonomic risk assessment is described.
On the summarization of the relevant current level of knowledge follows the description of two empirical studies for motion capturing and analysis. Afterwards the implementation of a method of the ergonomics risk assessment that combines several biomechanical risk factors is explained.
The results of the preliminary studies flow into the development of a new software tool for planning and assessing human work – the editor for manual work activities (ema).
Finally, the practical evaluation with the help of real planning scenarios is presented.
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Establishing a pilot plant facility for post combustion carbon dioxide capture studiesKritzinger, Liaan Rudolf 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is seen as one of the main contributors to global warming. The use of fossil fuels for power production leads to large quantities of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere. The released CO2 can, however, be captured by retrofitting capture units downstream from the power plant called Post Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capturing.
Post combustion CO2 capture can involve the reactive absorption of CO2 from the power plant flue gas steam. Reactive solvents, such as monoethanolamine (MEA), are used for capturing the CO2 and the solvent is regenerated in a desorber unit where the addition of heat drives the reverse reaction, releasing the captured CO2. However, the large energy requirement for solvent regeneration reduces the viability of employing CO2 capture on an industrial scale.
This study focused on establishing a facility for CO2 capture studies – the main aim being the construction and validation of the results produced by the pilot plant facility. A secondary aim of this study was developing an Aspen Plus® Simulation method that would simplify simulating the complex CO2 capture process. Results from the simulation were to be compared to that of the pilot plant experiments.
A pilot plant facility with a closed gas system, allowing gas recycling from both the absorber and the stripping columns, was set up. The absorber column (internal diameter = 0.2 m) was set up to allow one to obtain information regarding gas- and liquid temperatures and compositions at various column heights. Online gas analysers are used for analysing the gas composition at various locations in the absorber column.
The pilot plant was initially commissioned with 20 weight % MEA in aqueous solution; however the main validation experiments were conducted with 30 weight % MEA in aqueous solution. 30 weight % MEA (aq) is generally used as the reference solvent for pilot plant studies. Pilot plant results with regards to the carbon dioxide concentration profiles for the absorber column as well as the regeneration energy requirement and capture rates compared well to literature data.
The Aspen Plus® simulation was also set up and validated using published pilot plant data. The comparison of the pilot plant results from this study, to the results from the Aspen Plus® Simulation, showed good agreement between the two. The Aspen Plus® Simulation could further be used to validate pilot plant data that has been gathered outside the range of reported CO2 capture efficiencies.
The Aspen Plus®model was evaluated at liquid-to-gas ratios of 1.7 and regeneration energies matching the pilot plant results. It was found that the model under predicts the capture efficiency of CO2 with an average of 4.0%. The model was corrected for this error at liquid-to-gas ratios of 2 and the fit of the model to pilot plant results improved considerably (R2-value = 0.965).
Pilot plant repeatability was investigated with both 20 weight %- and 30 weight % MEA in aqueous solution. Temperature- and gas concentration profiles from the absorber column showed good repeatability. The maximum deviation of the regeneration energy and the capture efficiency from the calculation means were ±0.72% and ±1.40% respectively.
The aims of this study have been met by establishing, and validating the results of a pilot plant facility for carbon dioxide capture studies. It has been shown that the pilot plant produces repeatable results. Results from the Aspen Plus® Simulation were validated and also match results from the established pilot plant setup. The simulation may prove to provide valuable information regarding the optimal operating conditions for the pilot plant and may aid in performing a full parametric study on the CO2 capture process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koolstofdioksied (CO2) word geklassifiseer as een van die bekendste kweekhuisgasse wat ʼn groot bydra lewer tot aardverwarming. Die gebruik van fossielbrandstowwe om na die energiebehoeftes van die mens om te sien lei daartoe dat groot hoeveelhede koolstofdioksied, hoofsaaklik vanaf kragstasies, vrygestel word in die atmosfeer. Daar is verskeie maniere hoe die CO2 uit die uitlaatgas van kragstasies verwyder kan word – die vernaamste hiervan is bekend as die Na-verbranding opvangs metode.
Die opvangs van CO2 na verbranding van fossielbrandstowwe vir kragproduksie kan vermag word deur van reaktiewe absorpsie tegnieke gebruik te maak. Mono-etanol-amien (MEA) kan vir hierdie doeleindes aangewend word deur dit, in ʼn absorpsiekolom, in kontak te bring met die CO2. Die gereageerde oplosmiddel word geregenereer deur die oplosmiddel te verhit in ʼn stropingskolom. ʼn Bykans suiwer CO2 stroom word vrygestel. Die implementering van hierdie opvangtegniek op industriële skaal lei egter tot groot energieverliese vir die kragstasies. Die hoofrede hiervoor is die hoeveelheid energie wat benodig word om die oplosmiddel te regenereer vir hergebruik.
Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was gemik op die oprigting en inwerkstelling van 'n navorsingsfasiliteit vir studies aangaande die na-verbranding opvangs van CO2. Dit het behels die ontwerp, konstruksie en stawing van gelewerde resultate met resultate in die literatuur. 'n Sekondêre doel van hierdie studie was die metode-ontwikkeling vir die opstel van 'n Aspen Plus® Model wat die simulasie van die CO2 opvangsproses met ʼn reaktiewe oplosmiddel, MEA, vereenvoudig. Gesimuleerde resultate is vergelyk met resultate uit die literatuur.
Die toetsaanleg, met 'n geslote gas stelsel, maak voorsiening vir die hersirkulering van gas wat vir eksperimentele doeleindes gebruik word. Die absorpsie kolom (interne diameter van 0,2 m) is opgestel sodat informasie aangaande die gas- en vloeistof temperature, sowel as gas- en vloeistof komposisies vanaf verskillende kolomhoogtes, bekom kan word. ʼn Aanlyn CO2 analiseerder word gebruik om vir CO2 in die prosesgas te analiseer.
Die toetsaanleg is aanvanklik in bedryf gestel met ʼn 20 massa % MEA in waterige oplossing; die hoof eksperimente is egter uitgevoer deur van 30 massa % MEA in waterige oplossing gebruik te maak. Die laasgenoemde oplosmiddel word algemeen gebruik in die CO2 opvangs verwante navorsingsveld. Die resultate van die toetsaanleg, vergelyk goed met resultate in die literatuur.
Die gesimuleerde Aspen Plus® resultate is ook vergelyk met resultate in die literatuur en die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat die simulasie gebruik kan word om redelike akkurate voorspellings van die werklike prosesresultate te gee. Die simulasie is verder ook gebruik om resultate, verkry vanaf die opgerigte toetsaanleg, te verifieer en ʼn goeie ooreenstemming tussen die gesimuleerde en die eksperimentele resultate is waargeneem. ʼn Verder gevolgtrekking aangaan die Aspen Plus® simulasie metode was dat dit in die toekoms ʼn groot doel kan dien in die optimeringsproses van toetsaanlegte waar navorsing aangaande die na-verbranding opvang van CO2 gedoen word.
Die Aspen Plus® model is geëvalueer by ‘n vloeistof-tot-gas-verhouding van 1,7 en ooreenstemmende toetsaanleg resultate, aangaande die hoeveelheid energie wat ingesit is vir die regenerasie van die oplosmiddel. Die onakkuraathede in die model, met betrekking tot die voorspelling van die hoeveelheid CO2 wat vasgevang sal word, is hierdeur bepaal en die model is daarvoor aangepas. Resultate van die verbeterde model vergelyk baie goed met die toetsaanleg resultate – ʼn R2-waarde van 0.965.
Die herhaalbaarheid van die toetsaanleg resultate is ondersoek en ʼn goeie herhaalbaarheid van die temperatuur- en CO2 konsentrasieprofiele is verkry. Die toetsaanleg dui ook goeie herhaalbaarheid met betrekking tot die effektiwiteit waarmee die CO2 uit ʼn gasstroom verwyder word (± 1,40%), sowel as die hoeveelheid energie wat benodig word vir regenerering van die oplosmiddel (± 0,72%).
Die doelwitte van hierdie studie is bereik deur die oprigting en verifiëring van resultate gelewer deur 'n toetsaanleg vir studies aangaande die na-verbrandingsopvang van CO2. Die herhaalbaarheid van toetaanleg resultate is bewys. Resultate van die Aspen Plus® simulasie stem ooreen met resultate in die literatuur sowel as resultate van die toetsaanleg wat opgerig is in hierdie studie.
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Il progetto di ricerca riguarda le decisioni di disinvestimento ed il coinvolgimento del management di livello intermedio nelle iniziative di disinvestimento. L’obiettivo principale è quello di comprendere il processo decisionale sottostante alle decisioni di disinvestimento nelle grandi aziende multinazionali, con particolare attenzione agli asset di business. I manager di livello intermedio sono chiamati spesso a valutare gli asset di business e scegliere quali tenere e quali vendere, nell’ambito del portafoglio di asset detenuti da un’azienda. Utilizzando il framework di dynamic capabilities, ai fini della presente ricerca, abbiamo adottato una metodologia mista, che ci ha permesso di raccogliere le prime evidenze da un case study, tornare alla letteratura di management per una review di quanto scritto in precedenza e costruire la sezione più innovativa di questo lavoro, ossia l’esperimento di policy capturing. Tramite delle interviste fatte a manager di livello intermedio in una multinazionale europea, sono state individuate quattro prospettive teoriche che possono spiegare i determinati che hanno portato alla dismissione di un asset, ossia real option theory, transaction cost economics, resource-based view e new institutionalism. Il gap di ricerca è stato individuato nel fatto che gli studi condotti in precedenza si sono focalizzati principalmente sul disinvestimento di business unit o filiali e hanno basato le analisi prevalentemente su dati secondari. L’esperimento di policy capturing è stato usato per catturare quali fattori realmente influenzano le valutazioni dei manager di livello intermedio nel momento in cui sono chiamati a valutare la dismissione di asset di business. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di sviluppare e testare un framework teorico derivante da un fenomeno osservato, che origina dalla pratica manageriale. L’interesse è stato guidato principalmente da un gap percepito tra la teoria e la pratica in merito alle decisioni di disinvestimento e l’impressione che quanto saggiamente descritto nei libri di management non sia diffusamente utilizzato nella pratica. / This research project addresses divestment decisions and the involvement of middle management in divestiture initiatives. The main goal is to understand the practice of divestment decision-making in multinational multibusiness corporations, with a focus on the divestment of business unit assets. Middle managers are routinely asked to assess business unit assets and choose the ones to keep and the ones to be divested within the firm’s portfolio of assets. Within the dynamic capabilities framework, as for the purpose of this research project, we adopted a mixed methodology that allowed us collect useful insights from a case study, go back to the management literature for a structured review and open up the way to the most innovative section of this work, the policy capturing experiment. Middle managers inside a European multinational corporation were interviewed, providing evidence for four main theoretical lenses that can explain determinants related to asset divestment decisions, namely real option theory, transaction cost economics, resource-based view and new institutionalism. A clear research gap was identified as a consequence of the major focus of prior research on business unit or subsidiary divestments and the predominant use of secondary data. The policy capturing instrument, drawing from the four theoretical lenses, is used to capture which factors influence middle managers assessment of the divestment of business unit assets. Our intent is to develop and test a theoretical framework about an existing phenomenon, originating from the management practice. This interest was mainly driven by a perceived gap between theory and practice about divestment decisions and by the belief that the conventional wisdom of management textbooks is not widely used in practice.
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Aspects of viscous shocksSiklosi, Malin January 2004 (has links)
This thesis consists of an introduction and five papers concerning different numerical and mathematical aspects of viscous shocks. Hyperbolic conservation laws are used to model wave motion and advect- ive transport in a variety of physical applications. Solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws may become discontinuous, even in cases where initial and boundary data are smooth. Shock waves is one important type of discontinu- ity. It is also interesting to study the corresponding slightly viscous system, i.e., the system obtained when a small viscous term is added to the hyper- bolic system of equations. By a viscous shock we denote a thin transition layer which appears in the solution of the slightly viscous system instead of a shock in the corresponding purely hyperbolic problem. A slightly viscous system, a so called modified equation, is often used to model numerical solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws and their beha- vior in the vicinity of shocks. Computations presented elsewhere show that numerical solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws obtained by higher order accurate shock capturing methods in many cases are only first order accurate downstream of shocks. We use a modified equation to model numerical solu- tions obtained by a generic second order shock capturing scheme for a time dependent system in one space dimension. We present analysis that show how the first order error term is related to the viscous terms and show that it is possible to eliminate the first order downstream error by choosing a special viscosity term. This is verified in computations. We also extend the analysis to a stationary problem in two space dimensions. Though the technique of modified equation is widely used, rather little is known about when (for what methods etc.) it is applicable. The use of a modified equation as a model for a numerical solution is only relevant if the numerical solution behaves as a continuous function. We have experimentally investigated a range of high resolution shock capturing methods. Our experiments indicate that for many of the methods there is a continuous shock profile. For some of the methods, however, this not the case. In general the behavior in the shock region is very complicated. Systems of hyperbolic conservation laws with solutions containing shock waves, and corresponding slightly viscous equations, are examples where the available theoretical results on existence and uniqueness of solutions are very limited, though it is often straightforward to find approximate numerical solu- tions. We present a computer-assisted technique to prove existence of solu- tions of non-linear boundary value ODEs, which is based on using an approx- imate, numerical solution. The technique is applied to stationary solutions of the viscous Burgers' equation.We also study a corresponding method suggested by Yamamoto in SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 35(5)1998, and apply also this method to the viscous Burgers' equation.
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Simultaneous cooperative exploration and networkingKim, Jonghoek 30 March 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides strategies for multiple vehicles to explore unknown environments in a cooperative and systematic manner. These strategies are called Simultaneous Cooperative Exploration and Networking (SCENT) strategies. As the basis for development of SCENT strategies, we first tackle the motion control and planning for one vehicle with range sensors. In particular, we develop the curve-tracking controllers for autonomous vehicles with rigidly mounted range sensors, and a provably complete exploration strategy is proposed so that one vehicle with range sensors builds a topological map of an environment. The SCENT algorithms introduced in
this thesis extend the exploration strategy for one vehicle to multiple vehicles.
The enabling idea of the SCENT algorithms is to construct a topological map of the environment, which is considered completely explored if the map corresponds to a complete Voronoi diagram of the environment. To achieve this, each vehicle explores its local area by incrementally expanding the already visited areas of the environment.
At the same time, every vehicle deploys communication devices at selected locations and, as a result, a communication network is created concurrently with a topological map. This additional network allows the vehicles to share information in a distributed manner resulting in an efficient exploration of the workspace.
The efficiency of the proposed SCENT algorithms is verified through theoretical investigations as well as experiments using mobile robots. Moreover, the resulting networks and the topological maps are used to solve coordinated multi-robot tasks,
such as capturing intruders.
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Aspects of viscous shocksSiklos, Malin January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis consists of an introduction and five papers concerning different numerical and mathematical aspects of viscous shocks. </p><p>Hyperbolic conservation laws are used to model wave motion and advect- ive transport in a variety of physical applications. Solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws may become discontinuous, even in cases where initial and boundary data are smooth. Shock waves is one important type of discontinu- ity. It is also interesting to study the corresponding slightly viscous system, i.e., the system obtained when a small viscous term is added to the hyper- bolic system of equations. By a viscous shock we denote a thin transition layer which appears in the solution of the slightly viscous system instead of a shock in the corresponding purely hyperbolic problem. </p><p>A slightly viscous system, a so called modified equation, is often used to model numerical solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws and their beha- vior in the vicinity of shocks. Computations presented elsewhere show that numerical solutions of hyperbolic conservation laws obtained by higher order accurate shock capturing methods in many cases are only first order accurate downstream of shocks. We use a modified equation to model numerical solu- tions obtained by a generic second order shock capturing scheme for a time dependent system in one space dimension. We present analysis that show how the first order error term is related to the viscous terms and show that it is possible to eliminate the first order downstream error by choosing a special viscosity term. This is verified in computations. We also extend the analysis to a stationary problem in two space dimensions. </p><p>Though the technique of modified equation is widely used, rather little is known about when (for what methods etc.) it is applicable. The use of a modified equation as a model for a numerical solution is only relevant if the numerical solution behaves as a continuous function. We have experimentally investigated a range of high resolution shock capturing methods. Our experiments indicate that for many of the methods there is a continuous shock profile. For some of the methods, however, this not the case. In general the behavior in the shock region is very complicated.</p><p>Systems of hyperbolic conservation laws with solutions containing shock waves, and corresponding slightly viscous equations, are examples where the available theoretical results on existence and uniqueness of solutions are very limited, though it is often straightforward to find approximate numerical solu- tions. We present a computer-assisted technique to prove existence of solu- tions of non-linear boundary value ODEs, which is based on using an approx- imate, numerical solution. The technique is applied to stationary solutions of the viscous Burgers' equation.We also study a corresponding method suggested by Yamamoto in SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 35(5)1998, and apply also this method to the viscous Burgers' equation.</p>
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Large-eddy simulations of scramjet enginesKoo, Heeseok 20 June 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this dissertation is to develop large-eddy simulation (LES) based computational tools for supersonic inlet and combustor design.
In the recent past, LES methodology has emerged as a viable tool for modeling turbulent combustion. LES computes the large scale mixing process accurately, thereby providing a better starting point for small-scale models that describe the combustion process. In fact, combustion models developed in the context of Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations exhibit better predictive capability when used in the LES framework. The development of a predictive computational tool based on LES will provide a significant boost to the design of scramjet engines.
Although LES has been used widely in the simulation of subsonic turbulent flows, its application to high-speed flows has been hampered by a variety of modeling and numerical issues. In this work, we develop a comprehensive LES methodology for supersonic flows, focusing on the simulation of scramjet engine components. This work is divided into three sections. First, a robust compressible flow solver for a generalized high-speed flow configuration is developed. By using carefully designed numerical schemes, dissipative errors associated with discretization methods for high-speed flows are minimized. Multiblock and immersed boundary method are used to handle scramjet-specific geometries. Second, a new combustion model for compressible reactive flows is developed. Subsonic combustion models are not directly applicable in high-speed flows due to the coupling between the energy and velocity fields. Here, a probability density function (PDF) approach is developed for high-speed combustion. This method requires solution to a high dimensional PDF transport equation, which is achieved through a novel direct quadrature method of moments (DQMOM). The combustion model is validated using experiments on supersonic reacting flows. Finally, the LES methodology is used to study the inlet-isolator component of a dual-mode scramjet. The isolator is a critical component that maintains the compression shock structures required for stable combustor operation in ramjet mode. We simulate unsteady dynamics inside an experimental isolator, including the propagation of an unstart event that leads to loss of compression. Using a suite of simulations, the sensitivity of the results to LES models and numerical implementation is studied. / text
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Captura da subjetividade: análise das políticas de gestão do trabalho utilizadas para mobilizar o engajamento dos trabalhadores de uma grande rede de supermercados. / Capture the subjectivity: analysis of policies work management used to mobilize the engagement of workers from a large supermarket chain.Silva, Manuelle Cristine 04 September 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-09-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation sought to investigate the management policies of the work used by a multinational supermarket chain to stimulate the engagement of workers. The aim is to understand how these policies perform what has been called the "capture" of subjectivity. In theoretical referential was possible to understand that in the capitalist system, labor relations are constructed for than the capital extract more value from workers. This holding expands on the restructuring of productive period of flexible accumulation. In this context, unemployment is shown as a great disciplinarian of the labor force and subjected workers to poor working conditions. On the other hand, companies also need the collaboration and commitment of workers, so they find ways to make them feel motivated, engaged and increase their productivity. For this purpose, they build management policies responsible for "capturing" the subjectivity of workers, aiming their greater engagement. The present study investigates the ways that capturing the subjectivity. Empirically it is based on qualitative research, conducted through a case study in a multinational supermarket business, which today operates in 18 (eighteen) states of Brazil. The study subjects were workers and managers of 06 (six) stores, located in northeastern Brazil, a total of eighteen 18 (eighteen) respondents, between managers and operators. Regarding the results of the survey found that the company has management policies responsible for "capturing" the subjectivity of workers, these policies inspired by the methods based on the production system toyotist. Among the forms responsible to capture the subjectivity, as presented by Faria and Meneghetti (2001), highlight the identity, essentiality valued collaboration for development, the productivity and total involvement, means that they can engage the worker and psychologically induced you realize what the company demands, despite the high personal cost pressures within the psychological, emotional, physical, time of life that is taken, conflicts and losses in the reconciliation of work and personal life. / A presente dissertação buscou conhecer as políticas de gestão do trabalho utilizadas por uma rede de supermercados multinacional para estimular o engajamento dos trabalhadores. O intuito é apreender como essas políticas realizam o que vem sendo chamado de captura da subjetividade. A partir do referencial teórico foi possível compreender que, no sistema capitalista, as relações de trabalho são construídas de maneira a que o capital extraia mais valia do trabalhador. Essa exploração se amplia com a reestruturação produtiva da era da acumulação flexível. Neste contexto, o desemprego se mostra como grande disciplinador da força de trabalho e submete os trabalhadores a situações precárias de trabalho. Por outro lado, as empresas também precisam da colaboração e do comprometimento dos trabalhadores, por isso procuram meios para fazer com que os mesmos se sintam motivados, engajados e aumentem sua produtividade. Para este fim, elas constroem políticas de gestão incumbidas de capturar a subjetividade dos trabalhadores, visando o seu maior engajamento. O presente estudo buscou conhecer as formas dessa captura da subjetividade. Empiricamente ele está fundamentado numa pesquisa qualitativa, realizada por meio do estudo de caso em uma multinacional do ramo de supermercados que, hoje, atua em 18 (dezoito) estados do Brasil. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram trabalhadores e gerentes de 06 (seis) lojas, localizadas no nordeste do Brasil, perfazendo um total de 18 (dezoito) pessoas entrevistadas, entre gerentes e operadores. Em relação aos resultados da pesquisa constatou-se que a empresa possui políticas de gestão encarregadas de capturar a subjetividade dos trabalhadores, políticas essas inspiradas nos métodos baseados no sistema de produção toyotista. Dentre as formas encarregadas de capturar a subjetividade, conforme apresentadas por Faria e Meneghetti (2001), destacamos a da identidade, da essencialidade valorizada, da colaboração solidária, da eficácia produtiva e do envolvimento total; meios estes que conseguem envolver psicologicamente o trabalhador e induzi-lo a realizar o que a empresa demanda, a despeito dos elevados sacrifícios pessoais no âmbito das pressões psicológicas, emocionais, físicas, do tempo de vida que lhe é tirado, dos conflitos e perdas na conciliação do trabalho com a vida pessoal.
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Construction of a Motion Capture SystemLindequist, Jonas, Lönnblom, Daniel January 2004 (has links)
Motion capture is the process of capturing movements from real life into a computer. Existing motion capture systems are often very expensive and require advanced hardware that makes the process complex. This thesis will answer the following question: is it possible to create an optical motion capture system using only a single low cost Dvcamera (Digital Video Camera), that still will produce accurate motion capture data? To answer this question and construct our motion capture system we need to complete these following steps: • Create a usable film sequence. • Analyze the sequence. • Create motion capture data. • Apply the motion capture data for 3D character and analyze the outcome. The method chosen for this thesis is constructive research. In short terms it is the study of whether we can or cannot build a new artifact. The following theoretic tools were used in the process of creating a motion capture system: Color theory, RGB, Connected component labeling, Skeletons in 3D animation, Calculating angels using trigonometry, .x files and Quaternions. We have found that an optical motion capture system is very complex and it is hard to produce as a low budget system. Our attempt did not live up to our expectations. The idea with using only one DV camera was to simplify the system since it would require no calibration or syncronisation. It would also make the system cost efficient and more available to the general public. The single camera solution unfortunatly created a number of problems in our system. Our system does however work with less complex movements. It can produce motion capture data that is accurate enough to be used in low budget games. It is also cost effective compared to other systems on the market. The system has a very easy setup and does not need any calibration in addition to the init position.
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