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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Permian-Triassic boundary in the NW-Iranian Transcaucasus and in Central Iran / Petrographic and geochemical investigations aimed at an improved characterization of the environmental shift around the time of the major mass extinction

Leda, Lucyna 19 June 2020 (has links)
Perm/Trias-Grenzprofile in den Regionen von Julfa (NW-Iran) und Abadeh (Zentral-Iran) zeigen eine Abfolge von drei charakteristischen Gesteinseinheiten, (1) den Paratirolites Limestone mit dem end-permischen Massensterbehorizont an seiner Oberkante, (2) den Boundary Clay und (3) die untertriassische Elikah-Formation mit der mit Conodonten definierten Perm/Trias-Grenze an seiner Basis. Die Karbonatmikrofazies zeigt eine Veränderung in den Profilen bei Julfa; innerhalb des Paratirolites Limestone ist eine zunehmende Anzahl von Intraklasten, Fe-Mn-Krusten und biogenen Verkrustungen erkennbar. Die Karbonatproduktion des späten Perms wurde mit der Ablagerung von mikrobiellen Karbonaten an der Basis der Elikah-Formation in Julfa erneuert. Die in den Profilen von Baghuk (Abadeh-Region) vorkommenden Mikrobialite sind vielfältig; es gibt groß-und kleinskalige, arboreszierendende Mikrobialit-Ansammlungen mit auffälliger Morphologie und innerer Struktur. In den Regionen von Julfa (NW-Iran) und Abadeh (Zentral-Iran) deutet eine deutliche und weltweit nachvollziehbare negative Kohlenstoffisotopenexkursion hin. Die rasche Exkursion der Kohlenstoffisotopenexkursion unterhalb des Aussterbehorizonts im obersten Bereich des Paratirolites Limestone wird durch eine stratigraphische Kondensation, die ein Defizit der Karbonatproduktion/Akkumulation und/oder eine schnelle geochemische Veränderung in Richtung Karbonatuntersättigung spiegelt, verstärkt. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass ein länger andauernder Mechanismus, wie die thermische Metamorphose von an organischem Material reicher Sedimente, und/oder verstärkte Verwitterung auf den Kontinenten, die negative Perm/Trias- Kohlenstoffisotopenexkursion verursacht haben könnte. Die Stickstoffisotopenwerte zeigen keinen Trend unterhalb des Aussterbehorizonts, was auf eine Kombination verschiedener Prozesse (Stickstofffixierung und ein Gleichgewichtszustand zwischen Nitratassimilation, Stickstoff-Fixierung und Denitrifikation) hinweist. / Permian-Triassic boundary sections in the Julfa (NW Iran) and Abadeh (Central Iran) regions display a succession of three characteristic rock units, (1) the Paratirolites Limestone with the end-Permian mass extinction horizon at its top, (2) the Boundary Clay, and (3) the Early Triassic Elikah Formation with the conodont Permian-Triassic boundary at its base. The carbonate microfacies reveals a change, in the sections near Julfa, within the Paratirolites Limestone with an increasing number of intraclasts, Fe-Mn crusts, and biogenic encrustation. A decline in carbonate accumulation occurs towards the top of this unit, finally resulting in a complete demise of the carbonate factory. The skeletal carbonate factory was restored with the deposition of microbial carbonates at the base of the Elikah Formation at Julfa. At Baghuk Mountain (Abadeh region) large- and small-scale, arborescent microbialite buildups with conspicuous morphology and internal structure occur. In the Julfa and Abadeh regions, a prominent and globally traceable negative carbon isotope excursion indicates major perturbations of the carbon cycle around the P-Tr boundary. The sudden carbonate carbon isotope decrease below the extinction horizon is triggered by stratigraphic condensation that mirrors a deficit of the carbonate production/accumulation and/or a rapid geochemical change towards carbonate undersaturation. The negative carbon isotope trend before extinction horizon is gradual, suggesting that a longer lasting mechanism, such as thermal metamorphism of organic-rich sediments, and/or enhanced weathering on the continents may have caused the negative Permian-Triassic stable carbon isotope excursion. The bulk nitrogen isotope values in the sections of the Julfa region do not show any trend below the extinction horizon, pointing to rather mixing of different processes (nitrogen fixation and an equilibrium state between nitrate assimilation, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification).

Geobiology of bituminous carbonates from the Ediacaran Shibantan Member (Dengying Formation, South China)

Duda, Jan-Peter 20 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Climatic Response in the Partitioning of the Stable Isotopes of Carbon in Juniper Trees from Arizona

Arnold, Larry David January 1979 (has links)
Juniper trees (Juniperus osteosperma, J. monosperma, J. deppeana and J. scopulorum) grow under widely varying climatic and edaphic conditions throughout the American southwest. This study is chiefly concerned with a test of the climatic response in the partitioning of the stable isotopes of carbon in such trees. The relationships developed here, for example, might be used to extract paleoclimatic information from ancient juniper samples preserved in cave middens. In order to test for a climatic response in the leaf cellulose δ¹³C values, leaves from a total of 29 trees were sampled in the immediate vicinity of 9 meteorological stations across the state of Arizona. Care was taken to insure that 22 of the trees experienced only the temperature and precipitation values reflected by their site meteorological stations. As a cross-check, 7 trees exposed to temperature and/or precipitation levels clearly deviant from their site averages were also sampled. In general, each tree was sampled at four places, approximately 2 m above the ground. All leaf samples were reduced to cellulose (holocellulose) before combustion and analysis for their δ¹³C value. The δ¹³C value for each site was derived from an average of 2 to 4 trees per site, the value of each tree being the average of its individual samples. The one sigma 13C variation found between trees at any given site is ±0.38‰; within a single tree, ±0.36‰; and for repeat combustions, ±0.20‰. The δ¹³C values of the juniper sites were regressed against the temperature and precipitation of the individual months and running averages of months across the year using polynomial, multiple regression analysis. Temperature and precipitation were entered as separate variables in a general multiple regression model and also as a combined, single variable (T /P) in a more specific approach. The pattern formed by the multiple correlation coefficients, when plotted by months across the year, closely follows the seasonal variations in photosynthetic activity. Cellulose δ¹³C values have minimum correlation with temperature and precipitation (considered jointly) during summer months and maximum correlation during spring months. For an individual month, the temperature and precipitation (jointly) of April correlated at the highest level with a multiple adj. R = 0.994 and an F = 166; for a maximum seasonal response, March-May reached a multiple adj. R = 0.985, F = 66. The results using the combined, single variable (T /P) were nearly equivalent for the same months: April's adj. R = 0.957, F = 45; March-May's adj. R = 0.985 with an F = 132. The ability of T and P as independent predictors is considerably less than their ability in combination; e.g., 13C g(T) for March-May has an adj. R = 0.80 and 6 13C = h(P) has an adj. R = -0.67 compared to their in- concert adj. R value of 0.985. The results of this study, therefore, strongly support a high degree of climatic sensitivity in the partitioning of the stable isotopes of carbon in juniper leaf cellulose: the correlation coefficients and their F statistics are sufficiently high to consider temperature and precipitation (acting jointly) as accurate predictors of cellulose δ¹³C values in the system studied.

Fluid venting structures of terrestrial mud volcanoes (Italy) and marine cold seeps (Black Sea) -Organo-geochemical and biological approaches / Fluid-ausstoßende Strukturen der terrestrischen Schlammvulkane (Italien) und der marinen Cold Seeps (Schwarzes Meer) -Organo-geochemische und biologische Ansätze

Heller, Christina 28 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Natural and Anthropogenic Sources Controlling Regional Groundwater Geochemistry on the Niagara Peninsula

Smal, Caitlin January 2017 (has links)
Groundwater chemistry on the Niagara Peninsula has been identified as highly mineralized in comparison to groundwaters collected from the same bedrock formations elsewhere in southern Ontario. Three geochemical zones were discerned using hierarchical cluster analysis and other geochemical and isotopic methods. The Escarpment Zone, located along the Niagara and Onondaga Escarpments, is characterized by unconfined aquifer conditions, parameters reflective of surficial contaminants, including road salt, and elevated HCO3, DOC, NO3-, coliform bacteria and tritium. In contrast, in the Salina Zone thick, low-permeability sediments and gypsiferous bedrock results in highly mineralized groundwaters with Ca-SO4 geochemical facies and elevated S2-, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, SO42-, Cl-, Br-, Sr2+, NH4+ and CH4. The Guelph Zone contains the lowest electrical conductivity of the three zones and elevated F-. Outliers exist with groundwater geochemistry that differs from the local geochemical zone and the host aquifer. These sites have elevated SO42- (>1000 to 5200 mg/L) with depleted δ34SSO4 (-2.2 to 14.3‰ VCDT) signatures that differs starkly from Devonian and Silurian evaporites (~20 to 32 ‰) in the host formations. This exogenic SO4 was identified in a cross-formational northeast – southwest linear trend crossing three major groundwater flow systems. The lack of down-stream impact in these systems and tritium groundwater ages that are typically only decades old indicate a young, non-geological origin and implicate anthropogenic activities. Additionally, nine samples were identified with elevated methane concentrations and δ13CCH4 signatures within the thermogenic range. As thermogenic methane is not produced within shallow aquifers and would be short-lived in the presence of the ubiquitous sulfate, these samples imply recent upward migration of methane from depth through vertical conduits. Taken together, the evidence supports large-scale upward movement of fluids in the centre of the Niagara geochemical anomaly and more sporadic upward transport of gases over a wider area of the peninsula. The most likely vector is through corroded and leaking casings or boreholes of abandoned (century) gas wells that are common across the peninsula. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Salinidad y trigo duro: Firmas isotópicas, actividad enzimática y expresión génica

Yousfi, Salima 03 July 2012 (has links)
La salinidad y el estrés hídrico son los factores más importantes que limitan la producción de trigo duro, sobre todo en regiones áridas y semiáridas, como la región Mediterránea. El trigo duro es uno de los principales cultivos en el sur y este de la Cuenca Mediterránea, donde se cultiva frecuentemente en condiciones de secano y si es posible con riego deficitario, a menudo con agua de poca calidad, que junto a una elevada evapotranspiración, puede provocar una progresiva salinización del terreno. En este sentido, la mejora genética de trigo duro para una mejor adaptación a estas condiciones de estrés es una de las pocas alternativas viables. El objetivo general de esta Tesis es estudiar las bases fisiológicas y moleculares de las diferencias genotípicas en crecimiento potencial y tolerancia a la salinidad y el estrés hídrico. En un primer estudio (Experimento 1) publicado en “Functional Plant Biology” se investigó qué criterio fenotípico de selección era el más adecuado para seleccionar genotipos de trigo duro que crecieran mejor en condiciones de salinidad continuada. De esta forma se determinó la importancia de los isótopos estables como criterios eficientes para seleccionar genotipos tolerantes y susceptibles a la salinidad. Posteriormente, se realizó un segundo estudio (Experimento 2) donde se evaluó el efecto de la salinidad en la composición isotópica del carbono (δ13C) y el nitrógeno (δ15N) de genotipos de trigo duro y de dos amfiploides (un tritordeo y un triticale). Este trabajo está publicado en la revista “Journal of Experimental Botany”. En este segundo ensayo, la salinidad se aplicó durante la floración y el llenado del grano durante unas pocas semanas. Los resultados de este trabajo representaron la puesta a punto del estudio del comportamiento fisiológico del trigo duro durante la fase reproductiva y bajo diferentes combinaciones de salinidad y riego. Como continuación de los dos Experimentos (1 y 2) y en vista de los resultados obtenidos en el uso de las firmas isotópicas como criterio de evaluación bajo condiciones salinas, se planteó evaluar el uso combinado de la composición isotópica del carbono (δ13C), oxígeno (δ18O) y el nitrógeno (δ15N) en materia seca para observar las respuestas genotípicas de plantas de trigo duro sometidas a diferentes combinaciones de salinidad. Como contribución original, se elaboró un modelo conceptual de las tres firmas isotópicas juntas (δ13C, δ18O, δ15N) junto con características del metabolismo nitrogenado para explicar las diferencias genotípicas en tolerancia a distintas condiciones de salinidad y estrés hídrico. También se evaluaron las características fotosintéticas en relación con las firmas isotópicas y las actividades de enzimas clave del metabolismo nitrogenado. (Trabajo Publicado en la revista “New Phytologist”). Además de los resultados anteriores obtenidos, en esta Tesis se comparó la eficiencia de las firmas isotópicas del carbono, oxígeno y nitrógeno mediante dos vías: muestras de materia seca y muestras de fracción soluble en genotipos de trigo duro para la evaluación de diferencias genotípicas en tolerancia a diferentes condiciones de salinidad y regimenes hídricos. Posteriormente se analizó la respuesta genética de plantas de trigo duro a la salinidad evaluando el nivel de transcripción de genes específicos asociados a tolerancia a salinidad y estrés hídrico, junto a otros que codifican para enzimas claves del metabolismo nitrogenado. También se han estudiado las relaciones entre estas tasas de transcripción, las diferencias genotípicas en crecimiento, firmas isotópicas y actividades de enzimas del metabolismo nitrogenado. El trabajo ha mostrado la eficacia de los isótopos estables de carbono y del nitrógeno como herramientas de evaluación de la respuesta del trigo duro frente a la salinidad. / Inadequate irrigation for long term and under conditions of high evapotranspiration demand, combined with the use of poor water quality and the lack of adequate drainage frequently induces the salinization of arable land causing a significant increase in the area affected by salinity. Salinity is an environmental factor that limits in a remarkable manner the production of crops in many parts of the world, but especially in arid and semiarid regions like the Mediterranean. Under these conditions, which is often grown durum wheat improvement for tolerance to salinity under irrigation deficit may be one of the strategies to alleviate this problem. This Thesis shows that isotope compositions of carbon (δ13C), oxygen (δ18O), and nitrogen (δ15N) and the concentration of nitrogen in dry matter are potentially and effective criteria for discriminating between different growing conditions and between genotypes tolerant or susceptible to salt. Furthermore, the results of this study reflect the importance of nitrogen metabolism in tolerance to salinity. Additionally, this thesis develops a model relating genotypic tolerance to different conditions of salinity and drought with the signatures of the three isotopes (C, O, N), together with photosynthetic and transpiration exchanges and parameters key of nitrogen metabolism such as nitrogen concentration and activities of the glutamine synthetase and nitrate reductase. Finally, we study the relationship between the expression of genes potentially key in the tolerance to salinity and drought and genotypic variability in response to different combinations of these stresses.

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