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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decomposição de elastômeros por combustão iniciada por microondas em sistema fechado

Moraes, Diogo Pompéu de 28 July 2006 (has links)
A rapid digestion procedure for further determination of inorganic elements in carbon black-containing elastomers has been developed using sample combustion in closed quartz vessels with oxygen pressure. Microwave radiation was used for the ignition step. Samples containing high levels of carbon black (up to 30%) were digested using the proposed procedure: nitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) and ethylenepropylene-diene monomer (EPDM). A quartz device was used simultaneously as a sample holder and for the protection of vessel cap. Sample was pressed as pellet and placed together a small piece of low-ash content paper in the holder. Ammonium nitrate solution (50 ml of 50% m/v) was added to the paper as aid for ignition. The influence of the absorption solution (nitric acid or water) and the necessity of an additional reflux step were evaluated. Determination of Al, Fe, Mn, Sr and Zn was performed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. A reference method (ASTM D 4004-064) based on conventional dry ashing followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry determination was used for results comparison (Mn and Zn). Results were also compared to those obtained by using wet acid digestion in closed systems. As no certified reference elastomers were available analyte spikes were made for NBR and EPDM digests. Concentrated and diluted (4 mol l-1) nitric acid, with 5 min for reflux step after the combustion process, gave better recoveries for all analytes (from 97 to 101%). For Al and Mn recoveries were bellow 90% for both open and closed vessels using HNO3 and H2SO4 mixture. For dry ashing quantitative recoveries were found only for Zn (for Al recovery was 14%). Residual carbon content was bellow 0.5% for the proposed procedure. With the proposed procedure further determination of Al, Mn, Sr and Zn is feasible with only the combustion step but for Fe a reflux with diluted HNO3 was necessary. Then, using the proposed procedure complete sample digestion is obtained is less time than other procedures and no need of concentrated acids was considered necessary. / Neste trabalho foi proposto um procedimento para a decomposição de elastômeros (Etileno-propileno-dieno monômero e borracha do tipo nitrílica) em sistema fechado por combustão iniciada por microondas. Após a decomposição das amostras foram determinados Al, Fe, Mn, Sr e Zn por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES). Para Mn e Zn, a metodologia proposta foi comparada com a metodologia oficial ASTM D 4004-064 para a decomposição de elastômeros e posterior determinação por espectrometria de absorção atômica com chama (F AAS). Os resultados obtidos foram concordantes com a metodologia oficial para a determinação de Mn e Zn. Adicionalmente, ensaios de recuperação foram empregados para Al, Fe, Mn, Sr e Zn para avaliação do método proposto. Além disso, foram estudados dois tipos de solução absorvedora (H2O e HNO3 diluído e concentrado), além da variação do emprego do tempo de aquecimento com microondas (1 min ou 5 min). Entretanto, para se obter recuperações quantitativas para todos os elementos, em ambas as amostras, é necessário que se utilize HNO3 4 molar ou concentrado como solução absorvedora e uma etapa adicional de refluxo ao procedimento de combustão. Cabe destacar que outras condições podem ser utilizadas, como por exemplo, HNO3 concentrado sem a etapa adicional de refluxo, entretanto nestas condições as recuperações podem ser quantitativas para todos os elementos com exceção de ferro. Cabe salientar que, o procedimento proposto foi comparado com o procedimento da norma ASTM, onde os valores encontrados para Zn e Mn nas amostras foram concordantes pelas duas técnicas. O teor de carbono residual é baixo e comparável aos do sistema de decomposição por via seca em mufla. Desta forma é possível propor este procedimento para a decomposição de elastômeros do tipo EPDM e NBR, sendo adequado para a posterior determinação de Al, Fe, Mn, Sr e Zn.

Materiais absorvedores de radiação eletromagnética baseados em negro de fumo e papel celulóstico (8,2-12,4 GHz)

Antonio Fernandes Sfalsin 05 April 2008 (has links)
Os materiais absorvedores de radiação eletromagnética (MARE) têm recebido muita atenção nas últimas quatro décadas, devido à crescente utilização para atender as exigências das legislações governamentais no controle de níveis de radiação eletromagnética espúria emitida por equipamentos eletrônicos, das normas industriais de compatibilidade e interferência eletromagnética, envolvendo basicamente as indústrias de equipamentos eletrônicos e telecomunicações, bem como a demanda da sociedade na confiabilidade nos equipamentos eletrônicos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a produção e a caracterização de MARE na faixa de freqüências compreendida entre 8,2 12,4 GHz, baseados em papel celulósico impregnado com negro de fumo e matriz tipo poliuretano, aplicado por meio de pistola de pintura. Seis diferentes condições de impregnação foram estudadas, variando distância de aplicação e número de demãos (uma em cada lado do papel celulósico): 25 cm 2 demãos, 25 cm 4 demãos, 30 cm 2 demãos, 30 cm 4 demãos, 40 cm -2 demãos e 40 cm 4 demãos. Os resultados médios obtidos da caracterização eletromagnética dos seis lotes, via medição dos parâmetros S (S11/S22 Energia refletida, Er e S12/S21 Energia transmitida, Et) e calculo da energia absorvida (Ea), mostram que para os lotes com duas demãos, quanto maior a distância de aplicação, menores são os valores de Er e Ea e maior é a Et, uma vez que a gramatura do MARE diminui. Para os lotes com quatro demãos, quanto maior a distância de aplicação, menor é a Er e maior a Et. Entretanto, o parâmetro Ea para o lote com quatro demãos não se comporta como o lote com duas demãos, pois entre as distâncias de aplicação 25 cm e 30 cm é observada a queda de Ea, mas com a distância de aplicação 40 cm o valor de Ea aumenta, pois a onda eletromagnética consegue penetrar mais efetivamente no material, ou seja, há uma determinada concentração de centros absorvedores no substrato que permite maior interação do material com a onda eletromagnética. A partir dos valores de Ea, Er e Et foram selecionados 3 condições de impregnação para montagem de um MARE baseado em 8 tubos de celulose montados lado a lado formando um quadrado, sendo cada tubo com dimensões de 50 cm de comprimento e diâmetro de 7,6 cm, dobrados ao meio para promover múltiplas reflexões do sinal e assim aumentar a atenuação do sinal. As condições de impregnação foram escolhidas a partir da análise dos resultados dos seis lotes com base no menor valor de energia refletida e maior energia absorvida, na seguinte ordem crescente: 25 cm 4 demãos, 25 cm 2 demãos e 40 cm 2 demãos. Os resultados de refletividade no arco NRL mostram que a maior atenuação é obtida no lote com menor valor de energia refletida (40 cm 2 demãos, -8,20 dB/84,8% em média) e a menor atenuação no lote com maior valor de energia refletida (-2,84 dB/48,0%). Estes resultados demonstram que para um MARE baseado em múltiplas reflexões possuir alta eficiência de absorção de energia, o mesmo deve possuir baixos valores de energia refletida, pois a onda eletromagnética deve ter capacidade de penetrar na estrutura do material, fazendo com que a reflexão seja diminuída. / The electromagnetic absorbers has been receiving a lot of attention in the last four decades, due to their growing use in order to attend the demands of governmental control laws of electromagnetic radiation spurious levels emitted by electronic devices, industrial standards of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI), basically involving electronic and telecommunication industries, as well the demand of the society on the reliability of electronic equipments. The aim of the present work is to study the production and characterization of electromagnetic absorbers in the frequency range of 8,2 12,4 GHz, based on cellulose paper impregnated with carbon black and poliuretanic matrix, applied with spray gun. Six different conditions of impregnation were studied by varying the application distance and number of coats (one coat on each paper side): 25 cm 2 coats, 25 cm 2 coats, 25 cm 4 coats, 30 cm 2 coats, 30 cm 4 coats, 40 cm - coats and 40 cm 4 coats. The results of scattering parameters (S11/S22 reflected energy, Er and S12/S21 transmitted energy, Et) and calculated absorbed energy (Ea) for the six conditions showed that the conditions with two coats, the larger coat application distance, the smaller are the values of Er and Ea and the larger is Et, due to the decrease of paper gramature. The conditions with four coats, the larger coat application distance, the smaller is the value of Er and larger is the Et. However, the values of Ea for the condition with four coats has different behavior when compared with the condition with two coats, because between application distances of 25 cm and 30 cm is observed the decrease of Ea values, but with the application distance of 40 cm the Ea value increases, because the electromagnetic wave can penetrate more effectively in the material bulk, or be, there is a concentration of absorbers centers inside the material that allows a stronger interaction with the electromagnetic wave. Based on the values of Ea, Er and Et for the six conditions, were selected three conditions to assemble an electromagnetic absorber based on eight cellulose tubes, places side by side in order to form a square, with each tube with dimensions of 50 cm length and 7,6 cm diameter, bended in the middle portion to promote multiple reflections of electromagnetic wave in order to increase the signal attenuation. The conditions of tubes impregnation were chosen by the analysis of the six conditions results, based on the smaller value of Er and the larger value of Ea: 25 cm 4 coats, 25 cm 2 coats e 40 cm 2 coats. The reflectivity results of NRL arch shows that the larger attenuation is observed with the condition that present the smaller reflected energy (40 cm 2 coats, -8,20 dB/84,8%) and the smaller attenuation in the lot with the larger value of reflected energy (-2,84 dB/48,0%). These results shows that for an electromagnetic absorber based on multiple reflections possess high efficiency of energy absorption, the material must possess lower values of reflected energy, because the electromagnetic wave must have the capacity to penetrate in the bulk of the material, decreasing the reflection.

Détermination et étude des mécanismes mésoscopiques responsables de l'usure des caoutchoucs naturels renforcés

Mané, Zélie 20 October 2011 (has links)
Dans des conditions de conduite dite douce, la bande de roulement de pneumatique présente des faciès d’usure de type cratères d’usure ou bien des rides.Le but de ce travail de thèse était de recréer et d’étudier ces faciès d’usure pour des élastomères renforcés par du noir de carbone ou de la silice sur un tribomètre rotatif afin de pouvoir expliquer leurs mécanismes de formation. Des parallèles ont été établis entre les valeurs de perte de masse, de coefficient de frottement et le type du faciès d’usure tout en prenant en compte les propriétés physico-chimiques des échantillons.L’étude a expliqué les différences entre les types de faciès d’usure générés sur des matériaux renforcés par du noir de carbone et ceux renforcés par de la silice. Les paramètres influant sur a transition cratères d’usure et rides ont également été étudiés. / In soft conditions of driving, wear patterns appear on the tire tread. They are called wear craters and ridges.The aim of this thesis work was to recreate and to study these wear patterns for reinforced elastomers by carbon black or silica on a rotary tribometer in order to explain their mechanisms formation. Parallels were established between the values of mass lost, friction coefficient and the type of wear patterns while taking into account the physico-chemical properties of samples.The study explained the differences between the type of wear patterns generated on reinforced materials by carbon black and those reinforced by silica. Affect parameters on the transition between wear craters and ridges were also studied.

Soot Measurements in Steady and Pulsed Ethylene/Air Diffusion Flames Using Laser-Induced Incandescence

Sapmaz, Hayri Serhat 29 March 2006 (has links)
Combustion-generated carbon black nano particles, or soot, have both positive and negative effects depending on the application. From a positive point of view, it is used as a reinforcing agent in tires, black pigment in inks, and surface coatings. From a negative point of view, it affects performance and durability of many combustion systems, it is a major contributor of global warming, and it is linked to respiratory illness and cancer. Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII) was used in this study to measure soot volume fractions in four steady and twenty-eight pulsed ethylene diffusion flames burning at atmospheric pressure. A laminar coflow diffusion burner combined with a very-high-speed solenoid valve and control circuit provided unsteady flows by forcing the fuel flow with frequencies between 10 Hz and 200 Hz. Periodic flame oscillations were captured by two-dimensional phase-locked LII images and broadband luminosity images for eight phases (0°- 360°) covering each period. A comparison between the steady and pulsed flames and the effect of the pulsation frequency on soot volume fraction in the flame region and the post flame region are presented. The most significant effect of pulsing frequency was observed at 10 Hz. At this frequency, the flame with the lowest mean flow rate had 1.77 times enhancement in peak soot volume fraction and 1.2 times enhancement in total soot volume fraction; whereas the flame with the highest mean flow rate had no significant change in the peak soot volume fraction and 1.4 times reduction in the total soot volume fraction. A correlation (ƒv Reˉ1 = a+b· Str) for the total soot volume fraction in the flame region for the unsteady laminar ethylene flames was obtained for the pulsation frequency between 10 Hz and 200 Hz, and the Reynolds number between 37 and 55. The soot primary particle size in steady and unsteady flames was measured using the Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence (TIRE-LII) and the double-exponential fit method. At maximum frequency (200 Hz), the soot particles were smaller in size by 15% compared to the steady case in the flame with the highest mean flow rate.

Obtenção e caracterização de nanocompósitos de Polianilina/Negro de Fumo

Silva, Luís Marcelo Garcia da January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Renato Altobelli Antunes / Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Everaldo Carlos Venancio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nanociências e Materiais Avançados, Santo André, 2018. / Neste trabalho foram preparados nanocompósitos funcionais de polianilina (PANI) reforçada com negro de fumo (NF) (PANI/NF) e um elastômero termoplástico sulfonado (SEBSS) para aplicação em recobrimentos a base de tinta epóxi, visando uma melhor proteção contra a corrosão. Os resultados mostraram que a morfologia do nanocompósito depende das condições de síntese e processamento utilizadas. A morfologia obtida para os nanocompósitos varia de estruturas granulares (para síntese realizada com baixas concentrações de monômero e iniciador) a uma mistura de estruturas fibrilares e granulares (para síntese realizada com altas concentrações de monômero e iniciador). As estruturas granulares observadas para os nanocompósitos de PANI/NF são as estruturas caroço-casca, onde o caroço é o negro de fumo e a casca é a polianilina. Os resultados de XPS confirmam quimicamente a presença de polianilina na superfície do negro de fumo, dando indícios de que pode ter ocorrido à formação de estruturas casca-caroço, tendo sido observado o aumento progressivo da quantidade de nitrogênio na superfície do negro de fumo Os resultados de polimerização obtidos diferem do que normalmente se encontra para a polimerização da anilina em baixas e altas concentrações de monômero e iniciador (por exemplo, persulfato de amônio, APS), refletindo assim a importância do processo de adsorção da anilina na superfície do negro de fumo (NF). Na ausência de negro de fumo, a morfologia da polianilina variou de nanofibras longas, com diâmetro médio ~ 40 nm, para baixas concentrações de monômero e iniciador (0,1-0,2 mol.L-1 e 0,025-0,050 mol.L-1, respectivamente), para fibras curtas com diâmetro médio da ordem de ~80 nm, para altas concentrações de monômero e iniciador (0,40 mol.L-1 e 0,1 mol.L-1, respectivamente). Os resultados de caracterização espectroscópica (FTIR e UV-VIS) mostraram que a polianilina foi obtida no estado de oxidação esmeraldina, na ausência e na presença do negro de fumo. Também mostram a sulfonação do SEBS e sua interação com o nanocompósito, resultando na protonação da PANI/NF pelos grupos sulfônicos presentes no elastômero termoplástico. Os resultados de caracterização térmica (TGA e DSC) mostraram que a estabilidade térmica e o processo de isomerização irreversível das nanofibras de PANI dependem de sua dimensão (diâmetro e comprimento da fibra). Os resultados de DSC mostraram a presença de dois picos exotérmicos (170 oC < T < 350 oC) para o processo de isomerização irreversível para nanofibras de PANI obtidas com baixas concentrações de monômero e iniciador, 0,10 e 0,025 mol.L-1, respectivamente, e um único pico para amostras nanofibras de PANI obtidas com altas concentrações de monômero e iniciador, 0,40 e 0,10 mol.L-1, respectivamente. Nas caracterizações morfológicas realizadas nas amostras de aço revestido com a tinta epóxi e tinta epóxi modificadas, notou-se um aumento da rugosidade das amostras contendo as nanopartículas, o que foi confirmado por meio de MEV, onde foi visualizada a formação de aglomerados de SEBSS. Por meio de ensaio mecânico de nanoindentação foi possível verificar uma diminuição da dureza e do módulo elástico da tinta devido à presença do SEBS sulfonado (SEBSS). Os ensaios eletroquímicos de polarização potenciodinâmica e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica demonstraram o efeito de combate frente à corrosão dos nanocompósitos contendo PANI/NF, com a diminuição da densidade de corrente de corrosão e aumento do efeito capacitivo das amostras modificadas, indicando o aumento da resistência do material à corrosão. / In this work, functional nanocomposites (PANI/NF) consisting of polyaniline (PANI) reinforced with carbon black (CB) have been synthesized for application in coatings based on epoxy, aiming at a better protection against corrosion.. The results showed that the morphology of the nanocomposites depends on the synthesis and processing conditions. The obtained morphology for the nanocomposites varies from granular structures (for synthesis carried out with low concentration of monomer and initiator) to a mixture of granular and fibrillar (nanofibers) morphologies (for synthesis carried out with higher monomer and initiator concentrations). The granular structures observed for PANI/NF nanocomposites are the core-shell structures, in which the core is the carbon black and the shell is the polyaniline. The XPS results chemically confirmed the obtainment of the core-shell structures, where it have been observed the progressive increase in the amount of oxygen in the carbon black surface. These results differ from those normally obtained for polyaniline synthesized in the absence of CB with low and high monomer (aniline) and initiator (ammonium peroxydisulfate, APS) concentrations, which shows the effect of the aniline adsorption process on carbon black (CB). In the absence of carbon black, the PANI morphology changed from long fibers, with mean diameter of ~40 nm, for low concentrations of monomer and initiator (0,1-0.20 mol.L-1 e 0.025-0.050 mol.L-1, respectively), to shorter fibers with mean diameter of ~80 nm, for high concentrations of monomer and initiator (0.40 mol.L-1 e 0.10 mol.L-1, respectively). The spectroscopic (FTIR and UV-VIS) characterization results showed that the polyaniline was obtained on its emeraldine oxidation state, both in the absence or presence of the carbon black. They also showed the sulfonation of SEBS and its interaction with the nanocomposite, resulting in the PANI/NF protonation by the sulfonic groups in the thermoplastic elastomer. Thermal characterization studies (TGA and DSC) showed that the thermal stability and the irreversible isomerization process of PANI depend on the nanofiber size (fiber diameter and length). The DSC results showed the presence of two exothermal peaks ( 170 oC < T < 350 oC) for the irreversible isomerization process for PANI nanofibers obtained with low concentration of monomer and initiator, 0.10 and 0.025 mol.L-1, respectively, and only one peak for PANI nanofibers obtained with high concentration of monomer and initiator, 0.40 and 0.10 mol.L-1, respectively. The morphological characterizations carried out in the carbon steel coated with epoxy and modified epoxy, it was observed an increase of the modified epoxy coating roughness, which was confirmed by the SEM results, where it was observed the formation of SEBSS aggregates. From the nanoindentation results it was observed an increase of the hardness and of the elastic modulus of the modified epoxy coating due to the presence of the sulfonated SEBS (SEBSS). The potentiodynamic electrochemical polarization and electrochemical impedance measurments showed the effect of the PANI/NF modified epoxy coating layer against the carbon steel corrosion, where it was observed a decrease of the corrosion current density and an increase of the capacitive effect on the PANI/NF modified epoxy coating layer, which indicates an increase of the resistance against corrosion of the carbon steel susbtrate.

Development of capacitive deionisation electrodes: optimization of fabrication methods and composition

Smith, Nafeesah January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Membrane Capacitive Deionisation (MCDI) is a technology used to desalinate water where a potential is applied to an electrode made of carbonaceous materials resulting in ion adsorption. Processes and materials for the production of electrodes to be applied in Membrane Capacitive Deionisation processes were investigated. The optimal electrode composition and synthesis approached was determined through analysis of the salt removal capacity and the rate at which the electrodes absorb and desorb ions. To determine the conductivity of these electrodes, the four point probe method was used. Contact angle measurements were performed to determine the hydrophilic nature of the electrodes. N2 adsorption was done in order to determine the surface area of carbonaceous materials as well as electrodes fabricated in this study. Scanning electron microscopy was utilised to investigate the morphology. Electrodes were produced with a range of research variables; (i) three different methods; slurry infiltration by calendaring, infiltration ink dropwise and spray-coating, (ii) electrodes with two different active material/binder ratios and a constant conductive additive ratio were produced in order to find the optimum, (iii) two different commercially available activated carbon materials were used in this study (YP50F and YP80F), (iv) two different commercially available electrode substrates were utilised (JNT45 and SGDL), (v) different slurry mixing times were investigated showing the importance of mixing, and (vi) samples were treated at three different temperatures to establish the optimal drying conditions. Through optimization of the various parameters, the maximum adsorption capacity of the electrode was incrementally increased by 36 %, from 16 mg·g-1 at the start of the thesis to 25 mg·g-1 at the end of the study.

Vapothermolyse des pneus usagés. Valorisation du noir de carbone récupéré, relation procédé-produit / Steam water thermolysis of used tires. Valorization of recovered carbon black, process-product relationship

Moulin, Ludovic 14 December 2018 (has links)
Selon la European Tyre Recycling Association (ETRA), plus de 3 millions de tonnes de pneus en fin de vie sont à traiter en Europe chaque année et sont directement concernés par les mesures législatives visant le réemploi et la valorisation de 95 % de la masse totale des véhicules hors d'usage. Malgré les différentes possibilités de valorisation des pneus usagés (applications dans le secteur du bâtiment et travaux publics, valorisation matière, valorisation énergétique), une partie du gisement français n’est pas répertorié, ni valorisé, et aucune des voies citées auparavant ne s’intéresse à la récupération du noir de carbone, qui est un constituant essentiel du pneu. Ce produit, à forte valeur ajoutée, est principalement utilisé comme charge de renfort dans l'industrie du caoutchouc et des plastiques. Il existe deux types de procédés thermiques industrialisés permettant de récupérer le noir de carbone d’un pneumatique en fin de vie : la pyrolyse et la vapo-thermolyse. La vapo-thermolyse, actuellement industrialisée par Alpha Recyclage Franche Comté (ARFC), est une variante innovante de la pyrolyse, qui utilise la vapeur d’eau surchauffée à pression atmosphérique. La solution qui consiste à substituer un noir de carbone issu d’un procédé de fabrication conventionnel par un noir de carbone issu de vapo-thermolyse de pneus repose sur la qualité du noir de carbone récupéré et, en particulier, sur ses propriétés physico-chimiques intrinsèques et de surface. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de proposer et mettre en place une méthodologie adéquate afin de récupérer et caractériser les propriétés physico-chimiques du noir de carbone recupéré (rCB) par vapo-thermolyse à partir d'une formulation de pneu, d'évaluer l'impact des conditions de fonctionnement du procédé sur les propriétés du rCB, et enfin de valoriser le rCB en tant que charge de renfort alternative pour l'élaboration d'un produit final. / According to the European Tyre Recycling Association (ETRA), more than 3 millions tonnes of waste tires are to be treated in Europe each year and are subject to legislation and regulation policies for the re-use and recycling of 95 % of the total mass of end-of-life vehicles. Despite the various opportunities for recycling used tires (civil engineering applications, material recovery, energy recovery), a part of the French available resource remains unvalued and none of the applications just mentioned focuses specifically on the recovery of carbon black, which is one of the main component of a tire. This high added value product is mainly used as reinforcing filler in the rubber and plastics industries. There are two types of industrialized thermal processes for recovering the carbon black from an end-of-life tire : pyrolysis and steam thermolysis. Steam thermolysis, currently industrialized by Alpha Recyclage Franche Comté (ARFC), is an efficient pyrolysis alternative which uses superheated steam at atmospheric pressure. The substitution of carbon blacks produced from a conventional manufacturing process by carbon blacks recovered from the steam thermolysis treatment is based upon the quality of the recycled product, especially regarding its physicochemical properties (intrinsic and surface). The objective of this work is to propose and implement an adequate methodology to recover and characterize the physicochemical properties of recovered carbon black (rCB) from steam thermolysis of a tire, to assess the impact of the process operating conditions on the properties of the rCB, and finally to valorize the rCB as an alternative reinforcing filler for the elaboration of a final product.

Development of Nanocomposites Based Sensors Using Molecular/Polymer/Nano-Additive Routes

Liu, Chang 30 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanical, electrical and sensing properties of melt-spun polymer fibers filled with carbon nanoparticles

Bautista Quijano, Jose Roberto 31 August 2018 (has links)
Multifunctional polymer fibers with strain and liquid sensing capabilities were fabricated and characterized. The Hansen Solubility Parameters (HSPs) were used as a tool for selecting a suitable polymer to employ as matrix for the sensing material before fiber fabrication. The addition of conductive carbon particles to a polymer matrix provides it with sensing capabilities, such as against tensile strain and the presence of liquids as it was evaluated in this work. Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs, MW) as well as a mixture of carbon black (CB) and MWCNTs in weight concentration of 1:1 were used as conductive fillers. The route followed to achieve electrically conductive polymer fibers necessary for sensing evaluations was a combined process of melt-mixing and subsequent melt-spinning. Melt-mixing and melt-spinning are processing techniques widely used in the polymer industry that could enable the up-scaling of the fibers developed in this work. Additionally to single component fibers, bi-component (BICO) fibers consisting of a polycarbonate (PC)+CB+MW sheath and a neat PC core were also fabricated, characterized and their performance was compared to the single component fibers. The state of dispersion of the carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) as well as tensile behavior, electrical resistivity, strain and liquid sensing properties of the composite fibers were evaluated. Finally a specific fiber composition with potential to be used as sensing material for mechanical strain and liquid exposition was proposed to be tested under two real situations (strain monitoring of a rigid structure and leakage detection of a chemical substance). Sensing fibers as the developed in this work have many potential applications such as real-time deformation and structural health monitoring and early cracking detection of any kind of structure. On the other hand, fibers able to sense the presence of liquids can perceive the leakage of chemicals that are hazardous to life. Moreover, this technology can also be applied in smart clothing manufacture by combining sensing fibers with flexible woven electronics.

Funktionalisierung von Carbon Black und multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes mit Polyelektrolyten

Piasta, Doreen 05 May 2015 (has links)
Die Modifizierung von Carbon Black Partikeln und multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes mit Poly(vinylformamid-co-vinylamin) wurde in Abhängigkeit vom pH-Wert untersucht, um primäre Aminogruppen auf die Oberfläche der Kohlenstoffspezies einzuführen. Mit einer anschließenden Pfropfreaktion der Aminogruppen tragenden Nanotubes mit Maleinsäureanhydrid-Copolymeren sind eine Vereinzelung und ein Stabilisieren der der Carbon Nanotubes möglich. Durch eine Auswahl an Maleinsäureanhydrid-Copolymeren war nach einer Funktionalisierung der mit PVFA-co-PVAm beschichteten Carbon Nanotubes die Änderung der Oberflächeneigenschatften von hydrophil bis hin zu ultrahydrophob möglich. Die Charakterisierung der Partikel und Nanotubes erfolgte mit Hilfe der Elementaranalyse, BET-Untersuchungen, XPS, Kontaktwinkelmessungen, TGA-Untersuchungen, elektrokinetischer Messungen und REM-Aufnahmen.

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